Rimworld Biotech, Tribal Youth Survival: Days 1-25

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today we're going to be embarking on a new rimworld challenge long form with the biotech so grab your popcorn and get comfortable we're gonna be looking at uh the new DLC which has a load of new content I did try play testing this through a bunch of different parts uh over the last couple of days we tried with mechs we tried with like some of the sangrophages and Spitting Fire and all of the new abilities but it was just kind of a dizzying amount of content so I decided to settle on just setting uh setting up the pregnancy system uh and that didn't work out either because everyone was just getting miscarriages and people were dying in childbirth so I decided let's just see how children grow up in rimworld so I decided to set up with a a group of tribals 10 of them and they're all kind of staggered at different ages so right now we have from youngest to oldest orange and cambr who are both two years old they are infants and they're being taken care of by the older children hakuja and Scorpion are both six going on seven um and they're able to do some of the basic tasks like hauling things around actually how are they hauling I did not think that they could do this oh well okay that is another capability that they have that I did not know of um vanastra and dark light are both nine going on ten Biko and Brava are 12 and grasshopper and Val are the eldest they're 17. so in order from youngest to oldest like infant all the way up to young children to older children to pre-teens to teenagers and I've intentionally kind of staggered their ages so that we'll be seeing them progress over the first couple of days of this challenge it looks like um hakuja and Scorpion have already progressed from where they were at age three because I had play tested this and they weren't even able to haul at all so this is really interesting to just see colonists get more capabilities as they grow up because very shortly cambr and orange should be rising from their infant stag being stagnant um but it does take quite a while I really like the way that they implemented the Aging system it just takes so long so I wanted it to feel a little bit more like progress anyway um like I said pregnancy in children uh we looked at the pregnant colonists and we were really totally happy with them uh and there's a lot of robot and Mech content but it's also just kind of a dizzying amount and I feel like I've done it with Androids so foregoing a little bit of that and just doing some of the tribal start here we'll probably do this for a good bit and try to get a decent Colony setup I want to see if these guys can fend for themselves because I'm kind of curious if medieval colonies are viable like you know uh like a genetic clan of I don't know I said genetic client a clan of I don't know some type of warrior all living together it would be really neat um but they do have different capabilities as they get older so hakuja is only six and is not able to do almost all tasks um actually can do some hauling I didn't expect that but really it's pretty much just shooting in melee and I believe social too like can socialize with other pawns oh but no this one was a killer from birth hakuja is actually a killer so is incapable of socializing I neglected to see that um scorpion however should be fine too yeah talk to other people I don't know why I made that Immortal combat reference but yeah I think that's quite fitting um cambr and orange just infants and we don't really know any of their traits right now but nastra and dark light should be fine to do most labor but not like hire more intellectual things like artistic medical social intellectual as well as construction so not like any heavy lifting and we do have some incapable loves here too um accursed child which actually has a bunch you were an accursed child as a kid so you can't do quite a few things um and Biko is just being lazy over here Brava I kind of want to see also too if grasshopper and Val will as they turn 18 start to enter a romantic relationship because then we would see the pregnancy thing kick in if any of that were to happen which it really isn't that interesting I mean Beyond just they have a baby and then it takes two years to be born but if we could do that as like a cap to this I think that would be very interesting anyway um TBD we'll see what happens hopefully all of the children will survive um yeah uh because most of them didn't in our last colonies anyway we are here with the stream um so again thanks to uh deadly short and the dead corn and uh Crimson for the subs much appreciated guys so we'll be getting a healthy dose of back seating from chat um and I did just set out some of their base so that they would have some tasks to get started on as we can um I'm trying to think of uh what my other goals are I really just want to see a group of tribals come along and I want to see it as these kids age like if if this colony is totally not viable because I want to know if I can somehow create like an army of children for another base I want to do a colony where it's one guy taking care of a hundred babies like The Sims challenge but I'm like oh no how could I possibly do that I could make him some sort of like mechanist and then that would make him super powerful but it just sounded so ridiculous and I want I want to see at what age in this game uh children go from being like completely useless to useful in helping around the base so I thought that would be an interesting thing to explore yeah like are we gonna get frustrated by this playthrough or will it actually go really well um hopefully the latter but dbd it could always go bad it could always go bad um other stuff to say other stuff to say yeah it's just really like a dizzying growth moment for akuja so we actually had a growth moment has reached to buy a biological age of seven experienced team intensifies a growth moment she has demonstrated excellent personal growth Okay so hakuja oh this is interesting so as they age up you can actually choose their passions this is so cool okay so remember hakuja was how old's six this gives me ah this is so interesting what do we need in our Colony I wonder if we can make them really passionate about something I was wondering what would happen so I did make it so that some of them will age up day by day so over the first couple hours weeks and days we'll we'll keep getting this message um she's experienced a growth mode she's demonstrated excellent person capable of doing the following work okay so all the cable gloves and you can actually choose the trait as well wow you could choose a bad trip as well who would choose like lazy and slow learner over some of these beautiful versus careful shooter versus jealous I guess we'll take it's a child so let's give her a careful shooter um and then let's say con uh construct I wonder what will happen if I give her construction even though that she's incapable of it you know just for the sake of experimentation I'm going to put construction here because I want to see if she becomes capable of construction if I'd give her this thing um as well as let's say um intellectual no let's say she's gonna be a horrible cook if we give it to her so let's just say plants because that really can't hurt and then crafting yeah okay that's fine she was at growth tier eight children at higher growth tiers get more trait and passions up to choose from more passions overall satisfying the learning need helps to oh so I guess this is related to them going to school which we haven't done any schooling so probably if a child had gone to school which there is a whole system for that in the game but we just haven't got that furniture yet as you can see the babies are just sleeping on the floor there are cribs but we just don't have them um name them Children of the Corn and then we could plant corn that would be spiritually fitting if we did that to be fair it's a good idea um I think for right now we'll just be Children of the rice until we have until we had food if I had a trophy if I had a trophy um Timmy Turner's dead or the Rugrats Jesus okay so let's see azakuja actually grown at all physically one thing that I regret is that I did set out bodies for them um but I'm not sure if they're actually going to change so appreciably as they were kind of at this size to begin with but there was a part in character editor where you need to and this is The Unofficial update to character editor that I'm using that's the one mod on here um so not really anything that you see I'm hoping that the child's body will grow just to kind of demonstrate this but they haven't really aged that much either so we might not see anything I mean grasshopper and Val are at their full size at 17. so there is that there is that anyway um I always find that I have a hard time planning these things once I'm already streaming because I spend so much time kind of like trying to figure out what's going on so um I did plan out the base a little bit and just kind of the essentials where I eventually want a refrigerator once we've teched up um a rec room which I'm just kind of using as a stockpile right now a stockpile room which I'm using as a barracks right now and then fields and more fields and a pen those are kind of like the essential things but right now I think they're just getting all of this stuff in here and we have a growth moment for vanastra that's nice okay so you're actually quite good at everything um so she wasn't really very smart she was at growth tiered seven well let's make you an optimist and then let's increase your passion for crafting because we could always use more of that yeah crafting and Mining that seems good look at those Cliffs out gotta get that out of the way it's Moody Wallace and Rusty dry brush thanks very much for the subs yeah the doctor baby could fix us who doesn't love a good doctor baby orange is actually in a mental break right now or he's in a funk I don't know why that makes a difference um just because he's soaking wet all right well I don't want to get that taken care of anyway let's also make sure that we've got all the work assigned to these guys they are hauling they are doing most of the basic tasks they could do I guess we're gonna have to go in and like manage stuff a little bit more just because some of them seem to be getting passions for things as we go along so most of it is an auto selected but I do want to keep people focused on their area of expertise to be fair we could use somebody else who's good at Social so maybe I'll do that one next as well but I believe it's only around the age of 13. or is it 17 now that I look at it that they become capable of I was 12 you said research work can only be done from age 13. okay so this is actually objective information that is true so yeah like I thought you have to wait until you're 13 to do research very smart 13 year old we've got here Smith work can be only be done from age 13 apparently Smiths too okay scorpion is getting old enough to fight Sub-Zero now oh and we can actually change some of these passions to double passions this is very interesting hmm I guess we'll make you a fast learner because that seems like pretty op trait to have I tried not to make them horrible children but keep in mind that your children will probably be much more horrible only because I didn't want anything to hold us back at the beginning of the colony yeah let's make like double passions for everything that would be nice three skills what we got a genius over here okay all right get good at Social get good we have a cow named Errol oh wait no it's a bull anyway I also did give us two I mean four cows I can count because why not have cows guys I deserve cows I've never had a remerald colony with cows don't I am I on Randy uh I'm playing with Cassandra blood and dust I think that Cassandra of blood and dust is probably my favorite storyteller not because like you know I'm basic uh but because I feel like Randy just sends animals and disease and then like not even raids or anything fun I I don't find Randy fun I find Randy just annoying um I know he's kind of like a meme orange became a okay so yes good they are in fact growing physically orange just got up and started moving he decided that he was completely able to walk the whole time it's almost like he's deceived them all like he's the guy from one One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest you know he can haul children can clean I should have stayed on that dialogue just a little bit longer do I have that message again okay yeah there we go growing up and become a child he's now old enough to do the following work patient bed rest child hair uh Child Care Child Care haul clean children can do various types of work as they get older they're able to become to do more work types various child specific recreational activities and they need to wear a child sized apparel okay this is new information for us um of course A lot of these things were looking a little odd when I was putting them into you know like character editor trying to change people too much because I guess modders are going to have to adapt to the new children I really like that we have all ages and shapes and sizes in the game now though all right so what is everybody doing um what are they doing okay you are feeding the baby food to the baby and you kids are watching they're watching the baby be fed this isn't work come on kids get to work we can't just watch the baby be fed floor drawing oh my God these tribal children they have get to work kids they're all they're doing is drawing triangles on the floor I didn't tell them that they could do anything though I suppose that this is like some form of childish activity children want to learn different activities current learning desire lesson taking oh this is interesting cleaner will eventually remove the drawings okay so they use chalk to I guess this maybe like cultivates artistic skill in them or something this is interesting I suppose like however much you cultivate learning in a child I mean yes I could make them into uh Fighters but uh eventually we're all just going to have to defend our land from the wargs and huskies that will attack us and why is Brava in a bad mood I pretty much just intend on letting them go off into mood breaks for the first few days I don't think anyone is like a totally out of their minds so that should be fine also this should be rice instead whoopsy Daisy Whoopsie Daisy whoopsy Daisy um man kind of a bummer that the children aren't doing a little bit more work like they seem to be very much actually the first day they seemed very inclined to do work I could force them to work um that's how everything is gonna sound but I mean like you know who somebody's having a party because having a party this isn't a very good party why are the adults like yeah kids throwing a party yeah like let's supervise I mean we're already at the night of the second day come on folks we gotta we gotta get some stuff done all right I'm gonna just tell them all everyone is not allowed to have fun everyone including the babies work all day at first I thought I could tolerate it but now I mean come on normal Collins and you guys are pretty good colonists would have had all this done by this day so that's why I'm putting my foot down the call off the good call off the party none of this work everyone work don't even eat for a while come on just get the good get the house done sleep us under a roof tonight fun is canceled I know I probably sent it I mean everyone it will go into it probably a spiraling mood break anyway though so just get used to it I hate to say it I just I'm worried the cows will wander out uh off Along on their own okay a growth moment for dark light it's a dark light is uh has turned 10 turned 10 um an intellectual 10 year old we do need somebody with a double passion in this eventually though so I'm going to take that and we'll take the crafting just because nobody else is good at it and social because we need somebody with a double passion in it um superimmune is really nice fast learner is good joggers too good uh man all of these are really good um but you're incapable of hauling so the jogger is kind of useless um I'm gonna go ahead and say fast learner would be crazy good for these two traits or these three two or three traits but I'm thinking that super immune is just so op that I really like it so I'm going to take that keep him alive before he learns you know that's kind of what's what's important to me can be r I was getting like some beat complete Vibes I really like that Pete complete series where he had a guy named Cambria am I going to turn on manual priorities uh no I really didn't realize is that necessary right now because like I just have to do a lot of this but I will show you what I would do sometimes people put ones in this and it scares me when people put ones on their manual priorities because they shouldn't that should only be for things that are like absolutely urgent I think that in truth the highest priority that you leave anything at should be a two so that way if you want everybody to cut plants or something suddenly you put them all to a a one and then you could just change it back but I've seen I have friends who are crazy and they do this anyway here we go just make sure that you're doing hauling the children are automatically set not to tick on their tasks that they're capable of doing once they're able to do it it seems oh wait no that's orange orange is no orange is a child now not a baby anymore hmm no even uh doctor one I don't even think that makes sense in case if they need bed rest now it should be something that you need to go in and manually do in my opinion like for example if you want everyone to just stop whatever they're doing and cut plants that should be one anyway I don't know I have yet to hear a good explanation that I liked and if I'm an ignoramus then I'll remain that way okay now take everybody's priorities that you want them to like focus on and things that they're passionate about and then make those twos that's always been my kind of Mo unless if like it just doesn't matter because you have so many people on it like if it's a hunting thing that kind of makes sense that's what I like to do okay oh Whoopsie Daisy okay another thing that I should have done is also but obviously obviously put patient and doctoring as number twos as well doctoring whoops there we go doctoring should also be a two bed rest should also be a two there we go child care