EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes / Storage Wars

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oh no this is about to be a contestant your mama teach you any patience it wasn't me not only she's trying to beat me out of my profit she's breaking my profit patience how we gonna work today how are we even gonna get in the building we're still locked out but that yeah right there wait so so the building owner will actually pay to change the locks but won't fix the foundation of the building completely okay start crawling we're getting in and we're going to work dude I don't know man she went in in the front we're here in the back with the busted windows that haven't been replaced and I don't know I can't see her she's in [Music] since I got Jeremy in the building not that I needed any help but you know it was nice we're gonna have a challenge today to see who can find the most profit in the boxes that I picked for Jeremy and he picks for me you're picking my boxes yeah this is what we call cheating yet again this thing is this feels like pillows this is this is what I'm saying I think they do this to me again and again and over and over I used to be somebody I used to be a landlord I used to be respectable all right here we go oh this is so completely and totally wrong oh it's a little happy trees well I'm getting the throw right now from the weather and no haircuts it a little Santa you know what I think you could slap him on like a bracelet that'd be actually kind of cool slap Sam on right there so if you take an arm like that and you take an arm like that there you go Santa bracelet right that's pretty cool so actually that's that's probably worth a lot because I just invented that and we also we've got a bunny lid to something that's white mell class but they painted it blue so we'll have to find the rest of that that's Scott I'm sure Christian help me out here how much do you think this is worth three dollars as more than I thought it was worth so I'll take three bucks and then I got the Douglas fir I think is this the singing dancing Christmas tree this has got to be the singing dancing Christmas Chris and it's brand new come on come on it's brand new how much is it worth like $10 so I have a total of $13 $13 I'll take every single one of those doll hairs that one says candles mmm that could be a really good one or consignment Christmas or you know what printer in it no good you know what I'm really thinking though see this garbage can yeah I'm thinking I'm thinking patience ain't gonna pull nothing but garbage that's the way I roll smells like farts like baskets okay oh this is just like a purse yeah smelling cool dude they smell like not sure why she's been eatin talk again no no okay he's not a bag of children what all right creepy Santa with a bag of kids that is not okay that should be negative points negative money negative money useless if you want something more something actually you might actually have some value here this could be old this the original plastic bakelite that could be old bakelite handle there and this actually is probably worth something if I unboxed it but I didn't use this oh sure here's a baby bat you know what that's not a baby bat that's a patient size bat there you take that home play some baseball with what is this that's what I was thinking that part of a yoke part of yoke for an oxen a team of oxen hmm good buddy what about gold gold gold sister yeah maybe this way to left yeah that's a ladle that's what she should be getting negative money right now stuffing is piquant this weighs more than me Jeremy I can't live that how much do you weigh right now what kind of that's not the pot that you're usually looking for what kind of pot is that okay so it looks like it's a four gallon can you read any of it Greensboro yeah there's stuff in it oh there's stuff there's definitely stuff there no stinking way this is like why did I give her the garbage can you know do you have jewelry is that no I thought that was a little this is like a little yeah all the page I'm saying on paper yeah copyright 1911 right there and that right there is a piece yes how is it that I hold the garbage for you and you get the things worth money okay listen I'll do you a favor and maybe you can have the other trash can oh thanks thanks you're welcome this is Rumford the wholesome baking powder Wow look at this just pulling antique after Angela antique toy car oh no no this is for making biscuits or Donuts making fuss hold this fam BAM this is the thing that used to smash right like herbs Pest hole oh this is what Carol Baskins used on her husband before the Tigers oh my goodness she doesn't know who Carol Baskins is you don't know Carol freaking Baskins is I believe it I can't believe 34 flavors 43 flavors whatever what is it you didn't break down is a glass of Cristal I don't know what do you know what that is it's a little mini moonshine many moonshiners this is another one waffle would appreciate it oh there's another little moonshine bottle look at all these little moonshine bottles you're coming up with yeah oh she's bigger that's like a mom well that's the daddy moonshine bottle Wow okay more moonshine I have no idea another moonshine bottle the one put on the edge she's putting it on the edge she can't help this stuff from fall the original shot glass right there it's a star Wow like me Christian what you thinking she's got a little bit more in here but I wouldn't even look at it I'm what do you think what do you think as far as money goes I don't know I'm saying a few dollars what 50 ty no 13 to 13 No 52:13 do I need to remind you what I found yeah we didn't even give that up value I can do whatever I can pop the tower there's nothing good in that trash can then don't give me trash give me a box filled with goodness I want money money give me money for Christmas I want a tote a box filled what nothing did you ask for a boss I I was talking to Santa don't worry Santa wait the baby means half of you yeah what's your wagon yeah that's half of you here we go got this this Hannah's mouth all right there you go okay this will easily be fifty bucks there is whatever that is and here's whatever this is coffee so the can itself is worth something yeah I mean how much value would you put on those books Christian a lot almost nothing Christian we're gonna have to talk about the fine art of smoothing your landlord employer or whatever we need to really work on that the honesty is a nice touch it's refreshing but I mean come on all right so we've got a whole bunch of just got stuff that's a lot of expensive stuff in there [Music] staples over there check this for money what do you think that is Stape all more staples or staples let's check just up okay you see in there no money in the house I was hoping maybe there was some more money hidden in there Santa isn't really helping me out that much oh oh few screws now this this will be a collectible pot right there the cast iron