Modern roads are better than Roman roads, this is why!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to road maintenance simulator my goodness this game is making me miss my real job of engineering never thought i'd say that as a youtuber yeah it really is it really is anyway let's get into it let's continue but first this video is sponsored by prosperous universe now being an engineer i'm quite a big fan of spreadsheets but also games set in space and if you've ever wondered who pays for all those huge space battles you see in sci-fi games this is going to be super interesting to you a prosperous universe is a free-to-play space economy simulator available on all current web browsers and now available on steam you get to start your very own company whether that's mining resources designing spaceships delivering goods or you can even just trade on the stock market it's set in a single universe with a single economy with thousands of other players you can choose to cooperate with or compete against every resource and commodity in this universe can and must be supplied by real people every price is determined by supply and demand on real-time exchanges 24 hours a day at 365 days a year there's no grinding to be done there's no pay to win mechanics understanding and exploiting complex systems is the key to success give it a try by clicking the link in my description you'll be surprised how fun it is and thanks once again to prosperous universe for sponsoring today's video but let's get back to it now not really sure how many jobs are left i don't want to repeat any jobs thankfully the game is very forgiving in that you can like select jobs you want so on this map we've got four different jobs available put up delineators doesn't sound the most interesting remove cordons uh trim trees we've done that ooh and that is the big one tar a road but i want to do that at the end because i feel like that's going to be a big job i sort of i want to ease myself into it i've just woken up first day on the job and this might be a good one to do clean guard rail do people clean guard rails anyway we get to use a power washer apparently so that could be fun yep let's take that the top left take vehicle with the power washer oh it's not like a handheld power washer or is this the thing that i used to wash cars the other day yes this thing oh that's used to clean safety barrier what you don't clean safety barriers do you cleaning safety barrier i'm pretty sure it's not oh hang on oh that's what that is they do actually exist well you learn something new every day i'm pretty sure in the uk one of these has never been used for anything but yeah look at that it's cleaning the safety barrier so that's what we're going to be doing in a second so let's get in here start her up hand break off the usual simulator game thing then let's get going so what way do we go we're going right on the map oh balls i'm always looking at the map to see what way i need to go i forget i need to look at what's in front of me i'll open the gate and then we can go and we're going left sorry whoa that was close i'm not going left i'm going the wrong way hang on i'm just going to i'm going to pull a ui on the inside of this bend right and then we're off nice so we gotta turn right ahead and do that pretty easily oh i've been driving on the wrong side of the road stupid european countries i think this game is based in germany but yeah that was that was my fault i can't blame the germans for that we're going on to the motorway oh gosh why are they stopped on this slip road anyway mirrors blind spot we're good my hands are very clean for a uh an opera i guess i'm in a truck oh oh we're stopping it we're stopping here right so here we are we're parked up so we've gotta press q to bring that up and then e turns it on oh cool right then we've just got to drive close enough that it cleans it so we just got to keep that circle between the lines okay it's sort of annoying i can't see like how shiny it is afterwards i guess i can see a little bit in the mirror i was hoping to see some sparkles this isn't as satisfying as i thought it would be anyway i'm surprised you've got no traffic management cars are just like creaming past like 70 miles an hour this doesn't seem the safest thing to be doing without like something behind us telling people to slow down or get out of the way but i think that's the final bit of rail yeah we're done so turn that off bring the arm back in then we can head back so as before build up speed in the hard shoulder and check your blind spot mirror then pull out turn the safety lights off and then we're all good to go and whilst i'm here doing the last time i spoke about how safety bearers work or maybe that was the first video i think the first video go watch that one if you haven't yet i explained exactly oh freak me bloody old man that was oh god i don't like how quickly people break but i basically described how the spacing of these posts make barriers work in different ways like it's how far back the barrack can go before it hits something i didn't really mention like at either end you have like this is called a terminal and basically the barrier goes into the ground and there's a big lump of concrete attached to that end so that just sort of acts like a weight so that when someone does hit the barrier the barrier sort of goes tight if it doesn't have like a terminal at the end the barrier will just like fall over but with the concrete in the ground as someone hits it you can imagine like going tight and that stops the vehicles from going like into those trees for example so this used to be like the standard sort of terminal in the uk for both directions traffic now you can only use it in the direction you can see here so as you're driving down this way you can have a terminal that slopes into the ground like that that's fine but if you're driving this direction these aren't allowed anymore obviously they will act as a ramp in fact i can probably find one to demonstrate that so for example as i'm driving along here this shouldn't be like this because it allows you to do that and you end up on your side and oh god how do i actually uh okay we're out we're out of the vehicle i don't know i don't entirely know how to flip it but point proven the style of terminals they're dangerous uh hence in the uk you'd see actually well here's a good example oh god that's even more dangerous so firstly that means these barriers pretty much won't do