Days 1-5 "Living in a Van Down by the River" in Project Zomboid

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welcome everybody to a short new project zomboid series The theme is going to be an homage to Chris Farley living in a van down by the river and here is I know we don't have a van but I mean that's the main idea we're actually using the RV interior mod here which is the main thing I kind of wanted to explore where we can get to the back seat of one of these trailers and we enter it and suddenly we're in like another world where there's TV and like refreshments and maybe we could even keep the power on in here and keep it like our own little slice of civilization so I'm pretty excited we've got a bit of a mod list here I'm going to leave that into the description uh in the description of the video but uh just the main goal here is get a little bit lost in the new map uh Rabbit Hash and I tried out a couple of little Maps here but I wanted to get I I kind of intentionally wanted to get lost we can also leave this place it's not super overpowered because if your van gets really swarmed by zombies like you can die in your van so just be very careful with that I just want to make sure I can still get back in good because we were running into a couple of little bugs here and there but yeah grab a hot drink and but we didn't actually spawn here we spawned in this other house over here and we're kind of off in the woods I just want to make sure that it's safe so I'm going to open up my map but here we are and we are streaming this so we might get like a bit of back seating here and there um I think we're in the middle of of the county I really haven't played Zomboy in about 10 months so I'm like everything feels really fresh oh there's all of these new markings in the game I'm probably going to think that a lot of things that have been in the game seem so amazing and new and and otherwise remarkable but I mean like otherwise I'm just a man with a van and also British weapon mods which apparently we've got really good loot right here I don't think we're going to be getting this everywhere but if we do I mean like awesome like it's just more stuff to use I totally didn't find this in the place that we visited to sample it um oh awesome okay we actually have a lot of shotgun shells and let's attach this to our belt um okay so we already spawned in with a shotgun that's quite crazy oh we've got a double barrel shotgun and an h r partner shotgun uh saw it off this one gets uh this one's double-barreled I really don't like the double-barreled weapons I'm gonna unload around from this and then let's just like uh let's just put that away it's been a while since I last played with Brita but I think that we pretty much killed every single zombie in a city and it was it was it was pretty crazy but like we still were hardly even scratching the surface so um let's go ahead and equip this other one I mean we might as well our character is Benedict Huffington mccringleberry and he's pretty much just emaciated he's like a slow reader who's emaciated but he has other good traits he has fast learner organized uh out of shape which isn't very good um but how else is he he's he just needs like a little bit more in Fitness but he's already kind of coming along he's got cat-sized dexterous Outdoorsman uh just a lot of traits that make it easy for him to kind of like stay up at night and kind of be on the prowl looking for uh well stuff and it looks like we've got a duffel bag too already so we've got some nice loot here a little bit in the first house but we are going to need something warm to wear uh we've actually got some pretty good loot in here this is good because the zombie spawns are quite high on this map like we're going to have to fight through most of the areas that we go to but I don't really think that it would be a good idea for me to have like a shotgun right from the beginning so let's go ahead and I think I'm going to actually bag that it sounds uncomfortable bagging a shotgun I'll just put it in my bag there we go I'll probably take we've got what a couple of baseball bats here I think that that is probably gonna be a little bit more maneuverable than for example a shovel but as a shovel my beautiful amphib happy 21. there's a little bit more uh it's kind of crazy I don't know why my alert box is a little bit weird like that hey SoCal sweep thank you for the 21 months though hmm there we go okay so let's attach that to our back so we've got the baseball bat we've got the van hell yeah brother it's a little bit funny like my alert box is being kind of weird hmm whatever we'll just take like a slightly more robotic weird TTS for this time hey John Dingus thank you very much for the subtle all right so here we are in our van I could do like a bit of scouting but I kind of feel like I want to bring this trailer with me like you know I'm afraid that I'll lose the trailer and also too backing up with the trailer is an extreme pain like I haven't really got to the end of that yet but the trailer just does oh there we go we almost hit that sign uh I thought we would I feel like I hear like a car alarm in the distance yep there's definitely a car alarm over there I do believe that there is some activity over there okay there is water over there do you see that right on the edge we're probably getting near to a river we could park the van by the river and then like live our life separately from the van and the river and then perhaps return to the van and the river as man and Van when we're ready in good time but it also seems like maybe we're going to need to we'll cut down a few trees here and I don't want to get too lost in the woods right um you know what I think it would be a better idea to leave some of the shotgun shells here yeah there we go and let's put the shotgun oh look we have a a walk man in our bag how very 90s of us there we go maybe it has like a great song some some of the great songs of the 90s in it all right we've got our ax and we've got our belt and I do kind of want to stealth this one out if that's possible I know stealth almost never works ever but I do believe that we're near a civilization a little bit yep there we go the people of Rabbit Hash have prepared for the man in the van down by the river again Chris Farley great comedian this is actually one of the first series I ever wanted to do but I never really I never knew how to make it interesting but someone since someone made the RV interior mod it's just gotten so much better all my options nope all right uh I'm gonna run away because I haven't played Zomboy in a while it seems to me as if the Ambiance has really improved in this game like I'm hearing crickets and cicadas and other other delicious bug life here we go it looks that sounded like a death to me if there ever was one we don't have on multi-hit either so it is actually going to be quite challenging to fight some of these people but again I think pretty much her only strategy here is just hid and then run away and again we are like kind of emaciated so don't want to take too many risks right now I'm not a big risk taker what did I tell you Airy and maneuverable the baseball bat we go like the shovel maybe hits with more punch but ah there we go that's the second one uh thank God we're not getting all of this Blood on the van oh that's not even our van I I mistook that for hour you know I'm gonna say van a lot we don't actually have a van we have a pickup truck and a and a trailer but it's all just a van to me it's all just a van there we go three four and already our character has shown to be way more of a wimp than I ever even would have given him credit for in the first place uh question came up why do I have the damage numbers um I believe that's on correct me if I'm wrong I think it has something to do with Mod options it's been a while though there used to be a mod where I could actually see the health bars and I used to use that but then I found that it became somewhat obnoxious and I actually don't like that much UI in the game a wallet actually did lose my wallet oh wait no I did find it I forgot okay so we have a what a lovely jacket to have found wow lovely so lovely and practically it hurts Stevie Wonder singing about it isn't it lovely there we are let's enter again now we are equipped with the sink oh my gosh never thought we'd get one but I mean like this van which still is due as 40 as forth yet um is not yet at the river so it's still just a van I mean to be fair it's not even a van but it's a van because it's a van to me actually I think I'm gonna get back into the van for a moment only because I enjoy the quietude of this now that being said actually are we getting still the Ambiance no there it goes it's disappearing do you hear that I know my voice is a little bit louder than it but that's because I don't want it to like crowded out um okay as far as the river goes um oh no as far as van Interiors go so there are a lot of different Interiors than this and this is like a very basic one this is kind of cramped but there are better Vans we could find I'm pretty sure that we could like do some kind of interior decorating in here and dismantle these things I'm not going to go quite that far but um I mean like look we could even turn on and off the lights I'm Gonna Keep It Moody here uh do we have life in living TV actually I probably should have done this right from the beginning I'm wondering if we still have a chance for today we've got no tape oh we've actually got like a VCR player on this let's try life and living we'll tune into that and looks like we don't have anything on right now but that's going to be the station that we'll turn to just to get some skills and we can keep checking on that from time to time I'm pretty sure we don't have power but um yeah honestly I'm gonna be kind of learning about this mod as we go through so there we go for some reason it gives me the option to enter when I do that probably because I got into the other back seat but we do have a watch now we don't actually have the date I believe it's sometime in like late October but it's 4 40 p.m so it is going to be getting to be night time here and we've also got on I honestly forget some of them I believe one of them is horde Knight though and I think it's every third day that we're going to get a horde kind of like in uh they are billions or seven days to die um I just thought that would be kind of a fun challenge for myself but since it's been a while since I've played the game I'm like this might actually be horribly insurmountable which will kind of be funny um we all died what a funny happens dance or it could just go badly and into the series in which case we'll just have another one living in a bus down by the river okay but the reason I'm clearing a little bit here is because right up this road if I know I know only this little part that we spawned in of Rabbit Hash there we go okay that's our first house they're under the roof Jay precious thank you very much for the prime all right we're gonna creep along here feeling like kind of kind of a Bear Grylls sort of man now we can kind of train our sneaking here it might be worth it to get a couple of the first levels we got 13. we could just like wander around here whoops nope we can't because we're being detected right now I believe that you get experience for every zombie that you're nearby for which you aren't detected by or at least that's how it worked that was a chicken not a zombie right did you guys hear that clocking I swear I don't even know what they added to the game there's like the whole new foraging system which I don't even really know anything about um but it does feel good to come back to the game with it feeling like a whole new game yes could have been a turkey we are getting close to Thanksgiving here probably the best American holiday you should come here if you if you don't have it all right it looks like the coast is clear ooh a garage as they say in the United States which I am of course a native of here we are um [Music] to live near turkeys back where I went to college like we had local neighborhood turkeys it was kind of cool um oh look we are after all in the United States ah like the outdoor Ambiance is kind of dying out is this a noise Works thing it sounds really good or maybe I just haven't closely listened to zomboid in a while this game is so like atmospheric and that's really one of the first things that brought me to it they did a very good job on this this Rabbit Hash map like some of the new map modders have been great I was checking out Camden and that looked great too but I couldn't get it to work with RV interior for some reason um so here we are but I I really do like this Rabbit Hash already it kind of brings me back to my own personal favorite has always been atox Warriors Eerie country or Erie County I can't remember which one is which um but I'm just gonna eat all of the high caloric foods that we find because I really need to gain weight what am I 60 kg some people think that's 60 pounds they're like 60 pounds is horribly underweight you're gonna die or they think that when I say like 90 pounds it's too much no that's kg that's the one thing that's not been Americanized in this game like everything else is Americanized except for everything is kg or incumbent hey vulcag thank you hey volcag thank you very much for the 18 months do appreciate that a bullion Cube I don't actually know what this is I've no oh bullion bullion whoops like beef bouillon whoops that was uh that was nice I thought it said bullion I'm like wait a minute no one would just eat like a bar of gold all right so let's bring all the fat guy Foods into our backpack because I think it's a little bit easier to gain weight than lose weight it's like less urgent but I wanted kind of an action-packed Series so I did spawns that I thought would give us items like at a decent rate but not like like you can see that food Isn't So abundant I mean there's a lot here but this is also kind of a nice house we go baking tray griddle pan um all right nothing there broken what was that broken glass broken glass cool spawns in here that were getting stuff like broken glass I think they did a really really good job on this map one thing I regret about my channel like doing well on YouTube over the last few years is that right before it started doing well I was actually getting into project zomboid map making and stuff like that and the community would have had great Maps if my channel had never done well um so like out of out of very good thing came one bad thing I suppose I still have all the files though and like some of them are up on uh just wherever I put them I can't remember um probably like some Forum somewhere it's a fun thing to do anyway so this has been a pretty good house I'm really liking the furniture layout of these places it's nice man Zomboy just feels finally it feels fresh and new ah guys I can't tell you how much this means to me I I left Zomboy alone for about a year because I was just like I've been playing a lot of it and now it feels very good to be back I I like this again I like this again I don't think I ever really disliked it I was just like you know I had done a lot of it and I was just like all right let's do some other stuff so we got good um oh are we on life and living here foreign [Music] we want life and living tune in oh welcome to exposure survival well however they would say I don't know how the hell they would say it definitely not like that okay now we are a slow reader uh cooking is not really going to be that useful try even traffic these three books aren't going to be super super useful so I'm just gonna place these in my backpack um what are we learning today what are we learning today on TV oh and we also got VHS tapes Omega Department I guess let's yeah let's get a VHS tape let's party like it's 1999. oh what did we just get was uh this exposure survival so this is probably foraging up snow fishing fishing is actually quite useful I had like never fished in Project zomboid until