RCE ARCHIVE: Making a HUGE DAM in a new Timberborn map!

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[Music] hello fellow engineers oh i don't have too much time today so we're not getting the full however long i usually wait it's usually bloody ages it's usually like six minutes uh just three minutes somewhere in in um right we we are in timber born today uh and i thought this time we're not gonna continue the youtube map um wait you and chat stop requesting love i see you how dare you how dare you my love has to be earned not requested um we're not we're not doing the youtube series we're gonna start a new series a twitch series potentially potentially there's something that's going to go too far oh my god so what caused a lot of words mr uber just subscribed um but yeah i want to see i wanted to have a little go this create a new map um 128 yeah that sounds pretty good i wanted to like sort of self like prepare a d oh god that's brown that's really brown oh wow this okay so i haven't used the map editor yet it's literally just brownness interesting marshmallow boy that name every time oh knight j that's a good shout out knob river cheers to the chair marshmallow marsh marshmallow oh god damn we've got a dad joke uh i don't want to do a beaver joke because someone might lodge get it lodge be the lodge a complaint about me yeah is that good enough would get a wood wood would you want another joke no we're stopping there we're stopping ah that joke had no teeth oh god i did another one goddamn eagles five nine two nine cheers for the bits my man that's very kind of you cheers for the cheer no mr room is out sorry i apologize and big foot hustles what does it take to earn your love oh no i didn't mean it like that i didn't mean it like that i know what you're like bigfoot um anyway anyway right so yes i want to build a big dam so we need like a big luke [Music] you fired like you luke i just whenever i hear fart now i just say my mate's name luke because it just reminds me of him sorry i had chili there he is go check out ttv subzero if you guys haven't he does lots of farts on his channel it's disgusting silvox thresher cheers for the sub you've been sobbed for six months play me at what point of sub does my beard grow in the icon oh well if you what are you on now you're six months so you are now completely beardless however look at your hat it's golden amazing holy crap cold compote cheers for the cheer dude it's very kind of you hang on do you say anything hello rc love the content cheers boy very kind oh bigfoot hustle i love you bigfoot hustles that would be that'll be right so oh god they are they're never ending f pont which is the prime buddy what are we looking at on here natural height oh we got a square jan one two three cheers for re-sobbing with prime you're a three-monther [Music] oh stillbox thresher gift and some subs out that's fray kind of you dude thank you very much um right so what i'm thinking we need like i don't know a load of the map really high or at least like high enough that i can build a big dam what what should we do so this is okay so you change you can change the shape the size and the height okay so that's going max i think you want like a massive i'm not i'm not doing a knob i'm not gonna do a knob that's a bit too obvious it's a bit a little bit too obvious but i think we're gonna do something like that and i'm thinking if we sort of step it down and then our normal river height will be down there but we'll damn this bit up maybe i should start with like a waterfall up this end so if if we like do that [Music] and then because where's the was there's like a watered source somewhere i'm going to guess that one oh hang on how did you say your name green rude fruit damn i hope i didn't slaughter your name there well thank you very much for gifts and subs that's super generous man five damn what do you mean i've automatically done it oh freaking no i legit did not mean to do enough i just need to draw some nuts and i've done it honestly i am complete but they're following me they're literally following me they are following me oh why am i haunted by these things anyway anyway so what i was planning to do it was a water source up here and then like start it with a bit of a bit of a waterfall maybe so what does this actually look like well it's just it's just a pile of rocks it's just a load of green rocks now they can okay so they can go up the top so i assume if i do it there this whole top bit will just flood so we probably have to step down like one i don't know because i'm not sure if i did the water source down the bottom does anyone know this if i did the water source down there then i did a dam across here would my water source like fill up to there is how water works i'm guessing it needs like pressure or does it have to be higher than the water level does that make sense does that make sense yes it fills up oh cool cool okay it would fill up interesting so it's not actually realistic in my opinion i'm gonna make it realistic sod this i know what i'm doing so what's this absolute relative i think i'll just do absolute because then i know what levels i'm working with so we'll do oh god oh it goes way high it goes to 16 oh that is 16 okay so go we'll go 15 there we'll do a little so that's our little thing i should probably do i should probably do a like a little wall at the back so no doubt the water will escape if i don't to do that we'll add our water source like along here is this going to work like diagonal i probably shouldn't have done diagonals should i do i need to do like that i'll be fine i'll be fine uh and then i'm gonna do some sort of like waterfally feature i'm gonna try and make this like i don't know like two-tiered or three well like tented like sort of stepping down in an actual like lower river because i'll probably like start my base in there maybe not actually a stupid idea i'll start my base out here so it doesn't matter what happens in there it's just gonna be a river right okay so terrain absolute i'm gonna make brush size a little bit smaller i think we'll do a bit of that i'm just sort of trying to make it look a bit more realistic probably feeling oh glady blimey what's going on here golden piggy pet in the pad cheers boy uh did you eat my shark what a name uh cheers to pray man and oh silvox thresher again gifting out another sub cheers dude very very generous of you just filling the train getting that hype train up boy i should probably i should probably knock that off how does that one work relative oh does it just do the level that you're looking at it says brush height i don't know uh pretor phoenix cheers for the cheer that's your first ever chat and it was a cheer that's very generous of you man thank you very much i assume man i always say man sorry if you're not a man oh hang on i need to go back up i need to i need to sort the top out first i want like you know oh look you're a big hole there that's not good so i think we'll do like a few steps we'll fill that in oh god too far too far oh no what am i doing why am i so bad at this it's a little little [Music] a little bitty like that that would be little sort of bits around there lovely that sort of looks like a thing doesn't it and then i was just thinking we do like a little rivery bit so we want what height was that i think it's four so if we do a three uh do i want square do i might do a round we haven't tried round yet and we'll make the brush a bit bigger nice and i think we'll just let the mouse decide where we go [Music] so where's that going over there i should probably do a little bit lower as well uh that one height down to two right over there somewhere cool and i might do like some branches like one over that way maybe we'll go we'll go back up and we'll do over there over there all right does that look sort of like a thing maybe ignore the knob bit ignore the knob [Music] now i'm actually going to need a way to get up there so i'm going to try and break me robert beckley loving the timber born keep up freak me dude i will thank you very much that's a super generous man damn yeah thank you oh i'm doing the wrong one that's what i wanted so yeah we're going to need like a way for them to sort of get up so these are like one step at a time sort of thing so if we do all of that level first can i add steps i can add steps so i could make it really easy for myself i'm not entirely sure i want to if i'm honest we'll do that all the way back there all the way over there and then we'll just keep going up in different heights so we'll do another one over there another one there i gotta i need to make him a lot narrower i think because it's a long way up it's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll yeah bigfoot hustles twisted knob creek oh it does it looks a bit like a vein now doesn't it i've just well actually it looks it looks really disgusting now that looks like you don't know what i thought i can see that would it will stay zoomed in we'll