This EXPLOIT made me survive infinite bounties!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to Bounty of one where there's a brand new update with loads of upgrades and new bosses too so in order to get the best chance of getting those upgrades I'm going to select Roger because we get the gold unloaded die perk and then we're gonna do what we do best which is defend ourselves from all these bounty hunters and I'm gonna do it without moving just to prove a point although I have just noticed I've only got one Health I forget about that with Roger I might have to move right away so yeah we probably want to take the extra Health upgrade as soon as we get one so first upgrade is there extra health no there isn't there is more attack speed though so early game a bit more damage does those one hit kills I think I'm gonna take that even though it's not blue it was just great because yeah look now one hit kills on all these guys get back Architects gum all right so we've leveled up again now we can go with the attack speed so we're shooting a bit faster you can see my stats on the top left over there 1.75 a second today we're going to be increasing that massively but for now I'm gonna take the extra health so I don't have to live and fear of Dying by one hit all the time so this is good the first boss has appeared he is a guy with a butt for a head or it might be like boobs on his head I'm not really sure either way I don't like him we're gonna take him down that is for sure and we haven't quite taken him down yet but I've just upgraded by collecting coins and look this is like one of the best perks particularly when combined with Roger's natural perk you get one more choice for each upgrade and object selection so boost we will take that and then we'll get killing these guys so we can get some more coins and now we've upgraded again you see we always have five as a minimum so let's gain a bit more damage so up to 60 now just had to dodge that fireball there is two bosses on screen I haven't done very well at destroying these bosses the buttface still lives but thankfully after an upgrade of increasing my attack speed I've just taken both of them out there we go finally so in this chest we have oh look at this so machine learning this is a new one every time you kill 30 enemies gain one percent crit chance that you lose fifty percent of the buff when you take damage there's also gluttony which I absolutely love and I think I'm gonna take because I'm not sure if I can go without taking damage I'm quite bad at not taking damage it would do gluttony and then we know we can start getting the the health upgrades because they will also give us attack damage let's go see what's in this chest first so in here we have oh a couple of new ones so gain some stats each time you pick up a collectible Max 50 commutative Buffs that's quite a lot but this one at the end is blue you shoot an explosive grenade towards the nearest enemy every four seconds so if we get that and we get it on cooldown now that could be very very handy oh there goes my grenade pretty tasty gonna be yeah very good for clearing out hordes like we just did there so it will pick up all the coins we gained from that and we've leveled up again oh it's gold gain much more damage yes please so up to 120 damage which means these bosses get annihilated boost you're dead and I chucked a Grenade on your body then we got six upgrades to pick from um I might gain some armor that protects me from a hit although although might be worth doing this so This creates an explosion dealing four times your damage when I get hurt but I gain an extra health and we know that actually helps me out yeah I'm gonna do that instead actually because now my attack has gone up by 10 decent and another level up oh do I take a lot more damage I think I take the gold gain much more attack speeds around 2.2 a second that's gone up to 3.2 a second look how much faster it is so we are taking out everyone we're now getting gold coins from the bigger bosses so that is always good that means we're leveling up quicker as well oh do I want to bounce I think my projectiles bounce I mean it's gold and shiny I'm not really gonna turn it down because it potentially means I'm doing twice the damage if my bouncing projectiles hit another enemy then I've just doubled my damage that is engineering Maths for you but oh what's this one piercing yeah let's have a bit of piercing so now our shots will pierce before they do the bounce so hopefully that means I can sort of stay in the middle because all my shots should fly through multiple enemies oh and a purple attack speed yes please so 3.8 a second we're now throwing and oh when we have a boss we have a boss oh he's fast and I'm slow I forgot I'm so slowed out all right we're gonna have to Let's Dash away then hopefully we can take him out and our shots are piercing and getting some enemies behind him and that's good that's good he's giving us a chest as well and in there I think we'll take this one so if I stand still we will shoot some projectiles around us the trouble is trying to stand still when everyone's trying to kill you easier said than done but ready we should do it now did you see those projectiles flying around that was that perk so good to have oh man lots of colors on here lots of color I want to go with the gold but do I need another bounce I feel like everyone's sort of at the edge of the screen as it is I might just gain more damage so we go from 140 to 161 which means most enemies were sort of one-shotting