RIGGED C4 EXPLOSION I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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he said that I was very lucky that it didn't become that it didn't come delinquent and me cut the lock I wouldn't be talking to you right now we had a word really yeah wired to c4 we got a hails of a story for you today if you remember last time I want to hail George took the sledgehammer right to the die bowl right see the face and we found all kinds of criminal documentation legal paperwork you name it there were charges and there's no doubt the charges and the charges and the charge listen there is a rap sheet as long as the length of your arm maybe not that long there were 40 no there were 40 49 I was gonna say 50 49 items on this persons rap sheet you may be thinking what the Hales are you gonna find today let's go find out [Music] this guy loved kiss I mean who isn't a big fan of kissing right George right George right George type in kiss record okay let's go to sold this is where we find out what things are actually worth and then we want to go highest the lowest and holy cow okay now that's a that's an actual you know that's yeah give me some keep going down right there keep going down sealed we're looking at thousand dollars all right 800 750 700 alright let's find out what we got let's see if we can find any of this big kiss money then don't you think that stuff that he has might be stolen well there's there's a lot of evidence a ton of evidence he owed a ton of money to a ton of people but even if it was stolen how do you prove anything stolen if it doesn't have a serial number if it doesn't have identification number there's one of everything in every household in all the world every storage unit you can't prove it's stolen but what we can do it's not a box of Records oh wow okay so I see plastic - some of them might be sealed come on over here let's see if we can find some of the big money I don't like the looks of this box now most probably already know old LPs coming back with a vengeance and 80s hard rock rock and roll Tahlia big money so here is these have that vintage smell in other words nastiness I kind of like that trucker batter baby smells I see kiss oh do I ever see kiss me be careful let me see let me see you gotta be careful I don't want to ruin anything look at this okay there's kiss has a sleep protector look at this just dynasty oK we've got I love it I love it I love it 1977 yeah okay kiss alive to 1977 we're getting into the 70s stuff of course you know they haven't been really making that many records for that long dynasty where's our date where's our date I don't know kiss well enough to know any of the dates do you see one you see one yeah okay kiss there's gene Simmons right there do we see the two ace pollen Peter you see a date on there anywhere okay me either here's another kiss Paul Stanley okay and here's another kiss there's a there they're in here just just to verify with you guys to show you they are absolutely in there with the sleep protector back in there all right kiss Peter crisis kiss double platinum now obviously this is an original it's the double platinum edition that came out afterwards when it went double platinum okay kiss dynasty there's another kiss dynasty here is there you go you wanted the best there it is the best is the bit is the Bears rock and roll right there it's in there this one's a little damaged kiss favorite kiss it's hotter than Hales I really don't know too many Cassandra Christian is a Christian rock not this kiss wrong so I just know there's money that's all I know all right Peter crisis hotter than hails right there again there's another well duplicate so far no no no no no look at this do you see this this is money this is money the Asian ones all right this is actual this is incredible I didn't think we have this but we do check eBay Asian the Asian one's even more rare here in the States this is big money I can't believe it I can't actually we're gonna set down on the side here we go here we go all right we got more rock and roll over okay kiss destroyer right there that one's not in there that was not in there unfortunately we've got kiss love gun oh this is awesome kiss destroyer that one is in there kiss double-platinum another one of those kiss asylum it's in there kiss creatures of the night oh they didn't have they didn't make up their eight dollars let's see what was the date on this one 82 dropped the make up in 82 oh look at that one that one's definitely you that was all you they're like in Egyptian he's even wearing my cool glasses in the shade all right we got kiss lick it up not sure what that means but we've got there's another sleep protector he paid $5.00 for it kiss we've got as this one is that the Eagles that is the Eagles we've got paper in here this is the Beatles Alabama and down country road not sure what that is not sure what that is come on anymore Fleetwood Mac there we go just a love Fleetwood Mac just as much as I love the Beach Boys how much money you think we got here I got a couple hundred I think at least did he have legal issues yeah you better believe he had legal issues 49 cases found on the county website defendant defendant defendant defendant defendant debited evident defendant basically in a nutshell he owed everybody money everybody there's the forcible entry and detainer who was the plaintiff one and only Wayne metropolitan Housing Authority Metro actually had him evicted hard to believe all units well it's really part of the business so when we get storage units 90 percent of the storage units the people are imprisoned that's why they lost them there they're in jail for good reason for what they did they're serving time they lost their items and pay their bill five percent the people passed away the