Terraforming Mars using only eggplants...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to Planet crafter now in this game we start off with a lovely Planet like this one which is similar to Mars pretty red pretty Barren but if we zoom in down there you'll see we're actually in this pod we've crash landed I don't know if we've crash landed we may have just landed looks like a heavy Landing anyway but uh this is Mars This is the red planet I don't know if it is Mars well it's probably definitely not Mars I mean there's a there's a really big moon or maybe another planet and then a slightly smaller Moon over there but the aim of the game is to turn this Barren landscape into a thriving Paradise uh using the thing in the top right the Terra formation index so first off the game's giving us some First Steps if you look in the top left we've got a crafter backpack craft an oxygen tank and craft a microchip which allows us to construct buildings and stuff now if we come into our pod you'll see we've got a crafting station this tells us what we need to craft everything so for the oxygen tank we need two Cobalts an iron and a magnesium for the backpack we need two irons and then for the microchip two silicones two magnesiums so we're gonna go on a bit of a wonder and try and find some resources thankfully this planet is covered in them they're like these things that's Cobalt we can have some of that this one is silicon we'll have some of that this lava slug looking thing is iron and there's literally resources everywhere this is Magnesium we shouldn't take too long until we've got enough to upgrade what we need but look our oxygen level is low so bottom left that is our oxygen uh when it runs out you dead so we've got to quickly run back to here and thankfully with the power of these fans it's creating so much pressure it keeps the air in here in a breathable atmosphere whereas out here it's just death it's a vacuum fan technology has come a long way in the future so after a bit more harvesting of resources we have enough to buy the oxygen tank ooh the backpack and the microchip Construction oh oh that was that wasn't very impressive looking at one but then we can equip these we can just click click click so these are our slots on our person we can upgrade those thankfully but at the moment we're using three out of the four but with a backpack our inventory is increased with the oxygen tank our oxygen level's gone up one four five now that was a hundred earlier and then with the microchip construction we can come out here we can press q and look we've got loads of things to build we can build a base and the important thing are these machines these allow you to terraform the planet turn it into a Green Landscape but to start with we need a building for these so we want a living compartment we need two irons and a titanium or a bit shorter than iron so we'll go grab that but we'll also need a door for it so we'll need iron titanium and silicon to do that so silicon iron titanium all right and then we can come and build this so the living compartment and you can literally build anywhere in this game well not underground it goes with red you can build up in the sky we can make our thing two-story so now we've got that on the roof we can then shove a door on the side and then we can worry about how the hell do we get up there well thankfully there's stairs they just need iron it's a a good way to reach New Heights however you may have noticed as well bottom left we've got water going down so we're gonna need to craft water we can do that with ice so we just grab some ice and then back in our crafter we can make a water bottle to fully quench our thirst so we do that there's our water bottle it's huge I don't know where it is probably on our back or something yeah and then the top bar that's food basically it's it's your health but food replenishes it thankfully in this chest we have space food which restores health so we can just eat some of those when we need them yeah there's also oxygen capsules if you're a bit far from base you can just refill oxygen very useful but if you look in the top left we need a drill that sort of turns the planet into something else why has it gone to Yellow it's very yellow yeah the drill it doesn't create resources it creates pressure in the atmosphere helping to terraform it I'm going to collect resources while talking through these wind turbine creates power you need that to power everything basically you see we've got a warning for low power the two screens just allow you to check stuff and then the heater at the bottom obviously creates heat now I've noticed with the stairs you can literally build these anywhere like if we shove them there we can grab another set of stairs these only cost one iron and we can put them there and I don't know if there's a limit could we build to the Moon well I might have an answer for you let's go have a look this is like three hours of work but I left a gap between most the stairs just because you can get a little bit higher using slightly less resources yes engineering all the way making it efficient you do have to jump over each one note so I can't just run up while like looking at other stuff but up here we have we have a mid station so basically I was running