stay zoomed in unpause what does armed paws do oh it starts the water you tricked me we can't do that yet i've paused but the water is going in the right direction i need to make this a bit i'm going to make it like a plunge pool [Laughter] marshmallow marshmallow boy is it marshmallow um wow cheers for the wow i'm gonna i am actually gonna because i'm intrigued now to see this okay make the height low we're gonna make a plunge pool and then we'll fill that up and we'll see what happens so yes we will press play oh god there's water everywhere pause okay we might have to do a little bit of a little bit of tweaking so if i increase the height i don't know what height that is now it's not fit it's not 16 16 is the top it's about there you go that is that height so if i go down one make the brush smaller and then just do a little bit of a little bit of that will that work yeah i might have to do oh let's go up one and just do that i think that should work without anything flooding too much maybe i don't know let's see oh it's looking that's pretty that's pretty good actually all right now this plunge pool area will fill up with water will it is that filling up yeah it is look it's filling up cool oh on the uh what one is it show water oh there i just press escape i'm an idiot but look yeah i don't have to worry about lag my my uh my computers should handle this game look the water's about to over top ready it's stuttering and she's off she is off look how deep it is it's so dark cool and then it will gonna flow down here and hopefully go in various directions sweet so while that's running i'm gonna now we've got a green shaft let's add some height oh mitchie cheers for the comment i'm glad you're loving the timber born tim bourne's going down really well actually on the channel getting hella views a lot more than the so-called most popular game in the world minecraft cough cough right okay that's height what height six okay so we were on six so we're doing sevens now by agra fools love it okay so a bit of that yeah sorry if you uh if you came here expecting like a fast pace video this is going to be pretty chilled one wait it's not even a video it's live matt we're live it's a stream we are live you're kind of bad at minecraft wash your mouth out me i'm the best minecrafter there ever was i befriended a horse no bear it's um it's pretty new to me it's really weird though so like not many not many views on minecraft but the people that have watched it like men's it's got so many likes and so many comments as well that says yeah it's just quite interesting seeing like because everyone that sort of says like youtubers were always like hit the like button leave a comment it really helps obviously it doesn't because uh those videos completely laced in them but not that many views although first one picking up some speed now people seem to be watching that bollocks i forgot about this side oh well i wish there was a quick way of doing this is there a quicker way am i being an idiot no i'm gonna say no uh i don't know why i left that bit minecraft is pretty saturated yeah true i think unless you're doing like mods and you're probably not gonna get minecraft views but then to be fair i thought like first time minecrafting was pretty niche almost well not niche but like unique there aren't many people that haven't played it before there aren't many people have been living under a rock the last 15 years yeah true most my viewers are probably older than minecraft audience yeah good point very good point oh i cocked that up i wasn't paying attention all right let's fill it fill in all that stuff around the back nice we are getting there should i i really i need i need i want i don't know oh look how green this place is the water flows it definitely looks like a knob i'm quite proud of that little thing i am wondering though should i make it easy on myself and just put steps up because i could i have the power i literally could just step it up would you reckon chat is it cheating what's the objective so my objective is to sort of do almost like a twitch series it might become a youtube series but um i just a new series and my aim was to like build a map myself try and make it easy on myself because i want to like damn this off like imagine a big ass dam across there and all of that filled with water that's here it's cheating you're cheating no steps yeah okay okay fair enough bare enough well we'll mess about with the brush a little bit over here because like some of these high things i want to put like the uh the ruins and stuff are there ruins it's got yeah here we have ruins ooh so the question that one's going to be easy to get up so maybe i should put the ruins on this side so it's like it's more of a late game sort of thing or maybe i could do like a little ruin down here yeah maybe okay we'll do we'll do a little ruin over here just a little a little i don't know like that sort of thing oh did you oh god nice i'll go i'll go have a look at that afterwards then over here we're gonna have the big boys can i just lace this ruins i think that's how the devs probably did it when they made their maps right nice that's a big ruin that's what she said yeah but it's gonna be it's gonna be hard to get to like look at imagine the infrastructure we're gonna need to get up there i've gotta make it worth it i'm ruining it uh a damn across the shaft doesn't i don't know i reckon there's a lot of building space around there maybe we could could we add some more i was just thinking more like infinite water well and just how cool it will look oh no it's going to be oh because i've done it wonky it's going to be terrible i keep forgetting like diagonals aren't a thing in this game oh that's annoying hmm or could i just do like i could do a damn like that i guess like a wiggly wobbly that's gonna take so much wood so that is the other thing we're gonna have to give ourselves all the wood in a word so yes you might you might have a go at me but we're gonna screw the birch we're just going to do maple 100 density brush size max we're going to give us all the trees um where do we put them they where do where do we actually want to start i think like we build down here so maybe if we do this middle bit oh let's make this whoa okay that's that's quite a lot of maples let's turn that down and turn the density down a bit all right so that's where we want to get to that's the good stuff so we're gonna where we actually start we're gonna have some pines we're gonna have like load of pines up there maybe we'll put like quite a lot up here for when we do damn so we'll do right up this end oh we can mix and match decent cool so our aim is i think to start is to go to this place this is where the wood's going to be you need hairs on the balls uh shall we should probably do like in there as well i don't know what happens to trees like underwater like those ones are they okay are they gonna drown i don't know and then we need we need berries don't we so for berries i think we'll just we'll just dot them around the edge oh god that's a lot of berries i think we'll go like along here i'm 100 this way oops there may be some berries over there uh is that enough wood i think that's enough wood is that a good map have i mapped it i'm late what is this game it's timber born but i'm building a level and look paddy's here good boy there he is say hello to chat pad you don't talk dee he doesn't talk he just looks i'm giving him a pet don't worry look loads of people want to pet you because you're a good dog yes what a good oh look some pet patties there you go pad good boy anyway yeah i know sorry i shouldn't have said look i should have said listen paddy's here you can hear his little paws offering about ploppering is that a word i don't know oh sorry we got a question i missed a question um i've missed loads of pet paddies as well talking about limit limiting uh beaver casualties but the question was from the niche is a tesla valve ever used in drainage uh what is a tesla valve you may have to explain that one venetia i've never heard of that um right so water ruins i think we're all good the starting location oh look it's a little house why is it a house a tesla valve is a one-way liquid valve okay um in which case yes they are used occasionally so say i i specified one on a it was like a tram drainage thing and it outfalled into a canal like a tidal canal and basically because like the metro system was quite low like the tram line um at low tide it was fight because this river was tidal at low tide it was fine but as the tide went up if we didn't put this valve on the end we call them flap valves in the uk um but if it didn't have this valve on then the tide would go into the drainage system and just drain inland at high tide so yeah i guess we do if you're talking about a flat valve basically it's just like well imagine like a pipe at the end of a well just an open pipe so water comes out of it into your river it's just like a flap that goes over