English Lovers Get Together #1 | LIVE English Lesson

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and fantastic alright so fabulous alright I've got 8 of you watching me oh goodness I've really messed things up today but we're here together now we all love English and we're here to learn together so do feel free to ask me some questions throughout the lesson if I see the questions I will answer if I can of course otherwise let's have a look at the notes that I've prepared ok so the notes let me show these to you so the first thing the first thing I say when I open the video the adventure vlog is so I open the video by saying so I'm eight weeks pregnant now I often use so to start sentences and it made me think actually that's something that makes me sound very native because lots of natives start with these types of words well so ok and these words in this context are known as discourse markers now I didn't know this phrase before but these words are technically known as discourse markers and they're commonly used to connect clauses to summarize what has just been said and also to change topic or in my case to introduce a new topic to start something fresh so there we go so if you can start using some of these discourse markers within your speaking you are going to sound much more natural much more like a native speaker let me to bring those back up again so you can have a look at what type of words we're actually referring to so we have anyway and anyway is a great word to change the subject perhaps you're talking about something that's become a little bit awkward to discuss maybe the person you're talking to has become angry or upset and you want to change the subject using the word anyway is a great way to change the subject you just talking talking talking ago anyway II and then you start talking about something else now lots of people use the word like at the beginning of sentences I don't and I don't actually like the use of the word like in that way but you'll hear lots of natives doing it they'll be like like I was out at the shops earlier and like I saw someone I knew and like and they just use it it doesn't make any sense but they just use it to start a sentence it's very bizarre right is another word you might be like right let's go and make dinner or right guys I'm ready to teach you a lesson and that right is just a way of getting your attention you know we sometimes use this when perhaps introducing a new piece of information I might say oh you know I uh I saw Matthew yesterday then we sometimes say now and that's that's very similar to right it's like getting your attention same with okay when I'm doing classes if I have a big classroom full of very loud students and I'm trying to get their attention I'll be like okay guys let's settle down or I might say now I need your attention or I might be like right I'm ready to start the class all eyes on me so these these types of words commonly used in that way and some people say first start like I said I say so a lot at the beginning of sentences so we have well or we have I mean I mean okay so these are just a few things you can throw in and as I explained discourse markers in speaking and please do bear in mind these are mostly used in speaking there's a different set of discourse markers that you would use in formal writing or in any kind of English writing formal or informal so these are just for speaking it's very important they used to connect clauses to summarize what has just been said or to change the topic here's a little conversation between two people so I've decided I'm going to go to the bank and ask for a car loan second person says oh that sounds like a good idea first person says I'll let me put that a B a B um well you need a car B says right a says anyway I was wondering if either of you would teach me how to drive let's get rid of that I was wondering if let's make it simpler just two people wondering if you would teach me how to drive so in that conversation we've used so and that that starts the conversation it's like it's saying there's a change in topic it starts the conversation okay and we use well here also to change the focus so we've changed the focus from the car loan to actually talking about the car okay so talked about money and now we're talk about the car so well is used to change the subject right here is being used as just a confirmation well you need a car right yeah so they're just saying yes basically and again we're changing the subject anyway I wonder if you can teach me how to drive so it's kind of summarizing the whole point of the conversation but it's changing the focus so you see how we're using these and and this just goes over exactly what I just said about what those mean just so you know as always my lovely patrons you will get a copy of these notes plopped plot popped into your Dropbox I will do that as soon as I finish this now that they're all ready to go okay so those are discourse markers and they will help you to sound much more like a native now I did say that there will be five pieces of vocabulary or phrases that will be introduced in this that's what it's all about and so let's move straight into that now oh gosh we are a very small band of merry men fifty three of us that's what happens when I mess up all the technical stuff if you are here thank you so much for joining me it would be great if you could just show me a thumb-up for giving up my Saturday to come and do a lesson it's such a shame it's all gone wrong but if you can give me a like that would be great if you can press the share button share it with any of your friends who might be interested in improving their English and if always please make sure that you press subscribe and that bail notification button even when you've subscribed YouTube still hides my videos from you so make sure that