Engineering the PERFECT city on top of a VOLCANO!!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to I love arrows a tower defense game set in the sky of a lovely city and last time we completed the Arboretum so this time we're on to the burning embers I don't know don't know what that means to succeed in these hostile environments you must not fear the Flames but harness their power no oh no uh I'm still an architect I forgot last time I Was An Architect help me help me anyway oh a few this time we're gonna be a cannon here which I assume is someone that likes cannons and is also an engineer stuck on a small aisle without Flags canonies transform hearts or bridges into a bomb interesting this is gonna play out pretty differently I think oh my goodness we're in the fleet they they really weren't joking we're we're in the Flames so if you've never seen this before this is our power on the sky this is what we need to protect and basically each time we start a wave enemies will spawn from here so we need to sort of make the path longer and do more damage and things now we've already got this Archer Tower here so that's going to hit those three squares we've got a path that we can place down on I remember we've also got this Tower here a legacy Tower and basically as it says there you start the game this Tower because you reach wave 20 in your last game nice now the downside of where that's located is it means placing this path it isn't gonna work because I can't actually go there so maybe I should go there so we can like wrap around a bit let's place that next up we have a cannon Tower but that costs two gold and as we learned last time it's better to save your money because then this number here can you see two plus one that's how much money we have that's how much we gain each wave as we have more money in the bank that one goes up so we'll start the wave that guy got obliterated instantly by the arrow Tower and the tile that would have cost us money last round this cannon Tower it's now free to us so we'll grab that we'll place it probably there you can see that'll hit two squares but it will be three once we get that corner piece then so we'll place that then we'll start the next wave and they got destroyed and look we get a bonus card so what I might do I might peek since we're early on we don't want to waste any money let's have a look at next three tiles and we can discard any ones we don't like so we definitely want a corner I don't think I want a garden tile that just gives us a coin so it's basically a waste of a thing and we'll keep the ice trap with water cool so we have another straight I'm really I'm not sure where my path's gonna end up um maybe I should put it there we're gonna need a lot of Corners to get back over to there but still that's police there next guy will get a path but I'm still trying to sieve up we've got four coins as I start this wave we'll destroy him for up to six coins once that gets to ten we'll start getting two every round now we've got this corner piece of path so we can rotate that and plonk it there and now enemies will spawn back here lovely so we'll start the next wave you can see there way back there now getting hit by all these different Towers because we've got the cannon Tower that's doing three squares we've got this area which hits five and then this Legacy Arrow tower that hits two as well so nice that's looking good now we have an ice trap so ice traps you can see where they hit the the path they all slow enemies down so is it worth doing that there I guess slowing enemies down earlier rather than later is probably better right so let's place that let's start the next wave we've destroyed that wave oh and look we've discovered a cursed Relic so we can take the Relic but it will cost us two hearts or we can just sell it for some gold I'm tempted to take it and see what it is so oh grow the entire aisle nice so now you can see our island has got a lot bigger which is very good now you can actually build like over the edges that cost Bridges you can see up there we have zero Bridges these little brown things so extending the aisle pretty good although we have lost two hearts not ideal um actually that works out really well because with this piece of path means if I rotate that way I can shove it there and I wouldn't have been able to do this before because that water would have hung off the edge so I would have needed a bridge which you don't have of course so yeah we'll place that there we'll start the next wave it's a guy with a shield he's getting Muller though decent and look now we have 10 coins we're going to be gaining two every single round love to see it right Cannon Tower I think I'll probably just shove that in there for now that's gonna do three squares of damage decent and when we start this wave they should all get annihilated then we've got another straight piece of path now what I was gonna do I was gonna tuck in there but that's gonna need like three corners it might be worth just because I keep getting straight I might just do that then I can shove a corner there and another Street there and then just shove another Tower in there that sounds good so another wave another load of people down and we get a bonus card so your next two Tower refreshes cost zero I could be useful but I'm mine up The Path if I'm honest the corner piece there's also the hagler's cloak which reduces the shot prices by one gold and we don't actually manage to get to the shop