DANCE OFF AT WORK / I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes / Storage Wars

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but you know what time it is dance-off we're back at the $1,800 and the $1,700 unit they're still totes there's still boxes month later we're still working on this and we got to find out what kind of treasure there is today but I'm thinking we should switch it up just a little bit today we're about to hit the Cray button haha so here's what we're gonna do usually when I'm picking a tote versus patients here Christian's behind the camera and he's given her values that aren't the actual values actually usually her stuff is worth quite a bit more but that's besides the point today I'm taking the camera and Christian I'm doing the values [Music] what's she doing she's picking a box for you look this is everything that we have filmed thus far and we haven't actually put it inside the warehouse all right you got a box patience buffoon alright there we go the puffs Foom it looks like it says X misc assignment to me okay yeah don't don't worry I'm in charge of pricing so what are you trying to say man you're trying to say that you threw it you admit it you threw it I think he was throwing it was he throwing it no you $100 I'll tell you what I'll give you a penny for that remember who's in charge of values today got a penny he's winning he's running with a penny nice puppy pad that's worth a penny and ornaments are they silver what's the price tag on it three dollars three dollars I don't one this is four dollars barely oh that one looks broken don't man oh it goes no yeah only these go together at all I was thinking more like look like a crack pipe but you know whatever all right okay more ornaments what's she over there going well you know that's exciting Oh too much coin pushers oh is it what is that is that married Joseph and baby Jesus is there does it make music or anything yes oh it's a music box this is gonna be although it doesn't work Oh your negative points now negative no no no music boxes and I bet you it plays away in the manger just try it try and see if you can get it to work patience is trying to know is it working it's working she got a door all right squirrel Oz Peter Rabbit Oh Peter Rabbit okay broken glasses yep Peter Rabbit hurtin there for sure is it after she five o'clock show five o'clock shadow that's what you man you meant five o'clock shadow okay okay okay yeah same thing after shave five o'clock shadow season's greetings some kind of dog these are these are xmas ornaments oh it's grandma oh yeah got to keep it in the family okay that's not bad about those Smurfs it's got a price they go $5.00 on it yeah do you think it's a smurf I think so it's it is smaller than patients but not by much not by much Christians in charge of our herbs today for lunch and fine porcelain so bad that's not bad you're doing all right you got a couple pennies so far right that's in there that's it okay you want to know how much you get like a $5 loads $5 $5 how's it feel all right I'll tell you what I'll tell you what because I really like I really like that snow globe music thing there and I think it's probably worth something you probably have a good $25 will be more realistic 25 to start Oh like it's been fair before for me it's always lies you hear what she said about me yeah you hear that how do I put up with this somehow some way I put up with this this is ridiculous this still feels like you two are against me instead of you two against each other actually I like that oh wow I like it I like it I like it okay all right she's got what was she got there it looks like a box it's a patient size box it's a brand-new plate it's called the cobbler so you got your Co a system nonsense down here that I can't read Norman Rockwell I'll collect Norman Rockwell the first edition in fine china woody what do you think it's worth I see a price no people love Norman Rockwell let's look it up on eBay as you guys continue to research the paperwork I researched eBay you want to give a guess on how much is selling for currently six dollars nice guest Christian you're being a little generous it's two dollars two dollars yeah Christian still in the lead by the way I'm just curious who sucks they're fighting now they're not against me anymore now they're finally against each other they finally are against me oh that's fighting dirty you're gonna give them the yellow can are you serious you're gonna give them the yellow can that's downright fighting dirty how dare you Christian how could she do this to you it says garland garland gave him a bucket of garland you don't know what garland is do you know you put the garland on your Christmas tree the shiny Tinsel's tinsel garland stuff like that look at that Oh backfired backfired okay does that say what the hails are what the Gaels does say gales yep says gales instead of hails huh I would've given you more money if it's that Hales is a delenn-- --ax I bet you Lennox is a salt shaker okay look at the bottom does it say Lennox Holly Holliday major holiday huh okay Holly Holliday I'm not sure about a Holly Holliday knows it's Santa's mailman all right so Santa is there for sure escalator that's the yeah you don't wanna you got to be protected when you're messing around with that stuff glitter is bad bad more ashtrays we found in that remember we found an entire ashtray collection Oh them bunnies the fauna same as mailman somebody loves this is all it's got to be a part of the