in general should be now I don't actually know like how urgent is the the baby I think the baby is pretty urgent because we don't want to just like let the baby go the basic stuff also too should be a two okay and then from here on in you yes we could work on the passion so we'll individually take all the passions just so that they focus on the thing that they're going to be good at and that's always kind of been the way that I've played rimworld and then if there's somebody who's just useless with everything you go ahead and you make cleaning or hauling and cleaning it too so like for example the children although they're passionate about these things I just kind of want them to haul and clean yeah like the children can just haul things around and clean that's that's pretty much their job and the baby will just sit there the baby the baby you can just sit there the baby anyway things that I wanted first off I wanted to focus on making a Barracks uh then getting the fields we've planned the base out more or less then we'll take in the cows and then I want to work on heat and shelter because we are rather low in the world Oh I thought we didn't have to generate the planet anymore I thought that the game had actually been optimized to the point we don't need that but we just got that screen again because it will get quite cold here in this part of the world as you can see so we want to take care of that soon enough uh we are in September so we've got a little bit of time but uh yeah just another thing on my mind a little bit here so we will want to get some area that we could heat and keep everybody warm and because uh uh we don't want to all die of exposure to the frost that would that's not my plan anyway it looks like we're gonna get all the wood in before it deteriorates and then I think we can actually even just start chopping down more of this wood over here um as for other stuff um how am I liking the new expansion so far really liking I would say this system I know it's not as maybe contentful or as exciting perhaps as some of the other ones I think um I think we already had a healthy dosage dosage of that from mods so I didn't really feel like we needed it Biko has become an adult now oh wait a minute he goes only 13. so oh what all right uh okay I guess 13 is an adult or maybe that's the text Vicky uh fine okay um let's make him industrious why would we make him some of these things nice that you get to choose good traits over bad traits maybe like if they had had a bad childhood you get only bad traits or something like that I wonder if that has uh 7 10 13 yeah so the growth parts are zero you're born three you turn into a toddler I don't know if these are the exact names seven you're like kind of a younger child 10 you're a preteen thirteen you're a teenager an 18 you're an adult we also had kids like younger than seven doing some hauling I believe if I observe that correctly so there does seem to be something else that happens in the interim there but I don't think it's the uh actually designated as a change anyway uh what stuff are we bad at in our Colony you're pretty much going to be a cook and with plants let's give you double crafting just in case some of these colonists are getting very good I mean they were like slightly randomized to be better but not by that much it seems like if you have a kid though this is making it worth it to go through with like raising the kid properly because it seems like you could shape them much better than just any random colonist that comes through and I like that because how painful would it be to raise a kid for like so many years and not cultivate the traits that you wanna a lot of like regretful parents are hearing this information and wishing that they were playing rimworld with their kids do you think but yeah I don't know like uh I thought um I I thought that that just seemed like a little bit idealistic for the way that children actually grow up in in like you have that Apple can fall pretty far from the trees sometimes you know to be fair to be fair scary to have kids scary to have kids you know if you'll be raising a crazy person you know anyway well what else do we have who else do we have in our Colony you're not very good at anything so I'm going to give you I'll give you a bow because I don't want you to get near to anyone but I also don't want you to shoot one of your own people that would be bad Biko you're incapable of violence and you're a he's a big boy now he's really gotten very large dark light is pretty good in melee not really good at anything though to be fair oh my gosh Scorpio wait scorpion is actually very good okay scorpion you will be our combatant you're only seven but well we need all the help we can get um and then who is the the Elder one dark light you're not very good at anything I'm gonna give you the recurve bow anyway is anyone good at shooting you're not good at it you're not good at it I mean like is anyone really good at it van Astra well you have the Pila that has very few or it shoots less frequently so we do kind of want them to count okay that makes sense I'm fine with that I'm fine with that all right and we're getting a little bit more baby feeding but cambr should grow up over the next couple of days um yeah I really am getting that every time I say cambr I feel like I want to talk like Pete complete I really like the way Pete complete narrates those videos those were nice I learned a lot from the series uh he gave like pretty deep rimworld knowledge but it was pretty accessible to start watching that series too that kind of got me into the game a while back because everyone was giving me tips and saying oh how do I learn third game to learn or like it's pretty easy to get into but it's hard to master or it takes a while okay we've got some guy with a big thick mustache come oh wait no that's not a mustache that's a veil would that it were a mustache wood that it were [Music] all right we're gonna go ahead and make another Grow Zone over here as well all right so grasshopper is on a mood break but that's okay because I mean it'll eventually buff him the babies can be like very upset but they don't really do anything about it they can start crying but they're pretty much always crying so it doesn't make much of a difference so I think that's just fine now we're starting to get a little bit more done here and hopefully getting more wood out of the ground um about some other stuff we probably want to clear the the trees for the cows cows as you know dislike trees objectively all of them never met a cow who liked a tree we'll also probably go ahead and plant something a little bit more long-term um you know the fertile soil might be good for Rice just because we had quick uh crop turnover but I'm gonna go ahead and do corn here just because I want to get started on some of it um as for actually race again and then we'll do corn over here because corn like we'll get one good harvest of corn a year but I doubt much more than that so let's do another Grow Zone over in in here we'll do another Grow Zone in here and another one another one this could be hay grass because we are gonna need some of that yes of course we are and then we'll do one more in here and that's going to be Cotton Hill root what did I want uh that'll be the corn that'll be for the corn and then we can start getting ready with other stuff too we are going to need cloth because we are like ancients so this is important um let's do that over there I might revise these grow zones a little bit later on but let's just get it started this way for now like they're they're a little bit ambitious but I want to get plenty of the crop and then we'll also start to get some let's get a little bit of smoke leaf and maybe some medicine growing in here um this could be I guess the heel root first and then just go from there we could also just Harvest that in nature though again don't want to give them too too too too much work but I mean we do have this room up now let's go ahead and floor it uh and this will eventually just be there kind of like oh no oh no that is not as I intended well we can get a marble floor going let's do that then marble flooring oh my gosh fancy living here we come [Music] fancy live and here we come let's get a little research bench going that I'm gonna put in here just in there barracks yeah we're gonna need that right away we attend double A meetings for my recovery from drugs and alcohol and it saved my life I also watched double A because his philosophical voice soothes the spirit honestly like pretty based comment yeah I'm glad that they're somehow relevant together a philosophy of Unity thank you very much for the four months and my productive homophone with uh my nickname and uh an organization uh dedicated to the advancement of addicted individuals thank you I appreciate that hopefully it brings a positive spin to everyone's day hey strayos thank you very much for the prime relatable relatable amen with all the numbers at the end of your name thank you very much for the very nice comment grasshopper is no longer picking out on food okay so we're making our way along in the world the cows haven't so far run off gift from the kinship oh my gosh this guy gave us some components we're just mere tribes people we don't even know what to do with that that's like that's like giving me a a high five I wouldn't even know what to do I would probably just explode with confusion um what else can we do I feel like there's almost too many tasks I've set out for them to do too much work and not enough stuff they do need some steel here let's go ahead and just deconstruct some of this we could also deconstruct these floors over here too because I mean I just need stones in truth truth be told I just need stones good these kids are like moving stuff around this is great man this is fantastic look they're gonna get the cows in there any minute now look at this field uh okay now we can have the animals good or we'll do cows in there I mean you know we'll take care of the cows in there each point 86 count that should be total consumption so I'm assuming that by checking the cow count that could be supported with no other animals in the event okay so then this is basically no cows can be supported by what's in here so I may actually need to go ahead and grow the hay grass and I really am not too good with the animal stuff is there a Best crop that you can just grow in these pens in order to support the animals because otherwise I will keep some hay grass outside but perhaps I should just grow the crop in there as well I'll do that I'm really not too good with the animals because I didn't spend a lot of time on 1.3 because I never got cows and the one time we got cows I was playing with Jimmy you know RuneScape Jimmy we played a game together and then we got some cows but then the cows ran away and it was the worst day of Our Lives it was horrible I never I still haven't gotten over that um see I'm pretty I'm pretty upset about that I think we'll shrink this hay zone out here though hey Zone how you doing Zone hey Zone just leave a stack of rice in the pen yeah something like that ideally but I just want to have something simple that the cows can Munch around on you know yeah and I don't want to give the cows too much room because you know what they say if you get give a cow too much room then something bad's gonna happen um yeah don't give cows so much room you know they might take advantage of it they might take advantage of it all right Bravo became an adult uh and Brava has actually physically grown now did she she looked like a miniature lady before and now she looks like a normal lady um I guess we'll make you really good with animals like she could be the Eliza Thornberry of our of our Squadron intellectual would be good eventually when she oh yeah she's 13 so she could be a researcher obviously and sanguine is quite a good trait all of these other ones are quite bad thing that we get the options I wonder if there's some kind of like point system going on in the background Bianca is pregnant okay that's a cow not a person we've already seen animal pregnancy strangely enough we did now that I mentioned this we did have animal pregnancy in Emerald but we didn't have human pregnancy [Music] if I give a cow too much room it might develop sentience and kill me exactly this is this is what I would have been saying for so long thank you for hearing me out on that all right let's go have a research project on um what do we have stone cutting I think that's pretty important I want to have that happening I mean we will be kind of like low tech for this but don't look down on us because we're low Tech um oh we've got more wood out there out there in the wilderness you know maybe like we're the we're the ones who have it right like the luddites you know all this technology was too much of a good thing like this whole social media thing hang on a second we have a mad squirrel he's upset that the cow has so much room we'll just let him let him take out his anger hey strayos thank you very much for the prime all right here it comes all right let's gather all of the children for war it's like the drums of Mordor playing okay come on everybody smile on your brother everybody grab your bow all right somebody shot it there we go um production we'll have a butcher table here pretty sure that's fine to just do outside okay so what I've decided is eventually this is going to be the kitchen area so let's go ahead and let's put a butcher room like kind of out here yeah like there so put the table there somebody might attack the table but that would actually be pretty decent because I wouldn't mind it if a Raider came in and started attacking my table that would to me pretty much be like a best case scenario foreign mods for human babies true although I thought that the human baby mods like an animal when it's born it's pretty much like it's ready to go ahead and take care of itself like if you've ever seen a baby whale in the wild you know um like it's it's independent but a baby human really needs some more help hang on a second why did I not undraft you it's so funny to see this this small boy eat this wait it's a she small girl smaller girl eating meat pemmican [Music] small wait no you're not a small boy you're he's more of like a thick boy now I guess that's what they go they go from small to thick actually he's just he is rather like rather much of a Hulk the way that he is built grasshopper he is a large man but all right good we're getting all of this stuff back into the base um we should probably start designating some rock hauling for uh grasshoppers collapse due to extreme exhaustion can some hang on a second Brava can you bring him back to yeah go to bed man Jesus why did you do that to yourself just take care of yourself bud oh you've still got a little bit of time left it's the 14th of September it's been how many days it's been a few days soon we'll be getting ready for the Harvest few that was a lot of work all right let's see how much our pen can support now nutrition growth nutrition consumption 3.42 will eventually will have more food in there for them in the meantime let's go ahead and harvest some berries because it looks like we're running out of pemmican um and before the harvests come well I do want some heel root around that would be good so I'll double click that and get that going but then also two okay here we go berry bushes just all over the map will harvest those we might have to eat one of the cows if things don't really go well but also the wildlife um where are the safest animals to hunt I think I'm just gonna start them off on easy stuff hairs rats uh squirrels maybe the actually the turkeys will give quite a good harvest when we consume their flesh and they're rather easy to hit because they're so large the does we could do as well the red fox could take vengeance upon us though I don't really want to peeve the wild boars that would not be a good end to the day all right I think we could start to take out some of these zones right no yeah I I wouldn't want to hurt the fox it's too cute it's a nice it's a nice it's a nice boy nice boy ah like it's suddenly very peaceful and I am reminded of why I enjoy the I just I like planning in this game I like it I like I often mentioned there was used to be this old oh it's still up there on YouTube uh there was another content creator named lore lore plays and she made a video on planning a base and she used the color-coded mod I thought this is a very nice way to show Base building and I actually learned a thing or two from that video like I'd been playing for a while but it's a very satisfying and efficient and like pretty way to set up a base um and I've kind of used that as a as a um like a template ever since really you need to start off with where the fields are so I just took this entire map and I said like where are the best most centrally located fertile Fields so not really many good options but here is pretty good we had a hollow in this area so I said okay you kind of make this into a stockpile area or something let's start off with the fields so I built those two and then I said okay that's got to be near the fridge so the fridge had to be kind of like adjacent to those two I wanted to create a walkway still through the center of the colony so I put this here but then I said okay Fields fridge kitchen and you kind of want the fridge to be near the dining area so I decided dining area here and then once you do that then you say okay where is the bulk of my colony located I put the stockpile Zone here and then I kind of had a natural wall around this so I said okay then the rest of most of the colonies activities can take place in here workshops and then bedrooms usually are around the periphery the only thing that's weird about this is that sometimes Raiders path to the bedrooms so they'll Target like weird spots on your colony but I don't think that matters that much I mean bedrooms aren't really the worst things to get attacked by Raiders I wouldn't want them attacking like my whole Central work area to be honest with you like the bedroom stuff can be replaced oh no this fox show is trying to claim our meal get it anyway come on get that bad turkey trying to get away from Thanksgiving foreign oh my God this is can you at least kill it just don't put it through so much pain jeez so which of our colonists have leveled up Biko and or aged up Biko and bra are now 13. dark light is 10 but Astra is 10. Scorpion is now seven hakuja is seven kambiar is two so Cambria still hasn't