I caused DEATH AND FAMINE trying to construct a MEGA DAM!! Timberborn!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to timberborne this is part two in the first video we started a new colony of beavers named after my lovely patreon we had a great time we cut down some trees we pumped some water we collected berries but most importantly we just built this huge path heading towards a proposed dam yes we're a beaver we're gonna engineer a dam anyway let's carry on where we left off uh we should probably check what what we need to actually build the dam so it's in landscaping this one so the dam pieces allow water to pass through the top so we can only use that for the top of our dam we actually need this one the levy for the base now we need 120 science points we've only got 20 at the moment so we might actually need to build another inventor's hook because we can't add any more people there bollocks so yeah i'm going to put another another science hut next to it and someone will have to quit their job to become a scientist oh and if you look down here our berries have actually run out so we may as well pause crimson on that he did a good job man but uh there's no berries left maybe he will become a new scientist so i don't know exactly where our dam's gonna go i want it to be huge maybe along that bit let's maybe like that we've also sort of run out of logs that's not ideal i think maybe we'll up this lumberjack flag so we'll turn that back on and then we'll pause one of these ones so hopefully yannick becker he's just gone from this one to this one yes he has good work all right so i feel like our beavers they're a bit like they're working very hard i feel like i want to reward them a little bit so i'm actually going to build them a campfire so they can socialize but it's going to be way up here campfire in there with a hell of a view and look they can look down on their town while drinking some beers all right so day 13 i think the dry season happens after day 14 so uh not long to prepare um i don't know how to attract more beavers i might build another house and see if that helps but honestly i'm not entirely sure i think we'll squeeze a house in there but it would be nice to have more beavers just we can get more done all right so our farmers are digging up the last of the carrots and then hopefully they'll be mining mining then hopefully they'll be planting this whole area so that should create much more food for next time all right so i'm gonna prioritize this water thing just because i'm well aware the dry season is very close so if we can get that complete and add some water we don't have any water in that one yet so i'm not too concerned i've also just realized as well there's probably no point in these guys planting these because dry season is going to hit and that's just going to dry out anyway we'll leave them to it and we'll see what happens but that could be a waste of time could have been better spent somewhere else maybe right so fast forward we're just waiting on the science points now thankfully you can see here some of our trees are growing back so we'll be able to log these again soon oh oh slow down slow down it appears we attracted new beavers so we now have 13 i shoot oh god damn so let's do us build more houses ah all right how many science points do we need for that level 120 we only need 13 more so let's fast forward time oh god no it's another day it's day 14 this could be the dry season oh dear oh dear day 15. it's still the wet season it's still the wet season oh thank goodness so we're safe i'll tell you what then i might build another house because i do want to attract more more beavers i'm gonna build this one there so we got like a two story thing going on just just on that corner of the building right so we have enough science points to build the levee are you sure you want to unlock the bye bye miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry for 120 science points yes yes i do so now we can build this i hope down here apparently it's too far away bollocks but uh but what i'm thinking is we sort of do that sort of thing i don't know how these work like whether i can just get away with doing that and then build on top of that or whether so i can see a gap there so i assume that's a gap so we might have to build like there and there as well but then on top of that you use this dam piece and that allows the water to go through so if i put these on top and when they get built the water level won't exceed the top although i don't really know what happens if it would exceed that could be quite cool to flood but that's a big ass dam that is a big ass damn uh the downside obviously this is too far away to be built at the moment so we do need to build another builder flag all right so i'm just gonna build that there oh god so we've got the ticking clock the dry season is approaching i think day 16 is our last day of wet season so not really sure what's gonna happen if i'm honest i think all the trees die which isn't great i should probably put someone hunter-gathering the berries because those berries are gonna die we may as well grab them if we can so yannick becker is now grabbing berries as quickly as he can all of our water is full though so that that is very good they've all had a little sneaky drink oh god food is super low what have i done no what have i done food's too low oh how do we get more food they ate all those carrots i thought they could i thought they're gonna last ages come on great look how close they are to growing 90 oh we might be okay we might actually be okay what are our farmers doing are they just sat on the deck and yeah they are tail between the legs stop playing with your tail man who is that is that egb again yeah i think it was right quickly farm those bloody carrots as fast as you can we're halfway to the dry season oh no they're not they're not gonna follow us what if i up the working