out of oxygen thankfully I've upgraded it now so you can see my oxygen bottom left we've got 200 but uh this is a mid station we can come in here and just recharge this one actually has a door doesn't have the same band technology as earlier but it's all right it does the job and then our oxygen is replenished and it still goes up so we keep going up we're still going up and then we're up to the top and I say the top it will keep going I don't have any iron on me at the moment so he can't keep building but look at this view I don't know how big the world is but I think it's as high as you want it to be whether I keep building I'm not sure my base hasn't really expanded too much I've been fully focused on this you can see top right our Terra information index 2.5 kti so that's like 2.5 000. on the left our first step is to reach 175 000 and yeah this has been like three hours so we're on a thousand an hour maybe less uh so yeah I've I've been distracted by this project however look there's there's things about everywhere there's a spaceship down there there's some sort of Maisy thing there I have no idea what that is yeah I know oxygen level is low do I have any Ox I have no oxygen on me okay well do you want to find out if there's full damage here we go we're fooling it takes so long gravity's so low and look if we head over that way I do actually have a building so I can repair my oxygen we're not even going to hit the floor right we hit the floor tiny bit of full damage but then I died from lack of oxygen thankfully the game just puts you back in your nearest base thing so we're only we're only over here we're gonna head back down this is such a long way look there's another basing over there I should probably go explore as well but we are gonna head back down and I'm gonna show you what I have upgraded so we're finally at the bottom you can see over here this is one of our drills it's creating pressure point two but it's using power it's using energy you can see I've got a few other drills dotted about I should just group them together it doesn't really matter where they are you've got some wind turbines these create energy so that we can use the drills and stuff look at that so oh man stair technology in the future is insane like you would have thought they'd have to be supports under there no not in the future over there as well can you see as a solar panel that blue thing that also creates energy but I need to get in here because I'm about to die again it's also really dark I have a flashlight now do not worry and you might be thinking look at this Matt you haven't really you haven't done anything like what is this well fear not if we head on to the roof where our main bases we can jump up these stairs very very useful look we've got stuff in here so we've got a heater that's creating heat we've got a veg tube over here you can see that's creating oxygen that's our crafting station thing and then we've got some screens this one shows all the unlocks look how many unlocks there are these just go on forever and basically the more like terraform you do the more unlocks you get which help you very cool and then here this is our screen that shows how we're doing so a little bit of oxygen a little bit of heat a little bit of pressure we're doing okay we're not doing great we've wasted all of our money on stairs you can see our inventory completely empty from this side this is like a sort of Gadget inventory we've got an increased oxygen tank an exoskeleton a bigger backpack we've got loads of stuff I do need to build one more thing though in here we need the microchip deconstruction this allows us to like take things away at the moment like all these stairs they're staying as stairs forever I mean they're probably gonna stay as stairs even when I unlock the deconstructor I'm not going to manually dissemble that but the deconstructor allows us to like take stuff and oh look a chest on the rock with some iron and yeah the deconstructor allows us to deconstruct things and keep the resources which is very useful I think so we need some silicon and was it titanium no it was magnesium damn it right magnesium is a pointy one I can see over there it looks all crystally so yeah we'll have some of you we'll construct that oh it's a chip and then we just equip that so that's taking up another slot but then using our scroll wheel we can change what tool and we can like deconstruct stuff so that could be useful I also found these eggplant seeds now I would love to terraform a planet using only eggplant so I think that's literally what I'm gonna do so first off our base it's not it's not the biggest I think we probably should expand so if we want to build more living compartments we need two irons and one titanium thankfully we can do that so let's plunk that right next to it and check this out when you go up here it's already here it's like it's built it all instantly I love this so we need another titanium and another iron which is quite hard to come by now I've sort of pillaged the whole land for my stairs because stairs just take iron there is a little bit late so we can extend again and bottom left you can see we're we're losing a bit of Health we're about to be thirsty so I'm going to go into my inventory and I'm going to drink