very often it's pretty rare when it appears so let's just go with this path let's do a bit of that place that there and then this Workshop where we we gain a path to all of our choice if it's against two waters I guess and I should probably shove that I know maybe up there and then we just hope we get another bit of water I'm not entirely sure that will happen if but let's stop next wave let's destroy all these people there's a big dude in there take him down that was close all right so we've got another corner piece so I think I'm gonna shove that like there ish actually down there just to make sure we are going to get around so we'll place that we'll start the next wave and look we're currently on 19 gold so once we finish this oh we got 21 gold and we're getting plus three every single time now because we have over 20 coins in the bank that is a decent interest rate however we have appeared in the black market oh what is an arched path what is that can be placed on top of other tiles without using a bomb oh that's pretty cool although I can't really see a place where that would go very easily meanwhile there's Corner paths there's Archer towers and there's Dynamite we can get as well I would love to keep my money above 20 but I feel like I should probably buy some of these if I'm honest so let's buy the corner path and let's shove that there then we'll buy an Archer Tower and we'll shove that in in that Gap there because that's like nearly fully surrounded that is beautiful and then I think I'll probably stay out there so I've got 14 coins we'll gain another two after this wave but first we've got to place this Archer Tower again so we got another Arch Tower to put down and I might shove it on that water so I can get the path to go around it yeah Place using a bomb so now we've only got two bombs remaining but I reckon that's going to do some serious damage so we'll start the wave we've got some Shield guys who are pretty Hench actually thankfully they got stuck in my Frost now this is a nice piece of path because I can rotate that way and shoving it there is ideal I just need two more straights to go in and that will all be connected up so another wave there's a really fast Viking dude take him down that was close and everyone else is gone and we've unlocked some bonus cards yeah so we can take a workshop which we can place against the two water tiles which we don't actually have at the moment we can remove half of all the water tiles that's good for like late game and sort of trying to free up some space I'm going to go with the cold snap add two eye straps to a random path tiles yes please now you see all my past we've got some little snowflakes that's gonna slow people down gonna mean they take more damage it's beautiful right so down here we have a monument so we can gain Three Bridges when it's fully surrounded all right let's grab that and let's shove it there because then we only need three squares to fully surround it sweet and oh look we've then got a double path coming up next so let's finish this round hopefully we'll take out all of these guys without losing a life hard we lost a life the Viking got to the end so we did lose a life yeah but now we get to play with the big boy path it's like twice as long as everyone else's so I reckon we'll shove that there place we'll start the next round try and Destroy these guys I really need a short bit of straight to try and extend this I feel like the rounds are going to get harder and I'm going to start losing lives if I'm not careful right so we got an ice trap I am I'm thinking of doing that because then that's going to cover two squares and then down here they're just like they're just Frozen the entire length yeah let's place that anyway next wave so we'll take these guys out we really need to extend our path so we can like make people spawn further back oh do I take a relic lose another two hearts it could be worthwhile though I'm gonna do it I've done it what's the Relic oh immediately draw bonus cards twice oh thank you so I think we'll definitely take the path because this is what we've been after for a long time so that can go in there lovely and then we've got another bonus card oh that's annoying the roadwork one would have been perfect that fills all one tile wide gaps so if I had that one first that would have got me like the two streets I needed oh well I guess we'll just we'll just take the straight path again and then I'll probably shove that or annoyingly I can't shove it there or there because you can only place tiles like adjacent to what you've already built on oh actually I'm an idiot why don't you just put it there Matt yo what I worry about you sometimes Matt I worry about you anyway we'll place that there and look this is now where people spawn meaning they're now going to be hit by all of these towers the archery Tower the Legacy one the arrow Tower back there all the ice along there it's going to be beautiful and but for now let's place that there and then let's start the next wave and let's see how he gets on we got some bald guys with beards they are completely Frozen though oh actually they're getting quite close they are they are proper they're pretty much as strong as they look although we did we did beat them oh a geyser Tower or Giza Tower is it Giza or is it geyser I feel like geezers like all right Giza maybe it's geyser anyway this shoots darts of hot water increases range for each adjacent water tile oh because look we