Engineering the PERFECT mountain defense in 100 days!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to all of arrows been a while since you played this but I thought with the snowy themed mountain and since I'm probably going to be in the mountains when this comes out snowboarding I figured let's get back into it now last time we didn't quite finish the burning embers so we're gonna head back there we've got to get to wave 40 and that was with the cannon ears last time that was that was hard work I'm looking like I'm gonna I'm gonna just be the founders play it simple oh look at this look we've got a fire blast Tower coming up next okay so to start off we're gonna place this path and I think we'll place it there so we can place the tower in there next time so if you've never played this before basically it's like a tower defense game but with cards so when you start your way we've got our Tower here that is an arrow Tower and it just annihilated that little person that's nice isn't it anyway this fire blast Tower this damages all enemies in an area oh nice so it will shove that in there oh look okay so as we rotate this one I tell you what then might be worth going there instead and then make this path wrap around or something yeah okay I'm gonna do that so we'll place that there and basically when we start a wave we get these enemies oh man they proper got burnt did you see that um for each one we kill we get coins and ever so often we get bonus cards like these so we can take more materials so that's a bridge which allows you to build like off land that's a bomb which allows you to replace the building essentially uh four coins or randomly Spawn Two fire traps yeah let's do that and the other thing we've got to do in this game we make the path longer so enemies currently spawn on the pink at the end of the path if I grab this path and police it like that then now they're going to be spawning back there which means when we start the next wave they have to run even further yeah but they didn't make it through my fire blast Tower area oh do you know what's really annoying I've just noticed where the fire trap spawn they're there what are they doing up there okay I feel like we might have to wrap our path all the way up there oh that's a long way that's annoying anyway our current card is a storehouse when adjacent to Two Towers draw bonus cards okay that's cool so I should probably just shove that like behind something for now so we're adjacent to that one if I can shove like a tower there we should be good it's a place out there we start another wave those guys are guessing burnt oh that's a big one with a baseball bat you didn't last long though so we've got a pointy flag next and all Flags give us extra land the shape of the flag gives us different shaped land plots so the pointy one is sort of it's sort of pointy looking now the thing to remember this is you can only place it adjacent to like buildings you already have so I can't place that there can you see that's red but I can place it there it goes green because we're touching our path and also you might notice I can place these like on top of nothing can you see it uses up one of my bridges uh so generally that's quite a good thing to do with the with those because then you get loads more land back I might actually do that you know place that there so we're down to one bridge and two bombs but look we've got eight coins and we get one coin every single round so as these enemies get killed nice with wave completed we've got nine coins now you may notice down here there is an option to get the next card for two coins I haven't been doing that because the more money you save the more coins you get per round so once we get 10 coins in the bank will be getting plus two rather than plus one every round um oh and up here we have a treasure chest place any tile on top to collect okay I will all right so we've got a path piece that's not really gonna work for you over there I think we're just gonna extend our path up to there and then try and come back maybe so we'll place that there start the wave hope we take out these guys yeah oh that sounds so good and look now we've got ten coins we're gonna get plus two every round just like I said I wasn't lying I wasn't lying so we have an ice trap here with a bit of water so ice traps slow people down generally they're best to go like in a corner maybe this one I could shove there knowing that I'm gonna wrap my path around but they're only worthwhile if if there's other Towers hissing them and the archer tower does that one yeah so maybe in their's best the trouble is we do plunk some water there which is not ideal and but we can't demolish that with one of our bombs so yeah let's place that there so now rather randomly they're going to be getting burnt by this but also freeze them by the ice trap let's see what happens I imagine they should just slow down yeah and then they get they get burnt a bit more often decent take them out take him out oh that was close that was a little bit close uh plus two coins eight we're up to 12 coins basically you want to save your coins until you get about 40 coins because then again plus four every time and I don't think it goes any higher than that right so we've got a path piece which is ideal for this actually because that can go there place we can then beat the next wave which is a load of normal people and some with bats although they didn't last long and we get some bonus cards yeah we can spawn two high grounds so they make like Towers have a bigger range they're