some water so that's gone up and I'm gonna eat some space food so that's gone off a little bit nice now we've got more time to explore we need iron and titanium there's titanium in this chest so we'll take that few more bits of iron and you might be asking yourself Matt why are there just elements littered all over the land like this it doesn't make any sense well you'll probably find out in a minute but for now I need to replenish my oxygen it's getting a little bit low there we go it's going back up we need to add an extension to our base I like that yes that's looking good that's looking very good next up I want to build some Veggie tubes these allow us to grow seeds so we need iron ice and magnesium so iron an ice magnesium right annoyingly I completely forgot about my oxygen level so we are going to die now that's quite annoying but not too bad because we're in view of our base and look when you die you died and dropped some of your inventory it says at the bottom so if we head back I think where were we somewhere over that way yes look back where we died we that's not a coffin that doesn't contain our dead body it contains all of our elements so we can just grab all of those and uh we're good to go game is very forgiving I really really appreciate that I hate games that like punish you like just just make a fun game that's all we want so we're gonna head up here oh look at this space look at this space it's beautiful we're gonna fill this area the right nut with veggie tubes so we'll plunk one there like another one there look another one there and another one there four veggie tubes and then we're gonna go downstairs to our chest I don't know why I don't have containers up here I'm an idiot I need to build some of those but in here we've got our eggplant seeds so we're gonna take those back up here and we're going to place them in here Open Veggie tube shove an eggplant in there and find out that we can't no I'm an idiot space eggplant seeds place this in a food grower well this is not a food grower this is a veggie tube so if we head over here to our upgrade area you can see we need oxygen in order to unlock firstly an indoor ladder and then a heater T2 and then an auction tank T3 and then the food grewer so that is what we're going to be working on right after I head up here and place more stairs down it will get to the moon I will oh man we are really close to that thing I really want to see what's over there but for now we're dying of lack of oxygen all right so meanwhile I'm gonna get some air canisters and some water canisters so I need ice and Cobalt for that so ice is obviously the white stuff Cobalt is this blue stuff we need two Cobalt for every oxygen tank to craft all of those or drink some water because we are parched eat some food because we're hungry and then with a few canisters on us we are gonna head up there I want to see what's in that spaceship it looks like like a ruin or something and as I'm unable to grow food I found the only place to find food at the moment are in these storage crates oh there's a blueprint in there we'll have some of that yeah some space food as well so that's good that's the one thing I can't make myself yet until we get the food grower but I also need to find seeds as well because that will allow us to make more oxygen and then we'll be closer to unlocking the food grower right so we made it we are heading in I'm not sure if there's going to be oxygen in here oh God it's dark turn the torch on okay I'm suddenly very scared it's gone a bit alien on me oh there's a chest though we've got a seed we'll grab that oh the oxygen level is low thankfully we have three oxygen capsules so we'll slurp some of that up and then look we've got something to deconstruct so get rid of those wrecks and now we can make it through what is that that's a heater yeah we'll have the heater please so we've just deconstructed that and look on the left we've gained a load of resources so we can build one ourselves right in this canister another blueprint microchip and that's it for down here down this way there's another thing to deconstruct get out the way beam storage crate or with some water some food and some iridium that's a very rare resource we'll take that yeah aluminum is pretty rare as well maybe I should take some of that I don't know we'll come back in case we find something better we don't have too much storage left all right two more chests more iridium I'll add some fabric also a rare resource we've got food I might just eat some food we are hungry our oxygen is running low I'm have to head back soon do I deconstruct these yeah let's have a little look we got this far we've got it we got to see what there is deconstruct deconstruct oh a heater T2 we will deconstruct that please all right so we've basically got more iridium which is very very useful oh this place just keeps on going what's in these chests more eggplant seeds yes please and another actual seed I'm gonna keep dropping the iron and take the rare stuff super alloy sounds super and in there oh some good seeds all right I might just drink some water so we got some space I'm going to take that it's got an oxygen multiplier of 150 percent right and there's like computers and uh Fusion reactor I don't know what that does we