I Survived 100 Hours in BETTER Minecraft Hardcore!

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for the next 50 hours I'll be surviving in better Minecraft winter is coming and that means food is scarce enemies have more locations to spawn in and that means more moments for me to scream and be terrified I did manage to venture into The Nether and that was nearly the end of me for whatever reason this mod pack was bringing out all of its Horrors this time my goals for this movie are to create a bee farm it'll make sense trust me villager trading outposts explore the Nether and collect a few important blocks and locations and more you'll love it now here's me surviving 50 hours in better Minecraft enjoy oh my God I'm going to assume with this what was that oh my lag oh my God I almost to get some saplings for it so I can normally do all my just higher Village though so oh my God bye bye archery is definitely the way to do it oh man oh God it's a wiener are you Captain Jack Sparrow a chew hope they didn't like that I did not near where I was you know digging down boom I kind of want to kill the miner not that kind of minor so everything in here does damage and everything wants to kill you can you mine uh dude never end up using him God you guys shoot so rapidly ow uh I don't really want to run into those guys and you know like all right a failure let's do this okay I need you to not shoot me at all I didn't even turn the corner why hello there long time no see you guys seem to really really like this series so um hey welcome back to episode two now first thing that's super duper important which I was honestly um really surprised by the support on this so um thank you uh I'm in regular I'm not in a hardcore anymore took several hours to figure out how to do that yeah I mean you can't really tell because of the texture pack but the hearts you know I'm not in hardcore anymore so that means that we can actually go on adventures and I don't have to really care about dying because I won't lose the world another thing which it had to deal with way stones super important apparently if I make a knife this like that boom make an iron knife then if I go over to uh these grass blocks apparently if I break some of them yes it actually gets strong okay so then we could turn this into rope or something canvas no I don't want that we then take the straw do three up like that boom we get rope which I'm actually really positive I had like 60 of that or maybe like 128 of those in my chest somewhere like I could have sworn I had a lot oh hey look I have a lot oh I didn't need to make that uh knife at all but I know I can use that for other stuff if we go here we can actually make just a ton of leads like that boom now we have 15 so um I really like purple wait I have knives so I really didn't need to make that whatsoever okay and that's that's cool I'm I'm smart okay anyways what I'm trying to get to is that you guys say in the comments like if we go to uh here I won't lie I kind of forgot about some of my Adventures on here okay so we don't want to be at this one we actually want this one maybe here we could do a test with the iron golem so if I lead you and then apparently if I go to a voice Stone teleport back home let's do home Village uh no he's not with me and I've now lost a lead okay wait wait we need to go back uh I want that lead back where are you okay so never mind nope uh might be with a different version of Minecraft that's my only guess but hey at least we tested it out however the leads are not useless you know if I travel around here boom we can go and get more animals because it actually looks like you guys are interested in me uh making a farm or like actual vegetables and stuff and an animal farm and especially after getting this amazing panda the rarest one in the game can you look at me yes yes the sneezing sick one unbelievably like happy and energetic right now that's kind of weird for someone who's sick but after receiving that oh yeah no I'm gonna go crazy you guys made a baby I don't remember ever giving you guys any like seeds or anything the Brit okay wait well we now having this like insanely adorable little uh baby duck and another idea that one of you gave me was actually turning this part right here into an aquarium so we can actually you know catch some really cool looking fish if there is any because uh I won't lie I haven't really seen anything underwater that looks really cool but um I'm sure you know it's cool maybe however I think our best thing before we start focusing on animals and like farms and stuff and getting all of our like base looking bigger and cooler oh God we need bees um I want to work on villagers and uh get like diamond armor you know get protected get all the enchantments that I want and um oh I need bees kind of badly where are you going why please don't run away from the village I would like for you to stay I won't lie oh thank you Cody's coming back now I don't know but I would like to test this out first off we need to go find some bees oh my God I actually caught you you know what good good now you can't run okay wait that sounds weird there you go you can go back into nature and say I'm not gonna hurt you I could have sworn there were bees like somewhere near my base also I believe it's starting to become fall in game surely there's some bees in here right like there's so many flowers how how could they resist oh wait I totally forgot I can kind of cheat and just look at my mini map and then that will tell me if there's honey bees which there really isn't oh boy okay maybe if we travel more of this direction because I don't want to go into a jungle I'm very positive that there wouldn't be any over there hi don't touch me please what are you huh well with the uh spoiler alerts uh there's a lot of witches in there um which isn't a good thing oh bees wait I see them on the mini map bees don't disappear future Skies here if you're enjoying the movie so far it'd mean a lot to me if you'd subscribe as these take a lot of time and effort to make if you'd like to see episode 3 just 30 000 likes and I'll release it lastly for anyone wanting to watch me play other games you should go subscribe to my second Channel there's already dozens of hours of content on there also follow my Twitter please now back to the movie okay well we'll check out the The Witches later the bees are way more important okay well here's their beehive here's one thing I want to figure out if I hold shift can I pick you up that's a no okay so the next best thing is did I just see a b where are the bees oh that's also interesting I swear like I don't even know if I have ADHD but this mod pack really brings it out of me oh a nice cluster six Shard oh sure I have no idea what these are useful for or if they're useful at all but yeah I don't mind collecting all of them okay anyways uh before the bees come back which there's one right here yes yes yes please below below the tree line please you come here yes oh okay I can at least pick up this B because I was really stupid and I left all of my leads back at home but I can bring this bee all the way back to my base and if I can get you inside without getting you killed that would be greatly appreciated uh okay but you there boom no come here come here come here thank you okay and just make it harder for you to escape we'll put you up here in my bedroom and there you go and you are already trying to escape nice um yeah you can do 360s over there I'm gonna go down here and uh yeah let's go get the other beat actually no no no no it's actually important oh but I don't have honey okay wait wait we need to get shears if I can find a beehive with honey in it then I can make a beehive all the way over here so that'll be good I just need to make sure I don't have any shears already before I go and make more okay so we got the shears got everything else that we need and now that we're fully kitted up to go and hopefully find some honey what if I share a beehive and then I make the bees all Inky wingy at me and then they start chasing me can I pay pick them up so then they won't sting me but uh anyways so we're gonna run back to that Forest since that I think that was like the only area other than where the Moosh rooms were what I see them be on my mini map hello and I love the spoiler can I pick you up oh my God I can pick it up we can actually have coconut crabs back at our house kind of cool I think I wonder if I could breed them oh God where did the Bee go wait is there a bee Derby where did you go I know you're around here somewhere I'm gonna get you but not in like a creepy way I'm I'm gonna get you in like we're gonna be productive together and make it so that villagers can ever escape me that also doesn't make it sound any better but I swear like it's not gonna be that bad okay The Beehive has to be around here in the trees somewhere oh I mean I could just start cutting down the trees and then it'll leave the Beehive but I'll be a lot of durability on an ax that's already there you are that's almost broken and hello oh there's two of you okay well here before I pick you up I'll let you guys you know get your pollen on your tushies okay good good now where's your base for no particular reason huh yeah yeah you're getting stuck okay wait wait might be down here you sure travel oh nice okay uh the other one's not near let me just do that run good run okay well there's two bees inside of that um okay well I can actually make a beehive now so hey I need one of you to come out actually let's be real I'll take both of them here let me uh nah nah we won't use lead so I'll be stupid and just do it one at a time it's less annoying that way you to come out uh here while you'd take forever let me uh through and just start collecting some oars and then we might as well be productive while we uh wait our hostages out oh not bad got 62 from that and they're still not coming out I mean I can break the Beehive but I don't want to make them that mad at me surely this won't take long oh wow that actually didn't take that long that was like 30 seconds maybe come here call me come here come here thank you I just need to be fast before the other one gets out and like goes back in quickly come here yep thank you uh stay up here stay up here don't worry you guys are gonna have a mansion soon don't worry I always take care of the bees no no no no no no no no wait you're still up there right oh stay just stay okay oh God they can press the pressure plates they can actually get out I just say pressure or did I say press no what wait can I see beehives on my mini map it's like that brown little box over this direction or is that something else right now there's three of them wait what is that I want to say it's snails but I don't see them huh oh well uh anyways uh Mr B would you like to be abducted now okay good he's still in there finally thank you and oh come here come here come here come here thank you okay good now that we've abducted the entire family and beautiful you're all in here please get away from the ladder thank you now if I were to make a beehive area um I mean we do have the perfect space right there to actually make another staircase going off to somewhere else which I mean I'm kind of down to do because we just break this one block and then maybe we have a staircase go on top of the mountain okay I mean you know we got we got some building room up here because I think up here instead of down there just because like I don't want to build it too close to the Village maybe we start expanding this direction and up here we can actually build our entire villager trading area God I really don't know how I want to build that ah because I don't want to make it a long rectangle like in uh 100 days on a raft I mean um maybe we bought like a giant pyramid so I'm trying to think of stuff that I haven't built before I mean we could also build underground but I feel like that's really boring but I mean regardless you know that's for later who even knows if I build it this episode but for the Beehive I kind of want to actually make it a little bit big because I would like to have a lot of bees in there just in case if there's like other building blocks from honey that I can use uh if I use a lot of villagers you know I I'm I might also build with it but now to add a little bit of an obstacle so I saw in uh some comments and I'll agree to it you know you guys want me to try building with modded blocks stuff that's just like not really vanilla or at least something other than oak Stone and bushes which you know um I might have already you know made everything out of that issue is I don't know how to get modded blocks or really any other kind of blocks unless we go uh Mining and I might be able to find some like special blocks underground like I have an episode one in some areas I believe or we might be able to get lucky and find some stuff in the zombie dungeon it seems like the locals are still down there active as ever uh can I place a torch anywhere put a can right there and right there beautiful but I also really don't think that I'm gonna find anything like special down here so I think I mean it would be good to go mining but I don't really need that many oars as I am fairly wealthy from our exploration stuff wait I have Oak beehive dog how much stuff do I have how am I so unaware of everything you know what I don't care I'm still gonna make so I think our best first thing to do is uh go on another adventure we're looking at our map let's not head this direction as we got unbelievably unlucky and let's actually just head I think we can go south so if we head this direction oh we should also really tend to our sugar cane since it actually grew for once okay much better and luckily for us our focus on this is going to be entirely on collecting resources for the Beehive right and I guess also like future buildings one thing I'm curious about so if I use an ax can I actually collect these no it just gives me seeds uh okay well I don't really care for wheat seeds I wouldn't I don't have the shears on me can I use this to click the oh I can't okay oh that's that's actually kind of fun so here's a modded block never really built with the color yellow before so you know we could probably do something with this might use this as an outside decoration since it would be kind of annoying to keep track of bees and this and so they'll just get lost super easy so maybe something outside would be very well with this I think like nearly two stacks of that should be perfectly fine up next so I mean I can still work with woods and maple Maple looks like it would give me like a grayish design maybe white but I don't want to strip it just yet maybe that'll be like a good adjacent color for the building and at least we're getting saplings for it um okay and then there's different types of Maples so we'll work with that because it'd be kind of cool to work with white I just really want to be picky with anything that I get um oh wait you don't think oh wait so regardless of the color of the leaves the wood is going to be the exact same I'm going to assume which I guess is fine yeah I mean I remember a lot of you saying how there's like modded blocks in here but I mean you know looking around I'm really not seeing any oh here if we're gonna be using some like white looking uh Maple logs maybe we want to try out diorite maybe like I don't know if it'll look good or not I'll see what I can do maybe we could use this for part of the flooring and there we go huh I finally collected all of it that was a lot more than I was expecting and I have like four and a half stacks of dye right now which you know I was just collecting a lot just in case if I actually you know want to use it all for building and you know it'd kind of suck if I ran out of it so we got that uh to the right it just looks like more of the same stuff and okay never mind actually both directions and let's just keep traveling this way maybe we can get lucky and find some new blocks maybe some other color of wood oh I wonder okay maybe I do want to collect one of the red trees because I'm I don't know if it matters for the modded wood but something that you guys told me is that the leaves will change colors like the pink ones that are in front of my house I'll change colors depending on the uh the season uh no these are actually just stay like this the red and the white that might actually be kind of fun to build with oh dude maybe for the Beehive it's like a a red and white look maybe maybe that's what we do yeah that's the case let me go around collect a whole lot of these also get some saplings for it so I can redo all of them back at base high God I hate this Moss okay so now that we someone have a color palette selected I really want to find more white blocks uh the higher right is cool what is cool I really wish I could build with white that's oh hi well you might be fine you know I'm not in a hardcore anymore so I'm down to tango with the boy oh God oh God okay okay I'm down to tango with the boys uh you know I'll take the easy way up I can loot before they all get mad and calm over hello my God hi yes I really like your stuff I would really greatly appreciate it if I can steal it all oh my God you guys shoot so rapidly oh God run run run run run run run run oh my God I don't want to die just because I'm in regular my loot Goblin heart wouldn't be able to Bear leaving all that stuff behind which I need to remember I do have a bow I really don't need to go around and hit everything and I don't have to play fair you know we can uh we can be a little cheesy see where are you hiding whoop bye bye here we go yes yes I think we're safe so I can go over here and hi I will actually be taking all of that oh I can make another ax that's beautiful iron boots that are better than mine uh oh I'll take more rope why not don't care for the food or that I really just don't care for the music disc I'm sorry to everyone out there who's like in love with all of them probably screaming at me right now to you know take it but never end up using them I don't know why you guys always have a furnace in here you're never gonna like have anything in there for me to steal Aloha there we go yeah archery is definitely the way to do it ow oh my God don't make me fall off just wait one second thank you phew I had to make sure that you guys couldn't respond in here oh hello hello beautiful that's now repaired sharpness one in cone cutter ah I would take it but I mean I already have a diamond sword why would I downgrade and now the last area wow this is so much fun not playing in hardcore you can go around all Brave like hello ow oh God no he has a boyfriend light it up light it up you should be safe I don't think there's any higher levels and oh God am I like oh God I'm lagging okay okay well beautiful I can drop my chest plate and I can wear this one beautiful I guess armor is basically repaired uh interesting I don't really care for you sure I'll take another iron pick why not oh a bow with power one uh never mind mine is absolutely amazing okay oh sure I'll repair my fully healed up helmets take these luckily another diamond D5 deep fry reeling in certain fish will cook them that's actually kind of cool I'll take that oh and we got a treasure map and I will take that gunpowder and sure I'll take a bee sting or why not that sounds like fun uh I don't think we need anything else maybe the string actually usually that's always something valuable that I don't really have that much of and you are you a treasure map you are a treasure map I'm going to assume that you're super duper fire away by day let's go oh wait I also realized so we do have oh God I need to sleep just nothing spun in here uh actually wait you're new I've been oh yeah I haven't even looted this hello I'm so sorry but oh god oh it's just snails why am I getting scared by snails okay they have weird sounds uh first stop taking the lanterns and four which there is one more up here thank you now this building does have some fun colors to work with but I'm just I don't know I'm not feeling it like none of it's like uh screaming out to me you know fun stuff to use in a build so I think we'll leave that um I got oh my God it's a seal holy dude I looked at the mini map and I thought it was a Pillager I thought it was going to be in danger okay so we went ahead roughly this direction for the map but if we're lucky we can actually just use a boat for a majority of it so we can travel nice and fast hopefully with a lot of good loot inside of it there's nothing dangerous in the ocean right I mean I I've already traveled through the ocean but I'm just I'm not used to these packs being like nice and easy for me oh Village ah wait there might be a waste stone in there okay here we're gonna go check this out and then we'll get back to exploring oh you look kind of nice as well wait this actually looks like like a good Village oh oh wait never mind wow okay I thought that was one of the dungeons never mind I'm I'm silly I'm a little goofy right now all righty let's see do I loot you up or do I leave you be and you don't really have any food you do have a cooking pot even though I I know I do have several at home oh yeah we need to get into cooking once we get back home see Chef's Delight yeah okay we might go back for that I'm gonna check out the other buildings first since you know I do have a looting problem so I just want to make sure that I don't get like completely full off of like useless things oh also torches yes give me oh wow yeah that that would have killed man that would have been fun now there we are there's one villager why is this a ghost town blue there we go rename you beautiful now we can