collection then huh all right that's that's worth some money if you got the both together how does that make you feel really gay more ashtrays I wonder what all their Christmas ashtrays red and green yeah I have no idea little metal little metal trees hops yeah oh you just said them I think you screw room into huh they're like ruins there's something for something I don't know what though I'd say you're making more money than than patients currently the same now bad not bad she tried to throw you off and little face that pink purple Oh big money big Oh another ashtray you know what happens when big ashtrays get together they make baby ashtrays no little Santa is that a police officer Santa actually this is the crossing guard interesting interesting more Santa you've got a crossing guard person in your life and you want to bless them with a Santa Santa was a pope oh I always thought it was ho ho but apparently it's Santa Popo yep that's money right there that is money if it is in there that looks nice that's crystal that's high-end stuff man that's a nice one I'll tell you that's so high instead of paying you in cash can I pay you in crystal today nope all right all right there we went that offer so that the crystal is still still up for grabs oh you got more dude that is that is something else what's the bottom nine dollars I see three caves let's say three $3,000 yeah yeah there you go $3,000 what you got to say about that 3k $3,000 right there that's it right there $3,000 punch these Oh Sam has been having a disco party of America like a lot of these what did you just make like a little thing okay all right so she's making she's making protective equipment now oh there is Santa you know Santa disco balls all right I tell you what I'll tell you what I'm just gonna tell you straight up you got a good you got some good stuff there you got crystal that bucket is easily worth $75 if not more your crystal alone that tree is probably 100 tree looks like a cookie that looks like a cookie this cookies worth Allari you trying to throw him off his game or what no I saw you back there you know what you know what if this ends up in a tie you guys are gonna have to do a dance-off yes dance off dance off of death no cartwheels of dust dance off of death although Christian is winning right now Oh Christian ain't messing around okay he gave her a Jeter so a Derek Jeter is it a Derek Jeter okay mine that's a nice glass oh don't know do they again hold it up hold it up we got to teach you how to the ding all right now flick it that's you hear that you always want to clean ding that's the that is the cleanest ding that's crystal right there that pure clean ding oh don't forget holy cow that was even a cleaner ding oh my goodness I have never heard such a clean ding in all my life that was amazing all right all right let's hear it let's hear it oh my holy cow Oh ken Ken Ken the pitch get higher here we go that was kind of a low pitch I hear that yeah that's a little bit of a dirtier ding there you want to stay away from dirty ding you always want clean ding okay so all right we've got here we go that was nice you hear that you getting scared yeah that's all crystal man that's worth the money don't get too confident I'm giving the numbers okay was there special note in there yeah but is okay there's a special note in there S&P something for Waterford something spoon bathroom she'll second second label up to two inches some kind of bolt so what did you it's like okay number one that spoon is probably pure silver look at the spoon and see if it says 925 anywhere see 925 stamped anywhere okay so what you would do I think this is an old spur salt and you would put the actual salt spreader by your by your meal and you would spread the salt like that instead of the newer shakers holy cow there's a body there's another bunny my goodness they're multiplied okay crystal bunnies as well look at those these things say epns epns that means electroplated silver so we would hope that they were actual real silver but just electro paper plated there's a thin lining of silver they did nice that was a nice little that was a nice little ding there I think you have a complete and total crystal set what do you think I think okay alright go for the big thing okay it ain't heavy it's your brother if that's a Waterford and it probably is that's easily $100 decanter see the bottom does it say Waterford okay I well we already know they collected all Waterford and we've got right here SP blocks for Waterford you okay listen you don't even have to go any further in here we already know what's in there it's all crystal more pieces there look look look there it is that goes there nice alright this is pure crystal it's Waterford the decanter alone is $100 I hate to say it I hate to say it but you add a minimum one hundred and fifty dollars hundred and fifty dollars at a minimum now just went to 200 she's got a crystal ball there is a crystal bail $200 whoa didn't see that coming Christian's playing the crystal I heard it yeah he tried to get you last time what you gonna do to him this one okay what what is it red I don't know Red's redux red ducks ready ducks okay I'm not sure what a reduction no you might have sent him up you might have no no you might have set him up for the good I'm not saying for the bad pretty good brand new anybody getting anybody getting hangry anybody wanna go to the Henry station go see grandma oh man sixty dollars thirty bucks okay all right something good is in here for two