anything as soon as someone hits this barrier there's no there's no weight at this end stopping the barrier moving so that's stupid secondly if someone crashes into that that's just gonna final destination them right in the face thirdly even if this was proper that would be like into the ground and that would be a ramp so people would just like launch probably end up over that bridge but you've probably seen if you look on like a motorway these days well definitely in the uk they have like big like yellow blobs like with a square like eight on the end and basically they're they're sort of like they're designed to take an impact without the driver getting hurt too much so it's sort of like a length i don't know probably like up to where these things are so like that length that i'm looking at now would be like a huge crash cushion so if you were to crash into it it would sort of compact and like slow you down a little less abruptly than just a lump of concrete and it wouldn't launch you into the air either win-win but yeah the the traffic's piling up i think they had a little collision as well now the trouble is guys i'm not really sure how i'm gonna move this truck i don't know how i did this this shouldn't be like this because it allows you to do that all right we're in started the engine hand break off right let's go yeah no we're pre-doomed i love that our blokes literally just got back in the cab like on its side all right so this one we've got to put signs back up there's been a sign thief now this might seem quite bizarre and unrealistic but when i worked as a civil engineer this actually happened because you see like the trouble is traffic signs they're made out of metal and you can scrap that and make a little bit of cash out of it so remember one of my jobs at one point was replacing road signs with like new plastic ones that well we're less nickable but uh we gotta grab a load of new signs so they're all going in the back i love that the actual sign face is attached to the post already are we gonna be taking concrete and doing like foundations and stuff also look at this sign close up did you know they're like they look like that like that material they're all reflective i think a lot of people think it's just like painted on but when you drive at night you'll notice they do reflect back you like getting really bright and if you look close up they're sort of made up of little hexagons because they are the best guns and yeah it's like a reflective material pretty cool nice little detail you may not have noticed anyway let's go opening the gate first oh nearly went the wrong way we're going right why am i so bad at following that map we're going to park up here on the side of the road this is quite a busy road it looks like it's like traffic flying past i'm gonna shove my arrow thing on the back to look the right direction so when we go back here you can see we got the arrow we got the lights pointing left so as people drive along they should hopefully see that and avoid us yeah then we're going to pick up a traffic sign and then are we literally going to shove it in the ground yep that's that's how these work you literally just like poke it in the ground jobs are good and move on to the next one so completely just cut up that yellow car in my mirror sorry mate but i got more signs to put down because without signs drivers won't know what's going on and it's very dangerous all right so park up grab another sign this one is one of those plop in the ground jobs are good i thought we'd be doing like a foundation for it or something so signs aren't just plopped in the ground like this game thinks they are they're actually they're in a bed of concrete known as a foundation which ensures the sign stays upright unless someone crashes into it of course so obviously things like wind are going to put load on your sign face make it blow over potentially hence you need some weight at the bottom and something you may have noticed depending on which country you live in i guess you notice all these posts they're like just like a metal tube that's like pretty standard you use them on most roads so let's say this is a fast road let's say i don't know 60 miles an hour national speed limit we got a safety barrier here we got a sign behind it it's got a normal post that's absolutely fine because safety barrier is protecting any cars from hitting it however down here where the safety barrier has finished that post there it either needs to be really thin and therefore the sign face can only be a certain size because if it's too big it could make the pole bend or whatever yeah but generally what you've probably seen in real life particularly if you're british so rather than a round post it's like a it's like a truss yeah there's actually like a product name called latix which is the specific one i'm talking about but there's like loads of different designs and stuff and basically it's like a post that's like safe sort of so if your car were to drive into it the bottom of the post would shear off which means it's not going to give you an impact but because it's made up of a truss as you hit it they're like oh like bend around your car because a lot of the time it's not just the impact that sort of kills you if you were to sign let's say this was a big sign like a motorway sign you sort of you'd hit the post like ow that hurt and the sign face would be like boosh land on your face and then you'd die in your car you get crushed however the idea with like passive posts and passive posts are only used if there's no barriers protector is you'd hit them they shear off underneath and then sort of the post wraps around your car and then your car keeps on moving so you don't get stopped by the sign you keep on moving and then the sign like falls behind your car not onto it therefore safe anyway let's go put up the rest these signs and then we'll head back and hopefully we'll be doing the tar job hang on that one wants a square sign i've i've got a round sign in my head this isn't right oh i do actually have to pick up the right sign oh god okay i was just picking up any old sign so shut that up we'll open this side i assume is it like is it this one yeah there you go cars are allowed on the road is all that means that's not a british sign that's definitely german all right so next up we'll go over the flyover onto the motorway can i undertake the yellow car yes i can sucker actually i'm parking up here anyway oh i thought i was doing the