Using TIERED DAMS to create an UNLIMITED WATER SUPPLY! Timberborn!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back i did the rotation the wrong way we're back in timber borners uh right i hope you're loving the new intro i said yeah so last time in our amazing beaver city uh we constructed this a dam no it's not a dam it's the opposite of a dam we constructed this a canal and uh we started filling this like long lake i like to call it lake lake long is the name i might dynamite it into the strongest shape potentially um but for now it's just it's just called lake long and we were slowly building this end so we got to delete that path delete this triple platform and they've come down into here landscaping we can plop a triple floodgate if we rotate it oh no not not yet it's matt not yet we need to delete that levy and then water's coming out this end which is good but i want them to build that and we're actually going to lower the floodgates as well i think we want this to be low so this end doesn't flood because basically we've got like a tiered thing going on we're going to have like a three-tier canal sort of like a lock lock long we'll call it not lake long lock long so this end we're just building adjustable blood gates and then we're currently building something here what are we building there so here we're just building a normal dam so you can see there's can you see there's like a gap in there oh look you can see my beavers building in the background could work so yeah this will this will sort of allow this area to be max level and then the water will overspill there come down here and then we've got flood gates here that we can sort of raise and lower out well actually i'm not entirely sure why i did a dam there i think they should be floodgates yeah tell you what we're gonna delete all that and we're gonna put floodgates back in all right so we got triple floodgates along there and then to get across i'm thinking we do a bridge the only trouble is with a bridge i'm not sure if they can build from the bridge now there's only one way to find out but we'll do it right behind like that so hopefully they'll build that and then they can build the floodgates off of it but no idea if it actually works like that we will have to find out uh meanwhile while that's all being built we are very close i think we've actually done it we got 3207 science now this has been like my aim for quite a long time and that's to build a super bridge so if we head down here into paths and structures uh we have a range of things we can build we've got like platforms and bridges but we want this one the six by one suspension bridge it's the most expensive bridge you can research it's going to allow us to span a huge area so let's unlock that yes please oh my goodness okay so now we've got one you can see like how long it is um my sort of aim is either to do it from here over to there or from there so i'll probably do both um but this is going to take some planning because i'm not entirely sure like where to start i've really wanted to be symmetrical about the middle so i think to start we'll just sort of work out the height so i think that side and that side are the same height so if we were to go from there look at that that lines up there is it oh it's going to be like one of those bridge meeting in the middle disasters where it doesn't quite work um but yeah looking at that i don't think it's gonna work out exactly so i think i want it to go from there so if we delete that if i put a platform there how high does this platform want to be think is that the right height or is that one higher i think that's the right height and then can i do my bridge from the platform yes i can okay but i think i need another platform to do a bridge going back the other way yeah i do so we'll do another platforming thing and then a bridge i can't believe we're building this this early on like that oh yes that's gonna be awesome okay so i just need to do the same on this side so if we delete that one and then we just want a two a bridge that one there and then we're gonna have to demolish some potatoes if we look straight down it's that one so come down here demolish buildings and resources and we'll say get rid of that high priority oh and the one next to it yes and the one extra i forgot and then over this side to connect things up we're gonna need a district gate because this is the youtube member side so if we put our gate there then we should just be able to path like that so that insulted why has no one destroyed that all right i think it's because i have everything on high price oh no there you go they've gone now they've gone now all right so now those have been dug up we can put our platform thing in so we do two triples and two doubles oh bollocks why have i done it there i did it in the wrong place wow that was that was really stupid of me maybe i'll just edit that out no one has to know no one has to know but because we're putting a platform in the water now we're actually gonna need two triples say triple and a triple oh this side's way higher because oh my god what is with me today i know it's early matt but come on use your brain man all right so to get that the same height do we just want a double yeah double looks good um although it's actually looking a bit wrong isn't it i think it's too close bulls it's got to be back one okay so it looks like we can't do a symmetrical bridge which is actually a massive shame or maybe we can maybe we can we'll just we'll make the gap a bit longer so we'll delete that and we're actually gonna dynamite this so dynamite there please um they can't get to that at the moment so they're gonna need a staircase to get up so if we bring a platform there and we'll do steps up one there one there and then steps up there and then we'll just connect it all with a path all right and then we'll delete this one and then we can build where we initially plan to build i think we'll just do two twos because that is the right height and then big ass bridge there lovely and then a little hiddley bridge there right and that is