got some water dotted about so let's just grab that so that's the normal pattern can you see it's just like adjacent squares so if you went next to water oh it goes like that does it okay well perhaps I'll go in there for now then because once we connect the Assassin three tiles so yeah place that there you see now we're up to 31 coins as well which means we're getting four every round that doesn't increase any higher than that so it's not worth sort of keeping any more coins than 30 um well or at least 31 because everything costs two so yeah we'll start the next wave we'll hopefully take all of these guys out I'm intrigued to see this geyser Tower work oh I did get close enough that's not fair game yeah now we've got a corner with a bit of water on it so I could go up there which sort of makes sense but I'm also thinking actually if I go down here if you remember we have this monument that we need to fully surround to get some bridges so that will help that out and then also the workshop here when adjacent to two water tiles we gain a path choice of our piece so actually if I take this and go like that that'll be next to Waters yeah place that and then we can gain the corner or the street to help us extend I think I'll go with the straight do I shove that there or do I shove it there I think we'll shove it there for now I think this one's a bit less flexible isn't it and look oh we got loads of stuff although did you see that the Three Bridges we've got they've turned into the bombs so it's worth remembering there's actually no Bridges with this Canon air build oh and I guess I can't gain any hearts either well I didn't realize I can't gain Hearts they turn into bombs oh no we're stuck on five hearts forever I probably wouldn't have taken those relics if I knew that oh bum holes anyway let's start the next wave and I hope we've got enough Firepower to take him down I really need to connect these parts up but at the moment looking pretty good there's just the bull dude remaining he ain't gonna get too far they told you right and then the game gets a little bit trickier because it's given me another Tower to defend another Crystal to defend um so I may as well gain a coin just by placing this anywhere so I'll shove that down there there's a cheeky coin and look you can see now we're on 40 we still only get the plus four so now it's sort of worth sort of spending your coins a bit um oh is that the path piece I need so let's press next spend two coins and oh no it's the wrong it's the wrong orientation that's quite annoying although it does fit perfectly be down there so I'll probably do that for now next up we have an arrow towel with water on the edge so I might shove that over here just to sort of back up this area a bit make it a little bit stronger to place that and then we've got a corner piece of path which is fantastic we'll plonk that there um a garden that I may as well take and then plonk down over this way just to get the coin back and then one more path which is water and a straight well I'll tell you what actually I'm tempted I mean I've got two choices I could either shove it in there or I could do that which will make this Tower stronger although looking at where it reaches I don't think that's actually gonna be worth doing now I saw that we'll just do that place all right we're back down to 31 coins so let's start the next wave and see how we get on those guys got annihilated instantly however over here we have big problems we've got we've got a lot of people coming thankfully a lot of frost on this one slowing people down quite a bit definitely could use some more Towers though right so ice trap I feel like it might be worth ice trapping there and then trying to wrap this path around because then if I can get Towers on these three squares they will be hitting like both sides yeah that sounds good to me so straight bit of path I think we'll grab that and shove it there now you can see that's got ice on it as well we just need a corner to make this one longer and then Arrow Tower if we shove that there that will get three hits on that side and three hits on that side once we've built the roads of course they're gonna take a while to build but uh that's just how Road Works work anyway let's start wave 20 I assume because it's wave 20 we get something pretty good at the end of it and we have to defeat all these people first I'm worried that's quite a big wave there's two guys with beards and shiny foreheads take them down Towers take them down right one is gone there is another one remaining though come on oh you I was getting a bit a bit close for me if I'm honest oh right so Reservoir cards can retaining water towers can be skipped for free so that basically saves me two coins every single time there's water that I want to skip all the borderstone where I gain one gold every time I place a tile on the edge now looking at the map I feel like that's actually going to be quite a lot of my placement coming up like one two three four five six seven eight there's the potential for a lot of coins there I'm just not sure if skipping coins with water might be better now let's take the coins so we got this piece of path annoyingly I can't go up there anymore that would have been quite good but I can feature proof I can even go that way to bring this path around or I could go like up there for that bit of path although I can't actually place that one because there's water there so that path is technically blocked