you ask them you change your settings so that you are notified when I'm live and notified when I release a new video only if you want to of course so the new vocabulary the first one that we're going to look at is the word annual annual now annual in the way that we use it most often it means something that happens every year or it for reference like yearly yearly so something that happens every year we call it an annual something so you might talk about at work you might talk about your annual income so what is your annual income my annual income is I know in the UK I think the average they have rich annual income is probably around twenty-five thousand a year or something like that I don't know so you could say my annual income is twenty-five thousand pounds a year perhaps or you could talk about your annual holiday a holiday that you take every year you might have an annual family get-together so every year at a certain time of the year you all get together maybe is to celebrate someone's birthday or a wedding anniversary but all the family gets together in a traditional in a traditional sense the same time each year so it's your annual family get-together each year I have an annual trip with my friends we always go skiing together which is why I've used this word because it's come from my snowboarding while I'm pregnant adventure video and it's a holiday I took with my friends now let's just have a look at the spelling of this word because it can be a little confusing and there you go annual annual okay so I'd like you to try it and write a sentence now using the word annual please and while you're doing that I'm just going to move on to the next word which is agonizing agonizing now you this comes from the word agony to be in agony is to be in terrible pain so if you are in great pain you could say I'm in agony but if you're describing something then you would use the adjective agonizing notice this S sound is sounded as a Zed and if you are working in American English this is actually spelt with a Zed for American English okay so let me just jump over to my patrons hello Julia and hello Carina annual family get-together is it spelled like that yes I'm not yes yes it is annual family get-together that's correct or you don't have to have the - but I don't think there's a problem putting the hyphen in there but anyway back to agonizing so if something is agonizing it's causing great physical or mental pain or even emotional pain I talked about the decision of making and trying to decide whether or not to do such a dangerous activity while I'm pregnant I say that it's agonizing it's absolutely agonizing okay so now guys what I'd like you to do is to write a sentence using the word agonizing the sentences I used were he had an agonizing death and the wait was agonizing when I had my problems this morning I got on the phone to my internet provider and there was lots automated messages if your are phoning because of a phone problem press 1 if you're phoning because of an Internet problem press 2 and you go through all these options and it's agonizing and then I got cut off and that was agonizing because I had to go through it all again so I'd like you to try now to use the word agonizing Stan says this lesson is agonizing me you don't need say me in that sentence you say this lesson is agonizing and that just means this lesson is painful this lesson is agonizing kid tsunami says Liverpool scored three goals straight just in 15 minutes Manchester City is agonizing no so you'd say Liverpool score three goals within the first 15 Liverpool scored three goals straight in 15 minutes don't use just in 15 minutes it was agonizing for Manchester City it was agonizing for Manchester City and please tell me please tell me Anna's life lesson is continuing yes I'm RAM I am live right now hmm I am live right now is this the first this it's the first time I've joined your live streaming fantastic hello and welcome I unknown with my friend what does Onion mean what do you mean Onion I don't understand that an onion is is a vegetable a very smelly one that makes you cry okay I know I've missed out quite quite a few messages here it's nothing personal there's just I'm just not able to catch up with all of them okay so lots of lovely comments thank you very much if you're one of those who's given me a compliment um julia has said let me just get this up on the wall for you every time I'm at the airport the wait to the check-in is agonizing I'd say for the wait for the check-in all the weight at check-in you could say as well the weight at check-in is agonizing but yeah just change that for for and that would be perfect yes and I agree sometimes if you arrive at the airports and you just want to get checked in because normally we're quite hungry right we want to go and get something to eat chill out start getting excited about a holiday but then we have this really long wait and if it's three four o'clock in the morning you've had a very long start already because you've traveled to the airport that wait in that queue to be checked in can be agonizing can't it okay fantastic hello in Japan they've got people in Japan watching that's amazing wonderful okay so the next word is the word let me just get rid of my face give you the notes the next word is midwife a midwife now a midwife is kind of like a doctor but they are someone who specifically trained to assist a woman in childbirth so I have already booked in with my midwife because obviously as you'll know if you've been watching my videos lately I am pregnant and I'm going to have a baby and so I have had a midwife assigned to me and the Midwife will continue to see me throughout my pregnancy and when I have my baby I won't have a doctor hopefully not so if everything goes well I will have my midwife present and my midwife will help me to deliver