quite a cool bridge oh man that's actually a really cool angle i cannot wait to see that oh look look who's grown up engineer matt we've grown up oh and another mat has grown up matt crosky as well it's matt cross key you are a lumberjack very good work an engineer matt oh you're also a lumberjack the two mats are working together they're team mats and also i've noticed as an architect with an mit engineering degree who's grown up um how are you using your degree you're a farmer and you're picking carrots and you know what i think that's punishment enough i'm not gonna put you in the shame cage and then if you haven't been following the shame cage is this we've got three very very ungrateful patreons we've got bridges suck the real architect and the name that i can no longer say these guys have embarrassed engineering and hence they are set to live out their lives in the wheel of shame and the best thing is i'm not even using the power they're creating their lives are literally pointless it is beautiful but right i think things are looking pretty good we've got our mega structure bridge being built we've got oh look so they've built this little bridge down here i wonder can they build it looks like they can reach the triple floodgate now because that's not out of range um i might put a path in though just so they can get to it a bit easier if we come into paths if we just go like actually actually i had master plan didn't i i wanted to maximize our growing area so what i'm going to do i'm going to put platforms along there and then path on top all right down this end of lock long we can finally do the last bit of flood gating so we'll delete the platform delete that levy and then bang a triple floodgate on top nice so this end is done so we can raise those gates when we want to raise the level here we just need to wait for this bit to be done and nice nice okay all right but down in our youtube member area you can see here we have one unemployed beaver so what do we want to focus on down here they they're pretty good for food they're pretty good for everything to be honest i wonder whether it would be worth building them some water storage let's build those two then they can store a bit more water all right it was 138 he was our newly grown up beaver that didn't have a job now we could probably use some more storage up here as well shall we build that as well now we've got another beaver so another small warehouse after lovely cool so youtube members they're pretty happy they know what they're doing uh they've also been building the platforms as well so uh nice work guys oh and look our dynamite is complete so let's blow that up i love pressing this button ready three two one all right so now we should be able to plonk our two-way bridge in yes and then they'll start building it i think they should just be able to work along whilst building that all right it's meena over here you can see we've now covered up our canal which is pretty cool maybe i should do that the whole way up like put stairs in there maybe could be cool could be a good thing to do could be terrible not entirely sure yet but once they've built this platform and path around there i want to click on this and see how far will that extra doesn't look like it's going to extend far enough well they're actually who's that oh yes and look did you see that one so they are actually building this damn from the bridge excellent that's just what i wanted uh meanwhile i feel like it might be worth sort of planting some of this area up i know we don't have any jobs open yet but i feel like we need more wood and before we do that i've noticed we've got 11 homeless beavers is that just our youtube members we click on here the patreons yeah so the patreons they have plenty of houses uh youtube members they're all homeless sorry youtube members you're staying homeless for now we got bigger priorities so to expand our wood production i reckon up here engineer matt the forester i think he is he on top i don't know maybe he's planting over there actually there's actually no work on that one maybe that's why we're not producing enough logs they're just all empty yeah so actually looking at it i think we've i think we've got enough wood we just need more people to cut wood because there's so many maples about there's like maples for days so i've done i've just gone through and just made sure there's people in the logging post so they'll fill up this one up here joseph to panko he's now in that one so i think we should be chopping some more wood down now um i feel like my food's a little bit low so what i might do with this huge area we've now got so in food we haven't unlocked it yet but we can unlock this a grist mill and a bakery so that'll allow us to eat bread as long as we plant a load of wheat so maybe up here if we choose to put a farmhouse down maybe we plop that in that corn and that looks pretty good and then we'll say plant a load of wheat maybe that can be our wheat field i don't really know like how big it needs to be maybe we can go all out now the only downside is i've just noticed for the grist mill we're gonna need power and ideally i sort of i wanted to do i wanted to do that up here so what i might have to do is make this canal thing a little bit wider maybe put a water wheel in it the trouble is i'm going to assume if it goes wider the water level will drop even more particularly if we don't go wider from up here so i'm not too sure what the best way of doing this is i might try just yeah i might try all right this could be sneaky i might try and just put like a little party bit in so if we say demolish trees and buildings get rid of these trees i don't want these trees they're annoying me and we'll even use this the high priority tool which we've barely touched on but we can select all of that oh look at the light and they're all super high priority so the first job of all of our builders will be come and dig those up then we can come into landscaping and we can lay some dynamite down so what i'm thinking if we explode like that much and then maybe where that