okay we'll go down here instead then boost future proof and we gain two coins because we place things on the edge nice next up we have a fishing Hut and that just gains us two coins for each adjacent water tile so I guess we'll just shove that like up there for now some easy two coins plus one for being on the edge for up to 40 coins nice then we got corner and water which is decent so I'm gonna shove that there that gains us another two coins so we're still on 40 coins then we've got an arrow Tower plus water so what I might do I might shove this up there just to sort of cover a few of those I mean I could go down there as well actually because that covers three squares and they've got ice on yeah we'll do we'll go there next up we have the Market Square so basically as soon as this is surrounded we get to enter the black market and since I've got coins to burn I'm gonna grab that I'm actually gonna shove it like in that hole cause then it's surrounded straight away so Bouche in there we're in the black market and I should probably buy like most of these really so we'll get two bombs we'll get an archery Tower and do I place the archery Tower where the black market was I mean I could either go there or I could go there so this will help do that one as well I don't know I don't know we'll place it there for now we've then got a corner piece of path so we'll shove that up there and the arched path so yep let's grab that and I'm going to shove that on top of that water I think because it just saves me like getting trapped later so yeah place that there that's the black market completely bought out and that's that's starting the next wave so lots and lots of people to deal with over this side I am quite worried actually that's that is so many people thankfully they're in the Frozen Zone they're being slowed down I could do with some like area damage at the start like another Cannon or something right two guys remaining just a bit dude take him down oh that was so close that was so close anyway we now have an ice trap and I'm sort of thinking maybe just shove it up there I get I get the two the two coins back nice then grab this corner piece of path I was going to say prep that for later but I can't actually place that there so I might do that instead then so it plays that there and then we'll start the next wave so this one over here oh oh that would that was a bit risky now but this is the main one to focus on these ax dudes are flying through take them down we got so close I don't like how close they get anyway bonus cards I think we've got to go with the straight bit of path haven't we because then we can shove that in there we've then got this bit of path which works perfectly there and then we've just got straight and water so if I spend two coins on that I can shove that there for a bomb I don't really need to worry about bombs I feel like that's probably worth doing so we'll do that then we have archery Tower and water and uh my sort of my thought for making this go up the top with that with that bend there means they should wrap around these meaning any Towers in here will be doing like major damage so I could place that I'm actually gonna rotate just so that that's on the edge that's an extra gold coin you can then skip that I don't think I want a workshop although actually actually if I place it there perhaps we'll get a towel that has water on the end maybe this one needs to be adjacent to water tiles to get a bath tile of my choice yeah so nowhere ideal at the moment and then this street and water I feel like it might be worth spending two bombs just to do that basically get rid of those two gardens because otherwise I might struggle to actually join that up so yeah we'll place that there we've got a corner on water which the orientation is not ideal actually so we'll start the next wave which skips those cards they're gone forever and just hope we survive I mean we should particularly once we get that straight in and we can see already we're actually we're doing quite a bit of damage there's only two two people left one left now with a big beard on board head and boost he's dead just like his hairline alright so now we've got a single Cannon tower on its own and I think oh yeah that's going to be perfect it costs one bomb but then it will hit three squares on both parts that would be so good although we do need the actual straight pieces and we've got a statue up next what does that do gain two bombs when fully surrounded I mean I guess I could shove it like in there it'll cost a bomb but once I get that straight it'll gain me a bomb overall so yeah we'll do that we've then got an ice trap and water the water is making this really really tricky because I'm running out of space I mean yeah I might I might have to skip the ice trap I could put up here but then it's gonna be it's gonna be a bit risky because it's gonna have water on the edges and we can't pass up to Waters we'll be trapped unless we delete them first although he's saying that saying that I could rotate it that way that will actually work okay yeah let's do that then we'll grab this corner piece shove it down there and I just want to show you actually if I were to try and put this there that's what I mean by the water blocks the parts like I can't place that there because that is in the way hence it's going down there I'm gonna have to try and find a way to get rid of that water yeah the next two pieces they're not gonna help us with that very