I Built an INFINITE POWER Generator in Timberborn!

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hello everyone i'm kimbitz and welcome back to timberborne we're last time we started playing an experimental and messing with the new pumps they added which go figure allow you to pump water from a lower location to an upper location and with that kind of technology theoretically infinite power is possible wherein pumps could pump water from a giant reservoir up into some water wheels and then in turn power the pumps and then the water could simply flow back into the original source and infinite power forever is ours so that was our plan last time we built this massive pump reverse waterfall and we started with some water wheels over here unfortunately it didn't work we tried out a couple of designs here there made a few little mistakes but with the help of your comments i'm ready to try again and this time i think we can do it and for the prospect of infinite power is exciting to you remember to leave a like and first off i blundered you see we're doing tests in the last episode and i left a gap in the water stream so these wheels need a flow rate in order to move but because i left this one little gap it kind of ruined the whole experiment so today we're going to be rebuilding that again except properly where it's not broken so very simply just a bunch of levees going this way so the water is forced down a narrow channel plus it'll have more speed because while we've been playing an experimental they added a new mechanic to the game where the speed of water really matters so a water wheel just in any water can provide a different amount of power like this one is providing 64 horsepower this one down here is 126 and goes on and on like that every one of these wheels is dynamic going along with the water so depending on how fast the current is that's how much power you can generate so step one today is simply making this proof of concept work because if we get it to work then we can expand on it forever and we win we just win the video game so once it's complete we'll turn on all the pumps and we'll see if the wheels spin we just need all of these to spin even if each wheel only provides 50 horsepower it doesn't matter we can just stack the design over and over and over and over and over and over etc again as much as we want and it'll just be a matter of scale so while this is getting worked on let's check out a couple other new things so there were some updates to the game which have added in some pretty awesome stuff number one is i think it's called a shrine there it is a small shrine where beavers can contemplate nature so it's kind of like the temple except it's just small so i suppose you could have both but they kind of work for the same buff so again when you click on a beaver there's a bunch of buffs you can get and what is the shrine one oh it's completely different so there's the temple which can give working speed which is really good and then the shrine would give another 30 working speed that is crazy and these are so small and convenient to place okay that's pretty cool let's make that a hyper priority please and thank you or i'll probably build it somewhere else never mind but the way bigger part of this update is that the engines here have been buffed so this faction we're playing the iron teeth gets to build these engines and they turn logs into power now before it would take like geez a ton of logs like it would eat through your supplies in no time and it only produced 200 power or horsepower per each engine which is like nothing considering a water wheel just any normal one usually produces about the same but then they buffed them they buffed the engines big time they now each produce 400 horsepower so they've doubled it they are very good now i would say they're downright viable to use as like a power source they're very very very good and that will help us a lot because we're going to be turning on the pumps over here quite a few times and these guys take up 700 horsepower each so 6 300 horsepower we need on top of all the other stuff we're doing just to test out this water wheel thing so very cool super welcome changes anyway though let's let this finish building and then we can do our very first test alright here we are the thing is complete there are no gaps for the water to sneak through this time and we are ready to rock and roll so the big thing here that we need to see is all of these wheels moving at once it doesn't matter really how fast they move they just need to move because we can always build more and expand on that okay okay what's the power looking like we have 13 000 supply right now and 13 000 demand no that was i don't know what was up with that we have zero supply are we in a drought oh my gosh that would be a significant problem but again those engines were buffed so we just gotta turn these bad boys on and we can commence our test here let's turn them all on how much lumber do we have in this district 1400 that'll last like five minutes with all these engines that's all the time we need really let's turn these guys on 400 times what is this 12 18 seems pretty good 18 times 400 is 7200 horsepower yeah i think we're gonna be okay so let's unpause these and let it rip anytime i think the engines are just getting started here right hello there we go they're booting on these guys are turning on they don't have enough power yet so they're not very efficient it's okay just need the party to get started so we've tested this a couple times and of course when the system gets started the wheels like to move a little bit but it's when the water overflows into