probably going to be random so much that it won't actually help now we can restore a heart we haven't lost any of those yet because no one's got the end so we've still got 10 which is the max or your next two Tire refreshes cost zero so I can skip tiles without using coins yeah I'm gonna take that I think so Arrow Tower we will take that and shove it there because we get a nice load of tiles surrounded place and then we can take the flag and tell you or I might just shove that on the treasure chest to uh to not only fill in those gaps but see what the treasure chest is so place that there I've got three bombs that is lovely oh and look a vantage point some high ground that is good and then afterwards we have a path now what I'm thinking if I do a corner a corner and a corner then perhaps I can take this path down there and straight or is it better to go across the oh I don't know I don't actually know yeah let's go let's go down that way it's a place I'm all coming up afterwards it's a fire pit as well equips all adjacent Arrow towers with flaming arrows that deal bonus damage oh that'll work perfectly in that Gap because we got Ari Tower there and there so first off let's complete this wave yeah they're getting pretty there's a big person at the front they take him down quick oh that was close oh it is quite close at the start so fire pit that wants to go in the middle ideally I'll Place Another array tower on that bit of water there but Place those these now do bonus burning damage um and we're starting the wave so oh yeah look at those they're doing so much damage whoa okay that's actually really really good we are pretty powerful now and a couple of things have just happened we've got 20 coins which means we're gonna get plus three every round but we have arrived at the black market which means we can spend coins on various things and generally it is worth doing because you don't come across the black market too often so I think I'll definitely take the corner path and shove that there I should probably grab a street so we're ready so that's gonna go there and then Bridges and bombs they're always useful so I have just bought them I didn't actually mean to pay them I meant to click to see oh well we spent four coins um so we've got 12 remaining so let's just continue and place down this Arrow Tower and as much as I'd love to put it in there that will get rid of the can you see that underneath that's the Frozen Tower that'll get rid of that so I have to wait for a narrow Tower that's just on its own without water um I think for now they will just shove it there that'll do place and then we'll take down the next wave oh there's a fast Viking guy at the start take him down thankfully we did take him down so that's wave complete we got two coins are up to 14 again oh and we got a corner that is very handy we'll rotate and shove that there take down the next wave which has another very fast Viking why are you so fast take him down and there's a shield guy although he has just lost his shield and oh and we get some bonus cards I think I might take the next two Tire Refreshers cost zero again that was decent although I am a man of bridges could always do with more bridges in my life still Provisions it is and first off we have a fishing Hut so we gain two coins for each adjacent water tile so perhaps I will just place that up there because that's the cheeky two coins at least then next up we've got a path which is the perfect piece to extend the end of it from there all the way over to there and that makes our two fire traps actually do something now yeah and then we have a flag so perhaps I'll place that there just because I'm thinking about wrapping this path back around to make the most out of these fire Towers anyway wave 13 take them down oh look they're on fire straight away which really helped to be fair and next up we have an ice trap with water not ideal that it's got water but I reckon if we were to shove that there I mean that's an extra bit of slow and it covers Two Towers the fly trap and the arrow one so yeah that'll do start the next wave we should be able to take these down fairly easily we are getting stronger every round and uh 21 coins run at the moment so we get plus three we're up to 24. oh we got another fishing Hut so we'll shove that at the back there because that is two easy coins start the next wave where we've got Shield guys we've got two Vikings okay two is quite scary no we're good we're good and look because we're up to 30 coins we're getting plus four every single time now um oh and we discovered a cursed Relic so we can either take the Relic and lose two hearts but we get like a bonus or we can sell it and just gain two coins I am a bit of a gambler in this game so we're gonna be taking the Relic immediately draw bonus cards twice decent uh so I should probably restore one of those hearts that makes sense and then I could restore again which makes it completely pointless but probably best to extend the aisle there you go a bit more land dotted about which means there's a bit more space for my new Arrow Tower so let's grab that and perhaps shove it I don't know if adding water after the fisherman's Hut actually gives us an extra two coins probably not but let's find out let's face that oh it does decent this guy is now fishing like out the front and out the back anyway we'll start the next wave this is wave 16. that early burn is actually really useful means by the time they get back here they're like already pretty much gone all right so we have a corner piece of path now