Can I Exploit Automatic Pumps for INFINITE POWER in Timberborn?

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hello everyone i'm kimbits and welcome back to timberborne where last time we loaded up the new experimental build and got all the new experimental buildings like the observatory here the mud baths where the beavers can relax and the maple syrup and pine tar collector building too which allows us to build new treated planks in these buildings here and there's quite a few other things too but you might notice that wait a second something is missing what happened well the game got updated even more so we're gonna be checking out all that stuff and then we're gonna finally start making this pit here a supa district with the use of these mechanical water pumps which will allow us to do some pretty cool and amazing things and if you're excited for that remember to leave a like getting into the new stuff though last time a big change happened with metal where you can both get metal from these ruins and from mine shafts however there was a different kind of like ore you got from mines than the metal that you got from ruins like this is scrap metal and the mines had like ore metal it was something weird like that but the developers made an excellent change and they decided nah let's not do that so now you get scrap metal out of the mines which is super awesome and now all the scrap metal is melted down in the smelter so there used to be this giant grinder thingy and now there's just this and in my opinion this thing is uh you know it makes sense to have one building the grinder thing did look really cool though so hopefully maybe the acid could be like reused for something i don't know but it's really nice to have all the metal stuff just in one building now and before we get started on our big project today apparently the stream gage got changed for whatever reason we need to re-unlock it measures the depth and current speed of water oh that's new current speed of water huh so we already have one built the old version but no water current 0.8 centimeters per second interesting we if the water speeds being measured does that mean the water wheels have a variable power rate 163 285 yes yes they do so you really want to set up these water wheels as best as you can because look at this one almost 300 horsepower we're getting over 5 200 horsepower total we're doing amazing ah but if it's really weak it's 140 still 200 these are some good numbers interesting i wonder if we can manipulate that further in the future but getting started here let's mess with the pit and get blasting yep we have lots and lots and lots of blasting left to do here you see for the last couple weeks i've been avoiding this because oh boy this is going to be horrifically tedious because i i did this in the worst way i have these staircases that are going down to like the bottom of the pit and it worked to clear out a lot of the space however now to get rid of these staircases we have to go one little block at a time and then we have to go to the next level delete the path delete that and then we have to place down the explosives again one at a time until that goes all the way to the bottom and same deal over here over here and eventually here too but right now we just have to finish blasting this last little corner here so yeah this is gonna take a couple hours and unironically three hours later this is how far we are now yep this was not the way to do things let me assure you the way to really go about blasting huge areas is you want to kind of start in the middle like let's make a little example here where say we wanted to dig a big pit here we'd have one side there one side there blast this out and then once those were done you would blast row by row by row and continue out as far as you wanted to go having this area in the middle has doomed me but you live and you learn and you eventually make some progress okay uh this last little bit isn't gonna take as long hopefully maybe right no way so while i'm doing this we're gonna start on our project here so the idea is to have a massive reverse waterfall or i guess super pump pumping liquids from the bottom of the map here to the top of the map over here and it's it's gonna be crazy dude it's gonna be crazy so all of our water will eventually come from over here when there's no drought fill up this aqueduct go down into the pit and then we'll drag it back up over this way over here and down the mountain or somewhere i don't really care that's the general idea and we are so fortunate we waited on doing this because these pumps got an update whereas before their maximum depth was only four blocks but now it's six so it saves us probably a pump or two working up over this way anyway though the main pump thing will be going through here so we don't want these here actually i'm going to start blasting down this way so we want to have a little platform kind of near the bottom that's six blocks up so one two three four five six do it again and then off to the races we go all right first section is done so we're gonna have our pumps right here that will collect the water from the bottom of the pit then dump it into this little transfer area and then we'll rebuild this exact thing right above it and i guess considering the heights right now we'll have to do that maybe only one or two more times and then we'll be at the top of the mountain fantastic just requires a bit more blasting and then everything will be ready to go oh but wait no dude the power these needs to be powered they need 700 horsepower each oh no how are hm we're