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welcome back guys for more timberborne and here is our awesome looking damn but there is one problem with it can you see what it is maybe if i remember if i zoom out a bit can you see what it is a bit more can you see what the problem is it's not big enough now are you supposed to blow the bloody doors off i went on michael caine then right so yeah it's not big enough it's not even close to being big enough we're going to build a much much bigger dam why but i don't know because it's me there are actually more there are several problems with this now one thing it's not properly centered and it like it would look much better if it was properly centered so i've put in a couple of markers so that i know where to build this new dam where it's actually going to be properly centered um the other problem is that we can't use all the water of this i mean we actually we kind of can um but i'm going to do something to kind of mimic being able to do it a bit nicer so yeah we're going to do that um let's um let's start constructing this damn shall we so how's this going to work so i'm gonna have this coming out here like uh let's do one two three four five and then from there one two three four five um okay one of the problems okay there are straight across dams like this like the the murder down and dams like that but a lot of damn especially modern dams are curved so that they can better withstand the pressure of the water so we're going to have a bit of a curved dam going on so let's do one two three four and then we'll do one two three one two three one two three one two i think we'll do it like that yeah i think we'll do it later so what was that that was one two three four and then one two three one two one one two three one two three okay cool now i'm gonna have to get rid of this damn you'll see why in a second so from here one two three four five six i've left room in the center for my six sluice gates or floodgates and then we're gonna have one two three four five six yeah yeah i'm gonna have to get rid of this this is now in the way do you want to see me rip out the dam and flood the entire place should we do it let's do it it's going to be fun let's rip it out so i want to rip it out up to there don't i yeah and that's there yes okay fine right shall we um should we flood the entire place because there's a there's a fair amount of water there wonder if it's gonna flood alexandria i think it probably is let's um let's see what happens oh i do like the water physics but i think this needs to happen a bit faster go oh look and we these buildings are now flooded and it's is it going to flood alexandria oh yes it is and you see the buildings don't operate when they're flooded so a lot of people have been saying oh can you put the buildings in the water right now you can't the building's buildings will be flooded oh my god the entire place is flooded but we've got our dams in place to let the water out so i'm hoping that this won't last too long yeah here we go we've let all the water out okay well the the beavers are already getting to this and building it so let's let's put the rest in before they start doing really stupid things so what do i want to do landscaping and levees so we're gonna have this coming out to there oh one two three four five six seven yes that's how i want it we are going to have a set of floodgates going across there okay i want to be able to use every drop of water now i've had various suggestions about how i can do this because before we had like the two layers there um so yeah you couldn't use the bottom two layers of water um this is gonna be kind of a clutch but it'll look cool so who cares you know what are we what we're going to do is we're going to put a couple of levees across there and then we're going to have a couple of levees going across there and then a couple more levees going across there like that and then we're gonna have triple slot gates on there like this and triple floodgates on there like that okay you see where this is going i think you probably can right so then we'll build that up to there i want it up to the roof light yeah there we go and then same with this one up to there and then this one's gonna be up to there okay cool and then we'll put in a block there and a block there just to make it look nice all right all right looking good looking good so same on this side now what's going to happen is when the water is up at this height it'll be controlled by these floodgates and they'll let it flow down into this kind of little reservoir and then down into this little reservoir and then we'll let it flow down when we get down below the floodgates up here what we can do is just demolish these center two sections then we can control it with these and then we do the same thing when it gets below those floodgates we demolish the two center ones and then we can control it with these down to the last drop of water and then when the dry season is over we just rebuild those two center sections and then we've got it so yeah it's a bit of a clutch but but it's gonna look cool and it means i can build it an even bigger dam and you know at the end that's the whole point it's it's not really about function it's about form so uh let's get this whole thing up there and we'll see what this actually looks like because i'm thinking it should it should look fairly impressive i think so let's do whatever you want i gotta say there's quite a lot of this to build because this goes up to quite the height all the way up to there my god this is going to take some building now this is going to present us with all kinds of problems because this is much bigger i mean this is what two and a half times as big as the previous one like in terms of materials and stuff in fact it's probably slightly bigger than that might even be three times um yeah i'm thinking yeah thinking about it it's got to be like three times as big uh we're going to need more workers to get it done in a reasonable amount of time we're going to need a lot more of a lot more materials so we're going to have some other things to deal with around the place let's get rid of that path from there yes and then uh landscaping levees and go oh now go get rid of this path as well go away thank you levees so that's going to go one two three yeah yeah that's what we want now this is a damn right it takes a while just to put the blooming sections in doesn't it so that's supposed to be uh that's a that's supposed to be twos across there isn't it yeah and then we need to rebuild this section that i'm down