much so let's start the wave and hope we do all right I'm a bit worried uh yeah we've lost we lost the life there we really need the streets to try and expand this run now it's getting it's getting very very tight I mean even this one isn't looking great that's quite a few big enemies come on take him down that's it that's it okay breathe Matt breathe right so we've got corner piece of puff I literally I don't know where I can put that I'm not gonna lie I need straight I need straight so I think I think we're just gonna skip the corner piece this cannon Tower I do have a plan for this because I can shove it down here and if I rotate like that that covers three squares on there and also it surrounds this building which if you remember it gives us a choice of path tile so I'm definitely taking the straight we're then going to extend that path nice so now the people spawn back here and they'll get hit by all these towers uh we'll skip the garden I mean I could I could place the garden down for a coin there's not really anywhere for it to go though so yeah I think I'll just skip it actually then this bit of path I mean there's almost nowhere for it to go yeah so we're gonna have to skip that as well oh man that's been a lot skipping this round thankfully this arm is so much stronger now they're annihilated this one not so much not until I can get that straight piece so we need to be careful we don't lose lives I mean there's literally nothing we can do about it now oh we've lost one we've lost the life but we're in the black market yes so it will take the arch path and then oh do I want to go there hang on a second can I see I'm just trying to see what I've got coming up I've got an arrow Tower and water up next that's not very helpful so it probably makes most sense to do that because that sort of guarantees us a few wins I sort of want to do that though because that water is going to be really hard to get rid of anyway I think this makes more sense for now so we'll place up there we'll then take the dynamite we'll take the arrow Tower I mean because there's one on its own I'm actually going to shove that over here using a bump so yeah place that and then do I want the corner I don't think I can use it so we'll skip that and then we're back to our regular go so we've got Harry Tower and water so my thinking here is we just shove that like down there maybe like that with a bomb so place that there and then look we've got this piece of path which I think is perfect because it means I can place it there and use a bomb to get rid of that yes yes okay that's actually really really good uh we're under 30 coins again now so I will start the next wave but I'm hoping that's actually saved our ass a bit so yeah this bottom left one's pretty good this one's oh those those ax guys are so fast look how fast they are but yeah we complete that wave easy um oh and next up we have a path so I'm going to skip to that I'm going to shove this path in there and I think that guarantees that this side will be fine for quite a while as well so let's start the next wave well look can you see we've got the bubble Bros so they have like a shield around them they're like little angels sort of looking people and that Shield regen so you gotta hit them while it's down and thankfully we've got lots of frost here slowing them down meaning he's taking lots of hits and he's dead right we have another geyser Tower Giza Tower um nowhere really for it to go I mean I guess I could go there that's all gets two hits on that one or I could put it all the way back there just for one hit I mean or I could I could lose that water actually and get two hits right at the end yeah I'm gonna do that with a bomb yeah then we got another straight so let's shove that there that's a nice big of ice at the start as well and then we got another path so I'm probably going to shove that up here as well just so that this Arch Tower does even more squares worth of damage look at that that's nearly surrounded this one is very much surrounded that is a pretty decent layout let's start the wave so yeah the early damage really helped us like these are they're down to just two bubble Brews and yeah that was pretty easy that round although no we've now gained another Tower I mean to be fair we can't actually do too much more we've pretty much used all the land over here so we've we've got this one too and actually if you look at this if only we could extend this direction because that would make the strongest shape sky castle ever I mean I guess technically that's just a chode like that anyway down here it means we can finally start using some of these pieces so let's send them that direction place out there we can't actually do a lot with this piece I don't think yeah because I'd need a bridge to get that in okay we'll skip that piece and then this cannon Tower we could either go there for a bomb or we could cover this new one which might be sensible to do or we could shove it in there I think that's perfect actually that gets rid of I think that's a statue thing that got us some bombs so yeah let's shove it in there that seems good we've just gotta hope you've got enough sort of pieces to survive up here enough Towers we've only got three lives that we only got three lives where did that happen anyway there's a corner piece prepped for later we'll grab this garden and place it down just to get rid of it basically Oh and next up we got a big bit of path which I think will fit there