the trouble with this is we can't actually place that in there because you can't place like again you can't block yourself in so uh may have shot myself in the foot a bit with this one because obviously I can't place it up there because there's no adjacent tiles I sort of want to wrap around I mean I guess I want to end up like down in that corner so I could place their prepping for the future but not ideal the arched path is up next so that can be placed on top of other tiles without using up a bomb so always good we do have six bombs though so not end of the world anyway wave 17 and take him down are these this looks like a strong wave this is a strong wave take him down take him oh that was close right anyway we're up to 41 coins which means gonna get plus four every single round um so I can I can probably start spending now first off we've got to place this Arch path now do I go there or is it actually better to go there and maybe try and head around so we use this ranged area I think that might be best so I'm gonna place that on top of that I'm gonna start the next wave and we're gonna hope we can take them down there's some big boys at the front the Big Brothers take him down there we go and just when we're getting comfortable another tower has spawned and another enemy spawning thing so now we've got to not only defend this but try and defend this one as well uh first off we have a pointy flag so is that a hole in the what is that is that meant to be a hold or is that not a hole what does okay so that is a hole I mean I sort of want to place that because I feel like I've just made the strongest shape I mean if you're not seeing the strongest shape there then what you might be seeing is the return of cow gang let me know in the comment if you get that reference anyway place and then I'm gonna spend two coins to get this path early because I want to grab that I think I want to shove it there and then try and wrap around like that so place that start the next wave and did you see over there that was one enemy spawn but he's now gone meanwhile this one gets stronger and stronger we've got the bald bearded dudes never mess with those anyway he's now down and we get four coins so Street puff and water I'm thinking might be best to go there get that one in start wave 20 there's two enemies oh that was so close to losing us our life over there we need an extra Tower to go over that side or to extend this path to wrap around perhaps yeah meanwhile bearded dude is down there we go oh we found a relic um so we can gain four Hearts but we have the max number of Hearts so that's pointless the other one reservoir cards containing water tiles can be skipped for free decent so first off we have the geyser Tower or the Giza Tower if you're British like Giza anyway this shoot starts with hot water and it increases range if it's a juicy into water tiles so let's have a look how that works oh I tell you what I tell you what in there would actually be really good it'll cost me a bomb but we'll get three hits I'm not only that two of them are going to be on the Frozen enemies as well which would be even better and I could put one there and try and wrap this path around perhaps and I should probably look as well coming up next we have a corner and water can we use that anywhere to help the geyser Tower no I feel like that's my best bet so we'll place that there in this corner piece we will spend two coins getting that unlocked and then I should probably extend this path by one so I'll place that there everything got a garden which just gains us a coin when it's placed so you may as well place it somewhere like away from everything we'll do that then we have a flag I might place that there with one Bridge just because that covers a huge area or maybe would there be better I feel like that's actually more sensible because then I can wrap around yeah I'm gonna do that so that's a bridge but it's done look at all the land we have now then we've got a straight and a bend me as we'll take that and then plop that there ready to link all this up so you place oh and then we have a fire trap okay I'm gonna spend two more coins on that and I might shove that in there because then they're gonna be getting burnt all the way around there or do I add it to this one no sorry I'm going for this one so place there using a bomb and then start the wave I feel like we might lose a life up here oh no we're good so can we take these guys down there's a load of bald bearded men for the ones down is the other one gonna get down take him down take him down oh so close so next up we have straight and water I'll tell you what I'm gonna shove that up this way because that gives us two coins thanks to him so boost for up to 50 coins and then gonna hit next for two coins and place the geyser Tower down I'll tell you what whilst that's sort of good because we get the the extra range I feel like there's probably better especially if I can get another water around that yeah I think I'm gonna go there for this one so place that that strengthens up this this run as well and we'll start the next wave we'll see our guys that are working beautiful and over this side we've got a viking got an ax guys pretty fast remember now that's close all right so we got some bonus cards so add two ice traps to random paths I think that's probably the thing to do oh look around there Frozen Central um and there's another Frozen one there as well so enemies will slow down meaning we're doing more damage let's grab this flag and I could use this to add more water to that