gonna have to make some kind of crazy power tower going up this way next to it that's a bit tricky you see the thing is we can't have like a walkway to each level here we're gonna have to build like half of the tower in this block because the beavers can build infinitely downwards right okay then so that would have to go there and then we'd have to know what we're doing for this half the tower blast out these blocks here and then build the other half of the tower you know what how about this let's make a diorama so let's pretend that this is the pump then we will have wait what is this large water wheel compact water wheel unique to this faction uh that's new we will investigate that later let's see to build the tower that's there i guess we go to the left and then we start making our way up and then we have to go up six from here so three four five six but that's quite tall okay then we do this we need to start a repeatable pattern oh wait a second this is just like a staircase then yeah then we just do this forever oh that's that's super simple and from here we can fill it in with all of these so these would go here now there would go that's very trippy but anyway that would go there and we'll kind of just snake the power up like this and eventually we'll get to the top we'll be able to power the next the pump there and gg so now looking at this we have to build this half so delete that and the power can connect right to the left there then we start going up then around and the pattern should be pretty simple from there just this yeah just like that then as that's getting built we gotta get ready with the next pump so there's one block down there two three four five six and we have to blast our way down to there okay not omega complicated just super complicated fortunately infinite resources and over 300 beavers helps make this go very smoothly also digging out the rest of this pit isn't too bad either because you know what i just built a giant scaffolding and they'll make building this quick roll of beavers can work from both sides and work all the way to the bottom much more efficient and also bigger explosions who doesn't like bigger explosions and in no time we're done after long last we're done digging this horrific pitch that took far too long uh also though i got the next little zone for our pumps here too so we can get going on that so we'll have the one pump down here goes six down so it just touches the bottom we'll have another pump here which perfectly goes into that little tray there and then oh oh thank goodness one last pump right here and that gets it from the bottom of the map to the top of the map how close did we get with this one two three four five six ah it's perfect it's perfect everything's perfect okay so that's generally how our pumps are going to look and then it's just that power stuff which ended up being extremely simple because we already planned everything out perfectly as we do so pump number one is starting to be built we just need a couple more metal blocks need some treated planks and a ton of gears then we will begin on the next one here and it should be done relatively quickly now probably our big concern is how the heck we're gonna power all three of these again each of them takes 700 horsepower that's a lot that's 2100 horsepower there but we do have those new power sources let's see how they are the compact water wheel which can make 40 horsepower and then the large water wheel which makes 180 let's unlock that and okay it's quite large does not like to go on the ground a large more efficient version of the water wheel supported from the side so you can just kind of oh that's convenient you can just kind of stick it on the side of a cliff or really anywhere you don't actually have to build it on the floor of a river that is extremely convenient it just has to be a two deep river that's all i like that i like that a lot and although it says it can produce 180 horsepower i'm sure it can do more depending on how fast the water's going so that means it's time to get blasting some more beavers get the explosives wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how big are the how wide are the water wheels i almost made a grand mistake they're two blocks wide okay so then this is going to be four blocks wide so these one two three four down to here and then even more blasting now considering how i'm playing the game you'd think these beavers are more so like dwarves say it's just being such a ludicrous amount of mining and blasting though i suppose we are using more hydroelectric power than dwarves would use fair enough speaking of let's see how many we can fit in this little place so that'll go there how we can connect one over here too and that gets us four okay well i i suppose on average they make 180 horsepower let's just go with that meaning that would be 360 720 horsepower we need 2 100 for all this pump to work so oh no we're gonna have to make three times this oh we're gonna be blasting for a minute here aren't we yes we are let's see how far does that take us one two three four five one two three four five two three four five one two three four five okay since each of these is five wide we have to make this river go all the way to here all right i am happy we have infinite explosives pretty much that's uh it's a bit of a waze oh and fantastic we're gonna have to build a levee over here actually not too bad and then the water needs to get out somewhere so i suppose we'll just go out this way and then we could direct it somewhere we'll probably end up directing it down here somehow but for now i