always come back here man my God part of me really just wants to take everything from this Village and just loot it up ah but I can always just help her back here so I might be smart to you know try and leave the villagers with some way of living but they even can another one thank you oh even more thank you I think I have onions back at home I don't think I need to like really worry about any of the uh vegetation to bring it back to my base but definitely once we get back home and I make that bee area like make the B building oh that's kind of cool what are you Shrek but I do want to start on Farming and actually making like the custom food items because there's another comment about this where I always talk about the uh the food mods but I never uh actually like do anything with them or make modded Foods so for the series definitely want to get into that if you guys are interested in uh food mods and like watching me do farming stuff and you know making cool Foods okay and even though it's raining super duper hard and it looks like a storm is a brewing I think we should be safe to go okay good good you're nothing dangerous oh but you're kind of beautiful oh wait are you oh wait you're just like a regular Mountain looking thing what did I just pick up item frame and Black Banner what is there something underwater Oh my God wait wait there's actually something underwater hello what are your smithing table and a chest let me get some oxygen oh my gosh High Encyclopedia of Eden sure Anna quiver some Redstone sure what did I find uh we got a barrel with cobwebs and a furnace and a drone spawner oh darn I know exactly what to do with you if I don't die by doing this hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry beautiful okay uh oxygen uh interesting I really wasn't expecting that at all um I'm glad those items went to my inventory never would have noticed that at all on my own but speaking of iron I just want to say when I kept finding all of those Copper Mountain block things like near some of those uh camps and episode one I didn't realize it was iron next to it I thought it was Cobblestone it wasn't my fault like there's no way looking back on that video like looking at that footage that does not look like iron right like I'm not the only one who thought that huh and hello beautiful oh I see that I have uh spotted my next resource run on how adorable there's a villager on it lost at sea um okay just so you don't come onto my boat like the last guy yeah I'm gonna I'll leave it right there you know like I just know that you're having so much fun just you know being out at Sea that I don't want to take that away from you but I will take all of your items from you hello okay I'll take you why not and that's nice yeah don't mind me buddy oh my gosh there's so much uh no no I have killed well and don't care for any of that is I I'm trying to be generous and kind and it's definitely not because you know I'm trying to limit myself on all the stuff that I pick up so I can actually you know loot more stuff while I'm out and about totally not because of that I definitely have a change of heart towards villagers and beautiful well um Roosevelt valida's the Fisher man uh it was a pleasure doing business with you good luck out here at Sea and uh yeah bulbs never see you again bye and is that another thing that I see that I can loot well there's Apparently one are you Captain Jack Sparrow Johnny Depp is that you hi uh how you doing Abigail Bazaar huh well hello oh thank you see you later good luck how are we not getting any closer at all I swear every single time I get one of these Maps it gives me a spot that's like 4 000 blocks away from it oh also while I'm uh rowing all the way to hopefully this treasure spot would you guys be interested in me doing a mega build because like the last one that I've ever done was the autoinator back in my hardcore series like a year ago which you know don't worry I haven't left it yet I'm just like really bored of a vanilla Minecraft and also hardcore is like super over saturated and done on YouTube so I don't really care to do it anyways would you guys be interested in me making like a mega build and then maybe we make that for like capturing a lot of the mobs in here if maybe we can make it our farm area in our animal area you know what are you oh boy well I don't know if they're in this mod pack but I do know that dragons like to hang around blocks like that but I mean I haven't seen a dragon yet so I don't think they're in this mod pack let's check one thing from this tree is this a apple oh that's just an orchard uh don't touch me uh darn I would have loved to have had an apple tree back in my base and let's see looking at the map uh still no progress has been made I'm pretty sure I've traveled over a thousand blocks so far for it what is that what is that green looking little thing right above the the villagers is that a new mob oh it's a new Village so let's see what is it was it is it is it a new Golem over here what are you oh my God it's the copper Golems so it's the copper golems that are like worshiping a God wait you're so cool can I pick you up I can't what if I put you here God I want to keep you so badly uh like I want to hit it to see if I can like Harvest it but I don't want to hurt it and then have it start attacking me oh my gosh dude I actually want these those are so cool let's see is this Village lucky enough to have a Way Stone like right there yes it is okay well I guess I won't break you and then for this one I have a really good name okay we'll call it cop gold Village as in like copper Golem Village so yeah at least then I can always come back here beautiful wow so this place is sick oh my gosh I wish I lived here oh that would have been a really nice spot to actually build a basic right there it's nice and flat you're up in the mountains we could have built like some like cool looking elevated buildings ooh all right oh what do you sell no no no stop sitting you what was that curse of Frozen touch 2 transfers heat from you to your enemies when attacking why is that red why is that a curse sounds kind of cool I'm not gonna lie no I'll leave your torches uh but I will harvest this tree to make it easier for us to get through okay maybe if it wants to move okay there we go now we can actually walk you guys are welcome oh I think I'm gonna take it and that oh yeah no no I have to it's heavily important to me that I collect every single uh aquarium okay anyways hello what are you because I gotta be honest for once I don't really care to loot The Village as you know it's not that important for me to get that kind of loot because I know you'll find it hard to believe I actually am still looking for blocks to build with it just looks like everything here is like really vanilla uh what are you are you like the Hayden villager that everyone just like really wanted out of the village oh hello it's what's up here okay okay more loots okay Albert gossin the fisherman well film I hate to like be like this towards you but um you're not really near any water up here hello and hello you're not the worst but hello that's nice take all that oh Smite one really don't care and don't care for that one uh let me get up here so you don't touch me because you're weird so we do have a bundle and I think I could just spit like anything in it right like it doesn't matter if they're different interesting bundles are so bizarre somewhere so only 46 items total so like it wouldn't be good for me to have gunpowder in there so we'll use other stuff here we'll put the aquarium stuff in there so I can't put books in there it's a little bizarre don't you think uh okay I've actually managed to get even more organized than I was before so meaning I can actually loot even more stuff but interesting I I honestly never would have expected that Towers like this would be villagers that's a spider cave with actual loot inside of them so uh was fun homie uh I I will be taking my leave at least for the love of God to land this don't die uh I'm I I'm no I'm scared I'm too scared I don't know why I feel like I'm gonna mess it up I I haven't been lucky with my water buckets recently I'm too scared now okay anyways after all of that super duper fun stuff plus we can come back here there has to be some way that I can bring mobs through a waypoint uh oh no the The Way Stone thing like there has to be a way because if we could do that I will very happily build a mega structure again I get like a thousand blocks wide or something and then we can just have like every single mob in there with like their own little room be kind of cool maybe make it look futuristic because I kind of missed the uh automator oh the farm up there is like you know we'll be needing a whole lot of space What are you firecracker leaves they're kind of cool wait can I get a sapling of you do you drop Zapdos here at the very least I'll just pick some of you that's kind of cool actually wait no now I'm thinking about it these would actually be really really cool for the Beehive and I don't know if I can make more of these so we'll collect a lot of you because you might be really nice inside of the building because it's really not looking like I'll be able to get any saplings from the bushes oh okay wait I know I don't have these back at base whatsoever so yes yes please more God I get distracted so much oh this can't take me forever to complete my quest I think I'm good to move on I now have seven more in there so it's like like 81 I think off the top of my head but let's continue this way please let me jump continue this way we're now hitting the hilly areas which maybe we might be able to find some cool blocks oh oh my God wait hello oh you're kind of a cool biome Jacaranda leaves okay wait you're really really sick okay here let's collect as much until this uh shoes break watch wow that I didn't even finish the sentence those are gone amaranth okay nice nice I thought that was a twitch streamer yep and there goes the pick I mean my ax what okay good I got a sapling God that tree is so cool sure let's just collect a lot of stuff you know maybe we can use these for some cool looking bushes and areas oh my gosh this entire area is so cool I got a whole lot of stuff to collect which this is when it gets to uh I hope I have enough space but speaking of space I need to upgrade my backpack to hopefully maximum which I think I can since I now have two diamonds but I also want multiple backpacks just because like I just as you can very clearly tell I just have a very big issue with looting stuff like I just love collecting everything I don't know why it's an actual problem but we have a whole lot of flowers I'm going to assume that I can make more of these flowers in the future so like I'm not really worried but I think we use Planters then we can actually use these in decorations maybe use them as like directions and buildings if I make them so massive that should be nice and pretty oh boy if you look at that mini map I don't know oh no we're in trouble it's the cherry blossoms hello beautiful oh my God okay so I'm hope please don't break my ax even though like it really doesn't mean anything to me but please oh oh God I didn't happen hello wow oh my God that's so beautiful wait the leaves naturally fall from it oh so we can get some nice like atmospheric blocks oh dear God there's so much okay cherry blossoms are super massive noted oh no wait I can actually craft bundles oh no I didn't pick up any of those uh leather pieces back at the Village void because I actually kind of really want to use bundles now that'll at least allow me to um hold like a bit more actually no no instead of making bundles because it'd be the almost the exact same thing for uh backpacks maybe now especially since I do have a lot of iron we need to start making more backpacks so I just heard you oh hi moo moo yeah I'm really sorry guys I I just need the leather you know if there was some way that like you know I could just extract the leather from you but like without harming you totally would most definitely would but um yeah yeah I mean okay you guys are in the luck you don't give leather you give something else oh God hi oh grapes yeah come out cows I need my my leather that's a lot of bridges all in one spot it's like kind of redundant but I could have sworn there was a cow over here oh there you are you can't escape me I'm gonna make that backpack I need it so I can loot more yes yes there's so many up here yes hello hello I swear I'm gonna try not to take more than I need wow you are really massive and kind of creepy that that is really weird how big you are like how do I only have four after killing so many of you please drop leather oh no they're not chopping leather please thank you please just a little bit more I think I just need two more yeah I just need two more leather please think about the future of your kind you're hurting everyone in the future not just yourself or me oh God wait uh oh no there's like what eight cows up here and they dropped like four leather no oh my God I need one more wait we might actually be able to to get lucky with those ruins usually for some reason they always have leather inside of those oh god wow okay let's not fall in there let's go take the long route uh I don't really want to run into those guys and you know oh my god oh Jesus okay I almost just jumped off the cliff like an idiot but I don't want to get the uh the the their curse you know especially if I go into another Village really don't want to do a raid right now wow or I can get really lucky and have absolutely nothing in that run and they're kind of close okay let's I guess let's just keep going this way or the map which I'm gonna give this like an extra 30 minutes and then I'm just gonna throw away this map because usually whenever I follow a treasure map wait white sand Dash site oh I want to use this for building okay we actually really need to find some leather and then come back here oh dude I can actually build some nice stuff with that too please drop leather please I'm desperate at this point I know you're not cows and this will make some people angry but oh boy I need the leather please if you if you don't there we go thank you it's like if you don't I'm just gonna go to the next one alrighty so go here make that boom make a chest make sure it's an actual chest beautiful boom you backpack let's go ahead load you up so I can actually put other things in my inventory I guess so we need iron and we need gold so then we put iron around you get a plated backpack then we put gold around you we got the Gilded backpack which that's what I have right there so yeah we just really need to get some more diamonds and emeralds and then I can upgrade these they can even hold them more so now very nice I can actually fill up all of that so we can stay out here and loot even more and then let's go back this direction luckily didn't have to go that far and here we go huh beautiful allegedly I have this back in my house but uh I don't believe that since like nothing popped up about new recipes unlocking but this looks really really nice to build with I think I can work with this and uh diorite and this would be the part that I would show you a time lapse of me collecting everything but I can't have the replay mod on this uh mod pack so I'll see you guys in like 20 minutes or something maybe 30. so it's been a little bit and um well the land is now transformed so I collected nine stacks of that Dash site and then there was another fun Block in here which was really surprisingly fast to collect uh white sand which I like I don't know if like if I smelt it I'll get white glass but it's another white block that I can build with mixing patterns with but I'm pretty happy with all of those and I still have some uh storage so you know we can still run around try to find some stuff I just I feel like I'm missing something like there there's one thing that's gonna really tie the entire Bill together and I just haven't found it yet because to recap I think a majority of like a white building with red adjacent blocks would look really cool for a beehive area like it's just something new to build you know oh yeah and uh looking at this given how I'm pretty sure I've now traveled around two thousand three thousand blocks with this map and I still have not found owned or even moved anywhere on this map like it hasn't budged and I'm very positive I like I am going the right way so I think I'm honestly good with not like searching for any of this anymore so yeah we'll just leave that there hello so mahogany leaves don't care about that but what are you green mushroom block huh wait if I break you and drop anything okay well you drop green mushroom sapling patterns do I have to actually like uh plant these in an X formation or what if I break you here does it all drop of course not okay uh I can make shears but I think I'd rather just grow this at my base and then just you know Harvest it there instead of uh taking up more inventory space with all this and with 29 green mushrooms I'll be very surprised if I can't get any of them to to grow and since we're here oh my gosh look at this entire red biome that we're going into oh boy because the Red Maple and then this is mahogany so it looks like it gives kind of like a light pink for the log I swear I have mahogany back in my house though so I don't think I need to collect any of this I just kind of really want to get up let's see are you the jakarti trail let's see yep you are okay good good I already have that tree maybe I can no I mean purple's kind of close to Red for like building wise I'm gonna try and restrict myself and still make it look really cool why is there random bamboo one thing that would help out so I love these but I would really like to find a red one which I mean surely there has to be some kind of like a red bush saplings I guess that's cool enough oh hi no don't blow up don't blow up don't blow up what are you Mario what up uh sure I'll collect you why not you really don't need to follow me like you're not hidden whatsoever like you kind of stand up like a sore thumb and I'm gonna blow you up oh my God just die just die just die thank you okay so there's another red Forest over in this direction we should probably go check that out I'm almost tempted to build a third backpack but I also kind of want to wait until I can max out these backpacks because like maybe I'll be good on uh inventory space then because I feel like it's a little cheaty to have so many backpacks but I really don't think it matters like I don't think like any of you care if I have a lot of backpacks really feels like I'm on like an alien planet oh man more purple ones again love you guys totally gonna be using you in some building or at least a room but like man I would love a red one come on red bush oh hi really random spot for you to be in actually okay since there's so many of you here let's collect a lot of you wait you're actually different from this one gotcha very interesting you're not lightning right you're just rain that won't leave me alone wow oh my gosh you look so cool whoa amazing okay let's keep going this way maybe we can find some other Red Blocks I'm curious why these grass blocks are red God I would love to build with them uh I wish I knew how to do more stuff in this mod pack why can I not land my water buckets anymore here can I land this one okay there we go I got a few I'm not a complete loser just yet oh nice and spooky looking area I mean technically I can have multiple houses oh my God this area is actually really cool oh my gosh this would be such a cool area to build because I mean oh oh that's a nice entrance wait what if I just leave a waste Stone here because I I do have three I could leave a Way Stone here and name it like Dark Forest home or black forest Stone because it's a lot of ebony trees around here and then this could be like our mining Outpost oh wait I kind of like that then we don't need like a mining Outpost at our actual house that's 4 000 blocks away I like that idea okay we'll leave you here there you go black forest home beautiful and honestly here since we have the opportunity let's just go back home or my bees okay why is there only two of you where's the third oh my God where did the third one go wait why oh God they're all they all changed oh God so I'm guessing it's fall or maybe one turnout oh wow okay that oh God it like ruined the aesthetic of the building there's like no color now wait what happened to my third B there's no way it got downstairs right and then like figured out about the uh the pressure plates uh well oh my God my dad just say it's outside how did you get all the way outside move get away from that movie hurry I need to go kidnap the bee again no it's getting a taste for Freedom ow it's going to escape get back here come back here Bumble come here please come here come here why yes yes yes yes yes perfect perfect thank you oh I guess it's a really good thing that I came home I wonder if me teleporting home somehow made the bee like render outside instead of in the building somehow but yeah there shouldn't be any holes in here so yeah all of you get away from the I stopped going to ladders away from the away from the ladder oh God okay well that's scary but they should be staying up there oh my uh anyways here we're gonna take several chests and what we're gonna do with everything that we just got Before I Fall to my death so we'll just go up here we're gonna leave the chest right here since this is where we're gonna be building uh all organized and ready to go and while getting organized and thinking about this place imagine like a nice Mega build specifically