geyser to fill in the land around there which isn't too useful but I'm just using this for the water mainly so that's that done now if we click on this look at the range of that so we're going to be hitting three up there one down there well and two down there once we get that corner piece then oh and I tell you what look at the next piece it's a corner and water so if I rotate and shove that in there that fits perfectly and we'll make this geyser Tower even more powerful so let's do that and then check out the range oh man so it hits three down this side three up there I mean it would do another one if we could get round now we may be able to wrap this path around to get another hit our next one is a Market Square this allows you to enter the black market as soon as it's surrounded oh I'll tell you what then I'm going to shove that in that Gap so place and then we're in the black market we've got money to burn we've got 53 coins so it will take the straight bit of path we'll shove that in that hole we'll then take this corner piece and shove it in there and then we'll buy some bombs and bridges and then I think we're probably good to continue so start wave 23 this side is now very strong this side look how much we've extended it I imagine enemies won't get very far this time right we have a straight I should probably shove this straight up there to extend this one so place oh and then the next Tower is a cluster Tower I have never seen one of these before gains damage for each other connected cluster oh that's why it's called cluster Tower okay so wherever you shove these you sort of want them like in a line let's buy it and see what sort of okay so it just does Normal area although up there does massive area because that's the that's the high bit of land depends how it depends how common we think those these will be yeah so let's shove it in there and then the next one can go up there should we get another one not convinced we will but um 47 coin let's buy another one so that is perfect to send this road back up and the next card is called Arsenal Spurs fans won't like this when adjacent to three water tiles gain an arrow Tower and a cannon Tower oh okay that's pretty decent if we can can we surround it with water anywhere I mean like in there could work because we've got that one and that one we'll just need to try and get water there anyway let's start the wave and see how he gets on I'm scared of this one that is a guy with a bat he's download this side so strong right now the beardy baldies don't stand a chance and we're ready to place the Arsenal down so yeah I am going to shove that in that game like sort of said Matt put it in there mate okay let's place that then we have a pointy flag and then a path I don't really I don't really care for the point lag at the moment not gonna light um might shove it there though just so we get some land up that end so place and then straight bit of path can go there next up the ice trap it's got water behind it so if we skip to that this is an ideal ice trap placement but it does give us the water for the Arsenal to place that now we have the arrow Tower and the cannon Tower can I take both so Canon Tower does 2.5 but it it damages in an area whereas the Ari Tower does one but if you remember on my map I have the perfect spot for an arrow Tower in there because we've got the flame thing which makes it a fire arrow Tower I don't know if I can take both or not right so Arrow Tower let's place it in there with a bomb yes I do get the Canon Tower as well okay so Kevin Tower I reckon will go up here so it will start the next wave Cannon Tower did a bit of damage to those guys yet they didn't make it and of course this side no worries so we're back into the black market let's buy everything we need so Corner path you go there straight path you go next to it buy those materials and then continue I'm gonna do a straight down there complete the next wave are the cannon Towers decent we took out all those troops apart from The Tool Guy but don't worry he is down that was close I nearly got a bit cocky there and then there was none all right so Arrow Tower and water might be worth shoving that in there I should probably shove it off the top to be honest yeah we'll do that that's going to be three three hits with that decent next up we have oh a large flag oh wow that is large that is large see what then I might do that just to give us loads of option up there and this corner piece can go down there so we can bring this one back then I got a strip down the middle to add more like towels and stuff yeah another Market Square I'll tell you what then I'm just going to shove that on the old one because then I get to go straight to the black market again decent so it won a straight bit of path there and a corner and the materials and then start the next wave now we are surviving so well like that's down these guys are like pretty much gone by the time they get through the Flames although we do have the bubble Brews they have a bubble Shield which does protect them well until they get into the Flames oh no okay so now we have another blooming Tower to protect because that's what we're doing in this we're trying to protect these Jimmy things it holds the engineering Secrets any way we've got an arrow Tower with water could I shove that oh what the hell so that look yeah they look different can you see that one there and that one there that's got like triangles in it which technically should make it better but apparently it doesn't increase the area whereas this one does anyway