just want to see this system working so we'll get things blasting first wait wait no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i knew it you can't build over the pumps i almost made a drastic air we need a bridge for the power to get over from this side to the other side dodge the proverbial bullet there oh and we have to blast beneath the pump okay so a couple things need to be done but that's the general idea so that's all in the works it's going to take forever but hey it'll be fantastic while this is being worked on there are these other compact water wheels as well and they make 40 horsepower each but i think that's just the average right if the water's faster they can do better and i'm wondering over across the world in the glorious lake sippy we have this huge line of water wheels providing most of our civilization with power each of these is making 300 horsepower 312. 21. uh there's a lot of power being made here i'm very curious to see if we get rid of these and replace them with the smaller ones or the compact ones if this will make more power i really hope it does because if not we cannot rebuild these normal water wheels again we do not have the technology anymore they're gone so let's see well number one is up and making 130 horsepower that's pretty good it's definitely not 300 oh and of course the second i want to do a test we have a drought good timing trout in before it's a nine day one by the way oh hey actually six days not the worst and in no time we're back except we have a problem one of the wheels just doesn't even go now this one does 25 horsepower 55 and 120 so all in 120 60 ish 25 that's like 205 horsepower yeah this one water wheel does more than all three well these aren't the best at least in this situation you know i bet if we made this river just a one by one tile like a really skinny one these one by one wheels would do absolutely fantastic like if we threw them in here and this was actually like a proper river that could be cool yeah we'd really have to design around them but in this kind of configuration it ain't happening chief anyway let's see how the other project is getting along hopefully it is pretty much done it is actually complete wow well that's just downright splendid okay well uh is the power all complete yes we have this huge thing done look at all those pumps and the power goes out to here i connected it to the mean power line thus it is time for the big test are you ready to see if it all works i'm sure not all right but it's done power is complete oh thank goodness oh my heart my heart the pumps actually work this insanity tower isn't built wrong oh my gosh i don't even know what i have done would have done if this tower didn't work properly are the automatic pumps they are working okay little piece of tnt goodbye it's time it's time lower the floodgates let the sippy drink come forth well in like two days because we have to fill up this entire thing here but now this is gonna be the big test when the water comes up through here and goes into the pit i have no idea how fast these pumps are gonna pump the water out i've i've absolutely no idea in a silly dream world the water will come through go down into the pit maybe fill up like a block or two and then the pumps will be able to keep up and get all the water out of here that's the dream though and for our viewing pleasure let us get rid of all of this please so we can watch the beautiful water the waterfall start to fill up the pit after long last the pit has a sippy drink oh is the water already moving up oh it is oh everything's about to go green seems to be very slow the wheels they are not a turning uh oh will this pick up is this whole plan flawed how high is the water getting well this is like the first block here so it's not really getting far pumps are going this power is not on yet okay it's time to monitor them is it because we don't have enough power in our system network power supply is 3400 but we need 6 000 wait why isn't our power higher what's going on with that hello oh because all the water is now completely diverted from these guys and it's going down this way gotcha gotcha that that makes sense so these aren't pumping fast enough number one but when this area up here at least fills up then the water will overflow from here and go somewhere else that will actually cause it to you know flow i do kind of want to see things working now though so we are actually going to pause everything else everything no more treated logs no more tnt all of lake sippy turned off aside from bread making we do not turn that off let's turn this off that off no more tnt up here no more gears how's our power looking should be really good now yes we are good to go good good good good so the pump should be working with a hundred percent efficiency let's see what we got going these guys hundred percent good good how high how's the water gotten it's looking like a little over a block block and a half there okay the water level doesn't seem to be moving but it's a huge space so it's a little hard to see this area hasn't filled up yet which is fine it's very very very slowly getting there so in the meantime let's get a floodgate built here and oh my gosh you know what i just realized if the pumps are able to get the water up to here and the water up here is flowing this is enough water wheels to power the pumps do you know what that means that means if we reroute the water back into the pit we have infinite power oh my gosh this has to work all right yep it all comes down to this flow rate test once the water gets above here and starts flowing