I had about 500 hours in the game and it's actually a great skill set for a stage so basically useless mechanics okay mechanics volume one is very useful that was a good find okay Benedict Huffington mccringleberry already off to a great start I'm probably going to bring this stuff back to my van though no I really wasn't very careful opening up that door I swear I'm gonna make some like very not smart moves when I'm playing this hopefully I won't die because it's been a while it's just been a while I left the show behind didn't I hey a lot of people play this game fast well that was most of my first videos which are mostly privated on Project some point I was very green back in those days I would just play on like they used to have this uh Mode called hardcore six months later and I don't think it really is a releasement but basically the entire map is just painted with zombie spawns and like you would just run for the entire video get to McCoy and then just stay at McCoy they don't still have hardcore six months later do they it was like a very weird word because apparently hardcore has like other connotations or something like that I don't even know but it would just show up weird on YouTube so here we go so no more of that I mean it was just like the mode name but whatever it's a big platform right so we're going to go ahead and put some of this stuff away I think we'll start getting organized here we don't really need too much of this the oven mitt I could pretty much just put let's put it like on the top of the shelf that would be kind of like uh we really are going to be limited here I'm going to put the oven mitt on the counter uh my God all right let's take the spoon there's nothing that says like atmospheric zomboid then nicely rotated items even the orange plate we're going to place the plate and you're just going to love it yeah you're really I love that personally it's like a little slice of them now I'll turn on the light there we go oh it's cozy in here it's nice I think we are getting like some date maybe we're getting some daylight streaming through are we no we aren't getting any light streaming through I didn't know if we would get like the uh the sun coming through Mr Golden Sun these ones I will just put on the floor all right officially now this is my book cabinet not anymore my cooking area I think we'll store all of my candy in one part of the um RV or the trailer and then we'll store all of my books in another part and that's the way it's going to be and then tonight we'll watch uh Netflix or something although I am I mean I'm really not safe in here like zombies could be piling up on the outside after a long day of flying a project zomboid stream is what I needed thank you for this supreme content it's good to see that TTS has gotten over her cold and has her normal voice back also might not tackle hold that thank you very very much for the Thousand bits hope you flew well man I remember when I flew I did um pdxcon in Sweden and I couldn't sleep for more than two hours at a time for about three days which were all just like dotted by drinking a lot of rum and cokes with um bow and spiff and like uh we drank a lot of rum and coke I accidentally spilled some of it on the on the hotel floor Lobby actually I support I spilled a lot of rum and coke on the hotel floor lobby but it was a great time um definitely a fun event to go forestry especially for the streamers and the YouTubers but just like kind of for everyone involved except that I also drank five cups of coffee that day and I couldn't sleep at all so I hope that you're faring a little bit better um not Ramen Coke rum and coke a Ramen Coke sounds strange well what like an easy mac and Coke uh yeah and it was it was it was a good time it was a good time I recommend it I recommend it also too thin air great Airline they like them we got a KitKat bar on the way there like some type of American candy and then we got all this Swedish candy on the way back or the other way around I can't remember so Swedish candy though is quite good like their chocolate is very sweet I had one day at the con where I just kind of went out in Stockholm and I just was like kind of a goblin on the streets I was doing all the tourist stuff and I just came back with all these bags from Ikea like like souvenirs for my family and um yeah anyway I got all of this like Swedish candy but I somehow got it on the plane back strangely they frisked me at every airport they were always like detecting something they were like there's something wrong but uh Stockholm was the one place where I didn't get frisked so thank you Stockholm I do appreciate you not frisking me um yeah uh good time good memories all of it good memories don't don't get it twisted the reason I kind of like Reminiscing on that is because I don't really get this kind of like cool weather anymore we're getting a nice cold front around the United States right now and oh we've got a uh there we go but yeah I don't know it's getting me in this like wintry mood now I am going to start collecting these things because I imagine we're going to have to do a lot of work on our RV or like what if we have to replace something I mean our trailer I keep thinking like we'll have an RV and I'm very hopeful that we'll find one or maybe like one of the slightly better Vehicles because I have seen some spawns around here and here we go let's have an entire box of cereal who knows what's in here I saw something really bizarre at the store the other day guys I was shopping for cereal because I need to eat and um I saw off-brand Frosted Flakes that were just still called Frosted Flakes like apparently the name hasn't been I don't know maybe it hasn't been trademarked oh Jesus that guy was perhaps more frightening of a jump scare than the off-brand Frosted Flakes themselves I really didn't expect that there wasn't a single one in this ah schroding your cats thank you very much for the prime ever been to the UK unfortunately no I've not ever been to the UK but it seems like a beautiful country I'd like to go that was the only place that that's the only time I've ever been abroad there we go I don't think we have too much more coverage or protection in that one we could start doing those getting some of the um could probably start here we go rip clothing or yeah we could probably start getting some Denim and Leather padding here because we don't want to get scratched and it would be a good idea to start tailoring soon so we could open up some of that in our uh in our creepy van I mean it is a creepy van don't get it twisted whoops uh you know what I'm doing I'm not even ripping this right I forgot that I need scissors that's how long it's been since I played zomboid oof feels good though okay um we've got a first aid kit I'm pretty sure that first aid kits are like never actually even worth it at all let's go ahead and grab that so let's just equip that to our secondary and then we can get what's inside out alcohol wipes uh honestly basically useless I'll throw them into my bag because they're kind of lightweight and they shouldn't take up too much room but other than that I think it's kind of useless nope uh we do need that that bat back out though there we go it's 10 40 p.m it is getting kind of late so I'm probably getting a bit tired here looks like we've pretty much gone through with this entire house I'm gonna go ahead and take this American flag because I kind of want it for the inside of my van um and look uh a map of my beloved Florida wow I mean the rest of this is just gonna become part of Florida one day you know the way that these Environmental Trends are moving or at least that's what I would suspect eventually we'll all be just one big happy family in Florida let's go ahead and get some sausage I'm not you know I'm not I'm I'm just uh speculating just speculating tea bag nice this house is just so nice I would really like to move in here maybe I could even park the van in here except that seems kind of like risky we'll take a WD-40 tire pump also could be useful we should probably just be picking up any mechanical items that we find this was crowbar could be useful for opening Windows um rope could I mean it's tempting to just take everything so I think I'm just gonna eat more chocolate to help myself carry it is this on a server no I'm just doing a solo play through actually right now with Zomboy I would like to do the multiplayer stuff but I would probably want to do it somewhere with like other content creators and I just haven't like dipped my head into that in a while we had a good one going uh I believe it was clean that was hosting it I tried doing some of the hardcore RP stuff but I felt like other people were just like way more prepared than me so I felt like there was this kind of asynchronousness is that a word whatever it is God wanted to do RP for a while but I was just kind of like some some people take it way way like uh not that there's anything wrong with that just people different people have different levels of buy-in it's kind of crazy like the one that I really like doing was the one we did with um nurse and Remy and lime and them that was a good time hmm there we go like I almost didn't feel qualified you know like they shouldn't add me to this sometimes people will think that like because I have uh like because I I have a lot of subscribers or something now that like I'm I'm gonna be good at RP like nope I'm not good at it I'm pretty bad at this there we go okay good we got oh can we not put it up here yet hang on a second we might need a minute wait a second can I put it beyond the bed I really would like to put it right there but if I can't oh it's because I'm not in that square it's all right all right I got it behind the stove glorious glorious it's too bad they don't have any other country's Flags in this game though you know repping the other uh rep in England is my city Maybe oh we got something Dr Cox talk to you about bladder control bladder control [Music] okay let's throw a couple of these items in here as well uh I'm gonna put my large sausage into the of all the of all the food stuffs to have found oh we don't really need this belt either I could probably just throw that on the ground I'm not really a very good organizer so I'm just going to throw most of the things that I don't like or don't want that much onto the ground some of these things I could fill with water but let's just try to get most of the crap in here um here we go we could do the WD-40 the tire pump the screwdriver so most of this stuff I don't really need with me too much I will bring one of the screwdrivers with me though so that I can disassemble things hand torch it's not it's kind of heavy ice cream I'm just gonna eat that right now and hopefully start gaining a lot of weight good look we're at 60 and double we got the double Chevron that means that we're getting a lot of weight and we're going to be a fat guy in no time fantastic okay Benedict Huffington mccringleberry soon you'll truly live up to the the length of that name with you the great girth around your belt here we go let's get our hammer in as well and oh my gosh well this is actually a very dangerous sausage of course we shouldn't be eating it let's put these put these in here and the rip sheets will keep a couple of those with us but not too too many usually I just like to take off my clothes whenever I get hurt after all have another drink of water and I I think this might be my favorite feature in zombroid is just balancing an entire mug of water with me wherever I go which I'm miraculously able to do fill my mug up I did get one of these things I remember when I knocked over that glass of water on my desk when we were playing Banner Lord I got way too into Banner Lord so I did actually get a cup holder for my desk which apparently I'm not using because now I have the water on the desk all right so we're at 4 40 a.m the early bird gets the worm in the words of Chris Farley he probably said it at some point so I'm just gonna attribute all of the quotes to Chris Farley hopefully we'll have said them was that a zombie now we do want to be careful here because if if zombies come we've got only one exit to this thing and we do have horde Knight so like every third day I'm gonna die um I mean pretty much so what we need to get our van somewhere a wee bit safer let's say so I did clear out that house so I think I want like some other exterior layer and although I would like to be camping by the river let's park in the garage by the river and then later on once we've kind of like filled up our van with treats and other other things that will make me fat really that's all that this is It's like a quest to get fatter I didn't really mean to back up this way but like once the trailer has made its decision on what obstacles to collide with there's not really much going back from there folks so here we are again good I'm hoping that I can fit this into the garage but if not then we're going well we're going to have to either find or make a bigger garage we could build a bigger garage but it's this the type of activity to which I can give my time right now this is some incredibly ridiculous challenge I don't know I mean is living in a van down by the river that ridiculous or should we is it really the only rational way to live is anyone here in chat live in a van I mean I I like to think that I'm the type of person who would hold up in a van but whenever I see the videos on YouTube of the people living in vans didn't really look that happy they look like they're coping with the van like occasionally they'll look happy for about 20 minutes and then somebody will be like I heated up my dinner on the muffler today and that just makes me sad and upset okay we've got a fire truck over there and we've got a white whoever left your white sedan in the park or whoever's the owner of a white sedan you left your lights on as uh of course Chris Farley probably said at some point here we go ah nice leather jacket oh now we're styling now we're styling that's nice that is nice oh a red digital watch the privilege of wearing this yeah so I'll put that I'll have one wrist watch on one wrist oops I was just basking the glory of wearing a this wristwatch trying to take that moment from me then we'll put on a holster here we are okay ranger jacket is not bad but I don't think it's as good as what we got I'm also going to wear the police shirt I believe that will oh no we've already got a lumberjack shirt never mind I'll stop impersonating a police officer of course it's the van the trailer is uh trailer is in uh what is the mod filibuster rhymes though it doesn't have an interior native to that mod that's why we have this look at me I've got two watches let's go but we never run out of battery as you know we have one of those amazing Timex pieces and it will forever it will forever be good okay I'm thinking that's not even enough room for even the trailer so we're probably going to have to do eventually is just build our own trailer Bay it'll be like the Death Star but for like rednecks secret boy I'm a secret boy guys secret boy are my skills coming along my long blunt skill is improving yeah I mean it's gonna be worth it to get better with some of these weapon classes and at least find something with which I'm going to have to spend a lot of time anger management thank you for gifting this up genuine Toad thank you very much for the sub Tara sonar thank you for the subject ah I see a nice pair of overalls see if we can open this I don't want him to break that I would prefer that that not hang on a second look at these nicely wooded that's so good this is why I like doing custom maps you get things that are out of the ordinary look a snake plant oh my God I actually have several of these in my house now mostly in areas where no other plant could survive this snake plant must be thriving in this location what is that like some sort this must be Florida these are all Floridian house plants wow actually this room does kind of look like a motet like it looks like a very