actually leveled up so Cambria is still a mere baby but orange is going around and Hauling things over here and there and uh taking care of himself you're digging at the marble uh you know what I'm gonna just build a copy of this because I don't want you to spend so much time in here uh just kind of banging your head against the wall with that task but Val is now 18 and grasshopper is also 18 so we didn't actually get a message for them leveling up that's kind of interesting all right our faction is now named the babies and we're at the cowabungalow there we go uh thank you very much for the good naming chat uh good job good job all right so the babies though some of us aren't the babies anymore grasshopper the vengeful is now 18 but let's see how his social relation uh can be are he doesn't really like cram Cambria because Cambria has been crying a lot um what about Val what does he think of Val chit chat okay I'm kind of curious as to whether they will continue to have more kids or like is there any limitation that you encounter because normally the Storyteller wants you to have I think it's between three and eight colonists that's usual for rimworld colonies that's why you don't just get like crazy large colonies most of the time um oh also too we do have this giant Mech exostrider remains here I'm just going to leave this here for the entire playthrough I think that this is what you need in order to get Mech technology now somebody told me that it's been spawning on every single map but I don't know so I'm inclined to not provoke it because I am afraid of it and because we are tribal people and it's a very Advanced ancient civilization of robots um so I am necessarily afraid of that all right one thing I'm also going to go ahead and do is I'm just going to tell them to start researching a little bit earlier here I didn't put that in as a number two priority um and I wonder if there's anyone who can do that first ah let's just leave it at two [Music] um no actually somebody grasshopper you know what why don't you get off of your other tasks just because I think we need you as a dedicated researcher yeah good because he's the only he's the only guy who can think without like banging his head against a wall he likes it or he'll learn to like it um somebody get me a tldr to get children to use the classroom nine-year-olds destroy my Colony I built a classroom but IDK how to make him use it with the teacher I don't actually know but I know that they have a learning meter um we speaking of which we still have yet to get into the schooling and so on and so forth but we should have complex Furniture which I'm guessing it's under that yeah toy box we have toy box but there's so many new technologies now I do hope that they lower some of the costs of the technology because that's a lot to research I mean just look at all that you have to do 16 000 for a waste pack atomizer Dear God how could this happen though there are enough mods that make people into like super Geniuses and they get technology super fast so I guess I can't really complain about that [Music] um it seems as though yeah we've got a lot of people idle now because a lot of people all that they're really capable of doing is hauling okay so let's give them some gargantuan task that's impossible to complete but we'll do them one by one at least my colonists have got like a basic area set up um we're researching that let's go ahead and start putting things away into the areas that we want them so I didn't actually designate out workshops before but if this is going to be our stockpile Zone well we can put workshops probably like over here and pretty much like all the way out to there ish we could build a wall um and I'm a fan of like one big workshop for most of the stuff but stone cutting can get slightly tricky just because stones are extremely ugly um they're so ugly that everyone died hit you with a SpongeBob reference so we do have some Stones don't we we have some cut stones in it don't we Maybe not maybe I stand corrected here we go well I guess we'll make more of it out of wood because we just have to make it out of well something um okay let's just start putting a bunch of double doors on everything because we can um yeah okay good this is going to make use of more of my wood oh no actually I don't want that quite out there because that's going to be uh for the defense area I will do that and then we're going to put in uh I don't really want more wooden walls but we'll do like a column here to start to hold up the rest of the building in case if it falls down and then let me just start to give them larger tasks to work on that are complex and annoying oh we can also give them Recreation so let's do a hoop Stone ring yes everyone loves playing hoopestone favorite game for Generations who even knows what it's about might be a while before we get wiring as well so let's go ahead and make some area where they can deliver the rocks I'm thinking that they could get rocks for well they could get rocks from anywhere so like we'll have a rock room or maybe just shelves for the Rocks let's start with that we can get shelves right no we can't even get shelves who even are we all right then tables it is tables tables tables tables uh I guess I'll do 10 seats or eight maybe eight will be enough I I can't really feasibly see them all eating at once that just seems difficult to seat them all at 95 only 28 for this but I'm gonna do it anyway just because what else are they going to do with all this wood and it'll get their construction skills up okay that's one thing um also most of them don't have any clothes so we should probably start to work on that um we do have the cotton growing out of the ground maybe we'll grow just a little bit more because it's always a buzz kill when the cotton is done growing and then you you just don't have enough there we go cut summer okay good everything will grow faster low baby food low everything but can be art please tell me that can be R is going to what is his age okay um three quadrons four days okay so cambr will grow up in about 11 days actually I did set cambr back quite a lot because I wanted to see if it would be like totally impossible to take care of a baby because babies like I thought they would be such a liability they aren't really that bad they piss people off because they cry in room I mean as well as in real life but especially in rimworld because colonists are volatile and going to you know fly off the rails at any moment in this game that's just always the way it's been do we ever remove stumps but okay it's just chop wood again good to know good to know hmm fueled stoves oh we could start to mine into this mountain all right well then we'll start to mine into the mountain and they call it a mine and it's mine we'll do like kind of a strip mining into here it's because I want to see if we can find more iron under the or rather uh steel Under the Mountain okay and then the other thing we'll do is Butcher creature forever we need to do that I'm pretty sure we've got all these turkeys lying around um actually where do we have yeah there we go get those turkey corpses back yes that's what I'm talking about okay now let's get some actual uh let's get some food production going all right so we do need fueled stoves here as well um and we'll put that in two hours soon to be kitchen for right now this is going to be outdoors uh just for a moment while we get this thing going actually let's go ahead and do I'm just going to cancel this for a moment because I don't want them to do that I want them to mine out the kitchen area I want to try to keep things in the same place because I just find that it helps me keep things organized um however we don't need to mine out well we'll try to get the surface area going that's important okay good at least the young kids have some like way of making themselves useful by mining into the mountain I mean they're minors and they're miners get it oh my gosh that's hilarious and then they go off insulting everyone you're under arrest fiend what did you create a Masterwork stool you're a tool for creating a master where you created another Masterwork stool this guy's on a what is he on oh wait no it's just one of them oh no it was a Masterwork table what the heck what a great day what a great day for our young civilization minor miners don't worry he's just a minor Miner a minor Miner yeah a minor Miner and he's mining that grasshopper think harder think harder grasshopper so that was stupid is he speaking of which I'm running out of water but the colony is just getting started man 500 why are we all trying to play the game so hard why does it need to be so difficult do you just like to watch a man struggle 500 no we're at like 50 percent but we're playing with a bunch of children because why would we want to make things more difficult for them uh sorry I had a time when everyone thought I was very bad most people still think I'm very bad at this game and I was very insecure about it because I was playing a lot of the game so I tried to keep making the game harder and harder and then I was just like nope this isn't working at all so I just stopped trying it it's been exactly that way ever since we're being raided by the virus blooders so we might start to see some more of the new content in the game with like all these biological people attacking us so these people are all genetically ugly and they're bad with animals in their bed with art but then there's probably something that they're very good at not I haven't seen it yet um he's a waster toxin adapted mix consume some form of psychite virus Pleasures I'm assuming that this guy is probably able to spit toxic like stuff at us we had another Colony previously where everyone could spit toxic at their enemies it was somewhat effective but it wasn't that great in my opinion I mean I'm sure you could make it really powerful but I think we're just going to stick to weapons for the most part we do have some kind of genetic thing running in our people's line though the babies because we did have like some form of genes and inheritance that was going on at least that we could take care of I mean you could make everybody in your Colony look alike like you could have a big tribe of Vikings who they're all blonde and long-haired and have beards and attack people's Villages and stuff like that if you want to um the choice is yours I guess that is to say that is to say ah what a grand haul a grand hall I'm wondering at this point should I just put down wood floors just so they don't get go as insane I think I'm going to because I'm like we gotta give these people a little bit more time to grind in construction I'm afraid of Fire but at the same time I'm more afraid of them just like kind of going on mood breaks and hating their lives so let's go ahead and do that all right everyone come on and then smooth the surfaces there smooth boy those surfaces smooth them away Leah looks like a viking with that mop of hair kind of have to agree like I'm slightly intimidated now that you mentioned that we've got Brava on a murderous Rage that's not good maybe we could take advantage of this somehow now I'm going to need to lay her down in a bid I think I'm just going to put this baby baby sleeping spot we didn't have this option before did we I'm pretty sure that we didn't have a baby sleeping spot I mean they laid the baby down anyway put that baby down you know okay she he has a hundred percent chance to arrest her we still have that Raider named Rusty out there he's beginning his attack right well either way as soon as we arrest her you're under arrest fiend bring her into the bring her down for a rest there we are good rest there for a few minutes uh and actually we're gonna release you immediately because that we're about to be attacked and we kind of need you um aren't you capable of already releasing Bravo okay release her immediately after her murderous rage and hopefully she she won't go on another murderous rage give her back her weapon because she for some reason doesn't use it when she's on a murderous rage almost everyone is about to break so let's just get all of the people who aren't upset and get them to fight this guy which that happens to be only three people uh that is actually somewhat unnerving and bad but let the crazy people stay at home mode there he is he he's coming down I missed him I missed him all right is everybody equipped with a weapon I probably should have checked this before we left home but Well you aren't um okay why don't you go pick pick up a piece of wood and then we'll fight him dude no just shoot him with your bow you didn't need to do that was one of the guys made oh you were melee so you decided to do that well you just stand guard over here Sarah and you actually I really don't want you to get hurt so you have a peg leg when did this happen I must say that these children are very strong individuals able to both fend for themselves admire through uh Mind through sheer Rock Cliffs scorpion just iquad is it equal or iqua because I know that one that is frequently mispronounced is I would say Pilla or Pila but it's actually Pila because it's a Latin word and I was told that this was actually the singular is supposedly plum because it's the Latin neuter word uh so these are like Pila like pilums that he's throwing but the plural is Pila so very weird pronunciation but I don't know the things that you learn from the YouTube comment section on the internet from uh overly educated people um somewhat helpful though anyway we've got this like growth here on our kids because they are I guess they're learning from making chalk drawings on the ground or they were making chalk drawings on the ground and oh my gosh we totally forgot to tell them not to just work all day I am going to let them to just do let them just do whatever they want now because I forgot that I made them work forever no enjoy your life stop going on so many mood breaks though you were very efficient back then so maybe I'll turn you all back into forced labor um sometime over the next couple months you know I mean so far they've been doing really good with just working themselves to the Bone like until they go crazy completely insane uh sleeping in a heap though like how ah you know if only we had these relics of our past sleep the baby is throwing up for oh food major food poisoning when did his left arm get shot off this was before our this must have been before our uh our playthrough my God it doesn't even say that when that happened maybe like I was maybe he just was born without it my God oh was it the troubled pass intro Hideaway overprotective parents encouraged him to stay at home nearly every day though he had a lot of time to read and pursue crafting obvious he never felt normal some of these things don't make any sense because he's only two still maybe he was like reincarnated out of out of a bad situation like he had to respawn you know or he would have lost his whole life I don't know guys I'm just speculating it could be it could be as Alan Watts said and these are just games we're playing uh hiding room on dark light all right it's fine good rise and shine folks 8 AM 8 AM get up get to work get to work come on chop chop chop chop hide in room scorpion all right good getting the mental breaks I like a good mental break though don't you because I know how to handle almost all of them now and as long as I have enough of a volume of columnists they can usually arrest each other and everything's just completely fine based common Triple G thank you very much for the 300 bits appreciate that hmm I mean I don't think that they're already dead though this is the only game where you could have a baby and all of its Relentless I mean like maybe he's growing to grow up to be a fine pirate you know maybe he has Ambitions guys come on let's try to keep an open mind to different Lifestyles all right maybe you don't decide to live that way Bubba Chuck thank you very much for this up appreciate that Bubba all right I mean we're coming to like the end of one Harvest I'm excited for Cambria to stop throwing up and grow up grow up and stop being a baby can be our 10 days okay he's got only like five more days left until he stops being a baby baiko and Scorpion see what happens when I take everybody off of work they all start going crazy out of nowhere jeez Louise [Music] jeez Louise are these cows full almost full love a good full cow you know we should probably get all of those stones out of their room I knew I was missing something when I when I did this um Stone location Stone location we want the stone somewhere kind of out of the way where they won't have to walk all the time so I think I'm going to put them in the corner of this well that won't actually be the corner there play more Stardust okay here we go start man even twitch can pronounce the star days oh wait no I was just in the other order oh yeah we'll be returning to stardeas absolutely no I really like that one I thought that was like the best well also first off just the dev like what a guy just so responsive and nice so I will most certainly be coming back when there's more content um but also too like it took me a while to get into it because I didn't understand some of the systems but it's almost like suddenly out of nowhere I have too many games to play a very good problem to have but yeah we'll be back to that one that game was starting to feel very cozy I think one of my favorite things about that was the sound track though which I didn't expect it's always hard to find a game with a good soundtrack especially one in EA like that like it's not the first thing I imagine you'd think about as a Dev but that game that game's soundtrack slaps why are we not working on this construction people is it just that no one is oh no one is really oh it's because they're all bad at construction so they feel insecure about constructing no it's okay you can construct I want you to do it even though that you're bad at it it's gonna help you it's gonna help you in fact do a lot of it because you're bad at it because you're bad at it you should intentionally fail get better get good get good I plan on doing a Halloween stream I'm not really going to be governed by Halloween maybe we'll do some zomboid though that'd be fun I've got a good new Zomboy playthrough cooked up did say the two-year-old's biological age was 89. um no that would be his uh what was he gonna say he's biologically too but in terms of how many times he's been around the Sun or something like that or what planet he lived on before