it so like as water comes through the pipe it pushes the flap open but uh if water tries to get back up it like pushes the flap down that's not the same okay check valve yeah you could call it a check valve it's not the same uh we also did another type of valve called what was that called it was sort of like flat valve but it was like basically rather than like a solid pipe it was like imagine like a pipe made out of like fabric um and same sort of thing so as the weight of the water on the outside sort of weighed the fabric down it wasn't pipe shaped but as water tried to go through the pipe it would like open it is that the same thing is that a tesla valve i don't know what tesla valve is they're passive oh so they don't use water on the outside oh no probably not then probably not i don't know what one is i'll i'll have to investigate afterwards why don't you google it because i'm trying to build the beavertopia that is this thing right so we're gonna we're gonna start there is that good spot what are these delete no cool i think we're done i think we're done is that a good map give me a rating out of 10 for how good it is zero being architect made it 10 being engineer made it what number we at 10 000. there we go we saw it minus three six point nine nice there's a lot of six point nines a solid seven six point nine rounds up to seven four point 4.20 all right i think i think that means chat has accepted this being a good map cool right let's get into it then so how do i do that save as save save as oh come on then beaveru knows we need a good name paula done cheers for the prime the strongest river oh deep cheers for that save oh paddy's valley was a good one because it is a valley uh so oh god saromi saromi sarami tsurumi uh cheers lebron i hope i got your name right oh and and there's another question sorry another question what's the question is it true that you cannot design a walking bridge with a resonant frequency of two due to the frequency of which humans walk i haven't really studied like structures since university so i can't really answer that one if i'm honest um if that is the frequency at which humans walk then yeah probably watch um there was a video of a bridge in london not too long i think the millennium bridge was it have a look at videos of that because uh that had people walking and the bridge just went freaking mental bend over fools nice all right okay so exit editor the burrito lion cheers the sub oh fix the gap by the small ruins oh yeah good shout that's just lazy map editing that is who did this disgusting wait a bit of that you don't want my beavers falling down [Music] i think maybe we'll do well that's that's the wrong way matt that's the wrong way do a little ledge down there as well all right is that done is that done let me know is it done mr automatic 24 just the prime very kind of you yeah yep we got a yep and a yes uh where are you going to grow your crops oh over here we've got berries berries are every i've sort of went a bit to town yeah crops is a good show maybe they can just be berry eaters maybe i should maybe i should delete some of the trees here we've got berries there's so many berries look at these berries i can't wait to see how this map backfires i'm glad you have faith in me uh it's okay 2002 uh cheers what's up very kind is that your name's okay or is it soak i'm i am literally thinking maybe i should delete some make some space around there for farming i want to delete the ones in there as well now look at the river kind of trees in it that's just immature all right is that better get out get out the river your bastards and that one there's a little berry bush down there what are you doing all right do you reckon that's good should i delete those trees i i can delete those trees i don't think you want trees there right now hang on few more berries female berries why am i such a perfectionist rare berries so low density like that all right sorted now we're good now save now we exit the editor yes yeah the river is not knob shaped despite the name yeah but it sort of is it's just you're sort of thinking of a knob shape being the outer stuff of the knob i've actually done all the veins and the inner yes uh coursework or watch my stream i will leave that up to you now if you pass it was all me if you fail nothing to do with it right so we're gonna do we're gonna do a new game my god shall we go with the foxtails cause i feel like i feel like these dudes with their awesome voice uh in the nob ness you heard it here first iron teeth but they're they're our youtube gang oh man everyone wants iron teeth so no look at their motto comfort food and sturdy wood they have sturdy wood guys it's so sturdy oh look the fox the sturdy wood is winning them over we don't care people do care i'm afraid you don't have food though we have we got some berries there's some berries bearing about the iron teeth are cooler but i think we're gonna go with these because i feel like that's our youtube gang this is our twitch gang sorry twitchers you're the beavers that no one likes but you've got sturdy wood uh and then how do i get to my map the strongest river there it is so let's get involved are we gonna do normal or should we do easy if i'm trying to build a massive ass dam what's the difference less yeah maybe i'll do easy or cost yeah could look at custom actually what have we got oh god okay i think we'll either do normal or easy i want to do easy because i want to build the actual big dam i don't know how hard the actual game is i haven't got too far start with one adult and one baby joe you're messed up man easy for beat for building yeah that's what i'm thinking yeah all right we're doing easy sorry everyone that says not easy i'm a worse i've done normal i haven't done hard but look how big the freaking dam is it's going to be huge it's like it's not even a street damn either it's like double bended but look cool of our beavers oh look we got a tutorial this time off mate disable tutorial yes i've played this game before right now the other question do i name the beavers after twitch people i don't know if i should if i'm honest i feel like firstly it'll be a nightmare it will be yeah cut time consuming ah pads just dropped his ass it freaking stinks oh it stinks paddy why did he do this oh it's also bad ugh sounds like a whole funnel worked and it's not that bad it's just choosing the names in it paddy did do it i swear it's a dirty dog here's a dirty dog oh it really stinks pad freaking out i can't breathe name them all paddy he doesn't deserve don't blame your dog for the fart all right okay okay so i've played this before i know what i'm doing so first things first what do i do again cut wood wood is generally the priority i think uh because you can't build anything without wood and we have no wood so lumberjack flag so let's build this oh no it's too far let's build it there we'll do we'll do a couple of those that tree's in the way i don't know why i've done it like that it's the pressure of being live to go up there and along there i tell you what while while they're doing their stuff we'll start we'll start naming them we'll start naming them although it does pause the game i'm just gonna go literally whoever last subbed so sorry if you subbed earlier i will hopefully get to you i'm trying to save i'm trying to do this quickly i'm trying not to um not to do too much mr automatic oh god we gotta fart patty was that you again paddy and yeah people here you'll be able to see like how little beaver gets on that might be nice oh nobody's gonna encourage people don't sub oh i didn't mean to i just realized what i've done sorry oh man i feel bad now oops big brain move it was an accident oh it did uh i'm still working backwards yeah that's that's how i'm going to do it i'm going to work backwards so don't stop it's not going to help you although if you want to sub you can sub but don't sub just be a beaver because uh yeah that wasn't my plan oh what's that pull down did i say did i say thank you paul dan i don't remember saying your name oh i haven't marked any trees we cut hang on pause we're going to mark trees to be cut say all those oh no you left one in the water there's two in the water oh i don't know how far their range is gonna i really should have done like denser trees i'm an idiot hey there are some maples up here so that's good that's gonna select them all for cutting i think select them all i can't actually do too far i want that shirt don't sub just to be a beaver right sorted so now when we carry on we got some beavers and they're doing stuff right before we name any more let's get some stuff built so we want some storage so we'll shove a log pile in can we squeeze that in there hang on oh put it up here for now then and a path uh oh hang on let me scroll up let me scroll up here but everyone oh god hang on loads of people did sub and i didn't say thank you i just had to go at them so i cannot say your name kavem and caveman 28 with numbers