TOILET PAPER FIGHT WITH A THIEF I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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I've been telling you guys for over a year year and a half now toilet paper is the future currency but it's not future anymore it's actually present now my stash gets hidden here at the warehouse in the bathroom look over here I had tons and tons and tons of toilet paper right here all shelved up now I'm not the only person in this building you know what happened somebody heisted all but two partial rolls of my toilet paper [Music] wow what a hale's of a week it's been here at what the Hales in the storage auction business who could forget when this happened you know when a unit for 89 18 18 all will undergo safety now eighteen us IV now eighteen tell me money Sunday now eighteen all in all that 1800 yes sell on your way $1,700 sold and who could forget when all the sudden we found antique firearms did you find what you find hold a second hold a second oh oh do it I'm gonna let it do her where where no way that was good as it was but things got so much better who could forget when we found a safe filled with 50 cent pieces look look down on the bottom ammo it is not ammo oh my goodness we probably have one thousand dollars and fifty cents I think they have fun kills have you ever seen anything like this before Isaac this is crazy oh and then the hamburger box filled with silver and gold jewelry it just keeps getting better and better I think we just found an entire jewelry block here we go oh nice check it out it is absolutely sterling silver and it is an old coin purse I've never seen anything like this before do we have a gold watch do we have you're not gonna believe it you're not gonna believe it this little board right here definitely looks like gold to me and I'll see about getting that open later oh man oh yeah take this glove off my hands are freezing I'm taking the glove off this is definitely sterling oh my goodness I can't believe it can't believe how lucky we've been what about the puzzle jewelry box filled with coins best thing we find in these units yet one more money look at this okay this is a silver another 50-cent piece remember all the 50 cent pieces I found found over $1,000 in a safe of 50 cent pieces here is another 50 cent piece 1964 look at this look at this you see this 1776 to 1976 quarter it's time to dig back into these units and find out what other treasures they are hiding make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the bell notification so you get notified every time we upload and every time we go live because you never know what the hails were gonna find although I think we're gonna find more gold silver money jewelry antique firearms [Music] I gotta know where to start today and I'm little antsy to actually I want to get into another marinara box and this one isn't quite marinara its roasted garlic but we found the puzzle jewelry box with the coins and all the other things in a box just like this now there's another box and I saw when we are loading it says or ABA 2019 I've been dying to know what's in here as well I even tried to peek and I can't tell so let's grab these we're gonna start with this Christian you got Micah knife no no Oh what am I gonna do without aconite got it right here okay here we go let's start with roasted garlic okay that marinara one was so good always remember you guys know safety first cut away this is look at this here this is like a hodgepodge box we haven't seen anything like this yet have we this is like a hodgepodge box of you know maybe maybe dad's workshop in the basement throw it all in even there look at that ironing board the spring stuff for the ironing board to keep the fabric on that's wild you know old levels look at that solid piece of oak old level that's worth something just oh nice nice nice if I can actually find the key I can you all there's more I can use these for all my storage units because what happens is every time I go to an auction I end up you know the handing out keys so and that's just a courtesy to other auction goers as well because we always always run out of locks and keys so now I got a couple more to give out that would be good if we can find the actual locks is this we got okay we got little nails that'll be good for decorating some old tools is that look at that that's a cane handle yeah that's a cane handle and that potentially could be gold as well that that's kind of cool we'll have to check that all right I'm just gonna set that one aside now a lot of old tools can be worth a lot of money all you got to do is an eBay search put in old tool vintage tool whatever some of those tools can go five hundred thousand five thousand all depends on what it is so you can't just discount a box like this especially from a unit like this you got to go through everything listen what's this box this one is Trax pack something like that all right here we go again this is the ABA 2019 Christian what's your guess what's a BA stand for I'm not sure all a Mara beacon that's what I call George she's an American Arabic she's a Mara beacon a Mara beacon well use of a Association the Association of Americans there we go that's what it is 2019 let's get in here slice oh I like what I'm seeing already I like what I see okay hopefully we've got some good sports memorabilia so the first thing I saw was the cleveland sse a pad if we're lucky look at never get away from george ever can never ever get away from george so but she stalks me I promise you oh you know what this is all right so the Sun right that disappeared nine months ago let me let me break down the story again dad passes mom passes away then dad passes away dad's a veteran all right the son and daughter take everything put everything in storage the son owns a tour bus industry you can you could actually he literally takes you on a bus all over the United States so this stuff