The Beavers Rule the Earth! - Timberborn (Part 1)

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hey there my name is provis and welcome to a new series for the channel timberborne you guys might recall that i played this game a while back when it was still in an early beta and we had a fair bit of fun with it the premise of the game is it is a surviving city builder centered around sentient beavers who are building up a new civilization humans used to rule the world but in their greed for resources they created an ecological disaster that led to their extinction beavers have since evolved to take their place and are trying to build up a new civilization that learns the lessons from the humans mistakes so let's go ahead and start up a new game now there are two factions available right now i only have one available to me the folk tales are the standard playthrough these guys are environmentally conscious beavers that are going to be using recyclable materials and focusing mostly on timber punk technology if we were to play these guys for a while and make them very happy we could then unlock the iron teeth which actually forego a lot of timber in exchange for metal industry and science and they kind of also destroy the environment around them that could be kind of fun we might do that in the future but for now the folk tales will be fine we'll play on a recommended map at a recommended difficulty and let's build up a new world for the beavers here we are on our map now i'm gonna name this settlement woodsyville because it sounds very cute and speaking of cute here come all of our little beavers these are our populations that will be working all of the various jobs we will need in order to survive and expand and you can see some demographics up over here in the top left four children seven adults all homeless and we can keep a good eye on the employment numbers that we have currently beyond that at the very top we can see our general well-being and quality of life this gives you some goals on how you can improve your society we also can keep an eye on our science points our materials some food logs and water understandably food logs and water will probably be the most important thing for me to worry about at the moment now we do want to place down a handful of paths these are going to be incredibly important because otherwise we can't connect all of the structures and buildings do not work if they are not actively connected by some paths down in this general direction we need to start chopping down some wood so i'm going to place down let's say one two three of these lumberjack flags and they will automatically assign people to these jobs once they are done if there are beavers to spare with that done we'll also need to designate some areas where we can start cutting down some trees namely like this entire area so we will be able to start making use of those logs so let's go ahead and move up to speed three and let that happen they're gonna construct these real quick and you can see that somebody has been assigned and off he goes chewing on the little tree nom nom until he knocks this thing down and brings the logs back home perfect all right the next thing we are going to need to do is place down a water pump water pumps of course are going to well pump the water so that you know we can survive so let's go ahead and place down a water pump let's say right over here it's a little bit too far away that's fine though we can place down some paths and stuff that'll be fine so we'll go ahead and place down a path like so because again remember everything does need to be connected and with these logs 12 of them to be precise we will be able to build up the water pump which gives someone else a job to start pumping up some water so that people can consume it there we go next we need to place down a gatherer flag which works very similarly to the lumberjack flag you can see that there is a radius of work so i want to place it probably right over here or so and this gatherer is going to start gathering up any resources available for consumption namely blueberries as far as i'm aware they're the only gathering things you can gather so yeah now someone's out here getting me some early food these guys do not last forever but they do regrow at least so it's a semi-renewable source of food it's just it's just quite slow suppose that you want to speed that up a bit well you can you can place down a farmhouse which will assign two workers who then go forth and plant down lots and lots of crops in fact once this thing is built i know the next thing we're going to want to do is build out some carrots we could do things like potatoes and wheat but i don't have a way to process these right now so it's not advisable instead we'll go ahead and farm up a whole load of carrots there we go farmhouse is built and somebody has started taking on some working jobs i did plant down a quick little carrot crop over here but it's not really enough to continue with this tutorial so let's go ahead and place down let's say a whole bunch more carrots up in this direction and those will be the two crops that i'm going to be working on at least for now keep in mind of course you do have to plant down your crops in fertile soil and generally that means being close to a source of water the river you can see pretty obviously the further away from the water you get the drier the soil becomes we can fix that with really clever irrigation systems but i'm not that clever nor do i have the resources right now so let's not worry about it the next thing we want to do is get some stockpiles for all of our resources a quick little uh warehouse over here will be very convenient for storing all of our uh food we'll also need to place down a log pile let's say one over here so we can store all our logs instead of relying on the lumberjack flags and we're going to get some water uh water storage of course very important if you want people to survive how about we place down one over here we could actually place several next to each other which is tempting or i could place at least a couple in different areas so that people don't have to walk as far to get their water and now let's go ahead and place three next to each other i'm sure it's fine now suppose that you don't want people building let's say the water towers before the warehouse what you can do is just mess with the priority system right over here and say it's a max priority and these are slightly lower priorities and so on and then they'll focus on the warehouse then they'll focus on the log pile then they'll focus on the water tanks these are the things that you can do now i have already placed down where i anticipate i'm going to use some housing at some point in the game