Building The BIGGEST DAM EVER in Timberborn

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to timberborne so um yeah i'm gonna play the demo one more time i got a really good idea but i really want to play with these other two factions can't wait for this game to get fully released anyway let's get going we're gonna play on the canyon our objective today is to make the world's largest beaver dam i'm going to see how big it can get i'm not exactly sure how it's going to work because that dry season shows up and then it pretty much ruins our entire life all right so here we are so check this out the river is flowing nicely down here and there's an area right here right there that we should be able to turn into a giant reservoir that's my objective anyway i've got some other ideas too to make this a little bit maybe easier on us oh we do need a ton an absolute ton of wood to be able to build these dams up because let's let's be honest um it takes 20 logs for the the beaver dam and we have to make the levees under the bottom so it blocks it right all right so let's get going i want them to build up that thing first so they can instantly start chopping down trees with the little chompers and then we're going to mark this entire forest just to be deleted and probably this one too because i mean it's fun to delete things i'm going to build up some roads and then throw in a science hut to begin with because i need to unlock this ability right here planting the birch trees with the forester in order to get a forester we have to unlock it with science points so our little beaver dudes are going to go ahead and make that adventures hut get us some science and then we're going to be able to knock down quite a few different objectives and also before i forget we need water pumps because well frankly beavers have to drink water so go little beavers do your work make your buildings chop down those trees i should have made them maybe make the buildings before i had them make the roads i always do that look at this little guy he's like hey i just want to go explore the desert area and his friends like yeah that's cool chuck this is it's kind of like a woodchuck and we're going to be working 20 hours a day there we go azib he's sleeping you're supposed to be inventing things azib i did like you but now now you're not that exciting you're not my friend anymore we should make a hat toe to you i'm kidding i wouldn't make a hat out of a zip so i'm gonna utilize some of this like nasty land up here i think that'll be fun hey that's kind of cool i forgot i could build on top i don't really know how to do that though i also forgot i can turn the map it's so exciting when you learn new things okay quevalox man that's that's quite the name i i wish i could speak fluent beaver but i just can't he's got to get us water because everyone's drowning dehydrating whatever that word is oh great nussembum has grown up we have another worker now except we don't have materials for all of our things so next step we are going to start knocking out some fields here and now i have had suggestions in the past videos that i need to make three farming huts i don't know if i'm gonna do that because that's let's be honest that's a lot of effort um so let's just start with carrots i'm gonna pop in another lumberjack flag too and put in a storage facility for the lumberjacks because i mean i can kill all of the trees hopefully they don't all die before i can get across to this site and start planting on my own we do have 63 science which is awesome because we need to have uh oh 60. perfect that's exactly what i'm meant to do yes forrester i'm gonna put the forester up here right here forester goes right here i don't want to use up all of my good area though and by good area i really mean the area that's that's irrigated so i could always throw that farmhouse back in here because this isn't irrigated and i it doesn't really matter how far it is as long as it's still in the green area which it is so i can put those two there and i also forgot that the forester requires planks so we got to get the planks you know i was looking at this guy's name ambliz they should make a beaver named blitz in the game i think that would be amazing a beaver named blitz how cool would that be okay this is looking good though i include i increased the farm we have this thing completed the forester isn't being built because we need the planks but the carpenter did get created thanks to bon boo no uh and then the power wheel is being worked on this is almost done too it just needs one can't get all required materials wise that is there you go the straight shaft is being completed very nice and we'll have a worker in here pretty soon we'll be able to crank out quite a few planks yes make those planks good job beaver bros they're doing it we're making planks once we get seven planks we'll be able to make the forester and then our quest for the world nomination will be completed kind of weird too that wooden stairs cost more than an actual forester i don't know why she seems a little bit odd to me so let's plant a few trees am i right or am i right i'm right if you're wondering okay some of the carrots are coming back in time to crank this on start harvesting yay the beavers are happier than ever i don't even know why they're working 20 hours a day but i do have houses for most of them so we have that going for us all right time to get a little bit strange we're doing a hauling post up here which takes 10 planks i don't have enough so we're gonna have to turn this back on next to the hauling post i want to slap in a wood pile and i do have a builder's hut here which might not be close enough but we're gonna see now the objective is that we're gonna do wow wow level five happiness that's amazing i feel bad for them they don't even know what they're missing out on in life anyway we're gonna start building up here i want this entire thing to be like really cool so we're gonna have to do that ah that's a little rough these things are kind of expensive too very nice the hauling post is completed this is just gonna help bring over stuff quicker and then we're gonna build up a staircase behind here maybe i should have moved that over one oh well we do have three log piles i'm really concerned i'm gonna be honest i'm really concerned about the lack of wood that i have i could crack over the other side over here that might be a good idea i have 76 logs if i build a levy across here 120 i don't have enough science points and of course they build the second ladder before this one you're so smart sometimes there