there's so many coins on screen I have to go get them all oh man it's just throwing the goats at me I'm gonna have to take another piss I'm sorry I'm sorry I know there's no point this early on but later on that will actually be useful oh I just I just got hurt I better go get that heart I need more health because the more health I have the more damage I do thanks to gluttony let's take all these guys down grab all the coins there we go there we go now we're leveling up oh you joking another piece I can't Pierce more enemies I think I'm better off raising my health so we're up to 172 damage and I think we're now one-shotting everything at the moment so that's pretty good yeah we are we are we're definitely one-shotting everything so I just gotta keep my health up at five oh we got the boss we got a boss let's just level up quickly by getting some coins yeah I think I'll raise my health so up to 184 damage all right so there you are boss how fast will his health bar go down I just took it how do I just take a hit let's go grab that heart all right so thankfully health bar going down pretty nicely although ah run away I just leveled up again because I picked up so many coins oh so I raised my health by two I saw that 196. I am a lot slower now so I have to dash but oh man I'm being I'm being swamped I'm being swamped just throwing a grenade that's good ow ow all right dash oh no every bit of damage I take I do less I do less attack myself right he's down to like the final little bit of his health now so let's just keep doing attacks keep trying to dodge everything oh he's nearly down he's nearly down he's nearly down yes yes your tail is not wagging anymore so what upgrade do we get for that remember we're gonna have a choice of five Okay so we've got so we can place a turret down which does divide our attack speed by two but the turret shoots one one point three times faster than us so overall our damage per second will be way higher we got this one which is new every time you kill 30 enemies gain one percent critical chance but you lose 50 of the buff when you take damage right I just took a lot of damage so maybe that's not the best one to do uh the only other one I'd consider at this stage is the the classic onion or the garlic if you're playing another game of a similar vein but I think we're gonna go we're gonna go with the turret because it is it's part of the engineers perk probably makes the most sense to me I am just going to go and collect all these coins that are sort of spread out everywhere then head back to the turret oh look we got some red coins now so the bigger bosses now drop red coins which if you've ever played at Super Mario you will know they're worth more than gold coins so we've leveled up let's I guess we go a lot more damage so two oh my goodness 243 damage when I've got full health and remember my turret does that as well so if we just stand here we should do some major damage I remember standing still as well is also another good perk with my Cactus armor thing the trouble is everyone's so close they can't stay very still I think I need some more attack speed this is quite slow all right thankfully you just destroyed a boss next to the turrets let's see what that's got in store for us oh two purples two purples uh let's take machine learning I feel like the game wants to give us this one so every time we kill 30 enemies our critical chance goes up it's currently 10 um oh then what do I do here I mean I need more attack speed but it's gray as I could Pierce I'm already pasting twice do I want to do it a third time I don't actually think I do I think the sensible thing here is more attack speed editor will probably disagree with me he is a hardcore player of this game I'm sure he plays it with a calculator unlike myself he just Wings it like my engineering exams right oh this is a new enemy there's like rats with bats that's a rhyme that I didn't expect to make yeah thankfully coming back this way your turret did kill a boss so we've got a chest to open so this is an upgrade overall because you shoot four times faster but you do deal three times less damage and but I think this could help us massively particularly when we have the turret as well because suddenly the enemies are staying well away from us ow that hurt it appears I got too cocky too early anyway time to raise my health by two because that will gain us a lot more damage they were only doing 86 damage if we're full health 90 damage not ideal and that is another boss and he's fast all right let's Laura move it to the turret come on turret take him down right go for it all right this way this way take out the boss take out the bus I'll help as well yes okay he's down he's down oh and we're gonna take the permanently gained 10 attack speed but uh you can only do it if you don't take damage for two minutes probably a waste but uh it might work it might work just gotta play very safe don't get hit by anything Matt so for now we're just killing rats with bats and there's a few like Frankenstein men with like how cameras or something but yeah this is going quite well there's lots of money bags collecting so if I just head up and grab them yeah we leveled up straight away oh there it is there it is gained much more attack speed we definitely need that that was sarcasm by the way because we were already we're already doing like nine a second and now we're doing wow 11.4 a second and there's two of us remember and the turret shoots faster than me so what we're actually doing a second is like