I'm gonna shove it in that one just to make sure this is covered or do I make this one's stronger I'll tell you what I'm gonna go there actually and we'll start the next wave easily complete the next wave then we've got a big old bit of pasta place down all right tell you what I could do that and then try and Link these together because then we're going to be close to this bit maybe if I do it like that because then we can get like double Towers going on no they're going to be too close they're going to be too close so I'll just do that I think next up Workshop gotta be next to two waters get a path tile probably worth it actually I'm gonna shove that in there swap a bomb for path tiles so we want to shove that there and next up there's an arch path so I'm gonna we're gonna shove this over the water we've made a bridge no there's not gonna be a bridge over you sorry everyone I've already Bridge reviewed one of those on this game then we'll start the next wave watch everyone burn in the fire down here and then be very surprised that a genie has granted you a wish so you don't want four coins or a path tile of my choice I think path tile to be honest so take that we'll take I think a straight and then shove this straight there we're actually actually no let's do the corner I feel like the corner because that actually extends it now which is always a good thing the flag can go there for a bridge I mean that's actually pretty good because then we can bring the path back around to get those Arrow Towers in yeah let's let's do that so then we have an ice trap could be worth putting those between these to get a bit of double Heritage going on so we'll do that fishing Hut gets us two coins if it's next to water so I might shove it there swap a bomb for six coins sounds like a good deal oh look then we got a cluster to oh my goodness what is that it's like a double cluster Tower I tell you what if I were to shove that there and then get this path around that'd be one two three four five six hits I mean I would shove it there for like four hits that's not worth it yeah okay I'm gonna shove it I'm gonna shove it up here I'm gonna need a lot of path to finish that but I think it'll be good so we've got a straight path to go in that Gap oh thank you and it's the right orientation to go there lovely then we have flag and water and because it's got water we can skip which I think I'm gonna do and we've got normal Corner which can go there but looking next we have corner with water so I could shove that there with a bridge for the water I mean no actually actually I've got this I've got this stick to your gut instinct so that one goes there this other one is gonna go down there like that then we have flag and straight bit of road which could be very useful like there to be honest oh there yeah I'm gonna go there instead actually then we'll start the next wave so that one's fine this one is gonna get a bit dangerous now we've only got two towers really until we extend that far that big guys getting closer it's all good though anyways now we're getting burnt and Frozen at the same time still blames for you mate and we've unlocked an arrow Tower and bit of water so I think I'll shove that in there because that's going to be one two three four five six hits so to be honest we'll do the same there yeah next block a garden down that could just go over there for a coin I'm gonna get a nice trap in there to slow people down Boot and then this corner path is perfect to go there then we'll start in the next wave so it survived everything easily we've just got this Knight dude left and I don't think he can he can finally get close yeah meanwhile let's grow the entire aisle oh look at all this space down here now so we can wrap around there lovely boring an arrow Tower there garden over the edge out the way and a corner in there then we're ready for the next round there's only seven rounds remaining I feel like the the path towels they almost spill something like it's a gun anyway you got another I see what I might got there just because it covers so much I know this side's pretty much fine but it can never be too careful or decide what way to this part I'm going to go that way I think all right then we have a straight that we need so that can go oh actually do I go in that one first I don't know what one's more dangerous I'm gonna go in this one first just because that extends all the way over to there we'll start the round so I was just a single Shield guy on that one that was not worth it let's hope we survive this one we've got the body beardy oh no I think we're gonna lose a life oh we didn't lose the life that Cannonball hit just in time we saw what 10 lives and is he gonna make it no no no no no no no oh wow so what do we take here bonus cards materials Corner path or the next two tiles would be Corner Parts surely that's better than the middle one right I mean I need straight but uh whatever so we got straight with a flag let me just shove that there and we've got our corner pieces do I wanna I don't know what I want to do with it why have I got corner pieces I need straight well I should have one there shove another one there I guess oh actually that Storehouse doesn't that want two towers next to it I could shove that there for two bombs and I think that gives me two bonus cards yeah there we go there we go oh and they're straight so you want on a straight there please and then we'll just start the wave so five waves remaining this one going well over this end of the map over this end also well oh not in the middle