we go i figured the dry season was coming soon not too excited about that but this is cool we did get the stairs built up now i'd like to damn it off right here this is going to be an interesting experiment i don't know how this game is going to react to it so we'll just have some fun i guess now we are getting our second carrot harvest so we should have enough food and water to make it through this dry season my hope anyway 170 water that should be good plus it doesn't dry up right away and i do have stairs coming down here so i should be able to build as soon as i have 120 science points i did build up another science and hut so ricky roddy is going to work on that nice and the trees are growing back too so that's good timing we'll have something to do in during this dry season science points have been created perfect and the levee can be constructed very nice so let's start building some of these do we want to build them here or here feeling like right here might be a good place there goes the river just disappeared on me goodbye riverman i liked you you're my friend i really hope they can get all these carrots up before they dry out and this gatherer is just terrible this gatherer is absolutely horrible at gathering things oh wow that thing's already completed that's fantastic all right let's keep knocking this levy out we're going to chew through so much wood so quickly it's not even going to be funny i need to probably make a bridge over here too i'm going to use a big brain strat that i thought about if i open up this dynamite which i can do now and i can turn this off because i only need one going i don't really think i need any other science but i'm gonna start making a couple holes down here like right there right there right there four five could be good a couple up this way too i don't know if a builder can reach that far though not quite oh no ricky roddy has died of old age he was my favorite oh this is so cool uh oh i wonder if they can get off here huh i never even thought of that okay we have some problems we're gonna detonate these only a few of them be constructed good good i just want to make a couple little potholes because i think this is a good idea all those carrots did get destroyed that's too bad i don't really need workers right here do i if it's dry season yeah we'll turn those off this is good very nice detonate these armed and exploded beautiful that was cool and now we have deep water here that should irrigate things in the next dry season it's my hope anyway this is cool this is looking good they can still construct that we have trees that are ready to harvest right away i like it i like it a lot this thing's not gonna do anything but we are getting some berries these guys are the worst like seriously why are you why are you trying to work come over here and plant things for me do the planting job we have a very large dam to complete oh wow what was that did that get washed out uh oh it's getting washed out oh that's so cool i need to create it oh no oh no oh no is it gonna be okay uh we'll build that one there there's so many unforeseen consequences in video games with building large structures like dams kind of excited to see what happens with it so i got to use another dynamite up on here that might be able to arrange the builder hut if i turn this on i think we could work it and we just opened up a really really big area over here to plant all sorts of trees and stuff and let's detonate that one so we can just climb up directly there we go now i'm wondering if we can get to this thing easily i could maybe divert the river would that be cool i think that'd be really cool yeah i don't think i can build oh they're building down they're building down oh this is terrifying okay i'm gonna build a dam up here because the water passes through the dam not like the levees and i don't want it to really flood anything more see it retreated back so that's good news beautiful oh it's still covered up with water i might need to change this one out to a dam too let's delete that make a damn there ah now okay go away water go away it'll be all right we'll just build that like beavers do because you can swim and stuff probably it's what your tail is for even though you can't swim in the game for some strange reason they're actually doing it oh this is fantastic i'm so excited right now if you couldn't tell come on one more okay that's gonna mess everything up again look at it jiggle look at the jiggling wiggle it's working we'll pop a dam on that and then we're gonna be able to cross this river pretty soon like the highest point i need to find somewhere else in this canyon i can damn this will be interesting too when the full game comes out to go like way up top up there we can go way up here and grab the runes of the metal structures how cool is that oh nice it's almost working i'll be honest i'm happy but i'm not satisfied this is not high enough yet alright a little bit of a progress report for us uh we got a lot of planting going on i've got a nice big birch field here we got carrots going in i put in a potatoes and then i expanded out here so we can have a blueberry patch and then more trees on the end kind of thinking i need another forester because they're not really working so fast on it and i'm not really getting too many people i need more beaver dudes um we'll see what happens with it i'm hoping we can get some more pretty soon i got just a lot of builders too maybe i'll turn that off so i can get more workers i would like to have one two farmhouses planting constantly and this one building i'm also gonna need to get the grill if i can find a place to put it because we can we grill up the potatoes i seem to have used up all of my area we can slap it right there yeah we'll just slap that grill in right there trying to get a lot of water pumped up too and that's what these little holes here are gonna be for they're hopefully gonna irrigate our uh trees and our crops during the dry season just so we can continuously get more and more good logs are finally coming into this levee we'll be able to expand even further now yes the new dry season is approaching hopefully this levy gets completed before it gets here we're out of trees pretty much though so that's kind of scary like literally we have zero oh there's one zero trees now can i get rid of these maybe maybe someone will want to chop those down nice potatoes are all getting harvested and there really needs to be a priority feature 24 hours a day fellas we got to get this thing built okay good now you can go to bed oh good our grill just worked yay okay