notice i've left a little bit of space between them though and the reason i'm doing that is i fully expect that i'm going to turn this into an apartment complex of sorts remember from my let's try video a while back you can build vertically and stack buildings on top of each other if they are solid buildings so we actually can make sort of a almost skyscraper-ish type of building over here with lots of homes all in one nice tight area there we go we got three little water tanks okay next thing to do build out the housing i'm gonna go ahead and turn these houses back on and let people work on their homes because right now we do have ourselves 11 homeless beavers and they would like a roof over their heads in fact that is critical for their well-being remember you can improve this down over here based on beating their basic needs shelter being one of them right now the only thing they can do is eat drink and sleep on the ground shelter will certainly make their lives a little bit easier if you want to see individual beavers and their needs by the way you can click on them here and you can see those basic needs and what is currently being met and of course what is not such as shelters three lucky beavers are gonna have a place to live including one with a little kiddo what do you call a baby beaver by the way i actually have no idea oh look at him he's sleeping you can actually see him breathing and stuff too that's actually kind of a cute little detail beavers are adorable they really are hardworking industrious i like the beaver the beaver is in many ways my spirit animal which might actually be one of the reasons this game kind of speaks to me there we go six houses for all the beavers plenty of space for all of them next thing we need to do is place down an inventor an inventor would allow us to start getting some science points now i'm going to place this up in this general area because i don't need to take up all my fertile areas around the water inventors don't care about such things as water that's trivial actually it's not entirely true there's actually a very good reason to place them close to water but i'm not gonna do it anyway because i'm just a smidge lazy so let's go ahead and place an inventor right over here there we go now we have an inventor and someone's going to work over here to start generating some of them science points okay now what are we going to do with those science points a lot actually there are a ton of different things that you can see are locked over here and require varying amounts of science in order to unlock sometimes massive amounts like 5000 or so yeah it's a lot there's a lot for me to worry about right now what the game wants me to do is place down a water wheel which produces some power and it says it should be placed on the water of a riverbank totally agree with that where to place it though this is the question we could place it down over here i suppose this would be fine or maybe we can fit it over here somewhere i don't know um nothing it matters all that much i guess we could try placing it down here something kind of like this sure go ahead and place down a quick little water mill right over here there we go we have a water wheel but you may notice it's not really doing anything right now it's just kind of spinning there so let's go ahead and place down a lumber mill now i'm going to deliberately place it right next to the water wheel though we could place it a bit further off if we won't because one fun fact about this game is you can use uh various different transmission shafts in order to power up your structures so for example let me get rid of this real quick and i can show you we could place some shafts right some big logs out here like this which would then transfer the power from the water wheel to a structure i placed down over here we could also go ahead and split some of this off and let's say have a t intersection like this and then power some things off like this and we can do some more intersections and blah blah blah blah blah lots of stuff that we can do in order to start transferring power from water to various different types of structures i don't need to do that with my lumber mill and i don't want to do it with my lumber mill because i can just place it right next to the water wheel and that saves me just a tiny little bit of resources but also i am pretty confident that it takes a whole water wheel to supply a lumber mill for the rest of the game anyway so we're gonna go ahead and do something kind of like this there we go we have a lumber mill and as long as people can deliver some logs over here and start working you can see that this thing is now operating thanks to the power of the water wheel and we're gonna translate some logs into planks which will be useful for more advanced constructions if we take a look here by the way at the water wheel you can see that we apparently output about 32 hp i guess that's horsepower worth of power here but the network demands about 50. so we're not working at full efficiency on the lumber mill only about 64 to 66 roughly if i had tied extra buildings onto a transmission network like i showed you earlier well then we'd be splitting that power between two different types of buildings which means the efficiency would go down even further i don't want that though because i need some extra planks so i can move on to the next step of the game which is to build a forester now note that the forester is currently locked behind 60 research points which i've already gained because i well i took my time and i knew what i was doing so let's go ahead and unlock the forester it costs me 60 science points to do so that's completely fine and then we will place one let's say down over here and the forester's job is very similar to the farmer's job it is to plant down a lot of trees so that we can then consume them for wood there we go that's enough planks to finish out the forester okay let's go ahead and plant down some trees there are several different types we could grow including blueberry bushes which is not a tree but i know the difference there are birch trees pine trees maple trees and chestnut trees each take longer to grow than the previous one but they do produce additional logs which sometimes ends up being worth it maple for example 30 days to grow but you get 8 logs is a better value than 12 days to grow for only 2 logs but way better than birch which is nine days to grow for only one right so kind of depends on how long you are willing to wait plus there are some additional um resources you can get for example pine resin from the gathering huts or maple syrup or even chestnuts which we will use for another food source for now pine trees are going to have to do so let's go