Multiplayer Is Here! - Stardew Valley

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hello everyone multiplayer is here today just came out today so I gathered some of my sponsors and Kira who's also sponsor anyway and we're gonna start playing multiplayer right now this is what the title screen looks like co-op everyone else can say hi if they want to they're all in the voice chat we'll see how shy they are put them on the spot there you go announcements ago no quick hello everyone in chat hello hello hello name I guess you guys are all gonna have to start in your file anyway but we're gonna work a way in from here anyway so this is gonna be the I don't know sponsor farm Oh a slave farm hold on same thing slave farm cuz you're all my slaves we're gonna skip the intro the kappa layout is gonna be ugly we'll give it three we're gonna put all of the cabins nearby you can actually choose whether they're nearby or not profit margin have you guys played with that you want to do normal did you want to change it I think hmmm normal was okay before cuz we kept stealing each other's money like it was a race to buy the bigger backpack and a race to buy this so we're gonna need lots of money and I'm making the executive decision we're having a dog not a cat because dogs are better when you're like a red shirt oh yeah they're there that works okay umm characters made the cabins should be up and then all about you guys all in does it auto-update uh it doesn't auto update you got to opt into the beta if you guys want a video on how to do that chippy gaming did a really good video or not just today that's the easiest way to do it real quick I gotta turn the music down in here okay music off cuz I have my own sounds too about their tool hit location on okay so when you start a new farm or you can add players into an existing farm they get their own cabins like this that's what they look like and I'll invite them in because they're currently sitting there doing nothing so invite friend Kate invite invite invite invite so sent to you guys so you should be able to accept that and then jump into game fantastic it'd be easier yeah I like they made it really really easy to join each other's games Deakin the turtle hello welcome apologize apologies you guys if I talk over you in the chat so sorry I've you normally when I see donations and like the sponsors over there and aside I like to like say hi to them right away I'm not used to having other people in play with me so I apologize in advance you're talking over you a whole bunch oh by the way before the players join the game you can go into their house and steal their stuff so yeah if you're the host of the game you have an advantage because you go in and take all this stuff which can be sold or just added to your house Stan Taylor $5 multiplayer whoa get some friends absolutely right Thank You Stan Taylor I found some friends we got one I stole some ones I stole someone's furniture so when you start you all get there you all get like a basic cab and you all get the 15 parsnips everything's basically like the same for everyone ah there we go there's a show who it is like it doesn't really give you a heads up display there you're kind of guessing who's who cuz that's a Praxian yeah yeah okay I'm gonna call you Abe cuz that's easier Abe and then purple hair would be mama Joe am i right excellent marucho and a while probably short-nosed even more as we move on uh okay sorry mr. donation trivia sure Eze sorry it's not much TF thank you for taking my mind off things right now my husband just died so need a break from your life Wow I'm very sorry to hear that trivia sure as hopefully this can help you in some way but that's that's terrible I'm really sorry to hear that I'll do my best to try and cheer you up a bit pressures on for you guys be really entertaining right now unnamed Kira joined Kira made it in the game a new girl yeah she 279 hey TF maybe I could play with you next time yeah potentially there's a lot of sponsors I'm just trying to figure out the logistics of it all I posted the sponsor thing in the discord so it was like I basically picked the first dude to respond this time but I'll set up the bot next time to be like okay anyone who wants to play enter in the bottle randomly pick or something but thank you in your girl Jasha Jae Millz a new sponsor my newest favorite is person ever welcome to the sponsor Club you get the green text Imam said icon my undying love my hand in marriage comes it's a divorce row in discord if you want it and the strawberry whatever else I forgot this is still beta so it is a little bit buggy you'll see odd things here and there you can creep on each other so multiplayer is for and you can marry each other and divorce each other all the same stuff fun fact so it's gonna be a race for a marriage in divorce as well wait wait my wateriness I don't need to water stuff anymore I got people for that I gotta check the luck for the day they're gonna go pay a garbage chance everyone's getting along already okay do you have red hair okay and money is shared so anything like we as a team have $500 I didn't say that I I kept my opinion reserved he is a redhead yeah well give me a flower right now cuz I like her better than ever when I'm playing with Lee is my favorite stay away from Leah field snack can you show the menu for relationships yes I can't in Korin Wilson so it shows you who's in the game it says they're single so mama Jo a barracks Kyra and Leah who's the only person I've given a gift to and you can give items to other players are the mods dead no actually they're not some of the mod still work so the good mods anyway those are always my favorite yeah I always have to just things people in the chat house the volume for everyone can you hear everyone okay can hear the music and hear the sound effects I can balance things out a bit if I have to let me know Stan Taylor two pounds DF just leaves them to farm while she runs off I was very clarinha Cyn the beginning as soon as multiplayer was announced I did not misrepresent myself in any way shape or form the multiplayer is work uh not for me it's not I'm not I'm not sure what you mean I can just live my life now I just run around rummaging in the garbage cans and giving gifts to people it's that easy and I'll just run around perfect they said everyone else is quiet I'm gonna turn you guys up just a little bit over in discord I just want to make you blaringly loud okay you're going up to you there and you're going up to there and Kira's just a touch because she's already very loud that might be better maybe a bit louder okay I'll turn him up a little bit more just a little bit more I realized that yeah the way my audio is set up right now is they're coming to do the same thing as stardew valley so I'll turn them up and start a valley down and the overall volume up a bit I think it's gonna be the best way to do this I could do contact IC later about getting my audio straightened back out getnet we go like this we're going to turn my volumes down okay we'll try this I'm lacking but I'm in the forest I've got what I've got 24 wide what do we need wood for just uh the infamous chest I think it's 50 would fit in place awesome is it outside my door or hello seelix $2.00 thank you is this a console yes sorry if you already said that sorry no I didn't it's PC only right now steam in particular looks like it's running smoothly it's very smooth so far this is still the beta so there are some bugs but it's it's basically everything it needs to be it's out now it is out now just today can you explain multiplayer basically DF is gonna wander around and we're gonna do all the work on the farm you know that about sums it up they're already doing a great job I've done nothing productive today I can't use anyway some good friends my friends are part alright see that the cat did all these seats did you even plant yours oh yeah I put them down I started watering them and then I was like well why am i water what don't I need here I don't need that anymore you can give thanks to people here make sure goods kingpin 279 hi DF very stream sorry could you repeat that thank you king bed generous is always yeah we'll get a chop I can shout but for the rest of the day because we can fix up the bridge to the ocean what is it 300 or 350 but I always forget I think it's 300 working you guys are my favorite to watch on YouTube / listen to thank you cause you know you can exhaust yourself actually if you go to bed right now you can lie in your bed and you actually slowly regain energy you can actually sleep in any house I have a dresser you can even have a slumber party you can fit all four people in one bed if you're into that you can also make signs now this did you exhaust yourself no it's like I think it tried to give my spring onion image oh and then it's not show enough but now I can't ruin I'm stuck Oh No you froze Oh Oh I accept bug number when encountered I I was inside I think when you tried to give it to me weird that's all right moving on by the end of the day it'll eventually we'll run out of time and you'll just pass out if you're not really if you're bugged oh no there we go we're okay cuz then take a sleepover night everyone has to be in bed at the same time yep but that's already a three extra this is a game changer thank you it certainly is I've got people to do the work for me now I should seriously does like go do something else for half an hour and come back from here yeah I'll just stay in my bed sleeping all the time you guys you know that'd be so much easier I'm out of energy has anything else productive to do on his first day not really if you guys that have energy yeah we can go to bed already you put a sign in front door I like the signs are kind of fun Duty multiplayer real dealing multiplayer mod support some of the mods are already working for multiplayer alright I say we call it a night and then we'll start fresh again tomorrow really Oh chest is like stuck open right now I see you can go to bed and then tomorrow things should be right as rain again how many people on one server right now there's a maximum of four so the hosting and three others you can add players to an existing foul like I could have added them to my mom's file or whatever file they could have found a dinosaur egg for me it says waiting for their players 404 so this might about she just crashed on us oh no it was me Oh uh-huh what was me you know it's his three or four are you in bed no yeah oh I get out of bed and now everybody's in bed live ear it out two pounds hey love the content thank you at Livi read oh thank you we might have to restart the day I think it bugged oh okay if not we'll just wait for the end of the day I'd is if we just pass out what is chocolate or something till the end of the day can you play split screen you can play you can play LAN local area on computer it's getting late yeah it's not gonna let us go to bed right now we'll wait what does pass out that should do it at the end of the day and if oh wait did we do it is there a slumber party going on I wasn't even invited that's okay it's you're saving room that way you only need one house really the other could be used for sheds so the money for the day obviously we sold a TV some of the stuff in the houses so we made 2200 gold first crashbug well didn't technically crash it just kind of slowed down and like stopped it's that's good dope do you guys like my second window and and extra furniture here we go we're gonna plant that there you guys got the one doing under control he'll be back later where's your star new husband Denver um he's not off work yet I don't think he messaged me this morning I'll take that old guy on here at some point actually she should be turning up any time now I think if he shows up in a chat or something oh yeah be careful if you leave your tools I think if someone else can pick it up then you're at their mercy for them giving it back and if someone gives me tools I'm gonna take them and hide them somewhere hilarious I need an eel if it's not too convenient inconvenient Leah needs an eel I'm not getting her Neal I'm gonna go get the fishing rod is this update PC only this is PC on me how do you get multiplayer you got to opt into the beta chippy gaming did a really good video on how to exactly to do it step by step or units go to start you Valley their website and it will walk you through it they're a three extra two dollars now you have so many more people the divorce i redecorated your home my home I can't wait hey look at all the willies there is some in the water that's where he's multiplying and I didn't get a yeah they say just two clones in the water and willies I'm the dock nothing at my fishing rod max number of players is four all right I'm coming back for now cuz I can't get my fishing rod right now this is not a mod this is the real 1.3 update the real thing Austin Garcia $5.00 impossible at the FCAT make friends due to his urge to divorce no I make friends and then I divorced them gives you updates busted Thank You Fanta for your copy-paste I have to look over at the screen every two minutes because my name is glowing we're playing what is data through Steam because one of us is all the way across the ocean and the other three are all in the US I'm in Canada obviously the other two are in the US for me no I don't want that I'll carry this one a lemony yes Garcia what dollar thank you fine we don't have to get married then that's fine and this is what happens when you leave them in charge of the money hopefully it was well spent what we buy [Music] Oh we'll see - good don't need