probably like 25 a second trouble is these guys that shoot projectiles at me are really really annoying I sort of want to do something about that oh there's also moles throwing Dynamite at me now I think anyway this time we're going to gain a lot more damage so we go from 90 up to 103 at least if I've got full health damn moles oh you stupid mole people again sorry if you're a mole person watching this I do tend to have a go at your kind but I've just killed a boss I think I might take this one the current health being even or odd means you do more or less damage I mean it could be risky I can't actually remember how much health do I have is that even or odd or just slow in now I'm going to slow enemies that is an intimidating reward when you think about it so now if enemies get close to me they get slowed down which means I've got time to throw all my darts at them oh man there's so many moles I don't like this oh and that's given us even more attack speed or up to 13.4 a second I should probably take damage next time anyway we're taking out these out we just got hurt we just got hurt we've got a boss to kill here which I'm pretty sure we can still cheese from this location me and the turret are absolutely mullering him although he has now gone underground which means I need to move oh no I'm so slow I'm so slow I can barely outrun the dynamite all right take him down take him down right ears down thank goodness oh yes oh yes okay so we've got a brand new one here picking up parts no longer heals you however you gain three base damage each time you pick one up it does heal me completely and gives me 3 HP but I think with my gluttony that's probably a mistake to take now we've got the 180 no scope so we can shoot behind behind us I'll probably take that but I'm also I'm considering this one the dash heel because my health is quite low I think we'll be I think we'll be fine though let's just let's just shoot behind us so now we've doubled our DPS basically oh what is that it's a green coin then you they are definitely new so I guess green coins are worth more than red coins what sort of weird game logic is that yeah I might give myself two more Health which raises my attack as well from 110 to 121. oh my goodness the boss the boss the boss thankfully my Aurora is slowing him down and we have killed him thanks to the turret as well the game really wants me to take that one I really shouldn't I might take the 30 faster enemies but they take 50 more damage so basically they're just weaker and faster but because I've got my aura thing it shouldn't matter too much because they will still be slow if they come anywhere near me but the fact they take 50 more damage means they're not gonna get near me it's fine but anyway let's go grab some money bags oh we gotta we gotta Dodge the blooming projectiles there is a perk that makes enemies like way less accurate which I should probably consider taking soon but for now we're gaining much more damage so 121 up to 143 oh that is good so our aim is to get the DPS as high as possible this round every 30 shots your next shot is slow huge and deal with three times more damage and cannot be stopped and because we're shooting 13.4 a second we should do one of these every two and a bit seconds pretty much so oh there they go and they come out my ass as well context is important in this game sometimes yeah because remember my turret is exactly the same as me so we both shoot these things so I think taking much more attack speed is probably the play here so 14.3 a second remember the fast we shoot the more big boys we also shoot and they seem to be very efficient at clearing them now there's a big boss uh go away go away go away all right we've done him we've done him we've got his chest as we've been given with it we're gonna take the onion so anyone in my area now gets 25 damage uh because I'm basically I'm farting in a big way I don't think my target yeah my turret doesn't have that but if I stand next to my turret this is an Ultimate Death Zone come in here at your own risk they're also oh look there's like there's purple coins as well now all right so there's another boss comment I'm gonna keep doing my abilities down I think because then my cooldown is lower I'm throwing the grenades more I'm shooting the big things more as well might be time to make my attack speed 30 higher but half my shots are less precise basically we're just getting drunk and oh it's so fast 19.76 shots a second and I have been hit a few times though I need to I need to find some health ideally no one seems to be dropping hearts these days right here's some here's some because that will raise my damage as well and all we gotta do is just stand here fire everything at everyone and occasionally Dodge some projectiles and then we level up and we take much more damage 143 up to 165 well now we've got a boss and our turret is not in the best place oh this is the new boss oh my goodness ah he's a big horse right away oh oh man he's actually quite scary he's proper running at me well knob he's nearly down though oh that was easy that was although he's still alive The Undertaker all right oh he's shooting blobs I got a Dodger blobs Dodge the blobs ah okay so now blobs are moving if I stand here I'm glad I got the turret because that's just doing constant damage he has a lot of Health that is not going down very quickly it's all the blobs they're coming back in um oh he's a really bad shot though like his bullets are splitting in two and just completely missing me so I'm just