my baby when I go into labor and the example sentence using this very simple noun is I must make an appointment to see my midwife notice there's not a space here I saw some people earlier spelling this as two words it's one word and it's got nothing to do with being married you can have someone who is unmarried and they'll still be called a midwife it's about the practice the job that they do okay so that's three pieces of vocabulary I've introduced you to and lots of you saying congratulations if you're just finding out thank you very much so that's agonizing annual and midwife agonizing annual Midwife okay then I have two phrases to introduce you to now these phrases are commonly used and one of them in particular is a phrase that I often see my students making mistakes with and so I wanted to include it today so the first one is to err on the side of caution to err on the side of caution now this phrase means I'm gonna show you so you can read along with me it means to take a comparatively safe course of action when presented with a choice so if you have a choice between eating your favorite eating your favorite meal but part of that meal may be contaminated but you're not sure it may be a bit old and it may be contaminated but you're not sure or you can eat something that's very boring that you don't really like very much but it's safe you know it's fresh it's not going to poison you this you love but it might give you food poisoning this you don't love but you know it's safe if you're going to err on the side of caution then you'll go with the safest option it's not the exciting option but it's the safest option so to err on the side of caution is just to be sensible and take the safe option okay have you recently earned on the side of caution it's a really nice phrase actually and I do quite like it I often use it and the example are given is very simple I suggest you are on the side of caution so someone's telling you to be cautious to be careful they could say I suggest you are on the side of caution okay so here we go the next so this is the phrase that I feel lots of people make a mistake with and it's to look forward to now this is the phrasal verb I believe and to look forward to something means that you're eagerly awaiting something you're waiting for something with excitement you know like if you have a party coming up and or a holiday on the run-up to the holiday you'll be counting down the days you'll be planning what you're going to do and you'll be all excited and smiling and maybe you won't be able to sleep because you're so excited you are looking forward to it now the mistake that I often hear from students is they don't put the object with the phrase of of you have to include an object you I can't think of any examples where you would ever say I look forward to or I look forward if you will say I look forward then it's a completely different meaning you're saying I'm taking my view my sight in front of me I'm looking forward rather than backwards I'm looking forwards so to look forward to something is completely different is to be excited about something in your future so you have to say look forward to and then say what it is now you can say it if someone would know what it is you're talking about let's say we've organized a lesson or a meeting and you are excited about our meeting our lesson and you might end the conversation by saying I'm looking forward to it by in fact most of my students when we're organizing lessons at the ends of our emails when we've organized the day and the time was so great I'll see you on Monday four o'clock fabulous I'm looking forward to it or I look forward to it okay so it's it's actually used quite a lot in informal emails if you're applying for a job you might finish your email by saying I look forward to hearing from you I look forward to hearing from you that's a very common sign-off phrase when writing an email in in a formal way if you want to hear back from someone maybe it makes them feel like they have to respond to you I'm looking forward to hearing from you and they go okay I'll write you back but you could be very literal you could say I'm looking forward to to talking to you more at the party or I'm looking forward to trying on my new dress so you can say very literally what it is that you're looking forward to but you have to include the object so I've just given some examples written down for you here I look forward to it she looked forward to hearing his voice they were looking forward to celebrating this sentence suggests that they didn't get to celebrate all that the celebrations were canceled they were looking forward to celebrating dum-dum-dum okay so that gives us three pieces of vocabulary midwife agonizing annual and two new phrases I look forward to it and on the side of caution I did have to think there too on the side of caution let's just have a look what you guys are saying so first of all to my patrons Georgie hello Georgie come one say be on the side of caution yes you can't say that it's not that common but you can say that I would completely understand that I do have lots of comments coming through also on YouTube so please let me know about the difficult words often used in newspaper headlines well a job I was thinking today about doing more live lessons where we cover news articles the difficulty with YouTube is anything that someone else is written or created a picture even an article there's copyright issues so if I read someone's work out loud then potentially I could get into trouble and I'm not sure what the deal is with news I'm not sure if I'm allowed to read out full news articles I have to look into it so I'll find out what the rules are but yes it can be very difficult I'm looking forward I'm looking forward for a ping-pong tournament my purpose is to win it says kid tsunami I'm