to look at the letter first I'm not sure if you do the Vedas on Steam right now yeah I couldn't remember I never checked the mail do events happen - multiplayer yeah it's all the same stuff well there's also new events too because they added their single-player content Kay there's Willie's thing let's go find Willie tiempo yep I've been a longtime lurkers I figured it was time to donate Thank You TIA rebel thank you a very generous way to start your non lurking career potato wonder what happens if I give you guys a gift and you accept does it change in like the social menu steal their tools I want to soon as I can I'm going to hide your tools somewhere fishing through your head panic tank high and by high invite panic mods do work there is actually a list and the starti wiki that will tell you which ones currently work but you have to update your snappy yeah there's like a beta snappy to get right now but the muds some of the mods are still working that taco freaks me out a bit that's why it's there every time the cheese goes up on this flip it reminds me of a like a reverse moustache ever very smash - I miss colony sir survival colony saw the lure things being cross crossing universe - funny because you guys are standing in the water yeah the thing goes all the way across the screen oh do we fix the bridge I forgot about that that was my project that I've abandoned already brought me all the way to the docks yes don't be rude I will ban you from the chat Oh is Eddie in yes windmills windmills windmills the lonely windmill Jenna one dollar Thank You Jenna the bridge is fixed oh we gotta leave and come back for it to spawn in it won't it looks broken for us still Thank You Jenna one blue dollar yep yeah shows you over there but the bridge is still out for me I could fish right here it's a window thing look at Elliot Elliot what's trash Marilee LA it's trash just I didn't see a terrible feeling good ever gets a terrible feeling from this stuff concerned a peasant said window will be out on console yet yeah I don't think we know yet I think it's coming to the switch freshmen and other consoles after that I don't know the time frame on that knew that what's inside the new cabins well let's go take a look no no can you play Perry can co-op that's a good question actually I don't know cause I know so far is multiplayer is out so what do you guys all do in you're watching this go play it so this is what happen normally there's more stuff than a candle but we kind of there's I'm not sure whose house this is and okay well there you go and then this house they don't get windows windows it for me I like like they need less light are you Canadian I am oh wait where's my windows well I got two windows carrots profits I need Windows for light I'm like a plant I thought later won't live I was making money which is we're currently yeah did we need any fishes there was an eel we needed but they're hard to catch right now I think during evening fish oh my god Ryan Catherine at night I got a few fish I'm just gonna sell I should have sold to Willy but I wasn't really paying attention fishing skills horrible fishing skills yeah I'm gonna go down and do a little bit of fishing myself that's why I need my mods that you wouldn't let me have oh my God my TV is gone we only need one TV that's true there are 750 apiece actually yeah actually we realized that the other day you could just continually kick people out of the game and bring them back in and just keep selling their stuff you can basically make unlimited money that way well as much time as the oven today just keep selling their stuff because if I go and like demolish someone's cabin they kick something the game poor goat goat had an incident with the chicken statue she had to go yeah if anyone's looking for other people to play with you could try my desk or there's other people currently we're looking for games in there so yeah jump in there these other people in there watch over him but the rest of them are all pretty good we made a whole section for star D Valley looking for players start Valley News high stats all of it you have to opt-in to the beta to get multiplayer access yeah all you got to do is opt-in to the beta and it is updates it's real quick and easy again if you guys haven't done that you can check this star D Valley website walks you through that really easy and chippy gaming did a video on it it's everything you need to know easy to find there is multiplayer there is this is multiplayer what are the signs in front of the houses the signs are a new thing you can make out of wood in stone and you can just imprint them with items they choose to label things and just add something to the game and to blog people's paths and stuff that's mostly what it's turned into for us like a Willie's here fishing - oh he's into water for you yeah he's like glitched out like his head is like poking out so I put the pivot no maybes a sea monster he's not what I can yeah well he seems to me clutched out a bunch of a bunch of are these screenshots with them well he's having trouble holding it together in this update rough day everyone wanting his rod busy day for Willie we had almost 1500 watching yes getting up there we need another thousand likes that's true let's get a thousand likes right now for multiplayer not even for me or for the slaves are playing with they earned it I wish I could name you guys wonder if I could still nope slave one slave to save three huh see they're accepting it I can even see what kind of fish you guys catch yep I saw the back singing that's okay Shane sucks anyway although I marry him in like really ever file he'd use the house earliest that's always the best I like Pete's 85 with fifty dollars I wish I could watch tonight but I can't sorry I have to work well watch when I get home at 6 a.m. understood thank you for your generous donation I like pizza generous is always do we get some love for him in the chat for the big 50 thank you that's awesome there'll be lots more streams and content coming up obviously cuz they add a new content there's new heart events and all sorts of stuff to play with there's even a crop you can grow indoors there's an indoor farming plot now I found a new crow bus cutscene all sorts of cool stuff people are still trying to find all the new stuff like there's a lot there after this fish I'm going home yeah already I already headed back home I was making you guys look bad so I felt bad what are you talking about I caught it yeah I've caught like 40 fish I have six when we were playing before I walked out onto the ocean and I was catching a fish way out there that's always catching all the gold quality Pam's going home from the bar Pam oh and yeah in this version that game you can build Pam a house don't be a jerk we'll get along fine Louis razz donated dollar 77 love the vids mate thank you thank you for your donation Luis Reyes I'm gonna cut down a tree or two while we're waiting just for productivity sake I can't mod when you're playing oh yes I can that's true it's not that hard to click over I do it all the time here look for those of you that think you can't do anything over there that fast that language oh it's almost 2 a.m. already wow that's not good time fast Ernest the bed bad mod no soup for you oh don't feel bad my house town mothers tear it down she can't be contained no purple boat yet that's spoiler alert I winter thing I I did explore that already inception fishing fortune doubled up hope you can get your backpacks today oh yeah cuz he made 80 100 gold mostly in the furniture we stole from each other I kept my furniture but everyone sold it but that's alright it's easy money now it's a race cuz one person can buy the biggest backpack crow crow yeah we can't do anything about those until you love one farming anyway that's okay hope they change the energy for multiplayer energies all still the same but you can actually like if you lie in your bed or one of the beds you'll regain energy slowly go to sleep side and crash like my game is so heavily modded that if I fall pass out before I get to bed my game crashes [Laughter] three carp I accept it's Wednesday it's close oh yeah I'll help you get carp more fish more money so many people watching your stream yeah lots of people are excited for multiplayer I honestly didn't expect you to be out too soon I knew it was gonna be this week but I thought they were gonna announce something today and then have a few more days but yeah it surprised me by being today I'm on discord but not getting a role if you just joined it takes five minutes to do stuff or something yes rules follow those things there we go uh the blueberry two pounds yeah I break all sorts of stuff can you say banana longhouse to be random yes I can oh wait that go with disappeared already banana long I was I'm gonna name my dog that won't fit those young new decent forging and stuff you guys good luck with whatever it is you're doing I'm gonna do some fishing in the lake we need carp three of them he's fixing bugs as he hears about them yeah concerned neighbors really good for that he's really good for keeping up fixing bugs when he did the last update to he was actually like like going into people's files and fixing it if they're like game got corrupted and stuff you would actually work with that single person whoa well this is an odd bug what do you guys see the Sun stream I think you guys are crossing your lines oh that's really weird you're like standing over by Robins shop and fishing all the way in the lake is so bugged out oh my gosh will it be cross console I'm not sure I hope so top of me I didn't even see you there red hair mussed blended it's a good fishing spot Bobby's worms over there I wonder that's a dinosaur egg kick you all out of my game if that happens where is Jay Mac Jay Mex in the chat right now hi Jay Mac oh I haven't actually tried that yet upgrading to cabins in the gaming TNT F of 5 pounds how long until Kim seed is in UK I can't get it yet you know what I'm not sure oh we can't even get over there for the artifacts yet uh yeah I don't know actually Ian being timed out sends cool he and being bad sounds cool Jay man could be still there timing you know for a while he asked we've got to oblige him can't say no to a windmill I want to play with sexy Pam there's no helping you my friend I need to see someone my coffees almost gone this is trouble thank you what this job a big chub I get a silver chub CFC Eagle is the most adorable I've never doodled in my life life I'm looking forward to that now someone sees something funny in the chat to make her laugh oh boy look at this productive fishing your chest I've got one carp by the way I have one as well do we need one for something three three is this out in Canada yes I'm in Canada yes I'm pretty tired I'm pretty sure this is out everywhere I don't see why it wouldn't be you guys want to get it you just got opted into the beta if you don't know how to do that go to the star dia Valley site or chippy gaming did a really good video on YouTube about it I wish I'd thought of that video I would have done a prairie spud I was sleeping cuz I didn't expect this to come out today but here we are fishing away got three other people playing with you we're all just fishing this early I'm in the game it's it's hard to justify anything else really mining isn't started yet mining is really cool to you because you like share progress yep two more days yeah so far this is really cool really like a multiplayer which has your chest yeah here we go oh no oh no oh I forgot it oh my treasure Lee were on I lost it sponsor DF and you'll join the long list of those he'll he will marry and subsequently divorce correct I'm not sure the marriage like what it takes to Mayor Mary the other players in your game yet but we're gonna explore that option this is the real thing I'm not sure if there's a new item or not for like marrying friends there is a wedding ring that you have to build and you can get it from the wagon lady that maybe it might be easier to marry a friend since you don't have to like a new sponsor uh hold on let me read that Kaitlyn okay when sorry if I'm mispronouncing up my new history with his person ever you get the green text a mom said icon my undying love my hand in marriage roll with this could if you wanted sponsor these dream sponsoring giveaways a strawberry and you might even get to play this game with me Thank You Kaitlyn and there was a donation that I totally missed and it's a long one can I get a pulp stream lapse to read this hold on I was gonna freeze here for a sec you guys can enjoy the rain best dream ever you know it I'll walk a little more at least while we're at so that stream was that donation was Deroche five dollars didn't you know you could co-op didn't know you could have a co-op harem in the game LOL what mod is this any new content besides multiplayer what about the magic boat teaser pic yeah there is some new content beside multiplayer the magic mode is part of a new event yeah you can have a harem in any game you want to mention whoever actually gets the quest has to actually turn the quest in hmm so she got the carp quest so I had to give her at the carp to go get the quest done like I can't do it she had to do it what carp you gave me they don't count at all really you gotta catch them yourself you have to yeah throw them on the ground and then pick them up yeah the bessel works that might work I used to for Clint but he's a blacksmith so he's not hurt Dale whit nope there's a fair amount in new single-player content yeah I was actually exploring looking for it there is quite