right here where it looks like a giant like drill like I forgot the name of it but it's the largest vehicle in the world where it's at like actual mindset sites it's like a giant wheel you know like what if I build one of those like right here so it looks like we're actually like digging our way down I can make multiple buildings around here make this look entirely like a mining uh District like I think that would be a lot of fun and then you know we just always come down here whenever I need to go mining or like get like oars whatever maybe even like Stone so then slowly over time like as the episodes go on it just looks like this place is you know making more progress with the mining you know like you can actually see like the area age which might be fun jump boom disable it so I don't see it and good okay so areas marked off we're never uh gonna lose this place uh tell me down below if you guys are into you know seeing that idea for the mining Outpost I would definitely take multiple episodes to make it because like I kind of want to make everything big over here oh God and it looks like we're going to be under attack the entire time so we'll have to construct some walls okay let's not aggravate them because I would rather them they near their Tower instead of wandering over here oh we've been milk cat mushrooms you might go well with the red okay let's go ahead and uh collect a little bit of oh God please give me one mushroom please please ready please oh God uh okay we got one I just saw a drop oh my god oh Jesus oh my God hi dog god why did that freak me out so much I thought it was like a I honestly thought it was a skeleton on all fours just running at me like oh my God that was terrifying love you dog wow you're so amazing oh and we have a ravine actually a really decent sized Ravine right next to the mining Outpost luckily we don't actually have to build everything together so hey maybe if I find more biomes that kind of just like speak to me you know and I just I think I can build something really dope in them you know we'll just have houses everywhere as long as we have a Way Stone to it wait am I crazy or did I not lose any XP from traveling back and forth to my base oh God don't touch me Pumbaa kuna matata that means don't touch me and let me on with my way something something something oh hello okay let's see uh I feel like I don't know I feel like I should collect the torches on this Village I kind of really don't care to keep this one um desert Villages are like cool and all but yeah I don't know exactly care to keep them all okay luckily I do have all this stuff don't care we can stay light don't need to be looting so much okay do you guys not have any torches have I looted this place before Oh see now we're talking hello what is Stone beautiful thank you so much I'll be taking that as I'm sure you can craft waste stones but it's just so much more fulfilling using way stones that I know that have stolen from a village no I love this Village oh no gosh I want to keep you guys so badly uh okay maybe there's a mod that I can put in here well let me like put them in my inventory or something like there has to be some way that I can take these guys home with me or is this how you make an iron or not iron but a copper Golem like do I just need to have like a copper block on bottom like that and then just a carved pumpkin on top because even though I have no idea what they do I really oh nice oh really I want to keep them or not keep them but I just want to have some in my base like I I won't do anything with them at all I just love how they look which hello interesting I can make this okay wait I can make I can make this I can make this I can make this this one there we go see I told you first track am I going crazy what was that is there like a micro b after me one of like the African Killer Bees or whatever they're called like the super deadly ones that hate humans oh I can totally make this jump I could totally make you get the Torches yes oh yeah that's right I like to risk my life for four torches what can I say I cannot can I make it back yes I can okay I think I've looted The Village pretty decently oh my God I actually made that Echo I don't think there's anything left here for me so we'll just continue on and just like that I didn't touch these two buildings hello okay so a whole lot of orange around here so maybe in this biome kind of area there has to be like some kind of Red Blocks like I'm kind of shocked just how rare like how scarce uh the color red is in mine Minecraft very clearly a lot of people do not care to like dive into that uh Department nothing over there so maybe a lot of the uh the color red will be coming from the cherry trees that I have back in my house because luckily I did see a lot of those in my uh chess but one of these days I need to make an automatic sorting system but I'm oh God I'm scared to get into that since this is modded there's so many more blocks to do that by itself will be a mega build like not even by choice it's just because of how massive I'll have to make it to store all of the items that I want but I'm down for the challenge and hello I am down to loot this uh village now since I don't care about this Village I want to test something so I like the Bounty boards and it would be kind of fun to like dive into this realm you know and become like a bounty hunter for like an hour or two see how much I can do what happens if I break you which I I don't think I'm gonna be able to collect it with how long does this take plus completed craft a bounty board while I didn't craft you but how are you so if I place you back down you have the exact same ones okay all right so that's cool so any other Village that I go to honestly oh and back at our normal village we might as well just pick up every single bounty board and then just put them all into the same spot like we can just go and build a a building for the Bounty boards which might be a good idea especially since then we can actually uh Focus all of them a lot faster and I won't have to run around so much looking for new bounties ooh and then for one of the bounty boards we can place it in like a special spot that stands out and then that's the one that we turn in everything so corn cob hello what Colonels back in my house wait but I I have okay wait I have two emeralds that I uh got by means that none of you need to know but here I'll just buy one of you that was the first time I ever bought something from a villager in this world huh nice I don't know why uh you two are in here there was a third but you seem to have yeah he ran away but um yeah I'm the one sleeping in the bed tonight okay very lovely just want to stay on top of all the farming stuff so whenever I actually start then we'll have every single thing double needs to make really nummy dishes as just before I dive into the farming like side of this mod pack I just I really want to build a nice building for it so we'll see how far we get into here pretty soon I will return back home to actually build the Beehive area and then we'll start working on a villagers because ultimately I think it'll be wisest to actually work on our armor and tools get all those maxed out and then we'll start the like super duper fun uh farming stuff oh you guys are so kind you have a freeway stone for me here oh my gosh dude you guys just want to make me blush I've also just realized that you guys have a graveyard and a haunted building in your village kind of interesting you know interesting choices to have like literally in your village especially since I can spawn in animes uh do you guys happen to have anything good in these kind oh silk touch oh nice okay I can put that on one of my my picks knockback Fire Protection One and I'm okay I'll let you guys keep I really don't care for bones I have so many oh I will take the can uh dude I can get something higher than that orange one and I need Thorns three or at least two actually no I need Thorns too I think or do I need Thorns three I forgot plus Protection One More useless stuff drop this one piercing one okay so it looks like I got everything useful out of here oh I actually missed you and collection tools automatically pick up drops huh okay anyway that's amazing I most definitely need that on at least my picks oh no actually especially the ax imagine with that oh my gosh wait what if I put that on my sword I wonder if it would like automatically pick up um drops from mobs okay I like that graveyard never mind I see why you guys kept it here please continue making more look at this C1 I mean it's a cool looking book but I'm fine beautiful inside the building you guys have nice more glowstone loyalty three I would like to get a trident and honestly yeah let's steal the luck turns because I am going to be needing a like a metric ton of those um I don't think like I need to like search around though like I don't think there's any hidden passageways in these chapels I'm pretty sure they're just for aesthetic and yep that's the vibe that I'm getting right now okay beautiful trust me I am trying so hard to not loot places like it's just it's just so tempting there's just so many good things you know well you're kidding I can so there's there could be villagers and if I just give them flowers I get emeralds okay so I guess I should make a beehive job block for one of the villagers that might be like a pretty crazy easy Emerald Farm to have but I digress uh let's let's continue on oh hello you let's see are you Cobblestone or are you iron you know I don't want to make that same mistake before this isn't coal is it oh my God it's all cool hello oh my God hello oh God yes oh I just love you yes please more more jeez 14 blocks of that yeah I'm happy thank you and that wasn't even the loot spots let's see you got anything good up here for me more Tomatoes I'll take the onions why not nothing else okay that was a very interesting uh Outpost and I could have sworn they always had like like way nicer stuff on them oh my god oh Jesus oh my God very luckily there's water down there oh my wow that okay I wasn't paying attention to that I need to stop looking at my other monitors and watching videos this place would love to kill me you're not from a dragon right please tell me this started from lava okay that makes me really uh nervous that did not start from lava uh let's most definitely just get out of here we uh really need to haul it out of here Moss blocks why do I hear flapping am I going insane God I was hearing flopping okay here uh before we go anywhere I don't think I have any Moss blocks but I do know how to create more of them so I'd like at least just six of those something out of it oh okay if I had a hoe I could go faster cracked mud oh Jesus sorry nope don't touch me uh am I in a wooden prison or something what are these trees it's like a spider or something like tickled the leg of a tree and they got scared and immediately stood up I swear to God I keep hearing like wings flopping okay uh okay that's just grass that's just Cypress leaves no way wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my god oh Jesus oh God food did not want to fall down there oh wait you might also be really nice to build with since you are red okay got a few of these yeah you might be nice to build with especially since you're white and red so at least I get you know the two colors that I want to build with but that's not the exciting part so you'll notice that there's a frog noises going on right now oh and there's lily pads I don't mind if I do especially if oh my gosh wait this is a green one oh there's green logs Oh my Jesus God don't hurt the Frog there it wasn't me please don't eat me what what I was talking about with all of the lily pads which I got right here which I'm pretty sure I can use bonemail on them to get more so like I don't need to collect so many of them what where did he go there's a frog here which okay good I can't pick him up oh wait here we go so there's these two frogs which I won't lie I don't know how to breed frogs at all like I almost have never like dived into that part of uh Minecraft like I haven't really played around with like those new updates before but if I can get them to breed they can make some uh um tadpoles and then from the tadpoles we can actually get frogs can I harvest you at all because I would actually really appreciate it if I could build with some green wood let's just give me a sapling please any sapling thank you okay and it looks like I need four of these guys I'm gonna have to place them in like specific areas to grow like it looks like just one sapling won't grow the tree this is a little interesting why does this tree not drop saplings please beautiful okay now we can actually use that tree for building when we want to um this entire time how does one breed frogs account even know what they would want to eat like well you want like a steak like should I go get some like wagyu beef for them let me actually look that up oh God it takes slime all right well I gotta be honest I don't have any slime and I will not be you know looking around for any slime for you guys oh yeah I can actually take this okay wait this is actually kind of cool so yeah um We're not gonna have any frogs for now maybe in the future I'll uh work on actually getting some but I'm just really wow really can't be bothered right now with doing that and I think our adventuring is coming to an end I think I've explored enough and honestly we'll just have to use uh everything back in my base for a build for the bees um if anything I'll have to use you know like some of my traditional blocks that I always use and hello oh dear God wow okay wow that's so cute you have like a double building over here like a little Mansion for yourself that's so adorable I'm gonna come in and loot you see if there's anything for me to steal I don't know if you're trying to tell me to like stay out or not I mean I'm really not feeling welcomed out here wow all of that looks really bad oh where is the witch oh where is the witch please don't jump out at me don't don't don't just heal it just heal yourself thank you oh thank you finally a witch fight where they don't hurt me a potion of luck cool I don't know what luck is used for in this game but sure ooh potion of invisibility you might actually become useful in the future and instant Health glycerin watermelon okay and I am starting to get done I think we've traveled around enough uh I just want to check out the biome right in front of me and then after that we'll head back home what are you oh we're snails wait don't snails drop slime no they still drop nothing what is the point uh snails like I really don't get them you would think that they would drop slime like I'm not crazy right like I feel like it would make sense for snails to drop slime is there a tornado forming or something am I about to die actually just so I don't lose away Stone I kind of want to find a village but I can find another village with a waste Stone in it then we'll use that to get back home because I'm kind of greedy and I really don't feel like leaving one of my four way stones out in the middle of nowhere oh and we have more red stuff but I'm pretty sure okay so that's just regular Oak yeah I don't think I'm gonna be finding anything else so I think we've come across all red blocks at least like all the easy to find ones hello there's apparently bees right here oh hello I just really want to build it I wish you would just pop out I really want to go back home but I'm so stingy that I don't want to use any of my resources oh did I just find a beep item there sure is a lot over here wow another thing that I'm realizing as I'm going through like all of these new chunks and I'm just trying to find some building blocks I haven't seen one dungeon at all like still to this day this is the only dungeon in like Mooshroom stuff on this entire world that I've been through like I I really don't get it like I don't know if I'm just that unlucky or lucky however you like you want to look at it but I just I have not found anything and I really feel like maybe it's the mod pack like maybe I need to like update it to a new one and then see if I could transfer this world to like a different better Minecraft mod pack but like this this is starting to seem like really bad like I feel like there's something wrong with my mod pack because there's no way there's supposed to be this rare right like very surely there's supposed to be way more dungeons oh pumpkins uh I might have some back at but if I want to make some copper Golems I want to you know be positive that I have some pumpkins for it boy coming up on another red biome oh what are you okay I think that's nothing but we might find some nice loot in there oh please have some lovely loot that I can steal I'm not seeing any iron I'm very positive this is all Cobblestone uh inside yeah nice I'll take your onions why not oh these might be some nice trees I mean okay I know it's not red but it's orange and it might be close enough or are you only looking like this because of the time of the year Acacia leaves I always thought that they were green so it might just be because of the time of the year you know one way to tell us if we get the sapling if the sapling is orange yeah it's green yeah yeah so no these are actually just green leaves it's just because of the time of the year no no way it's the cool mob it's the Mauler no way oh my dude I want to have one of these in my house so badly oh my God they're so cute oh and that's even cuter what did you just do oh wow you sound really interesting go ahead uh hold up I have no self-control I need to go loot that why hello there villager you want to happen to have a white stone on this thing would you no but you do have 11 iron and an Unbreaking three and deep fry which Cooks certain fish fishing rod I don't know how you have raw Cod then but uh yo thank you so much and uh I don't think they'll need this you know I don't think anything will spot on here or bug you so hey thank you very much for all of that oh we should also build like a really nice fishing spot definitely it would be a fun little build to get into I think I can make that look very beautiful oh we could probably have like like a small sorting system with like all the stuff that I pick up as well from fishing because maybe you know we don't need to have like one massive storage system maybe we just have like multiple Auto sorting systems you know wait wait wait I see you I just saw those copper golems and hello Village oh God don't hurt me do not hurt me just leave me alone do not chase me I will kill you it's night time time please have a bed for me to steal three bees in there okay well I'll leave that okay are you guys just allergic to beds in this Village how do you guys sleep oh hello like seriously where are your beds oh dear God fine I'll use my own okay beautiful I'm still gonna be stealing every single thing from your village but I'll leave this way Stone probably won't come back to it actually no no no since we are uh 7 000 blocks away from home so this might be a good way Stone to go to whenever we just want to get far away from our base okay beautiful the one nice thing about this place though is that it is in a red biome Village so even though I keep talking about you know red at least we can teleport back here if we ever need anything and there seems to be a cherry blossom uh Forest right next to this place so cute so hello beautiful sure I'll call it that why not okay so this is gonna be the red Forest Ville yeah we'll just call it Ville oh I don't know what that means okay beautiful and now we can go back home please okay one two three okay okay beautiful you three are still up here oh dear God please get away from the ladder and get away from it don't come down don't come down okay beautiful I think we're safe and now I just have these super duper fun job of getting organized okay everything is put away we're all clean and I think I'm ready to build now firstly so we're gonna be building a staircase going up to there so I'm gonna want this to match with you know the design down here which I really wish that it was some other season so the leaves weren't Brown and I don't know this might be interesting to build without ever while I am building the bridge I kind of don't really have that much wood and so far that's only the Cherry what happened to the other one that I got and where did I purchase is it night time oh it's night time but no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no go go go go go there we go okay good oh yeah while I was getting organized yeah one of them actually did come down here so yeah they're getting a little antsy uh we do actually need to hurry up on their home okay so it was Maple and I think that's it really doesn't matter I do have like this Cherry log stuff here I might as well bring that with us oh beautiful so it doesn't matter to me like oh no it's gonna take longer to grow this season wow would you look at that I have two stacks of Bones so we can at least now start uh growing all of the trees but I don't think I'll be needing that much red stuff because off of the top of my old Cherry lock wait this ages oh no it's two different things okay interesting old really like it can age like wait if I break like any of the blocks over here is it gonna say that it's old as well that's actually kind of interesting that's a little bizarre to me anyways so out here no I'm pointing you there and there I got from memory worry these were actually huge wait no don't I need to put you in a certain pattern I think we should be fine to just Spam these everywhere just want to make sure they all have a lot of