hours you gotta work 20 you don't you're on the night shift guys you're on the night shift we need all the bloody carrots we can get they're not going to be happy about this but we don't have a choice we've got to work through the night right food thankfully we've saved the day 130 we gained an extra 100 food thanks to the night shift yeah how is up here looking not great everyone seems to have given up building this is that because no one's in there no michael francois is everyone's really really tired red tide symbol means they're tight is he just falling asleep on the job crimson he was so tired he lives he lives in the lodge but he's exhausted he's just having to sleep in the carrots right so it's a new dawn it's a new day and the dry season is approaching so we might see this river dry up very shortly crimson is still completely out of it who else is in who's who's that just asleep on the road armin oh sorry guys i overworked you overworked underpaid the story of a beaver uh but it appears our logs are not close enough to be able to build these i think because it says we're waiting on materials so maybe if i build another log pile like up here so i'll put a log pile there and then i don't know can i tell them to empty storage yeah i can and maybe that one will fill up so we'll prioritize that and then maybe we'll click on empty storage and this can be the little dry season job that's fast forward but it might be the dry season doesn't actually happen until that fills up uh not entirely sure we're keeping that we need to remember as well the power will stop so when the dry season comes zach you're out of business man you're gonna have to find a new job oh whoa whoa pause okay it happened during the night oh god right so it happened at night time so we couldn't really see what happened very well but the water dried up instantly so we're now no longer producing power i don't know if you can see but everything's brown here that's not producing water anymore and as the water is disappearing down the river the brown is happening behind so look all drying up and this is our new water limit and obviously the green just surrounds that so when these beavers wake up they're not gonna know what's hidden uh so we may as well pause that job and pause the lumber mill because no one can work there we may as well pause the farm as well because the farm is done and the hunter gatherer completely done this could be tough i'm not entirely sure if we're going to survive the dry season but this is what this is what our area looks like now it's really not great very barren and dry looking we'll keep it going and we'll try and focus on this so let's empty these it's empty storage so hopefully they'll move logs up to here but we'll have to see let's fast forward to happens they're just building this there they go so the logs are coming in here and then this guy can take the logs from here and build all the stuff over here like our damn right we just had a new baby right there he is there's a little scamp you need a name change so you will be don craw either way you're a little rascal now sorted now you picked a bad time to be born though there's a there's a major drought i'm not entirely sure how things gonna go we're still researching science so maybe we should have a look at what we can actually purchase after that oh we can get foresters and they plant ah i think we'll unlock that and we'll start planting new forests oh i am bushes so that's good so yeah we'll have a forester that's unlocked and we'll plop one of them i reckon there should be good and then maybe we can plant this area up say plant a load of trees and plant a load of bushes as well nice ah and it's the wet season again the water is rejuvenating the land i don't know what's going to happen with our crops though they're they're not looking good hopefully they'll recover why are they so brown i'll tell you what though we need to unpause all of our poor things oh god so we've just reached a new happy level our well-being score is six and we have two new births so we need more names so we're gonna have mastery and mondou calera my new little babies it looks like we have to replant all those dead ones that is a shame who are our new farmers all right still egb he's still loving the farm life and yannick becker uh we actually that was plenty of water to survive we had well over half left that is very good jordan miller is the new forester so he'll be planting all our bushes and new trees up there and how is the dam construction going not great we need to prioritize this the build a flag and then they'll be in range i think michael francois he there you go he's building that now the build progress is flying good work sir all right so our little socialization campfire is going well although he just sat in there on his own and now he's gone uh maybe now it's night time and the flames are going maybe more people come and join who's that mastery is in there anyone else going to come join them come socialize that's the whole point of this oh they're well keen oh may street buggered off mainstream so antisocial right so corey taylor is up there he works at the builder flag so if i pause that one he's sacked is he gonna go work in this one please you're unemployed are you unemployed he's unemployed but it says says no no unemployed beavers in range he was in range but there you go no it's working there cory taylor is working there sweet all right so cory taylor you have the most important job of the entire beaver population you're gonna build the dam oh no zach died of old age no oh i'm sorry zack i don't know where i don't know where your body is oh he died of old age that's really sad this video is dedicated to zack i think he was our resident scientist because apparently we're lacking workers in our inventors hut now so i think out of respect we're gonna we're gonna shut up shop for the day production is paused everyone