we put logs in there we get grilled taters out of it i like that i like eating grilled taters it's a lot better than eating raw potatoes and this thing got completed beautiful so i can keep building my levee i want that one there and then i'm going to start deleting some of these and putting levees down with dams on top of it it's probably not gonna work because the dry season's here but i really just want to complete the world's biggest dam okay dry season just arrived we lost flow through it which i was expecting it'll be okay but the good news is all of this area still is irrigated and our little holes in the ground here check that out how cool is that they're irrigating most of our our farmland so that was that was a big idea we have a hundred grilled potatoes this is the this might be the best i've ever done and our beavers are happier than ever with only four hours of sleep for like the last two months it's like a youtuber that's all they do it's work no sleep involved oh no i'm losing water quick build a levee ah it's drying out how cool is that yeah so all of that water is stopped back there now i'm fine with that we got a ton of logs again i'm gonna build a new staircase just so i don't have to walk this far everybody knows that beavers are kind of lazy you know this kind of brings up an interesting idea to me a lot of dams if you guys don't know i used to work um actually as a a dam engineer like i worked on dams not swearing i worked on dams so a lot of dams have they have the spillway up top for emergencies and then underneath they have conduits so it'd be interesting to see this game if they actually had like a conduit that you could release water from the top just to keep a constant stream of water in here uh to control the water flow kind of like a series of locks and dams on a on a navigation river um yeah i think that'd be kind of a cool addition to this game rather than just having like the water pour over the top you got to let me know what you think on that because like having a constant flow of water underneath kind of cool or like there could be a little lever next to it and you can hook up the lever to control the dam just to let out a little bit of water at each time i think that's an amazing idea i'm so smart and being smart sometimes so my actual title with being an engineer i was a oh hey look the damn just got completed that's awesome haha we've built the biggest dam and hydroneer i just wish that river would actually flood and the game wouldn't end at dry season but my official job title was hydraulic and hydrologic engineer and i worked with a lot of fluvial geomorphology so uh if that means anything to you probably not because it's really a big word um falluvial like a fluvial floodplain so where all of the sediment gets out on the floodplain like over here you get might get like sand dunes and sand bars coming up uh from the flooding but that also happened under the river and in a navigation channel you don't want the barges to hit ground so one of my jobs was actually to put in lots of rock along rivers so the water flowed through the river itself so that's why i like this game a lot because i get to play with water like i did when i had my own engineering job and you know it's also amazing we've been killing it this is the best i've ever done we still have 370 food we've got plenty of planks our river is not running out because i engineered it and we've got the biggest dam ever constructed in hydrogenere maybe someone probably else has done this but biggest dam i've ever made in hydroneer and there's lots of stuff down here you might have noticed i added this area so i could chop down trees oh there's two of them working in here guy trees i do want to open that up just to see what happens but i don't think anything will happen and we have potatoes for days too all the potatoes are ready to go maybe i should turn that on do we have extra workers no we don't yet but yeah what an amazing run i did today like i finally figured the game out after playing a demo for 10 hours and then i could come over here and kill all the trees i could build up and have all sorts of fun on this be cool to have like a temple up there oh hey speaking of temples there is a monument a thousand science points shoot 200 logs i wonder if i have time no i can't get the thousand science points but that'd be kind of cool to do 8 000 the tribute of ingenuity wow oh it requires power oh that's going to be so cool to build the flame of progress beavers only build things out of wood i don't think i want to have a flame of progress everything would burn down knowing me and check this out these little holes that's a good idea thanks for that suggestion where you just drop the holes down there and keep some water so the ground stays irrigated great plan i should have put in like two more up here though like one right here because that's a little dry i could drop another one right here why not right let's blow it up even though we can't really do anything with it oh that would be so cool to watch that water cascade over the edge of it it'd also be cool to divert this water and have like miniature rivers flowing through the middle of our base wouldn't that be amazing well beavers you've done good i'm gonna turn that working hours down to zero there you go and it's just all out leisure mode now you've survived the dry season you're just camping we got level six which is pretty cool oh we don't have ghouls i was just running around this is how baby beavers are made when they're just bored and they don't have anything to do okay get back to work hey we did it 26 beavers alive seven died all of them died from old age too 1 200 logs used 1400 carats that's pretty cool science or water consumed 2 000 planks and crops that is amazing length of teeth grown 470 centimeters of chompers anyway guys thank you so much for watching this video hope you enjoyed i think we're going to put timberborne to rest for a little while and we'll play it again once the game does get released so we'll see you next time keep your stick on the ice i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagen dickie james paolo bunny auto dave eagle arc whip it good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff noah calling one jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has clicked that join button down below and become a channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 621,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: AQbbQf_03Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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