room to grow beautiful and then and then for the mushrooms so God um okay maybe we aren't going to be building with mushroom oh no what I think I have to build it in here huh yeah because I can actually place it there okay here if I use bone meal on you I kind of okay I'm losing interest in building with a red mushroom like as the milliseconds go by so maybe we don't use that because we do have we have a decent amount of red stuff the majority of the build is going to be white so I think I'm fine I guess first let's go and use them oh the bone meal okay then I'm gonna do that beautiful man I don't know what the sapling was talking about that didn't take long to grow at all this season okay but I'm not going crazy right when I got the Cherry leaves weren't they red I thought that's why I picked up this log or or maybe they were always green but I got the log because I knew it was red I feel like I'm going insane I swear the leaves of this used to be red also before I even start harvesting them especially with that tree right there oh my God I'm in love with that one um no no no no no no no no get down here get down here by now let me pick you up right now no okay good you guys are still up here get away from the stupid ladder here God okay we need to hurry all right at least build like some kind of containment unit for them so they stop trying to go down the ladder okay but anyway so I need uh shears so I can collect a lot of the leaves from you which very luckily it looks like they'll stay wrecked so we never have to worry about the season that we're in you know our build will always stay red with these and okay good I can Harvest that with one too much oh yeah I definitely need that one enchantment on my ax where it just picks up everything after I chop it down that is most definitely a must um since it looks like I'll be needing quite a few of these here God how many holes are there on this mountain why is that surprising to me that I get cherries from that okay so not too bad off of all of the bone meal that I used to get like that amount of Vlogs but seeing how this actually gives I mean well other than wood but you know it gives me some red leaves to work with so I think I'm just gonna grow all of these saplings with bone meal and then once that's done I'll just point the saplings again and then I'm just gonna save the bone meal for all of the trees that are like that I direly need where where's the rest of them I swear I put down seven I feel like I'm going insane in this world dude this world is gaslighting me so much and it's actually working okay wait wait here we go there's some of you up here there we go okay beautiful take up some of these that I can reach God I really wish these trees weren't so tall so this is what you five foot tall people and it's like for you in the world crazy and just like that oh yeah let's actually repair you beautiful just like that my my God okay so I have like four and almost a half stacks of the red oak leaves uh you know I got some cherry logs and we got a whole lot of oak logs so I think the passageway up to here is going to be using a lot of wood which maybe in the future I mean it's gonna be like really pointless but man maybe like a cobblestone Farm might be really nice I really wish that I could make it automated um anyways so since I'm gonna be building it around here we'll Place some of the trees like all the way out here so then none of these should uh conflict with my building wait oh that's red maple uh wait where did that sapling go how did I get that interesting oh wait oh I never planted any oh yeah probably should plant some of the Cherry ones depending how I will be needing their wood alrighty so everything's sorted out now okay first off obviously you need to get rid of this and this give me that back and I guess we can keep it kind of a tight so I should know so we need to pick up all three of these get all of this stuff again and okay so maybe for this just like God I hate it with the seasons I'm not gonna lie so just to break it up during the seasons here we'll use some Stone which the stone can then lead into regular law maybe regular logs I I guess that's fine and then on all of the sides maybe we can then line this up with regular logs and then instead of using staircases like especially since I didn't bring any uh maybe this is when we just start making a staircase out of just regular slabs make it look like you know a little bit more effort went into it which we then line up with more logs and so far I'm running with this so I'm trying to just break up some of the gray coloring with like just regular planks I might go back and replace that with regular logs because I feel like that's too much with having just Planks on the side and then planks right there which is luckily a very easy fix boom yes yes I like that way more I just wish that these were green I just trust me it's gonna look really good once we're out of all I think we're in right now entire thing very perfectly matched up I I wish I could say that I calculated this entire thing and I purposely built all of the space things so it would match up with the land up here but I didn't yeah I just like all my other building it was accidental I I never actually plan out anything but our passageway up here is perfect however this is not where I'm gonna be building uh you know the Beehive area um I actually want to put it a little bit up but I'm not gonna do any terraforming uh lately I've been enjoying building with the land so you know we'll just build like some stilts coming up on a building and you know and then we'll build it that way um the hard part now actually no no okay we need to go back and we need to finish up the bridge before I go and do anything else so I think honestly it's just gonna be a super easy thing you know we just go buy with just some oak leaves like this yeah I'm gonna slap these right here boom boom so also hopefully you know keep any enemies that uh spawn on the mountains or anything like if there's a skeleton hopefully this will just prevent them from shooting maybe probably not and then I only have three but um yeah I want to put down trap doors as well like I don't know I just I think that'll be a nice fit or maybe we put it on top oh maybe on top yes yes a nice sandwich look yeah yeah I think I like that more okay so I actually really like this I feel like this needs more like maybe on the back side we put it uh Oak signs maybe on all the leaves might actually look really nice I won't lie oh I'm also really tempted to swap these out for stairs now looking at this like especially when I'm down here or something and I'm looking up at the bridge oh yeah and I think we need a lot of stairs maybe a few more slabs just to smooth it out nah nah we don't have to go that crazy but I I actually think that having some stairs where the uh the planks are would actually make it look a lot better from the ground I try a lucky me I can actually easily make it right here so here we'll start out with 12. let's just see what it looks like on one side and with this entire side completely finished okay I missed it yeah yeah oh I really like that I think that looks so much better and so much cleaner than this side over here like this to me this just looks unfinished this looks sloppy and unfinished and this just looks so beautiful oh like it also just hides like the bottom part pretty decently as well like you don't really notice and you have like the super blocky areas that don't have like a nice smooth finish and that's why we need to turn this spot from this it's this and luckily that actually didn't take that long whatsoever but I'm happy with that the only thing that I want to add now is some kind of support at least right here so if we just go here add logs going all the way down bring it into the water just like that and then maybe for the water part I want to strip it no I think we need to use darker logs just to like indicate that you know it's under watery you know it's getting moldy sucking up water it would look different I am super tempted I think it'll look good and if we add some logs right here as well like that I think that's nice uh we need to sleep oh for the love of God be regular rain not Thunder but no no no no no no no no no I do not want anything straight yeah nope I'm okay nope nope no no no no no no no no no no no okay so yeah we need to work on lighting before moving on which I think it looks like really nice if we just put lanterns that like every single log section like that because I don't care if it's wasteful or you know oh she's not optimized enough for lighting I'm I'm wasting lanterns like I don't really care for that so I like this I like the aesthetic of that it's nice and bright so nothing should spawn down here which you know is still very greatly care about and then since I didn't put any uh trapdoors on top of the leaves out here except for the roof I like this because I feel like it just naturally will like tell you like hey you're going to a different part of the base like this is leading you to a different area so I do love that I just um really feel like I should add something else like I really like starting here and then going on to the outside I think oh signs would look really good right here hey if you want to leave a comment again just imagine the leaves green not brown because that's when I'm kind of basing it off of like for my ideas I think honestly I I just want to see uh all of your ideas you know I'm just Oak signs on the outside of the bridge going up to The Beehive you say something like that like yes you like it or no you don't just to save on time like I I just won't do it just in case if like none of you like that also do you guys have like another surprise baby in here that I am still a little confused on how you got wait is there an extra dog oh now there is okay I'm sorry weeds yeah new new it's kind of cool that they naturally grown here like that the baby panda grew up please oh thank God yes you're still sick I mean not not like that but like you know you still have like the snot nose kind of thing like oh my god oh I'm so happy I have that Panda you have no idea that thing is my my pride and joy but we are still not done um I have an idea with this so like it's cool that this goes up super duper high but we didn't fix the lighting issue out here and I kind of want to actually get rid of this but I think I want to keep the fences right there yeah um anyways so I have a lot of stone brick walls and maybe if we go onto the outside so the only area where it would look nice is like directly right here which you know yeah I would add like some nice lighting specifically right here but maybe every five blocks starting here so maybe this one this is when we do like one there one there and I want to make this like an archway every five blocks will have a stone wall going up so like one two three four and this is the fifth one so we'll start it here wow I hate that don't worry I I will fix that um and then I'm choosing to do it on this block instead of this block right here because of the bamboo really don't want to get rid of it I got one two three four five so I guess on every six that's when we do all of that and then one two three four yeah we'll do another one up here perfect now we need to come up with a general design for you one thing that I want to play around with are Moss blocks so I've I don't think I've ever actually built with these but I always collect them so maybe maybe we build it up like that and then like that maybe because then on the center one boom I could put down a lantern and I might like that uh maybe we need to put some fences on top of the Moss blocks and it might look better yeah this is really nice and convenient to get to there we go maybe like that uh do you need to be on top of that to look even better maybe okay wait I'm actually starting to like this wait wait wait that actually kind of worked this is doing something to me yeah no no no okay I don't really like that dear God you fly it like Mach 27 speed so maybe that like that's not bad and it fixes our lighting issue and it it's a new it's a new thing I'm working on you know like if you saw the 50 hours in one block uh Lucky Block not hardcore but in that one like I'm trying out like building on top and like making archways and building in the sky so everything's not so open so I think that's like it's I think that's a good look you know maybe um for all of these floating Parts honestly like like a super duper easy fix you know just go just like that and I think that works perfectly fine and I I just I mainly wanted to just fix the floating issue please tell me I don't need to go mining for a lot more oh boy we might have to go mining for a whole lot more uh well we might as well start cooking this oh I really do not want to go oh God not there I really don't want to go mining good I hope I magically somehow have enough to finish you no no I need one more oh no wait wait wait no I I am cooking some just please I don't want to go mining oh hi you are not supposed to be there oh I really don't want to go mining this movie please beautiful it's just uh even though I don't want to go mining I can't like force myself to just not use stone blocks just ended the the gray color whoa look at this nice red Forest that we got going on out here love that and I actually really love this there's some parts like specifically this one like you'll smack your head on it but I really really like that I'm a fan of that I just can't wait for fall though to be over all right no this has to be winter no fall I guess fall winter the new goes spring summer right am I going crazy I might have that backwards oh God I look like an idiot now oh whoops I didn't add enough pencils but there we go now you're completed uh now that it's starting to become nighttime I think everything here is actually lit up enough maybe moving this one one block over my make it nicer yeah yeah yeah I think we need to move this one more over that's really interesting I don't know if you caught that um that turned into Mossy because of the uh Moss blocks right there I actually was not expecting that at all oh I I don't like that oh that's weird wait maybe I do like that oh that is really funky now I don't mean to toot my own horn but this right here is a nice bridge and I think I mean in the future I could add leaves on top of it maybe so we're just completely encased so you know we don't see this guy at all might look nice might not look nice um I'll leave that up to you guys but another big thing about using moss blocks right here what's realizing it like it's going to turn all of these into Moss uh like Cobblestone Moss walls it's just so it's always green that's really the only uh decision I wonder if these only turn into moss stone blocks blah blah blah um when it rains cause I'm not saying any of the other ones turn Mossy and I wonder if it was just because it was raining but anyways now we just need to make a pathway to where we want to build this building so one last little thing right before getting into uh making the pathway uh so right here I would rather have like a full block here's a cool looking mod thing kind of I gotta figure that you know this would be a little bit more fun to use instead of just like the regular uh chiseled stone blocks so maybe do something like that and then we just like Mark it off like that um maybe something like that yeah yeah I know I think I definitely like the stone uh instead of the fence I think that's way way nicer okay beautiful nope nevermind that's the exact same one that turned into a monster one last time oh wait there we go okay yeah so those are just gonna slowly change over time now just to keep it natural maybe we just go around with this and then like we kind of just build our pathway and we kind of just like map it out a little bit and then we'll keep a few of the little grass things right there I think like a nice three block wide pathway coming all the way down here and then I think this is when we build kind of a staircase going up so we need to get our logs back and for this part wait no no this is when we need to start building with the uh our special blocks so I think Insurance should have oh God which one do we use well I'm pretty sure all of these trees are this block actually let's go double check I don't know which one to use wait no no I think it's this one what are you oh no you're not fat what are you okay you're not this one okay so you because I need to make sure that I use the correct Cherry okay so not that one but we use this one and I'm very curious what is the difference here let's just put you there and you're there do I actually have to worry about this over time it even changes in red that's actually kind of annoying I'm not gonna lie I I actually don't like that unless there's a way to prevent it from aging but um I guess the old we just turned into Cherry planks then I guess so I'm gonna have to use that for something uh anyways so for the staircase we can actually just use diorite I think okay so with diorite I think I'm a fan of just regular diorite I don't think polish looks too good I got a few of those and then in case if I need to make some walls some of those and then yeah we'll play around with this much I don't want to change too many into different blocks that I can't undo just in case I don't like them and so the edges I think we make red so this should be fine oh God never mind I have to put you down here so with this we strip you oh I mean it's kind of red oh God what are you how does this one look I'll bite because with this cherry wood oh my gosh actually I like that quite a bit more because that it just kind of looks Brown it's like deep burgundy and this is like kind of a like a vibrant red with deep burgundy I don't know how to get you I don't know where you came from dude how did I collect so much of this and not have any of the saplings wait no that what mod are you from I I have to have it byg oh the biomes you'll go okay so biomes you'll go surely I have the saplings for that one why is there only two of you crap where did the third one go okay somehow you're not in here how do I have one escape artist who I don't even see on the mini map no no no surely it has to be up here right I have no idea where it went it could have suffocated itself as well and died no wait that's red maple never mind wait I don't think I planted you though did I actually not pick up any oh man I didn't pick up any of them oh that's so interesting oh hi it's cool I have five Voice Stones now okay well that sucks uh so we just have to I'm just suck it up and deal with it so I am forced to use this one because I'm too lazy to go out and search for this one so oops okay well since I have these other saplings let's just go around and plant these too and yeah we need to start on the silver ones like that okay so we'll let those grow and then we're gonna do this super duper hard thinking of this so first up I think I'm going to kind of mirror how I did this because I do love this design for it I do want to copy this uh staircase because I love how you know it just comes up wraps around it's a nice tight fit multiple different blocks in here so you have so many things to look at I also want to bring back the uh the oak railings so I just I like them they're just so cute so starting with you so actually here we're gonna fully plan out our staircase I know because I have to do this at the same time so I'm liking how it's wrapping around right now more like that and I think I actually want to have it lead a little bit more over here I would like to have the front door line up with directly with the bridge right here because I think it would look a lot cooler but I think I want to put the main entrance a little bit more to the right so that then the main entrance isn't directly in the center of the building maybe it's off to the side and then the building wraps a little bit more to the other direction just to give this like cool zigzag once we come over here never mind I talked myself out of it so if we can go like here to you to Boom okay wait I think that's fine did you come up around here boom boom boom and maybe there's just one more staircase right there boom okay so I think the circus is perfectly mapped out and that was kind of the hard part not really it was kind of like the easy part now for this part need to go around with all of these logs which that's going to be so much fun trying to figure all of this while making the top part look good which basically that just comes down to a whole lot of placing and braking and this is one side done I realized that like yeah this is kind of like a carbon copy of my staircase even the direction of it going sorry hey you know don't fix Perfection hey you know what they always say no oh God uh I really should have built this one over oh God what how did I do it before might have to do some turn on oh because I put a block [Music] this is the issue is that you know if I start putting a block right here well then boom you're gonna be running into it just makes it extra tiny oh God okay well basically we just need to destroy this one side luckily and then we also have to go back destroy all of this and perfect so now we'll have a one block wide uh Gap so we can actually put blocks there not block ourselves off um the other part okay so I think from there we can mirrored off I mean I would have loved if the step started here but you know it was planned differently but yeah oh well that shouldn't matter too much I just don't want to like completely restart it okay so let me break you and then this ends not like that like this coming up to that and there we go okay