FOUND MONEY HIDDEN IN BIBLE I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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another day at the warehouse another day at treasure hunting look at that we still have to figure out what this master key goes to but today I thought we would up the ante a little bit patience hey I just was figuring maybe you'd want to get in a little competition today what do you say yeah all right make sure you subscribe make sure you hit the all notifications bell so you always know what the hails we find [Music] you are gonna pick a tote a box up in whatever for me to see how much profit I can find I'm gonna pick a tote a box up in for you to see how much you can find 18 18 18 18 all around I think I 70 now 18 us I'm Deena 18 money Sunday now 18 all in all good 1800 yes selling your way $1,700 go there are 17 sold we have collectable money for sure is this silver yes silver certificates brand-new silver certificates I can't frickin believe this unit I love it oh my goodness did you hear that did you hear that holy cow I just heard money look at that we've got France what yes what's that one say though what's it say okay holy cow look at all the silver look at all the silk like actual silver coins wow this is incredible this is crazy okay these are Indian Head pennies these are usually before the 1900s a little bit before they're open 43 pennies where am I I don't knew it okay it's over $1,000 frickin way found it I just I can't believe it these two units I just can't believe it this is one of those days where I'm hoping there isn't a lot of profit these units have been so profitable though I think for for patients what I'm gonna do oh you know what you see this there's a box right here right underneath these totes patients I've got your very first box there you go I just had an idea for the loser loser gets clamped with these I'm just saying there anything on the bottom there anything no it's just like an a the circle hum oh yeah I got you oh yeah I got you right there wow thanks oh here's another one look it matches that one oh there's something a body in here what is it what is this got him oh there's a bird that's a Rob this is oh this is United States lines on it whines yeah what's the United States lines I have no clue what that might be oh my goodness I hear that she already almost broke something let's get this gift big guy out of the way - extension cord I think I might have picked the right box yeah and then this is like a matches thing this looks like it's from the olden days the old days this is a display they put cigarettes on display it's a display for matches your phone and then they would balk you'd go into a store and then you'd buy your matches from a chess game yeah that's it Kristen you're the judge how much money do you think she has here uh $20 $20 you're winning that's the one I know why she picked it right there that's why she picked it Georgia Georgia you I can't believe what you just did to me she gave me but the most valuable thing in here is the is the pee pad for the puppies but other than that I got a ton of glitter ornaments all glitter ornaments glitter remember glitter is the STD of the storage unit business okay it gets everywhere it's the crafting world Varon Ariel disease that just keeps on giving that will all go in the garbage what do I get for this piece of glass I think it's crystal maybe five dollars five dollars [Music] I'm thinking we're digging deep we're digging deep I'm losing all right but only about $15 so there you go have at it patients know the tote is bigger than her which is why I chosen I figured she couldn't even get into it she can't even get over the edge to see into it Lennox Oh Lennox is personal wait Lennox give me a lot of patience I'm pretty sure that says open other side says keep doing what you're doing Oh flippin must have been the wind yeah there's your price tag hey I'm reading this tiger you know what we're opening this side the styrofoam is vivid I can't even undo it oh no money no money no money no money no money no money no money oh this is Oh what is it I don't know what is this is the Santa it's a Lenox Santa cookie jar this is the top of it you know what it is now brand-new make sure you take a drink make sure you take a drink that's a brand new lenox Santa that's insane what was the price tag on the bottom it said twenty eight six versus forty all right take it over here teddy bear oh it's another Santa you got another Lennox Samsung yeah this one has like a little girl and like a drum usually this is real gold so on these Lennox pieces so that's probably gold gold gold gold gold is that it right there mm-hmm yeah does that one have a price it doesn't have one on you interesting so she got another Santa someone else in there now what is it loser has to drink this entire stein filled with water well Connor that this is a family chat water this is their top in there holy cow holy cow that is the biggest tine I have ever