a bit of stuff I found a weird new cutscene with crocus and I haven't followed up on it yet but it was really funny the gaming tf2 pounds it's raining where I live no help me uh I can't it's raining here too you can have it no shortage of rain here [Music] ah there it is again the truth is out there another treasure chest try the trip chest trick pick them up one at a time I've tried it before who are the other people f TF slave 1 2 & 3 I've never seen Miller $2.00 hello you're my favorite thank you and nificent Miller thank you sponsors playing with sponsors they're gonna try a new sponsor streams in multiplayer and Kira who's the sponsoring mod and blah blah blah a little bit of everything everywhere a little bit of everything everywhere slave number 1 hi back how you doing where more likes please yeah many likes we have on a stream you don't have mine yet hold on once we have 1000 Ike's we will kick Kiera out of the stream no likes Charlie Williams the Xbox game don't need a $2.00 I've been watching your vids for a little bit now and realize I'm not subbed PSA yo Nintendo switcher PC I'm on PC they switch does not multiplayer just yet it will get it soon 90 hold gold it's getting late - you made it back to the fire okay late and I have energy can I be saved number three I think there's a line growing I don't know where we're at now I need to make like a list and discord of like slave numbers one to a thousand that's true Oh someone already removed my sign I see I'm number one is multiplayer finally here it is this is it the infamous multiplayer what tomorrow we can plan some more stuff I'm just gonna plant a billion seeds and you guys gonna have to water them sounds good I don't Ivan I've mostly just been screwing around no time haven't done anything productive really hi someone locked out I don't know that's weird perfect Cara i but i saw someone down there on the stream uh yeah that's weird wasn't me it's probably pam trying to keep people out of her swamp hey three extra two dollars remember the purple rhombus watches over you well whatever you say I don't know I don't know who that is but noted DF curiosity how does one become a magical mod how does make people a mod [Music] I just lost track of my thing cacao steamed hams oh it's we need some lights out here at night how do you get it torch it so dark at night if someone's stealing stuff are you guys right now anything enough to steal sold everything I think I got a plant make sure these plans that were 250 or something you're pretty good money what were you doing in my house I saw a redheaded person leaving my house I can't help but wonder gonna make roughly 400 YouTube accounts and like this.for he'll punch I think this video is probably getting lots of likes again no you guys check to make sure you still subscribed YouTube did a bit of a purge thing lately and a bunch of subs disappeared apparently I don't think I have an issue with it but if you guys wanna check feel free hey hey whatever its decorating I'm gonna bed I wanted a dirt floor thank you it's organic now I can grow crops inside my house I'm gonna lock the door and keep you out jumping June um okay you guys are gonna pass out I'm gonna wake up refreshed see the smart one really is do we need to start labeling you guys houses save remember it is which I actually don't know which one I woke up from when I started the game so I just picked one because of the uh Corinne you can switch back and forth between single-player and multiplayer like I could add multiplayer to one of my games or I could kick everyone out of this game and leave it on single player well we just passed out anyway yeah passed out to you know somebody wasn't a med fail in game yeah it was 2 a.m. for me the time is all screwy weird if you leave the game and come back you should be you fixed that's not really a big deal anyway well this if we all go to bed we just communicate anyway it won't be a big deal taking a long time overnight though isn't it oh no there it is slave farmers earn $15,000 so there's the money we earned for the day mostly in TVs cuz we just steal stuff on this file we don't actually be productive new sponsor was oh my newest favoritest person ever whiz oh you get the context Imam said icon my undying love my ended marriage or the disc or if you wanted sponsor nice you sponsored giveaways divorce a chance to play this fine game with me and other sponsors and whatever else you want parsnips tomorrow nice I do them I stole them you can have them I'm too good I don't need cookies anyway cookies were created don't jump in with sexy Pam a brat seein two pounds Ian still sucks Ian forever sucks thank you a brac seein who's actually one of the players in game you can see an associate many who you play with even shows that's my job we play the egg festival before one new player me oh yeah we didn't I want to see very festive that oh me too like I don't know if we have to compete with each other for the eggs or not if I look we just like teamed up we find like 40 eggs against that kids sake six I had to assume we compete because that just doesn't make sense to me are you everyone needs cookies I sold my cookies I've been selling mine I'm having too much energy with this I like sexy Pam's actually in the chat I'd love to have a day with the F sexy cam I'm gonna go after head and take a hard pass on that but thanks for your offer Justin I always wanted in life no one's a winner on that date can you save a multi-player yep this will be this will be a saved file you can add multiplayer onto your existing files you can take people off almost 2,000 viewers awesome clothes yeah it is actually 1965 currently everyone likes multiplayer everyone's been waiting for multiplayer in the new update for so long that it's what you expect yeah can't we get more likes can we get more how many we add I can't see like some my streams 902 not bad let's hit a thousand lakes at least that's important the bigger backpack is 10,000 I should buy right now to be mean music watering oh my gosh she just lit a large one no no did you not get a backpack that I buy too many we have the money now what do you call a flower easy Danielle plenty of money don't you worry about it so basically -1000 no no no it's no what happened no no I put some cauliflower did you guys spend literally all the money uh you guys better get busy busy hoeing wait I need some soup I don't know here's prana Kira here we go all right this is way easier I said I think Jun mo is for less intelligent here we go and they work in the rain this is great why is everyone saying goodbye to me I think we have a thousand likes it's really fun actually because they don't ever say that you can just you can just demolish their cabin and Danny they have to go and then they lose all the progress to you they lose all their skills they lose all their items actually once your cabin blows up it leaves all their stuff in the chest below their cabbage so you take their stuff buddy the money is Sheridan this music 12 days gonna be a while before we make our money back on these this was not a wise decision we're gonna still go for a while think about the farming experience we're gonna get where's the third person reading that energy there you go some people are posted new directions in the chat for how to like opt into this beta it's really really straightforward the way I'll add the last few I'll take one for the team Tracy yes 1234 don't kick Kira thank you for your $12 and 34 cents I thank you I appreciate that Tracy yes thank you for your support Cara's gotta stay because if I kick her then someone else is gonna have to pick up the work okay this don't forget the seeds I planted down below Thanks no I hope those spots you just you know no for the people out there with OCD issues just thinking to them alright I'm not fishing for a bit mine shows 1k likes yeah we got to be getting up there I got a fish in a river for once I never do this when his final release the betas for this are always really short so it should be days away before it's like the full release probably this week yeah they're really been really good about like the communities and really get about updating stuff so far so anything you need to know you probably can find it those last seeds those last he's a perfect replaced sorry you're out of sync yeah it's a guessing game then keeps it interesting did you take a nap with me that's extra energy should we just go ahead and do the meting feet wedding for you guys already wonder how that works if you have a wedding that day like you all attend the wedding then how many want to see that I'm curious I'm really curious there is a fishing line coming up never opens house all the way through the town yeah the fishing lines go crazy in this one's a red mushroom on a chain wake up from a nap and d/f streaming divorce simulator [Laughter] love that game you can take a nap yeah so in this if you go lie in your bed as long as everyone else doesn't go to bed yeah you regain energy you know you feedback is essential haha yeah I know they're really good about that with this game discordant good description yep and he was looking for other people to play with you can join my discord there's other people in there looking to play there's also a stardew valley discord to you I'm sure there's tons of people in there that want to play there's no shortage of people out there that want to play this right now but instead we've got well over 2,000 people watching me play instead 7:00 a.m. Coffee DF and three potential divorcees what else could be more exciting what if my hair is red well whatever I'm the cute one I need this I need this yeah I got a charger cast fishing so hard this early on it is hate fishing Cole let's rig it upgrade your fishing skill got a power through it there's nothing else to be upgrading right now like you could chop trees for foraging you can't go mining yet they're the mines is always fun is this update live is this is this is beta update right now but you can opt in it's really easy to do so well I was reading chat it's so hard like I can't read chat and fish with this because my fishing bar is too tight behind a bush fishing action goin over here all the likes all the likes in the world Wow seven o'clock already time is flying by this is so cute I just want to throw up all over his computer I don't know how to take that but thank you yeah anything like anything big like in the world is like we all do it together but individual things like skills and stuff are very individual is it like you ever like because like what it's like some people try and do the judge a thing and someone else yeah it'd be like first-come first-serve it'll be like the backpacks whoever does the first and it's so much yeah this way I don't have to do anything then we're still making money the wiki has the list but you have to update your SMAP e to the beta and update those mods to the betas everywhere or they should not be yeah parenting that's a bug if they just went everywhere are you know I'm just going this way yep I'm headed to the mountains yep I'm headed back home to the mountain dwarf dwarf fun yeah the single-player content is really good it's Sebastian oh you get to meet all the people I forgot 10:00 p.m. according to my time so we start heading back to the farm pretty soon how does sleep work you lie down and it happens I see basically if you want to sleep overnight everyone has to be in bed at the same time and if you go into your bed during the day you can actually regain energy that way like a hot spring now look at our crop we're gonna be so rich can we do spend that on garbage [Laughter] was that sound someone planting something the pink truffle sound no what's my chair squeaking I moved okay I'm in bed Deacon the turtle $10 do you have to make a new farm to play with different people or do you kick one person and add another I love your content Thank You Deacon the turtle know you can you can add cabins into an existing file so I could add players into any one of my files I could kick people out bring other people in etc etc [Music] Trisha monster no we're watching DF on his channel I don't know what that was in response to wait I was fishing still parted my fishing we're playing to go into sleep game and two people are not getting it I'm sorry I'm not like you I'd like to use my days efficiently sleep through mommy talking about I'm totally efficient I met you regaining and as you really nicely right now 12:30 a.m. as your time still out of sync apraxia Abe okay well that worked out ah there we go Oh someone's self-promoting I got you I think I got them in a mail then I dropped them on the ground then Kira sold them I believe was the yep Tracy yes ten dollars unfortunate I gotta go enjoy the multiplayer beta guys thank you for the fun stream thank you for stopping by thank you for your donations Tracy yes how's it like today are we go mining today too we get good luck today - this can be really good I got to do with the dog cutscene yeah the domain the host always has to do with his stupid cutscenes save any gold ones that you might get that's a bond I think they tried to name my dog bong I might have read that right I passed to it Bilbo I'm gonna name a prom yo that's a hard one you on arrow 5 euros is there any information about this update come in a switch I don't have any information about that right now shouldn't be too far away I don't think but I don't want to speak for concerned ape with the Chuckle fish team because I really don't know oh nice I was wondering I thought it did but I like glanced at it is what passed I get money in the mail