I think that's fixed I'm a little shocked I didn't catch that while building it but it's beautiful now just to go back finish off all of this okay beautiful awful except for you okay there we go so I think this is completely done like I think all the placements are good I'm happy about it and then I stopped at a half block right here so then I could put a whole block up here and then that'll finish off all of that however it's not red and now it all is and this is actually starting to end up quite interesting I think this is actually like a pretty fun color palette to work with uh I won't lie I kind of got it from uh Destiny 2. you know there's a specific DLC in there and you know I I just love the color palette of it now the next thing that I want to add which is probably going to be really obvious is going to be readily oh my God they're so much brighter and I did not mean to put you on that side uh beautiful so we can go around with the red leaves adding it on top of all of the logs so now we can't accidentally run off and possibly kill ourselves even though it really doesn't matter beautiful it's I to Nicole to my entrance at my home but we need to work on adding in lighting and I don't want to be lazy and just be like oh here's a lantern here oh wait you can't even add it okay well never mind that kind of defeats the purpose of me talking uh well I was gonna say is like you know I don't want to be lazy and just put lanterns on top of all the leaves which I probably could if I put like a slab or two actually no I'd have to put an entire block never mind there are diorite walls which we're gonna basically just copy the bridge oh God uh nevermind okay we're gonna add it here and we're gonna copy the bridges design just because like I just I like it so much of which I think just because we're going up so many stairs I think we go up four and not do it like that so then in the center let me down the center maybe this is when we use these because I'm not gonna be uh using that many of them you know so maybe these logs we just bring across like that and then we can do that God I hate this because it's it's even I need it to be odd um okay wait I think I'm need to start playing around with this a little bit no matter what it's going to be even okay that is annoying an easy way to fix that would be using double the lanterns so maybe I have to go five tall and then I just do that it's just I don't want it right there because you know you smack your head on it or actually no it just traps you inside so yeah maybe we go up one more that was cool let's go across maybe like that I guess that's fine here maybe at the bottom so it's not like so awkward and skinny maybe we do it like that oh God I don't know uh I oh God I really don't know I would love to add stuff over top of this but maybe this isn't how we do any of the uh Lighting on here yeah no I'm not a fan of this I actually really hate that I like the color combo of it you know at least got that going for me but wait it's possible for lanterns to just break and delete themselves if I don't break them properly okay that's good good to know all right here uh give me a second I'm gonna do some off camera work see if I can actually figure this out because I feel like this is gonna take me forever okay I think I figured it out and we now have this so the way that I figured out on how like you know do the lighting was to go to key points along the staircase and then just you know dig a hole out put the lantern there and then just cover it with logs everywhere so you're left with like these little parts that kind of just like jot out and kind of an eyesore I then went around with even more leaves just to kind of help uh hide all of those Lantern spots just a little bit I then also brought down the diorite slabs just to make it look even thicker and also just so you can see the white underneath the red like that so hey it's just more of just like depth stuff you know and like color things and then all of the white is just on the ground and then the red is up top and then uh Maple it it's kind of why like I know I can just use Birch and then it would like really be white up here but I okay except for the dire right I was just trying to use modded uh blocks for this you know since you guys wanted to see me build with something else so and that's why I went with those because I just haven't found anything brighter but uh next up we actually need to clear out a forest of which I also really need to get organized no you stay up there I just oh I'm happy I just came in here to smack you back up um yeah I don't know if I said it but yeah we had a a b get lost so I only have two now I really don't remember if I ever showed that for the love of God please tell me that's a traveling villager and not a regular villager oh but you're red oh you're kind of cool Celia ether sapling um Maple wait isn't that the one I need wait wait wait wait wait wait you might actually be useful wait a second wait no no because that's these trees okay gotcha yeah I so confused I don't know how I planted two of like very similar looking trees whatever but you know what that means um where did you go whoa oh there you are I think oh you okay wait what happened to your lead wait oh okay he's still using a dog you are making this so confusing okay here just get rid of you I'm sorry I was expecting you to die a lot faster that was a little weird there we go beautiful two and three okay honestly I'll just leave the Villager alive why not uh just please don't come up here to my house oh yeah and then at the beginning of this uh episode yeah I didn't need to make any apparently I already some I just complete brand for this episode I just have so many worlds now to remember anyhow uh which leaves were I using red oak leaves okay so you I definitely need more so I do plan to use a whole lot of you in the build oh these trees drop so much oh my gosh I can't wait until I get that enchantment so I don't have to run around everywhere like a headless chicken trying to pick up everything that's right oh dude I totally forgot about the silver yeah I think I can actually use a lot of these leaves or the buildings as well I really wish that these trees weren't so tall I feel so short so difficult to like get all the leaves is this how the rest of humanity feels like I'm so happy I never had to deal with this okay it's been a little bit but I've cleared out I think enough space to actually build this building and I don't think we need to make it that massive you are toying with it was that a beat oh I mean is that no that's a firefly okay never mind you're not toying with me oh that's cute there has to be a way for me to tell what season it is surely this is fall right like dude I feel like I'm going mentally insane in this mod pack my God uh anyway so now for the important stuff trying to figure out a build design for this and um oh God don't don't fall just jump around I kind of want to Trout futuristic I'm not gonna lie whenever I think of like a building containing white I just want to build it futuristic just because of all the Sci-Fi movies that I've watched over the years it just it feels so like futuristic I'm almost tempted to make some form of the automator I at least like took some kind of like um so what I'm talking about is like you see like the uh the little ledge right here so I'm thinking of making some kind of ledge like that and then we have some white blocks the issue unless we go to the nether which I'm like really terrified to do that I won't lie uh we don't really have any light blocks like that for me to use and I really really really want to get that I mean we could probably go check out another and maybe we can get glowstone in there and then we can just have like a nice easy time with it you know maybe there won't be any tough enemies in there to try to kill me or we can also throw out my shulker farm with this design where all of these I could actually swap that out with lanterns but this is what I mean whenever I talk about like a futuristic design and I just you know I have like a white block to build with I just think of this like instantly my mind just goes to this and honestly think I might build a building relative to this size just for the storage system plus it's kind of fun having like a super big building like this and then having like a super big land and everything so uh yeah it's just me like trying to like literally show you what I want to build so very obviously obviously that's I mean I'm 100 I'm not doing that right now we are nowhere near in-game to actually do that so hmm let's go look at the blocks again so very obviously I really want to build with these there's like really fun and we might be able to hide stuff relatively easy with these oh definitely want some of the white sand and we'll use up some of that and you and here we go so we have some kind of building pallets wait can I even go to the nether I don't I mean no I can actually harvest the obsidian maybe maybe we go to the nether in this episode but I want to build a nice building for the portal anywho so just to break it up like the staircase to the platform maybe this red block let me just strip you so at least with this one so it's like a super bright red I'm trying to think of how to do this if we don't want any doors so if we don't want any doors and we need to make like a like a Contraption to capture all the bees and keep them locked in since this will be the entrance to it you come up here and I think we want to build something relatively large okay well I think no matter what I want to use at least one block to kind of go around and just measure out the border of it so we're going to do like this this and this cut back on these so I think a three block so I think a three block border so we'll come out to here and then this goes this direction I think relatively this side should be good I mean we don't need that many bees like again this building is strictly for bees maybe some other animals as well I'm not sure yet you know I'd have a specific farm for them why do you go there and while we might need to go chopping down that Forest again yeah let's have you not touch my building and there now uh yeah this is definitely a lot bigger than I was expecting you know it's a nice way to ease back into uh Mega build so it's like a 33 by by 24 so you know it's a decent size I can at least like really mix up with this but this is the outer layer so we're not gonna go past this whatsoever next up God I really want to go to the nether oh man I really want to build with the glowstone or at least shroom light then I would have to make a farm in there oh God but I'm I don't know but I think it's I think it would be a good decision to go into The Nether I really want some form of light block like I really don't want you use lanterns for this I mean surely there has to be some modded Block in the Overworld that emits the light that I can use instead I mean there is redstone lanterns which I only have eight Redstone so you know I'd be like really unbelievably hard for me to actually do it but bees are still here that's cool I have one B left uh what is going up what's going on with all the bees I'm so confused hey please just stay in the house I think I see where that bee went I I actually do my my Terminator skills just turned on I think I actually see where the B is you butthole get back here you're not escaping no not after I'm gonna be building you an extravagant Mansion to live in I I know you are we're not escaping buddy buddy boy B thing I don't know how you guys are Houdini yourself out of here but yeah you can stay right there buddy God I want to harvest that boy but I really want those leaves uh okay let's go make some space and get some more of those leaves because I still feel like I'm definitely gonna be wanting to use a whole lot of them oh beautiful at least I don't have to travel far to get up here to you know harvesting leaves it's kind of lovely man I might even be able to just leave this here and wow look I already have some of the floor done done with all those shears time for that and yep that's gone as well okay time for that okay beautiful now we can actually do stuff well I really want to use some kind of Life vlog uh but I think I can just I I can keep Building without it yet you know I can plan out all the other stuff I really don't think I'm going to be able to finish this entire thing this episode really sorry to say that but what I have in store for this building is just I I want to make it very nice I want to make it big I want to do like a massive building again even though this really isn't massive it's like I just kind of miss it like a missed building like that for the lip out here we want it to be a little bit pointy so we're not going to build below this instead we will put a block here and then below it we'll put leaves so the reason why we're using leaves right here is because if I can actually get a light block the leaf down below it boom the light can shine through it'll light up below the base a little bit make it look more futuristic make it all shiny and cool up top because I mean oh actually the block is just going to be right here so you know it's going to light up the top part which is the most important part I don't want anything uh scary getting in here and you know I'm touching my bees luckily after harvesting so many of these trees I can go around and add in all of this and perfect next because I've been using so much diorite let's do some of the dash site and from this now I don't want it to be super duper pointy like I don't want it to like kind of look like a pyramid so on this inner layer also to uh just prevent like seeing through too much because of the leaves so we're gonna go around adding an extra layer around it just like this and beautiful this is actually exactly what I was hoping for but this kind of didn't really plan it out I'm just doing this all on the fly so once we actually get those light blocks you're not gonna be able to see through it whatsoever and I like it how we can't see through there because of those blocks next up however we need a splash of color there's a whole lot of white but we gotta remember it's gonna be a little bit Orange right here like like an orangish yellow because of the glowstone so this next hi buddy um oh God no okay we need to get rid of all the saplings oh God if I break these trees it'll actually delete the leaves oh no the log went through it not a good sign uh okay first off we need to get rid of this yeah go away get away from my leaves um okay I think we're good now yeah I need to get rid of those saplings really badly don't break anything else okay good and you beautiful okay I think we're safe I think everything got rid of I think we got rid of everything okay as I was saying now uh this color is going to be for the bottom part it's not going to be seen up top so we don't have to worry too much I think for this so we're going to want to put a block or I just put that oh it blocked there there we go okay then we're gonna be putting down some logs here and this layer we're just gonna go all the way around I got perfect even though it uh doesn't look red right now so now we just need to go around strip the entire thing which this is totally gonna break my ax now I know it's not the best coloring man I really I really wish that I could work with like red concrete like that would have been way better uh you know definitely would have been my choice for this but again I'm trying my best with the modded blocks and I kind of want to do like challenges like this for the next building I think it'll be for the villagers what color combo would you like me to attempt to build with you know let's go easy on me but I'm kind of curious if there's like as I was saying wait what was I saying uh something about a new color combos just go easy on me I I don't know I just I wanna I wanna keep trying out different builds in this series you know and try out different color combos and different blocks than what I like normally and comfortably always build with I don't know if you guys have like any uh any ideas of what to do I'm down for the challenge I think it would be fun also if any of you know anything about bark in this game like please tell me is it worth it to keep or should I just like get rid of all this bark like I I really don't know kind of like really don't care to keep it as well from being honest however okay if we're gonna continue with the red oh I don't want to fall down that um I do need to go around and collect more of it which I think it was you right okay beautiful yeah sadly the one tree that I'm uh working with and it doesn't really drop that much wood purchase how are you out here and not on fire at first like you just had to get that shot off oh dear God there's another one please please okay so it's gonna be a a very slight pattern change now but we need to start closing this off I don't really think that I need to go any deeper I mean we could probably go one deeper just in case if I ever do need to build anything yeah because this is going to be the top layer so right now that would only be like a one block building space room in here so yeah actually here we're going to go one down one over and then we're gonna fill in this entire layer beautiful then the next layer actually no no okay we're gonna go 2N and then I think after two we go three of these and then like one of that yeah [Music] wait wait no no scratch that now we're uh we're kind of building it why are you there I don't know go away why are you there okay as I'm trying to say we're starting to actually build a uh a mob spawner in here and I uh would really rather not have that so a fun way around that and also just so we could light up the the bottom of this even more we're actually gonna go around with some leaves and then everywhere that the leaves are being put that's where uh we're gonna be putting glowstone on top of as well God I really wish that I could use Sea lanterns oh you have no idea how badly I love sea lanterns absolutely the best light source block out there okay now we can go around and add in two of these there's no way there is no way I've used up all the the diorite that I collected there's no way right um okay that makes things a little bit more interesting okay we might have to do a little change of plans so let's see so we've been using a whole lot of white on the bottom which is cool nothing against that I kind of want to bring back those uh legs that I used back with my autoinator and I think there's enough room to put down two of them and also I'm just really trying to use a whole lot of lust of these blocks that I have to go out and farm because that scares me okay so first off we're gonna be using planks is just a way easier cheap block boom can't really tell the difference between this and the log anyways okay so with this we're gonna go down just this one block not like that and from here and then we go in and then we go one two three four and then we go in this direction and boom so that's the size of one leg oh this is perfect yes no not not like that that's not perfect oh wait that's actually a little bit more perfect okay and perfect so yes we can actually have the two legs right there I guess in the center where this eye is honestly let's just you know slap in these blocks right here fill this all in and I think we're pretty good with that okay this is coming nicely I'm not you know not too worried about it now I really need to start planning out my builds better but then that removes all of the fun okay so from here God um okay I think I have a lot of death sites so I think we can actually use a lot of death site for building so I kind of want the Rings like the red rings to actually be on the outside of the pillar so then maybe for the leg leg part of it we can go here go down so it'll just be white on the inside and then this can also go down one more block next up we have to deal with lighting and definitely for that we're gonna be slapping out the Maple Leaves again sure I think we can just build from the ground now because now I'm starting to want oh God yeah I actually need to light up this entire area down here so maybe this is what we'll use the legs for maybe for the legs we have them come out like that for the lighting I think this is fine again all of this is gonna look so much better once I get some glowstone and then from there we just drop this down one wait it's not the worst like it's not that ugly I think um what we can do here for an extra splash of color is instead of going down two more blocks we just go down the one beautiful we keep it all nice and Hollow just for a whole lot less resources and I feel like at the bottom okay so now we need to start coming out but I want to use a different block down here so just to change it up we'll use actual like cherry wood and Whoa man we barely had enough for that and then obviously we're gonna go around and just strip all of these keep it nice and red got beautiful I think to end it all off we can actually just use the dash item and we'll just bring it all the way down to the floor wait no oh even better so for the areas all the way down here we'll use leaves and then behind all these leaves they'll be more glowstone that will light up the ground down here perfectly even though it's only going to be on one side even though it'll only be one side it'll at least bring in some lighting and then we'll just figure it out for all the other areas and there we go something not too bad if anything I might add some slabs at the very top just to make it like kind of Branch out a little bit more but I think this is fine I just basically now I need to