looking forward to my not looking forward for we never say looking forward for always looking forward to I'm looking forward to my ping-pong tournament I intend to win okay what else are we saying I've got I'm looking forward to learn English from you dear teacher thank you just need to change that I'm looking forward to and because we're saying looking we need say learning I'm looking forward to learning I'm looking forward to learning English I'm looking forward to hearing your voice I'm looking forward to seeing you so if you're using in in looking then we need in the next verb as well Jaco Jaco I'm looking for to watch you making new vidcast with your northern accent Li's I'm looking forward to watching you making new vidcasts with your northern accent okay so you just need to just that one ml can it be used in formal situations looking forward to absolutely yes can be used in formal situations in fact all of the words that I've introduced today can be used in formal situations annual it's definitely used in formal situations your annual stocktake your annual income your annual meeting agonizing you it's an emotional term but you can use that informal speaking midwife its technical name for someone who helps to deliver babies if you work in the hospital you will definitely need to say midwife at some point on the side of caution yes that can be used in formal speech definitely and to look forward to is to use commonly informal emails as I mentioned okay so fantastic so you are all doing really really well with this what are the common words used while writing a poem I mean gosh writing poetry is is a huge a huge subject and and the language it can use in poetry is is much more vast because you've got all that descriptive language that you can use so I don't think there are any words that are commonly used within poetry because it's such a vast topic can you see my message please young lady hmm be careful calling someone young lady when you're older and you're talking to someone younger if you're telling them off like a mother would tell off her young daughter and use young lady as a way of putting her in her place making her remember that she is lower than the new so I wouldn't call someone young lady unless it was your child or you were perhaps a grandmother talking to your granddaughter you'd say excuse me young lady I told you to tidy your room young lady come here so it's a way of talking to someone that marks you as a higher status and kind of belittles them so just be careful using that one what else have we got I'm looking forward to my sister to have baby so here you would say I'm looking forward to my sister having her baby remember the ing looking forward to my sister having her baby okay so always using ing the continuous form of the verb if you're using looking there you go you've written it correctly now well done okay so fantastic well thank you so much for joining me remember those words annual agonizing midwife on the side of caution and looking forward to now the best thing you can do to keep this stuff in your head is now to pop on over to the I'm snowboarding pregnant video which I released on my personal adventure channel the words they've covered appear within the first section of the video so it's only like a minute or so that you'd have to listen to hear all of those words so you don't have to watch the whole thing but just have a listen I'm speaking at normal my normal speed in my normal way as like a native would speak to a native so it's really good for your listening see if you can pick out those words and if there are any other words you don't understand then please come back and write them in the comments box below okay just before I go please do make sure that you've given this video a like I'd really appreciate that make sure you are subscribed and if you didn't see the video I released yesterday there is a fantastic opportunity available at the moment to those of you who are very dedicated and committed to improving your language skills so anyone learning English or German lingo de are running another language marathon okay they're not paying me to say this now in this video I just think it's a great opportunity and the video I released yesterday tells you all the details basically you can get to do a whole course of 90 classes as 90 hours and if you do all of them you will get all your tuition fees back so all your money refunded which is a really incredible savings I know about 40% of the previous marathon runners managed to complete and get their refund and so now you've got an opportunity to do it yourself if they were teaching Spanish on the marathon I would definitely do it but unfortunately they're not this time they yes do check that out the video is just in my video link actually it's down below in the description so if you want to have a look at that then do check that out it's only open for another week and a half I think to register so don't miss out alright my darlings thank you so much for joining me I'm so glad I managed to complete this lesson finally I will be live again on Monday at 4 o'clock and that's UK British summer time ok so four o'clock British summer time lots of you saying shout my name and hello I must finish the lesson I promised it would be half an hour so I'm gonna go but lots of love from London see you more soon
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 15,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, vocabulary lesson, english vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, learn english, lovers, english lovers, get together, live lesson, learn english live, new vocabulary, learn new words, learn new phrases, hangout, learn english vocabulary, english, british
Id: gC8GVgkDWas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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