and fire snip you've been opening the bin right now oh well moving on all right good job with the water by the way good job scarecrows tomorrow da-fu GMOs look so lifelike now I know they're great my favorite GMOs ever this is gonna be in this switch yeah believe is coming to switch verse after PC please keep language clean and chat peeps yeah for any 12 year olds out there keep it clean as much as we all love a 12 year olds opinion we don't yeah it's good luck day so my name's gonna be real good for us what is the update code the update code is jumping June ammos I received a stone ok it was a geode but told me I received a stone do you have to be friends to play together yeah pretty sure I've already played with many of the options but you we do it through Steam so like Steam friends that is invite them to the game really easy to do which yard Jordan macro vaq $5 so excited to play multiplayer love you guys PS red hair is the best hair well I'm still better than Cara but thank you good donation thank you you can accept IP connections you can change your server to from friends only to invite only enable new character creation blah blah blah I'm gonna plant these tomorrow because I can make fertilizers there tomorrow yes so yeah they're in the bin but I'm gonna wait rusty spur to the Museum and it tells you in the bottom-left like what's going on like who's donating and who's getting caught in the garbage and everything I also made jazz cry today dear friends have to own a game to play definitely it is quite hard to play a game you do not over people still ask me about that model the time you still play now I think no there's been no updates to that in a while and I'm kind of glad for that that was it yeah it's very odd mod it was entertaining but it was so very odd it was terrifying that's how good some crazy people out there everyone who plays dirty Valley is completely nuts only five more peeps five more four what what do we fight away from how long have you guys been streaming in our in five minutes that went by really fast why I might I'm at level five in the minds I'd be happy to have them D if you want to come all the way down here oh well perfect watch out for this I was gonna get here you should be able to hit level five and then follow the ladders down from there you'll just follow my progress j-mac you're the computer guys figure it out the IT guy Cara keep DF streaming for another three hours you got it good luck with that yeah that's connect away k you want the leak and the dandelion I get anyone dandelion furniture you can have the other one so where'd you get the Hat oh I never seen that that's got to be a new hat though isn't it it's like Ed normal take a brown hat as here is your backpack full oh there you go there you go gift that's my gift for the week if you find a red mushroom down there Pam needs one I think still I'm not quite sure if that quest is over we're feeding Pam no no she wants to make a necklace I don't trust her we don't help the Pam who are these peeps sponsors and Carrie haircare is also a mod and administrator and discord and stuff sponsors a brac scene and Mama Joe I don't know much about them they're just here they're good slaves we do what the races aren't for you guys the race is on for the affection of who who is it Shane or Sebastian oh no it was Shane thanks to the stream but no matter what wait wait what that say started Valley is only interesting for a 15 to 20 minutes at a time and you know that I'm right well then how did so many people rack up hundreds of hours playing it huh explained the facts behind that well for some people maybe but a lot of people do like playing for extended hours I do yeah when it came out it was 14-hour days on sleep wake up 14-hour days yeah that was generally like the whole like that's a lot of the reviews about it that I kiss it hasn't started playing it I couldn't for a week that's another more than 15 or 20 minutes crap I should probably go to bed oh here's somebody no no they left me Chanukah we did the farm cuz I'm out of energy I guess I could yeah I'm gonna lie down and get some energy back Matthew Smith $5 shooter friends are confused with starting time and to show them the light and the Pam yeah they're different markets aren't they Thank You Matthew Smith yeah I got grass in my house now excellent just what I wanted do I actually have to like sleep sleep no no I can just lay here like this not gain energy back 65 yin-er G comes back not too bad I wish it was a little faster but I guess we're kind of break the game if it was any faster clean your farm no I've got people for that Elizabeth via $2 DF I love you and your channel you're the best Thank You Elizabeth via thank you all right that's enough energy for the rest of the day yet something I don't know what that sound is doing it sounds like the pigs looking for truffles and as far as I know all my pigs are out doing productive stuff take your pick either way it's not very very good for you guys i I don't know what that taking Sunday's that's really weird what is hearing it what is all your names it's only when I'm in my house this is Akira and apraxia and mama Jo oh I know what the sound is it's when you walk on dirt oh that could be yeah and this also that's that when you're planting I think to know it know it's walking dirt you right no no it's panting it's a planting sound confirmed I got a few more seats for you there when one of us can are you out of energy green algae one of us could come down and finish it off if we have energy female characters get pregnant do you have kicks him out of multiplayer [Laughter] well there's a possibility I was curious about that it's funny mutual it's probably like a mutual lake hey you made it finally I can hear the bug flying around that's funny Eric Smith $10 love the channel and content keep up the great work I will thank you right now everyone else is doing other work but I'll keep doing what I'm doing I'm just chillin I'm just I'm just in bed right now I'm just reading the chat what you guys are doing to work did you just throw what that girl gave you no I didn't throw it away I put it in the pond so I could preserve it for later yeah this is the real the real multiplayer yeah more algae in the pond for a bigger fish is this live for everyone yeah absolutely this is the live real multiplayer you gotta opt into the beta right now if you want to play but it is the real who's in my house there's someone in my grass [Laughter] yeah yeah there's a bunch of grass and dirt on my floor I'm like having my indoor farm you said indoor farm yeah well you can actually you're gonna have indoor crops now you get a growing pot and didn't grow inside can someone actually never mind let's not about it you gotta go to bed 50 minutes pressures on children become food in the update maybe children can do something no I played do like a year on months since the update and the shows and solo do anything disappointed brook barb welcome hello skillets jo knocks hi 200 euros hi interesting message for such a big donation thank you very much for your giant donation that's one of the biggest I've ever gotten yeah we get some love for skill electronics in the chat that donations gonna be up there for a while hi everyone say hi to skinsky electronics I saw the big bright red I was like oh my 2,000 gold for the day donation hype yeah that's a big one Jesus Chris yes Jesus Chris good morning Clint oh we get the furnaces now if we're gonna start smelting can be spoken to his own horse I would think so yeah show some love for them in the chat big one real big and one of the good things Oh multiplayer is gonna be like at the beginning when you have so many things to like planting watering furnaces there's so many players it's gonna be easy to do it all wanna see some copper and some stones and we can make furnaces I think you should all have the furnace recipe by now to you what do you want a furnace oh oh yeah someone can place the furnace if they want you know what you don't want me placing stuff today the six what do we do today have I come across any bugs we had some minor bugs trick turkey pixie hello punk rock gamer I don't think I said hi to you yet some of the bugs it was just like the time was out of sync the game was kind of lagging for a sec overall really solid though and it's everyone else having issues not only so I used money for a furnace we have 11 more right oh that's a lot of water for you guys I feel bad but I don't I'm gonna do a the spring onions and go fishing we should go check the traveling merchant yesterday okay perfect I was just gonna say there's a coffee see there's something that might have been worth it but it was a rare scene yeah I'll pass on those unless it gets closer to fall creating some Germany hello Germany is the money would you players shared unfortunately servo fights over they'll run for the backpack right away wait how I have a furnace in my pocket I dropped it this morning in it and you sucked it in like a Hoover is it yeah I heard there was an issue with loading times but not for me mine are ok but never like is I'm the host coffee seed yeah coffee's always getting ready to the beginning of the game sit expend so damn fast when he sprinklers to you but we'll worry about that later [Music] what's this ladies yeah awesome I found it in the trash thank you just that I've always wanted lots of energy only one person get the backpack no no everyone can get it but you got to share money so the first like two thousand gold you make its first come first serve so someone's gonna run and grab it Skyler Marie welcome welcome to the stream hi sky is it one rare sea guaranteed for every merchant I don't think so just about though they're pretty common it seems like it's either a rare seed or a coffee seed oh nice I'm really good at finding odorous girls I think the only thing I can find I can hear them from here that's a bug it's a bug of a bug hello is soup family will you know make other people looking for the dino egg yeah probably next completionist dream is gonna be like three people looking for a dinosaur egg [Laughter] Curren white five dollars can't play right now with finals coming up so it's nice to watch you play to escape from developmental psych in economics thanks for being hilarious don't worry you can learn all sorts of belt that kind of stuff on my stream this is all about Abed developmental psych in economics then that bug sound is not pleasant I certainly do how can I find other people to play what they have no friends join my discord or the sturdy Valley discord there's lots of people in there that wanna play when they start Valley multiplayer released well we're playing it now to give you an edge I don't know I'm waiting for to play it never it's a joke is April Fool's joke gone bad now I gotta try to get this treasure chest there we go yeah that bug sound is driving me nuts is there a bug falling when you guys are digitus bug out for me bug sound bug yeah it's a bug sound bug we're gonna go like this for now I'm turning the game sound out for the day just so I can not listen to the bug for a while I don't know gonna catch fish though it's gonna be had to fish without sound you have to watch very closely instinct it does kind of shake but I always go by the sound it's like an audio cue like a bear like Pam yeah with their mitts a big paws skill rats Joe NYX Oh 300 euros totally not drunk dot exe all right well what whatever you are that's a very generous of you skill X skill exotics can we show some more love for them in the chat for the totaling 500 euro donation hopefully you're not so drunk you don't know what you're doing if you are you can be refunded your money of course but thank you thank you thank you I thought that was 2 euros and 3 euros man what those donations are gonna be up there for a while thank you very very much for your support I'm retiring goodbye Wow big donations that's definitely a record for the bug sounds god no it's not hold on now the bug sounds still there that's definitely a record for a single person in a single stream Oh we'll remember you till at least the end of the stream thank you like like like the stream the next day he checks his bank account yeah oh no it's like it's like when you're late at night and you're drunk and you order something off at the infomercial but it's so much worse cuz you don't even get anything you spent your money on nothing it's really really hard to fish without the sound because I like to look over the chat and I don't have that audio Willy you wanna spring onion you like this stuff huh spring onions you think he would he could mix out with fish for like the spring onion O'Neal nice on my screen you cast you'd like toward me you take a 90 degree cast trying to fish you up apparently I still can't make see her account here I keep glancing away and then I think my lures going there it is I think I got Neal to you ear and ran away I'll get to that donation just a sec I don't want to lose this fish that I work so hard to get hey I got Neal T kiss a poppin guys popping he's a popping $5 I'm excited to actually catch a stream this is the first one I've ever caught I'm normally a work and miss seized by less than a half an hour glad you could make it thank you for your donation and support well I just took out my monitor I'm scaring your fish away this is how you fish concerned ape is also checking the reddit starting forums for bug reports yeah I'm sure he's all over it he's really good about keeping up on bugs in reports and everything oh that confused me sorry mama Joe is knocked unconscious put the take down well