out that's when we can see if these water wheels spin oh thinking about that more though i doubt that'd work the developers obviously knew the pumps could be used to make an infinite battery so maybe that's why they take so much horsepower to start because once you have one you effectively have infinite power or maybe they don't want players to do that and there's not going to be enough pumping capacity to make this work properly or i suppose we could make more of these pump towers and just increase the flow rate here and make it kind of work by brute force interesting interesting ideas now let's just see how things kind of go now the water should be flowing one of these is turning any more any more come on they all have to be turning and they all have to produce it about average amounts of power it's not working though it's too slow oh but you know what i just realized so what if one set of pumps isn't enough to make the wheels move we can just add on more to the side which is what i'm starting to do so we're gonna triple the pumps and if they all go into one little river hopefully that's enough flow rate to keep the wheels moving because if we can just get this first set moving then we can expand on the water wheels forever and eventually just have the water go back to the pit and it's an infinite loop infinite power drought proof power yep this is the play the only possible problem is the three rows of pumps aren't enough but i'm i'm betting it will be sixty percent sure oh man in this better work because this took forever and not only that oh man it gotta get working really quick because these pumps here take up more power than all the rest of our factories in the world combined so we're gonna have to pause everything else shut down lake sippy and then power on all of the engines we got and with all of them running we should be close 13 000 supply yep we are close we are good to go all right it's time oh man i hope this works all right wait wait wait wait wait wait wait open the floodgates here we go we'll lose all the power from these water wheels but it's the price we have to pay you we should have enough power still let's activate the pumps each of which taken up the 700 horsepower and they're all working because they're all connected together we have this big stack here good the power's going down as those other water wheels fail and the water has to fill up here again oh good it didn't go all the way down though so here we go baby are you kidding me night time again i wanted to see this during the day but what are you gonna do you go oh yes yes [Laughter] no continue please it worked it worked for a second oh because it was just flowing through this way for a moment just has to flow over the floodgate so the water can you know actually flow any second now come on anticipation please please i'm gonna lose my mind how is that not over yet oh because the floodgates up there we go and off go the wheels all right and this is a new trough i mean all the water will eventually go down that way so it's flowing this isn't looking as good as i thought i was expecting uh you know a couple more wheels a spin in here not just one that's at 50 horsepower this guy is going but 120 it's not super good 160. [Music] um might have a problem here biggest issue is the pumps are already running at full speed and yeah it's flowing through so it looks like this might be a bust perhaps we have one other option though a little crazy but it might work in order to increase the flow rate we will get rid of half the wheels here and i'll make this little river smaller logic being more water less speeds faster flow rate these should work so yeah just not the double wide canals but if it's a single wide canal maybe maybe maybe maybe what's going on with our population here everybody died okay wait 300 no we're fine we're fine we're fine where are the unemployed at 20 beavers it's time to go to the dig site scoot and now this better work because if we just get one river going we can stack the design forever third time's the charm now right so we have the dam here now and the water should be more concentrated meaning the flow rate should be higher if this doesn't work that's not gonna be good all right we got two running three running all right hey oh no that's fine that's fine they're all running for a second we just gotta let the water overflow i should have filled this part up over here whoops that's never gonna get done so be it oh wait though it's flowing through hold up this one's spinning that one's spinning come on brother come on is it gonna work hmm this one's going not a lot of horsepower here though baby are these running at a hundred percent they are oh the water's flowing oh gosh no it's flowing it's happening but they aren't running hmm unfortunate quite unfortunate however i got a couple more ideas for this so don't count us out yet but hey if you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments below but anyway have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 250,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn early access, timberborn gameplay, timberborn game, timberborn release, timberborn how to, timberborn tips, timberborn how to get more beavers, imkibitz, kibitz, timberborn dam, timberborn dry season, timberborn steam, timberborn flood, timberborn let's play, timberborn lets play, timberborn new update, timberborn infinite power, timberborn aqueduct, timberborn city, timberborn experimental, timberborn new
Id: 4sD9RZVM-y8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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