sketchy motel around here where I live ah actually kind of looks like one in Georgia there is one in Georgia I almost stayed at this motel but it was like 2 A.M and it was a little too active at 2 A.M for me to want to stay there so I just kept driving then another time when I was driving through Georgia some guy just started running toward my car and that was when I left yeah that was when I left that whole state uh I was thankful when I made it back to Florida we'll be going on another road trip soon up to visit Google King when we uh get to that time of year I've liked living it's been a good time it's been a good time looks like we could get this sewing kit good okay we've got the needle and thread so now we're getting a little bit closer doing that that patching up on our clothing um let's go ahead and we'll de-equip that unequip I think that it shouldn't be the word unequipped but I think it should be like the quip or something like that or maybe like these nuts like immunity is not my selling kit get rid of it and like that's code word you know or I'm gonna send it to Georgia send it to Georgia I would not like to I mean granted that I've been at your in Georgia at weird times of day it's always like when I'm almost there you know but uh I'm sure there must be nice parts of Georgia just uh not the ones I've been in and not at 2AM there was another place I pulled into where there were all these cats in the parking lot at like 3 A.M I was just like there was this whole colony of cats staring at me I'm pretty sure that was also Georgia could have been South Carolina um but I mean they're pretty close they're pretty close together um all right I think we got most of the things in this house that upstairs is kind of bad although I do like the way that the upstairs is laying out it looks like we could cut off access quite easily I wonder if this fire truck has any like anything worth taking in it look some Foundation makeup in the fire truck uh CD Freddie's been like I'm not ready to put out the fire I think I just need to look a little bit better just gonna touch up before we get to the scene of the uh Geez Louise let me get the Louisville map okay so I don't actually know how this map system works with the uh new let me go ahead and see and I'll also take out the thread a little Annoying that you can't just open up the sewing kit this way there's probably a mod for this but I've never you always have to like equip it and then you take the things out like I I know that I'm gonna have plenty of needles so let's just leave that there it would be nice if I could get a little drop down there or something like that though foreign [Music] various gameplay features at will and like like some sort of bad King and I deserve this gameplay feature and that one it does feel good though it does feel it does feel good I know I know I'm wrong I'm making fun of myself just becoming aware of my own thoughts a little bit more 8-bit boy Studios thank you very much for the prime yes it's like it was like Aristocats at this place that I went but it wasn't really uh okay here we go so we've got Louisville and I'm pretty sure that this just adds this to our map right so if I throw that map on the ground and let's get some more like slightly safer like maybe into this closet if I look at my map and oh dear God look we've got Lewisville Lewisville I can't remember who was somebody was calling it actually is that I wonder why they call it Louisville they don't they don't no one's ever no one ever says Lewisville do they jumpy cheddar thank you very much for the prime here in Lewisville all right let's kind of clear out this River a little bit I got to figure out what's happening at the river feels like a line out of Twin Peaks or something you guys ever watched Twin Peaks that David Lynch show we've got a lot of zombies here I thought you were dead this is not a safe place could lead them back to the house I'm thinking that'd probably be the best trying to decide I used to engage zombies out in the open however at the same time too like look at how much better I'm getting with the blunts we got any we did get better with the long blunt blunt let's take them as they come in through the window except that this might also be a horrible idea one I miss when this was like yep that stupid thing I hate that that's my least favorite thing in this game hate to say it like the fact that they can just kind of swipe at you and it's like a default animation like there's no real Surefire sure Surefire way to fight him they're always gonna die cheap animations but there are some uh options I could have ticked if I wanted to get over that checking behind my back it is a lot like seven days to die though you start to realize like all of the different combat checks you have to do named after the French King yep King Louis King Louis Louisville where the people are loose loose in their morals I don't know I've never been there I've never been there now I'm just speculating all right they've destroyed the doors but I mean like what a great use of a house most people in the US aren't even using their houses to this great an extent have you warded off tens of Invaders by Leading them through the doors and the windows causing them to throw themselves through them and injure themselves before you smashed their head in with a bat probably not probably none of you have been in that situation but I have and that's why I'm well maybe that's why you're watching this is that you can learn what to do with someone you don't trust comes to your door you know there was like this whole contingent of people who were Preppers who would play projects I get it maybe I don't get it it's fun to pretend though all right my baseball bat is broken I'm like a seal door oh no I might have to resort to using my sausage whatever shall I do uh I have this ax also now unfortunately we have begun with an entirely new weapon class I think I got extremely good with this thing when I was last playing like the worm Man series hard to believe that it's been three years that we've had these project zomboid animations they still feel pretty new to me speaking of which we should probably go back to that first area you know I was a little bit afraid that I had overcrowded the loot tables when I first started this but I I don't think I did looking back I think we just got a few lucky areas we've got a good number of zombies in here okay word of warning is that if you are doing your own like van down by the river playthrough or if you decide to follow in my in my scuffed footsteps I wouldn't ever recommend backing up with one of these things because like they have their own inertia let's say I don't really know what I'm talking about or if I'm using the right physical word but let's go with inertia uh like the van and the and the truck or whatever there the trailer in the pickup truck I'm not very good at identifying basic objects if you haven't already noticed but here we are we've made it this far anyway so it's functional knowledge anyway let's go ahead and put that on our belt we do have the holster now though and we do have that shotgun as well so I could draw them to an area but it seems as though like the density of zombies is just that at a nice kind of temperature right here I don't really want to draw them all out and I know the shotguns are very loud uh they do have like quite a big radius in this game I think that my friend private lime did a uh like a video on the exact radius of stuff or I don't know you can look it up um for for whoever you go to for project zomboid tips but tips and tricks uh why are those two words like forever wedded together tips and tricks like Trick and Treat ever go up to somebody's house on Halloween and you say Trick and Treat Trick and Treat uh it's getting very late at night I'm starting to say kind of silly goofy things we might get uh kind of kind of wild by the end anyway I don't know I mean like the reason I'm doing this is I just wanted to sit down with some more zomboid for a while there were some really neat um ideas I saw it kind of tossed around in some of the zomboid world where people were actually doing like live edits of streams with them and it looked like kind of a cool idea to try but I never really had it in me so we'll give that a shot at some point I really like I would like to live in this back room it seems like my kind of place you know just like here we we witnessed firsthand true poverty and if this is the worst it can be maybe that's not so bad you know like this is squalor did a very good job on this map though can I just say one thing that I appreciate like a small detail as a map maker is they've actually used different levels of carpentry skill in order to create each of these walls like here's a really bad one here's another really bad one this one's actually quite well constructed this one's in the middle and I always found that kind of funny they did such a good job with this pixel art in this game um or like this stuff these might actually be people T boys and Mark I'm wondering if those are the map makers patrons because there was like a little um like tile set download that I'd do and that is a pretty easy thing to do like you can just go into Photoshop and you can make graffiti for zomboid and it's really cool I used to do it and I would make it isometric in this game it's pretty easy hey lime is here hey what's up brother how are you doing right lime I was actually just mentioning you and your amazing like guide with the um with the radius of stuff man I don't know I've been getting some like pz Nostalgia lately what are you up to brother hope your holiday is going good are we even at the holidays yet whatever whatever we're at it's basically Thanksgiving I'm giving thanks I'm giving thanks all right time to offload my sausage I'm pretty much just going to put everything into this van but my entire life in this van never sold that fan and put my whole life into the van hey Geronimo how you doing thank you very much for the 24 months as well as chumpy cheddar and Durst in the wind thank you appreciate it I figure let's like try to stay with one weapon class because later on we can get more like risky if we want to uh we also might become Reliant upon it hmm oh yeah either way I I digress um it's time to fill up our cup again my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and something or other else will happen uh we might be running dangerously low on water so maybe I shouldn't be sourcing it from here I'm wondering if oh intermediate carpentry sick of seeing your fellas face ladies what is this some sort of like daytime tell of hang on a second look despite the fact that it is intermediate I am absorbing the knowledge from the TV it's entering my body you can see the knowledge about carpentry entering me and the boredom leaving oh my God I'm hovering in midair I'm hovering in midair with knowledge I'm not actually going to speed up time because I'm not sure if this has actually changed in the game but it used to be that speeding up time would cause you to gain less knowledge than you would have I mean if I were really good at this I probably would have like um I probably would have read the book first because that can cause you to pick up even more knowledge from the TV because it increases the multiplier but I'm not that much of a big brain right now okay so we're going to learn about chairs the next time a thrilling dub for daytime television let's leave man I don't know about you guys but I'm already feeling like I kind of play Zomboy like it's a movie I just feel so relaxed I almost have completely forgotten about the fact that I have a real life and I'm so invested in the life of um what is their character's name again duffel bag oh no of course not it's Benedict Huffington mccringleberry there it is yes huffing snoot Nick kringleberry Mick kringleberb we could have gone for something even Wilder and crazier but I thought you know it has this gravitas about it let's go ahead and before we before we go back just kind of like straight back out into the town so it looks like we're dealing with some sort of like re it could be a river or it could just be like a bot yeah like it could be just a body of water let's examine the dock though and what is this some sort of vacation Square I think I'm going to label that one with a gun oh no I don't have a pencil never mind uh never mind of course let's explore Rabbit Hash maybe we could even like put the trail it's so like it's very cozy to have a home within a home which we might actually end up doing you know we might put that trailer into this home in which case it's like it's like having two blankets on you at once you know just think of how warm you would feel the nice like when it's cool at night and you have on a big cover maybe you have unawaited blanket or something crushing you with warmth we've got another one these poor people what lives did they have before now I won't go that far I used to be pretty into like zombie fiction and stuff like that there's a reason zomboid meant something to me there were all these there's this whole world of good like zombie board games on board games if you guys ever use that are you guys gamers like not just video gamers that was a bit of a risk actually I shouldn't be drawing them out this way maintenance is going up though maintenance is important because it causes the things to last longer which is a good reason to use the things that you want to use last I think everything that I just said made sense oh my gosh a hoodie I could finally be cool let's put the hood up I'm going through my edgy teenager phase is this thing equally good for me encumbrance 0.3 scratch defense 10. scratch defense 10 wind resistance oh my gosh it's giving me even more insulation yes finally I've entered my edgy teenager phase shut up mom I don't want to talk to you I'm going off to live in the woods in a van down by the river finally uh it's all coming full circle and I'm beginning to see why I created this amazing series of videos which is currently only just one video a van down by the river we could have made a matte full Leaf to be honest that might have actually been a better character name in order to uh you know pay tribute to Chris oh look we've actually got a shack over there I mean for right now like let's be honest we aren't going to get the exponential zombie killing but I'm not taking out the shotgun unless if I have enough shells in it that I'm confident I could take out like the whole block worth of zombies that may actually be a cop zombie I wonder if he has any shells on him or something like that or it could just be like a a boring zombie like a business guy nope not the right fight for Benedict um fumfington Can can Pumpernickel or whatever my name is hmm see now We Gather in more oh that one has gloves it's sort of like walking into a designer fashion store you can't have most of the clothes in there and you probably wouldn't even want them when I see the zombies with all of this crap on them but fortunately my reliable car will start hopefully now this thing I wonder if we can do nope even without turning it still makes Herky jerky random bizarre turns I don't want to overdo this strategy but I did get a little bit overwhelmed here I'm wondering if the trailer actually has any weight like could that yep it appears as if it did work um though we might have like a better I wonder if we could use the fire truck for this because my sprinting is rising sprinting is a decent skill to get better at but Fitness is far better oh my God uh battery's dead I believe that's it wait or was it the engine it was red right red maybe I haven't mixed it up whatever it was I'm not getting back in it definitely doesn't work okay two and three they keep coming back but also too I should mention that in this world aside from The Horde night I believe it is they won't respawn so like once we've cleared out an area we're done like they could redistribute which is probably a lot of what you'll think is like respawning nope don't get my leg