that's okay there's still three of us to pick up the sack what if we all get charged for that though I guess we do Oh deals tools and stuff though did you have anything in your backpack no it's not that bad I thought it'd be worse considering its community funds I'll get some fish I got something in the chest I keep selling other forage opposed because I'm stupid already I can't even tell it's hard to tell when you're fishing on top of each other yeah I already must've had a bite yeah I can't no I say that to you I've got a hoeing and watering bug I can't do either and it's hard to that sound I don't know which one of us is getting a bike cuz we're standing on top of each other I see the exclamation mark but it could be you Oh hold on I got a treasure chest and a fish show you how it's done right here one fish and a rusty spur and his skeletal tale artifacts already nice EF dollars that's what we should call Canadian dollars for now on well no I start that petition smells like divorce there's bread in Lewis's garbage by the way they get fresh baguette steaming from what I just got more flames prime yes it liking out of the chest more gas it's a key to the garbage can fishing will become a star T Valley version of saucy pg-13 romance I thought it already was that's romantic because so you're walking that's hilarious well as you could blog people no no no put him back no he wanted to stretch his legs I take it for a walk am I gonna get I might gonna upgrade Pam's house yeah once we get to that point new place yes yes I want to see tomorrow hopefully the bug sound is gone when the bug sound is gone now now that you died in the mines no more bug sound this is payable right now where's this gerricault oh here pass it to me I'm good with scarecrows yeah this is payable right now you can you just got opted into the beta very easy to do it's playable for everyone in good hands swimming lessons scarecrows float that should have been obvious before this dream terima called Oh needed 385 I know of two dollars to my name but it's worth it glad I got to catch this stream let me I gotta move over to see that one uh I know of twenty one dollars to my name but it's worth it glad I got to catch a stream today please continue to keep people entertained I'll try my best while you're out here watching is beyond me okay what do we do for today level two fishing cuz I'm awesome and Kara's crying emojis Wow between four people we're not making very good money you guys better step it up that's true what were the offerings from the other two scarecrows crap but where's my offering I can't make an offering spot a defense and you guys can give me an offering every day I think that seems fair your house we got the mushroom cave or bats mushrooms mushrooms mushrooms are more valuable that's a better of a community center yeah yeah let's do bats money's not gonna be very hard to make between four of us well it is so far but you know we'll be all right I love these raining days there's been so many of them so far I never get this rainy of a spring today none of it nickels in two dollars we're throwing a scarecrow in the water you're not supposed to say that out loud but thank you they're more than covering to space anyway I'm just I'm just spreading them out a little bit got to spread the Scarecrow's it's Sunday you go to a traveling merchant yes that notion fish I'll go for those of their notion fish sure of course you did you should donate a dollar 28 hello your videos make me smile thanks for being hilarious yeah so of course that would happen one of the two artifacts I can't find over the years of playing and there's one in make our first hour hour and a half goal don't be an issue with you of having three polygamous wife's exactly that's why I like multiplayer just more efficient probably not it's more just matter of things you wanted this coffee I would do that but I think it is but two rods accidentally okay what's a fiberglass rod accidentally bought to you hey I bought some bait I can't even process these you guys are pretty uh you guys are resourceful you'll find some money I didn't mean to buy the second rod if it helps oh there we go see we got two hundred forty-one what do we need herring three herring anyone you want a ride yeah Oh dad that didn't work I could probably throw it in the bin overnight you can also make more shipping bins in this I never left you have managed your money yeah that's right slip by yeah at school like I could put another shipping bin down by anywhere I think you can put them properly like right here too Oh God can we join we're just doing uh well there's only get so many four pairs right now I'm doing sponsor Oni streams so you know melon seeds well nice in 21 days does it be great I could make one giant who was all playing its Kyra and mama Jo and Abe hey braixen Honest Abe I didn't oh wait do we already have their fish we need I forgot already know what unk's one-dollar II do thank you the quest was out of Pierre storefront yeah hmm yeah I didn't get it I don't I don't know if we get the same quest or not though I really like how I look when I'm standing there my hands are at my side but I'm still fishing [Laughter] that's what I want to do look oh yeah see there we go the best fishing rod there ever was I've got next one I like this update it's gonna be a lot of fun it had so much she's being able to play with other people wait what's happening Trisha Monster donated $50 stay hydrated Thank You Trisha for the big 50 if that's US dollars that's a kabillion Canadian everyone show some love for Trisha monster in the chat missed a few fish for you I'll find it one day I'm gonna bring it unto my completionists R&B like find me stuff welcome cuber probably there in the first 30 seconds cuber welcome to the sponsor club you get the green text mom said icon my undying love my hand in marriage roll with the skirt if you on its funds on these few sponsoring giveaways strawberry divorce and j-mac thank you yeah you're offering j-mac again yeah you can mine sponsor and sponsor again we can have the j-mac Trisha thanks again the big VP 1 billion dollars Canadian it says a Brack scene is now playing stardew valley that's weird sponsor hype yep the way the officious is unsettling look how many fish I catch though coincidence I think not wait what was that I wasn't even looking and show me I'm gonna launder fish today need to find the diner wake and it would be awesome I hope not I actually don't want to find the diner egg right now I really do [Music] to make this easier I got my sound back so I can actually do this now where's the pan oh this Jade would pretty obvious I suppose the Pam how much money do we have 366 not bad well we do have a pretty big investment in crops sponsors sponsors she'll be at the bottom of the list hey that's true actually in the 32 bottom of the list who is he playing with I'm playing with Keira and Abe and Mama Joe Honest Abe [Music] careful you don't have a tackle uh-oh a bait I'd be ok I bought all the bait I could with all her money son good I got lots you can't sell the fish fishing on Kenya are you I don't think so I threw mine in the ocean the trash Oh eels are good quality fish maybe tomorrow I'm gonna go out on the water and catch cold quality fish try to make up for some of the money you guys are making fantastic opee thanks for stopping by as always enjoy your rainy Coquitlam afternoon or evening no it's afternoon still downloading a beta now yeah everyone go play the beta it's out right now go to the start Valley site if you want to see how to get it or go to the video the chippy gaming did just today on how to do it - mic games like jittering legging my frame rates frame rate is dropping then it started Ollie that's true my dropped out once earlier whoops but since then it's been pretty good not that tackle DF oh I see what you're getting at right over my head right now rehearse to you though technically world is getting really laggy Oh everyone go to bed I'm legging out this is weird no I might have to restart after this depending another's nycos I'm really super Lahey no I'm good no that I'm in bed but it didn't like something going on a helmet haha gonna need it my coffees God oh I'm gonna spend all the next money and coffee we're gonna remember strawberries 240 starting Valley graphics join ETF discord people they're looking to team up yeah if anyone's looking for people to play with I'm sure there's some of my discord and the stardew valley discord probably followed people right now wanting to play I bet the sorry Valley discord is like exploding right now probably Colleen you can also post links now that you're a mod yeah that's true that's true people always overlook the description who's not in bed yet depending on what happens with the next day I might have to restart just if it legs again like that it should be okay though DF was taking because too much gin true I was fishing and drinking gin all day I could add the second hand from Pam contact drunk Marco Mendoza $5 DF I'm at work trying to concentrate and you're having such a blast yeah I just give up on working in play stardew valley if I were you that's what I do holy crap DF you made my day by the way did you not notice I did that like an hour ago sorry Nakamura the mod thing i modded colleen because she was asking about it and I don't think she noticed well congratulations on becoming a mod you turned from green to blue money for the day is pitiful you're all the hosts better get better slaves will this be cross compatible between PC and switch I'm not sure yet raining again wonder that's about there's no way no clear and sunny tomorrow there according to the yep I get heartbroken I wanted to watch you guys struggle to water all day it says sunny the weather report says sunny so true if that's the case when we start it is a good bug actually yeah I'm gonna go mining - I think I want to get some of the ores we need to get sprinklers and stuff prepared they really started Valley betta today for PC they did I'm gonna start at level one because I have to do it for my quest you sure you do yep explore the mines for each level five and I've been to level 15 the invite code is a huge sign for cosplay yeah actually that's kind of a good point CJ mech does know some stuff okay I can't hit that bug yeah the the bugs are a little bit glitchy the bugs are bugged yeah how ironic didn't recheck her luck for the day has her luck that day for mining then I'm already here yeah I'm down lower I'm a 23 now what a better sword I'll probably find one okay I'm usually pretty lucky with that he's gotta find the star top slime you find other good stuff from those already got the better boots so first come first serve what's in those sheds uh those are the other players houses if that's what you're afraid to not much they get like a bed they can get other stuff but it's just a bed yeah we took everything right away normally to take a fully furnished cabin the same way you start out but we sold all this stuff for profit and then I don't know what we did with it all because we're out of money but we had a good thing going oh god she's so annoying with the basic sword you don't want to hear me sneeze j-mac I always mute you like how do I meet you guys please I didn't game you button right or no just cord mute is there an in-game voice chat I see I was wondering I never using gay voice shuts anyway always use discord so no different to me oh this is gonna be fun so many bugs wow this is super annoying and it's gonna be the last flight you undermines cuz these bugs suck I'll get to that donation in just a sec ryoku has you five dollars who are you going to marry who will be your victim to marry them into slavery all of the above we'll see when the time comes I'm still not sure how it works you got a like we make an item for that I'm starting to leg a bit again there's a recipe at the wagon somebody's already bought it I have a body yet I'm super choppy leggy I can't leave the mines right now hopefully it's gets me there again is there other content under the multiplayer yeah absolutely there is there's a new single-player content there's new cutscenes is new quests and adventures new festival new collections new items you can do indoor plan to crops no hey I'm not legging now that wouldn't it's so annoying better than real bugs though Oh electronic bass for me it's probably the best way to do it to be honest for a juicy largemouth bass [Applause] can we play on consoles not just yet this update is for PC only so far yeah key what do you bring for food monsters is multiplayer really out it is this is technically the beta form but it's it's the same thing it's just basically done there's still a few small bugs but you can opt in any time you want and play away I had no idea I don't either I just found out sucks I have no energy and I'm looking at like 20 copper is it worth it me copies copper good for upgrading tools not that I need those very much why need tools when you have us oh you already passed several 30 oh my goodness I have an ancient seas oh we should probably plant that one with fertilizer for speed grow yeah agencies are good or especially discerning on closed beta this is open open beta anyone can play he just got to use the beta code it's public access and get on in limit of 4 per server yep who is a girl with the hat uh that's a byzant it no Trevor hat Curie's got the red hair and the button the bun the hat and the red are you talking about they're awesome oh my god that sword is garbage yeah it is garbage I got it rid of this sword oh I can plant oh I have an agency - did you give this