perfectly so let's just hope we can survive all three runs um that one's pretty good like look at the damage early on that wave has been annihilated I love that they have to go over two Bridges as well I tell you what that might need a bridge review a dual spanned Arch Bridge it has the strength to hold people with axes and Bubbles and Shields and all sorts as well as this fat dude with a beard on a bald head this bridge is strong and therefore I give it a bridge review score of 7.7 out of 10 Bridge review anyway we you did miss an entire run there there was quite a big run as well I had loads of coins for some reason and we've also just been given a Wish by a genie oh if I take the heart that will turn into bombs won't it I think I'm better off taking a bath tile of my choice and we'll go with the straight so that I can extend this path over this way because this is where we are now basically all these parts that go right to the edge so they can't go any further now with this one we're trying to extend with straight yeah all we need is we just need straights basically for this uh skip fishing Hut skip that oh there's a straight so we'll plunk that there and then since we don't have any bombs I think we're just gonna start the next wave so hopefully things are looking good this one's very safe now now this one is a little bit ropey we're getting some big dudes on here and but nothing you can't handle and then the middle one I think that's pretty good as well to be fair though there is a big guy with a sword the knight uh he got to about there so still quite away from our Crystal that we're trying to protect so pretty good in my opinion all right so we've got Arrow Tower and water don't think there's anywhere we can actually place this no there isn't okay so that is a Skip and up next is the watch post that makes adjacent towers do 10 more damage so that could actually be good like in there where that Market Square is because we don't need that anymore and that is adjacent to Two Towers uh however we don't have any bombs so we can't do that so let's just start the wave and see what happens so top right is complete bottom left complete middle is also complete nice oh look now we get relics I think it's definitely worth growing the entire aisle oh no did I just press skip I just pressed skip I could have grown the entire eye oh no can I go back is there a way to go back game oh my goodness I can't believe I just did that what's a knob what an absolute knob anyway watch post do I shove this I guess I could shove it in there I think I'd rather not do that and just get like an extra Tower to go in there or something so let's just keep skipping till we get oh there you go a bit of path bit a straight path we'll have some of that another bit of Straight Path we'll have some of that an arrow towel with water I need I need tiles without water all right well looks like we're starting the next wave because there weren't any thankfully all seems well although that Knight is getting awfully close to the end take him down oh no I thought things were well and they're not well last one I can't even expand really we're down to two lives right we've got another Giza Tower uh it is a shame I don't have any bombs because there's actually some really good spots I could put this like look that would be so good I don't have any bombs so I guess for now we shove it in there and then we start the next wave and keep our fingers crossed that we can hold on to our two lives bottom left we've got two beard Bros one is down that other one I think he might make it oh Bulls we're down to one heart so in the middle we got three bearded dudes and the Knight at the back oh we need to start doing some damage come on guys take him down that's it that's it just the night to go yeah okay we're good we're good oh man we've got one heart uh your next two Tower Refreshers cost zero we're gonna take I can't believe if I had expanded the map we would be laughing because all these ones with water on I could literally just shove them around the edges I will say though at least this is looking very pretty like cool with the castle edges rather than all the all the horrible mud around the edge still annoyed so let's grab that and shove it there let's grab a cannon Tower and go in there oh that's a good that's a good one that's nearly fully surrounded and then I don't even know what I'm what I'm looking for I just I need a bomb some form of bomb so I can place things down on things and I I just don't have one of those at the moment so I guess we'll just start the next wave so top rates down at this bottom left one there is a beard guy he might he's he's gonna make it as neat I think he's ended US ah defeat we got to level 34. now we we unlocked 26 new elements which is pretty good like all these things are cards we can get in the future all cluster tower that sounds fun oh wow and a double cluster Tower blimey but anyway I think that is for another time because oh I can't believe I didn't I pressed the wrong button and I skipped the thing that I didn't want to skip ah one false move and you're you're falling off the cliff that is the danger of building a sky tower right anyway guys I hope you enjoyed I love arrows peace love and Bridges by
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 644,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q1HDbxLRtiQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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