horse got layered so bad that's definitely cast iron that's probably a good woody thing Christian how much $15 perfect I like the way you think right there that's with everything else that's in here that old jar there this is probably the top to the jar so this is problem probably canning Canada oh this is the finest piece of glass I've ever seen in my life that's some fine glass right there what do you think Chris Jake yeah that's a nice glass and that's some hot fine glass look at that there's more and all right well suck that last aside okay Avon calendar [Music] we have here alright I own it okay some kind of baby oh that is not fine glass that is not the finest glass I've ever seen in my life so I did break it some kind of watercolor there well I probably didn't break it somebody else probably broke all right I probably should have gloves on hmm that's money that is money Christian how much come on well your grandma had one of these how much don't hurt $5.00 for granny no that's what you do for for granny for granny no picture in that broken glass what do we have over here we've got nothing no no no talking trash already do this that's ancient silver right there okay so it's stainless steel that's probably the money right there ready yeah yes yes vintage paper clips now a lot of people don't know this actually probably nobody in the world knows this but me right now vintage paper clips are worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars so Christian how much do I get for this tote at the whole toe the whole toe don't forget the paper clips $40 53 to 50 right now I'm in the lead I got this I got this whole competition in the bag or you could say taupe or you could say box so for patients for patients all right this next one what I want you to do is you unbox the entire thing you have to do it in the style of Steve Irwin all right Crocodile Hunter now your the box hunter maybe okay maybe you know what maybe this right here okay I think I got it I got it alright let's see what you got oh this box oh hey Yvonne the general oh look at this is a wee look it's a hook on it what is that a tree limb highly venomous very careful might jump right down bite you I'm shaky and careful and my bike my bike drain it's a dry for liquid Mikey what's amazing hello she doesn't even know it Yvonne this no I don't you guys smell I get the rest of the day I told you it was dangerous you smell like my Pappy I told you it's dangerous though it's the train I can't open it I don't know how this works it's it it's like a flower this is a soap dish right hey no I'm gonna smell like your Grammy all day oh that smells like apples that's nice apple juice no don't drink it no is it highly dangerous I don't know could be highly dangerous I won't drop it Susan all right everywhere I'm smelling that for months oh this looks like not the way I'm supposed to open it oh it's a genie in a bottle one two three they get three wishes dude a genie come out of it I was wishing that I was but I think this thing is rigged with Christian as the judge just my personal opinion oh yes oh this is opal yeah she says this smells like opal here everybody get a whiff there there's opal that's what opal smells like snip yep yep oh yeah that smells like that's what I was thinking okay we gotta cut down on the Avon yeah oh my goodness this powder no and this is like an old phone you got powder in the old phone no in here's powder I could probably use some of that I got sweaty butt syndrome thanks I'll just use the stuff on my hand so it's all new yes you see what you have you got some pew pew pew pew literally have a pew pew good making oh you see what it is it's a gun house thinking this is spider oh that's not a spider I don't know what that was this is like the real things like an old musket it's actually not there we go that's the craziest thing I've ever seen how do you smell it don't ever point it at yourself or somebody else can somebody please teach this girl actually you know what I want to win go ahead do what you gotta do that's one way to take the competition out you're wide enough oh I figured I'm gonna snip it he's good oh it's just a flesh wound oh it smells like root beer it's aftershave Oh doesn't it really smell like root beer I think so hmm I'll take this with me drinking it $20 avon 20 yeah you only beat me by 17 I got this I got this what is it dick quick watch your mouth girl didn't your mama teach you any oh no this is about to be a catastrophe or mama teach you any patience it wasn't me not only she's trying to beat me out of my profit she's breaking my profit this thing is wobbly all right she says it's wobbly yeah and she stuck a hugger in it with the Yee [Music] did you just give me oh this is like all the rodents that are down in the building there's good stuff in there huh really good stuff good stuff yeah good stuff let's see the good stuff that patients got me all right number one we do have a mouse nest okay there is definitely a mouse nest in here but that's not the only rodent that is not the only rodent there is a mouse nest we'll just move that aside over here the garbage can mouse nest right there what we have is a made in China stone bunny right they're actually not actually money that looks like granite so I thought it was piece of concrete it was worthless that looks like granite it broke there and it broke there and the bunny's broken right there hopefully if these things these things multiply like really about real bunnies I'll have this thing be denoted and then we've got we've got another bunny right there that one is we also have oh there's the bunny trail with little turds along the way hey what yeah those are bunny turds and then we have a box filled with mouse turds right there so that would be the whole mouse nest and there will be the mouse turds underneath there and peanuts let us not forget the peanuts thank you patience I appreciate everything you helped me with in this box can I get a value Christian maybe like hold a second remember bunnies me right bunnies mate they make lots of baby bunnies and I can sell all the baby bunnies so really the initial value isn't just in these bunnies I can make more bunnies and sell the bunnies with that being said how much those are not real bunnies so you get like $8 $8 Rob yet again dude Santa Santa let me down and believe it can I have a seal for what I like the way the ball feels all right patience for officially me getting cheated in this competition or cheated you to suck for officially me sucking in this competition I present you with the two crystal seals of approval wait wait oh my goodness I got baby hands babe baby hands baby hands and now baby seals this one seems Gerald come on Gerald get off your walk [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 44,562
Rating: 4.9160337 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: EtI0cho85RU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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