please thank you and I'm good and I do believe that one of you was a police officer right that was definitely now I did notice that I had been playing around with the debug mode just to see like how the exact targeting works and it turns out you can actually see the part of the zombie that you're aiming at you can also see like your cone of fire I learned to do some of this stuff from ghoul King when I was playing with him um he's like very good with the debug menu though and um I don't know play around with that all right here we go now we're back in the woods have we got we are getting thicker by the second good we're so we're already up 2 kg so we are getting stronger um our character is like kind of coming along here 360 out of 9 000. I don't really have a lot of Hope for him to come up in Fitness like maybe he'll come up one level by the time we're through with this man listen to that seagull can you imagine like ambient seagulls it was the battery it was hey favor the cat girl sorry to hear that hope you're doing good man actually I recently had someone pass away like that oh that is to say I hope streams help you enjoy more of whatever it is a lot of people tell me that they use the streams to fall asleep uh I don't know why like apparently people fall asleep to the sound of my voice but I'm okay with it all right hope whatever it helps you do you know if you have to uh I don't know maybe it's just that I always reflect on the most bizarre comments that I or those are the ones that stay with me all these people show me them with their cat like I regularly on Twitter people will send me pictures of their cats enjoying the rim world and honestly like that's probably my favorite message to get it's not like someone asking to uh you know sometimes I just get a bunch of bizarre requests I think the cat photos are my favorites though so if you have a cat I always do enjoy a good cat photo oh fanny pack score gotta put it on the back baby man look at this sketchy public restroom and yet I feel so like at home here only four tiles such a simple Place easy to understand it's kind of like the room and saw don't you think uh now I thought Saul was funny when he cut off it well I won't I won't spoil it cover yours when the dude has to cut off his own leg I thought that scene was pretty I thought that scene was kind of a riot I was like he wouldn't do that that seems a bit drastic you know he's only been in here for a couple of hours like he wouldn't you'd have to be starving first it's sort of like he made a conscious decision like it seemed maybe he actually did have a fascination with like cutting off his own leg whatever doesn't he come back he's all right he's fine he just gets a new foot or something sleeping studying and now this I appreciate hey happy to hear that that's nice I used to watch yogs when I was uh I had something going on when I was a teenager so I was just like spend some time I broke my leg so I spent all this time hold up he's looking for something to do yogg's cast for for the Layman Ah that's nice okay we are starting to get a little bit winded though I mean there's not really any good way to overcome the lack of Fitness um so far it's so good honestly I know we've we haven't really found anything like crazy like we didn't get a military cache or something like that but I it's kind of the pace I thought we would be at and I'm happy with it I think we could like kind of hole up in one of these areas by the river maybe that Shack would be good for us I'm just thinking we might want to get something like a little bit more um like we might want to get um I don't know we might actually have to deconstruct it would be better rather than destroying this bat to get in there or we could use one of these hatchets maybe I'll give that a shot no let's rest first because I'm going to need some of that if I want to get into this thing and it is 4 30 p.m so it is getting a little bit later on I think I'm going to take like I actually don't feel safe sleeping in my own trailer for a little bit longer I was hoping I could get this thing walled in somehow but I think I'm going to go back into that first house that was pretty safe and then we've got another one yeah they keep redistributing over here oh that was actually a little bit iffy why did I do that but yeah it's taking me a lot more to kill every zombie so I think I am just going to leave them there for a bit I'm not high on pot news please stop saying that I'm high on pot news no I'm I've never I've never had any pot news this guy moved in what is this they keep coming in from various places whence came him hey anger management thank you very much for gifting those 10 gift Subs thank you anger management I'm going to close two of these curtains here we go anger management you're very nice you're very nice to me I love you I love you anger management and I love also Adam Sandler because I know you who your name is a reference to don't we all wolf Slayer thank you very much for the hundred bits all right nine so clearly I didn't do any of the things that I said I would uh now I am wide awake in the darkness this almost reminds me of my trip to Sweden time to do what I did in Sweden we're gonna go for a long run um I actually did this I was trying to tire myself out with coffee and caffeine and like a lot of exercise I did all of this in three days in a weekend it was a crazy weekend in Sweden lots of fun I recommend it I recommend it and then don't go back if you value your sleep uh oh look at this that's nice we get a good view of the other roof I'm going to close that for now though actually not being sarcastic I love a good view of a roof reminds me of the home where I grew up in they did something these are not the same old sound effects as they were even when they were updating this thing I swear to God this is different and I like it it's nice you know there's like this whole soundscape the weather and the sound and the lighting in this game are incredible and the only other game that I've seen recently that does the um like the similar line of sight thing is zero sievert I actually gotta hand it to them Zero Secret they did a very good job on that I don't know if you guys watched the recent VOD we did I saw um I think it was pastilly did a video I hope I'm saying his name right the tarkov Australian streamer I think he did some zero sievert and that game is quite good I like it I want to kind of make my way back to that there we go okay we actually made some uh uh made some Headway in here look at that nice water the water is fine man Indoor Water this is such a rare sighting zomboid you almost never see this I almost want to um we could do some fishing catch I could catch things no I obviously I don't have a fishing rod fishing is a fantastic way to gain weight in Project zomboid like all you need is a big um jellyfish in your mouth and then you just have all the weight back on you we have a net trap too we could do that fishing line though I'm pretty sure just the fishing rod is all that's needed right God I'm like Pokemon all all over again I'm happy to say that we might actually be getting that capture card enabled uh Nintendo DS I had my doubts because I hadn't heard back from the guy in a while but I just heard back from him the other day so he says he should be shipping it out soon I had to look all over for people who worked on these uh capture card DS's but I found a guy and it took a while here we go lore fishing tackle uh I don't really know a lot about fishing but is this going to be the item that we need yep it's good that's like a small minnow or something like that now the reason I bring this up is because whenever I fish it reminds me of Pokemon it would be interesting you know I I like doing it except a lot of the people who do this service charge like a lot or there's one in particular I was gonna work with but he like he didn't really get back to me um the guy I'm working with right now did get back to me but then there was another one I was looking into because I was like man I was worried that the first guy just kind of like uh like gone off because I hadn't heard back from but I did hear back from him again um but some of them charged like oh gosh it's like nearly two thousand dollars for a Nintendo DS with capture um which is a lot so I was just like I have to be it's it's not really that it's just that I can't find someone who will like get back to me on it like within a reasonable time frame so yeah I don't know I I would really like to to do it but it's just been frustrating to try to get the whole process sorted out hmm it's kind of funny that he's like fully at it I wonder if it's because we're indoors that we aren't catching anything I mean like a big fish would be good right now for gaining weight spear fishing would probably be the for the best here right like we could really we could get something oh yeah actually we wouldn't even need to tackle yeah let's go do that let's go into the woods do some foraging oh yes then we get to work with the new foraging system except that I don't really want to work in the foraging at this time of day I think that's probably going to be dangerous for us and I'm not sure why we're wet um could it be that from the fishing we have gotten the water from from the water on us in which case is the water wet now where's my van I mean this is like the van Life by the river though I feel like a so soon so early on in the series I already got to like the Zenith of what I was seeking and also too like let's not have a fishing rod in our uh in our hands let's let's have like a real weapon there we go that's nice that's good I didn't want to die that way that would have been a dumb way to die here I am in my remarkable home which isn't mine again no towels I guess I could spend the night reading let me close the curtains there we are hmm did I ever get the gloves off that sound but yes I did can't you see I'm in these gloves right now come on man of course I got the gloves look there I actually uh to be fair one of the gloves is ripped it is like no other glove oil filter combined with Salvage to make solvent trap okay we won't really use that then probably mechanics Volume 2 I believe we have only volume one this could be useful because these are good spare engine parts also too how heavy are those 0.4 okay that's not as bad um I will take that you know what what the heck let's um I don't believe that we have an electronic show I may be mistaken on that but I forgot it in my fanny pack I could pick up the other Screwdriver from there start disassembling Electronics because I want to be able to work on this thing if if need be there we are okay good let's take apart all the electronics past time trying to find some other there we go okay and then throw all the crap on the ground we're never going to use it nobody ever does the trappings for for ninny's ninnies there we are empty hand mug oh whoops uh it's not a hand mug I don't know why I even called it a hand mug wait a second this hand mug is not even full oh there we go okay I must have been so thirsty that I drank like three mugs of water three hand mugs of water it's never going to be a mug to me ever again is this going to be a hand mug slightly missed the pixel art textures of things on the ground I also kind of missed the pixelated characters in a strange bizarre sense and I know that we get it from like the uh the non-pixelated environments but there's something so quaintly like nostalgic to me about the pixel art what does that sound wait a minute quiet listen is that a clock what is that that's got to be a clock hang on a second I wonder if I could take apart this hand clock yeah it's got to be the clock hang on a second I have to do it like a quick test I just took apart an entire TV I'm gonna throw it on the ground um I threw it on the ground there we go uh disassemble yeah wall clock this hand wall clock man they really upped the sound game in this game yep whoa straight busting on a stack straight busting on a stack Dear God there's another zombie I really the one thing I would like them to kind of channel into project zomboid is the sense of kind of like Frank westness from Dead Rising though if they could ever do that in any way like the sense of Night of the Living Dead horror I think atox did it when he actually modeled the house but the sense of kind of urgency it's rare that you can find a game that really does that I think maybe it's because Dead Rising has a timed aspect to it pz definitely gets the long-term survival there's only so much you can ask of a game if there were like some pre-scripted starting scenarios maybe when NPCs entered the game I really think that's going to be perhaps the most straight bussing of all the things yes I had a street busing his straight bus I don't know why I say these things it's don't do that don't do it it's stupid okay uh oh I just kicked a hornet's nest Whoops a Daisy all right um I was hoping to take out my shotgun but I'm starting to see that clearly that's not a very good idea I definitely should wait till day oh ah that was nearly my death I slightly let grow go of the right hand Trigger why are you partial to elderly gentlemen as your PC Survivor of choice good question I I think I've always just been excited at the prospect of going gray I don't know like I I always I suppose whenever I see a younger man like no one looks to no one looks to young men for wisdom they look to the gray beards for it it's because it's not because that's what I am it's because it's what I aspire to why would I be something I don't want to be so that's why I am the way I am also too I mean like there is something that's like an equalizer about gray hair everyone's hair turns Gray no one goes from no one has Benjamin Button disease so in the gray old man we can all identify you know he is the every man no more around here yeah there's like some more rustling in the wind now guys I'm pretty sure that they added some some more um Snicker snack to the uh like to the zomboid sound effects this is much more soundier you're just actually walking back and just striking a lot it's kind of working here although this is getting to be a lot back into my house of choice although I would rather not lead them here because it's my house of sleeping choice I will lead them into the uh yes this it's so peaceful in this garage okay that's my favorite trick of course it's going to come horribly crashing down in a moment um and probably attract more but yeah like all right who's coming into the doctor's office first yes then you have your appointment this lady with the blue Spirit you don't have gray hair yet so down you go it didn't even make it to gray hair see she wasn't strong enough she wasn't strong enough to earn the gray hair all right good zombies are like oddly attracted to doors in this game I don't know what it is but like whenever they see a door or a person they're just irresistibly drawn to any type of Entry or exit they'll go through six or seven windows before their show any interest in a human human flesh red-blooded oh no my hand mug is empty at least because I have a hand ax why I was calling it a hand mug too panicked to sleep that was a bad plosive did you hear that on my microphone okay I think I'm going to bust right off to sleep bust right off on a stack there we go I haven't been interacting with chat I suppose that I actually to be fair I don't really know what to do we have 1400 people here I feel like sometimes if I were to interact with all of you well let's just sit down I'm going to take down my hood and I'm going to stop being an edgy teenager you know I kind of regret this about streaming because I feel like we we had a little bit more time together but at the same time like sometimes Zomboy gets a little introspective and it feels a little bit more like talking to myself you know does that make sense yeah that's where I'm at yeah pretty much anger management summed it up what town did I start on we're here in Rabbit Hash to kind of update you guys but yeah I don't know what we'll do the