maybe he lived on a planet where one year there was like 89 years here I believe that's how that works like you never remember that scene in interstellar with Matthew McConaughey and uh Anne Hathaway when they go down to the planet and then they come back uh and it's been like 50 years aboard the spaceship because they've been in the gravitational pull of the black hole um I know I just threw a lot at you but that this is space guys it's not supposed to make that much sense like from our limited Earthly perspective but that's how aging Works in space so you know get used to it why have we got starvation going on here malnutrition trivial oh wait because they haven't even gotten a single Harvest we've got 103 wow we're like really really close to that Harvest I didn't think we would have to keep doing this jeez okay well we have a fox or foxo here who is cooking who is cooking somebody is not cooking [Music] no don't feed a man to him come on there's plenty of raw food around here no do some butchering there you go come on De baby it's maybe it's just because we have so many colors to feed over Andrew thank you for the three months Amanda is pregnant I guess we could Slaughter one of the baby cows or we could Slaughter one of the Bulls and we do have another one this is gonna start to be a lot of them to take care of okay uh crystal ball you're going You're Going Down bud I wonder what sound the cow makes when it when it dies I mean we do need meat good he's drinking the cow's milk I mean but the bowl doesn't really produce milk so unfortunately this is just the way it is Slaughter crystal ball take him out good foreign [Music] cows we got looks like meat's back on the menu tonight boys right in the words of grishnak or whoever it was oh look at all that meat okay Val uh wait who is the coke no who was our cook it was oh no it was Brava probably was a good cook bra book please everyone is hungry don't let the baby where is the baby the baby's about to grow up I'm gonna get this baby grown up in the 14 days we got only one more day until the baby wakes up I mean becomes not the baby anymore there we go all right good we got all the rocks out of that place oh thank God this room was horribly ugly before it's actually looking not as awful as it did before although it still looks quite awful apparently that's okay that's okay I'm fine with that I'm fine with that good good get those meals up get those meals flying around and into people's mouths good feeding the masses feeding the masses I think we're going to pull through to the first harvest they're ready to harvest everyone oh yes okay but get these children working though because the children will just sit there and do nothing if we don't tell them to work so this is actually beginning to dawn on me like the children do not baby he could he is the not baby the children must work the children must work for more of the day let's give them like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hour work days for the children because the children just sit there and they grow up and they're fine they don't need all of this childish activity I I am a little frustrated with this like having the you can't manage people you know you can't manage people I think they should still be able to enjoy their lives I'm not saying that I'm not saying don't have a good time in fact 12 hour work days because like just only in the morning and at night cambr became a child and I was filled with Glee there we go cambria's first act as a child was to bring iron Into The Iron Room and eat it oh my God he's having like a Happy Meal it's bigger than him that's so cute boost room and prevessiveness on wealth cause with flowers I'm not I don't really love flowers just because they feel like maintenance but yeah probably right it's just like why are they just watching work be performed did they get anything out of that oh they're getting some it appears that they're getting some learning it no not even not even getting anything out of it oh they're doing floor drawing now though okay so that boosts learning [Music] I don't know I mean I'm inclined to just say work all the time kids I'll give them one hour so that they don't have so many mood breaks at the beginning at the end of the day like in case if there's anything that they need to do but otherwise like work work everyone foreign no they're gonna they know absolutely they won't unionize stop being so facetious no I'm serious these children need to get get jobs get jobs someone was just fed a human so I don't I don't stand by that right now I just want to say uh all the human corpses belong well actually let's bring this farther out of here because these also put up like rot now or something and yeah that's not safe for them to be around and we'll make that area pretty not big because I don't want somebody spending a lot of time around that area I think that was a good addition to the game though I think that was a good addition it's gonna make it slightly more challenging yes but can we get this out of here there we go ah haven't had that happen in a while man embarrassing embarrassing finally we got to the first harvest that's good and all we had to do was kill one innocent cow [Music] I think in the meantime we can go ahead and remove these A's a was for animal case if you forgot um fridge this they just haven't really gotten around to mining this that's okay that's okay may as well build the wood all the way out here too um not there major break risk it's okay just go on your break I want you to be happy but what is really bothering you though learning deprived okay so learning deprivation is actually going to upset them so they need not only Recreation but also learning as children [Music] uh actually I take that back they don't need Recreation they just need learning huh [Music] okay that's making a little bit more sense okay then in that case I will give them a little bit more time in the morning and the evening but that's it that's final that's final I think the other ones don't need to learn so much Biko you don't need to learn do you yeah he just needs Recreation he just needs recess that's it yeah no no flowers we sweep when we sleep with the dead people and we have dirt on our floors please someone clean this [Music] clean the dirt please and get all of those drawings off of the ground clean the floor drawings everyone just cleaned the house for a minute can we all just do some cleaning uh and this is the reason why now I've gotten very upset with everyone this is the reason why I I do manual priorities like this isn't just in case if um hang on a second I believe I had put the children onto this one everybody's going to clean for like the next five minutes this is the most satisfying thing you can do in remote is just set one priority and look the entire colony is cleaned in like three seconds oh it's amazing it just feels so good look they get the whole place is ah it's pristine that's nice and that's why I keep that priority like that um but for these people no just for the kids they're the ones who clean all right that's fine okay so our house looks not so bad anymore right slightly impressive hey that should keep us going for a much longer time than I expected we would I started to get a little bit worried there with all the mood breaks kids hate school because it's boring they love learning and what they're interested in I think that's true honestly I believe that's true you know and like also to think about like as you get further along in your uh in your education probably like when you were when you were in school it was a lot of busy work you know it wasn't really like specific to you but maybe if you uh if you ever took any like college courses or like later on in high school you kind of get to direct your own learning a little bit more with projects hopefully but you know it also depends on where you go but like hopefully hopefully add somebody there to guide you guide you along in your in your education for what it's worth for what it's for whatever it's worth all right I don't think that construction is quite so urgent now all the people who are bad at it you don't have to do it all the time anymore okay I think it's funny that I forgot to give grasshopper back his weapon and he's just been carrying a log around for the last like 40 minutes it's like it's like is mayonnaise an instrument kind of moment you know all right these are better need colonist beds because I just deleted them I just want to get that done after 90 degrees Fahrenheit okay it is getting rather hot in here um it's like that song it's getting rather hot in here we go I guess we'll just use passive coolers for now by the way now it is decembery I don't know why why the hell is it this hot in decembery we're at like the South Pole here how is this happening hey beef thank you very much for the sub we got to get the tailor going yeah we should probably get some clothing as well hmm art bench wooden butcher table I mean the environment is pretty like clear and clean we could always just put a campfire in the middle of the floor if they're into that but at least we managed to get another Harvest going so that for that I am thankful for that I am thankful you should probably also get this indoors um in fact let's just put this in here for a moment because this is very much not a good place to have this then we could just keep that area clean go frenzy on Scorpion oh fantastic maybe he'll be ready to fight Sub-Zero soon or maybe he'll keep the temperatures above zero wherever he is around him because we are very much at risk of that I would also be fine with that as an alternative we also no one is happy in this Colony okay as soon as we get stone cutting I swear I'm gonna keep working on the rest let's get even another research table going because this has taken in a long time and also we don't actually need any more of this they did a great job on this room though I think I mean this room is is looking fantastic is it did we get it up to very impressive no only slightly impressive that's fine I mean even with some dirt on the floor if it's very impressive or if it's slightly impressive even like that's a statement that's a statement I've had some palaces that haven't even had that disgusting we do need one more though or we just build another wall that's fine cool all right colony is looking good I mean eventually this is going to be the stockpile room and we'll move all this to be the rec room but it is what it is right southern hemisphere I mean do I need to show where how far we are on the map again look we're all the way down here we're like practically in the Arctic maybe not quite that far down but yeah like it should be colder right now okay here it comes down 69 degrees and you know it's all downhill from there there we go or maybe it's just like a hot planet like it got too close to the Sun it's like Icarus clean the trash come on Grasshopper Go baby go think think he's at 3 4 3 15 out of 450. okay this guy is plowing along now at getting smarter look he's getting so smart you can practically see the wrinkles like folding into his brain hey wampastaba thank you very much for the 15 months there we go now I think I might also get an art bench too is anyone good at that I mean we've got all of this wood lying around we might as well give them some wooden sculptures let's just get one of those make this into like our future Workshop eventually we will get our Workshop here so this will be very we can take them from there and bring them in here you know like we're the Grinch I mean the Grinch sorry I mixed up cringe and Grinch very easy mistake to make a reasonable one better men than me have made it before all right uh I guess large sculpture because it doesn't take up a lot of room it doesn't take tons of time and let's make like three now is anyone good at this I mean the children are able to do it we don't really want like a bad artist to get to work on it here you go he wouldn't like that ever heard your art project braba it was due today we need that sculpture in here now I think they have nice try be names don't you orange can be our hakuja scorpion banastra dark light Biko Brava grasshopper and Val the only one with a normal name is Val like Valerie I suppose it's still 82 degrees Fahrenheit in the middle of December that's pretty hot that's pretty hot man for people in Celsius that's like what upper 20s something like that I don't remember the exact formula for a lot of it what is it like divide by three more or less I think so anyway um I guess we can start storing the rice in the area that will be the kitchen like we might as well just put it in there and then put a wall around it um maybe like that yeah like there there we go we could just do a normie door in there a normie Normie door actually I think I can make a little bit more efficient with the space if I do this because eventually I'm gonna put it in an airlock yeah we'll do that okay and then this is going to be storage for clear all this is going to be preferred for only the food will go in here only the foods there we go all right so now they have a second stockpile Zone they can start to free this up and then we'll put things in the right place sooner or later and looks like they're just about done with the stone cutting there too the Stone Crusher Clan that would have been like a nice like primitive name for our tribe I don't know why I didn't pick that you guys ever play Goblin Commander for uh consoles I picked up a copy of this because I really wanted to do something with it it's such a great game but that was your original clan in it the Stone Crusher Clan the stone pressure Clan like that like that and then it has also as everybody got a weapon now because everyone is now capable of fighting so I want to make sure that at a moment's notice if we get dropped in on by mechanoids or something like that we get something going now Biko is incapable of violence I think it's just uh the babies that need the weapons I mean they're not the babies anymore so all right are they any good at anything at all yay one-eyed Jack thanks very much for the very nice comment if you hope the I hope you keep enjoying whatever it is you found from the videos I guess we'll do a crafting spot for now we'll just make some clubs primitive clubs here we are okay other things that we can start to separate out to and I just kind of want to say this is uh steel doesn't rot so we can definitely put that outside um think only using that for a lot of crafting so we don't want it to be too far off from here so let's just go ahead and create another stockpiles and I had a friend who was really good with these stockpile zones just you know trying to free up as many indoor spaces as you can early on in the colony so let's make like just a little area where we'll put preferred for clear all and we'll just put Steel in here because it's it's not gonna go bad we might as well put it outside and free up this like perishable indoor space and then shortly thereafter we should be able to start getting oh and we also want this to be I forgot to do this we never want them to make these out of steel just wood I mean Stone wouldn't be bad either but we simply don't have any stone right now and it's just bigger priorities okay now it's starting to look more like decembery temperatures uh 54 degrees Fahrenheit so I think I'm going to turn off the automatic refuel here the torch should give them a little bit of warmth camping Kali thanks very much for the seven months Goblin Commander yeah what a game right it was the best uh kind of nice to hear that you guys played that too Cloud9 and brother Jay's yeah ah stone cutting yeah yeah okay um now we I forgot to say that we couldn't just totally make tribal wear complex clothing what is the most urgent thing next I think I'm just gonna make them some tribal wear at the crafting station next I should have done that before but alas I forgot okay let's do some complex Furniture because I want people to have actual beds their comfort is pretty low right now all right and in the meantime let's go add Bill we're gonna make tribal wear we'll just make um make until we have and I'm so thankful to not be on Console right now console they hadn't fully worked this bit out um I like the console version otherwise but it was missing this one bit the last time I played Count equipped okay we're gonna do that and we should have ten and they should all be let's say at like 80. as long as we have 80 that are equipped because we want people's gear to be in pretty good condition any quality it should also be like at least normal quality 60 of the fabric count tainted I'm currently up two out of ten pause when satisfied yes wait I don't see doesn't it already pause when satisfied um only a lot I don't actually remember what this means uh take the best stockpile is pretty fine because this doesn't take them that long to do I mean there aren't that many of them to make any worker allowed crafting skills 0 to 20 is fine ingredient radius uh hey I suppose I am okay with unlimited let's say the thing and then let's also just make two clubs uh do that right away actually and not just make them out of wood please oh God just please make them out of wood not all of that other stuff okay there we go good crafting is happening because we did have some animal pelts and we had some whatever it was light leather get these people clothed up and now the tribal wear should just be one layer they could have them I can see you streaming hey Dust Bowl thanks very much for coming out and thank you for the prime hope you're enjoying more of whatever you came for of the orphans orfed they say it's orphan time uh double research all the way across the room look the children are cleaning and doing all of the menial labor like we intended and the adults are in the room doing important art projects and research projects and they say to the kids get out of here boy I'm working on my project that's nice that's really nice okay let's go ahead and get some stone cutting going because we haven't had any are we gonna put this near here and then we're going to divide this out because I mean look I could get ideally I would have shelves to keep these things on and they made shelves so much more viable in vanilla I really like what they did with the shelves hang on a second do we have any no we just have wood and steel okay I do want to separate this out to begin with though because whoever's standing here will go crazy because of all the stuff next to them like I can't work like this with all of these Stone chunks