uh cheers for prime very kind but my eyes are so bad bam two one three five cheers the sub very kind let me get some water going let me get some water on the goat because i know water is going to be critical at some point oh it's too far into a path to path oh i did the wrong side uh but why has everyone got numbers in their thing today i'm so i can't read numbers basket case basket case cheers cheers for the prime you've been subscribed for two months very kind but stop putting numbers in your name it confuses me super cow punch cheers for the prime very kind and blood raven loved him born i want to bite myself so do you have an epic games creator code no that is something i need to get on with though because i don't get commission as a as a youtuber which is probably my own fault because if i did get that epic games thing i probably could get some commission i get homes for more babies yeah good shout good shout out uh i need i need food as well though hang on let me do a part oh do you have quite a bit of food to be fair i didn't realize how big this map is like i've spread it out so far if we come over here we'll do a gather a flag down there just to start collecting berries maybe two of these um da was a where's the where's the freaks sorry there was a fox cheers what's up and freckles cheers the prime and you old eric he old eric he's been a rock he's been here a while apparently i was i've been sobbed for eight months where did the time see i told you he's he's old he's oldy he's so old he's oldie right so water berries wood we're looking good um but yeah okay so let's get back on to naming beavers did we name them all no you haven't been named yeah i need to go and do the earlier people sorry so who's next silvox thresher silvox pressure cheers dude another one jan one two three jan one two three now f pont did i i don't remember saying all these names you're not you're not one f punt is that right yeah that's right and then mr bigfoot hustles big foot hustles oh no we're the y not with a y it's a u and then mr roma was the first one so oh dan you're not one so mr omer welcome all right now i can scroll back up and see what the hell i've missed uh dealt with cheers the prime very kind oh god it's night time it's night time right so let's get some houses on the go because we're getting some wood now although we can only wood to there maybe we need to path oh if we path up there does that extend our wood didn't mean it like that i didn't mean it like that so let's say that so if we grab some wood lumberjack flag i assume that's not gonna be able to be built is it oh yeah it can it can oh okay let's see let's see how far we can go then we'll try and get to the mouth of the waterfall up to the okay so can we build that far no we can build to there oh that's because i'm really bad at drawing roads apparently so we'll go around that tree now can we no we still can't okay good to know good to know i think that red line is probably the limit so we will put a lumberjack flag there sorted so i think wood is good water is now a thing as well always a good thing [Music] uh cheers for the pet paddies people i just saw these and alice what oh god unless what why can't i say that [Music] no numbers in name should suit you alice alish warts rot alish what's what oh god i think that's as good as you're going to get me sorry oh me and words me and words uh but chill chill one two two seven two there are that many chill usernames but thank you very much for the for the sub and four months in advance that's super generous man very kind right are all of our beavers named i don't know but jan is our water pumper oh yeah we can we can do jobs now the lumberjacks yep looking good looking good awesome we can up those builders and who's over here f pont oh there's one all right we're gonna decrease the builder so someone's just been sacked whoever's been sacked go be sucked bigfoot there you go and now he's in there gathering berries so i think we're pretty good time to get some houses on the way i guess because these guys to make babies they need to be able to have a house that they can uh get jiggy in so we'll just do a lodge for now i think we will just put them no you up there do two hours like that i think that will be good i might put them low priority until we've built some more stuff or is it there's nothing else to build actually no i think we're good i think we're good we need science because we can't do a lot without science so we'll plonk that there it's just a matter of trying to get enough logs we've got 20 logs but we need to get over there that's sort of our wood aim at least and we need to think about a farm as well because i know what this game is like with food it's a bastard so what do we need for a damn let's have a look landscaping yeah oh we can literally just build dams with 20 logs i'm going to start planning it i don't care i don't care i'm probably doing this way too soon but i want to get across and then we also get some water oh no but we don't we need double dams oh i didn't think this through yeah water's going to dry up so i'll tell you what we're gonna need some water tanks one two i think we need like four to survive the first dry season although we're on easy now aren't we oh they can swim they can swim we don't need a dam i completely i always forget beavers can swim this is why i'm glad i'm on twitch right now otherwise we'd be wasting some wood and you don't want to waste your wood context context is important i know beavers can't swim because we don't have stairs so for beavers to swim we need stairs to be unlocked i'm pretty sure anyway oh yeah we do i'm pretty sure we do stairs cost science we don't have science yet let's up that screw the houses i need stairs damn it how much science do we need 70 that's going to take a while oh yeah they're now out of trees as well so we'll pause you and can you go up there mr uma yes miss room is up there sweet okay so i think after the inventor will prioritize two of the water tanks maybe and then the next house so those two water tanks will go lower priority so yeah i think we're gonna have to build the dams annoyingly at least up here we got like maple trees and stuff so that should because i do i do want to rush over there i reckon i'll be like look how dense that wood is look whoa dessert [Music] i reckon cheers to pray man very kind of you i'm gonna build a damn that's some thick wood yeah it is all right where was damn getting landscaping um yeah across there because i feel like these ones are slightly wider so that's why i've gone there right and we need to path over to there as well say path over to there that's really annoying me i'm gonna fix that quickly hang on um what's the demo there is a demolish button somewhere oh you just click on it phew that's better right we can probably sack these two as well there's no trees growing and we can make them all builders actually should probably we should probably do wood up here so lumberjack flags one and two and they can go work up there cool sorted i think i'll make them temporary builders for now we're looking good we can look good and now i feel like we're a bit more chilled i can look at chat again because it was getting a bit a bit worrying to start with we will speed up hang on that's not right is it there's three speed up buttons is that new i swear that's new i swear there's only two earlier i played this earlier today i actually have no no clue what he's doing someone hasn't watched my timber-born videos you need to go watch him there were three in the youtube video oh fair enough my memory don't get old people don't get old oh look phantom warrior first time chaser they're asking what map is this well i actually built this myself can you believe that it was incredible look at this look at this oh yeah it was it wasn't meant to be the shape of a knob it just sort of happened like that but uh but yeah my my aim in this is to make like a super mega dam across there i block all of that off and it's gonna be beautiful i feel like my log piles in the wrong place as well i know what can you do oh look we got science we got science oh god damn it would be someone with numbers in their name sir saromi zurumi you are our scientist you will give us the power of stairs how much science we need 70 don't we to unlock stairs so it might be a while yeah i only downed one side yeah so the dam it isn't to block water it's actually just to get to the trees and then maybe once we have the trees then we can dam over there maybe who knows do you have logs i've got two logs one lock no zero logs i got no logs make two scientists yeah i could do i don't have enough beavers yet they i want to sort of make them happy first so we get some more oh we still got only three fit in a lodge okay we need we need way more housing i thought they slept way more than that let's do some mirrored ones facing that way uh so how many yes if i do one more that should encourage like bed sharing and therefore mini