big old gantry signs for a second so these are called gantries they like hang your signs over the road very safe as long as there's a safety barrier here so you can't hit the post all right so that goes there and then we're done we're going on to the next job we're going to be resurfacing some road oh yeah i've noticed over here the steam roller's gone i think the steamroller's already out there then nice but we need this one the traffic management truck so we'll grab this we're going to load up some barriers i just love that you carry these in your hands it's so cool that's a stupid detail but i don't know really impressive for some reason anyway and then we're off now assume as we've got those barriers we're going to be closing the road now in the uk pretty oh god oh god oh god sorry a pretty much road closures only happen at night particularly on motorways i mean this like a country road like this maybe you would do that in the day but uh first off we've got to put the traffic management down now i don't know why traffic management hasn't been put down yet because obviously they've already started the work all right so we've got the x so the road is closed apparently and as before no no diversion signs just literally the road shut yeah we gotta carry this big old sign all the way over to there we can't put it back in the truck so this could take a while but we can look at the work that's been done so this has been planed and i'm sort of hoping we might get to use a planer they're like you may have seen them before they're like they've got like caterpillars they've got like a big old like conveyor arm going up and stuff they look really really cool you know perhaps that'll be one in another mission maybe but yeah planar is sort of it's like a well like a carpenter's planer if you ever seen one of them so it literally just slides along and it sort of cuts the pavement up there's a blade underneath it and as it drives along it just slices through it and sort of scoops it up and you can only use them on these sorts of road tarmac roads because basically there's two types of pavement now pavement we call like the road so before as an engineer i would have called this a pavement like the sidewalk or the footpath whatever you want to call it no they're both made up of pavement pavement is like the hard material under your feet under your car so that's pavement i know there's two types there's flexible and non flexible so non-flexible pavements are like concrete generally you only see them on like really specific places like in the uk part of the m25 is a concrete road basically they're really loud as you drive across them you're like in your car yeah so generally they're not ideal for most places but where they are used there's like hardly any maintenance concrete very very rigid material very durable so you won't be replacing it very often whereas these are flexible roads so if you've ever been like near tarmac when it's like been freshly laid you'll know it's like quite squidgy and yeah the material is literally flexible so it means it's a lot nicer to drive on it's quieter but as you know you do get potholes it does need maintenance all right so what are we doing with this truck we've just been told to get in this truck where are we going wait where are we going i've just put barriers up closed the road and now we're buggering off are we what okay i'm a little bit unsure as to what's going on here oh that was close oh it looks like we're going back to the depot what are we doing we're opening this are we parking okay we're parking this truck back in there don't really know why that's parked now we're taking the dump truck oh that thing's gone as well you just took that that was quick it's like oh man we're in a dump truck this is cool this is really cool all right start her up this is quite tidy up here usually it's like junk food and porn mags dotted everywhere but right we're driving this back to sight i don't know if we've got like material in the back or something i don't know how much pavement lane we're going to be doing whether it's just the top the surfacing or whether we'll be doing like the entire construction because pavement's made up of lots of different layers all right traffic jam excuse me i'm allowed through here oh god oh god right so we've got a park in front of that okay okay okay i think we are full with asphalt and yeah so we're just doing a resurfacing job so as i said before a planer would come along first and it would rip up the top surfacing layer i just need to reverse into this using my mirrors let's uh see how close we gotta go all right so that's good so let me press space to put a handbrake on and then q so you can see we're raising up the back now so that should pour asphalt into the machine behind me all right so let's go take a look so yeah we've poured the asphalt out of our truck into there you can see you can see it's all laid in there and this machine is gonna lay it and all we're laying is the top surface so that's the asphalt layer but beneath that there's a few different layers so at the very bottom there'd be like something called a capping layer basically if your ground isn't hard enough you do test to see how hard your ground is if it's not hard enough you'd lay something down called a capping layer and that just stops your road from like sinking into the ground it's a bit of a foundation for your road on top of that journey you'd have something called a sub base which is like just bits of rock you know if you ever go on like a railway like those sorts of stone roadstone is probably a common term it's basically made up of that and then on top of that you've got like another layer and then another layer basically just like different sized stone and stuff i'm explaining this very well and then on the very top you'd have your asphalt layer and this is the sort of the replaceable bit the bit that you maintain because basically when potholes happen it only happens this this top layer the surface layer everything beneath should be fine and this is almost like sort of always annoyed me a bit a lot of people like roman rose last for thousands of years modern roads only last two decades or something it's like yeah but that's because they're actually designed to do that it's basically way back when like when road standards were designed and stuff so basically the very clever people who came up with the standards they sort of worked out sort of how long things will last but in terms