to me or no do we seriously find to you that's not easy to do that is okay I'm gonna put mine into bin for now we can stack them up yeah totally they'll be tomorrow too late in the day now to donate I'm gonna go cut some trees for now for foraging experience I guess beta is only for PC at this point I'm not sure when it's hitting consoles I know it's coming to the switch first I don't know anything different beta key is here ya go to the start Valley website post it right there probably four scroll up a little bit to see it really easy to do opt into the beta play your heart away call in sick tomorrow it's worth it your health increase yeah your health increases a lot faster than your energy when you go to bed I get a good a bed now I'm almost out of energy okay I'm gonna lie in bed for a bit oh he's my day or whatever whatever which is better cuz it's my bed health goes up yeah pretty quick actually I've handy I like that well most of us are these permanent slaves yeah they're pretty permanent till the divorce then they're gone forever where do I get thumbs up call in sick tomorrow this is why our world is falling apart there's there's a lot to unpack with that statement none of what you really have more energy care to elaborate on hello butter my honey interesting thank you for your words is the update over switch now for switch mm yeah go cut some more cheese why is my dog out in the wilderness my dogs like way out in the darkness I need a glow ring taco is bugged outside yeah the dogs gone I don't know whatever it's random names that it told me nothing particularly exciting right I should just have the trees outside the farmhouse well I think we should use the farm space for farming the outside space for outside stuff yeah how's that logic treating you well we got lots of farming space anyway so either way it doesn't really matter to me we do whatever I usually try to make sprinklers and kegs pretty early yes Brinkley's what I'm going for now because they make everything a lot easier know that I'm watering anything but you won't get sprinklers if you don't do the farm work Oh - well we get the items only someone can make sprinklers it doesn't I know I'm level one it's getting late in the day I got a crash Evan I don't think I've any farming experience I don't think I picked anything again so level one what's all this cauliflower dead know someone's getting a huge amount of levels farming experience really sleep yeah it's my name anyway hopefully tomorrow things are less bugged out name yourselves after sprinklers okay oh we're bugged again yep did someone Arrigo to bed I think I might have been cuz I did it last or something I can't exit my bed or anything I'm stuck in we're gonna pass out anyway there we go we're out the room is filled with so much bush trim trim trim someone put a bunch of bush in my room I didn't get anything I got 50 another gold Oh [Music] hungry ninja donated $5 hi hi hungry ninja hi thank you for your donation hope you enjoyed this swimming dog very happy today we got really good luck I better get busy watering crash best of luck to you oh really that's weird was it doing wonder that's why we're getting all weird and glitchy could be yeah could've been some updates trying to push through in the background I don't remember what I was doing today well we have good luck I was gonna check garbage cans and fortune Oh someone's already way ahead of me I see orders Sebastian is a need of seaweed pretty sure I can catch it like two seconds anyway tell us the beta code it's jumping Jun ammos also quick Google search will take you there very quickly can you dirty can you dirty house to track the pan probably most things do fill it with garbage she'll be there I gotta catch some seaweed really orange one $27 wow this used to be a family-friendly game Thank You orange oh and Devon for your $27 we get some love orange one in the chat this is totally family friendly did you opt out to the other bader were you still in the original one no - which weird just kicked you out see I don't have to divorce people anymore people do the game this does it for me how do you plant inside the house eventually Evelyn will come give you a planting pot alright the recipe for one and you can start making planting pots inside and grow inside crops like the cactus which is a new crop if the information thing is like everyone gets reward each that means everyone can agency right now Oh ready how would you go see actually iPad - oh nice oh cool all right coops back Oh might not find seaweed and a good luck day that's true I'm sure I'll find some no I just found Tanner's game really that's funny just gonna make a mess of it Oh what I need to do it I'll go I'll go back through what I have my mods on and just like they'll be really funny I mean sander I'm not gonna do any of that stop it the pencast if you want seaweed yeah closings probably the way to go isn't it little cast I don't really care about giving uh I don't care about giving Sebastian to seaweed that much the lonely J Mack you play with a lonely windmill I'm Jimmy's got two people up through the keeps buffering Alana games if it's buffering try restarting a stream okay it shouldn't be you look so good at my end stacked you fish do the other players not around them that's right I'm invincible anyway so it's no big deal and you see lead [Music] Kyra is back says you joined oh I get to me no just got to find Sebastian I don't know where to find him Koch a donated 7.75 you'll not be able to say my name correctly mmm I gave it a I gave it my best shot okay possi oh yeah I'll go I'll go sock him then whoops hey you got seaweed too nice okay bread any food I find out the trash you're my such a romantic you see this is easier to I don't have to give other people gifts they give them to me now yeah what's with that give me some stuff slave number one Oh excellent there's a pink cake in here yeah I see that hard work back in the farm that pays off do you get a pink cake to the saloon had one apparently hope you get in altar of yeob event or something possibly there is a new altar in the sewers yeah there is new content there's new single-player content no one's actually found it all yet everyone's been looking for it but they're looking Sebastian where is he oh right here nice she's your bread wife I was thinking people are like skipping stones over water hey he's still walking what get back here talking to you oh I was wondering I didn't bother to check there we go Journal updated boom sixty gold that's my contribution for the week is this open to the public yep you just got opted into the beta and you just need the beta code which is jumping June ammos then it will update to the to the beta and you guys can play away I can do check the museum to see Becky are you gonna get the top hat for your horse of course I am no TF can give us a strawberry he owes us true strawberries for everyone hey I know agency it I get cauliflower though oh I can't get an agency nice ah three more Karp okay here Willie uh do I have any carp oh no you get carpenter mountain lake haven't been there in a while how many players max at a time far right now I'm sure people are gonna mod that into bigger I wanna see like ten ten players at once the only goal in multiplayer seduction are you exploring the single-player stuff to you I have been I've been trying to find as much of it as I could I just said that it more time I didn't expected to come out today surprise like I don't got time for that I'm busy that's efficient works for me nobody's got a water those up do everything else I want to sell that and sell that I wish you can give like stacks of stuff to people have the option to do that yeah maybe they'll incorporate that they need something like that so much easier but platformer multiplayer on right now it's just PC gonna be hitting switch next PC is this the beta if so it's the code the code is jumping Juna Mose he'll adorable $10 I'm out headed home from work you guys have lots of fun and yet be nice to your slave wives night cake Thank You L adorable thank you for your donation tonight we're not married Technic I don't your fertilizer I'll do the fertilizing here don't want your crap take it elsewhere are those ancient seeds on the bottom yeah well you just hoeing them no so you are no don't know what to do I think those are gonna be done tomorrow mama Jo kicked you out we still got a bit of time within the day we'll try not to have you lose your progress overnight while you already back in pretty quick so wait our doesn't work I guess you guys can just jump back into that game I've never left a game and came back in but I mean like for you guys you obviously have like an access back into the game you left or whatever well this whole stream be archived yeah this one will be uploaded a couple hours afterwards well it should stay up but it'll have a proper announcement afterwards but it'll be up yes it's a replay my voice our joy oh here presents for everyone you get one of these waiting waiting for the player you get one of these thank you see this my gift giving for the week do you can't handle my requests right now yeah I'm waiting for someone else takes up my requests I'm actually frozen here like this this is a good way to like ruin someone's game I might it is bugged out mama Jodi do you have the option to or there we go okay she can under the request I'm concerned I didn't accept it yeah does it really well there's no children forty gold each I think this sounds it makes it before I go to bed walk you through the dirt chat is slow today was moving quick earlier a lot of people are probably playing right now too a lot of people like to play and watch true watch me mandal Mandal watch me why why didn't watch me manage three slaves at once well we're waiting on person - we're gonna pass out in 30 minutes not sure he's still up but you might want to play the sleeping game pretty quick what is up with your house I don't know they decorated it for me they were showing their appreciation love with a fishing yeah it's it's a nice house what did that statue sell for five hundred for my standing geode nice house there elected a neutral so it's a slight positive for luck I could actually harvest some of these cuz I need some experience we keepin gold quality once I get a few Shadowcat miu miu donated 385 I can't wait to try this later love your vids TF Thank You shadow cab new you thank you sorry you say you have we are keeping gold I broke the chests here that's Goldie Thank You Sept here or whatever you'll find it eventually the Chesky bugging out when you open them I can't get into them therefore I can't get my watering can so well if you want to take my watering can of water for me that'd be great while you're in there I dropped a golden on the ground someone must have hoovered it up I don't know who has it now I've got other ones I'm gonna sell hunter reward I will I won't miss it so I guess if you go to a menu no the the time doesn't stop because everyone else's time still going yeah it's still a little bit buggy but it seems to fix itself she doesn't want to chat with me yeah no he's not I gave him a parsnip he likes it oh it's Wednesday today I forgot stupid Pierre they should have like no maybe like the wagon day on a day that Pierre is closed true detectives fertilize slots - nothing to plant okay cool I am able to get into the chest now yeah we share money unfortunately we do but it's been our beds if I were being able to make quite a bit you don't you make a lot of money a multi-player it's almost too easy but there is a way you can scale down the money you make my guess I'm going to throw everything in my bid then good question I'm not really sure just like you just walk over right yeah yeah with so many rainy days so maybe we dismissed a timing I don't know it's weird should have to do it where is Luke's I don't know where loops is yeah might actually have to be the host I'll tie right now I'll walk in because I've mostly been going like fishing early in the morning and Everman coming back her through yeah here it is right here yes you need a frequently asked questions page well that's I use a description for a lot of this stuff but people overlook it anyway so it still asks the same questions hey I got a fishing rod up here someone's fishing by the community center I'm watching your scene right now and someone's like floating through the area that's really weird it is like stepped into a community center interesting I'm watching yours but I can control the dialogue oh really here yeah you do this beautiful cutscene gets me every time hey the fishing rods back yeah someone's just like floating around there's a fishing rod during eclipse we can actually skip these they have more skippable cutscene options which I like he's mine he's mine I love that coughing wheezing guys I've been talked to the green they're either gone everyone's hiding I had a monster say request I got to go do that one how many was it or design investigate the community center eight green science that's a lot ain't green slimes need to die I need to go oh now I cut scenes you stop bonkers they're great - musing right now it's like the fishing month mess-ups yeah they're pretty funny fishing rods everywhere everyone's crossing poles not all the green slimes here I'm good let's go to 20 since our the bug start though I don't bugs one slimes you investigated their community center excellent so tomorrow the wizard Graham you actually pretty good reward some notes that's good I think so because it's like a community team effort type things so I would think so my real life Brinson