beavers ir engineer um just what's up oh i'm poodle bar boodle bar did i miss you earlier i think i missed you sorry foodle bar and i missed a question from miss kiki what happens if a beaver swims across water and it dries up no so so the beavers to get across that you like you put paths on the water like that and they only swim like where your parts are ish so uh if if this dries up they just walk across a path which is cool but that's why you need steps down so we're gonna have to get rid of those well that's ultimately why we've got a dam there because we haven't unlocked steps yet oh look at the water stacking up beautiful all right they're working on the dam now is that a good thing i sort of feel like maybe houses first so up the priority for the house or do we want the dam i don't know it's a long way to get wood it's a long old way oh i need a campfire as well yeah you know these beavers are so needy i should have gone for the uh the iron tooth iron teeth iron tooth yeah so if we want a campfire and that basically just gives them somewhere to like socialize and like everyone looks better looking like around like fires like campfire light yeah it's just how the beavers get hanky-panky somewhere to meet chicks exactly so yeah that's now prioritized so we're looking good waffenhorst wolfenhorst sorry that was really offensive uh just a server sorry if i offended you with my accent there yeah cool name though very cool name what is a waffenhorst does it mean something is it like i feel like it's like some sort of like hairy pig like a boar is that right uh yeah i should i should build log storage up here but i don't know how long this is gonna work this is all sort of temporary to me i think like these are the beavers like who's that so f point he works at the gatherer flag but for some reason he's carrying logs i don't know why is that because i haven't selected all the berries to be harvested no i don't need to select berries they do just do that don't they well i think maybe these were full were they yes these were full so we actually need storage for more food yeah i'm not going to worry about that yet i'm going to try and get across here first uh give paddy a pet cheers boys double passage right there he's he stopped fighting thankfully dirty dog yeah right let's fast forward because we are basically speed running the higher your working hours the less babies are made yeah oh they haven't quite finished that it's close it is close so how are things looking what is pretty good food's not too bad i think we started with 300 so we're sort of breaking even we can't store any more berries at the moment so you may oh hang on who's that hey look it's someone that hasn't been named all right we need to a name where did we get to we got to it's okay wasn't it oh god so we got another number one we got another number one arcade man this was caveman see this is what i had to read caveman 20 i am not gonna remember that look how fast he is though he's so fast he's the fastest caveman you've ever seen uh what happened to the old city so the old city is fine this is a twitch exclusive city potentially that might become youtube series maybe we'll see i just basically i really want to play more timberborne and i felt like i couldn't really play like the youtube level um without recording so i was like you know what we'll stream we'll start a new level i'll build it myself i built this with my bare hands using a mouse and keyboard um so easy a caveman can do it yeah no oh look those people have grown up what's that is that caveman yeah bigfoot hustles burrito lion so hang on wasn't oh that was ages ago oh i've been missing them because we're on day seven they're like days apart sorry people that grew up i missed yeah sorry with my beaver hands not my bare hands all right so that is built i didn't see anyone using that last time all of our housing is built which means we could be in line for some children is this a new save yeah this is completely separate to the youtube series oh look they put on the damn they burn the damn right let's slow it down slow it down so now you can see a beaver in the natural habitat they're completely naked but they do they have some modesty they're uh they're covering up the thing look mr automatic you ain't seeing his nuts and berries silverbox thresher you're only seven i don't know if you should be in there mate it's a little bit weird but when they go to bed you might see the lights will stay on for a little bit so let's fast forward wait for them to go to bed ready oh look all the lights are on i wonder what's going on in there we've got three new children naughty beavers so we have got hang on let me have a look we have got [Music] wham bam thank you ma'am we've got bam 2135 we have also got a basket case with bloody numbers it's a very numbery day today bask it okay [Music] see that's that's hard to read that is hard to read to the untrained eye and we also have yes super cow punch nice did i mess a sub a second guy i did didn't i what is wrong with me today hey with the hair did i miss your sub this is folktale yeah this is folk tales i'm very sorry if i missed your sub i didn't mean to i was obviously busy beavering about but yes look the dam is being constructed and then we get access to all of this wood that's a weird noise yeah there's there's a lot of death in the middle as well it's a bit weird i wonder if there's like a swamp in there or something we need to build a warehouse yeah good shout good shout so let's go to storage and then warehouse and we'll bung it down there right next to these guys because that's where all of our berries are being stored and the berries are going down big time so time to stock up she wolf game uh choose the prime very kind uh nice okay i think we're just we'll let you just fast forward i don't think there's anything else we need to build like as a matter of urgency maybe some more science i'll put that on low priority just like if they if they got time they can do that we do need to start putting a path on top oh we can plan that already nice okay now we may as well plan our lodges lodges lumberjacks same thing one there one there and one there then i might just dig them up because there's no point there is no point in having them sub thank you yep sorry nearly missed it nearly missed it erotic dub is that right i was like i said that with like not a lot of confidence i think that might have been right ever cheers what's up very kind of you oh and cheers chesterus love from lithuania cool it's amazing like how far like your videos stretch it's insane if i'm honest but cool very nice to know just let me know all right i think water tanks okay we're going to meet i know we'll go low because they're building the dam they're blowing the dam you don't need them keep damming it up guys you got this there you go switzerland to be fair lithuania is closer than the u.s yeah tree tree i'm from yorkshire they don't go that far oh what's that noise oh look our beavers are happier than ever happy beavers there we go got belgium we got australia italy finland wow there's a lot of a lot of europeans on at the moment i guess because it is sort of evening time in it oh india germany oh there's someone from sovic sorry for the 20 mile an hour i don't know if you've watched my what video did i say that in the um oh the emergency simulator one the one one two operator i talk about soviet in there is wales in europe yeah it's par britain by god everyone's from everywhere i saw chile holland germany damn romania florida do you know florida man mars someone from mars that is unbelievable um i feel like the beavers are pretty self-sufficient do we have some new births is that that's a new one no it isn't i know it it moved while i was mid click it moved right so who's this then this is going to be it's gonna be large raven xr yeah xr i thought see nice welcome to the beaver gang and look everyone's growing up now bam basket case and super cow punch they've all grown up which means jobs forever oh it's a dry season where did that happen i swear that came out of nowhere it's because i was fast forward and looking at twitch there's still water in there still loads of water up there but not a lot down here i wonder if it's worth trying to get a pump up there what do you reckon i feel like we should why doesn't this tell me there's a dry season is that an iron t thing is it oh look we dammed up we dammed it up get in back the net that's not a gap that is not a gap there it's an illusion oh it's not the dry season it's just because i damned up oh it's not the dry season i didn't think a dam would do that i thought water would still flow over the top why is water not going over the top is it because it can go that way damn the other side yeah bollocks i thought i was so clever oh well all right high priority on that then because i think we'll we'll get some good wood going and then we can go over that side ah look at all these autumn the autumny maples reminds