need to head back though I don't want to die I don't even know the way out oh God did I come in this way yes yes I did right oxygen level late let's drink some more oxygen and then we'll head back thankfully we can always find our base because of the huge staircase look how tall it is just to the mid station it doesn't even spawn you can't see it till we get closer that was a successful Mission though we've got some more seeds I think I saw we unlocked a veg tube T2 as well so we might make even more oxygen which hopefully means we're even closer to getting the grower unlocked right so up into here let's go over to the left nut and let's put some stuff in so we'll put this seed in first actually do I want to do this we've got the new veggie tube I tell you what I'm trying to find some iron so I can make a storage crate I've really I've pillaged this whole area for iron stupid stairs all right there's some back to the base that was quite a long way to find some iron but now we can build a storage crate and I might just shove this down there and then we'll put all our rare iridium in there and the fabrics and the super alloy as well we'll come over to the upgrade thing and we will decode our microchips you've got two microchips we can decode those we got all some new agility boots and Mining speed okay and to build our agility boots which will make us move 30 faster we need two Fabrics two super Alloys and the original agility boots we can literally do that straight away but before we do that let's just see in order to get our veggie tube T2 because look how much oxygen that produces 1.2 per second whereas these little veggie tubes 0.15 so they're basically useless so we need iron bloody iron two ices magnesium and silicon okay okay so in order to do the agility boots we do actually need agility boots T1 which I don't have yet we need two fabrics and two aluminum for that so we need a lot of aluminum we know there's a load on that spaceship but it is quite a long way away so I think we'll just get our veggie tube going first so iron to ice magnesium silicon oh I also found a very chest what's in here some water and then just resources we don't really care about okay we'll head back because now we can build the good veggie tubes so we'll shove one there and shove one there and then inside these we can put our good seeds we've got oxygen multiplier 200 percent so we'll shove that in look that is making 2.4 oxygen then in this one we'll do that one then I might just deconstruct these version one let's deconstruct those two can we create that one we need some silicon there's some there's some more oh look these things are grown already this is cool I'm loving this all right another veggie tube and another veggie tube and we'll fill these with our other seeds they're not as interesting a seed llama but uh better than a kick in the balls as I always say right so that's creating oxygen now so if we go on to here oxygen we're now making 6.75 and we've got one PPT I assume the t is higher than a q like 10 times higher so in here how much do we need for the food grower 12 PPT we need so we're gaining like 0. 0.01 every two seconds so that could take a while we need to find more seeds so I'm going on another scouting Mission which means I need Cobalt oh look at that look at that formation that's insane right this game just got very very good oh look aluminum that's not that right so with water and oxygen in our capsules we're gonna head this direction up the stairs actually should I be going up the stairs no I probably shouldn't let's hope that doesn't hurt oh it hurt I should have just jumped from the top but if we stay under our stairs I know there's another base thing lower down that I built earlier yep there it is straight ahead of us and behind that is a spaceship which we're going to explore so we'll head in here get some free oxygen thank you and then we'll head to this spaceship where hopefully inside we'll find some rare resources that we can use to build better stuff so in we go let's deconstruct that so we can head round in this chest we have oh more seeds 200 multiplier yes please some fabric as well very useful down here we've got all loads of chests we've got a little one which has a blueprint microchip your aluminum iridium super alloy food I'm going to eat the food I'm also gonna drink some oxygen and no not water yet oh look we got uranium we've never seen this element before that is very good and what's in this chest iridium fabric aluminum very useful well then here we've got a heater to deconstruct that gave us loads of iridium also some stuff we don't want like Silicon I think we'll drop the iron as well as rare as iron is these days it's not too rare all right another container contains more eggplant seeds that's what we want we've got more 200 multiplier seeds some fabric and I think that's this place completely pillaged because those doors are shut they're nice let's head back we can just follow the stairs that's so useful I'm so glad I built that I'm not gonna lie that oxygen is low let's drink up some oxygen I don't know what's going on up there it's all like it's all gassy all right so we're back look at our plants growing we are making some fat oxygen where we are now 4.6 we got to get to 12 but I'm not in too