one thing I really do like I'll say this about uh the Youtube streaming rather than the twitch uh is the fact that and don't get me wrong I really like the kind of culture on Twitch I think this is a fun place um oh there we go there's another couple people how did you guys get in here did you just like apparate in here oh or there is actually oh it could be that window or there is also that other window I mean who am I kidding there are many windows that what was that even okay I'm like cornered right here I don't think I want to go through with this oh that is a window I thought that was a door who jacket man yes you can come inside jacket man hang on a second I didn't authorize that man if only I had my long blunt stick these guys out it wouldn't damage the clothing all right hang on a second drink feel hand mug there we go forever from now on it's a hand mug could have been a glass door yeah I don't know maybe some of that's been updated rarely did they change that stuff I always remember um when they first did the animations update I think it was like aiming out of Windows yeah just like there have been a few updates in PC history that have just changed like entire systems like the the animations update was probably the biggest one the game used to be much easier before the animations update I don't know if people remember the time before the animations update definitely a good number of people in chat right now remember it but um yeah you used to be able to fight like hundreds of zombies at once and like you were never really in any danger but the animations update was actually quite frustrating like behind it all as cool as it was I was a little bit frustrated with it because I was like man I used to be good at this and I would just like die more often because it is frustrating in this game to die like I used to run a server and people would ask for heels and stuff like that or like people would get very emotional when their characters died and I actually had to stop like messaging people in the server and just kind of get a little bit of distance from it because I was just like oh this is this doesn't feel so good no running a server does require a lot of patience like you have to reset it at strange times of day I mean your players are international so it's like whatever's going on that's why I usually just like to limit it to a couple of friends and just hope post it on like one person's computer nowadays when I play can you press Q to heal nope that's quite funny though it's been a while [Laughter] you know I haven't even played Zomboy in so long that I almost fell for that you know what I'm actually I am going to do it oh I forgot that this was the best one yeah let me use that good I can draw out a couple of them if that happens when you're crouched so you go rather than like whatever you say hang a ding a Durgin if you're there we go we got one I'm trying to be like secret boy you know like there's smooth boy secret boy secret Boi stealth Boy because like really stealth and pz is so underrated but if you can get it to work it's a really nice mechanic because it just like you can use the hunting knife and you can be kind of like a snake in the grass and it just feels right there's something about it that feels good foreign that is a new slicing sound effect though if I if I'm not mistaken hmm men they keep redistributing in here I wonder how many zombies we've got already I don't remember the exact trick for like there we go there is a way to just one shot somebody in the back but it's really risky if you don't know the exact technique I believe you need to be up behind them and then your hand needs to be raised stealth Boy stealth Boy is a different franchise okay then we're secret boy we're secret boy I never said stealth Boy I mean if I did you probably misheard me or I just pronounced it wrong I meant to say secret boy of course um yeah that's we'll go with that one yeah there we go did you see that my hand was slightly raised there for a second like yep there it is he did it again you can kind of see it on the other end of the animation oops I didn't get to close the door yep hand raised again right but it's I mean like we really just don't have that much knife skill right now so we're probably not getting it to go off that much so we'll just stab at them repeat and mostly like ineffectually but there's no sound scarier in this let's see if we can get her here okay you just stay there yep you can get up that's all right but now oh yeah see that's the thing like I didn't expect her to do that big turn we'll just do that it keeps sounding like my weapon is breaking whenever this happens I heard somebody else the secret boy came through there you think that you're the secret boy here we go I'm gonna Boop you on the snoot for the last time there we go that was the thing I was trying to do ah I'm covered in blood did you see what I just did Mr Crab style I just don't even know what I'm saying anymore I'm just being an idiot um let's go ahead and we'll fill up our hand mug again there we are hey let's just wash everything these clothes these clothes need to be washed except I'm too afraid to make time sped up so let's just spend some time together you and me now we'll speed it up a little bit it's good I don't know how I haven't died there have been several times in the Stream where I probably should have died but here two fourth I haven't do we still get the thing where hemophobic causes us to panic when we have blood on our clothes I did have a character who was constantly getting bloodied on his clothes though I personally missed the days of zomboid when you had to always take your shirt off because you would always get overheated like even during the middle of winter if you were just walking outside your character would start sweating profusely okay there we go I finally look presentable again let's just keep up with her character so I know we haven't really had too much too many goals here I mean I pretty much did everything I wanted to do in the first like five seconds in this video but we're kind of just getting better with most of our skills so we okay we are almost at ax level one I think ax long blunt and knife are good short blunt is really the most common but I don't find it to be a very effective weapon class as far as hello again oh wait exactly are you eating well uh yes I forgot that I sent this message out is because I am American past amphibian of course yes ghost of amphibian past thank you very much for the thirty dollars whoever you are why did you say AB this time past amphibian is Happy can I just say how much I appreciate my uh you as my viewers that that you have created this message someone past amphibian happy Army eating well to tell you that I am evil because I am American I mean probably Fair most of us Americans are after all evil um with our oil companies and there we go all of the other things that we as Americans do of course on a daily basis especially running lower oil companies um there we are well thank you for the thirty dollars I don't know what to tell you I had some I had some broccoli before that was pretty that's pretty delicious yes I suppose I've been eating pretty well thank you thank you uh and imposter amphibian or whoever you are you're a sassy Baca you are a sassy buck you are sort of a sassy Baca we never played emogus we also I I can't remember where I put the shotgun I remember where one of the shotguns is oh wait no now I recall hang on a second let's get out of here I remember where I put the shotgun not that I'm going to use it I just want to know where it is in case of an emergency in case if I run out of water in my hand mug good it's all back here okay um again I think that would be kind of like suicide so I don't want to do it but yeah there we are okay let's get better with ax before we do anything else but I mean we got lucky that we found that stack of weapons I thought they'd be all around though it turns out we were a little bit spoiled looks like that this is a different house though okay good and we got plus one ax thank you I think we could pretty much just stand here um zombies do have a sort of have HP I can't really describe because I don't perfectly well understand it myself but there are instances where you can do enough damage to like the rest of the body of a zombie and they just die somehow okay this is not a good situation so you know what we're gonna do I'm probably going to draw them all out of the house generally speaking the kind of seven days to die method I'm not sure if this works in seven days to die anymore maybe just that people have like kind of documented it better in that game than this game like the the way that you should just beat on houses before you enter them this guy is wearing a short sleeve shirt and a sweater vest I can't even like begin to describe the amount of visceral anger that gave me not even that I'm so so much of a fob that is that I am the chick a fashionista I don't think I think I'll go with flop I said fashionista because I think bath is much less thrown around I wanted you to know what I'm talking about but yes a flop or what is another word to describe someone who is well dressed or pays great attention excuse me to the way that they dress it's a flop look cereal on the counter maybe it's off-brand Frosted Flakes what a joy that would be okay I am I am an afraid what the hell boxing zombies exist this is actually quite cool now there's so many good stories but they're just not very like densely laying out in this game uh okay that's a lot of denim have a limited amount of characters I can use oh you're only eating the small trees Jesus hang on a second the time we ate dinosaur chicken nuggets why is this TDS speech sounds so authoritative and masculine broccoli as trees I almost feel like it's Morgan Freeman talking to me look at the leaves on the top of this thing Jesus oh yo you had of course you mean broccoli by the smell this almost sounds like a murderer's ransom note but I might also like slightly threatened and entertained by this and also thank you very much for being so generous ah thank you for the twenty dollars also ambiguous amphibian oh hey hang on a second look we've we got an Uzi oh Jesus Christ we just found an Uzi all right I'm gonna break my no gun rule just because this move away you aren't that scary look at this laundry lineup oh that's nice hang on a second uh volcano made of man now you're getting me like oddly nostalgic for Thanksgiving I said I'm not gonna head back up uh head back up to New York for this Thanksgiving I'm just kind of staying put with uh some friends in Florida but uh it kind of made me a little upset because like we have a very nice Thanksgiving where I'm from but I was just like uh I didn't really want to spend six weeks sorry I just decided to bag it but the volcano of mashed potatoes with gravy maybe like that sounds like a good food to eat maybe I'll even have it out of a hand mug oops it was a Mac 10 it wasn't an Uzi I apologize for that basically the same thing though we've left so many entrances and exits available and open for them I really shouldn't be doing this right by this door if they just keep appearing out of nowhere that what I think is happening is that they're all reappearing from the woods it would be good if we could get into some kind of like isolated dead end area from which we could clear them all out like maybe that Shack you know what I have an idea we're gonna go to a Shaquille O'Neal we're driving the van over to the river come on come on I mean it's not a van it's a trailer but but it's a van come on we're making our way over to Shaq eel O'Neill there we go the great Irish Shack in the words of Bo Burnham or something like that I'm paraphrasing of course but all right good off-roading it Shaq okay good here's uh the dock right by it um this oh no alas well you know what we might not be able to do is actually drive it right up but man this thing is getting stuck are we actually whoa wait a moment wondering if this is momentum based or if it's actually terrain like are we not able to drive on Sand ah okay I thought that they had changed the zombroid code somehow now they had made it so that you could I mean I'm sure you're familiar with this but I'm pretty sure that streets didn't used to be like harder to drive on until I can't remember which update it was but they weren't always this hard to drive on again take what some of the things I say with a grain of salt maybe I'm misremembering some of this but uh I was wondering if they made it so that your car like stalled when you drove in the sand that would have been kind of neat but I don't believe that's actually how it is okay and good oh good okay so we actually did prevent somebody from being able to get over there um really not ideal yet because I think I'm gonna get back into the car because I gotta make it so that I can get back out but I think that Shack would be good yes let's call it Shaquille O'Neal good yeah I can't get in I know this looks like it's going to be very difficult to back out from but that's kind of the point of this is whoops uh I crashed into the water of course I crashed into the water how else would I have done it all right we are still going to be like slightly susceptible here but I do believe that this should be able to allow us to get in and out and like they'll have to be a crawler if they get through so all we could get is a crawler over here maybe somebody banging on the door but yeah we live in a van down by the river now let's take a moment to stop and appreciate it the ambiance I feel like I'm going to write the Next Great American novel in this Shack having like a Timothy Leary moment my name is Benedict tuffington mcgringleberry please stop laughing whenever I say my name it's hurting my feelings man the water is even changing is it just me or is it change in response to the wind now this is different water from before maybe I could fill up my empty mug does it still not give you poisoning to food poisoning to drink directly from the I know that it says tainted water but this even though that it says tainted water the river water used to be safe to directly drink out of is this correct I don't know why I feel this vast temptation to just drink the river water I know it says tainted water but it usually was fine in previous updates and it still might be okay maybe once maybe the Chan maybe they raised it I'm not gonna do it I don't want to die here I'll do it at the end that would be like the thrilling finale I don't know if you guys know rikon role plays rikon role plays did what I think is still the best project zomboid series ever where he actually role played as a character who was living in isolation like and he did a really good job at it and he did it for like a crazy number of videos and the ending is is bizarre like in a cool way I I like it um it's it's quite the performance but yeah like I know I I kind of said some stuff about RP like I'm not very good at it but if you watch somebody who's really good at it like it is it is quite fun to watch a solo a solo one too I really do like the Duos or the or more people though like I think some of those guys like tomato and charbourg and some of them did it they do they do theirs are quite funny actually and kriken um and other folks in that group all right let's see people used to piss in the river good Fair Point Fair Point actually yeah might not be safe to drink piss well I mean like maybe only a little bit if it's just a drop you should probably be fine but like you know for survival purposes of course though I do recall an episode of Man vs Wild where Bear Grylls drank his own urine out of an like a snake like a hollowed out snake skin it was the craziest thing I've ever seen and I can't get that image out of my mind and I'm like if Bear Grylls did it how come I haven't like mustered up the courage to do it and so I've always felt like less of like less of uh like well less manly is what I'm trying to say because I'm not able to summon the um the hootspa in order to