looks like all promo stuff probably put some stuff in with dad amount stuff this is all promo stuff from going out to different wherever they work for travel so if we look this is all brand-new you got baseballs you're gonna have fidget spinners you've got this little thing here the outlet Shoppes what are these Magnus stress I don't know what it is these are all promo items that you would pay for so there's bottle cap opener there's a bag of pens that he got from all the promo items there's probably everything from knives - is this a kazoo I think this is a notice of harmonica is it's a promo harmonica I've been practicing it looks like we got two of those we got her Monica's look at this another layer you're gonna have everything from collectable cards - this is probably there's another tour thing there this is a deck of cards you're gonna have a bunch of water bottle I mean just all of this this is normally stuff they would sell that look at that 1699 so he got this for free going to these tours and because of the industry that he was in all of this stuff whether it's a stress ball whether it's a carabiner bottle we'll see whether it's a it's all tour industry stuff and I think there's gonna be connives thank you very support of marketplace whatever this is there's gonna be all kinds of cool stuff there's bamboo kitchen tools you can never have enough that there's probably bus rates I'm not sure what that is here's Kentucky tourism what do you think's gonna be here battle at the barbecue oh wait battle the blue I can't see right now it's oh it's umbrella so Ella alright so we got we got all kinds of crazy stuff in here whether it's old red bones there's probably gonna be nine here's a guitar pick that's probably you know country music something like that there's a little bit of everything even even earphones from Sweet Home Alabama look at this absolutely beautiful old flower tin I gotta believe something's hidden inside there so I'm definitely I'm gonna grab this next I want to see what's in there and there's a bunch of other tins too but none of them as cool as that old flower tin look at that there's the old potato chip tin and another old tin under there that could be what is it this is anybody me fat vegetable fat this might be alright if you know what this was a tin Ford let me know in the comments below meat fat vegetable fats maybe this was a lard tin back in the day here's another roasted garlic okay I just don't know why after finding that that puzzle jewelry box I I want to look at every single one of these I keep thinking jewelry so I'm gonna grab this as well and then I'm thinking yeah let's go with the big Amazon smile I'm gonna dig into this one first again you know what to do with your kids well don't do as I do do as I say let's find out hey hey hey what's gonna be in here because everything else is so amazing this unit is a gift and that gift just keeps giving and giving it's a it's a box of white balls the last light bulb box that we found had a roll of wheat pennies and I'm not gonna miss it this time maybe you saw it when I completely missed it and you know the other thing is you probably be because people who went through the Great Depression I hid everything everywhere we probably honestly need to open every single box and make sure yeah we're gonna have to just go through every single one of those boxes I don't see any actual rolls of money this time that doesn't mean it's not in there let's pop pop open the flower tin this thing is so cool what what an amazing decoration this would be at home this thing's just gonna look amazing here at the warehouse whether we put a whole bunch of canes in here or umbrellas I don't know is this okay this is the very first thing I see I see Disney I see a label of Disney comic storybook Disney I'm seeing I don't even know what I'm seeing yeah I'm seeing a ton of kids I'm seeing coins I Sarah okay now look now look we might have more money no actual money you hear there's a Peter Rabbit all right there's a Peter Rabbit holiday greeting right there I'll give you a look at that Peter Rabbit okay let's see what is this comic storybook what's this thing about we have oh my goodness okay this is comic storybook jeez I don't even know I don't even know this is all these are okay here you go it's ornaments I can't believe it comic storybook ornaments look at that there's got to be some tremendous value in there Bugs Bunny Porky Pig Howdy Doody and and the list can probably go on and on I'm not sure who that is but it's got to be somebody that somebody knew this is obviously someone all right let's see what we have in here this is we've got what did that one say candy mice ice era ice creature ice something oh there's the mice okay so candy and mice all right so if you get the right right now you maybe think it owes what it's just Christmas ornaments no no no look up Christmas ornaments on eBay some of these the old ones the ones that that are so rare and obscure they go for such high dollar one ornament could pay for these entire units looks like actually I can't even I see vintage no antique all right you see that the sticker there antique this one ten what's ever in here could actually pay for the entire storage units oh my goodness look at this crackerjack look at that look at Cracker Jack I can't believe this and I think is this a Cracker Jack uh no that's an old navy navy firefighter firefighter and there's more it's all wrapped up oh my goodness look at this this is a you know what some of these are worth so much money I don't even feel comfortable I don't feel comfortable holding them right now with gloves let's just do a quick you know what let's just do a quick Superman oh you've got to be kidding me now we're getting this says Superman you've got to be kidding me these are gonna be all right that's that's Cat in the Hat where's Superman oh my goodness I see it I see it I'm just gonna I'm gonna find