right here it's driving me insane they're so Rocky they'll go mad uh one thing I'm forgetting though actually too is now that I'm starting to make all this tribal wear don't I need like child size tribal wear is that a detail that I can wearable by adult yes this is there an option somewhere I'm not seeing add Bill make tribal wear maybe information do you tribal wear I wonder if it's anywhere else you know I missed it in the research oh did I miss it in the research tree ah thank you for that thank you for that hmm a moment a moment yes the Shelf buff was quite good okay let's let's check in the research complex clothing is it under ah it's under complex clothing then okay that is fine that is fine so it's under complex clothing but they can't just make like a smaller one for the babies okay this is how I do my stone cutting now I just don't even do that I just limit the radius to here that's what I say to them Okay cool so they will be cutting Stone forever it sounds like a like some sort of sisyphean Doom I've doomed them too like I've cursed them to making stone blocks to make it forever I I was never real that never sat right with me the way they do it look you child you're only seven and you're cueing chunks of stone that's pretty metal that it is pretty metal I I gotta say though I've learned a lot during the stream and I like it when I'm learning and yet I can still like um feel somewhat coherent in The Narrative of the game because I frequently feel as though when we do these streams like I whenever I'm learning a lot I'm really not like it's very hard to follow but I I think that this stream has been pretty easy to follow from the start so I am thankful for that because the other day is just you know uh the the poop hit the fan as they say let's see okay this is going to be for blocks all kinds of blocks but this is going to be low priority and we'll do that and I'm just going to tell them to Dr uh what does it drop on the floor or take to what is the stockpile Zone stockpile zone for so I'm just gonna do that um it takes to a stockpile zone four okay but what if stockpile zone four overloads although I find that extremely rare this is basically the equivalent of your cooking workflow here except just with stones um actually we don't need this task getting done right now what I would kind of prefer is that they get that kitchen done in the meantime let's also build another copy of this in here I know it's going to make the room just a little bit warmer but uh it's fine um okay other stuff cancel these yeah just mine out this area because I kind of want that kitchen done and then we'll expand this Zone because this is just food storage all right our colony is not looking so god-awful anymore I mean it really does still but there's like a method to the madness and I always struggle at that part of the game because I feel like it's either just total chaos or everything's super ordered but I think we transitioned pretty well there I think it's mostly just like me planning it out before I start streaming I don't know what it's like having that drawing there for myself from the beginning I could never like color inside the lines I suppose that is to say like figuratively you know I could perfectly well color inside of lines but yeah like I don't have a natural sense of aesthetic organization it just takes me a long time some people do and I really Envy it like some people's notebooks looked very organized when I would go to school with them mine didn't mine looked awful like the content was there but it really didn't look good and there it is that is like a flaws but I can do it I can do it if I if I must it just takes me some time that is to say I have bad presentation skills do you struggle with this man one rock to the left and it can access the backspace to increase the Rock Storage wait what was that sound animal starvation wait haven't they been feeding the oh no not the cows hang on a second I will just let's create like one one square of rice that's just critical rice clear all but only rice just bring the rice there dang it no you keep cooking even if a cow dies I'm not gonna have a heart attack you know tantrum on dark light hiding room but Astra okay now I'm not too happy with this oh you went crazy when you were hauling back the rice what were the odds of that hang on a second Orange you're my only hope all that Rice bring the rice to the cows everyone knows that cows love rice and beans there we go that's why they fart because of the beans right there we go the cows are like oh my God feed me [Laughter] no they're not they're just cows of course they're not excuse me please stop destroying everything that's the Masterwork table why would you do that we all like that Everyone likes you worse now oh it didn't destroy anything and you're repairing it all after that what a good egg you are we'll never do cleaning then Astra is upset what a good way to have a mood break though all right excuse me now it's starting to look like we're ready for the next stuff hey twitch uh hey uh order thanks very much for coming out hey twitch hey twitch I don't think I've heard that one for people saying hey twitch hey chat you know like that I don't really like saying hey chat I try to avoid saying that because I I mean you're no one here is chat you're you're whatever your name is maybe your name is like Paul or Amanda or something like that you're not chat always kind of bothered me uh band Triple G thank you very much for the 300 pits that was I haven't laughed out loud to a TTS in a long time thank you very much what if your name is chat well then let's have a meeting let's have a meeting hey Vegas thank you very much for the prime anyway look at how fine our house is going to be with these walls let's get okay I'm gonna start declaring my war against dirt so one of the earliest things I like to do just because I hate it when my colonists fly off the rails and if I can prevent them from having mood Breaks by keeping the place clean I take some pride in that I know it's starting to sound like a Patrick Bateman speech like I take pride in the way or what is it I care about the way I look or what is the line in that movie that's such a funny line the one where he's like going he's putting moisturizer on his face but it's like a mask and then he peels off his face oh my God what what a movie what a movie I believe in taking care of myself that's it that's it uh yeah the American Psycho what a movie I believe in taking care of my Colony my name is ambiguous actually my my name is Rob I don't really say my first name very often my first name is Rob most people don't know my first name but I wasn't like hey everybody it's Rob AKA ambiguous amphibians I usually just go by AAA but then that also had that productive homophone or homonym or whatever you would call it so that became somewhat difficult because then that led to more confusion so here I am nameless and confusing everyone and that's exactly the way it's been for many years and I I have somehow taken a great comfort in this I enjoy confusing you I hope you're confused uh anyway um that is to say that is to say thank you I don't know where I'm going with this major Breakers major break Riskin now you aren't going to break you're going to get fixed if you break we're gonna fix you we're gonna fix you right up I just keep cleaning the room everyone come on we're cooking in here people we're cooking in here this is why I like to focus on this first is because I find that food poisoning is one of the most debilitating and easily avoidable things for an early Colony like if you can just meticulously manage it you'll prevent everyone from being slow all of the time so that's why I try to keep things clean I guess that's why I think that's like the next big priority after you have you know the basic stuff out of the way the basic stuff out of the way of course I do that and then let's handle this and then can we just put this in here yeah let's just stop being a baby stop being a baby and make a kitchen [Music] and then somebody clean that too candy are clean that who put in the legendary name of Cambria probably the most famous rimworld colony named from Pete what if Pete made a second Channel called like Pete finished not Pete complete anymore it wouldn't rhyme it would have to be like Colony would go Dennis finished or what rhymes with finished that's a name inished um somebody give me a name Pete accomplished I know I just always like I get excited whenever I see that he's posted a new video you know Phineas finished Phineas finished finnian finished that would be an ideal name someone passed that along to Pete if he's listening I'd really like to I'd watch the all of the content on that channel get recommended all the videos click on them right away first thing in the morning like you know when you accidentally take your phone out right away you've been taking care of my self and a balanced diet exercise routine in the morning yep that's the Patrick Bateman that's it I'll put on an ice while doing my stomach crunches I can do a thousand now after I removed oh my God and I think that's based on the book it's like um what is it that's basically facial mask which I leave on isn't that like the Alex Burgess orange I always use Triple G thank you very much for the 600 bits also makes you look then moisturizer then an anti-aging eye bomb followed it's so funny to hear the TTS bot say it as well because it sounds like a bad reading of it thank you for that oh my God major gaming thank you very much for the sub this is almost as good as like the dramatic reading of 50 Shades of Gray or somebody did it in the voice of Cookie Monster it's still up on YouTube I Believe like someone read a passage foreign I mean I can't do that type of content because I because I need to be reputable but uh one of those like old Rabbit Hole YouTube videos you would go down just very funny stuff [Music] not that it had anything to do with rabbits okay now we need light in this room actually put that a little bit closer I find it ironic that dark light is working in dark light don't you think that's funny uh that's like somehow spiritually fitting good I just got so much satisfaction and serotonin release out of that yes neurochemical transmitters of pleasure there we go let's let's call it a mine for a few minutes over here all right so we've got steel um we've got a kitchen our area is clean our children are grown I'm trying to decide what do we let's try to find and answer this we're about two hours into the stream now I think that these children are actually pretty viable as colonists like I had my concerns that it would be 18 years you know um in the words of Kanye to uh to raise them into valuable citizens but well what does Cambria are doing this is a little bit odd this is like a kind of The Shining sort of thing for him to be doing don't do that camper that's weird I think we can get a dedicated cleaner though on one of the kids um I suppose that we don't really want children taking care of other oh no the child could take care of a baby I guess that it would be like in tune with the baby's needs to be fair let's go ahead and make some of them dedicated cleaners that way the the youngest of them will clean the house first and make everyone else happy so that they can then take care of the children it's kind of like a trickle-down effect but with like communal love um like what an absolutely politically universal statement to have just made I should write a book guys oh my God it would just bring everyone together there would be no more political parties like or the election would be a party you know like I mean we would get a lot of pleasure out of it we've got Stoney soil oh this was an amateur mistake A.A why did I do this why am I speaking about myself in the third person here because I wish to divorce myself from my actions although they are inexcusable do you see what stupidity this was I left dirt in the door how could I have done this how could this happen 9th of December we're coming along here but to be fair I mean like yeah look at me friggin guy um we do need light in that kitchen as well have we been researching oh wait we got complex furniture and I completely forgot about it wow how stupid of me complex clothing so that we could get everybody some clothes look at the cleaning oh my gosh little people are going around and picking the things up that's actually useful because the children are closer to the ground and they can see it better I know I did this but I'm just going to instantly undo it seems like a bit much I was a bit ambitious of me wasn't it I mean in truth really what we need is research to happen but uh let's get everyone some real beds now shall we um I eventually I'm going to move these around so I'm going to use a couple of devil beds just thinking do I really want it like this and we really need quality builder in vanilla one two three four it's like The Brady Bunch this is the story about a family oh they're gonna sleep ah I doubt we'll get any more colonists in the colony oh great job excellent poor okay I'm just gonna deconstruct that one and build another one like I said I'm not using any um or I didn't say this rather I'm not using any mods I'm just using biotech and vanilla because I oh awful um that I like to get to know the mod better and I know we aren't really exploring it deeply but I I don't want to mix anything up with a mod and I know that'll happen if I start using stuff just for convenience because I'm still fresh to 1.4 as well okay we got good we got poor let's take a truck that good good poor okay so deconstruct that one and then we'll build two more they don't really mind there's no feng shui in rimworld you know like they just want it in the room and near them most of the mods are broken too I love the new mod manager that they added into vanilla though that was fantastic what a great idea ah that was the one feature request I would have had to not have to use a mod to manage my mods but it it makes the game so much better so much better I still got poor on that one should we just make like 20 beds until one of them gets made okay nope nobody's sleeping in there tonight uh somebody work on this please you whoever's closest but how do I explore how expansions interact with each other I usually honestly don't really use royalty and ideology ideology could have been interesting if you wanted to make some sort of robot people but I was like I don't really want to make robot people yet like you know oh rimpai was also quite good that's fair but that was kind of like a power user mod no they got awful geez Louise okay just keep making let's make like three or four more beds because we're gonna need them for prisoners anyway just these people are bad at making beds now is everyone sleeping in a heap together dark light is a weird guy just let him stay out there okay everybody's got some kind of like Sleepy's Mattress stuff no they don't have to make their beds they don't have to make their beds uh but the ones that I should assign to people are grasshoppers should get this one and oh wow this actually is declared art now um set owner only because just in case you know if they meet someone and Val reassign okay there we go yep that's ideal good good now our colonists are pretty much automated The Brady Bunch uh oh it's fine it's a rainstorm I do like the uh the new Fire putting out stuff that they had and there were so many like annoying manual task priorities that you had to go through well manually um that they kind of fixed it like the auto cut blight thing and now they're all in vanilla so there's not as much clicking uh which which I think was a great move by ludian I I think that this this expansion seems to be a 10 out of 10. and I think it's because the system that they they just did a good job on the pregnancy there's other systems too that I'm like pretty much have yet to explore like the gene thing but ah psychic soothe on females ah ah awful delete that one we could even get rid of the normal ones now well we'll keep them around for prisoners we don't want prisoners to have bad beds either a bad bad get it a bad bad oh my God that always that always works always works okay now this is sustainable very impressive they didn't even need flowers your pathetic flowers not you're familiar with the Brady Bunch for the kids different ages they would hear their other siblings being I'm pretty sure that the parents didn't have any more kids in The Brady Bunch right foreign how did they become The Brady Bunch did they ever really go over that shoot frenzy on Grasshopper locations yeah it's fine he just mostly does research now all right so we've got everybody let's kind of take a tally of our progress see where we are in our on our goals we wanted to make a Barracks I think we did a really good job at that this is a very multifunctional room that's working well for them right now we're going to reinstall this over here because we now have a workshop uh do we have good we're getting plenty of marble now I'm going to start putting down should I really do this marble tile uh what the heck you know what make it nice yeah I mean they do spend a lot of time in the workshop I might as well make it a beautiful place um let's put all this down here and then we'll do that it's gonna take a while but you know uh they gotta grind their construction skills anyway ambiguous amphibian family oh family like for your family I thought you meant my family my family is my family is you're my family you are my family actually it's been a minute after a minute since I saw my family when did I last see my family September September when I went over to uh pdxcon stopped and saw some family yeah I'm I'm getting like flashbacks here a Revan kissed thank you very much for the four months Reminiscing on the past now here I go it's only because Thanksgiving is coming up maybe it's the turkeys that I'm getting like you know like flashbacks turkey related flashbacks hmm okay so anyway where was I um planning out the base I think we did a pretty good job planning out the entire base uh the only thing I'm really missing here is bedrooms which I can figure out once I've got all of this stuff done I just want to get that workshopped and I guess that'll be like a part two deal um we figured out that children I think the main thing that I wanted to figure out was like are children viable and now I can go through with the rest of this Colony maybe make even one and make one of them into the mechanitter when we can encounter this thing when we have enough technology I