other five percent nobody knows typically they've just disappeared due to drugs so criminals sometimes so let's see what they have here all right and we've got Oh something look at that that's Hercules Hercules Hercules what is that Alber princess a play produced with a variety of no it definitely looks like Hercules doesn't it looks like your Hercules a plate that's actually pretty cool yes that's pretty cool so hey could be a criminal plate could be could be just a good - Hercules plate there's a Kansas City Chiefs hat Dallas Cowboys hat you want to put that in the Hat lot mm-hmm okay so that'll go in a hat lot here we got some headliners Van Exel Elway no stinking way that is an old out--we Denver Broncos oh my goodness I was a kid those are those are little yeah good well sort of they don't bobble there called headliners here's the starting lineup that's a Emmett's he's going son he was so good so good he had so many the man was untouchable okay what else do we have here look at that Monday Night Football San Francisco 49ers right there's bag it is it's like a lunch bag anything in it was launched no that's a day the reality is is I'm the one that stole this unit for 90 bucks so let's be honest right there's some more headliners right here Martin Collins so yeah these are cool these old headliners are cool what is it oh we got some old is that oh there's a Cleveland Indians that's actually autographed that one's autographed I don't know who it is another one it is he's got another one there's another one autographed he actually got it autographed check that out we're gonna have to look at those so that could be money there we do this some autograph oh boy are you seeing what I'm seeing down here mm-hmm more trading cards okay ready watch this oh it's not all just all trading cards okay football football football football football it's all football looks like okay so there's all football and then when we have here we've got football magazines alright football magazines what do we have here what is it Cartoon Network what is it it's a racing car that says Cartoon Network is it NASCAR uh-huh okay I can sure I think that'd be fun NASCAR a lot there or you could wear it like a cape oh please don't tell me he ripped another shirt shirt but that's not kiss no definitely rip something maybe he was saving all the pieces to make a quilt check that out 1924 1999 Wheaties and it's Elway so there's an Elway Wheaties and then who's that is that in common Ollie okay it looks like signature 24k gold signature there you go that looks like that was Muhammad Ali remember the old pogs look at that those are got the old pogs they're even all do we have a slammer we do we actually have the slammer to check that out look at this well look at this it fell out all right so NFL stats that cut above these are the cards they're the giant cards upper deck that's cool okay some mutants unite over power card game baseball support stars Kmart that was sealed that's the tops it's at Indiana no no sign Indiana Jones Louis L'Amour collection cards Mortal Kombat cards look at that I used to love playing Mortal Kombat with my brothers I was katana she still katana with me with the sword that's where it all started ended look at this Brown Steelers Dallas what do you think's in here more cards yes yes yes yes oh my god I can't believe we got oh look at this he's got rookies back here too I can't believe we got these you always want to look at the ones that they have in the card protector because those are typically the most valuable once typically that doesn't mean your results from our collector but those were there let's look at these real quick wonder if he has any price old a tiny one Oh some of them is that a price just a bunch of numbers get your numbers okay so we could probably have our 90 dollar purchase price right here in cards alone unfortunately we don't know our cars but hey so definitely have it in all the kiss stuff that we found Dallas skittles there's there's more racing here's more racing so you can put all these in a NASCAR lot 236 94 let's get in some blender you know whenever we get plunder I always wonder what the hell's it is so here we go another box and George you know who that is who dat I don't know but I do see an a/c do you think it's ac/dc is that maybe a D no I hear some country music you listen to that mm-hmm I listen to the modern here is these are eight-by-ten these are these are giant okay take these off these things are just in the way these are John oh my goodness what are these these are giant baseball cards that's our man that's our man that's our myth that's the legend he was the man now Cleveland is when he was the man when he was with white socks case we didn't stick up form do you know what this is it looks like oh it's beautiful let me guess return to sender are we going back Graceland here we come are we going back mm-hmm is that even a question Elvis got Powerpuff Girls here that's random is the Christmas random this thing listen it's criminal okay I have to I have to I have to know if there's any money no money there was already a little tear in it I will I will tape it back up I'll dress it no make it look it's stuck so there's a little Elvis another returneth under he's stuck on there oh look at you oh that was Elvis in his prime he looked like you just woke up in that picture it wasn't caffeinated yet my goodness the Graceland collection loves puzzles who is so ridiculously caramel gramma that they love puzzles pretty sure you're describing me bu right there Elvis sealed Wow we can find a date a thousand pieces thousand pieces I don't see the date it is dusty you can see there it's pretty dusty 1996 1996 on that what do we got here we got a dowel yes I said Donna this dog get in there we have here we have come on there's uh