ahead and plant down a whole bunch of them like right over here or something like that and now somebody is gonna be working at the forester and walking around and planting down all these little trees which we can then harvest later at this point we've already completed the tutorial so you're kind of left to your own devices to figure out what you're gonna do from here for example i'd like to go ahead and place down a second inventor so i can double up my science production because i know that we're gonna need a lot in the future i'm also gonna place down a campfire which is an opportunity for our beavers to socialize at least a little bit you know tell some beaver stories around the campfire and all that look how happy and cute they look it's adorable absolutely deplorable uh if we take a look at quality of life you can see that if everyone has access to a campfire and has used it recently that does improve the overall quality and we can increase our average at least a little bit so that could be nice another thing i wouldn't mind doing is maybe planting down some potatoes now yeah it's gonna be a bit longer for potatoes to grow but that doesn't bother me all that much in fact that's great we can just go ahead and start planting some down because i'm gonna need another food source at some point as our population starts to expand speaking of which we have already filled out all of our houses let's go ahead and build out another couple of lodges uh-oh i hear a little think funky sound somewhere and i see a blinking icon in the top right alright so this is a new threat that did not exist back when i was playing this in the earlier betas and that is the drought a natural disaster that can absolutely mess you up if you are not prepared for it and i'm not sure that i am at this point we need to have plenty of water storage in order to have our people survive that's important but also let's keep in mind that once the water disappears from the rivers due to the droughts well say goodbye to things like blueberries and crops potatoes carrots all of that stuff it's all gonna die it's all gone good bye that's gonna suck one thing we can do in order to improve the situation and our odds of survival would be to build a dam which shouldn't surprise anyone we're beavers it's what we do if i were to place a dam let's say down over here it will take lots of logs to build 20 for each little tile but what this does is block some of the water up to a certain level like a certain water level and you can kind of see what that looks like from here right see how about ah two-thirds of the way up it's all blocked but over that it's open that means that we can build the water up to a certain level and then anything in excess will fall out of the dam and continue down the river now you might wonder what the heck is that supposed to do for me the answer is once the drought begins and the water stops flowing down the river at least at this general height this whole area will stay filled with water which means the soil remains fertile and we can continue pumping some water out of our water pump power probably stops because the water's not flowing anymore but everything else at least survives and then down over here it'll continue to flow water over the top until it reaches that level then hits equilibrium and then everything downstream will start to dry out but we'll have our nice little pocket of moisture that we'll continue to work with so i'd like to start building up a dam the problem of course with the dam is well it takes a lot of logs like a lot of logs like a ridiculous amount of logs so it might end up being a little bit difficult for me to pull this one off but we'll see what happens let's try okay yeah here comes the drought we were nowhere ready to get to this stuff built up in time takes way longer to build up a dam unfortunate but okay we'll go ahead and turn off the lumber mill for now not a lot of point in doing that and we can see here the river is now drying up and as a result so is all the land behind it so say goodbye to a lot of our crops at least for a bit they can survive for a little while it's drying out and will die in a couple of days i'm hoping we can still harvest a lot of this potatoes unfortunately um die out even faster than carrots that's actually the opposite of what i would have expected but okay excuse me and then down over here pine seedlings at least do last a while this drought will last for only a couple of days so we'll be all right now on normal difficulty a drought starts off reasonably mild but they do get harder and harder as time goes on on hard difficulty you can expect droughts to be crippling right from the get-go which means building up a dam early on is going to be critical and down here you can see that yeah the water level fell once again in this giant lake area this is the only area with water left and this will gradually start going down as well so yep pretty much everything is terrible everything is really dry but as long as we can keep our food okay for another day or so we'll be fine i don't know how much water we're gonna need but hopefully we got enough cause that's all you're getting for a bit guys there we go the drought is now coming to an end did lose quite a few crops but oh well it's not the end of the world now it's gonna take a little while for the water to start trickling right back down the river here it comes working its way from the highest elevation down toward the lowest as one would expect the water physics in this game are actually like surprisingly not half bad you'll see once we get closer to the actual dam and maybe you can see the water actually like starting to flow and pick up speed around certain areas yeah there we go kind of like that see that's how it's working right there but yeah anyway we're about to finish up the last little bit of the dam and that will ensure we at least have a minimum level of water shown right along over here now eventually we can start getting kind of crazy with our dams if you want to and spend a lot of science to make that happen we can place down levees which just blocks all water entirely for a bit cheaper which is nice until you realize if you place it down over here you don't just block up the river i mean the water has nowhere to go it just starts flooding everywhere around you which is not so great then you can build up floodgates of various different levels to control the water heights that could be kind of cool yeah you can build massive dams if you want to which is very appropriate in a beaver game something i'm going to go ahead and research now because i know i'm going to need this is the stairs wooden stairs take 70 signs to do that and we can also research some wooden platforms which i'll