of their cost as well and they worked out yes we can make a road that will last a thousand years but the cost of that would be so significant it's not really worth it you may as well build a road that underneath it will last for quite a long time but this top road the running area you can replace it every like 10 years 20 years or you can repair it if it gets potholes and obviously if a road is cheaper to build then it means you can build more roads everywhere rather than just having one road that's just full of traffic so yes you may think romans were better at designing roads but they were like over engineered roads whereas today it's all about efficiency and getting the most value for your cost so anyway that's done we're gonna jump back in here we're gonna close that up you can see in the mirror that's going down nice and we'll start the engine move this out the way over to here and then we're ready to jump in this bad boy so this is typically called a paver and basically the asphalt is in the front you can see it's hot in there this material very very hot don't fall into that this will keep it warm and you can see can you see like there's like a screw thing so basically this is like a hopper it feeds the asphalt through and then the screw thing sort of spreads it along wide and then there's like rollers and heaters at the back and that will make sure it's all spread out nicely and then you sort of as you're going behind it you have something called like a dipper and basically you dip it through the hot road on the floor you can see like how much you've laid how deep it is because it's got to be a certain thickness for the road to work properly and then you come behind with one of these a steamroller and you flatten it all down and you probably do that quite a few times until the road all blends in with the adjacent stuff lovely jubbly right let's get in this i'm excited so we're in the cab oh my goodness look at all the switches on this oh man all right so we've just lowered something now we drive over to this is there a third person camera apparently not but i did find this we got a horn oh that's terrible right let's let's go let's pave this road so it looks like we're just going to stay down the middle and then jobs are good and we're apparently tarmacking behind us yeah annoyingly i want to see what we're doing i want right i'm jumping out i want to see what's going on oh no i can't jump out it won't let me out fine we gotta finish so we're nearly done we're just driving over the last little bit let me raise that up and then we park this over here out the way and this has to be like the slowest thing i've ever driven right oh look at that steamy fresh i love the smell of freshly laid tarmac i don't know it's just such a nice smell you can see we did a pretty good job but now we have to steamroll it i don't know why i call it steamroller as well it's not a steamroller it's just a roller it's definitely not running on steam oh it's a dog make like paddy oh and it's british that is surprising this dog dog's not a real brand is it no diogram excavators doesn't seem to be a real thing anyway so this is the roller and it's not just a roller oh man it's so cool so i assume this is going to be pretty realistic i hope because basically these don't just roll they vibrate whilst they roll so i've been told to press e so if i press e yes can you see the roller is vibrating so as we roll over this the vibrations are helping to compact the material and you can see looking back that's so much better you can definitely tell the difference yes well visually you may not be able to tell difference in the long term you will definitely know if the road has been rolled because if it hasn't like water will get in it ice will smash it up it will just be ruined generally you don't just do one pass you'll be going over and over and over but apparently we're done so we'll turn the vibrator off park this over here roll the verge i tried to roll the corn it wouldn't let me over there right and then we're back on the white lining machine we had a little play on this last time as well so we've just got to head up to there lower that and as long as we keep those lines in the middle of the road we're painting lines in the right place so final line just about to be painted it's like under my ass my ass is painting the lines sorted let's lift that up arc this over here nice look at that road look how good looking it looks now so just gotta load these barriers up oh look at it it's so freshly laid i love that the white lines are like not on the freshly laid but how does that work anyway shame we weren't able to like plane it ourselves i assume that's because like you need sort of two people to do planing so generally they're like the big cool machine with the conveyor arm coming off it you have like a truck like that one over there like sort of working behind it or in front of it so the conveyor like as it drives along wait as it drives along scraping the surface layer off it puts it into a truck sort of like a combine harvester think of it that way yeah it's probably quite hard to do in a game like this where you're a one-man team be able to load all of these up oh my god that guy's got like hydraulics in there he's probably listening to g-wagon g g-wagon g-u i can g-wagon g all right so then we hop in here drive on our new smooth road back to base ooh smooth completely ignore the stop signs because we're late oh god look where you're going so you don't hit a sign see if that was a passive signpost we wouldn't have died there unload the barriers park this in the depot and then we're done mission accomplished successfully now sadly i think i've done every type of mission this game now there are drainage stuff about but i don't think we get to do it unfortunately perhaps i'll be added in an update but uh for now that was road maintenance simulator a really fun series yes i quite enjoyed sharing my knowledge with you guys hope you guys enjoyed too but for now peace love and really dangerous safety berry oh i missed it i missed it [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 304,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rce, real civil engineer, professional plays game, professional plays, pro engineer, road maintenance sim, road maintenance simulator, real road construction game, real road construction
Id: S5_DvktHmL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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