the next part of the system say over here that's when we need to see the wheels move because what happened in the last episode is they kept stopping which is really annoying power wise are we good yet uh we're getting there efficiency 67 not ideal give me another two percent that should do it no it skipped the number come on fine now we're getting there supply another machine online okay it's working well enough now we just need to see what happens when the water overflows into the next space so any second now that will cross the threshold and there we go so the water is flowing oh come on i saw you moving i saw you moving what's up with that what if what if we lower this it's now at zero oh we're moving now brother that's because all the water's draining not a very accurate test uh okay 84 deficiency 83 we are super into a drought okay well this is going things are grooving the water would have drained by now too are we getting an accurate reading i think this is working yeah the water would have flowed out of here by now so that was it oh my gosh so last time i left a little gap here for the water to sneak through which ruined the flow rate but we're that close we're lackluster this is it we've done it effectively well at least we know we can make it in power now because we can stack this forever and each water wheel here only makes about 100 horsepower and 100 horsepower each which is not a lot but with that we can figure out what the heck to do so if all these pumps are making or taking 6 300 horsepower and each row of wheels here makes about six hundred one then six thousand three hundred divided by six hundred would equal the amount of rows we need oh boy though so just to match the power of the pumps here we need ten and a half rows of these water wheels going over this way and like we have the space ah that's rough though yeah okay i guess after we do those 10 rows going this way though we can continue adding on more and more water wheels just for as much as we want because we know will be covered on the pump side of things then we'll be good okay proof of concept is in hand now how do we stack the design that's the big one or better you're how do we scale the design so with the test over let's turn the pumps off right now this district over here already used a thousand lumber just in that quick little test so please settle down and there's no point having you guys on either and in an ideal world we can just stack everything very very close together so we could have this river flow into a river that's literally one wall away let's get rid of the path get rid of all this i know i could mass delete this don't worry and yeah essentially the idea would be to have another row of water wheels directly beside this and i'm pretty sure the power would connect through all the water wheels to our main power line okay so let's try that out hopefully it works out so of course we're back to blasting [Music] because of course every video we gotta do some blasting it's just the nature of things oh boy so this test is actually kind of scarier than the first wherein if this wheel doesn't move that means we have a scaling problem when we have the first row that works but then we don't have the next rows that'll work and things will get very tricky so i'm only running two pumps just as a test as well because we already know the three pumps works for the first row so it's kind of two tests at once will the two rows of pumps be able to spin all of these and the next system so power wise are we good constantly gotta check you're super not good thank goodness for the engines it's back to the test nothing's moving literally at all great let's lower this one down a little bit maybe to one that's going to allow some water to escape of course that's going to get some stuff spinning there's a visual glitch happening here i wonder if that's actually causing water to go from over here into this area i i don't think it is though i think it's just a visual thing because like behind that corner it's just full of water uh anyway though good news is this is all running but that's running way too fast that's gonna normalize in a bit once some of the water drains out because on the last test it was about a hundred per water wheel now it's down to 70 60 70. that seems a bit more normal now this one's running really fast and after a little bit here i think this is the quote-unquote normal speed so this one is running that's the big thing with that very very slow water speed it's working it's got about 100 horsepower ish this one's 80 80 80 80. very interesting so they all have 80 horsepower whereas before is 130 so by turning off these pumps we just lost some horsepower up here there's probably some kind of min maxing we could do to make the proper amount of pumps and water wheels but ah seems a bit too much right now uh for now our proof of concept has worked yet again so if these are all spinning and this is spinning that means we can just continue to do row after row after row back and forth for all eternity and then from there once we get the power for our pumps in we can just add in as much more as we want and the water just flows back into the pit and infinite power forever and it's so much easier to scale than it is to do science scaling we just continue to build and build and build we have infinite resources so building more isn't ever really a problem we just have to add in the extra water wheels and nothing too crazy at all just zigzags forever and then we'll add in the water wheels afterwards so gentlemen big new project many powers to generate get adam stage two now just involves guess what he won't believe it