gonna stand here all right blobs are back blobs are back keep attacking keep attacking oh he's down he's down he's down yes okay so what does he give us for that oh so much choice I love this so you gain more attack speed run enemies are close could be worth doing gained 40 critical chance so every other shot would do double damage essentially but no more chance upgrades three times faster when they're close I feel like having enemies close is actually quite good because we got so much piercing and bouncing so yeah so it will do that there's going to be a lot harder to measure our attack speed now but we know when enemies get close it will go absolutely mental they're probably worth making our criticals do more damage at this point as well and we can always we can always improve that as well we might want to at this stage of the game because things are going to get very tough very quickly just take out that boss so these bosses if I just walk up to them and my increased attacks me look at it top left 29.8 a second oh still raw damage has an Airy effect each time a projectiles do a critical okay we'll take that so one and four will be doing an area effect because they're doing criticals yeah let's get our critical chance up from now on then Charlie's I'm trying to dodge like the big projectiles as well I keep thinking they're enemy ones but no they're actually mine from my turret level up again much more damage please so 187 now and there's a boss let's push take it down instantly 32.65 a second I'll tell you what I think we're going to take the poison as well there's so many Golds to take but yeah poison is never a Bad Thing unless you're the one taking it of course so basically should we happen to not one hit enemies they will get poisoned and then they'll do like an area damage poison to other people there's quite a lot going on screen at the moment and frame rate seems to be coping all right oh and then that's the new one isn't it the lucky belt gain 10 more experience from future and past coins yes please so basically that means I'm Gonna Last a little bit longer because generally in this game the amount of experience you get like goes down basically the value of a coin diminishes over time damn inflation yeah I just took critical chance again we're up to 50 so every other hit is doing critical damage there's so much going on on screen I can't really see what's happening all I know is I gotta keep moving because blooming projectiles right demon guy out he hurt me he hurt me all right we did take him down I did I did get hit oh my goodness your next shot deals two times more damage and bursts into multiple projectiles it does that every eight seconds oh it does reduce my attack speed by 30 oh I don't actually know if I want that maybe I'll just do the spring bullets so we'd bounce two more times and they bounce backwards so I think that's good oh yeah let's let's increase our area as well so I can not only do more garlic damage and slow people down a bit more but we can also grab the coins from further weight because that is actually becoming an issue at the moment there's so many hearts so if I need Hearts later on we're good for now though we just want coins essentially right should I make I could make my area bigger again 40 it's a gold I'm gonna have to do it even bigger areas now everyone on screen is getting slowed down basically and they're taking my area damage so standing still is a lot easier as long as I can Dodge projectiles oh and dynamite might be time to meet my criticals do more damage because look at my critical chance 98.5 so if I do that we're going to be doing four times damage rather than three times so definitely take that I am just gonna turn off in the settings basically anything visual on screen right so now it is much clearer I can actually see what's going on now there's no explosions and numbers everywhere I mean sort of it's still Carnage don't get me wrong all right so we've just killed another boss I've got a chance to take seismic dance everyone meets a you deal 30 of your damage around you which is amazing consider I'm moving a lot but 70 of enemy special attacks are less precise that means I can stand still a lot more so I think I'm gonna take that I might regret that particularly as my air is so big I don't know actually I don't know I saw that IO is so big I think that's probably worth doing because I am moving constantly just to get all the coins I mean if we're doing moving may as well take lightning oh my God it's like all the enemies up there oh might be worth taking this now because then our Critical Hits are 100 all the time yeah sort it I've done it so every shot is critical now and there are Hearts everywhere so I will be able to take a lot of damage before we start losing I think and then we got another upgrade oh look at that one so we got the standing still attack speed bonus solid I'll take it as well oh hello hello Mr Goldie triples your shot permanently but reduces attack speed by 40 oh no I feel like that's worth doing because three times shortly I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it that's my turret with three times as well and yeah so even those big things are getting three of those out the front as well yeah I think we we've definitely gained enemies are not getting anywhere near as close now frame rate is suffering as well that's when you know you've done well in the game when the frame rate is in pain what's our Bounty by the way 336 not bad when you projectiles still critical damage they pierce