copy this for this side so God that's gonna be fun and my little nuclear uh towers are uh done and I feel like I need to add more I really feel like I need to add more so first off just like how I said before let's see what this looks like with uh some slabs around it oh yeah oh yeah yeah definitely need to do that so I like that let's do it to the other side I have to say this is so much easier like building it like this when it's not like 60 blocks off the ground like wow this takes so much less like scaffolding even though I'm not using it it's so much faster to build this like wow insane and beautiful next I feel like I want to add in even one more block right there just to make it like like an even wider expansion and I also kind of want to add something right there I I don't like how empty that feels but I don't know if oh God do I want to add in Cherry trap doors around this or do I want to use maple logs which will be like a lighter block I think I I think I do want to do that because I don't want to overpower this too much with the red because the red really draws your attention like you don't really notice any of the white blocks but you sure notice that so here let's see uh hopefully this looks cool okay so oh wait and this one even has a glass on it okay let's see okay luckily there's no design on it that I have to worry about like it's just Universal any direction that you use it so I love that and I actually really like that and I like how it goes all the way to the leaves I love that yeah yeah because it's like a really nice border adds in some more designs so that at least kind of draws your attention so everything kind of just like smoothly goes so definitely I'm gonna be making a whole lot of those oh pause there I like how like right here it kind of just brings them together and oh God it's a wiener yeah yeah oh I like that a lot more than the left side okay beautiful now just need to do the same thing to the other side beautiful okay I think that's everything that I need there I'm almost tempted to add these trap doors right there and then like push them down so they're on to the dash site but oh wait I could do railings no but the railings wouldn't be up there they'd be down there I could add fences I think fences could look nice some like Maple fences for it here uh I need to clean up my inventory I keep forgetting I have a backpack and I can just do this okay maybe not fences what are you hold up this might be a fun Block it's a modded block too I think I like that so it's still like fences gives us the same thing it's just it takes up more space compared to a fence and I think I actually really like that I like that a lot more than fences okra also not like that expensive and it's kind of expensive but not like too expensive okay beautiful full and I think with that I think we're done with the legs uh the biggest part is just waiting for the lighting which oh God I uh I know I should it's just I really don't want to go into The Nether I kind of feel like I should add something here oh actually before we go up top and we start doing some uh building up there finally I think if I just add some railings or all of these red uh log Parts I think that's actually a whole lot better I just like how it just kind of slopes it a little bit you know it just makes everything look nice and flat even though it's super duper unbelievably busy like it's a super busy design but I I think it works honestly I don't think it's that bad so I'm excited to see what uh all of you have to say about it but and I I think I'm doing a good job and there we go okay I'm gonna force myself to step away from this I think we're good like the only thing I would do is like maybe something here like I would maybe put some fences right there but we have other stuff to do you know I I can't worry too much about the legs the the one spot that we're never really gonna be looking at uh I just realized how dark it is down there that is a complete spawning area uh yeah instead of lanterns just because it's not going to be permanent yeah let's just go around with some torches you know let's do a little bit of lighting up oh my God hi don't hit me ow stop it okay maybe that's a sign that we need to light up in here okay I feel way more comfortable after putting down 62 torches now comes this part which I was honestly kind of dreading a little bit um well given how I still have white sand and I've never used this yet uh maybe at least for the border right here so this part you know we're still not gonna add anything to this this is all glowstone so I think we just go around with the sand right here okay and I kind of like that I'm God okay no I've been putting this off for so long I think we have to go into the nether now I really can't fill up this entire floor or else this will be spawning in mobs in here and I really don't want that so it's gonna be a little rough oh we're gonna make it as fast as possible in there I do not want to stay in another whatsoever so given how I do have a diamond pick I don't actually need to care too much about where I placed it and all of my videos are gone did they despawn or something did they despawn or die because I don't see them on a mini map at all whatever so I guess that was a waste going and getting those bees so that's my bad but I do have five obsidians we can at least start something um we'll build it somewhat it's like I don't know like over here this one luckily does not matter oh that looks really trippy huh and well I need to go get five more so uh there might be a cave this direction if I remember correctly I think there's a like an underwater cave destruction and we might be able to find some obsidian down here hi bud you a little stuck down there almost like you should stay over here in the village huh why do I feel like every single Villager has left the village like look you don't like the village for whatever reason yeah maybe I do need a trap every single villager like I just need to like move them out of the village and into like my own building they might hate it at first but hey you know I am actually saving them from themselves like dude just just go back home what are you doing out here you silly willy wait there's lava right here oh exposed iron bars whoa that's sick I'm not gonna lie uh I'm I am gonna be taking this uh I just I I can't lie this will at least save me two so I just need three more maybe in the future I'll you know replace those uh probably not don't believe there's any other spots with lava and it is starting to get nighttime do you have a bed here let's see are you a deep KO okay wait wait I think I found it I think this is the Deep cave there's allegedly lava right here oh God there's also no oxygen down here no no no no no no not even close wasn't even worried let's see allegedly here no no no no no no no no no oh my God uh why is the water bucket strand not working okay that was that was really dumb no that was really dumb oh I am guessing winter is coming as ice is starting to form yeah that might make things a little interesting okay uh I don't know how to prepare for winter like I don't know if anything bad is about to happen in here please get down the hole very quickly boom that why is the water not going away there we go geez I cannot see whatsoever so uh hopefully the editor can uh brighten up the footage so we can actually see in here oh it's so much nicer thank you that's the horror down there yep horror monsters yeah very scary oh wait you're in another white block what are you diorite oh wait that's diorite hello number once in my life did I think that I would be excited to be collecting this stuff but let me just get a little bit of you [Music] okay like a stack and a half should be good enough don't need to go too crazy with it and I could have sworn there was lava near where I was you know digging down high why am I bright why is why is everything bright glowing quiver okay because you were shooting me with special arrows got it all righty obsidian where are you I mean you're irons I don't mind you let's see here let's just run past hello lava yeah I need you to not follow me or you nope that's totally okay thank you okay we at least have lava down here but I have a yeah no that's a bad sign because it's only Just One Singular block of it oh speaking of block even though you can't really see it at all there is some Redstone which I feel like I should actually collect it because I might once I actually start using some kind of like redstone machines in here I don't know if I need gold like I'm pretty sure I have a lot back in my base but sure I'll collect some is that seriously all the lava is just that one source right there like there's no way oh dear God I wish I could see huh okay we might just want to return home and then make some torches so we can actually see it down here what are you raw fryo marble shark sure I don't know what that does what it's for if it was like fully grown but sure cryolite so it's like a brown looking block okay I mean I guess we might be another like substitute for wood my only assumption sure I'll collect like a little bit of you why not okay well I don't think we want to be traveling that direction so we definitely want to go back actually yeah here let's just return back home oh yeah no it's definitely becoming winter well I'm hoping that doesn't tennis hi that's really not good uh is there a cow here oh God a chew I hope they didn't like that I did not like it did not did not and did not like that uh wait wait wait no no I know how to do this okay I need all of you yes yes yes the guy with the flag if you guys can start shooting him no no the guy with the flag a little bit more why are my heart's freezing why am I freezing what are you guys shooting me with oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait I didn't realize that you guys were this deadly uh okay I'm gonna say bye to you at least you guys are all killing the wrong one please the one with the flag there we go there we go come on come on come on come on oh my God yeah get into the house get in the house get in the house get in the house get in the house the house in the house and the house in the house in the house let's go let's go let's go oh my gosh wow these so my leaves are now black instead of brown they're not gonna Decay right oh my God okay just just stay in here should be you know fine and safe in here uh let's see yeah am I in trouble with all those leaves okay we can at least put that couch here where did you guys go get over here stop exploring my house where's the one with the flag hi you yeah where's your buddy I know you're not the last one there's no way the other one died there he is okay well he's down there I don't feel like making you walk all the way down there so goodbye to you actually here let me go to sleep we need to go find a cow all right a failure let's do this okay I need you to not shoot me at all I didn't even turn the corner yeah stop so lucky I can't hit you yet where's a cow how okay well I mean there's a horse but I think they'll give me a different type of liquid oh hey there you are okay beautiful now that I have you oh I can go over to this well get rid of you quickly drink drink drink drink drink okay beautiful I mean you know I would have survived the raid you know would have done really well I kind of don't want to lose my entire Village though so oh my God Oh my Jesus where did you come from you didn't even make any noise Jesus I'm not going insane right that thing actually did not make any noise Jesus and then we just cover this up like nothing ever happened before we go back out might as well just go put everything away fully situated I actually have lighting and that means I'm ready to get wow that's so weird to see black leaves on an oak tree but uh okay if I can get back down there this isn't gonna freeze while I'm down here right that might actually kill me probably not I'm way too guted to die where did I put that oh there you are oh there we go oh so much nicer I can actually see what's around here and uh once it's killing me yeah you little you know no no no no come up here I didn't think this through you can still see my feet uh that means I can still shoot you now I'm not gonna try and spawn proof the entire place but I would like to make it to where things won't really spawn near me as I'm going down the water fall because I kind of would rather not get shot at just like this little lovely little muffin right here there we go nice and easy oh hello glow ink sacks thanks thank you okay well we might as well I mean seeing how rare lava is for some reason we might as well go to the source block of this lava and don't let me on fire please thank you all right let's just put you down next okay we'll make this little spot right there so boom now when lava falls down it's not gonna come towards me or it won't really like come out here go ahead start chipping away at the blocks right here and I have a really bad feeling about this um here let's give up here perfect and boom now okay we got one thing of obsidian there we go just give me seven minutes perfect okay I think that'd be three I think we need two more okay uh let's see left or right I have a feeling I want to go right so jump down here go go go don't be slow yep that's good skeleton shot a zombie zombie minor huh that can be a lot of jokes with that okay beautiful dear God there's so much fighting going on I kind of want to kill the miner not that kind of minor there okay wait a second wait a second wait a second okay pause pause nobody I got a lot of arrows a lot of arrows yep yep yeah yep yep precisely yep calculated yep good okay yep don't you dare touch me with that enchanted sword yep there you go one in doubt bow it out okay so I just got a soul star where does the lead bosses of mass destruction oh okay that sounds pretty good very clearly we don't want to go this direction we don't want to go up here let's just start lighting you up no I love to be able to see don't hit me oh more Quivers are Quivers just not rare whatsoever because I believe that's my fourth pair that I've just gotten they really don't seem that rare okay uh next up looking at the mini map we're gonna do a little bit of cheating let's make a staircase going down we need to get deeper I mean we're at negative 43 right now so I mean we should be at the optimal lava levels hopefully I can find who more okay then we're gonna make a sharp turn this direction and then we're just gonna mine in a straight line just so I can get to that lava I'm going to take the easy way out and just add this direction hopefully this won't take long I'm really hoping I don't have to use that much of my diamond pick okay this should be relatively actually no no no okay we need to go down a little bit more we're almost to the perfect spot for lava wow okay hello more than one more than two yes yes I'm I'm a little speechless okay oh nice okay we got nine diamonds out of that uh I'm honestly a little speechless though I wasn't expecting that at all sick I'll take some diamonds why not okay now even though this pick is just about to break that sucks but it shouldn't matter because as soon as this gets close to Breaking I'm just not gonna use it anymore okay at least now I can actually mine faster what is that symbol on the mini map right next to the lava like to the left of the lava stream that I'm going towards what is that there's no way that's a structure right that has to be a mob and it's gone that makes me nervous what was that hey come on out lava come out come out wherever you are okay well that's an issue that I don't hear it so let's see are you below me are you above me dog oh hey there you are man you slide dog you and you were trying to stay hidden from me man I thought we were friends okay so all right luckily we're just gonna I'll try and leave like some of the lava here like I don't want to get rid of all of it you know um I don't think there's any diamonds there yeah no it doesn't look like there's anything of value here okay so okay let's see if I go back here get rid of this I can then put down the water bucket right there and then once I break this and there's most definitely lava right below it or not okay never mind I was expecting oh don't tell me this is only a one block tall Lava Lake I'll collect a little bit more obsidian than what we need for the portal just in case if there's some rest recipe for something really good that I want but I have to have obsidian for it so just thinking about the future here really don't want to have to come back down in here and uh get more so we'll just spend some lovely quality time in here collecting obsidian okay well I got 12 so I can even make another portal if I really wanted to uh anyways I am totally done with mining all of that that is like so unbearably slow don't let there be anything out here for me please no creeper to give me a jump scare nothing's shooting in just everything just stay away just let me escape these what nope nope nope I am okay I do not like that laughter that laughter with that kind of echo I'm okay I'm okay oh my gosh she's right there no no no no no no no no no no no no no don't throw thank you I don't want your Bob boss there you go please be daylight outside uh actually no it might be night time why is there a block there I wait what hole did I go down there I never remember putting one back up and whoa oh that looks so cool oh my God that Lake froze so fast look I was down there for like what 15 20 minutes wow oh that's so cool uh I'm okay with not going back to my house and nice you guys have three iron golems right here uh do you have a bed right here no but you have some loot in there uh where's the bed I I really don't feel like running back to my house and having a creeper blow up my insurance oh the door's gone interesting all righty my eyes are uh peeled yeah no just get rid of you oh drop some stuff for me oh my God you spoiled me so much okay where's the creeper I know there's a creeper there there's always a creeper and beautiful portal is created just need to go make that foot and still also get organized oh oh also so I know I can upgrade this backpack as well but honestly I'd rather just upgrade the backpack that's on me so I think it was like why you do this with like boom boom Bop Bing of course not okay to make you uh course it's four not two oh that sucks um yeah I'm definitely not upgrading my other backpack then at that point okay so that just leaves us with seven but uh we're just gonna hope that this upgrade is worth it oh God it's just gonna give me one more line isn't it did I just put them all in the wrong spot so Okay so we've got five compared to three oh okay wait you're almost like twice as good never mind maybe you're not that much oh my God imagine the next ones especially if I get to endless backpack oh you have to be able to scroll up and down oh that's gonna be so much fun Okay so time is running out I won't lie but at the very least I really want to finish this flooring and just by eyeballing it oh God so just by eyeballing it I think we need a round four stacks of Glowstone uh that's just taking a complete guess like I I'd rather be safe and get a little bit more than what I need so I think four or at least three and a half oh wait I need to make the funds too if I really not have this entire time wow okay I made it that far without making any not making but Gathering any fun okay definitely in Winter times that's gonna be rough please please please please please please I just want one Flynn man please finally thank you okay I see why I I haven't gotten any form for this entire time come on just one more yes thank you okay I'll take it that's three beautiful even got some Cobblestone out of that okay and please for the love of God don't be that difficult inside of there please I really don't want to die okay we'll bring the Flint steel just to be safe I'm Gonna Leave My Bucket empty because I really want to get a lava bucket in there in case anything tries to chase me we can light it on fire oh also wait before we go let's make an iron pick really don't want to use this diamond okay now we're ready to go oh my God I'm so scared to go in here oh oh I don't want to do this I don't want to do this oh I really do not want to do this so let's do it hello yeah oh my God where am I uh Okay lava boom immediately gone what is this am I in honey oh my God I don't want to go anywhere where am I what is Ember gel block I actually kind of want you wait wait wait what if I break you oh it doesn't count okay let's see do I care enough for you no you're just like regular brown wood uh here you go okay next question how oh you break instantly okay that makes you a little bit more fun to get so I'm going to assume with these I've what was that dog I I just want to collect a tree right now and then there's an explosion going off what are those I'm 100 going to die in here uh I I 100 yeah leave it in the comments down below right now do you think I'm going to die in another or do you think I'm going to make it out alive I'm very strongly believing that I'm going to die in here [Music] uh okay well we got 22 of those maybe I can use it for some kind of building really don't care to uh stay here to figure it out I'm not gonna hit you actually let's just shoot you glowstone dust okay I now have an incentive to kill you all because speaking of Glowstone where do I go for some let's see Ember and I Liam are you gonna burn me no okay yeah you want to jump at me again buddy huh yeah yeah look what happens to you there you go yep there you go yeah break it no no break you there you go please break there we go I'm just going to take that everything in here wants to