don't know if that day will ever come but maybe we'll be raided by a bunch of wolf people or furries or something from this corner of the map and then they'll clash with the technology because they're luddites and they reject it possible it could happen um I'm just speculating about what might be we have a Barracks we have fields that are very well taken care of the cows are taken care of um the heat we were worried about but honestly the Heat like for some reason it just never got cold in this part of the world I don't really know what's going on there we're very close to the South Pole but oh you know what I just realized something really stupid guys I live in the Northern Hemisphere do you know what mistake I just made December is actually the summer for the South this is like December in Australia I am stupid Okay so we've been in the middle of the summer well thank God for that because I wasn't ready for the winter but it's kind of funny how when you start it makes me realize that I think I rarely play southern hemisphere rimworld games you see what I just did we had like an Australian summer here outrageous fun oh so much fun you remember that video the outrageous fun that's the only thing I can say in an Australian accent I can't do it on command there I I didn't I couldn't do it there not like my really good British accent um anyway stockpile and resources we did that we haven't really separated things things out bedrooms are very labor intensive though so I intend on waiting on that for a while until we're really ready oh no yeah yeah I can't I can't get that accent I can't do it it always sounds very well that sounds like the Grinch when I start to say it why are all these other animals coming what is on that cow oh it's bandages I am ready I'm preparing to remove the bandages from the baby cow all right another thing that we need to do though here is um eventually this is gonna be our stockpile room let's keep this open um I'm just looking at other things that are occurring to me let's start to get a double air lock on the meals if we're in decembery it's gonna get colder uh eventually whoops what is this a rare thrombos two of them move stay away stay very far away build them out build a wall to defend this from them another thing I'm probably going to start to do is just let's start to take down the trees nearby our base because I never like to give Raiders cover when they come in um or like thick cover like this this is not good like we don't want Raiders coming in in this area and we'll also start to just mine out these little nodes we want to be able to spot Raiders before they come in so I'm thinking that this is going to be a sheer wall here I don't want to give them a chance to hide behind anything um where else that's pretty good they could come from over here so let's start to kind of hollow out this section just so they don't have too much stuff to hide behind yeah and not make it so so much labor I think that's good and then I think we're gonna extend this wall we'll keep it nice inside of our base but do we have any other type of stone here now we do have some gr oh granted we have granted on this map I actually was not even looking into that I thought it was mostly just Sandstone oh that was only from that one area Granite granite we do have Granite over here do we have mostly Granite chunks where is the granite oh we do have a good banana Granite huh wow I uninter wait is this is the terrain here marble sandstone and granite I do believe According to Pete complete but that is actually like the ideal breakup of stuff in The Colony huh wow we lucked out we got like the perfect Stone combination nice okay that's gonna be our other wall area and then let's do doors there just so that people can't like Waltz right into our Colony right now and we'll do more there I like to keep doors all over just to kind of separate things out like eventually when we do get drop potted in on we're gonna be in some trouble so be careful we're being raided by new people Chio and Son of the virus blighters again this is like more of the DLC content that we just haven't really engaged with because I don't want to make people who just spit toxic at each other I want to have a clan of children like all vying for themselves and running away from their tribe kind of like Neverland I suppose we have all of these little kids orange and cambr who just turned three then these kids now they're eight look they've already aged another year hakuja and scorpion scorpion is a fierce fighter he murdered a Man In Cold Blood and he was only seven he still is seven so it was this year um have a celebration on the anniversary that he saved our tribe I guess but yeah he did defend us from some bad people okay we're going to send orange and caviar to get some clubs now or a knife I don't really know if I trust a three-year-old with a knife yeah he is three I can confirm that um but uh this is troublesome [Music] um okay so they're just content to hang out over there for a little while do we have the uh security measures we do have spike traps now I suppose it would be prudent to put one of these at our gate then let's um let's put those over there yeah that way we could deploy them at a moment's notice always good to have some of these things lying around we've got orange and Cambria well Cambria wasn't Cambria I think though is the most famous of rimworld colonists due to Pete I do like that it's just a catchy name I'd like to put a name into the game that you know Pete decides to use that would be kind of nice Cambria was just such a good name it sounded like cultured and and yet it was kind of it had this like Hannibal Lecter like uh about it I don't know what it is something about that name it's just so memorable it's perfect yeah I couldn't put my finger on that it sounds Italian this Hannibal Lecter sounded Italian I thought it was like Hannibal lecture we've got some great movie references here um oh visitors let's see if they go around the top okay uh the assault is beginning everyone two arms I guess we won't get the spike traps built but it's fine um we could just lead them to the other Raiders or the other folks oh you know what's happening is that they're going around the other side because I've actually blocked off this doorway okay so then in that case um yeah we'll go around after them okay now the show weapons on the bottom thing is really helping I I think they needed that that was fantastic um is this lamp light from oh wait a second was Lamplight the place where it was all run by children play that part I was thinking of the part with the Clown what was that part that was a very memorable part from Fallout 3. I missed that reference when people were telling me to name the Colony after that before I apologize for that how very not cash money I've made or not remember that let's have the children with the uh melee weapons in the front though ideally like the man in the front because you know I haven't seen any of them get hurt in combat so I am honestly a little bit worried but some of them are fearsome Warriors I will say that as well uh do your best everybody do your best okay so we have Sun who is just a gentleman with the uranium club and he got shot down before he got to our fearsome line of young folks come on show them the power of Youth show him the power of Youth okay let's just swarm him swarm him swarm oh I forgot about the Pila guy great oh I think that was a Kill by Ben Astra let's go ahead and see the log it was wounded by his peel and what did he die from yes it was the pilum from benastra banastra well done Girl of the Year oh no oh darn it um okay all right we're just gonna patch that up all right I don't think I'm gonna send them into combat anymore that was bad uh okay all right I just learned how to uh what um let's all just oh that was too bad that was too bad wasn't it oh okay I'm learning I'm learning about combat in this DLC now you know what uh to be fair scorpion had a big victory there it's fine it's rimworld uh he'll we'll get him another one um oof oof rough day rough day on the rim rest get some rest get a take a load off all right who is our best doctor and let's get some medicine right now uh do we have any we don't have any medicine and we don't have any medicine I just remembered as well because I wasn't expecting that I was not no one was no one was all right um whoever is closest to the medicine you know why don't you go I harvest that and then was there medicine on the oh was there medicine on the body thank you um and the gear maybe on this one nope oof well uh stabilize him who is our best doctor not really anyone grasshopper is a decent doctor though okay orange lie down next to this large man with a club and get ready already tending to oh whoops whoops it Daisy I didn't even see that there was Advanced medicine right there senior moment senior moment my eyes aren't what they used to be my eyes aren't what they used to be it's okay I had a little bit of streamer blindness there it's all over okay good if you stabilized I guess that's just what can happen though because that wasn't really that much of a risky fight so what even happened in the log to be fair this could have happened to any colonist and also too what was his melee I probably should have checked that I got a little bit enthusiastic this guy was a good fighter I was thinking it might just be because he's smaller than him but um okay let's get you out of there so sorry about that oh he can actually walk again wow that is amazing like how what a champ what a way to recover from that basically an Anakin Skywalker moment this is such a horrible game uh you know though I mean like I've always kind of felt I used to think that body purist was a decent trait but looking at what happens to your colonists all throughout the playthrough transhumanist is not such a bad trait because most of them get scratched up and messed up by the time the playthrough is over like somebody's gonna lose part of their um like one of their toes or something like that and you don't want them to be so upset about it yeah yeah because nothing is nothing to be upset about you know what matters is in here Brava cannot properly talk because whoops um it doesn't really matter we don't have anything of any real value these people don't really have anything that valuable either I mean the components are kind of nice I'll take the components sure four give me four components that I'll use someday all right not bad we really haven't even been doing any mining of those either transhumans also get to eat nutrients is that so that they like don't mind it as much I thought it was acidics oh whatever is there's a lot of traits that I've learned about in this game that are much better than I initially thought they were um here we go everybody's in a pretty good mood though I mean even though that you lost your you know you you lost you lost a lot back there um [Music] I think I'm just gonna keep on going ahead with the bass because I've always kind of thought that my founding colonists it was never really worth it to fuss over them because probably by the time that the base was done they're gonna be like bruised and scarred and beaten and stuff and like but you know what they earned it and I'm attached to them nonetheless by the time that it's all over so I think that's what's made it worth it all the time other stuff though okay we're probably getting closer to complex clothing they just haven't really had time to worry about this and grasshopper is also in bed Ambrosia Sprout okay um I never knew how to handle an Ambrosia Sprout until somebody showed me on YouTube but basically you just make a Zone and then you've oh don't allow sewing like that's pretty much it uh the only things that they'll they'll also Harvest I believe trees when they do that yeah like see they're harvesting the trees that are fully grown so try to make it mostly just over the Ambrosia area so let's actually just shrink this Zone a little bit we don't need to be quite that large but yeah that'll have them harvest the Ambrosia by the time it's done and you don't have to like fuss over it because Ambrosia is in general a pretty good thing I don't believe that it spreads amphiguous but don't quote me on that I hope life is treating you well cheers hey thank you Gore child amphiguous amphibian is actually my cousin but um a productive mistake a productive hey thank you very much for the ten dollars I do appreciate it gorcho hope you enjoy whatever more of it is you uh found the videos for though thanks you're you're a hell of a guy thanks life is life is treating me pretty well right now I hope life is treating you well thanksgiving's coming actually Halloween is coming up I usually just skip Halloween though although I do enjoy a good scare what is this why is there an unfinished I thought that was just a large turd in the middle of the floor I was mistaken unfortunately I like to be accurate in my you know observations even if those are of things that other people might find grotesque like a large turd in the middle of the floor I like to be confirmed that my perceptions of reality are are objective I don't know where I'm going with this I've just been commenting on things for hours and well this is where I'm this is where we find ourselves sometimes oh my god look there's even more cows to replace their father I don't think that the inbreeding with cows matters though like I would take inbred cow milk at the door at the store do I plan on playing Dwarf Fortress when the steam version is released absolutely absolutely craft Moon crowd versus thank you very much for the prime um other stuff I think maybe I'm I'm just going to start to prioritize them like only on Research a little bit grasshopper and Val like Val we've got these other people that can do crafting I think it's fine if you don't really do that plant cutting yeah the other people can do that stuff too uh yeah I think that's pretty much it I just want you to researching for the most part because that's going to advance the rest of the civilization and that's what I'm starting to observe is that once they're 13 I think it's 13 I want to say yeah once they're 13 and actually you have a double passion for it so I should have you doing it instead maybe does Val have a double passion for it what do we have a day's been Astra that's fine Val do you have a double passion or a single passion actually you know what Val you stick to your guns you keep doing what you do best just because double passion is so incredibly overpowered like if you ever looked at the learning rate even so much better than single passion that even though Brava is not that good oh but she's good at cooking wait no mining she's good at so many things this is gonna be so difficult to decide with this woman Biko could be our cook okay Biko you're the cook pretty much he's got seven but it'll rise I'm just gonna allow people to take on some food poisoning for a little while I don't want to micromanage this Brava do the research even though you're bad at it because you're going to get so much better and so much faster and grasshopper look at how far he's come you can practically see his gr his brains growing out of his head have you ever seen this like you're on the taking a test and then there's a guy in front of you and it's very tempting to look at his answer sheet because his brain is emerging from his Noggin I had this experience once do something I I didn't I don't know where we're going with this I've been streaming for almost three hours and I'm just making up new new worlds but this is why I think this is the mode I go into when I'm writing a script for a video now and it is it is a joyous flow state to enter into okay we are starting to do simple meals like this let's go into fine meals or lavish meals just fine meals and let's just make 12 because that does make them significantly gladder gladder all right we're coming to the end of summer here I know where it says decembery but that we're in the southern hemisphere now it took me a little took me a little while to figure that out um okay now complex clothing do we have the original Taylor bench now woodcutters table nope um Stone Cutters table keep making forever good good they're taking down all those trees preventing Raiders from getting cover my word I wonder if they get cover from these things cover Effectiveness 20 what is that as compared with a real big tree cover Effectiveness 25 okay wow so really you have to go to town on these stumps if you wanna deprive Raiders of cover I wonder if that's gonna be a technique now just like just burn down a forest instead of something else hmm very interesting uh in the meantime I am going to go ahead and start to make some actual shelves because I think we oh and I'll make a toy box as well why is this rotating or maybe it's a rotating I'm just not seeing it let's make stuff for the kids because I don't know how these systems work and I want to find out um we'll do some shelves here and here so we'll need those burnt trees also leave burnt stumps yeah I guess what I'm just trying to say is just get all the trees down fast um though it is sensible you're right it is sensible smithing I'm not gonna do much with that right now so it doesn't seem worthwhile great bow Cocoa Tree beer brewing drug lab I think electricity is next it's kind of funny how quickly you get to like more advanced technology just kind of like you're working with sticks and then you get two okay let's start creating light bulbs shelveless Society is a broken Society I I have to agree with you minor Breakers low food though why are we getting low food another thing I should probably do also too is just start dropping things on the ground they're really the next big technology we're going to be getting is Refrigeration that's probably the most important Next Step so with that in mind let's go ahead and start mining out the fridge and what I'm intending on here is that this area just be kind of like this and I'm going to start to build more walls along here let's do this and then we'll also build wooden oh I'm getting these two options I don't know why I'm still getting the wooden door option though we're going to build an airlock there and then we'll do more of these and we'll do this and then we'll do another airlock there and then we're going to start to do another airlock there and there and there and there we should build and we should build another one of these here and that's basically how our airlock looks um the kitchen and the fridge then I wanted mine out there and then