it I'm gonna show it to you because Superman is so collectible alright there it is right there there's Gotham City that's an old school right there old school I'm just gonna set it back down in here post this stuff if it's the right stuff it's worth so much and I don't want to screw around with the imaging you know you know how I can get fumble nutty you know you guys know that better than anyone this one look there's stuff hidden everywhere that looks like old school Raggedy Ann and Andy for sure everything I know some of you want to see them all on some of you some of you just go you know is there money hidden in there what I'll have to do there's my goodness there's the Mickey Mouse circus look at that I don't even know where this thing is just wow all right snowmen another tent yeah there's there's antique stuff in here wow wow wow wow okay let me show you what it looks like right now okay so that's what it looks like down in there and and honestly I mean we found money we found we found everything this alone this 10 that could pay for everything let's just jeez I just can't believe it I can't believe I cannot believe everything we keep finding who the Hales knows what's gonna be in this box this should be an incredible box a alright here we go let's see what's inside huge Amazon box I bet you get ready to take a little drink I bet you everything in here is brand new that's my bet that's what I'm thinking wait wait wait wait no no no it's not brand new I'm seeing old leather I've seen an old leather belt now one of the things you want to with old leather belts like this you always want to check because a lot of time the hardware is actually this isn't just an old leather belt there's a holster as well the hardware is silver how cool is that oh my goodness oh boy oh boy no no everything's not brand new we got any antiques in here okay Andy suss trick I'm not sure what that means let's see it must be the maker of whatever is in here oh wow okay we Hey they have cool stuff in everywhere look at this I bet you we're gonna find more money I bet you only come in here there's something in here okay nosh probably can't see that on my hand it blends in we got old school pictures for sure okay we got the old school pictures you guys know I love them you love them all right we got old school pictures let's see what else it's like an old cooking tin set that aside some kind of we'll just say some kind of something right there and then we got we got an old atlas jar no it's no fault it's an old bull blue ball okay so there you go there's your old blue ball right there not talking about you the viewer I'm just talking about what we're finding here look at that that was for going in the the actual fireplace and scooping out the ashes just pull so this is it all brand-new this is the antique stuff and we have another chin in here look at this we got a tin filled with what is it what is it I see toys I see the word toys I'll show you exactly what i see i see the word toys right there so we got a tin with a village snow evergreens village we movie there some down here there is something down here in a box I'm gonna pull it out they're going over a lot of stuff the mallard Bay gift company let's see what it is Mallard bay also hold Christmas and then we haven't here well if it hasn't felt like Christmas because it's March let me tell you everyday going through this unit has felt like Christmas I've been telling you guys for over a year year and a half now toilet paper is the future currency but it's not future anymore it's actually present now my stash gets hidden here at the warehouse in the bathroom look over here I had tons and tons and tons of toilet paper right here all shelved up now I'm not the only person in this building you know what happened somebody high stood all but two partial rolls of my toilet paper I have tens of thousands of dollars of actual tools and merchandise look look I'll show you and they took the toilet paper I have so many rolls it was gold look at this anybody could have had this same access to what do we got we got a brand-new Dremel yeah that's money what do we got we got a brand new I don't know what is it let's open it up it's the Milwaukee something it's brand new for sure oh look you got a hole key drill set hole set right there the hole dozer did they take that no they took my toilet paper tons and tons of rolls of toilet paper I just what are we gonna do if we have to go do do they have access to all of this and so much more let's see what they left behind thankfully we still have some of the white stuff to use for ourselves frankly this is a bit more plush probably a bit more comfortable I'll be okay there because we hold all those two let's see what we have in here look at this is this uh I think this is a brand new birdhouse it is it is a brand new birdhouse but it's a lighthouse is their price tag anywhere it's made in the USA it's made out of recycled recycled goods it is it's a brand new birdhouse that's really cool it's really cool that top goes on there I'm gonna set that aside over there okay there's stuff wrapped man look at this we got to collect old collectible lantern with the birdhouse let's see what we got here open that's probably just access to the bulb we won't open that right now we'll set that aside they use brand new towels to wrap everything this is just wild to me here's the magic holder this probably goes in your garage and your utility room whatever you need to hang up all of your your light bulb changers your brooms your dusters that's brand new in the box who knows how much that could be worth well you guys probably know what is this aha this was $14.99 I'm sure it was never used and it's solar powered and the film is still on there so yep never used before this little dudes lights go on probably I don't know if it's motion detected or not we'll set that aside this is so random this is completely and totally random