hi rude I'm sorry if you're still here I'm sorry a blue slime what's the blue Syme doing here when if technically green is just like a turquoise we get something good painting it's money it's true what is beta code jumping junuh mows my stardew valley computer says stardew valley not updated you gotta opt into the beta you gotta opt in and use the code jumping Juna Mo's there it isn't a chat [Music] we need a recycling machine or you can just feed it to Pam I give it to Keira she gave me the garbage receptacle excuse me I give you garbage yesterday you didn't complain okay we confusing Newseum together but when you hover over it out the information outside the museum it says Gunther could tell you more about this but when I go inside they've already been found oh really I didn't have that issue maybe was donated today or something because I don't because earlier I checked in and showed me what had been donated using that but I'm the host so I'm the best anyway does that make it really smart so I could tell the difference I finished my reward good yeah I gotta go see Luis before he closes up shop he's old like Danvers who's Paulie already asleep I'm DFS real a friend he just hasn't met me yet what are you gonna do with that five hundred pounds by the rest of Canada yeah pretty much pretty sure I could buy the other 99% of it the beta would come out right when I moved in one of Y five four week yeah that's rough I was really worried he was gonna come out when I was away in Vegas or at a weird time but I came out a lot sooner than I thought and here's another 484 times earnings no big deal uh I gotta go say a tappa Gail she misses your mom or something in the graveyard well she's missing someone in the graveyard I can dig them up for IFO here you go I'll take them up right yep we're gonna make fertilizer with the corpse it's gonna be grave yard keeper type thing a poor life what are you doing you're old and copper over your head I came back in Curie's being very useful back on the farm just sitting there being useful how many people are playing there's four of us playing me and three saves three very useful people and one very useless I made 480 gold today what'd you do I got you a beautiful painting for your house is it worth money wait who's in here already oh oh these actually stack I didn't know they did my house is gonna be so bright there we go much better oh yeah there's a painting nothing how's the bug situation the bug situations good so far there's not too many there's a few but they're fixing them quick and there's not many nothing that's broken the game just yet and we've been playing for two and a half hours he won't handle the requests what request oh because they went piling in he's probably trying to give it to a people at once I need a bigger bed or do I sleep over why is the house full of grass I don't know ask this slaves I made it pretty with dirt and grass there's a dog some signs nice pretty flowers I have no idea what's going on that makes two of us we're waiting to go to sleep life is no fairy tale welcome sorry YouTube did notify you might want to resub or read rebill yourself my work or ignored dog Oh level C for farming I can sprinkle oh hey we got some decent money for once good job team what happens if one he passes out I don't know what did happen oh so yeah what do we do with good luck mine what is I saw an article about you in the local paper Oh Robyn's lost her axe we could probably make a bunch of money out just off her glitzy again today I gotta get out of this area I'm all jittery I'm good in this forest so I get a beer Robin's axe doesn't seem to like the rain hi Thomas hello Media for those yeah I can say hi to be your people huh Lauren portney who's bringing me food in real life I'm very hungry you stealing my spring onions thank you hey that does I can order you pizza this is Linus food pizza is always the right choice I might order one after this dream we'll see just give me your address oh yeah thanks I'll get a thousand Pizza is perfect anyone out they want to order me a pizza you get to pick the toppings we'll make it a game pineapple pizza the only kind of pizza Mike as I enlightened them to the best kind of pizza in existence pineapple yeah barbecue chicken is the best find out what this is good to you though Hawaiian as we call it here i canti power so i canti pizza sadly they have gluten-free pizzas out there so it's not quite the same some of its pretty good though you have five hundred dollars man you can order it now that's not enough for a Canadian pizza or did I get truckload of pizza maybe we made some money what happened oh yeah I forgot about that I went down very specific before that forgot what'd you buy oh nice so no watering for you for a while no that's my excuse mines mines being upgraded to you for a while gonna be a while the or yeah get some pigs make pepperoni pizza Pam Maroni pizza mayonnaise pizza is their Papa John's in Canada I think there is what's wrong I'm scared now there's also don't need that to my other file gonna go see the Wizard is there a hundred percent of rainbow Jen I don't think so spring particles yeah I think of what a bunch in the chest touch that we gonna catch a catfish how about that is the Yeti lion the new update is great it is that's right amount of playing together and a competition I have like wedding messages on this board of like because it's your name just Abe yep sake share just Abe what about the X dollar 60 a leader oh yeah gasps here's very expensive hmm it's worse here the states is so much cheaper for gas I don't I don't know but like that side but can someone convert that what a dollar 60 liters and gallons for me I think you're gonna be pretty alarmed at exactly the price which works out to a beefy enough someone will dollar 60 a leader worked out two dollars per gallon gallons per dollar catfish yeah I can't get the cowfish it's hard when you have this slow of fishing will I be uploading this yep this one will just keep on rolling once we're done that way all these slaves hard work will be seeable forever then you could poke some indie or game tea to do all you work for you Pam pace [Laughter] 620 is what it works out to 6:45 a gallon I don't think so 6:05 a gallon summer right there oh crap why do you guys pay so much for gas taxes all sorts of stuff yep it's expensive yeah four liters the McElveen that's right no not to people actually do that does it that much cheaper that's what a lot of people do they go down once a week and gas up in Indiana so they would buy up a bunch of cigarettes over in Indiana then come over here have busted em is the trash so once that caucus yes tacos Chanukah gate ha outwitted I saw your plan don't put your crap I got it I'll put it in the bins you guys can disperse it as you please I'm also not organizing the pins I'm miss doing anything in any chest so it's up to you guys to take it from there do with it what you will I'm just going to whatever chest was open hi Shane why do you want leave me alone okay come visit me in Washington actually go through Washington quite a bit easy to fly over there a lot but it's been a while since I have new sponsor pass effects welcome to the sponsor club my newest favorite is person ever you get the green text I'm upset icon my undying love my hand in marriage role and discord if you want it's fun so many streams fun certainly giveaways the chance potentially to play this with me as one of my sponsors and a strawberry and I'm kind of legging out again we're no does that when you're on a farm I make too much stuff happens and like jitters nobody wants to talk to Willie yeah but you got to meet the person not just a store guy hiding in his room let's investigate someone go find it dig it out oh wait what we also haven't been checking the fruit cave since we got it I just got us some blackberries and salmon berries no big deal I thought these in the chest what softer am I using for the group audio just OBS and just discard right now I don't have any of my extra plugins or drivers on right now cuz I didn't bother to fix those yet hold the other tonight yeah there's a limit to how many people you can have you can have three extra players or total of four players total of four players Canadian gas is as expensive as here in Scandinavia yeah it's really expensive here which is kind of odd cos we actually a big oil producer chats gone nuts I miss like wandering around reading chat right now I want to see the egg festival we got two more days to go we're almost there true we need them strawberries we got this I should go back to the mines again to you I need some mining skills but I'm Chili's I'm gonna continue chopping wood Who am I playing with I'm playing with Keira and Abe and Mama Joe shared money yeah shared money is tricky but we make it work it's first-come first-serve for a while but eventually just get so much money and people tend to buy the things they need I want to sponsor how if you want to sponsor there should be a link in the description we'll take you to YouTube gaming you should be able to sponsor the YouTube gaming green button there somewhere my candle I don't know probably one of the other two definitely one of the other two not enough up votes yeah gonna look through this dirty Valley read it later see exactly what people been finding out about this i clicked away for a sec what did i miss nothing just waiting to go to sleep the waiting game no worries cross-platform I think it is gonna be but right now not entirely why is you have household tooth grass don't worry about it they have a mega fed for the new stuff yeah I think I browse that early real quick so you have three wives so far you all sleeping in one bed I don't know why are we spending with me I don't know it's a cold rainy night rip alakay pass our bed though just saw you on stream you're stuck what's happening the chat is uh it was for a second I don't know I think I missed it I pried mine's probably delayed by now tiny stream and watch a stream at the same time kind of slows things down I'm hoping it just takes a second if not what is restart no big deal I'm being held captive blink twice to keep meadow crash it seems like it will give it just a minute though sometimes it's slow yep mmm yeah I think I'm gonna restart we're so close I know hopefully this spits us out in the next day they always save the progress overnight okay I'm closing the game and restarting the next stream we'll find out that's okay this team will be you right back here um you should be see it any second don't already got the game back on so this is what the menu looks like again for those of you that weren't here at the beginning coop coop okay so there is other people obviously can see who else's games on your friends list so this is hosts slave farm so we'll jump back onto that it's gonna put us back in the start of the day again I didn't do much remember that we could just skip the day if you guys want we can skip the egg festival sure I remember I picked a parsnip well there's Robins axe and stuff to you so you know some stuff like that some mining I hate that like losing a day so rough doing it all again we new sponsor marked anthony serrano my newest favoritest person ever the man with three names welcome to the sponsor club you get the green text mom said icon my aunt in marriage my dying love comes in the divorce sponsored me stream sponsor only giveaways strawberry and j-mac thank you yeah the problem is nobody wants him he's up for grabs but they just don't take him Rabbids lost ex she forgot the only tool she ever uses jumping pants I'm gonna go go go give her up in her axe back she's useless without it ahead j-mac yay sponsor hype poor Jake that guy he's crazy but you know if you get the kids with purple hair you know who the father is [Laughter] speaking I should talk to him it's open why would anyone want a Mack gate Robyn's ex is returned to her and I don't think she has anything I want a top iary tree while we're saving money for the egg festival though right so I shouldn't buy any of this is the same sized farmer Baker it's the same size I'm on the original farm layout thank you now you can choose the other farm types choose whatever farm layout you want I get cookies that is fine by me favorite cookies chocolate chip are the best cookies ever homemade chocolate chip are you fishing from way over here it looks like you're standing like over halfway to Robin's house can I fish from here it doesn't work now you dislike teleported I don't even know where you are every submission lay your cash on something pointless it's pretty much what I do I think it auto-saves overnight it's supposed to do old fishing yeah my not Ematic you save that didn't do anything extra to save I don't need a watering can display through sprinklers you what eventually oh yeah but then if everyone like if everything's sprinkler do you have so much time to do all sorts of other stuff you could tear through the game so quick [Music] to perfect their mining other like their farming and fishing is like I've only got three left so we got a hike the price how do you update this stardew valley upped into the beta there's a few you can go to start a valley website to see how to do it chippy gaming also did a video on it just today quite easy to do if I did I want to throw mine into the chest or into the lake Jen Hackett $20 when is the slave uprising viva la revolucion they're not allowed to but thank you Jen Hackett they're good slaves they're ok slaves they've been ok we get some love for Jen Hackett in the chat for the big $20 happy donated 1284 you should use a discord