more blasting as we do and then we should quote unquote be able to build the water wheels from across the way here so if we have that being built there then the beavers can stand on these levees and put that together i hope they better they better be able to or else i am in trouble speaking of before i even get building those we gotta build these as well let's make that high priority then more explosives please and thank you a couple more down over here it's going to be a lot of cleaning up and building more of these guys [Music] and we're about halfway through now guys the process is i get rid of all the pass get rid of all these scaffolding things i did to get the levees built then i add in every single water wheel in existence and then i'll just do it again and again and again until we're done the whole enchilada look at all that power look at all those wheels so i went a little overkill because why not we only need about 10 of these rows to balance the power with the pumps i that's okay why not just add in a couple more see what goes and they're all on the same level so it should technically work it probably would have been a better idea to put some on like a lower level and have like the water descend but this should work all the same like the water wants to go somewhere right and it's gonna go all the way out to here okay without further ado then you're not in a drought let's open up the floodgates oh we're paused i thought that guy was dead don't worry we're good very good and now for the final test 10 000 horsepower we can run these i hope this works you know we did our little tests it should work everything states that this should work and i suppose i could have been testing all along the way of building this but where's the fun in that why not just one big full move let's see what happens and as we know of course line one is moving line two be groovin now will this work for every other line you see what i'm banking on is i don't think the water wheels like stop the flow rate of the water so it should be consistent i'm hoping it's consistent and if not doom is there a problem in here no we have this flood gate here uh is this set to one yep oh there we go it's overflowing round three begins slowly round three complete round four it's looking pretty good how are the numbers looking here 130 at horsepower eh oh no it just went up for a while yeah it's around a hundred it's going down we probably have a power issue don't we no power's good barely why would that stop that very odd is the water like filling up the trough and not moving almost certainly the case where did it stop over here yeah like if there's going to be problems it's going to be with the floodgates i probably forgot to set one properly is it in here uh-oh wait wait is there a floodgate in there there can't be oh no oh no oh oh interesting i just have a levee there okay so that should should technically work out like the water will go over the levee and then off it goes to the races that's all looking good yeah it's fine just gotta give it a second here as the water fills up we don't have all the time in the world though because we could run out of logs before the test completes but we're back in action it's over wheels should all start moving grooving huh oh what the heck why can't i see half of these some weird visual glitch interesting well they're back we should see some movement not seeing enough movement hello why did they all stop are they all just gonna randomly start again it's my only hope what's going on over here you see here's the weird thing they're all working up until that point but i guess we have to wait for every single channel to kind of fill up and then the water to actually flow out through the end here and just flows out anywhere right now we'll have to see how that goes oh so now the moment of truth i've been busy though got this whole new little aqueduct thing built to go back into the pit and we'll see if it works so again the whole idea is the water goes through all these water wheels passes through here goes back into the pit and then goes back up the pumps reactivates the water wheels and it's an infinite loop for infinite power and if this doesn't work my day is being ruined no big deal it's just you know six hours of work so please please work it has to so any second now we're gonna find out oh finally there we go so the water is finally flowing fantastic so we should start to see those water wheels uh moving and uh grooving here right the water's flowing the pumps are on are the pumps at full power 100 power so um maybe they need a little push tiny little push oop that down to 0.5 that's getting it moving i wonder if it'll stay moving good question surprise that isn't moving no stopped again and then the waters what how how is that possible how did the water stop going through here oh no i know one possible reason why the water suddenly just stopped this is gonna sound crazy i know but perhaps the water is evaporating as it's going through this system so by the time it gets to the end the water kind of is just has like disappeared or something along those lines because the water does evaporate i can't believe it let's put it down to zero let's let this thing rip come on all the water should be moving now come on should be flowing back into this system now yes any time here right hmm do we have to wait for this to flow through maybe okay fine fine i've been patient i can be a little bit more patient oh boy so round two now the water's flowing through here it's flowing it's moving but there's no grooving [Music] i don't know exactly what to do about this to be honest i'm trying to flood this