I think we are gonna take that one so we've just gained even more piercing I think that should just mean all of our projectiles go to the edge of the screen now right because they're pretty much always doing crits projectiles split into three projectiles that do 35 damage yeah okay we'll take that we'll take that this should clear the screen game took a long time to decide whether that was good or bad or not it's like can I cope with what Matt's trying to do here have a look at this the inventory we can see everything we've got does this mean I can only take one more this might be my last upgrade look how many Golds and purples I have anyway let's gain a lot more damage so up to 242 damage if we can stay at full health it's impossible to dodge when I like move a joystick and then nothing happens I think basically just stand still till there's no more Hearts around you and then just move slightly right we killed another boss so we've got another chest uh oh projectile slow enemies that they touch by 70 yeah that could actually help me our games like please Matt not more calculations to think about oh so suddenly enemies are getting pushed back so I can like I've got space to dodge stuff off and most importantly I'm at a point where I can sort of play the game again and oh this is what we need so we're gonna make enemies way less accurate which means I can stand still a lot more and therefore do a lot more damage although so many projectiles oh yeah I can stay still much longer now so look at the screen there's no enemies on screen we're actually fighting back all right now I've got this triple Dash thing whenever it fills up I get all my dashes and then I can just Dash about so I'm just moving but only via Dash basically so I want to keep my Dash empty first person shot now targets yep gain and Pierce all right so we've got a bounty of over half a million now and we're still going pretty strong to be honest shots come back to you and gain five I think that will completely ruin everything I have I'm sort of tempted to do it though just because I don't think there's many more left so let's do it let's see what happens give out the perks we have they've gone off the like side of the bar like the background I think I've upgraded past where I'm meant to have upgraded to I feel like I might be unstoppable I maybe broke the game I'm sort of wonder can I get a million dollar Bounty he got a long way to go but this could be possible oh here we go here we go we finally got a decent upgrade long so our attack speed goes down but projectiles bounce off the edge of the screen it should be Carnage yep I can't see anything I don't like that the frames are too light I'm gonna run away man I've been going for so long now and I've noticed the the bar at the top isn't really going up I don't know if I'm not killing enemies I'm definitely killing deputies though because we're still getting the odd chest but yeah do you feel pretty Invincible I don't think I've lost Health in ages oh the game's not happy the game's not happy oh we're good we're good we're back we're back all right that's another boss down shall I take it I think I'm gonna take it I've taken it right we're up to 20 health and then every heart we pick up gives us extra damage I think I can only pick him up if I get down he's still damage 677. what actually puts upgrades in these so now we're up to a 170 1200 damage oh wow this is awesome it went up to 1500 remember every shot is critical so that's Times by seven basically so well over 10 000 damage a second oh sorry per shots not per second per shot we're doing up to 30 a second that's 30 000 a second but we're shooting one out of our ass and three out of our front so times out by four so 120 DPS but then we're doing these big boy things as well we've broken the game we're indestructible all right so we're up to 30 Health our damages 2056. we're on a 650 gram Bounty I literally think I could get to a million if I had the patience we will and there's only one way to find out if I do have the patience and that is through the power of editing a few moments later right so welcome back we've changed tactics now we've probably grown quite a bit since you last saw me uh 43 Health which means we're doing 2 800 damage every single hit and I've sort of got to the point where I don't need to move so I'm literally just sat here watching this it's sort of mesmerizing and my projectiles have grown with me so basically no one can get close we've just killed a boss there which means we'll go grab the extra health and then by the way we're about to crack a million dollar Bounty I literally I searched I scoured YouTube I scoured the internet I didn't think it was possible to do it legit without mods uh maybe it's just since the new rebalancing thing but I am gonna Pat myself on the back and say Well done Matt you got a million dollar Bounty you're the first person to ever achieve I know other people have achieved it but there it is the million dollar Bounty all right so I've sat here for far too long you can see we're nearly on 8 000 damage 1.3 million Bounty it is pretty much impossible to die at this stage and then when I do take damage I bloom in do like an explosion so everyone disappears I need to die I've had enough of this so I'll say peace love and infinite bounties bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 355,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _ERljGOzNwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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