don't actually mine out here whoops I just resized the game slightly it's happened with my new monitor thing I apologize about it for that keep everything looks good okay yeah I just I switched everything from like multiple monitors because it was giving me back pain uh to one big monitor I made the switch and I actually kind of like it working on an OLED monitor though I'm just paranoid about burning so I keep moving around all the windows and I'm trying to see if I can get like another warranty because I don't like being an early adopter for this type of stuff there we go it's it's quite like Inky black to look at though I I really am not even crazy if I could have gotten an LED or an LCD sorry an LED LCD monitor that was of this size I would have but it seemed really good for making it video editing a little bit faster so I was just like okay probably gonna be worth it ah brother it's a 48 inch screen I'm working on it's enormous It's actually an LG TV but uh I was just like it's it's made so that it can be used for PC stuff they also made a monitor but it had a matte finish and it was still the same OLED technology so I was like well all right either way you at risk of getting burned and it seems like they're on generation two or three here now so I'm all right with it um ass and learn and if I mean if I do get burned and I could always just switch it to being used as like a TV or something but yeah if you have any OLED care tips it's sometimes like Auto dims but I don't know I I hadn't actually upgraded my setup like at all since 2019 I did so much like upgrading on my channel before like I was even making a living from it like really not a smart amount of upgrading but I was just like uh like I still am not using this bit of technology that I've always wanted to use like needed a camera for stuff and whatnot um so it really wasn't very well advised but I'm in the position now where I'm just like okay it makes sense to get one of these because it makes everything more efficient so not really what I need for playing rimworld but all the UI elements kind of make it burn into the screen or they say with rts's so I'm kind of looking out for that especially with stuff I play so I'm playing in windowed mode right now which is a little weird to me like I'm so used to remorled being full screen but um oh wait how did this wolf get in here but an interesting experience nonetheless [Music] Mac did that Samsung g9s plasma TV that's now 12 years old well I tried running I tried running a PC on like a 70 inch TV and it was the most terrifying experience ever the latency was awful as well um hang on a second I really don't feel safe around this thing at all so I'm going to just stand you know what we're gonna do we're gonna stand in the doorway as a as a family and we're going to kill the wolf Kim family I like to think of them all as a family okay this thing is very sick isn't it it got scratched by the rat you go home because you can't fight in fact I'm I'm not taking the children into this anymore because this just um if they're arranged children that's okay but not like Melee children this is making me very nervous um in light of what just happened there we go all right everyone else go to bed over the wolf and then you are going to shoot that thing why is the horse in the storage the horse is like don't mind me I'm not in here oh wait a minute no orange okay orange let orange go get a meal for a moment okay now shoot it shoot that thing everyone shoot that thing whoops ah darn it moved them wrong come family okay there we go the melee children yes I'd say uh it's a C2 is it it's like it's too it's too nice to monitor I don't even feel comfortable using it but uh yeah if you have any of things I'll be happy to take if you if you know what you're doing hmm okay the wolf is gone now goodbye wolf never mind they won't bother you okay how many hours do I have in rimworld I think it's like 600 something it's really not even that much for what you for how much content I've made on it but I've probably spent as much time reading comments I'm not very good at this game guys trades thanks very much for the prime I didn't mention it before but thank you um thank you hassie I will check that out I appreciate it anyway I feel like that we've got most things covered now I guess that the last thing I want to handle here is the fridge um so let's just mine this out and then pretty much we're going to have all of our workflows together I mean nobody's on a mood break or nobody's unhappy from their room and it only makes them like slightly happier to have a room of their own rather than have a like a really nice Barracks where they sleep with everyone in and nobody's like doing anything that's bothering all of the others as they sleep so as I see it this is a pretty decent living situation and we don't we don't have to change too much from here on in I think um we do want to build up a large food stockpile so what I might end up doing right now we're at the end of decembery so we're going to be coming into like the fall let's go ahead and maybe when one of these rice crops is a little bit closer to being finished growing let's maybe make that into corn just so that we can get one really big harvest in uh because I I think we are going to continue to rely on this or you know I could just do now it's just taking this corn so long to grow hmm yeah I guess we'll do this patch in like in a moment when it's just about ready to harvest we'll replace that with corn you know why I don't do that you know why I don't do that oh this is on fire just expand The Home Zone put out the fire everyone what are you doing what are you doing there we are good that was our wood um we have our shelves now oh my gosh look there's miniature things on the shelves that's so that's actually very cute um let's see are they able to put on they can't put on chunks this is interesting okay well we are going to be using this for textiles so um preferred for textiles it's nice to see that it's not automatically um weapons too that was a little bit uh honestly that was kind of an annoying thing how it was always automatically weapons on there uh I didn't really use them for that that much raw resources whoops manufactured again uh textiles yeah here we go all right so maybe not perfect but good enough do I think I'll do a vampire run no real plans to um I don't like to have to eat people in order to keep everything going I just feel like you know people are in short supply in rimworld but uh well maybe that's not true I I just I I hate having to go to the effort to find a man and hunt him down just to keep everyone alive you know that seems like that seems like a lot of effort to have to go to every month what what I'm trying to say here is the hemophage trait seems a little uh a little bit like a lot to maintain kind of like the Raider faction how they get upset whenever they don't raid and I know I'm objectively not good before not good at it got to be Tyler thank you for the pride all right there we go gift from a Sandler they gave us a recurve though that's actually a rather useful present hmm okay I think I'm going to give this to the other kids because oh great you'll do well with this because are you the one who lost oh you lost your arm okay yeah well I don't know how good you'll be with a bow because you have one arm but somehow this makes sense in this game so I'm I mean I'm about that you know I'll give you a chance I'm not gonna stand in front of you but you know what I'm trying to say is I'm there for you and I believe in you and I want you to feel better foreign okay make the kitchen nice I say make the kitchen a very nice place to work except we don't need this here uh ship to the Stars we can ignore that because the goal of rimworld is to create a thriving Colony it's never been to create a you know a it's never been to get off the plant why would you want to end the game it's just it's just a pleasure to play this game oh wait a minute why did I why am I rebuilding the airlock I already have that there yeah um mind that this is where I'm going to put the double hair lock for the doorway uh actually I may need to go even a little bit further in yeah one two three that'll be the doorway because I like to have one space between damage thanks very much for the prime have I made the children helmets I have made any of the children clothing yet because our research is going so oh wait no we do have complex clothing there we go apologies for my uh for my dingusness we do have the hand teller bench now yep we're just missing electricity okay so now that we've designated this as a textile storage Zone um they should start to get rid of that and let's also say I guess they just haven't been up on their hauling tasks lately let's go ahead and say that we want food in here and then we also want uh herbal medicine can go in the fridge as well I'll separate these things out as the fridge expands but for now that's fine other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create a spot for hay grass here now eventually I'll make this into like an indoor spot but let's just say storage clear all uh we'll call it critical priority for hay grass oh wait a minute what is it hey oh just hey hey grass oh God hmm it's gonna be a a gene mod yeah it'll be interesting to see what people do with this this expansion seems extremely modable kind of like ideology like ideology I wasn't as into the systems but this one I was but I could see how ideology was very modable like it it caters well to people trying to create a thematic thing okay here we go now it's time for the corn [Music] right the question is will we have enough time I don't know uh I'm hoping we will because corn has a slightly better time yield ratio I believe assuming nothing goes wrong rice is a less risky food though because what if there's a blight on the corn for example you know like you could lose everything so there is that but at the same time I don't want to be such a nerd let's have some corn we'll keep some rice around okay good we're starting to get cloth and stuff too I think I'm going to tell one of these kids now to work on uh hauling first instead of cleaning just so that we get more hauling done we do need one dedicated hauler ideally more I think I was a little bit spoiled here the other day because I had those robots doing everything man I I loved it when the robots were doing hauling I really wanted them to do more cleaning and I hate making a colonists do with all those tasks it's just so like you could have been somebody you know you could have been somebody like in the on the waterfront sense vanilla extent I can't wait to see what vanilla expanded does those guys are on it that's practically like another Game Dev Studio about a game that has a Game Dev Studio already they're just so good they're just so good though to be fair I mean if if other games have the modding community that this has could be amazing like zomboid in this I think that was part of what attracted me then to them in the first place is that there's so much content there's practically like infinite content for these two but rimworld you could make it into literally anything okay we really just need everybody to do a hauling now this is why I like setting my priorities like this look we could just get all the stuff put away You're Gonna Be So Satisfied in a couple seconds I'm just going to zoom out I live for this type of moment wait a second why is anyone doing anything other than that we're fighting why are we fighting Val at least you're not fighting one of the kids okay it's just bruising Biko actually is incapable of violence so this isn't such a bad fight he just kind of like tanks a few hits he's like uh he's like a nasus player why do we have pigs that have just wandered in wait do we do we own these again did I resize the screen again nope I didn't okay there we go oh they just joined I didn't even notice that that's so crazy um are these are pigs actually efficient I'm not sure that we can sustain any more of these um animals I mean I'm not really interested in keeping them alive hang on a second I might have to expand my animal efficient pork chops well there is a whole graph of how efficient animals are I believe I thought chickens and cows were the two that were only like really efficient I'm probably gonna have to kill Errol too because these other ones are growing up and I know that these are edible cows now but we gotta eat we gotta eat man oh look at all those textiles together on the Shelf that's really nice look at that the way that they're all there together slightly confusingly laying out but it looks so good [Music] um if we feed them I'm not I don't really want to spend all my time managing the pigs but it does look very domestic to have them all there I'm killing Errol because I just I mean I said I said I would okay um the base is more properly laid out now all right everyone can go back to their normal lives except except the kids they all they have to do the work there we go okay so now I well what I might want to do is now that we've got a lot of hay I could probably keep these things alive um keep them around I was just so frightened by my own actions there I forgot that I had him ordered off to death let's go ahead and create an animal flap okay I use a barn here because I wish to store the hay somewhere that it won't rot and deteriorate let's go ahead and put the hay in here instead um I don't believe that we really need rice anymore either so let's have like I don't know uh it doesn't need to be quite that many because we do want to keep some here but let's say whoops clear all we'll do important for hay I believe I had this one set to critical and we don't need rice out there anymore they have enough food okay so let's go ahead and see this is kibble would also be good but uh I mean it's more for like training right pigs uh niches nutritionally efficient omnivore that does not require taming oh because the pig is an omnivore I hadn't really thought of that so we could feed the pigs Raiders um I really hadn't consider this okay yeah Fair based comment based comment um I feel kind of bad I don't really want to feed him people because then that we're kind of eating the people but it seems like a pretty good way to process them I mean get ready to process this is going to be an alarmingly well organized Colony by the time it's done um is anyone ready to beco you can do this okay butcher Butcher the cow I don't want the cow there that's too sad I mean bull there we go meets on the menu again okay this is good and then another thing that I want to do is work on the wooden hand because currently no one still has clothes and if I could do one thing to cross off the bucket list before this playthrough is over it's put clothes on the people yes I didn't mean for the pigs to eat the cow I meant for them to eat the Raiders that I have over here if you saw me gesticulating with my mouse or did I do that maybe I didn't maybe I did it in in my mind um huh this is interesting we can't have child tribal wear okay let's get everybody some pants first off uh until we have let's say like six I think it's six yeah it's six children's clothings that we need um only allowed uh yeah we'll do anything look everywhere or says oh it actually requires less of the material that's fine okay um take the best stock up it's fine for right now I don't want to go too crazy with everything uh let's just say again 80 to 100 and look at what's on people too they've really improved this menu it's so good now I like it count equipped yeah okay there we go and then we're just gonna ditto all that over for shirts I wish that you could just copy and paste it can you copy the bill and then change the type of item it is it's too bad you can't change what well let me just see no I don't believe you can do that because that would be nice because I would just do exactly the same thing with the pants um but oh well and there's probably a mob that does that though question do you need biotech DLC to get the kids I do believe you do I was interested in whether they were just going to add it to 1.4 I feel like it's a sell for biotech but I was kind of curious if they would do that because like um bring over the Sims crowd to rim world I don't know I I've seen a lot of people who like The Sims and get interested in rimworld and that's actually part of what I've kind of wanted to do with my channel is just open people to like Indie Games who are into more mainstream stuff it's my mission here on YouTube is to spread tasteful Indie gaming here we go only a loud ingredients pause when satisfied I think we're good there uh did I put this into oh this is how much they can use for the leather that's fine okay yeah but yeah I was interested in whether they would just add that to the main game okay there we have it pigs joining unhappy nudity well we're working on that the fridge is getting hollowed out I think this colony is like pretty much set now I mean the pigs uh the pigs went into the straight in with the cows although they don't have anything to graze on we could kind of improve upon that maybe they give them a big field we just have so many animals in here and I think well at least it's going to be a source of fine meals the main one is the cows because they give you a constant supply of milk without having to kill any of the cows and they reproduce so that's fantastic because you can get animal products which then gives you like pretty much an unlimited supply of fine meals along with your plants but that's the main reason I like cows cloth the people benefit of children is uh I never understood why people would get angry when mentioning that rimworld could be played like a more interesting Sims yeah I think that's fair like it's the Sims with a lot more stuff in it I kind of feel like oh no why would you do this I don't really want to stop you because you're just like a you're just like a little child but okay okay we could use some of these poor clothing items for like um Raiders when they come in for their prison cells I do like a well-kept prison in this game I have to admit like a very well maintained prison is something to Aspire after you destroyed the pen You Evil Boy or are you a girl hakuja I dare you unfortunately I had the hammer icon on so everything will be fine Cafe has started to oh no where will she go rope that calf squish that cat squish that calf no uh hang on a second work on the fence mend the fence Orange no enclosed pens no someone work on this before they escape they're all getting away they're like