overlay so that we know who is speaking now just know that this slaves talk sometimes that's all you need I [Music] haven't met any one team fishing is so cool keep fishing is so much harder you item spot near Walla isn't really mine's empty right now so I can't really tell there was always a blank space there for an item that was unamended which might be implemented now I don't know I don't know how find it there nice I don't think so I always forget those the sturgeon I think your summer here yeah I don't think there are I didn't catch a catfish but it's earlier to catch I'm not necessary the cool people are fishing up here I should have said the cool person is fishing up here there's gonna be no people left no fish left oh yeah there's an auto milker - that's right uh Jason an ominous there's like an auto collector so like automatically milks your cows shares your sheep so much easier did they get the eel uh we did catch one I don't know if I kept any I think we did [Music] I got a carp how do I get the code for the beta it's jumping Juna Mose jumping Juna Mose it's that easy Jen Hackett thanks for stopping by generous as always d/f seems to be ignoring the chat as they said goodbye to Jen Hackett and I help the lyric I'm ignoring some chat what was that about concede what should I do if my game and Kinzie didn't saving it happened twice our last three hours I'm not sure contact it as if you can bud bud grab bug oh nice simony and get yeah that could be pretty game breaking if that's true Lewis caught mama Joe took into the trash capital Brian twenty dollars stardew valley wiki says you have to dig up a dino egg before you can get one from the fishing in their treasure chest no I think you can find on fishing first people sometimes do but thank you capital Brian I know you need to find him provide the traveling merchant cells when can we get something up for capital Brian in a chat for the big 20 I get a tryout every cabin you just come and see your favorite slave viously totally food the feeder the food swimming in pies right now yes already you keep getting them awesome yeah I think every time you go in somewhere and out you can get from the trash can nice yeah I got several of infinite pie I got seaweed multiple times from his trash can that's gonna be patched pretty soon yeah I don't know long it's gonna be in beta 4 it's probably not gonna be super long tends to be quick because the closed beta was like a few days I'm gonna chop wait until the end of the day hopefully doesn't crash again huh busted again busted again this never Willy of all people get you up on the back like it smelling mad because you're taking his dinner get out of it but why don't I be sewing stuff in sorry I'll just let you organize now to know what goes where how much is it 209.50 that's huge when do they write a lot of money Wow [Music] I don't know it's up to you you found him we could sell them for money or we could the sky's the limit oh I didn't realize it was 2:00 a.m. oh it made it farming again TT o foraging I can make a burger oh well there we go we got money for the egg festival tomorrow easy buddy oh I changed my house around I have you I've new flooring in wallpaper it looks good spirits and good humor today re we got good luck we got good luck profits down the drain I can't water anything neither can I no actually my watering cans into chests if you want to use it yeah but mine's in the chest go grab it again it's not really my watering can I haven't even used it yet basically whoever uses it owns it who's spending money how it's a mystery what did you buy coffee seat Oh Java Gretchen everyone can buy a coffee seed right now I need to go that way anyway and I'm an accident also proper fish come puffer fish well when you want those for the community center anyway so there's a couple things in there I just didn't know what to buy with waste money on I need coffee see and maybe make if you have the purchase as if I deem them necessary star fruit hmm coffee beans are expensive but worth it the journal freeze time I don't think is gonna work because if I like to use my journal I don't think it freezes time for everyone what am I ask away I was trying to give you the water in Canada wouldn't let me do it I need like the item spot or something to be able to do that with items I don't know if I need that for the community center oh I forgot about that I could oversee that watering can wait Road guard $5 just figure out I'm shipping out to Korea for a year and wanted to give a little to my favorite youtuber before I did keeping awesome thank you very much a road guard good luck to you in Korea was it best of luck to you hope all as well thank you for your kind donation I'll continue doing whatever it is I do what is the festival 13th donated anchor to the museum don't you mean wife the wedding ring so the wedding ring why is it like a looks like a ring pop five iridium bars and a prismatic shard that's gonna take it out you guys don't wait that much see that's manageable oh really just yams yeah I'm so good though I wonder if I get something I gotta go check alright I pretty much wanted that whole thing so you guys are welcome don't all thank me once I'm gonna go check the garbage cans hmm that's all right badly plan it rains like six out of seven days anyway nothing trash pickup broken glasses and trash well it's better than nothing marginally not really if you had a recycling thing those work oh I don't get anything in the trash cuts I guess my Tosun even for the museum but with a bit how long have I been screaming three hours three hours how does that the update you got opted into the beta only it's going by real fast so like super fast I could mining yeah actually because bundle complete you could actually sell those two pretty good money themselves sorry what I did my first stream of this it was like four hours get to the egg festival and I was dead tired why they checking trashcan so much for the pie the gams what we do without the yams Amy of Linus a flower you should marry Abe she followed you through the mountains been inside her and giggity and flirted with you using food I guess it's had to be isn't it that is the proper pastor marriage I've had another earth crystal in the mines I hate these dark floors any River glow ring I could have I make one no I can't we always it luck for the day anyone check wing in it that's alright I'll get through the dark floors Colleen donated 642 hello DF love your countenance pretty sure I'm glad to see you enjoying multiplayer thanks again for the promotion just so you know you made merry keep up the amazing videos Thank You Colleen for your kind words and donation aka future slave there you go what did you do something cool without me you're supposed to wait for me to do stuff I don't believe you I didn't bring any food down to the mines so if someone could kindly take over mining showrooms perfect that'll work I'm 33 I'm gonna run up a cry at the exit excellent yep but they don't count like before you're your own personal quest line Rach I might hit 35 for might be okay we are gonna be friends with nobody it's ok ever met like anyone yet anyway I got 1,300 she left out of energy week what happens if one person dies I think it is passed out or something if someone's spoiling infinity war is in the chat please remove them permanently no spoilers here I'll just thank you yeah no spoilers in the chat uh well that should be lots of meet this one oh actually I had items they were just in my second bar I didn't notice so only one person can get the rewards whoops okay that was tons thank you thank you slave number wide two witches labor you I can't remember what you want that number to you thank you slave number two thank you perfect that's what I was wanted so much easier this way then I have to carry him around my own personal servant and me new sponsor and me my newest favorite is person ever you get the green text monkshood icon my undying rub my hand in marriage comes through the divorce well and discord if you wanted sponsor me stream sponsor in a giveaway and whatever else the sponsor package yay you can be my personal slave and stardew valley well there's letters hard to find here it is that is you get up there slave okay good that's as far as I'm gonna go cuz it's late in the day we're gonna get to that strawberry festival handling fish all day makes me thirsty excellent I go into the bar on Friday so I can like knock out almost everybody that I haven't talked to I can knock up almost everybody we know it's a gift I was born with you can't forget the jamek oh yeah you can knock j-mac to you anyone can have j-mac though in the chat J max open season I don't know anything just sell today really should have made bait out of that oh so that keep that what's service yam service mmm do we want to sell the rest of those or keep the rest of those I can sell those I think the glitch can like carry a little bit oh that's true true I'm gonna go back to chopping tree service today cuz I don't know what else to do true 5 where are you guys you guys back here at the farm somewhere you out and about [Music] mystery hearing I throw stuff on the ground sometimes you might need a sec hoovered it up when you walk by what if J max sponsors drag it J Mack to you uh no you're an exception by Pam a house Pam's a free-range bear man maybe it's more so gorillas she escaped issue moved into her trailer I am the yam wife I really excited to see the egg festival I wanna see how this works oh I was gonna say the crash is my aunt the yams yes seven doesn't go for those not bad night doesn't go for the day so we get lots of strawberries nice she feeds you marry her that's the way these things work whoever gives you the most gifts and does the most stuff is generally the one it's worth marrying it wasn't quality fertilizers so what choice do they have well step up your game Oh some of the cauliflower actually done one day Kiera donated $2 y a starter Valley also hello DF hello Cara we've been playing for the past three hours but hello thank you for your donation thank you there's a fine line between love and hate oh I didn't know that I thought they were the same thing yeah we're doing a great job with or you sure there's five yeah in the bin or in the furnace okay cuz the furnace is not working why did they stop working must be about do you have to recreate your character every time to go into a server I think so loitering is double time Zeke festival at nine o'clock is the truss all in there at the same time I don't know this Rex I'm curious it might be like waiting on players for festival damn there it is waiting for the players I'm going that gives its shadow laughs there we go is there anything nearby oh there's a lot of the mango that's new I don't think so I buy everything we don't need do we buy the strawberries yet what do you more okay we'll start this and see how this works yes let's start let's find out yeah let's say we all compete good luck getting my eggs and me I will get your donation in just a sec I got some saves to beat yeah so where is everyone standing oh I see everyone's got their own leg corner good good Oh get out of here my eggs what is banning if anyone beats me oh my god there's like obstacles don't steal my eggs man wouldn't the otherwise that one is hard to see get stressed out where's all the eggs so HAP here I gotta get around to the back how much time do we have ten seconds I might make it I'm stressing out I'm gonna win totally oh gotta get this one and that one ha totally crushed it you went up there it was stressful look at all these eggs Abby will win I just crushed a B now the winner of this year's egg hunt who is it DF ha second peasants I'm the winner here's your prize I don't know many I had I'd have to look back on stream I just barely got the last one that was close well it was hard cuz everyone ran down to the left side do we want to plant strawberries do we have to wait we can wait another day across campus right uh thank you thank you just what I always wanted excellent thank you thank you for your contributions such helpful slaves we can plan tomorrow can't we wind cut tonight I don't by the way as far as I still want I going to plant all this keep it within scarecrow I guess I've also got 45 seats bundle please oh sorry I wasn't I do doubt I get 20 more I get 20 more no we got lots of time lots it's hard to see you tonight no running an energy team I could eat something yeah we got time still speak grow all around this area if you kid yeah it's gonna water the last little bit or even if I cannot mean how about that cure a good job very helpful I'm out of energy I'm going to bed good luck to the rest of you I got a flamingo on my way can't go to bed super efficient mmm passing out yet again our IP who needs a tractor Neos slaves exactly oh did it freeze sometimes it is slow well whatever the case I was gonna end this stream here in the next day anyway so let's just end it here because hey I don't want to do that again yep that's all right we'll get the festival is fun so thanks everyone for stopping by thanks to the donations thanks to the support it was already awesome thanks to everyone who played with me Kyra mama Jo and Abe thank you be sure to thank them in the chat for playing blah blah blah this will be uploaded see you guys next time
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,581,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4qoGDgq0-C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 59sec (12119 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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