be able to do that which Bear Grylls did you know I think Bear Grylls taught all of us a valuable lesson about uh oh empty bottles no not about empty bottles he taught us a valuable lesson about well something I don't really know what yet but I'll I'm sure I'll figure it out when I contemplate all of that again you guys remember Man vs Wild right of course you do that was basically Frankie on PC uh Bear Grylls I always thought of it like that I always thought I would kind of go down more like that route but I'm just like nope that's not my personality like I'm nothing like that and it's been and it's been that way ever since um now it's not I'm not really good at I think you have to be like the chosen one either that or spend more time hunting out okay we'll get some bowl of soup what the heck pre-cooked this might be a new spawn table thing it certainly appears that way we could set the house on fire let's try that yeah good fun good fun this watch it get red um microwave that soup I think that would work yeah he is kind of built different Bear Grylls do you think his child will be like um what's what's a baby bear cub grills okay let's uh let's take this out because it does do a little bit more cooking when it's in our inventory I don't like one thing I have to say as a complaint is I don't like the fact that it goes straight from being like undercooked to being burnt like there's no middle ground but I mean fortunately I am enjoying the soup it appears despite the fact that it is increasing boredom boredom isn't so bad it's depression that we don't want because that stays with you and then you need to like read a book or write a book or um I don't know do something else with a book in order to get over it uh the bath towel I will dry myself with this towel I have dried myself with that towel wet now it's a wet bath towel this bathroom is awful oh my gosh this reminds me of the house that I toured that I was going to buy I was going to buy this house that was just a giant piece of crap early it was it was a very inexpensive house I've looked at it houses are very overpriced they're coming back down now though I didn't buy this house you can rest assured but it was a huge pile of crap good the zombies are dead we have cleared out the area of zombies you know it is as the prophecy is uh foretold a chosen one will come I am the chosen one I am the chosen let's eat an entire box of cereal man you have to get so fat in this game in order to oh no we've already begun losing weight because we haven't been eating chocolate for the entire day this is actually like my own personal level of metabolism like I have a very fast metabolism I've had it ever since I was a kid I couldn't keep any weight on me look one box of cereal and I'm already back up the devil's Chevron Jesus wait there were just zombies here yep there was one I'm moving fast through the woods like a bad out of hell here we are one oh looks like she was out for a hot night when she was unfortunately bitten by a zombie hot very Very sensual and her black Underpants uh long socks I haven't had the privilege of wearing something like this in a while do we have this this wait is am I being eaten I thought that was the sound of me being eaten that totally doesn't sound like the sound of somebody putting socks on there's no crunching sound effect when I put my socks on this game needs to get a new game designer oh actually speaking of it I am in no way affiliated with this I don't make any money from it um so I'll just say that but I saw something really cool um the people from the Indie Stone did actually start making a spiffo plushie and we're actually getting our own plushies made by the same company makeshift designs them and they're really nice people to work with um they did one for Martin Cedar pants and I was asking him if he liked working with them and he said yeah they're really good so um I just wanted to let you guys know that exists and so that you guys can check it out they put out a little tweet on it um again in no way do I earn anything from that but when I make my own one I will be making some from that so um unfortunately I do think it's going to be after Christmas so theirs is like before Christmas or the holidays or whatever you celebrate um but yeah uh oh this is nice anyway I think that they look really cool I was actually like a little disappointed in my own plushie because I I really like the Indie Stones one so I'm like man I wish I had thought of something like as cool as theirs is okay nice we got some firemen do it for the farm and actually if I didn't say that I'm not sure if that's the first time I've announced that I was supposed to be a prize but I've never done any merch on the channel because I never felt like it was I didn't want it to be something like silly like just some random t-shirt but I really like this company and they gave like a pretty fair deal um and like it's not all kind of eaten up by manufacturing costs and I don't think it's like super expensive for what you're getting like I think it's a pretty good deal and they do it with a lot of people um yeah but more on that later but I I thought it was a really cool opportunity and I'm really happy the way it's turned out also too there have been a lot of people who have come to me with this offer and I've just been like nope I don't think we really know what we're doing uh well we just got outfitted like the firemen yeah dude for the firemen except also too this is making everything heavier on us so we should be careful with that okay on the leather I will keep yep here we go okay I'm gonna rip up the leather this is fantastic so we can start to pad up this stuff have I ever put on someone else's stuck somebody's crunchy sucks there's all these inappropriate uh comments being made about socks I don't think you guys are in the right stream I think we have only wholesome um family-friendly sock conversations on this stream of course now I don't want to know what you're doing with your socks you dirty you dirty um people if I ever put on someone else's socks I guess if they're very old what do you like drip them and dip them in syrup or something like that what have you been doing with your socks maybe I've been doing it wrong though oh what a lucky uh series of swings wow how lucky are we I will put this knife in my sock there we go 13.49 um I think it's only because we're so incredibly weak like we're straining to hold up a thing of peas although also too like we should probably get some of the stuff out of our backpack a lot of what we're doing in this first video is going to amount to kind of like bumbling around and I know that's not always like the most hmm [Applause] doesn't always feel like we have like a very clear objective but at the same time I'm always like uh or I'm also like you know our character is upgrading he's just kind of getting better at wriggling himself into some greater sense of security so I think that there is some value in that except now we do have to make these longer trips if we want to get back to um Shaquille O'Neal living in a Shaquille O'Neal down by the river I'm willing to Tire myself out a little bit here and I am wet here we go okay okay so I haven't shown this at all but I think we may actually be safe here so I think I am going to sleep in my trailer um or another thing I could do would be to take the bed and put it somewhere else but since I haven't seen any zombies here I don't think that they're going to start to pile up against this door so I think I'm just safe doing this oh and that's actually kind of cool we've got like this slight snow and it is showing up on the outside I am a cow I'm here to sell you something beautiful something ice creamy this sounds like a like an adult Channel um I'm not sure if I should really of course I'm kidding [Music] all of this goes in here fresh mixed vegetables this probably isn't going to get me fat but I'm gonna have it anyway the Mac 10 can go in there as well are we not putting things into the there we go into the areas if I wear this will I still be able to wear my hat yes I can okay great amazing but all of this I will open the can of pieces my mission is to get fat today good 63 and I'm already on a double Chevron again nice okay let's take all of that the corn and look I've tired myself out and it's 8 30 p.m we're finally on a normal not Sweden sort of uh sleep schedule again isn't this a miraculous outcome of a day of like just kind of like aimless uh thrusting around for an objective wow I'm really proud of us for making these plans and coming so far and look we've already upped our uh inventory weight always carry a paper clip yes of course always have my paper clip in my handy uh dirty sock okay until next time met suspicious man on the news Isn't it nice that we're alone again you and me here we are let's wash and actually it doesn't really seem worthwhile to wash our clothes because we're not like a hypochondriac so we're okay with this let's just go to sleep but we'll probably dry off maybe we will but I don't think our character needs so much sleep we haven't even had The Drowsy emoji being tired is one of the worst things that can happen to you in this game like you can get wait a second what the hell what does that mean I'm not infected right no I didn't even get scratched let's think wait what is this what is this is this a mod thing yeah usually that means that you're dead and you are a zombie that's but I've never seen that before oh that's the horde night thing okay yep uh we're out of here okay apparently that's the new mod I didn't know this was like the designation for The Horde Knight thing uh okay so zombies this is actually going to be quite mysterious so uh I am worried I guess that must have come up at midnight oh this is freaky hang on a second uh okay I might need to get my shotgun hang on a second let me just grab it out of the back just in case officer just in time reporting for Duty this is officer just in time it hasn't even been on this crime scene there we go okay all right where are they oh you know what we could just wait inside of Shaquille O'Neal that would be fine yes let's wait in like a hammock chair we'll pull a chair over there by Shaquille O'Neal and then we'll just wait over there and it'll be fine good okay we're we're fine we're fine I was worried about this horde night whoops I fell over something again don't mind me in my Clumsy uh knit there we go oh I really hope that they don't like spawn in the shack around me because then I am definitely dead there we go and we'll just put this outside but this really is a very like suspicious looking Shack now plastic white lawn chair out front actually this looks like a far better place to sit I think I'll just sit on the ground because that's an option now you didn't actually be able you used to be able to do anything other than stand in this game I do have the horde night mode I'm not sure if it's going to really lead to that many or if they're going to be that attracted to us right now but I'm just going to speed up time see if any of them show up either way I mean we are kind of waiting till morning it's not really that many of them either and I might not have had the radius up I mean it could just be like a total fluke and it doesn't work but at the very least it does give me kind of a sense of like crap what might go wrong I figured that even if this mod didn't work then like and stuff just I I appreciate it for the uncertainty it could be because I don't have run respawn but that's what's happening but either way I think I'm good I guess I what are we gonna wait till like 8 A.M before we really feel safe going out there 7 A.M 8 A.M maybe nine I don't really know it could be that they're like still around and that we just haven't killed any of them and we are starting to get board okay yeah so uh getting rid of boredness is not that hard you just pretty much need to like walk around outside and do stuff but there we are and you know what like while we've got this like we might as well just use our um we might as well just use our shotgun because why not right like we brought it out like let's have uh let's get in some aim training um equipment both sends unload both sends God I can't even say words hey thank you buddy boy I mean secret boy ballistic meet a ballistic meet thank you very much for the 16 months as well as to uh macchiato and uh bat game 88. hmm look at this nice snow starting to pile up it's like what was that Patrick Star quote about snow one of my friends was trying to tell me that that was some sort of like innuendo but I thought that he was just being edgy he was trying to be like an edgy sixth grader when he told me that like he was so beyond SpongeBob at sixth grade I think we were I think we were to be fair oh look at this snow falling faintly and faintly falling on the living and the dead that's nice okay let's do something outrageously dumb probably going to lead me to die but fortunately a shotgun is actually not that bad for like aim training at the beginning that was a good sound okay what we want to do here is well we really don't want to be panicked but there's not much avoiding that we just want to get them into big groups and you know it wouldn't hurt to have them over over here-ish or we can spot them all I'm gonna wait now I am panicking okay that was a little bit too too close um all right the only thing I don't want to do is get tired here look this guy is you see that hair that's kind of crazy he's got the Fist of the nose hair that is a long hump time but he did get another point of aiming must be the fast learner clicking uh kicking in right there that was actually quite amazing this looks like a fantastic place to set up for a base we might even be able to move out of Shaquille O'Neal if we make it through here oh this is nice look we've got even a gas prices are so high I don't even know who to uh where they're going up again I am quite sad about that I was thinking I could travel do some traveling I had to put off my travel plans we've got something going on with this gun foreign man they did such a good job on this mod look another aiming wow very exciting actually very exciting oh look we already got it all out it's so nice to be able to be on the move and and reloading that's nice I'm just saying it is oh I really hope that I get that bobo am I the only one who remembers the show Bobo Bobo that was a great show I can't be the only one that's not possible oh that's not a good sound didn't see that okay we do have like a little um magazine UI bit up over there not enough waiting I gotta give it some more time ooh fire truck okay at the very least it is okay that I'm doing it this way I think because I am drawing them back into this town area and I kind of want to be able to hit the outskirts so like even if we used up all this ammo at least we've lowered all the zombies away the one thing I don't like is if we do end up having to take them on in melee uh We've bunched them all up kind of in a horde like we've aggroved them this what the hell am I bit am I really bit I'm only scratched I'm only scratched man I was like pushing that guy right there geez can you imagine if I already got zombified like that well it would kind of give the whole thing a little bit more like uh relax it's only like what is it like a 20 it actually is kind of a high chance no it's most likely that I'm fine but there is a chance that I'm a zombie that guy didn't even get that close man that would make my short series even shorter hmm I blame the animations I blame the animations we good okay there we go also too this shotgun is actually taking a little bit longer than I gave it credit for to like I don't really know what to say rack yeah I think rack is the word I'm looking for there are actually like okay I don't want to lure them back into the town so I don't really want to shoot it off over here hmm I don't want to go into that place but I really want to explore these other buildings so let's actually let's get back out our ax because I don't want to lead them back in