do now what this will allow me to do is use my planks in order to start constructing well you guessed it stairs and with stairs i can then place down some platforms like this right and then i could place down some additional lodges and oh lo and behold there was a reason to my madness we'll be able to have double layered buildings for even more housing density kind of cool right you can do that with other things too any building that is marked as solid when you place it down something right over here you can place on top of so for example something i know i'm going to want to do at some point soon is place a grill right over here right and with the grill i can take my potatoes and grill them so they're edible because no one wants to eat a raw potato yuck so the grill is going to end up being necessary for that and in order to access it if i'm placing it on top of a warehouse which i am just because it's fun we'll want to make sure that we have some wooden stairs and some platforms available to get there just don't forget that platforms actually do still need paths assigned to them for some reason like that so now we got little railings and therefore these houses are now accessible so people are going to move in and start having even more babies which means my birth rate has increased which means more beavers that i can employ it's fantastic the one thing that starts to get a little frustrating for me once i start placing down dams is actually controlling the water velocity a little bit this water wheel for example is just barely eeking anything out at this point and i suspect it has something to do with the fact the water seems to be flowing a lot faster down this away than it is up over here there's probably ways of trying to control that for example maybe if i were to research the levy and then place a levee up this way could that work actually i don't know i've never tried this this is relatively new for me hang on what if i tried to build out a levee something kind of like this to try and force the water to flow closer to where i want it to for the water wheel maybe that would work oh what do you know it does work okay so the water's effectively stopped flowing down this direction which means it's moving extra fast through this damned area and all of a sudden oh my god the power output has increased ladies and gentlemen we seem to have figured out what you do with water wheels this is outstanding okay well now that our planks are going to be sorted for a good long while let's see if there's any other foods we can get the aquatic farmhouse for special plants of aquatic crops all right we'll go ahead and unlock that and see if anything really exciting comes out of that arrangement um we have to place it along a river it appears no that's not entirely true how does this work i actually have not built one of these yet um let's try placing it down over here i guess and we'll probably need to plant down something what about cattails here we go yeah cattail roots not sure what we would do with that spatterdoc that's a form of food i believe for the beavers could be wrong but i'm pretty sure that at the grill there is indeed a grilled spatterdoc recipe so we would be able to start converting that into another form of food takes 12 days to grow though good lord what do you do with cattail roots though rope is that a thing do we make rope maybe um let's try planting down a whole healthy crop of spatterdoc right along over here and i assume these guys will be able to access it i may be assuming that incorrectly because it says that there's nothing in range question hold on okay maybe i've misunderstood how this is going to work but it wouldn't surprise me if this is the case when we say must be built in water we probably yeah partially submerged i'll bet you we've run into a situation where the water is so high that we can't plant anything down here you want to have shallow water right that the beavers can still walk through but then plant down the crops oh that would make sense wouldn't it yeah it probably would okay so in this area not going to be a good option for us but in the future if i want to place down some floodgates so we can control the water level and make it really small well then maybe that's what we end up doing i'm gonna go ahead and pause this for now but i suspect we made a mistake building this farmhouse and we should get rid of it at some point in the near-ish future for now though um tell you what we've got another person unemployed we probably just need more farming right what about off in this general direction let's go ahead and place another farmhouse let's say right over here should be fine and then we'll plant down some additional crops so that we have plenty more food there we go things are looking pretty decent over here i think the one thing that's really going to start hurting me at some point soon is the inavailability of logs yes i'm growing a lot of pines as fast as i can but it's slow going for sure and we need a lot of lumber for whatever else i'm going to be doing so opening up this area with some stairs certainly helps with that a little bit but only for a short time because this is going to exhaust itself pretty darn quickly and yeah we're just kind of hovering right now on food the extra crops will end up helping quite a bit later but right now i don't know we're sort of treading water but i do feel clever about my usage of the dam in order to get this water wheel up and running which supposedly has lost a lot of its power still enough for what i need but why was it 160 before i don't know maybe there's like a little bug here where just simply placing down the levee kind of caused the whole water to reset and it over sped through here but now it's kind of evened out regardless we're able to keep this lumber mill going at pretty much all times which is great and in the future i'll be able to dam up the river even in these areas so that i can pass water down irrigation trenches and make all of this into useful fertile land again oh what's all this hello ruins ah the remains of human civilization a testament to the hubris of con uh fighting against nature or something like that anyway we're gonna end this video here but i hope you guys are looking forward to seeing the rest of this series i think we made some reasonably good progress here if so i would certainly ask you hit that like button leave a comment subscribe hit that notify bell and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 140,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, timberborn, lumberpunk, beaver, city, builder, survival, gameplay, strategy, part 1
Id: W2OnZPpqAgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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