kill me so hey you know if any of you know anything about these mobs in here and you know if they're friendly or not I I don't really believe you guys actually I have a strong feeling that you guys are just gonna lie to me and then I'm gonna go hug something that explodes okay speaking of exploding let me collect all of these pollen block did I go to the nether or am I in a giant beehive because none of this is really sounding like another other remember jaw block okay never mind I don't know why I was surprised by that oh pollen dust okay I don't know what the pollen does does can I do it like that okay so I can't even make it into a block uh well at least I can always find my portal so in my hi hello never mind I'm in heaven Aloha hello oh my lag oh my God oh my God why are you mad are you are you mad at me Jesus why did you do that yeah let's just break that I'm not not gonna deal with that are you guys okay are you okay are you good stop Icebreaker five increases the damage from attacking enemies frozen in ice what protection three oh you might you might actually be better than my iron boots uh I'll wear you why not take all of the why is there tomato seeds in here and we'll take another word we're not uh don't care for those don't care for that I am so uneasy in here couldn't care less for any of the the discs so yeah I'm just gonna be leaving those and wow would y'all look at that backpack oh boy I can sure put a whole lot of stuff in here can I oh man you can't even put another backpack in the backpack I really wish you could make sense though hope that was really dope fine so I gotta keep an eye out for any uh kind of treasure rooms in here wasn't expecting to actually find loot uh So speaking of Luke where where's glowstone another bricks okay that makes me nervous well I didn't get the achievement so I'm going to assume that there's no Fortress down there dear God I had to spawn in the worst biome surely glowstone up here right well at least it's decently friendly right now and Ember Lily huh I can actually walk across this I can actually walk across that okay that actually surprised me wait wait wait new biome new biome oh my God wait there's less lava over there okay I like that more I'm coming beautiful okay so that hurts uh actually I'll collect a few if you wanna I know that why did you just light on fire which is what is lighting that on fire oh my God hello dude there's nothing oh there you are I was like there's nothing over here lighting anything on fire how is it combusting okay well while it stays over there whatever we're just gonna keep on collecting keep an eye on him um okay if I take you and I do this okay so rockport's block and you don't do anything so I don't care for you unless I should care for it and then I'll just wait for all of the comments to tell me that I should care for it but I don't think I need to care for it anyways in case I ever need to make observers then I at least have the quartz for it and very luckily it seems like they're super duper easy to get so this biome's actually nice ow okay please hit it okay how about this one hit it are you gonna hit it with this one oh you're behind the block okay whatever cheater my God maybe in the future we want to build a witch Farm because uh wow is there no that's kind of cool there's no glowstone like anywhere like I'm not even being picky I just straight up haven't seen it nope okay wait no I can't beat that one so who's shooting at me I I don't see your projectiles at all oh my God wait wow there actually is another Fortress right there uh that's why they're spawning in okay well let's just get out of this biome then it's the only useful thing that I've gotten out of it is just those ports okay oh sweet just random glowstone on the ground sure I don't mind dude hi can you not touch me of course [Music] wait wait wait I just remember I don't know why I forgot about it maybe I should collect these for building purposes because it's another white block that's another white block that I can use for uh designs some like you know nice decorations maybe and they don't take too long to clock so yeah well it will collect a little bit maybe I can use it it could be a nice transition block since it is a little bit darker than white dear God what are you hello hello chill chill chill I can trade with you okay just chill chill dear God uh oh wait can I buy glowzone oh my God but if I get more engine debris to give me five another I'd scrap that's actually really nice another writing bits and I get a totem of them dying heart protection five okay six so things go higher than four you can even go to six okay very nice I mean oh God I really wish that you were selling it buddy you'd make a nice profit from me but um okay so luckily you don't want to kill man I actually thought that's what you wanted to do oh my God wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can I pick you up dang it ah and I was gonna say what if I pick him up I bring him back to the Overworld and then I name tag because then if I name tag him I'm going to assume that he won't despawn and then if he's not gonna despawn boom I just you know make him like a little pit or something you know so then uh like he was on that pit boom and then I go for uh ancient debris I go back to him boom I have even more than uh what I mine I don't know of course the game had to you know see through that what was that uh what what was what was that noise I really don't want to meet them hi buds no yep say goodbye to you guys Bloodstone you're kind of cool I'm safe right okay okay yeah you're kind of cool and you're actually craftable okay well uh if you guys ever want me to build something with like black bricks this would be a really good transition block and luckily since it is really close to my portal I don't need to collect too much of it I'm just gonna collect okay enough of it to where if I do want to use it then I you know I can at least try out this block and then you know if I need more boom I just come back here uh anyways uh we need to be very careful with what we mine now if I use you on that do I get more than one say 21 can you do something for me hi buddy okay well that one gave me two I'm gonna give me one also give me one but I give me one surely there has to be some glowstone Summer come on or there has to be an entire mob of skeletons hello I just realized oh my God oh my God oh my God they deal so much damage oh my God oh my God oh my God one of their arrows did half of my health okay oh my God I I wow okay I genuinely thought I was dead I I wasn't even talking I was completely focused on trying to get out of there I was just trying to predict all their shots wow okay um dude I can't even use shroom lights I can't even find those uh the other thing if I somehow get frogs if I get frogs and I feed them magma cubes I could get frog lights but that takes so much effort I think I can jump this actually I'm not even gonna test that I I trust myself and I really don't want to do something stupid and to be like wow I would have been alive if I just walked to the left oh okay wait so you're not bouncy oh whoa whoa you move like Sonic Speed on here whoa look at that stick okay it seems like you take less fall damage at least I definitely think you take loss just need to make it back to the portal that's all we need to do nothing come out please you know everything in another let's just be friends we're all in here suffering together we don't need to make it harder on ourselves I know that sounds so echoey and ominous let's go around and yeah we're definitely gonna be plugging up some of these holes in here let's go collect like a little bit more hey yeah we kind of need to go through and just baby proof our another just a little bit you know yeah cover up all of these yeah very beautiful boom okay oh man this really ain't looking good uh I guess I'll collect you right now we'll take a nice little peaceful break and I'll just wind down just a little bit you know collect us some slime balls oh my God hi yep I figured I figured yep that that's why I'm hitting everything I figured that was gonna blow up on me okay so I'm actually happy that I've been collecting a whole lot of these because I mean it looks like it looks like honey so you you just know that it's gonna be amazing to build like a beehive structure out of it stops shooting just die thank you uh let's see did you drop any blaze rods did you just drop Ash pile Oh God don't tell me they don't drop any Blaze runs oh no maybe we should collect some wood cause I just might be able to burn up but I mean if it's wood in the nether I'm gonna assume that it can't burn so at least with this we'll have some kind of building material to get through here yes yes more slime balls yes yes Excuse me yes yes I need my slime already all organized and okay let's just start scouting maybe if we go this direction maybe maybe this is where all of it is hidden huh there's just nothing there's no glowstone anywhere oh God but if I want to make a witch Farm oh dude I am not going to be doing a 100 by 100 hole there's no way I could put myself to do that uh I would ideally would love to come back in here with an elytra but I don't see myself going to the end anytime soon because that does not look easy like at all okay still no glowstone don't boom boom boom yep that's right whoa you look sick okay uh yeah let's be honest you're probably deadly oh there we go yep yep yep that is the sign of something that is unbelievably deadly so yeah we never want to get close to them even though they look really really cool I love their design uh yeah I just don't mind me I'm just gonna come on through wow that thing did so much damage and there's another one Ahmed it's definitely fun shooting them yeah yeah get close to the plant really quickly okay you're gonna go the other direction whatever still no glowstone anywhere okay so we're just gonna continue this route no no no you don't even play Creepy environmental sounds it's totally fine oh that did not sound good I think I'm safe I just really need to get out I'm right here I hate being in the Nether and unbelievable amount oh my God I'm on it like Edge in here uh please just some glowstone like I was talking like oh yeah I'm just gonna go in here and get four Stacks a bit I'm lucky to make it out of here with two so far I have one and I got that from stupid mobs dude I've only been 300 blocks really wow it feels like I've already traveled like a thousand at least oh I don't like that sound I don't like that sight don't mind me don't mind me just running across is this a geode oh actual Blazer oh my God hi yep you definitely go Sonic Speed across these so uh okay there we go now I got it um where's the gas oh my God wait it's a different biome oh it's a different biome okay it's a graph wow it's a gravel biome okay I I think I actually kind of like oh my God oh no way it does exist it's real the one piece of one piece is real oh my gosh there's so much right there too oh this is this is amazing ow okay so everything in here does damage and everything wants to kill you can you mind I'm trying to commentate here thank you so everything in here wants to kill me I don't really have that many building blocks uh okay let's go back and let's collect some wood I'm going to be needing a lot so I'm gonna be making a whole lot of platforms I'm collecting every single ounce of Glowstone over there okay almost two stacks of wood now we can come back over here hopefully Dodge every single thing that wants to hurt me and just like all of those plants right there oh my God what is why is there so many like environmental noises around here this place is okay so we definitely want to build some form of platform around here so nothing can fall below or else I will cry on camera yes yes yes oh beautiful yes oh so nice I really wish that if I used my fortune pick that it would actually give me more glowstone dust like I'll try it out this one but I'm very positive it won't oh that only give me three that one gave me four not only gave me four so don't think it does man I would rather not waste it at all I might actually go down there for that I'm not gonna lie I I might depends on how much I end up with well of course there just couldn't be any glowstone over here like not above lava I love the echo like scream of them I don't know why but it's so funny and dumb goodness can this one calm down you really don't need to add anything else to the nether to make him more anxiety inducing I I promise you alrighty whoop that's all the wood I had let's hope that I can get every single piece we're just gonna be careful break one at a time and then pick it up so I increase the chances of nothing falling into lava so far so good half of the chunk is gone yes oh okay if we can actually go oh we can get off yeah a little bit safer that's a thing well that's actually kind of cool polish glowstone okay wait that actually really piques my interest that is actually kind of similar to uh that's actually so similar to uh sea lanterns which I really love using um okay so yeah I don't think there's any glowstone that direction um I would leave a waypoint for here but I just don't see any other glowstone here so it might have just gotten Super Lucky and that might be all of it maybe I'm also curious if I leave a waste Stone right here would I even be able to like teleport back to one of my Overworld ones and then from the Overworld can I teleport back to this one like it does it work with different dimensions because I would assume not since that would be really really overpowered because imagine a waste Stone right at an Enderman XP farm like imagine how nice that would actually be please just die oh dear God okay well they're just never gonna stop here let's just very quickly try and collect wood before they come over here very nice we got 56 to work with okay ah here before I even continue on since I can just pick up the way Stone let's let's test it out let's see if I go right here and always do like a little now do you work oh my God you work there is no way another glowstone there's no way oh my gosh oh my gosh what I can actually teleport right back into my house from another oh I love waystones oh my oh dude you have no idea how much I love those that's so broken that's a thing uh also speaking of thing uh yeah the lakes are now completely frozen over I believe we're nearing like full on winter uh also speaking of full-on winter oh okay wait oh no okay well there goes our sugar cane farm so that's actually good to know though uh whenever I make a sugar cane Farm in the future I have to make sure that I have it just completely covered in light in there just so that uh ice can cover form sucks but at least we found that out now I can't get over that I can't believe I can just teleport from another end of here that is actually so amazing to me hola hey since I'm here might as well put all this new building block stuff into a chest right here here you go a whole lot of stuff to build with very beautiful wow okay I kind of want to go back into another I won't lie okay well I mean well I'm installing and actually go back in there and do it uh I can't believe that I could just do this and just be right back in here oh my gosh that is incredible oh you thought you could hide from it okay but uh definitely picking up the waste film this isn't like an ideal spot for it and actually I can't do you mind I'm trying to talk here so actually before we go over there I already know I'm going to be needing a whole lot more wood okay and then two two stacks plus four that should be enough all right let's go make the super safe journey what is that yeah so far definitely my most favorite biome in here like not that much danger no real places for enemies to hide it actually has glowstone yeah this place is goated okay well very lucky for me I don't think that I need to actually uh make a platform up there I think everything can actually drop down to the ground yes my preciousness can't believe I'm doing all of this for bees I I have now spent nearly two days of my life just making a building for bees and I didn't even finish it I just really want to iterate it's for bees I hope you guys are proud of me that looks so cool what is that it's like an obsidian prying obsidian and like purple block Shard that's kind of cool I just uh so I don't die let's get down oh boy we only got 22 from that oh boy oh okay not really ideal um oh no please don't tell me there's no more there's more over there oh dear God there there is so much screaming you'd think that Justin Bieber is in here here God oh hey ghost town oh not bad now I got 23. uh Jesus Christ God are you okay serious you yeah um okay this is starting to become Barren again why is glowstone so rare unless it ain't over here hello beautifuls oh my gosh well I found all the glowstone okay well let's test out is this wood actually fireproof so far it seems like the answer is yes okay next up we're gonna go through break all of these plants because I do believe that they actually will like delete any block that lands on them okay that should be good enough wow that looks painful don't sit on that okay then we're gonna travel up here don't need to make a platform again I love it when I don't need to do that alrighty beautiful fingers crossed this gives me a lot I need to be really stingy with what I use glowstone on I I think I need to be like a bit stingy since I am collecting all of this I will go all out oh you do burn okay wait but does it get deleted that's the more important question oh it doesn't okay good good okay yep so this is what is fireproof so my uh my theory was correct it's like any wood that you get from another it's just all fireproof which you know makes sense all of you 34 more oh cryos something it's something so you know we're at 57 not too shabby let's see are you gonna be a kind one as well okay wait wait yep yep you're a kind one okay good so we're gonna go around here break all of this intro soon I mean it would have been nice to you know get some quartz but uh oh well aren't a amethyst but oh well oh I'm gonna guess you're about 30 blocks up so please nothing spun in and shoot me off okay and from that okay that got us another stack we might and I I say my really lightly but we might might be able to get away with I think I have like a stack and a half back at home I honestly forgot about it but I think with like two and a half three-ish stacks we might be able to get away just that amount but very luckily okay this biome since you know it is fairly vanilla in here yeah like there's actual glowstone here so we'll leave a waste Stone in here this is a good area to you know come back to whenever I run out of it but oh God I might do a witch Farm I just need to find a witch hut again uh oh my goodness oh oh God don't don't look at them don't look at them okay nope nope nope nope nope I'm okay nope I know that I know that mob I am totally okay not a good mob because so we're a waste Stone here we're gonna do a little bit of building here so we're gonna go around put wood all along this I'm gonna go alongside it just like this which will come out to be looking like this very pretty and beautiful I know and just for a little bit more safety we're gonna go around with another layer on top okay so we can you know get out of here nice and easy and break up all of this make it nice and clean I also want to put a roof on top of this bad boy just wanted to make sure that our white stone is nice and safe so I have a strong feeling that we're going to be coming back here a ton we can just like that we should be nice and safe in here 200 can you stop growing but you already know we need to put down some torches in here making nice and brighter and here we go with you Bob there we go another glow some beautiful safe boom okay we can always come back here if I weirdly want to but oh and there's a Bastion uh I'm not going into that right now nope I uh I need a kind of way better armor yeah new new definitely uh I'll definitely go check it out in the future but yeah that's when I'll have like maxed out diamond armor and then we can go and have super duper fun uh trying to get another ride in there oh nice and one more beautiful oh all right cute it's actually going to turn everything into snow as well kind of a you know adorable mod oh but this entire Lake hasn't frozen over yeah nice I can still get some water yeah I like the seasons mod it's really cute see let's see and here boom Oh Boy okay two and a half close down oh boy let's go through the damage that we can do uh the most important part is we're definitely gonna be starting up here and then we'll go with the glowstone like like we'll just work down I need to be unbelievably careful with how I place this I do not want to mess it up oh no oh my God I'm so stupid Oh no I wanted to turn it into polish dog I'm not removing this um no I I can't remove this I am so unbelievably stupid oh my god oh that's gonna be staying until I have uh some something with silk touch don't I have a silk touch book like am I am I going a little cray-cray silk touch and sharpness too into three and I have collection let's do collection and I'll take the silk touch with the sharpness too so here okay that's six that's one that's what we like to see then we're gonna be dumb okay we're gonna use some of our diamonds this is very important for me okay we're gonna make a diamond ax and then from this oh boy okay well that costs 11. cost 11. I think it's worth it we're gonna chance it if anything like I'm gonna be making villagers that will give me diamond tools and armor so I'll at least have that in the future so I can just make an all like new diamond act so