me of um was it forza there was like a there's a racetrack called like maple valley or something good track that drainage engineers now the berries no the berries the berries i've cocked the berries uh well this is going well right how do i fix this we've got enough science to rip up the dam and just use stairs the trouble is to make stairs we need planks which means we need power which we can put in there to be fair say power and then we need a lumber mill yard thing is that connected i think that's connected and a path to that ah what have i done how long these got left they got like nine days that's a long time to be fair so oh i don't know what to do i don't know what to do oh she-wolf game that's cheered me up gifting five subs that's very kind of you yeah thank you very much what about using platforms i haven't unlocked platforms and they probably need planks yeah they do uh so yeah what i might do i'm gonna come into the cut trees thing i'm going to uncut trees so literally all of these oh god that hurts my computer i'm gonna say don't cut those and this is where i get like pro mlg skills going on because we're gonna say cut yeah where's a good place to do it anywhere anywhere right so cut that strip oh god he's done it again he's done again it stinks it stinks why is there a tree in the river it's called erosion so basically this tree when it was first born it used to be up there and the river used to be really small throughout the years the erosion of the rivers washed the bank away and that tree fell into the river but it's still growing mlb right fast forward and my priority is that and then these and then once that's done we're going to build a dam over here which is landscaping and then everything will be fine right i reckon so we'll go we'll go bird's-eye view and try and get a path [Music] so it's only a few trees it needs to be cut down once the dam is made uh alphabet cheers to prime three months that means you got a big old beard now i think right have i saved this i'm not sure everything will flood no it won't flood it won't flood because look look at the dam it's not a levee it's a dam it's got these little spillway gates so it doesn't flood if i use a levee it would flood quite right just remove the trees how do you remove trees oh someone said about this in the um [Music] in the thing in the comments there's like a demolition button that one unmarked resources for demolition oh no that one mark for demolition so yeah that would be the sensible way shall we do that then should we do the strip so they're all marked and then we can just okay yeah we'll do it that way we'll do it that way this is proper mlb so we'll just we'll just highlight those for now and we'll mark more later on can i prioritize them or do they just oh the low priority bollocks i gotta select every single one let's see what i can just low prior or not low prioritize i can medium prioritize those oh now the dry season is coming bollocks oh i'm going to do another water tank first just in case because i'm scared i'm scared use the tool what tool there's a pro oh there is a prioritized tool oh i've never used this this is exciting right priority high very high all of you we're on the dam nice i've never used that that's cool oh hang on hang on no we've got our first death mr roma you died of old age i didn't catch the dam we've got more important things than a dam we've lost a beaver ah f's in the chat for mr roma please oh this is horrible i'm so sorry oh we had good times we had good times mr emma you were around when this was all not brown oh god all the berries have gone are you going to dress up as a beaver for halloween yes definitely uh we do actually have a a new birth and that we got that one hey why is that not working is that one dead i've done where that one is but this one where did we get to oh i missed one i actually missed one from earlier or did we just get to that no hang on where are earth okay so [Music] it's a lot easier to pronounce these names when you're spelling them out green rude fruit you're two years old well we got two unemployed beavers but um so who actually does the demolition do you know and why aren't they building that it's out of range it needs materials well x oh god there's like no logs left what's happened oh dear this has all gone wrong all right let's put less low priority that we don't we don't care about water sod it it'll be fine we need the dam because then we get more logs all right here they are they're carrying logs build it three more logs that's all we need just three more logs is this stream gonna be made into a video probably not because i'm not really explaining as i'm going this is for the hardcore timber born people well not really but it's more for people that know everything we're just streaming we're just having fun basically i just really wanted to play more of this game without doing a video on it basically oh god it's the dry season it's the bloody dry season in a sock oh but happy phrase what a nice happy name cheer me up cheers to the sub do you have a happy phrase we can use happy phrase because look the dry is coming it's drying up i do think i need to get a pump up there that involves like builders flags and stuff uh not really happy free oh well well your username's good enough it's a happy freeze oh god look at the death in there but look because we're on easy only lasts a day so we're not we're not even scared we got two jogs of water what is that oh it's the limber the lumber mill i was going to see the limber mole then yeah look we eat we smashed that dry season easy uh no homeless beavers but we don't have any space so i'm going to build another lodge oh no another death mr automatic 24 he's dead no yeah this is easy mood because i'm going to be building a massive massive diamond look there was back replenishing the air well apart from the berries apart from our only food source oh why is that happened oh it stopped yo was it like the tidal surge was it look we've got some of the berries are watered now now why isn't this been built yet like seriously one more log one more log one more log can we not get that one we can get that one yes go get it go get it yes he's chopping it down who is that hold on you legend and he's carrying the last log he's going all the way he's going all the way he's going to plant it in there ready we're going to watch this and oh no he hasn't where's he you bastard he put it in the log pile he didn't want the glory that's fair it's okay or soak you're gonna be the glory hanzo you're gonna lay the final log 44 years old and he gets to lay the final log of a dam that's probably a career highlight for him ready go on son you got this go on my man god yes we're in now he's demolishing trees and now our speedrun tactic is back oh another bath no you are not badging you are where did we get to did you eat my shark wait did we ever did you eat my shark no he didn't did you eat my shark i'm gonna put a question mark on because it's funny justin bieber maybe we should do a justin bieber all right they are gnawing those trees down so let's fast forward and hope they get through that although i might pro outside one of these as well when that's done we can start chopping wood and then everything else can be built nice nice okay sweet parts along here and look they are chopping trees down why aren't they doing that is that out of range no it should be in range it should be in range okay i think we'll just keep we'll keep going keep fast forwarding do you have all builders yeah i do we got so k super cow punch bam and blood raven i assume that's these guys yeah bam yeah all right and then another path just to continue where those trees been ripped up and across the dam and we want this on high priority i probably should just use the tool but it's too late i've committed to this and then that will get us not only access to those berries but they'll also bring life back to these berries oh god they're all drying up they're all drying up it's dried out and died [Music] let's just watch this down be built oh who was that mike park oh mike parks with an s uh cheers the sub very kind of e very very kind look at all the beavers they are beavering about like anything all right they're sort of building everything up there that is really good i'm a bit worried no things will flow again won't they once we have this dam in so you will still have power there is a bit like am i doing that wrong are we going to lose power but no it's all good it's all good all right come on down look at the water i love the water physics that's really cool yeah put a log pile by your trees yeah i probably should maybe once they've got some space yeah i think they've got space now oh no they can't cause there's a bloody there's a bloody little shrubby bastard in the way we could put one there is that close enough i see what we can do the old demolish thing now i know all about that it's an actual thing demolish why have i never seen that before demolish that