is that a flag it looks like someone started to make a bracelet made out of safety pin okay so there's more of it right there okay I already poked myself on that okay we love we love the jewelry especially women's gold and silver this might be a fishing lure that looks like a fishing lure called spinner this looks like a fishing lure here as well definitely made out of all the same materials definitely some more earrings on this giant creepy teddy bear which apparently is an earring holder it's cute hmm interesting little teddy bear there another fishing that's the other earring another fishing lure there sis do we have like silver Korea I know this isn't real really out here we have that doesn't look real it doesn't feel real doesn't look real there's markings right there but I can't see that until I get my surgery I can't see it oh that's not what I was going about right there some kind of Fox thing another look look at that thing do you see it gold plated what do you see in there that says 18 K that's 18 karat gold but yeah it also says gf so gold feel the same as gold plated pretty much yeah so that is it's just got a cheap layer gold around it okay so you can see like right here see right there was a bowl yeah it's faded off so your your underlying your underlying base metal is showing through so so not as much as I had hoped it'd been worth but hey that's that's alright we'll still take it right we have the gems to be real right they could be but then again so could this Buckeyes Santa Claus ceiling fan up here you think we should do that or is it so ridiculously windy here that it always affects those sound anyway the structure of the building creates a wind tunnel you know who that is that's the Macho Man macho savage you've got to be kissing this is this is the missing matches that's Macho Man Randy Savage the missing patches no way that that's historic right there I mean that's history that reminds me of my childhood my brothers changed and here goes the wind it's like we just did for a family Macho Man macho man we can actually keep that down there's some penance Virginia Beach we've got gravedigger there's the grave digger should that go with your NASCAR lot maybe oh look at this one he has a bunch of looks like those are sign that has a whole bunch of autographs from the tailgater and all please monster truck please be what I think it's gonna be more t-shirts please please please a little rough all right we have to do this it's so windy the best of poison right there summer 2006 look at this this one's got autographs whatever it is this is a tribute to kiss we've got she's got monographs and everything this is ace wait let me do it this way this is where we might have a ton of money here ace something 2008 tour all right forget the box the box is being annoying with the wind oh this one is tore up but oh I can't believe it I can't believe it look what he did to it that's a no he made it holy neck he made it into a neck it's an old Jackyl concert she comes to shove oh my goodness I can't believe he did that if he only knew what these things would be worth now today okay and this is psycho circus kiss this is from 98 99 this is the tea look at that on the tour I mean it's rough it's even got a hole back here in the kiss but look that's history he's got a story behind that no one can patch that up fix it clean up he's probably in jail right now tell him the story about that one time he was at the psycho circus and it reminds him of being in jail and remember that one time that guy grabbed me put a hole right in my shirt okay so what's this one what's that more wrestlers both rustlers now we got a runner on China I see Egypt right in front of me and if you wanna see another criminal story and there are tons of them involved with storage units check this story out it's absolutely totally in sane I mean you know always like up in Cleveland stolen car parts drugs I had to name it oh yeah yeah I had a guy nicest guy you ever want to meet as a front drove a nice van and everything I never thought anything about it he was converting semi-automatic weapons and the automatic weapons in the storage unit in the storage unit and taking them out in the false bottom of a boat no for me I have thought he was picking his phone up to go fishing you know oh yeah he was and it and in a roundabout way it ended up being tied to Mike Tyson no way yeah Mike Tyson owns some property out by Ashtabula and that's where they busted him Wow came there DEA came their way just it was it was all over you've seen some crazy stuff oh yeah a guy selling water purifiers which the bottom of them come off because that's where the charcoal and stuff is well he was transporting drugs and Wow he'd go up to Detroit come back you know and now with him I guess they busted him on life on the highway somewhere and arrests him they came with keys they come in there they come to my door like this and they're knocking with the butt of a gun driving up black Corvette and I'm thinking no cop car oh yeah it was to was one time I had confiscated and were you know they said we want to know where the sky is they said do not let anybody come I go how am I gonna stop somebody I said park your car across the drives all I can tell you I said because I can't stop somebody from onto their unit mm-hmm oh and the guy with the guns he said that I was very lucky that it didn't become that it didn't come delinquent and me cut the lock I wouldn't be talking to you right now we had a word really yeah wired to c4 that's holy cow yeah you [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 38,028
Rating: 4.9044724 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, self storage
Id: PHh1cwQjOyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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