like they kind of saw me go down that road but I don't think there was too too much else that was going on there okay but fortunately like wow look at how nice and clear this town is now oh actually that's kind of nice over there look it's like a little auto shop eat an entire eggplant and then a tomato okay 10 50 a.m um think think I want to know if I'm infected um we might have to like Swatch out that bandage and maybe get some of those alcohol wipes on it I don't think that's going to make a big difference like it pretty much it's just like one die roll to see if you're infected like it's a D4 I'm pretty sure if we get a one then we're screwed but uh like the infection is more just like a health related thing I believe like the alcohol wipes won't get won't save me from getting zombified zombified zombified that was a fun mishap is this an ammo storage oh geez we actually we did we found a gun store wow I didn't expect to get that so fast uh it looks like we're gonna need a sledgehammer or something like that or we're gonna need to like dismantle something if we want to get into this place though the standard map or challenge map this is uh Rabbit Hash it's one of the uh custom modded Maps it's cool I like it seems like other people do too okay I was thinking that these magazines were not actually magazines but instead were oh look chocolate covered coffee beans is this actually like a good food I've never had that before it sounds pretty good though hmm there we go uh the Farms time to go back to Shaquille O'Neal though I think either that or we could probably camp out here this area does seem kind of safe I would just want to be in like some kind of upstairs bedroom CD sarcastic suit jacket there's a lot of interesting stuff in this place the spawn tables here are quite cool electric guitar military boots lots of military stuff yeah it's sort of like some kind of military camo short like we found some sort of prepper building like just like a gas station where it was also like an army surplus store what did I want to stop at over here the auto shop looked pretty good I don't think I really want like if we were at the military if we had military zombies then I might want to like not harm their clothing but I think I'm okay with still using this ax only because who cares if we destroy some of their clothing the reason I say this is because if you hit zombies with like sharp objects it will ruin their clothes I guess same thing goes for players though like I haven't done any extensive PVP testing on this um but yeah like you definitely destroy their clothes if you do that okay it looks like we might have to do one more shotgun thing um though I am kind of running low on breath so honestly I think the voice of reason is starting to come out in me because that was a little bit like impatient of me before so I think I am just going to go back to either one of these houses or my car and just like uh like just rest up for a little bit is this good we've got another one they've really like dispersed in here nicely I think that we moved them around in the other areas so I'm hoping that they kind of group themselves thus but when we get back like they might have dispersed again so just keep that in mind it may have been all for naught oh here we go uh closed curtains remove curtains device options uh let's keep on not pause TV let's keep on life and living just in case if there's still any more programming because it's still okay yeah it would craft Woodcraft everybody loves Woodcraft I get my thoughts in order I feel like the amount of firemen makes firemen no these firemen wear Foundation makeup they're they're good-looking firemen they're covering up all of their uh their zits on their face there we go trying to protect them from the fire they don't want to be made fun of by the fire there we go um dirty bandage we still do have actually a good a goodly number of ripped sheets let's go ahead and we'll grab one of those um let's swap this out I want to replace this as much as we can there we go medical knowledge while we do this uh you could actually use leather strips on that I did not know that was a thing okay all right I'll I guess I'll allow that um there are my dirty Sheets still there keeping these uh leather strips because I could just use them for something else I guess I should go back to my car and do some better tailoring to be completely honest the the reason we're probably not bit right now or I mean I'd say that we're probably not infected is because look our fireman's jacket is just so great except for the entire torso which we could still be scratched on but I mean in general this is quite a good item I should probably swap out to a different one though um I believe that they were in either this house or one of the other earlier ones let's go ahead and check see if we can find a new fireman's jacket because this one is clearly not as good there was one in here right I felt like there was but then I think we actually removed his clothes and then where do we bring all those back to the uh Shaquille O'Neal I believe we did yeah let's go back there grab some more of the fireman's gear I think there also might have been one more that we found back a little bit closer that way we'll walk over that way for a second and also too how is your character like making his way he's actually got quite a lot of stats up again this is all due to fast learner that he's doing so much better aiming and reloading okay he's actually quite a good he's a smooth boy now he's even getting better at sprinting nice I mean of course the fitness thing is really what matters because sprinting sprinting is fine but it doesn't matter as much as like the actual Fitness okay here we go give me all of those please and I just need that one more piece and now I'm out of here okay now I'm way over encumbered hopefully this is making me uh Stronger um how is our own current helmet I might just need one of these I'm just going to keep my own helmet let's throw the other one on the ground and then we'll put these two in my bag man I miss moving and being able to transfer inventory items why do I feel like that was a thing or I can't do that right oh wait I can't I can totally do that why did I think that wasn't it why did I think that wasn't a thing all right never mind I just stand corrected then I didn't do that before did I I think I was smarter than that right I am still going to keep running though because it is a good idea to get yourself a little bit exerted like in places where it's safe like I remember one time the only time that I really appreciably built up a lot of Strength and Fitness in zomboid was when I had a character like hauling 40 or 50 logs like every day that he had to saw down and he was just totally exhausted and I did all this time speeding up and I spent like a week just cutting all the logs for a house and he actually got like appreciably stronger from doing it it was a bit was bizarre like you just so rarely seen you would never see it in multiplayer servers which is usually why they turn up the multiplier on those for like gaining strength and fitness uh maybe uh maybe it was external inventory you're right that's perhaps it was that I I think so there are like different events require that time that timer though the countdown they ever play cdda I love cdda I just haven't really played it much uh let's see the firefighter jacket okay so then we're going to we'll wear this one instead and take off the other one the other one just we got hit in them I should have checked out the condition too actually our current firefighter pants are pretty good I just believe it's this one that got yeah the condition on this one went down still not a totally horrible jacket but now we want to go ahead and Let's see we do have the leather strips now we could go ahead and clean these leather strips in the water smiley face or it is like our water bottle hey ass bear thank you very much for these six months do appreciate that ass bear um what am I most looking forward to in build 42 I think the basement thing looked pretty cool I mean I'm looking forward to the NPCs I think that's going to get me the most excited [Music] I just kind of like the overall atmosphere of Zomboy though I I find that when I'm like waiting for a big feature I I don't know I I like I I always kind of thought of it as like a solo experience I I think I played right after they got rid of the NPCs in the game so I don't really remember them originally that was back when I started I remember the first time I played pz it is like 11 years ago now the thing first wasn't it 11 years ago that they first released it it's a long time I think I played it nine years ago crazy that it's still in development I can't imagine that like developing a game like like kudos to you guys who developed games because concentrating on one project for that long like especially if you know like some people will spend years on a game and then it'll flop and it was just like ah but like um it's interesting interesting all right some people have a wonderful time with the game like they've been developing zomboid for 10 years or whatever it is over 10 years now all right my character's tired so what we're really looking for at this point in time is like um there we go I've got to change the bandage again might as well okay we don't have bleeding on this I'm trying to remember if we had if we had it in the first place did we even have it let's do RIP sheets again dirty rag we'll throw that on the ground um okay so at this point in time I do believe that we have the we get the needle and thread right yep there it is thread throw that into our inventory and we have needle let me take a needle yeah there we go two needles let's take one of them okay so now we're going to do a little bit of tailoring um okay so I'm thinking that we'll do it with the I mean our hands really aren't very well protected but there's not much we're going to be able to do there let's go ahead and do it's been a minute since I last did this do I do this from this menu again trying to remember exactly where or do I go into the protection menu man I haven't played Zomboy in so long in so long I haven't played it temperature no it's not temperature it's definitely not that body response isolation skin temperature isolation yeah where do I go for it again I honestly don't even remember wow I haven't played zomboid in so long that I don't even remember where this inventory is inspect the clothing thank you very much okay so yeah I have to actually go up to the item inspect oh yep that was it thank you very much appreciate that so again z0 g1an zogien is that how I say your name thank you very much uh can't be repaired oh whoops uh not the can't be repaired part that's fine uh what we need to do is wait a second what do I need scissors for this I do have the I swear to God I thought I had the right items I've got my leather strips here I've got my needle I've got my thread so how come I can't do this uh what am I missing let's go ahead and inspect the pads as well bite scratch bullet um can't be repaired I'll say oh you can't actually add strips to things that can't be repaired ah I did not actually know that that is very unfortunate okay because firefighter jacket and pants are like pretty much one of the most that's funny that they have that in the game maybe they're just already so powerful that it's like and yet I still got scratched in them um well I guess I'm just gonna go to bed because I don't really have enough to totally like armor up a set of clothing you can really reduce your scratch and bite chances if you do it right I mean you could still get swarmed but like um that is quite unfortunate I used to I swear I there must have used to be a way to do it in fireman's maybe the Ah that's a good point maybe the gloves can be fixed yeah that you know what of all places to get scratched that right hand was actually quite vulnerable see if we can remove the bandage okay uh we'll disinfect it again and I don't really think this speaks to the chances of whether it's infected it's only if we start to get like anxious and weird stuff like that and our character doesn't have any other like false zombification traits so 9 40 p.m honestly might even just like hang out and then sleep again just to see if I'm infected let's go ahead and read a book I'm probably going to read mechanics volume one not that I'm gonna be able to use it right away or even tailoring probably even more immediately useful okay and we'll put some of this on the ground see isn't it like I I do like this mod because it kind of lets you like um I don't like it in zombroid all the time how you have to be kind of like on your guard ah okay I am in trouble here did you hear that that was a zombie we should have we should get the hell out of here right now except I'm thinking that he's probably stacked up on the door but I have no way of knowing so this is the danger of this mod and if we die right here I'm gonna be kind of sad because I wouldn't have had any way of knowing this but I also didn't really account for it we were safe like ironically right when I was about to say that we're pretty much safe now uh I'm gonna throw these on the ground I should probably get out of this thing ASAP could have been horde night honestly Fair though I thought that we'd oh you know what I think that this horde night happened tonight and that was the signal that it was going to be the next night could could be that could be very well I just I don't know why I heard a zombie moan back there but now there's no zombies everyone behind the I will actually shout here and let's go out onto doc heel O'Neill actually we are safe strange strange could be that they spawned on the other seed yeah that is actually quite possible because I've never done the horde night in this together some of these mods might not really be playing very well together but funny if funny if that were the way anyway let's get back in the van I do intend to spend the night here reading a book and just enjoying this time with you and me in a van I wonder what happens if you take a sledgehammer to one of the walls on this thing because it is sort of like a map that's been spawned I think that these things are working like the basements or at least what I was reading about kind of cool the way that they said their basements are actually like randomized or proc gen or whatever it's going to be take what I'm saying with a grain of salt I don't really know what I'm talking about I think it'd be cool if they could do procedural gen on the whole zomboid map but also to like having it be preset is what gives it a lot of its character so that is quite neat all right am I tired yet I'm hungry yeah are you guys hearing that I'm definitely hearing like a lot of zombies that I think are on the outside of this thing I might just get swarmed by zombies if I run into like any other mobile home or something like that yeah there's definitely something going on there I think they might have spawned for the uh on the other spot okay so our mods like kind of came into conflict anyway I wanted to keep horde night in there as sort of like a persistent threat it's not really my main focus but I just wanted something that would keep me like not super complacent so I am okay with that but like maybe I should just make it a rule that like on midnight at horde night or whatever it is like eight o'clock on I have to be outside or something because that is a little bit unfair 6 10 a.m okay I think it's safe to get out of here now or watch I'm just gonna be swarmed when I get out nope I wasn't swarmed okay so I mean if you don't the way that it works is basically like it I guess it spawns another map or something like that when you get it into this thing into the RV interior because otherwise like how else would they create it it's technically not on this map which is why I think it wasn't working for Camden because Camden is totally separate from the like Louisville Knox County map just something to keep in mind uh again like you know