dollars though certifications Oh CoA that's not bad that's not bad just don't damage that styrofoam that might be the most most valuable thing so this is Madame Alexander and Madame Alexander is actually collectable so this is in your favor Christian well plates aren't really the collectible thing so patients think she she did you wrong she actually Wow oh it's a music box look at that is some music box I haven't seen the front yet and oh it's an angel showed a young man angel you're my God he's got a press a button there's another switch back here you got a push now we're getting away in the manger maybe you know what we should do we should put we should put the glass globe right there the manger scene that's probably where it goes unless I feel might be too big do all we artists we already set it up over there didn't we oh he's got the manger it's a full setup I like that that's pretty neat how much money you give them for it nothing oh oh okay so that's Madame Alexander as well right yes oh yeah yeah you are you're actually oh my goodness look at this you're looking you gave him some money here nice okay so we're gonna put Jesus right in oh he doesn't go in there this giant baby in it oh you got okay all right so giant okay there's Jack Wow yeah that's a small angel for a big baby is there anything else there's Joseph so you do have Joseph as well and look he has all the certificates of a fantasy the COAS these people don't want it blowing the b2 in there I'm just curious why my baby Jesus is so much bigger than this mom oh that's probably more more like it there yeah and then Joseph and there's dad Josie yeah all right that that was a good box that's actually worth some money I don't need to already know our to know it that's easy easy $100 your honor heels again what are you doing with your belly button again non-stop non-stop non-stop what you got what you got what you got you're gonna hit the Cray button really oh that tote we've been avoiding we've been avoiding that one for weeks because it's labeled it's it's labeled cans and candles oh no no no no you want to win or the what's this smell like actually I kind of it does have a nice your urine smell wait I think you're all right it does have a Christmassy smell bo there do a weird teasin it doesn't smell like urine it does have like a spicy a sweet smell you don't like it what are you you smell it towels you never have enough towels you were trying to be nice okay all right he says he's trying to be nice Oh a Santa candy bowl okay that's that's actually that's pretty cool that's nice yeah okay and Santa is this a candle holder it looks like a candle holder volcano homers and their wrath so so many bags she's got a bunch of candle holders yep there's another one like a little tea light like a snowman or something I don't know frosty somebody's getting salty instead of frosty right now yeah oh look at that we got the complete set now it's a coffee mug actually that's probably a good five bucks that's kind of nice it's not as bad as we thought it was there was labeled candles but maybe by cans she met mugs cups I don't know what you think I have no idea I have no rationale to explain that at all Julie alright here's here's the biggest one here we go oh it's the most wonderful time of the year to have that to have that you kit how about winner winner actually get the mug is that fair winner gets the mug but you still have to have a dance-off Dan so patience checking out all this stuff here I'm gonna say you got an easy $30 [Music] that looks like Pappy this is what Pappy looks like hey Pepe Pepito okay is that what Pappy looks like old guy with white hair yes all right all right digging into Pappy here we go hopefully this hold a second Pappy still with us yeah okay so this is in his urn we're okay there all right this said what what was it labeled glass Pinocchio this what the hell is that are you serious he's wife are you sure yes sure I'm not so sure that actually is I don't think it is I think this is much older than adventure time maybe did you just give him it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas are those mushrooms yeah oh she gave you shrooms it's some kind of clip thing yeah okay that's kind of crazy whatever it is it could be worth something I meant to say that's worth a thousand dollars Christian ooh nice no guitar and a trumpet you guys for the dance-off see it works you guys are gonna have to play those on your dance-off we know a Christians playing Pied Piper here who's that oh no he's got a lantern though oh all right yeah well my getting for this box okay I'll tell you what um it was a little rough still playing with her belly button that it was a little rough okay but I still think even though a little crazy there's mushrooms there can still be value in there you got ten bucks that's not bad that's not bad you're still in the race only a mom can love but you know what time it is dance-off in three two one [Music] okay all right it's time for the mug for the official winner yeah all right I'm loving it I'm loving it patience nice job you had all the value but Christian your dance moves have one that you the mug nice job nice job [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 27,578
Rating: 4.9088731 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, self storage
Id: id4G4K9BqLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 50sec (1730 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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