high priority because i need to build some storage come on lads what are you doing oh the thing the damn's finished we don't even see it there you go there you go ready ready click come on come on oh god come on hurry up there you go oh this is the most satisfying part of the game and we missed it but yeah we're looking good now so berries should start growing back it might be worth because food is really low doing a very hot thing over here so resource gatherer yeah if we bung one there we'll prioritize that as well then we'll start collecting berries from there just because they haven't grown back yet oh no we got another death it's okay he was like he was the hero the non-glory hunter one he's died of old age that's very sad how many streams to complete the mega dam i don't know because i feel like once we start making a dent in all these trees we should have a lot of wood so maybe not as long as i think but who knows who knows it's definitely not going to be this stream uh but did you eat my shark has grown up what a name uh is that complete yeah so that's done but we don't have any workers so i'm gonna pause these guys because there's no berries for you to pick oh there is there's a couple of berries i'll leave one of you there i think and why does the water keep like going and then is it because we literally just finished the dam the last piece yeah there it is who's that f collecting berries good work now we have a new house now which means we might be able to get some new beavers oh and look at the logs stacking up beautiful and we've got a log pile there now as well they are beavering away in there lovely cool and we we've now got extra water and we've got a lumber mill but no one in there who can we put in there oh god we just eat we need more beavers at the point where i need more beavers which means more houses pretty much so maybe i'll start planning more houses or do i need maybe water maybe another pump i'll do i'll do one more house just to start and then we'll do water and stuff so we'll do that house and then we'll do another pump and then we'll do some more storage and then we'll start thinking about farming because i know food is going to be a problem why does the water keep doing that though is there like not enough water getting down or something that's very strange matt you should be you should really be aware of the drought yeah i am going a bit easy i think just because i'm literally on the easy mood i'm like it's it's easy i'll handle it yeah look we got more water stuff sorted i don't know what is going on with the water down this end it's going mental it's like it's tidal down it easy droughts are nothing i'm not scared of no drought look what's going on why is the water keep doing that but uh food's going up water's going up oh good all good in the hood maybe we should and how happy is the average beaver let's click on one oh hang on you're a new one you're a new one hang on we gotta we gotta name someone we got a name what is your name going to be you are going to be where did we get to oh it's the guy that i really offended duh was a foox you are now a one-year-old beaver congrats is this how long you played per episode how long have you been recording one hour for yeah pretty much an episode is usually about an hour and a half gameplay and i'm sure watching an edited video is probably better than watching me just doing this like chatting bollocks for the whole whole thing nope well bloody better because it takes me like six hours to add it on oh look the water's going mental back here as well that's not good at all i don't know how we're gonna fix that unless we do just get rid of our dams like once you've got planks and stuff i don't know oh but speaking of planks we can unlock stairs yes and what was the other thing we needed levees yes we will unlock you as well nice now we can actually start our mega dam now we have the levy now what was my pc setup it's a beast it's a 3090 graphics card and a 5 9 50 x cpu it's basically like the best i could get at the time well it might even be now yeah it's freaking mental but i was like on a five-year-old computer when i started well when i bought it and freaking me it's made everything easier five grand yeah maybe in us money put it this way my graphics card costs more than my car just to play poly bridge now it's mainly like to make the editing process a hell of a lot easier and quicker because i was having a nightmare like i literally couldn't stream like it was destroying my computer and the choice was sort of get a 2 pc streaming setup or just get like a really good pc i'm i'm glad i stick my by my decision oh look hang on we got oh no another death another death po dan he dead we've also got a load more beavers to name so let's do those before we get too far so audrey okay so freckles you're up freckles and then who's after freckles it's yo derek with a c at the end and then dealt with oops del west and then what a weird name but no you're going to be the much easier to pronounce is that right that's gonna be right someone's grown up that shouldn't be grown up you are not you're not a twitcher you should be chill one two two seven because there's so much chill on twitch uh burrito line i'm pretty sure you're alive yeah you haven't died yet i'm sure it's just a matter of time uh but as as some of these are growing up let's sort of prioritize jobs so what jobs do we have i think i'm gonna pause big foot hustle is down there chalet i don't know how much food he's getting there's not a lot of berries over here he's got those he's got those then does he just sit on his ass yeah let's do normal sweet where is he apparently he's there like i can't see him he's up here oh look he's carrying logs oh look at all the log carriers there's loads of them all right who we got head count blood raven chill burrito lying there you are me oh god so many beavers did you eat my shark super cow punch even cool okay okay i think things looking good we're getting a lot of logs is that full yet no it's like halfway um i just need more beavers basically so maybe just keep doing some housing for now so we'll do two more houses and that should give us loads of capacity and then we'll start thinking about farms and stuff yeah maybe we'll do farming straight away actually maybe we'll low prioritize those troubles i don't have anyone to be a farmer um anyway anyway so i'm gonna do two farmhouses and then we're gonna plant crops and we're gonna plant carrots pretty much everywhere that's green so all of that all of that all of that that's a lot of carrot we could even go up here like we got all this space oh we can pause you guys you guys aren't doing damn and uh luck ask lucas luka lucas oh lucas rook lucas rook eight no 800 why did i say eight i know numbers sorry just the sub oh there you go look nope seven and he literally just told me apparently he's been saying it all stream sorry i've been ignoring you he said do that stop being an idiot i was saying to pause them for more than an hour sorry um yeah i might do i could do some farming up there as well shall we shall we do that put one farm in one farm's not gonna hurt anyone just let me get all that area that's pretty good dave the space love cheers for the prey man very kindly let's get a load of load of this up there carrots for days right i think food sorted now would is it all selected to be cut down oh we've missed the middle so we'll quickly select all of those nice and then oh no no no no no no no matt this is our mega damn area what am i doing that farm is going to drown you're right tristan what was i thinking sorry the damn the downs quite a way off surely it'll be fine right it'll be fine i think for now i don't know actually maybe we should damn across here and get some farm edge along that edge i don't know just don't know but we're making planks now good news i'm sort of thinking maybe we want some haulers as our population is going to get bigger oh there's a load of births oh no all right no one's died no no news died we do have this one so where do we get to we are on desert with numbers to confuse me there's a and then food all bar bar oodle butter welcome to beaverland i hope you don't die too soon nice okay i feel like i thought we would have had more logs for that wood if i'm honest i might build another log pile is there anything else like essential that i'm missing let's have a look so water pretty good could always do some water storage oh they have irrigation towers i forgot about that so we could actually bring life to all of this land and that could all be farmland maybe we should do that i am actually going to start planning the mega damn though or at least doing some maybe i should do stairs try i'm going to dig up all these lumberjack things they're just in the way they're annoying me get out of the way get out of the way ng andy get out of it can you guys hear paddy snort i don't know if you can hear i'll put my microphone no he stopped just so i moved it he stopped