much of a rush right so I've just distracted those two veggie tubes I'm going to build two good ones we need two ice magnesium and silicon I'm going to build another storage crate just because we've got a lot of stuff now we're saving all this late game stuff we'll decoder the blue chip that gives us all a compass that could be useful if I didn't have a giant staircase to find my way home oh and you'll notice our base it's now it's now completely dark we've run out of power which means we need to build either a wind turbine or a solar panel so iron two Cobalts and silicon I think that's probably the sensible thing to do because that creates way more power but we've got to find iron a very very rare resource these days aha there we go The elusive ions now we can build a solar panel we can put these anywhere we can put them in the shade way up there and there you go power is restored so everything in this game is Bluetooth 6.9 operated which means it's all Wireless we don't need to worry about cables or anything and it's all Global I could build like the other side of the planet and that solar panel over there in the shade would still give us some electricity very nice all right so so back in here look I've got so many plants going now all in the veggie tube 2.0s and that's essentially doubled our oxygen production that's going up pretty quickly now which should allow us to build some of these cool things I think I want to go for the agility boot so two aluminum and two Fabrics that is crafted that will allow us to run faster but first before we equip that we can get the t2 if we use two super Alloys and two Fabrics which I have over here two super Alloys two Fabrics then I can craft the t2 agility boots oh yes get them equipped and now I'm super fast I go first I'm going I'm definitely moving fast I'm not sure it's notable I'm sure it will be I do actually feel a little bit quicker actually now what else can we craft well tier three backpack do we have aluminum we need two we've got one there is there one in this crate no there isn't balls all right I got a load of oxygen tanks on me I'm gonna go back to that spaceship because I don't think we completely pillaged everything from it so let's see what's on there oh on my way over I discovered this look melts at a hundred thousand NK so I think that's pressure or temperature I don't know I think as we start terraforming the land we'll unlock like certain areas like that maybe that's what the the cave that was all like gassy was but for now I'm just making sure I've got everything from here more seeds yes please seeds aluminum the eggplant that's what we need all right so the fusion reactor needs some sort of atomic stuff I assume that's what I use my uranium that I found for let's read this message oh really my Oxygen's going down while I'm reading right basically some people crash landed rise and eat right blueprint will take that and then I think this place is fully pillaged have I seen these oh no more eggplant seeds I nearly missed that I nearly missed that all right I think we got everything in there and look we've just unlocked the food grower yes baby and what do those take to actually build aluminum and iron and water okay so I will need some iron I better collect some okay so food grower after of course they go this end of the base at Shops some eggplant seeds in there now we need iron and water and let's dump all the good stuff unlock the blueprint which is a recycling machine and after hunting down a bit of iron I can build another food grower shove an eggplant in there another food grower shove an eggplant in there build another solar panel I think that wasn't enough we didn't get the water I think we still need more more power bloody hell we do have the t2 solar panel we can build but that requires aluminum which I'm a bit protective of so we're just going to build another normal one and that's still not enough power everything's still turned off bloody I'll build another one that's still not enough what the hell is going on another one okay I think food Growers take a lot of a lot of energy this is a disaster another one still not enough another one oh man it's still not enough why is this game punishing me for my stairs another one there you go power restored finally I'm gonna build another one just in case and we're we're about to die I think are we gonna make it back it's gonna be clutch the same for that door oh God oh God oh I just about made it build another one of those and look our baby eggplants are growing you are going to make a planet green one day right anyway guys that was terraforming a planet using eggplants in Planet crafter if you guys enjoyed if you want a series of this boost your like button let me know but for now I'll say peace love and egg planets get it plant [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 591,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet crafter, planetcrafter, the planet crafter, rce, real civil engineer, terraforming mars, terraforming, terraforming game, terraforming mars using eggplants, planet crafter full game, planet crafter green, planet crafter endgame, planet crafter stairs
Id: Sumnucwplrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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