tree is as well that should be good let's just speed up time come on beavers look at them all good work guys all right so let's get another stick of dynamite in there so use your prioritized tool again come build these people we've got 23 dynamite so that shouldn't take too long there they are they got the boxes of dynamite and the last one use that you're so slow omkar why are you so slow just waddling with the dynamite all right so they're in let's detonate these boosh boosh boosh all right so let's just see how the water reacts so as expected it's sort of rushing down this side and it's pretty still in there if we come into our power we can build a water wheel you can see that sort of spans both things so hopefully that should just take the power and be fine i'll tell you what i actually want to detonate one more cause i get two wheels in here oh no god we've got the warning to say in three days time there's going to be a dry season which sort of ruins all of this stuff but uh oh well right let's destinate that let's detonate this one now i've come to power water wheel we should be able to fit two of these in so we can get one there and one there nice so if we come back to food we've got our grist mill cost 180 science points to unlock uh we got 800 again so yep we'll unlock that if we plonk that there and we'll unlock the bakery as well 160 cents yes the bakery will put there and then we'll just connect them both up with a path we'll probably delete those parts put a platform there and we'll just path up like that sorted question how much power does that need it needs 60 hp and these produce 180 okay that's a bit overkill i wish there's like batteries to store power for like the dry season but anyway nice in our farmhouse we've got buzzfly and down under thunder that's definitely an aussie name uh we're gonna prioritize wheat and planting you see they are busy planting away then pretty much once they're grown they're gonna be out of a job oh and i'll tell you what actually it might be worth rather than having a platform there you know let's delete that let's delete that if we put a damn there instead then that should hold some water back in the dry season and then i probably want to do the same down here with that piece as well we'll have to see how that works uh however shite the drought has started ah panic all right oh and up here look they've built the two power wheels and the power shafts so we can get them building the grist mill again but right i'm a little bit worried water could be an issue because at the moment all of our water is sort of spilling out of here so this was our storage area what i might want to do i might want to put an adjustable floodgate here like a little the smallest one you've got so then as soon as it becomes the dry season i can literally just lift that up because that won't flood because this end is lower about the moment we're basically just wasting all of our water so it's all coming down here and uh not being used so that's not very clever still it is what it is for now we're just gonna have to oh god yeah so this this canal has dried up oh no oh dear this wheat could be in trouble alex how long does wheat last it will dry out in 0.5 day oh well that was a waste of time that was a complete waste of time news that's out in their house buzzflight yeah waste of time mate i think we're gonna pause you [Laughter] oh what a waste that was right i tell you what then that one rather than being a damn i think that needs to be adjustable floodgate as well just a one-wayer and then we can at least raise that to stop water spilling out oh and annoyingly it looks like they can't build bloody they can't build the dam so it's in building range but it looks like they can't build off of a bridge so as cool as that looks that was a complete and utter waste of time so if we delete that suspension bridge then we can build some platforms if we do platforms like that we know they can build off platforms we'll just do that across oh that's a shame that is a shame meanwhile we can we can try and keep this green down here so you can see the water level is dropping but uh we got some spare water so we can drop that oh god no water came out the water's already dropped drop again to one and a half so a nice tidal surge downhill a bit of flooding a little bit of flooding i do really like how the water works in this game it's cool let's hope we don't let too much through and flood the youtube members but uh it looks like just about the right amount you can see this end just filling up there and we can just raise those again before the flood happens too much lovely so that will keep our youtube members in business and uh you can see we've got six unemployed beavers so if we click on like a district they say the youtube members we see four of them are unemployed there if we click on this one the other two are over here so we probably want to pause all these things that use water power because there's no water coming through for a long time i can see we're completely out of gears so i might come up here what's the power like up here where we got way more supply so i might turn on a gear workshop so ace rob has gone in there he'll make some gears otherwise it might just be worth getting the hauling post back up and running so there's our three unemployed people and should i i feel like maybe i should start turning these back on i know it's the dry season i probably shouldn't be doing this in the dry season but i want more beavers that is not enough beavers there's a lot of beaver there but it's not quite enough i want more i always want more uh meanwhile the youtube district oh look at them all they're all sleeping out in the rough you've got james lee chris roy who's over here sleeping on their own cody why are you sleeping on your own mate everyone's down here who's up there mr resource 138 and tn he's only two what have you been born into i've also realized i think the way that like the building range works is beavers can build off a bridge if they're building another bridge because it touches there but they can't like