inadvertently and then i've got to get rid of those parts um delete just grab the path yes and then uh i've got to get rid of that path there haven't i yes oh this just works this just works what do we want levees more levees can't have enough levels one two and three okay so that is what it's going to look like when it's eventually completely built so i am going to have to um redo this whole front part and uh yeah i'm going to i'm actually going to have to redo a lot of things right let's go let's go up here while they're kind of getting on with that this area over here i realized that flooding this area is really dumb like really dumb so we're not going to do that anymore what we're going to do i'm going to get my demolish tool to make buildings we're going to get rid of that don't want that um what we're going to do instead is dynamite this layer and then we've got a massive area of farmland i never really meant this for this um this colony to be a permanent thing which is why i never built houses for them but now we're gonna have to do that so uh we want some dynamite please dynamite and we are gonna have dynamite all over all over here we're gonna dynamite the whole lot um back to i think probably um any reason why i shouldn't die with that layer in fact any reason why i shouldn't dynamite that land not really okay the drought has ended so beavers you better get building um like pretty darn quick you just know some stupid beaver's gonna get himself trapped in here and die don't you okay it's all done i have to put a path through here to get all the dynamite laid and then backfill it but it's all done now should we blow it up go on i cannot wait to blow this up that's the best way to look at it here we go oh i didn't get the last one we missed one oh my god how much fun is this game it's crazy okay so this is now going to be virtually all farmable there might be one or two i think this will actually still be farmable but what it could do and what i should do is actually move this down back to the uh it's actually a levee not down so i will move this we'll move this levy back here because we want every scrap of ground don't we yeah of course we do let's see how do i want to do this i'm thinking probably we'll have a path oh i know i know how we'll do this i know how we'll do this we'll do this based on beehives yeah we'll do this based on beehives food beehive so we we're going to want a beehive there and a beehive and behind like that and beehive that okay perfect so then we want another one that's one two three isn't it so if i have a path coming along like uh that and then that needs to come down one two three one two three to there so if we have the path coming across there then we can put the farmers in going like one two three yeah so let's say beehives again more beehives what do we want we want beehive oh that's blooming but i couldn't how did i manage to do that like seriously how did i manage to do that uh we will put in a set step this is going very well guys this is unlike me we'll have a set stairs going there uh we need these trees cut down you get to work faster i'm not you know what i'm not gonna wait for him i'm not gonna wait for him and we've got billions of trees so it's not a problem so we'll mark those for demolition so we'll have a path coming down there that's perfect which means that i'm going to be able to get rid of this path oh yeah don't you love it when a plan comes together so we'll get rid of that path coming down there yes so we're gonna have beehive there and beehive there oh we've got a bit of land and it didn't blow up okay well we'll get that dynamited there we go you know what if i put that one in there for now um we would want let's say beehives more beehives we would want beehives going up here wouldn't we really to make best use of it yeah so i don't maybe i could ah i know i know how i can do it i figured it out so instead i was gonna put farmhouses like that right but if i put a farmhouse like that then i'll be able to put beehives going behind them yeah that works okay so we can put one in there and we can put one there yeah that works okay cool so we've got a whole bunch of farmhouses going in right so that's that next next we need some living accommodation don't we yeah we do right i think we'll have some nice um some nice cliff side accommodations so what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a bit more dynamiting let's dynamite that and that okay dynamite's ready time to go boom it's so much fun right what are we going to do now we're going to do i'm going to do this row as well okay so what i want to do here is have some some high-rise housing how are we going to do that so we'll take a triple lodge and we'll have a triple lodge going there and then we'll have another triple lodge going there and then we'll have another triple lodge going there and now these are six each aren't they so that's 24 i think we'll probably go up again 36 what like what that let's if you're gonna do it like do it right so something like that yeah we might even i might even expand it out a little bit but we'll see so um well how are you gonna get to those then sky because that doesn't seem doable okay well this is how you do it we're gonna put in uh some stairs going there and then we'll have a platform there there and there and then we'll have a double platform going there and there yep and uh [Music] there yes confusing this right so then i want a path that goes like that and like that oh no not like that no that one's in the wrong place there we go and then we have a set stairs that goes flip you around like that so it's this it goes there and we have the path going there there and then that's the right place isn't it yes then we have uh stairs that go on there and then we'll have double platform there there now you probably think well that's the size you can go no because you can put it on top of the stairs like that so now we can keep going so we have path guys there and there so they can get into their houses and then we get double platform again so we're gonna have stairs there aren't we so boom boom and boom yeah that's right so we need stairs flipped around there then we have path guys like that stairs go there and we have another double book now is that is that all the way nope got another level to do so we'll have path across there we want a double there we want stairs going up there double double double the other stairs go their path across there awesome isn't it and there and there that's great we will put in the path that now that allows them to get to all of the apartments