look there's a frog right now there's a frog with a duct tape you think what I'm thinking dude you thinking what I'm thinking we found so much money already in this unit you think there's something hidden in here because that's what I'm thinking oh there is there is we this close up close up the definitely we're sealing something in there that's what I've been telling these guys especially when you get stuff from people who went through the depression they hide thing and they had money and everything it could be oatmeal it could it could be it could it could be anything it could be this little frog dude there's something in here somebody took the time to shove all this in here why there's something why would they shove it all in there the original sticker that's what they were hiding $6.99 okay they shoved it in their hair track just to see because I don't have a light is there anything in there nothing in there all right he says no all right so that was odd odd behavior but behavior that we're used to in this type of a unit all right see what's wrapped up in this towel Oh another Lantern look at that beautiful not another nice one okay that'll go over here with the other lanterns in the lighthouse man we're gonna be living large this is what we're putting now in the bathroom at the warehouse we're putting this in we'll just we'll do laundry afterwards so we'll just set that aside it's gonna be like being at a plush spa where we have wrapped here we have oh we got the squirrels yet we'll set those aside okay it's just so random this is crazy and they wrapped it all up in towels I think we have another Lantern I think we're gonna yep we sure do we've got another brand-new Lantern okay we'll set that over that is the perv Lantern if you keeping count there are three lanterns that come out of here so far and then we have I'm guessing I'm guessing it's gonna be another Lantern ding ding ding ding taupe number two big money big money big money here we go look at this this is all brand-new items this is this is sold bye-bye lows lows carries the worst problem product this is a bag it's a water bag basically filled up and then you go take it out to wherever you need water believe this brand stinking nude there's a speed bore set that's I mean we're talking big money here is the two-piece Cobalt here's your adjustable channel option wrenches right there here is no hey believe it okay this isn't the best quality as far as power torque but it's still a 17 piece air tool kit and it's worth money because it's brand new remember count how many times I say brand new and if you want a really fun game as I said brand new all week in these videos all right here we go more Cobell more we've got I haven't seen a single receipt yet either we've got the actual cobalt this is airline for the air compressor whoops captain fumble notes strikes again we got 100 feet now remember we're going to try and take all of that back and get store credit we've got the works chainsaw there's the arm right there we've got do it best now this is not Lowe's this is probably from an Ace Hardware or somewhere like that some of this is mixed there's a power strip here is you know some of this is just mixed where you have cobalt you know that's Lowe's items versus you've got do it best and that came from some local hardware store but the cool thing is is I even though this came from the local hardware store it's still brand-new so value goes way way up let's take a little walk down memory lane here all right savings department national deposit bank Brownsville PA we've got an old savings account book check this out from 1945 those of you who love this kind of thing the paperwork the history this is where it's at originally deposited amount 1 9 107 and we've got all the information we've got up to 5,000 I mean come on guys 8,000 9,000 this is big money back then to the point to where the account was actually closed now I want to show you some other things too you guys are gonna think I'm crazy but you see some credit cards here right well look at this MasterCard charge master charge international from 78 you wouldn't probably believe me but I'm telling you these old cards are actually they are collectible so look at this one here here's an old shell credit card if you get on eBay you find stuff like this people buy this up like crazy here's one from 73 okay this stuff is this is really cool stuff here's 76 United Airlines this is history right let's look here we've got 1974 let's look at another one that's gas and oil history look at this one same thing here Union 76 1972 how cool is that remember that there were items wrapped in garbage bags right next to the safe and this was one of the items Marine performance graded cooler okay going out on the boat and as you could probably guess brand stinking new want to see one of the odder things that was wrapped in a garbage bag right there battling double rainbow double unicorns I mean how does it get any I just don't even know what to say about that I really don't that is it's somewhat disturbing to be honest okay now this was wrapped in a garbage bag as well so we can see here let's see what we actually have we've got expander it's beautiful and guess what it is it is bumper to dumb brand-new of course it's brand-new and it's probably got it's got the lock and that we got the other one inside too we're all set there that's that's got to be at least a hundred dollars Skyway oh my goodness it's more than a hundred dollars this is from the Skyway Mall this was probably you know those Skyway malls on the you know that pamphlet that none of us in our right mind could ever buy from there it is my friends there it is [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 35,129
Rating: 4.9223299 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: bZPGPeUl1Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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