oh well I'm I'm just trying to like make myself feel better why am I not getting these back at all like I'm not even getting dust are you trying to tell me that you can't get Glowstone back with silk touch just for oh I'm over it now whatever I'm over it uh I think we'll make a witch Farm 100 there has to be some way to easily get close down there oh my God I can't believe that I forgot to do this [Music] but it looks really nice I actually really love that oh God I can't believe I messed it up what if I do this again okay so there's nothing else at least I'm not gonna break this at all but like anyone in the comments section if I break Paul polish glowstone does it come back as the full block or is it still just gonna break into dust or just altogether disappear I can't believe I did all of that for that diamond ax and then it didn't even work uh oh skies are you in a good mood yeah I love this mod pack cool I'm having so much fun you guys having fun watching me go insane well I would have had enough I actually would have uh completed this row right there if I didn't place down that glowstone in the beginning I'm just gonna assume that it's because it was with an ax instead of a pickaxe even though it literally does not matter you can actually use an ax with silk on it you know and get back glass and any other breakable block like oh no I missed my okay whatever okay I just need to stop complaining about it okay okay I I've collected myself you know I took a nice little break had some hot pot of whoa oh that's cool whoa that's so cool wait Winter's actually kind of lost oh my I actually kind of like that too bad it's not gonna stay like that would actually be really sick if it would um but yeah it's like I got I took a break you know I'm good to go again and um yeah let's actually just go back into the nether actually I spit on you I gotta know what we need to do is come back up to here to this lovely and then we go right back into the nether just like that that is so cool oh such a cool animation okay so let's oh wow oh I didn't bring any blocks oh actually wait I can click that yeah yeah so I can actually collect it just like that uh thinking about it I think it would actually be really smart for man to use shroom lights as well in the build that is so much oh my God there's so much hello I'm looking at the mini map and I think those are Enderman over there what was who has the Glock stop okay turn off your wall hack okay this isn't fair I know I'm not enjoying this am I blind I feel like I'm blind am I blind if I need to go get some glasses what is going on here okay well what I was gonna say is uh oh there you are when did you ever get here okay well uh anyway is there another there's another yep there you are okay wow you guys are actually really hard to see in here you like blending with everything so again what I'm trying to say is I should use shroom lights or the legs of the build that'll actually save me just can I break this but it would save me a ton of time because then I won't have to come back in here like every half a second to try and get a glowstone and you know room lights were like unbelievably easy for me to get God I love this uh tree cutting mod it's uh such a lifesaver until we get to trees of this size I also just realize how stupid I am and I was using my diamond ax to break all this stuff so yeah let's not use that there we go beautiful beautiful come on the beautiful ER come on okay what if I do that please ah okay what if I do this I'm gonna do like that oh whatever this game just States man it's too beautiful for it my word well uh if I ever start well not if but whenever I start the villager trading building at least I'll have a whole lot of sticks to a lot of nice trading with that how am I not oh wait no you're not even connected to that tree right there why can't I break you so it's gonna be a different color but my thought process of using shrooms on the legs instead of well actually it would just look hideous if I used it on top since I'm already using a different block up there but using stream lights down there since we won't be able to see the glowstone from down there we won't be able to really tell that you know it's different blocks being used so we'll be able to save ourselves there uh please just give me some easy trees to break like that thank you okay really really is it uh is it because of these ah but I know how to cheat you yeah I'm too smart for you okay but we actually really need to be careful so we're already down like 33 on this so uh I at least have 57 to work with I know that's well over like more than enough I also did not drink any uh iron picks with me uh we might not want to continue that direction okay let's head back this direction okay so I see a nice amount of Glowstone right here which I'm very interested in okay well uh let's see I might be able to get away without having some make a platform up there whoa what is that oh my okay whoa here let's just quickly collect this I am really interested in those blocks oh that looks so cool to build with it's like emerald and slime mixed together oh God okay yep right into the fire never mind we are gonna build a platform it sounds like a nightmare below me I really don't want to meet any of those piglens L okay beautiful after whoa okay well we got 30 now so that's at least something hello you actually look really cool whoa warp chest okay nice I wasn't aware of like all the cool blocks oh yeah I didn't get that one that was right above my uh anyways okay so I should be able to drop onto this and oh dude that is so cool I want to collect it all iconite Rod ux does it explode no okay it's just it said that it was a rod and I got the entire thing okay [Music] just like some space uh sure dude I'm down I can most definitely build something really really cool with this a dear God Heights can you not do that uh same exact thing wow wow oh my gosh oh my God five dragon heads and a diamond sword and you would give me that oh my jeez please come back to my house I would love to keep you forever yeah I have no idea if these are craftable at all so I'm gonna take my chance and I'm gonna loot every single one of them here hopefully nothing bad comes over here wanting to fight me I will scream like a uh a good girl as in like I'm just gonna scream high pitch I don't want any misunderstanding there this hmm no I didn't get that one yep got that one dog you've really Gotta Give me space huh man okay but I have 62 of those so we can at least make some kind of cool Windows uh maybe something in the future I build is black and green or I don't know I'll let you guys come up with the colors maybe you want like tan and green whoa okay I kind of want to check out oh wait I see more oh I see more what are you magma block oh what is this stuff obsidian glass oh dear God oh my dude this is longer than obsidian or is this the same hi bud okay here um trust me truly love you I okay how do you know I was gonna push you into lava why why is that thing that smart and sentient anyways uh that might be something that I just come back for since you know we're right next to my uh Way Stone I might just have to come back for that once I have like maxed out netherite stuff magma flower suit don't worry I won't touch you be really careful oh thank God I thought that was going to explode the things I do for cold building materials dude I want to collect that so badly okay maybe and then build beacons then another I don't think I've ever seen someone do that and I've never tried that okay I think I've collected all of the glass run that scary area dude I really want to collect more of them this is another block I would very happily build with but there has to be some faster way to mine this like there's no way and I think these stupid bushes just broke it yep I no don't shoot don't shoot okay would like a few more of this oh no wait there's even a blue one okay okay I like this ooh I like this area oh I like this area a lot uh what are you yeah oh my gosh that blue looks so incredible oh my God wait is that blue obsidian oh okay is that a house I am not stepping in there uh I'll loot you from out here though uh tomato seeds and rice asparagus I don't think I have that I won't take your food as well and uh you can keep the gold sword uh yeah I'm not stepping in there oh another one yep yep oh asparagus more food some gold wow this green vegetable sure is delicious where did you get it Skies literal hell let's see even though I came in here for some uh love Stone that's super distracted let's head back towards our voice Stone and then let's get that um glowstone all the way up there and then after that we're gonna go back to our base like I we're literally cutting it down to like the last minutes of recording so I really hope that this episode was enjoyable for you all I'm really really sorry if it wasn't but yeah I tried there's just so much to do in the stick so unbelievably long plus you know I didn't really have any of the blocks that I wanted to use for the building so uh for everyone that wanted me to use other blocks other than oak and stone and oak leaves uh this is your fault and not my fault oh yeah that's how that works even though these can land on the ground and they won't get burnt up let's try and pick them all up oh boy get you can I get these yeah got him here let's try one more time okay I don't have any glowstone on me when I do this am I stupid wait did this work the entire time this worked the entire time dude why didn't none of you tell me that this was actually working dog I I uh I could have been getting more clothes during this entire time I've never lost any oh my God I I don't even want to hear one comment on it just don't don't comment about that whatsoever I don't want to hear one comment uh if I jump down into those Vines would I be safe because I really don't feel like cutting all this wood down uh I think I can make that I think I can make it I don't I don't think I missed that you know here let's try it uh oh my God I actually made it we I am amazing oh am I got another block of Glowstone okay well uh we have 50 to work with we can go back home and I feel stupid in lighter news make you all forget about what just happened uh I've never had asparagus before in here so nice we actually got a new vegetable from the nether I've made it this far and I don't have a composter really kind of impressive and not in a good way okay let's see you can go there and what don't mind me gonna make a whole lot of bone meal okay so beautiful we got 56 bone meal from all of that even though we like already have a lot of bone meal in here but hey you know like uh I always use more uh anyways so now coming up here I kind of want to try and calculate how much glowstone I need because just in case if I want to use like regular glowstone in the future my God am I staring at Neptune's bald head like is this the second coming of Christ on my screen right now like my word you wouldn't even know that that's actually white sand and not concretely that is right anyways I guess we need one two three 23 more which actually ain't bad roughly like that much then we should have one left over damn Boop okay finally done it is finally fully completed it's beautiful what happens if I touch you with water okay good good so you're not actually like uh White concrete okay then when we go down here so now I can actually like really get a nice look I'm scared to stand below these I feel like they're gonna fall and kill me but um anyways so oh my gosh that actually works so much better than what I was expecting like it lights it up the white leaves hide it like pretty decently well even though I don't really want it to be like that hidden that looks amazing to me oh I love that it's like a nice mood lighting next up all of the shroom lights how do I get into here uh okay we're gonna break you and wow that actually works like perfectly okay let's see there we go and then on this one's side we're just gonna line up all of the ones that we can even though sadly on this side uh actually it doesn't even matter okay we can just use a water bucket boom there we go there we go okay that actually okay that kind of works just don't look too close please no icicles in here it's already hard enough to place you oh there we go okay and luckily for this one we can actually put it all the way around which wow that is like really really bright I like that very nice get out of here and ladies and gentlemen I give you the completed Underside end that looks so cute and wholesome issue is that a lot of the lighting is coming from the Torches around here so I don't know how safe this is to leave it like that okay and then at the very least hmm okay we might have enough time fill in this area so coming up here with how much light stuff we have I actually think just mirroring this kind of up here but maybe with planks might be a good move okay maybe we'll actually use Vlogs so I think I can actually just use regular logs I don't need to worry about any of the end pieces because this is all going to be covered so maybe we go red along the border oh God no audience I'm using all my diamond tools I hope you guys enjoy uh cooking with Skies Gordon Ramsay hit me up okay beautiful so for lighting we can actually go in I want to say like six blocks and we should be fine then after six bucks we need to do another light source in there but I really do like this red and I like how much it breaks up this like overbearingly bright white out here so since it's still super duper bright I think we just used Plank's next especially since it is a different design so foreign lovely lovely oh okay and then a nice transition block I think would be the raw quartz block so from here we can go back to White and maybe since there actually is a center wait Am I Wrong is there a center or is this on it is there a center am I crazy no there is a center okay I'm not crazy okay good good I like to hear that okay so down the center wow that was perfect so we'll come along to here then let's see for the center piece we can actually have some red we can then bring some logs down here beautiful strip this and then we have red planks also go down this even though it's all going to be one massive room I'm just wanting to you know kind of break up the build a little bit I don't want to have all these Rings just circling it I think that would just look really bad like a beautiful I actually really like that so it's like a nice little Center pathway maybe we have all bees over here and then like something one else over here or maybe it's just bees on both sides who knows um oh and then let's also span the log right here yeah see how I like this okay beautiful let me go around fill in this okay next up I actually gonna I'm gonna try out those new slime blocks so I I'm gonna I'm gonna cheat you know just a little bit so I know that these aren't red however I barely have any shroom lights uh okay so we have to be a little bit creative with our lighting design um yeah so I know that this isn't really red I really want to put actually I could put one down ah let's actually let me say this first like if I put this down I mean it can work okay yeah like I I think I need to not strictly just do white and red especially since like you can argue that that is yellow not white you know as you can clearly see right there so I think I can get away with using these um and since I do have a lot of these and there is lighting directly below it very luckily uh we can do two layers of this I just have to be really careful because you become an absolute Speed Demon on this is it transfer okay no no it's you like instantly slow down as soon as you get to the next block okay well at least I can't run off and you know die from it man that is such a beautiful sound oh man I sure hope my editor doesn't turn it up really loud for everyone to enjoy what I'm hearing and actually okay uh okay so there is lighting below it but actually let's try this so we're gonna then go and cry because we don't have any more planks and we're gonna make more planks and then we're gonna go around and leave like just one block layer right there and we're gonna go to all of the blocks on the outer side of it and we're gonna put planks here this way let's like finish this and I am so confused on how I'm doing this otter please don't is water gonna ruin this oh good good okay water doesn't ruin it okay but um okay so the reason I'm doing that is just to kind of try and hide the underside of this like I really don't like that that you can see it but I don't want to cover up this bottom part of the goo because of the lighting right there which you know the light in there actually does go through so it lights up a little bit giving you know that's why this site's a little bit darker and then like over here but even though like we're just right next to that so I need to stop talking so much and I just I like to ramble it's enjoyable [Music] um okay so we haven't been using any white for this part and that is an issue I really want to use white sand I won't lie okay so here we can actually use white sand and here's a nice easy way to get through it so we first used slabs on every single part that we want to use sand I might as well just make this build super duper expensive why not cherries slab and it turns into that what that was trippy that was kind of cool okay so can put sand on here I honestly think I we might be fine on the lighting ah but I think we should just go crazy with the lighting I think we go crazy with lighting I think we fill in this section now all with shroom lights and then on top we just put this and then boom or we'll just be completely fine with lighting inside but I I think we should be fine um oh my God I just realized I I literally just made an omelette where the the here's the Omelette and then here's like the table or the stove top and then no no here's the Omelette here's the plate here's the the food tray and then here's the table wow I think your God so uh yeah yeah I hope you guys enjoy uh cooking with Skies Gordon Ramsay hit me up I would love to uh end up on Hell's Kitchen why why is that missing there's the other side missing how long was that dude why didn't none of you tell me that that was left like that wait so I had to use all of my uh smooth glowstone okay well it's a good thing I had one left over Hello beautiful and there we go okay now it's completed down there I don't know how I missed that I'm just gonna blame that on my editor I love that sound totally not gross and beautiful the second omelet is now done there we go well I hope I made all of you hungry oh God even when you look at it from above that totally looks like an omelette like I swear I wasn't going for it uh should I renew the design or do you all kind of like how this looks enough like is it is it good or is it bad because I can't tell now because now I just I keep thinking about breakfast I don't know anymore uh okay well we're gonna leave it for next time I I'm honestly surprised that I did like this much work for it anyway so I my assumption is that you know the movie's about four hours long so hey I hope it was long enough you know I hope you guys enjoyed it uh next episode if you guys want an episode three hopefully I can finish this get the bees going get some honey and then I really want to make like either complete the entire villager a trading Outpost or at least make like a really good dent in it I don't know so yeah uh here let's at least first just go get organized okay we're at least fully organized now everything's ready for episode three you know listen uh taking like like a nice little break from this uh world and playing on the other ones at least then I should be able to come up with a pretty cool design up here might be able to fix the eggs God I can't believe I made an omelette but I want to check out my prizes how are you all doing in here I love you all so much where's my panda are you my panda oh yeah that's my panda oh dude I don't know why none of you ever told me to go and save that one panda in my hardcore world that you know that's been trapped in there since like 400 days and I'm on like Bay 2400. you know I'm just saying they're kind of messed up uh anyways okay no I don't want that oh nice we have another baby duck in here um yeah we need to make a duck area I want to leave this just for the pandas now so I would like to breed the panda see if I can get more uh sick pandas you know like some more snot-nosed ones but yeah I think we did a pretty decent amount of work I'm pretty happy and proud of everything uh next episode we should actually be getting towards fall or summer so that's gonna be fun we can actually like get some green leaves and God that looks so bad yeah but hopefully you guys can answer all my questions I hope you all enjoyed this hope you're excited for the series on here and yeah I'll see you guys next time see ya
Channel: Skyes
Views: 1,783,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyes, skyes minecraft, sykes, sykes minecraft, skyes 100 days, skyes 50 hours, i survived 50 hours in better minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in better minecraft hardcore, surviving 50 hours in better minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in fantasy minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in medieval minecraft hardcore, i survived 50 hours in medieval minecraft hardcore, i survived 50 hours in fantasy minecraft hardcore, i survived 100 days in rpg minecraft hardcore
Id: -82QJqH76co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 39sec (10839 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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