freedom there we go oh they destroyed the wall in multiple places the fiends rope okay now we've got a another sign to handle oh there we go look at all the animals then wow oh my God is he gonna go for the she gonna go for the calf too holy cow oh my gosh it's like Old MacDonald wow that was such an impressive like ball handling maneuver wow amazing amazing all right well we got a lot of granite here too this is nice granted in Sandstone we could add this in and make more wall oh we have a Wanderer joining veril should we accept an outsider hmm she's willing to contribute but not leave uh voluntarily claiming to have nowhere else to go there's I'm surprised that we're getting sent to colonists I wonder if we're deemed as having four colonists someone told me that it was half a colonist to have a child so this would put us at a total of four five six seven so that would make sense but maybe they aren't counted at all because I would expect bad events before that [Music] um can we see her I don't believe that we can see her so I think we just have to take her I'm willing to take another one and if she's horrible then we'll banish her people arrived she's people all right let's see what she's like a digger Digger is actually not that bad to have underground or chemical interest Miss Andrus Miss Andrus might not be a really great trait to have here but um if you are an undergrounder but you're not passionate about oh no is passionate about mining okay um we'll just send you underneath the mountain and you're never allowed to go out under there and you get to see only women and you shoot people from Far inside because you're very good at shooting I think that's your niche in this Colony arctic wolf hunting scorpion where is scorpion scorpion is a small boy scorpion can fight though veryl has a oh we finally have somebody with an actual pistol now this is good okay uh this wolf is gonna be pretty fast so let's get everybody out of bed probably won't even get there in time Farrell can you get a couple shots off on this thing let's see [Music] okay fire you know what in fact just stand right there there's no time there's no time that was so inaccurate and you have a double passion what is wrong with you okay um face your face your doom scorpion we should name you know what isn't it ironic that an arctic wolf would come after scorpion you see what I'm doing here like it's a it's a very low temperature it's basically Sub-Zero coming after scorpion this is Canon people Scorpion and actually you do need to defend them wait a second don't just charge in after that thing though except is it is it movement weakened Here Comes Sub-Zero wait a second have grasshopper going after that thing no hakuja is down man these children go down very fast except for Scorpion is such a tank he's like a he has so much DPS Geez Louise hakuja uh got bit but didn't lose anything I I do get very nervous with them in combat elbow like in light of what has happened in the past none of my rooms are clean except the kitchen happens to be clean okay I'm going to put down I'm going to put down a I should have reinstalled this I don't have time for an infirmary yet fatality more like a Babality ah God I love Babality I play so much Mortal Kombat 9. oh it's like one of my favorite games to play that and ssx-3 I don't know why they just I enter like a trance when I play those two games not scorpion though scorpion is destined for great things for the occasion what would that be like a tuxedo every day I come back and I sit on my couch and I put on a tuxedo to wait a second did I take care of that child oh no he just got into his own but you know that's probably better than this medical floor welcome to the medical floor why are you getting other medicine from over there right get your good medicine uh death in six hours that is surprising I guess they just don't have as much blood that's what I'm starting to see raid Again by the virus blighters uh everything is on fire Purdue thank you very much for the four months do appreciate that how are you fly Purdue fly Purdue and Camino is saying such a pleasure to see you how are you doing would you get into a tuxedo for the for the uh watching another streamer's stream like I'm trying to think if I've done that for other content creators hey good to see you though have you tried out the new rimworld DLC it's very good you should give it a shot all right Colossus that is a cool name Colossus okay are these guys any good at fighting I neglected to look at this before a mace is actually very good for AP gotta watch out for that you are a threat deck box deck bucks what is that like he plays a lot of Magic the Gathering so he has a lot of deck bucks where else would that come from okay is the raid happening right now okay they're going to prepare for a while then attack all right a barrel is actually a very good shot so I'm going to have veryl do some fighting here veril go out and shoot that man in the face uh and somebody else put this here dark light uh you work on that Spike trap Barrel you stand in the doorway and shoot him shoot him and then the other two can just probably die and let's get some more spike traps out we have so many pieces of wood for Pete's sake for Pete complete's sake but when they're they do avoid these bike traps as long as there's a way around them which is quite good which is quite good okay this is this guy is the threat so I'm going after him is he fast or anything like that um Miss Andrus body matter so not really particularly fast but let's just look at his health does he have any other conditions sometimes you can gain their movement speed hey BP woods thanks for coming out just peachy does it is kind of an occasion countless hours of watching about lifetime seems live event does seem s uh you're a card fly Purdue there we go arctic wolf Revenge I think we finished off that the flash storm we finished off as well so we can just dismiss those I don't like it when they wander around near the Raiders though okay really not going to be very good at long range here but I don't want to get into too close so let's just be careful and also too every missed shot still counts for the XP gains so okay try to get in one good shot and actually dark light just hang out right there for like two seconds veryl I'm gonna run back to the base dark light oh we did get a shot off nice okay and it looks like it wasn't even aggro death in six hours okay so I'm just gonna go ahead and say you can just install that trap and then the thread over here has been averted good there we go okay nice done phew BP Woods thank you for the prime they only had only a base game on Gog and I've been thinking about purchasing the whole game on Steam for mod management um I do like Gog for its DRM stuff but I do like Steam for its mod management so no no maybe someday I'll do I wish that they would physically release it why are you just going over there to look at the sky I don't think that this is smart not over there sir he keeps wanting to go all the way over to the edge of the map what a dingus I mean this guy's just going to expire like well this was very nice that I got to come out here for this raid my friends came to the other side I I was shot and I just you know I I'm fully Zen because I didn't even need to react I have stopped undergoing mind fluctuations and I am completely enlightened at least that's where he's gotten to you know what if if that's what you needed then great now he's going to begin his assault okay in in three hours he's going to die just go over there literally just walk over there I wonder if kids are as fast as adults in this game are the children as fast as the adults okay we're being raided now at long last my dream of being raided has finally occurred uh mainly that guy who was the threat is just lying in the on the ground over there though so we should be fine binastra you are you are the very good Pila thrower this is like practically this is practically The Iliad in The Odyssey we're going through right here isn't it come on ah darn it okay go over there and are you gonna walk into this yes do it this guy is non-violent don't bother him fur with the two r's there we go I mean I think you know it's about to happen here yeah I like that I mean he's gonna expire anyway so why would we even bother 11 hours I can't allow that no um wait a minute don't throw that Pila that way ah no it was just the knife that we were getting cut by all right I was hoping that this would be a quick and easy fight scorpion you are a very powerful child why don't you go in there with your very large sharp weapon okay for some reason you're coming after the door although there's an open wall with a spike trap over there I don't buy it shower curtain in a truck this was the comment I was expecting at this moment mine was worse I assure you she laughed it off I think I mean like this basically what's been happening for this wait a second is this child going to win this fight veril is getting effed up here jeez scorpion is so powerful though after his fight with sub-zero there we go oh you even took another Spike trap to the face Jesus HP live laugh Lovecraft thank you very much for the sub and no gfbc mic box small thank you very much for the 200 bits okay you know we don't even really have to stress it because our adults will handle this fight hang on a second who got infected hakuja is hakuja the one who's super immune though no it uh rather he is not it's fine okay um rescue hakuja and then go tend to him hopefully this Raider will be distracted by the corpse of Sub-Zero the Arctic Wolf good Barrel's looking healthy you're looking really good there feral 15 hours don't go to sleep after that take care of your people Jesus there we go Biko and grasshopper taking good care of everybody all right at least we're spreading the medical skill around our colony is a little bit more in shambles than I thought it would be but we're gonna go ahead and finish off this airlock there we go Geez Louise all right I mean like my colonies it feels efficient it feels like I did something right none of the children I gotta you know anything like really bad happened I mean I know some bad stuff happened to them but most of it is like fixable or reversible um at least in the context of rimworld but you know we can't turn back time and I think that our colony is just going swimmingly here uh we are swimming in Good Fortune we got another colonist now again we have what are we up to 11 now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven so with 11 colonists we're super op we got all these kids hitting for us scorpion I think is going to be a like a Savage Warrior of a man he is an employable professional he is a mercenary fighter he has green dreadlocks he's a boy what was he he was a schoolyard outcasts a modest but proper upbringing despite a good family background and plenty of support he struggled to make friends and was often bullied he learned to work or play alone and avoided socializing to avoid conflict when conflict did arise he would retaliate violently this guy is dangerous hang on a second why are you eating raw meat all right yeah we clearly we have to clean up our Colony at least a little bit where is Biko can you do some cooking for me please I would really like that I should also give you that as Priority One where is Biko you do have it as Priority One why aren't you doing the things I want you to do I mean raw me to I do like a good rare Burger this is true I used to work in a restaurant I was like a first I was a busboy and then I became a food Runner and then I was a waiter but I think the food Runner was the most fun I had although I had to stand underneath one of those extremely hot lamps um I don't need this anymore we can use this instead although I had to sit under at a very hot lamp um it could have been worse it could have been much worse um oh yeah I developed a taste for rare burgers it's just so good like you get the original Taste of the meat but like not honestly like even more on the rare side is okay actually why am I doing this I don't know why I'm making dusters we're more in need of parkas soon um and I do have a passive cooler so we shouldn't die from that okay let's do it until we have and I'm gonna keep making this like like we'll make a 10 so that we're ready for when the kids grow up but I don't have to go back and do that again because this is going to be it's gonna be a lot more clothing micro management but fortunately they've made it so that you can manage this stuff better with the tools that Tynan has given to us from his chair that he's sitting in um I wonder what kind of chair he sits in here we go okay um Fabric or leather there are some things I wouldn't make it out of but it's fine I digress um how many child soldiers do we plan on having in this Colony didn't really plan on it to be perfectly honest with you but I mean there are children soldiers here so we might as well make use of them like it seems like it would be rude to not suspended make up parka I think we're good there allowed crafting skills find only loud ingredients good done I always leave something out on this menu and then let's also go ahead and oh yeah pants that would be probably good I mean you don't need them like you know with nothing but a t-shirt on um and I never felt so much like I was just wearing it uh well nude you know nude I mean if you were wearing just this shirt I don't think anyone outside would be like that man isn't nude um where are we going from here yeah some of them are okay with that though like just wearing a duster right and nothing underneath that'd be kind of a risque way to walk around you know like like practically the next step up after going commando you know going commando like not wearing any underwear as they say I've never done it I've always been in underwear from the moment I was born I was born with underwear on you know why because I'm modest I'm modest here we go let's get this wooden door out of the way because we don't want to combine these two things here we go try to keep that kitchen clean baby keep that glitch that that kitchen glitching kitchen clean there we go good job keeping that kitchen clean keep the dirt out of that kitchen I'm gonna have one of the boys clean the floor clean the floor boy the Tantrum please don't destroy the expensive things I've been building at the expense of your worldly Comfort oh you keep destroying the most annoying things to have destroyed by someone I mean the cow is going away the cow's like watch out for me look at the animals escaping like finally other foods that we can eat besides hay bad bad animals where can I get that I think benastra was yep you are quite good with the animals there we go what an efficient child now get back there into the blood cave there we go all right um let's get this if let's get this thing laying out a little bit more there we go thank you for the five dollars I'm a never nude oh like Tobias from uh hakuja intense pain learning Department I mean we do have a chalkboard I don't really know how this whole learning thing works though and we got toys for them to play with let's go ahead and look in the info I still like service of a place near a lesson desk blackboards increase oh so we gotta actually build them some like desks school desk huh that's where adults can teach lessons to children I did not think that this would be in there uh wow this feels a lot like the children in learning mod which I didn't use too much I think I had the children but they weren't really learning very much they were just kind of around picking things up and putting them down around my base am I worried about infestations in my fridge never know how to approach building a fridge under mountains because I worry I think as long as you keep it beneath I can't remember whether it's Refrigeration or freezing temperature you shouldn't get infestations in there underground uh the one thing is you do want to have you do want to have some dedicated melee colonists in real world like see the airlocks I have here I can always stack up three colonists against one mega spider whenever I do get infested so anywhere you think that infestations are going to spawn in like under Mountain like the truth is I'm just not so precious about my Colony anymore like I just know how to deal with infestations decently well now so you always want to have three people fighting every mega spider and they have to come in from a long way that's that's how you deal with infestations nothing to be afraid of though good good the airlock is finished hakuja have you developed immunity yet yes you are an evolved boy you are evolved I think we've pretty much accomplished everything we wanted to with this Colony we have all of our people sleeping happily together in a heap we have a colony of 11 people it's pretty well laid out I know that there's blood all over the floor but this is actually quite well organized um hakujik overcame an illness you know we had scorpion fight Sub-Zero the wolf like thematic and climactic I'm I'm emotionally invest in this Colony now and I hope that these um these young people can overcome we do have more old people joining us now we have an elder feral um but we have our refrigerator laying out we have our kitchen we have our fields we made it through the heat of summer we have a stockpiled and I mean of course everything is in like the wrong spot but the truth is that it's a very organized mess right now and that's kind of what I go for after one uh videos worth we did figure out a little bit more about the learning with the school too because ever kids want to do some learning I might actually send them out to do a little bit more of that rather than just work but um yeah you know what I mean our colony is pretty much up and running but on that note I think that that's a good place to leave a uh a bookmark in it we're going to put a bookmark in it right here um here we go I'm gonna go ahead and save with all of my other failed colonies and then uh we're gonna send you guys the way of another streamer
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 872,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld biotech, rimworld, rimworld 1.4, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibianamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian vods, rimworld ep 1, rimworld part 1, rimworld biotech dlc, rimworld biotech expansion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 59sec (10919 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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