build these platforms so we're gonna have to do some like temporary scaffolding just to build the platforms up um so what's the best way of doing it it's probably coming from over this way isn't it let's put a temporary path in sort of thinking if we do platforms over to there we need to get to that level i think to be able to build that one so if we do that block there we'll do stairs like that unfortunately those potatoes we're gonna have to dig them up so give them a chance to actually harvest them then they're not going to are they they're not going to yes they are they're harvesting right so once they've been harvested we can say dig it up there you go it's gone it is gone so we can do a triple and a single and then if we path on there they should then be able to build everything from that i hope maybe potentially uh we had we had a few deaths though drawing that so logan shroff and zack now they're both generation 2.0 as they died james lee also died now we've had a load of births oh man it's all kicking off hang on what's this architects over engine it right what are you doing no no you're not picking berries that job is far too good for you turn on the power wheel to gather a flag you're being paused oh and i've just noticed this area has gone brown so we need to lower the floodgates so we'll lower it oh no no water came out we'll lower it again 1.5 that's not good we've still got like nearly four days left yes the satisfying rejuvenation is in progress all right architects over engineers is in the power now you will spend the rest of your days in the power wheel generating power for no reason shame shame shame shame oh never gets old never gets old shaming architects it looks like we're massively low on planks they can't build all these platforms so i've just sacked ace rob from the gear workshop and he's now just making planks yeah i'm pretty sure the skills are transferable so that that should be fine you are a forester here and you only plant berries i'm not too sure your job's worthwhile you know so i'm gonna sack you for a bit we're gonna put you to work hauling so you can join these guys right so down here is like fantastic like it stays so green so maybe we could expand some sort of growing down there that really wasn't the best location but they have built that dam piece now that's pretty good let's plonk a path on top as well uh how are these two buildings coming along so the bakery has everything apart from planks where we've just we just fixed that there's more planks being made the grist mill has everything except for one gear how many gears have we got oh bollocks all right we're gonna have to turn the gear workshop on just to make one gear so ace rob sorry mate you're you're back in the gear workshop make one gear please all right i think he's made a gear he's made gear so we can pause that and go back into lumber mill yes we've made the grist mill uh but we have no power as you can see because the water's run out oh look and this is done as well the bakery so i'm going to keep both of those paused for now but oh the water right we've got to lower this again we're down to one oh so satisfyingly um my aim is sort of when we get down to like the last half i'll turn these pumps off oh bollocks that might be now so i just realized this top has run okay okay we are turning off all of these water pumps and we're gonna lower this another half let some more water out oh god oh gosh this is not good i tell you what it might be worth doing we got 43 dynamite i might make this top lake a little bit deeper just so we can store more water i think that'll be quite useful so let's go into landscaping and dynamite and uh let's lace this thing up we'll make sure they've got a way down so we'll do stairs down there and down that but uh that's a lot of dynamic that might be more than 43 dynamite still every little helps every little helps oh no that's just reminded me so you can see here the major has died of old age for some reason in an earlier episode i referred to him as the mayor um y's and jays they're very similar they're very similar letters i got confused i apologize i got confused i'm all meanwhile bloody hell so down in our youtube member area we've got six unemployed beavers that's insane so what we're gonna do down here we're gonna take advantage of all this food we're gonna unpause the farmhouse the mist resource and killer 230 they have gone in there um i think as well we can probably stop bringing food over because from this place the distribution post we are taking food to the youtube members i'm not entirely sure they need it i think they're self-sufficient in food now so let's pause the food we'll keep the logs on the planks and everything else going yeah we're gonna up the builders so tien and chris roy have joined mon and cody uh because we're gonna do some building we are going to build a forester hut we're gonna plonk that there we're gonna path up to it and we're gonna path over here as well and we're gonna build another log pile back here probably there and a couple of lumberjack flags and then we're going to say plant all of this area so plant trees and we want maples because we're trying it we're trying to go self-sufficient with the youtube members and ideally sort of help out if we can provide more logs that's all good right it's the end of the dry season the water is coming back a little bit worried about our dynamite down here does it work underwater i think it i think it'll be okay they've only actually placed one thing of dynamite which is a bit lazy but i think that's because they were busy building the stairs yeah they're trying to build those so fair play is not their fault there's two unemployed beavers in this district who has water's about to come flooding through let's turn on these again we got the lumber mill on turn the shredder on and we'll turn these four water pumps on and then i think we might pour some science i don't think science is worth doing in the meantime so you lot we're going to have some new jobs one of you is going to be a gear workshopper down under thunder that