though I always forget the middle you lost your life so middle does need improving what can we do with this piece show it there shove that one there the flag there and I can't really do anything in these Corners I'm just trying to get rid of them oh man a geyser Tower would work perfectly in there I don't have any bombs left I'm an idiot oh why did I use my bombs up I mean I guess I'll go there for now we'll start the round we've got a I think we just gotta keep an eye on this middle one have we made it stronger hopefully there is a shield guy but there's no baldies thank goodness yeah we're good we're good oh cheeky uh so I can't actually get over to that because obviously I can only build next to my stuff um but I definitely do want to get over there so let's place that there shove an ice trap in that corner crazy path there use the flag to help us get over oh then we finally got the straight path that we needed so that can go there lovely well then the next house called a loop Tower a burning orb loops around this Tower in clockwise motion and damages enemies in its path that probably wants to go like in the middle of a corner I have no bombs so let's just start the next wave and hope we can somehow get one I know the middle should be fine after you've extend that path really really far although that ax man is going for it no he took a heart out of us so whilst it's the longer path there's we need more we need more Towers to do damage uh this one this one oh we lost another one oh this is not good so the S and the g they both need they both need more Towers uh let's grab the loop Tower I'll say your that fits perfectly in there so we'll place that and then spend some coins trying to get over to that chest as well as extending that path oh and would you look at that we have another cluster Tower so do we go there that's three hits and it makes that one do more damage I was gonna say or I could go up there but uh we need a bomb to place that we don't have one so yep let's just shove it there we'll hit where they spawn on that one as well we'll start the next round round 38 I may as well spend all my coins next time it stops at Round 40 and we need some Towers up this end as well by the way it's a long path but not doing a lot middle ax guy oh we lost the life in the middle outside we're flying on the left I think we should be fine man look at that Tower the the loop Tower I assume that did a lot of damage so decent oh we've got some bonus cards you can set everything to five so I can lose all my coins but gain some bombs nah I don't think so next two tiles would be Corner paths yeah I got them I know what to do with them all right Workshop may as well just use that to get closer to the treasure chest Corners I want to do that one and then that one you're gonna shove an ice trap in there then get the chest with the garden oh just gave us Four Bridges I don't want Bridges I want bombs I got no bombs uh Arrow Tower there big corner there ready to get a little corner In that bit oh we have an arrow tower that has nothing so that can go in a little Gap if we have one I mean if I had a bomb I could shove it on that flag see what I'm gonna start the next wave and I'll hope that we can get a bomb at the end of maybe we'll go to the black market or something I gotta make sure six people don't make it through though and that ax guy is legging it they can down oh that was close that was actually close everything else covered bottom left yep that we should be fine so it's the final wave I guess Ari Tower we will shove you oh that might be worth doing actually that's five hits yeah we've got the corner that we need so by doing that we've extended this to oh man to be absolutely muttered by the cluster tower on The High Ground so yeah that's gonna do a lot of damage so I think middle is fine now yeah we've got a fire trap may as well shove that I think in the corner like that is good got an arrow Tower I think three hits there would be good oh and then we got another fire blast Tower okay where can we put this I mean I can't see us doing more than that that is eight tiles of damage and the right one is a bit is a bit dodgy I guess so I'm gonna place that there may as well try and use my bridges up ice trap there just so that that fire blast is doing some good damage it doesn't do anything to the to this to the gem so let's go in the middle straight bit of path bridging over the edge and my final two coins are going on an arrow Tower and I'm gonna put that all on a bridge because I got Seven Bridges left I mean we're bridging water apparently I mean actually look at it I'd probably just call it a waterfall but I'm not here to argue let's start the final wave so down here the cluster towers are doing some major damage in the middle these guys are ruined up here the fire blast that's the only guy remaining on the right always getting quite far no he's got no Health that's good that is good middle Tower we're nearly done just a lanky guy no he's gone and then we just got two knights down here we've already lost half their health I mean mum's lost his entire life and there we go we've completed you defended the aisle oh look at the sound of that bonus card facing any Tower next to a flag Transformer Tower into a cluster Tower I love cluster Towers oh and the Hall of flames anyway enough Flames we're back in the mountains where I'm gonna say peace love and snow bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 525,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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