pit more so we don't have to have as many pumps but that's kind of irrelevant in like the grand scheme of things like this should be working the water is flowing through this system what i it's just so odd it did work on a smaller scale and now it's not working on the larger scale perhaps there is some sort of resistance from the water wheels themselves but there's no indication of that or maybe this whole system will suddenly just work so i'll flood this more than it needs to be flooded let that rip and then everything will work out okay so we have way more water than we need now so that's kickstart the system we'll lower this down to one off goes the water it's gonna increase the flow rate over here all the water is gonna go by by yeah yeah look at that that's pretty good that's pretty good ah yeah here we go i knew this would work well i knew it would work temporarily will it work for the whole system i feel it just needs one little push i think this is gonna be it these guys not really doing it and they stopped okay you know what effort i did my due diligence i put in my time but there's a point at which you realize you gotta do it again i failed okay now there's a new design this time with the miracle of gravity it's amazing same system this the water will now go down in a little slope all the way down here and then out through this little channel back to the pitch ah gives the water a little extra flow rate and then hopefully the wheels will move and this i should have done this from the beginning but you know what i did my tests i did this took like an extra 10 hours to do i'm a little flustered anyway water's coming in it's into the pit we're gonna activate these two pumps we have yes we have the power yes all the power just suddenly disappeared love to see it engines you've been an unironic lifesaver in this whole project thank you for your service now let's rock and roll so the water is moving up yes it's not running fully yet it's okay just getting everything moving and grooving it's no like levees or anything like that it's just straight up water goes from here goes and falls down to the next area these wheels are moving but i i've beat my two before i have been betrayed i want to see this whole thing working consistently no hold ups got to the last layer it is all moving move that's right i'm at my last marble i'm losing it water is trickling over that way did i only activate one pump by the way i super only did let's activate two that might help out with things a little bit more oh yeah oh wow those are moving a lot faster now hey hey okay water you know get to the pit we can close up the levy over here there's no point anymore it should be a perpetual system at least with the water i suppose the water will evaporate so every so often we'll have to let a little bit in but bruh it's moving there does seem to be grooving occurring no no don't don't brace my hopes just to be like this please it's a perpetual motion machine there should just be perpetual motions and not stuttering my my sanity is on the line here this gotta work this gots to work you know what i'll give it to morning if by the next morning everything continues to spin as it's spinning i'll put my cards on the table and i'll say this is a success then we'll measure out like how close to break even we are with this project power wise oh my gosh it's looking great it actually works [Music] you wonder why there wasn't a timber or born episode for the last couple weeks this has been wine it's working we've done it we've done it let's see what if we add more water that'll make it work a lot better let's try and average out some power i am like certain this is working now i bet this is gonna be like 130 horsepower 135. you know we'll just even them all out to 130 horsepower click on this one 115 but then click on this one 170. click on this one and this is zero 130 each let's put it that way so we got seven rows here of five so 130 times five equals 650 650 times 7 is 4550 horsepower good is this project break even 700 2100 another 2100 oh my gosh that's 4200 power right there and we're making essentially that amount of power here that's it we did it [Laughter] it has to be done we need to see we need to know is it actually perpetual i'm so scared where are we at for that oh it's better than my calculation somehow yes yes it's going above and beyond expectations and final double check how's the power looking it's going down a lot right now but then it just goes back up it has this weird balancing act that's going on so it went down to like 3 500. now it's going to go way back up to maybe like 5 000 i don't know what's going on there but we've made a perpetual motion machine and now have infinite power to play with so i hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for watching have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye oh my gosh and also remember to subscribe and hit the notification bell to stay in the loop i'm going to 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Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 231,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn early access, timberborn gameplay, timberborn game, timberborn release, timberborn how to, timberborn tips, imkibitz, kibitz, timberborn dam, timberborn dry season, timberborn steam, timberborn flood, timberborn let's play, timberborn lets play, timberborn new update, timberborn infinite power, timberborn city, timberborn expert, timberborn new, timberborn update 1, timberborn update, timberborn power
Id: FxpZAxK3NVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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