is everyone else has gone in these jobs yeah planks are being made and then otherwise it's just a case of making sure the lumber mills are full and i think they are now so if we want to get water back down this side because i want to put people in here so we're going to put farmers back in there and to make the ground green again we're going to have to raise the floodgates up to two and a half if we just speed up you can see as the water rises it should go down there lovely and then these will go back on they're replanting that that dam's doing its job now oh it nearly flooded it's okay it is all okay we're back in business we got floodgate at the end what if we lift that up does that flood anything oh yes it floods everything no no no no no whoa okay so that's pretty powerful i can't believe i did that gotta be careful with this floodgate that's sort of for emergencies only uh when the dry season hits and this sort of runs out that's when we'll do that same with this one so yeah we've got those guys in there doing that that's gonna take 10 days for those to grow but once they're grown we can then put people in these two things but for now i think that's all good oh look so how is this coming look they're building the triple floodgate it's just taking planks now nice i'm back in the youtube members we've got two lumberjacks doing nothing so prisoner 108. you're not a prisoner you're a beaver and raja we haven't actually told them to cut down anything so we should probably do that so cut trees we need to mark up all of these basically so now they're not just waiting for things to grow they're actually going to cut down these trees so that's good that is all good oh look this floodgate's finished yes yes okay okay so that means finally we can leave that on two and a half yes and then over this end where we've got the water spilling out the end we can now raise this up to two and a half as well and that will allow loch long to fill up with more water and then we'll have an adjustable way to get water down here so basically we'll just be adjusting these ones to let water down like for example if we come down to zero that gets some water going through i think we'll fill up like this so we'll raise this one up two and a half and if we fast forward we should see this water level start to rise ish it's a bit slow it's a bit is there water coming out there is water coming out it's just taking a while that was a whole evening and it's barely raised if i'm honest um but reservoirs they will they will take quite a long time in the season to uh fill up so i think that's high enough for now we can do this on up to 2.5 and then block long should start filling up no bollocks why is why is it flooded down here oh that was the max level that's why i didn't fill up because it was all topping down did i really miss that i am not i am not very smart but yeah then i'll probably want to get the youtube members to sort of keep their base over this side because then they can pump water from down here and we should have an almost infinite supply to give them and then we can look at mining this as well the old ruin so that's expanding well oh god hang on i've been where i've been fast forwarding for so long trying to watch this fill up loads of stuff has been happening so we've got nine unemployed beavers two of them are youtube members so let's open this farm so liv cot and our bunkie have gone in there and then youtube members are sorted for now all right and over here we've got seven unemployed beavers uh so i'm sort of thinking maybe one can go up here i think we need another lumberjack let's build a lumberjack flag there i might do another one over here as well and then we'll start planting these up for more trees we'll just go all the way around the edge all right that'll keep you busy engineer matt i gotta do that end strip that was that was really bugging my ocd that was all right so that's all planted that's going to take another like five days or so so we may as well pause that farmhouse and we've got even more beavers so let's unpause the hauling post let's get some stuff moving so we filled that with nine people now look at all these lovely lovely hall hang on who's that rc looks like an architect right oh seriously there's not even a wheel of shame left hand i can't be having that though i cannot be having that i tell you what luke did in the crew i feel like you've done your punishment i am going to pause you i'm basically playing roulette here i feel like it's the quickest way just pause and then on pause and as soon as rc looks like an architect appears we'll go again so i'll see you in like 10 minutes probably when this game of chance finally works out for me yes he's finally in right so holding post back up to the top so in the morning when all of our beavers come out of their lovely barrack look at that that is a hell of a barrack but look at them all coming out it's amazing and then we can head over to here the real architect bridges suck architects over engineers and rc looks like an architect it's surprising that these guys have all chosen to support me on patreon but um but you brought shame to the beaver community uh oh and look they're finally building the big bridge um but that's that's a hell of a cliffhanger that we're gonna leave on for next time we're gonna have to wait for the next episode to see how the incredible bridge looks i am super excited but uh peace love and incompleted bridges guys i'll catch you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 543,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: timberborn, timberborn gameplay, timberborn ep 1, timberborn dam, timberborn flooding, timberborn 2, timberborn part 1, timberborn free download, timberborn demo, beaver city builder, beaver, beaver dam, rce, real civil engineer, timber born, timber born game, timberborn full version, timberborn full game, timberborn full release date, timberborn game, timberborn lets play, timberborn review
Id: MlAHSabCfQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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