and that's great right but it's not great enough i don't think let's give them what do we want uh if we have a look in leisure how about rooftop terraces should we have roofs yeah let's give them a couple of rooftop terraces like that now i do want them to be able to get out at this level so what i'm gonna do let's have a look uh what do i want i want uh let's get my triple platforms let's do triple there triple there and then i just want to double down i i think i think i just want a double oh no i only need a single actually okay fine so we'll go single single and then we can put um path on there uh oh but we can't get to that path from that height okay well that's it's not a problem we can uh take out that path and take out that path not path path there we go yes and we'll put in stairs instead so we'll have stairs going up to there oh you know what i can do i can have stairs going up to that level i didn't want to put those in i can have stairs going up to that level he said trying to maintain his level of excitement take that one out and have stairs going down to that level for maximum efficiency oh i like that that's quite cool right beavers you can get on and build that now i might put um i might put some other stuff on the sides or whatever but we'll kind of see for now first let's get that built now that's gonna house how many what did i say like 48 beavers um so yeah we're going to have plenty of beavers for this project and they can have babies and whatever so i think i just need to get rid of this blooming tree so i can put a path in here there's no reason why we can't uh we can't plant this up as soon as we get enough people in here right how are we doing on the dam and my god the dam is flying along i can't believe how much they've done already that is incredible okay well i think um i don't know about you but i'm in the mood for a little bit of time-lapse action okay now that is high rise beaver living at its finest oh yes okay couple of things that we need to do and then we can just focus on the dam so uh we need them to be able to grill their own potatoes so let's put in a grill i think you know what if we pop it in there yeah this is gonna work if we pop that in there and then we have we have some stairs just popping down there like that and put in a little path across that's kind of perfect actually do i want them to have access around you know what i think what we'll do instead of doing that i'll put in a platform first and then we'll have the stairs going down because then i can route this path around here if i want to i don't know whether i want to but we'll do it like that and then let's get some farming going shall we so i'm thinking loads and loads and loads of food so what do we want uh we want crops we want we'll have some carrots going on so maybe we'll do like carrots in that area and then we want potatoes going on so let's do potatoes in that area there we'll maybe do more potatoes in this area up here and that should do us for now while they finish clearing these trees out and then i'll i'll fill the rest in maybe maybe we'll even get onto wheat maybe i'll yeah in fact maybe i'll save that area for doing wheat that sounds like a good plan right they have already done like a fair bit of work on this and we're getting we're getting plenty of stranded beavers yeah well it's their own fault they shouldn't do it oh well i'm just gonna i'm just gonna let them get on with it let's get back to the old time lapse oh my god and there it is all completed in its glory oh i love it i love it now there's still a huge amount of work to do uh first thing i'm going to do i'm going to take out this bit of scaffolding because it's it's kind of annoying uh well what am i looking for i'm looking for my delete building so i want to get rid of all of that good and i want to get rid of this little bit of water's bugging me down here so we're going to get rid of that as well so the easiest way is to just get rid of that levee there let that water drain out so i had a few surprises for you so we've got this um we've got this staircase and path and scaffolding going up the back to allow them to full access to this and then we've got bridges across the top two tiers and we've got a staircase to allow us to get in so this means that if i want to if i want to demolish this section or this section that we can rebuild them really easily so um i think we should probably see what this looks like don't you think i think we should i think we should see what this looks like when we open up the floodgates so over here i've removed the dam over here because it was flooding all of the farms so that's gone the drought has just started so let's do it what do we want to do uh let's un-synchronize the four on the outside okay and then the two on the inside i'm figuring i'm gonna have to drop this a fair way to get the water to come through oh there you go we have water coming through and that fills up and floods out oh yeah oh that is awesome we'll do the same with this actually we'll desynchronize that one and that one and we can drop that down to allow water out and i tell you what let's do the same with this so we'll desynchronize the outside four actually you know what let's um let's take those up to height three so that we've just got it coming through those two there we go oh that looks so good that looks so good okay we have got an enormous amount of work to do in the next episode um i'm gonna have to do i'm gonna do some terrain manipulation we're going to blow up some of this area over here so that we can kind of even it out we will um replace the water wheels or move the water wheels so that they're central again we'll build up a platform outside i'm going to have to put all the industry in okay that's that i've got to build up this this dam over here to match the height of this dam so we can actually retain all of the water and then i need to set up another colony somewhere over here and we've got to build a dam across this area and i am i'm having ideas about what i might do uh in terms of like maybe building a sluice down here or something i don't know if you've got ideas leave me a comment but if you want to see any of that stuff yes you'll have to come back for the next episode guys we'll leave it there thanks for watching hope you enjoyed it keep the comments coming i'll catch you for the next one peace out [Music] you
Channel: Skye Storme
Views: 309,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mSiR9apoM28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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