I'm doing a bunch of Mods together that I've never been that are all pretty new and like haven't been done together before I'm pretty sure spooky pasta thank you very much for the prime have I ever met a sexy zombie what like the ones in seven days the way that the pz zombies are randomized let's tell one it would be kind of interesting if some of them had a bit more character but but actually you know I take that back I I think the stories have interesting character I just wish stories were a little bit more frequent at times like you know the ones where you can find guys who are camping or like people who are having a party or like people were watching a football game like some of those actually you know come to think of it there is like a little bit of sort of you know and I'm being a little bit like take this with a with a grain of salt it's not really procedural generation but it's some kind of randomization like the way that sometimes houses will spawn and barricaded and stuff like that so there is a good amount of that I think that we're safe I don't think that we got bit all right I don't think that we got well we definitely didn't get bit but I don't think that we're infected I mean knock on wood but yeah like my character is not paranoid he is panicked but that's because he's fighting zombies and generally speaking it's not that it's usually anxiety that you get when you're infected so we good we good I'm unofficially declaring it and uh and if I am then then that's the end of it okay good maintenance is rising too I'm pretty sure that maintenance reply applies to um Firearms as well don't quote me on that but maybe another good reason to wait before we really extensively use any like especially any very sensitive firearm like shotguns are kind of throw away so they're fine I mean shotguns are great don't get me wrong like fantastic weapons in this game but that's where we're at okay we don't have too too much ammo left that's really not it's just more of a like a dinner bell at this point when I open the map I appear off in the corner outside normal boundaries oh I actually you know I didn't think to open up the map when we get back inside of the trailer but I'll give that a shot I just thought it was a really interesting mod like that was one of the few things that got me back in I saw like multi-floor trailers that somebody had made like there's this one armored vehicle that they had they did a separate mod for it and it's just really neat as a concept because pz's engine is like pretty sure it's custom made I can't remember all the exact specifics about it um but like remarkable that there are so many mods for it I don't really know I guess what I'm just trying to say is like this game started development I believe it was right before around the time that like stuff like Unity was very extensively used I mean you know again I'm an idiot it's one of the reasons it seems to run so well though I suppose kind of like you know the factorio devs like they made their own engine didn't they again talking about stuff I know nothing about uh again probably the majority of this stuff that I've said about like game development has some truth to it but I'm not gonna try to be perfectly right about all the exact specifics so you know do your own research okay here we go all right it looks like that they did Bunch up now one thing that I do know about the code of pz and close your ears if you want to like buy into the game a little bit more because I'm actually kind of dropping myself here this is not good um okay I gotta find a way out hang on a second um I don't like this at all I could get up on the roof and then actually I think I will do that well let's wait until they're banging on the door here okay I've kind of gotten myself into a bad situation this is why I like custom maps is because I can't always predict where the dead ends are and like it just leads me into situations that I might get cornered and they're a little bit more interesting so did we already read all that we read 96 out of the 220 pages thop uh 0488 thank you very much for the sub um [Music] Victoria just had a very intimate knowledge oh okay so what I do know about yeah so again you can do your own research but the one that I do know about Zomboy is this in Zomboy the way that okay here we go the way that zombies uh hey hombre thank you very much for the five Subs oh I appreciate that thank you thank you hang on a second I am in a very uh dangerous situation the smart thing to do is jump out the window so I'm just going to do that it used to be like disastrous to jump from the second floor in Zomboy but now it's not so bad okay but I am going to it's a good thing I didn't open that door oh Jesus wait a second I should have unloaded my backpack I should have unloaded my backpack that wasn't smart um I did take some damage there I didn't really think since I wasn't over encumbered I did a lot of jumping out of windows to try to test this out like I had hundreds of characters die when jumping from Windows in Zomboy a while back but I can't remember any of the results from my experiment okay so what I do know is that every zombie in the game has like a group leader right that's how they spawn and then they have one zombie that is like like they all follow them and they're all attracted to them so if you accidentally aggro that one zombie like the whole group will come toward you so it is a little bit annoying in the code or like I find it's not perfectly zombie because they're all like well you know I would like it if the zombies all like didn't use the a star pathfinding algorithm or whatever they use I would like it if they just came directly toward you but I can't have all my dreams come true um I wonder if they'll ever Implement that in this game actually I think that would be really neat like you know the way that zombies will just kind of trip over things in games like Dead Rising or cdda um I haven't seen that in zombroid and I don't know if they ever have plans to implement it but that's part of what kind of creates the buy-in for me in these games is like just thinking you're going against this mindless horde of mutants I do I have fond memories of jumping out of Windows and falling hundreds of plummeting hundreds of feet to my fictional death Time After Time some of the links I went to I made some tip videos a while back and then I was just like I'm not really into making tip videos but uh what was I gonna say they were um like I had to do some bizarre stuff because I was going after like the weird stuff in the game hmm okay we're actually pretty good here I do want to do one final test so I think I am going to sleep again just to make sure that my guy is okay I'm wondering if the other map D spawns when we do this oh there we go we got a little bit more carpentry and let's go double check our map too okay so when I open up the map it it looks like I'm basically in Bedford Falls oh no I'm in I'm out in the middle of the water actually I am still on the map but I'm in the middle of the ocean so I guess that's where these Interiors are located they're like uh honestly that is kind of funny I I have no idea how this works maybe we could have like a big shotgun ending although I told you that it like we weren't going to do it that way we could get into the town you know tear down a wall inside of our Caravan for science if I had a sledgehammer I would that would be we could probably do that at the end that would be quite funny all right we'll we'll do like a big horde fight let's do that that sounds nice who's who said that idea who said that I did drive the van into the river also quite a good idea good ways nor of the earrings horde of things man you guys are very punny I'm thinking it would be nice if we were actually able to get into this town so you know we don't really have too much ammunition left in our shotgun but it seems as though we weren't like infected or we weren't zombified from that first person it looks like the snow is kind of clearing out and I think it would be a great ending well we did get the firefighter do it for the firemen I I think it would be good if we at least got all of these ones out of this urban area um so how many more shots do we have left in this thing we have three left do we have any more shells we do have two more shells left after that so let's add those in and good so now we've got a total of what five so I'll do one I kind of want to lead them out gradually two three four and I believe we have one left and hopefully this will get them all out of town like very far away and we can get that other firefighter too nope I'm actually out of ammunitions never mind um do as I say not as I do and put my baseball back back on my bat I think we're gonna do a little bit more shouting out here hemming and hawing as they say and well they probably no one says that anymore but um except of course uh me so quoting myself titled um I mean this looks like a very neat place to explore rabbit Ash I'm liking it so far for some reason we're okay here we go we have some car parts I don't know why I keep throwing myself in the dead ends to probably die there's just something so oddly tantalizing about it like dancing with death dancing with death that's it uh okay this shotgun was quite good I really liked this weapon but on the other hand too I I did almost die because I trusted it a bit too much I'm thinking probably the next mission that we'll want to do maybe now that we've kind of gotten ourselves like set up we have Shaquille O'Neal we have this area cleared out a little bit more I would like to explore this town and maybe we can actually get some of that ammunition out of the Rabbit Hash General store but I feel like kind of a big job and I would like to save it a little bit for next time I want to check out a couple more of these buildings though before we get kind of to like the spiritual ending here because I feel like that while this area is still vacated of zombies it would be really great if we found like a all this candy and jelly beans geez this is going to be great for gaining weight um it would be nice if we could find like actual tools or a sledgehammer we've got some licorice this is reminding me of sweet uh Sweden again practically everything is reminding me of Sweden oh a croissant that reminds me of when I went to France when I was in Sweden I didn't do that I'm lying I never did that uh this is must be some sort of Eating House okay here we go now the good stuff okay actually this might uh this may very well be good stuff okay we found a military surplus store um nice do they have sledgehammers because obviously as you probably already know the military is exclusively switched its um primary fighting fighting uh stick to the sledgehammer and all soldiers are required to use exclusively Sledge hammers we're going back to Viking times I stand corrected there are in fact no sledgehammers in here well that is quite sad um oh wait a minute no maybe not all hope is lost hand ax regularly uh enough stuff to start a massive farm and we could fatten ourselves up through cabbage and potatoes I actually found that I believe it had been an old rumor like an old wives tale that um yes a food Hut if you will an old wives tale that oh another flag sounds so like strained and Confused yeah I want more flags for inside of my creepy van it is it's my creepy van it's mine and I love it and look we could also get like a whatever this is like some sort of mammal head yeah there we are like an elk or a moose or something like that hang in a moment this is time to use Mike knife oh wait uh man you would have turned around right there suffer there we are geez Louise um let's have whatever this is I'm not even sure that this is food here we go a granola bar there we go chocolate they did have good chocolate in Sweden it's kind of interesting they have like I think they had this food called is it a lion it was kind of like a KitKat bar it was good we don't have those in the US I like your candy send some over sends him over I was too full to have a gummy bear okay I mean we kind of got this town cleared out a bit I guess we'll keep having to go through and a little bit I was worried that the redistribution was happening too fast that like this area that we kind of cleared was still kept getting overrun but now I'm just kind of finding myself making like frequent trips to and from the car so I don't know I guess we could like organ oh people are still falling from there but for the most part I mean this does appear to be pretty cleared connect to Second Caravan to our road train and turn into a greenhouse I may actually bring our creepy van away from Shaquille O'Neal like I might Park another thing over there because I don't really see why I would need it I am soaking I'm literally soaking with sweat too um one thing we might want to do is to get like a set of looting clothes like sneakers you do run faster in sneakers I don't always take the military boots because in general like you're better off with the things that you're gonna get scratched in because before you know it you're gonna forget but it wouldn't be bad to get some like athletic attire or something like that it's neat that you can have different like wardrobes in this game did I say like a lot there we go I feel like I'm saying like a lot yeah there I go again set it twice uh eat because I'm not full anymore okay now I'm going to put up my mounted deer trophy my administrative flag how official loved me wow business I might even have to destroy my bed oh I don't even know what to do I'm just so overwhelmed by the number of options that I have in front of me I guess we could put it behind the fridge all right that's that's where it's going um I simply don't have room for a moose head in my house anymore okay I guess I'm just going to put it with the other ones in the drawer in the oven uh actually you know what that would give everybody kind of a scare if they open the oven I'm sure that I'll accidentally burn that though at some point who even knows what happens when you have a fire and an internal RV surprise that he actually had the the gumption to put that in there because like asking someone to make that mistake at some point in the future but we actually got a decent amount of loot for ourselves I'll probably do a little bit of organizing of this stuff because it seems as though I mean this is where we should be at the end of like the first video of a zamboid series like thoroughly a mess but I do feel safe I do feel safe so I think I'm gonna sit on the ground now I've got my books I've got uh I've got the shack I don't know I feel like I'm good guys I feel like I'm like I'm ready for uh like I'm ready for Sweden like I'm ready for Sweden anyway um this is this has been interesting the RV interior mod again please do check out the uh the mods I know I didn't have them in this twitch stream they're at the beginning of the twitch stream so um yeah they'll be on Twitch for that but also too on the YouTube description when this does go up as a VOD um stay tuned because we are going to send somebody else to raid but uh yeah I think uh good to be back in Zomboy we'll probably do a little bit of this I just want to see what it's like living in a van and I think it would be a fun uh I think it'd be a fun chill kind of relaxed series to do uh but also too like not some big video and I wanted to try I might do a video on it but we'll see yes Sweden which is of course located in France
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 1,667,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid game, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid guide, project zomboid episode 1, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian vods, ambiguousamphibian vods project zomboid, project zomboid rv interior, project zomboid van, project zomboid rabbit hash
Id: zu1Ias38dqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 152min 1sec (9121 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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