he knows he knows that dog i do floodgates for water control yeah so that is my plan actually so landscaping we've got floodgates double floodgates triple floodgates is that like width or height but uh yeah we'll unlock those definitely oh it's height can you like stack them or can only be three high does anyone know only three oh they can only be three high that's a shame i was hoping to do like a mega down with like a mega flood wall what a shame oh look zombie hedgehog gifted a sub to nightbot there's a first time chatter as well i recently discovered your youtube and my work rate has never been low uh thanks well sorry should i say oh god i hate that i've farmed over there oops should i sod this and get rid of that farm we don't want to farm there that's that's bull that's absolutely bull clear planting area we're not we're not we're not farming that silly we're going to farm this way and use irrigation towers [Music] but first i want a hauling post i want a hauling post and labor pump core cheers the prime very kind of you holding post which uses up planks i believe we're gonna shove that there probably should have put it over there already but oh well cool we'll reduce some builders as well so i want to make sure everything else has jobs so where have they gone the farmhouse yeah both farmhouses so we need to set these to prioritize planting on it's carrots planting now all these beavers here who have we got we got bam freckles silverbox thresher and super cow punch they're all planting carrots as quickly as they can oh well it'll be fine i'll be fine irrigation tower gonna totally drain your water storage yeah so i was thinking if i like get another pump like down here maybe can i dig these up i'm gonna have to dig those up if i get a pump down here with a dam then that can just be fueling the irrigation towers maybe maybe we'll see i feel like that's enough carrots for now anyway that's quite a lot of carrots oh look at these guys chilling out oh they're little little babies del worth and who was that one and oh god i'll unleash yeah i stream not too often but i i do try i try to all right i'm gonna i'm gonna start prepping the damn so [Music] what do we want for damn we want landscaping levy i don't know how to do this i don't know what the best method would be like do i sort of build it from there yeah i feel like from that area would be better or from there okay from there that goes to the top yep so from there it's gonna be quite a weird shape i think i will i'm going to low prioritize this don't worry yes i'm building a dam above my city oh yes i am so i love living life on the edge right sort of like that yeah i think we just go across like this sort of shape it's gonna be so much wood well they've started to build it already oh well um i think another one there you can go in there oh it's gonna be huge i don't know where to see the floodgates like whether they should just be in the middle or to the side because it's going to be like it's going to be that tall it's going to be up to there i reckon i don't know maybe not there yeah maybe there i don't know blood gates should be at the very top center okay cool so i won't worry about that for now set it's a low priority now yeah right probably should probably should a very low priority all of that oh and that and that so can i can i now build that low priority is that a thing probably not nice it's gonna be one hell of a structure and here i sort of want to curve it back to about there maybe there are there's a few trees in the way not ideal yeah something like that someone that'll be fine and then up here oh god it's going to be so big oh no that was in the wrong place damn it delete you imagine if i got one block wrong that would be terrible i know i don't really need this one it's more for looks but i do want it to look good yes i know that's an architectural thing to see oh my god can you hear pads can you hear him snoring honestly he's like 40 year old man oh look at that that's it's going to be good it's going to be beautiful dry season is coming all right let's low prioritize all of that just in case uh okay dry season what do we need oh it's already dry season is it no it's incoming it's incoming okay we're good we're good chill is pumping his log jan is also pumping his log so that's good food back food is cocked um oh hang on oh there he is he's barking he's barking right wait there one second people i'll be right back i'm gonna use my be right back thing ready look at this [Music] did you miss me i forgot to press pause bloody dog no not really he's a good dog he is a good dog um we do need food majorly though uh what's the best way to get food i'm not sure razieli cheers the prime very kind of you no i don't i don't know what to do i don't think i have time to yeah i've got three days i've got three days all right let's dig up that so if we come into demolished buildings demolish resources dig up a few of these because they're in the way they're in the way we'll highly prioritize those using this our new technique then some beaverinos should come over and dig them up maybe no yeah there they are there they are through the barrier screw safety and then let's slow it down again we don't want to waste time here this is going to be pretty a beaver died no no f pond died of old age and i missed it i'm sorry i'm terrible but look loads of people have uh grown up which is nice why are you playing a different thing because this is not youtube this is twitch we're doing we're doing new series we're doing a mega dam so i just wanted to see if it could be done really and looks like it could looks like it could the trouble is i don't know how they're gonna build this without like scaffolding stuff yeah we'll have to see i might have to put like scaffolding on the back of it i don't know i don't know you left the ones in the river on normal priority today oh bollocks good spot turn those bad boys down cool right as we were so we've just done that i wanted one more path to go there and then i was going to put a load of gather of flaggy things which is in food yeah there they are so one there one there maybe i could do another one because we've got oh we've only got one unemployed beaver and a hauler's post oh it's nearly done so you can get a load of haulers now uh bigfoot hustlers you've done a good job collecting berries but you sort of waste your time there so we're going to pause you you are meant for better things not that i know where you've gone now we got loads of beavers this is awesome we got 20 beavers oh no look the bloody water died why does the wasp keep doing that does anyone know it's just very variable in height but yeah okay cool looking good i think to be honest guys this is probably a good place to stop i didn't build a levee did i look there's nothing there there's nothing there it's just planned so i don't know why that's doing that but yeah we're gonna leave that there so sorry if you've just joined but um we'll be carrying on another time i am very excited for this map um thank you to all like the twitch subs and stuff that uh i'll slowly be naming people to become beavers if you want to do that i thought i didn't think about that when i started but i think that's what we're doing now that's what we're doing uh glad to catch me live cheers delworth very kind now my tea is cold shove it in the microwave never hurt anyone um but yeah shall we shall we give should we give someone a raid we got a lot of viewers i think we should go and make someone's day the question is who who do you guys want to go and raid um suggestions anyone what are we thinking tomorrow's streamer dunny dunny babbling bard we can have a look at bablin bard oh god if chat stays still for a second so i can copy it what's babbling bard well they've uh i don't know not maybe not a first person shooter um i've got there's someone playing satisfactory we can watch i don't know what would you guys want to see what do you want to watch oh god there's so many choices i'm just going to try and whatever one i can copy without chat movement i'm going to wang it in and see what we end up with hypnotized he's playing oh he's playing gas station simulator that's a wicked game all right shall we should we give him a stream a stream we'll give him a raid not a stream so raid hypnotized cheers for the suggestion all right let's go check him out gas station similarly later wicked game by the way yeah i did a video on it on the prologue go check that out if you haven't but yeah peace love and giant mega dams i'll catch you next time um i just i don't know just say hello to this guy from me say rce says hello i don't know yeah cool cheers guys take it easy bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer ARCHIVE
Views: 128,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: tLw9ea4jgzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 53sec (7673 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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