can go home and just remember zach the way he'd like to be remembered as a beaver all right meanwhile we've built a levee mr american took my cherry to the level but the liver was dry right it would be nice to get a few more beavers on the job up here so i might build one of these a hauling post but uh it could be worthwhile i think if we plonk it in let's say there once this is built that should just make all of our builders in range a bit quicker and stuff but oh you can see the water oh look we got a proper waterfall going on yes oh god it's oh god the water level is rising oh this is awesome i didn't know like the water physics were this complicated and i think i think this area is gonna be like fully watered soon so i could move like my whole base up here i'm not i'm just not sure how much it dries out we'll have to see because it should store like water or under the damn bit so the levy level that should always be a lake i'm not sure we'll have to see have to see what happens uh why aren't you doing anything why aren't these being built can't get all required materials bollocks what do we need oh we got no logs literally no logs uh oh god we're literally out of trees i'll tell you what we might have to do a bit of a free highlight these trees to be cut and we might have to build a makeshift dam so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna build a dam across here oh no i'm not it's too far from the builders damn it damn it all right we'll delete all those them we'll build one up here across there so a damn across there that will get us to these trees which i hope will be able to be lumbered apparently it's out of range they bollocks so we're gonna have to build a builder's hut build a flag plunk that there prioritize that that's it build it build it i'm very cautious we're only a few days from the wet season and our dam's not going to be built oh no we're going to fail that's the only that's the other thing there is sort of a time limit currently in the demo i think the main game will last longer oh god we need logs to build the dam and we can't oh it's a disaster it was going so well i don't know where we're going to get logs from i should have thought about that i really should have thought i did not plan very well i apologize my little beaver friends now there might be a bit of a saving grace these trees i planted 82 growth so maybe we can get some wood from them once they're fully grown now it's just a waiting game though there's nothing i can do oh i cocked it so bad meanwhile eric perry is joining us nice one eric can you save the logging crisis i hope so all right we've got half the logs for our first bit of the damn we're never gonna make it we're never gonna make it the dry season is approaching oh dear oh dear although there's logs up here why haven't i quick cut trees why haven't we highlighted these to be cut if these start getting cut i've saved the day we've built our first bit of the dam prioritize prioritize oh god the dry season's so close i'm gonna do it in time this was all to build this damn which is bloody impressive to be fair emanuel caston is our latest beaver to be born unfortunately jordan miller died of old age now i assume he's in his house yeah he's still he still lives in his house even though he's dead well look at this guy he's got a rucksack on breezy bro what's going on man you're going for a hike anyway that's that is a hell of a waterfall i'm hoping get enough logs to complete that but i really do not know this dam ain't going great but once we have it we will well and truly be in range of these trees all right the dry season is very much approaching i'm quite intrigued to see what's going to happen here i assume until we build those two levees it's not going to be good it's just going to dry up oh here we go here we go the water the water went down but it hasn't stopped yet you know our dam's nearly complete as well we were so close oh omkar just died of old age i'm sorry omkar oh yeah the water levels dropped significantly i assume yep it's only a matter of time the water's run out oh but this dam we did it we have water still ah egb he did he dead and there we go the dam is being built now we've got we've got son luco crimson and corey taylor nice work guys uh the water is pretty low though considering we're not even halfway through the dry season probably should have built a few more storages oops tell you what as water's running out i think we should probably build a new water pump there all right we're now fully out of food and water oh god things are not looking good things are really not looking good but we had we had a new birth alberto beck you are now a beaver and unfortunately cory taylor died of old age oh dear if we prioritize this building we are waiting on logs again how many logs do we have we got five logs uh not id oh no who's that son loko his last dying act he died of thirst his last dying act was to build the lumberjack flag oh no who's that who's that yannick becker died he died of hunger crimsons just died of hunger manu caster and eric perry oh god everyone's dying people bespoke a bespoke died of thirst it's a disaster it's a disaster right everyone's dying who we got left we've only got one beaver left who is it is this guy alberto back you've only been alive three days but you're on your own oh no this is horrible oh alberto beck died all your beavers are dead but that's how the post-apocalyptic world works ah well anyway guys thanks very much for the patreons to supporting it's nice to include you guys as beavers in my little beaver world i'm sorry i killed you all but anyway guys peace love and dead beavers ah that's the dark ending i'll catch you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 429,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer
Id: qLiOtsSzfQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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