seen in my life she found the top she found the top no wait you know what that is that's for drinking is it really for water that's a beer a root beer stein root beer we're gonna fill it with root beer loser has to drink all the root beer how much money are you giving her for this tote I'm les 80 75 75 yeah you can barely even reach up there what are you doing why is it gray one well I think we're 80 just says roughneck on it that's rough fabric you know what that reminds me of I mean I'm I'm rough and my neck has gotten really really big and it's not from lifting weights here we go second you had $20 75 you're now at $95 I have $5 I at least have to make $90 to tie I think I got it I think I got it okay look at that there's five dollars they bought the twisty tie set five dollars out of Walmart here is that's a little ratchet ratchet set not not Lynch ratchet well yes there's probably some wrenches in there too let's see is it all in yeah it's all in there some of them fell out but come on that's got to be at least $10 right there that's got to be $10 worth there's this thing so we need to put this in another care package we'll set that under the bridge and we've got the bungee set that's got to be $5 there I'm guessing we got a tarp you never go wrong with the tarp that's got to be $5 I mean I can $5 this all day okay we've got a do you guys have Wi-Fi at your place yet yes we do oh there you go there's I was gonna say I would sell this to you for $90 just to make up but apparently you already got it Ultron there's a little added machine sharp adding machine I don't know how much I'm gonna guess you know that's got to be at least $10 more Netgear Wi-Fi we've got whatever this crazy thing oh this is a wind-up survival radio flashlight winder up and then ready to go okay fiber-optic cable that's all John John John I mean I mean $5 $5 $5 for every wrap every roll figure this old cell phones patients 1980s is calling it's for you [Music] there is oh oh wait wait wait hello yeah yeah yeah okay they're asking to talk to the loser okay oh look at this this is a midland radio so this actually this is worth something here that's worth something but it almost paid $5.00 for this field and stream tough light that's got to be worth something now I mean $5.00 there there's $5 everywhere in here okay Christian come on be nice to me how much is this one work think about another $75 plus one $75 yeah but it's not the Energizer chargeable batteries this alone is worth 25 bucks I mean maybe new alright 75 I now have $80 she has 90 I ain't making the same mistake and giving her one of those totes again so probably here's a box down here says fine china not giving her that that could be thousands thousands maybe all right I'm seeing I'm seeing some boxes back here that all right how about okay this one says flea market on it there we okay she's getting a box this time here we go thank you yes that looks like driver drills that was like garbage that's what that is garbage can be worth much the box is smarter than me all I know is I know who's gonna be doing this cartwheel Oh dad yeah they all throw balls at you instead what is this that looks like a drill but it looks like a really old nasty III personally if I was a referee I wouldn't give you any money for that oh my goodness this thing do you have a broken handle yeah hey Christian that's negative points isn't it negative points for broken handles I don't know that she was at 82 points now she's twice I don't know 75 points it's an old drill unfortunately some old tools and drills like that are worth money collectors love them unfortunately in this case is this one not collectible no I don't think it I think that's garbage I think that's completely I totally garbage least that's what I'm telling your referee this is wild no what are the old school measuring yeah we we should see we should see just for the fun of it how short you are all right down on the floor there and you are roughly at no you grew a couple inches 62 inches not bad not bad [Music] both felt pads felt pads what is this that's an old wrench there - you basically got a little box of tools if I sent that to auction I get 25 bucks for this box but Christian is the referee as far as how much it's worth I'll give you believe you $100 what I can't argue with the rest you're on my payroll not hers Rob I'm completely and totally getting robbed why even give me a tote as the referee is just gonna throw hundred-dollar bills at you I mean come on what what what made you pick the Bluto no matches your pants by the way I did upgrade pants so these will be all holy and messed up within about a week here we go all you might have gotten me a good one accidentally but still a good one look at this this looks like old Asian artwork here on the hillside I don't know what cat those might be peacocks yeah these are peacocks you know Asian artwork eaten trade I have no idea how much it's worth I don't see any identifiers on it but it is pretty cool hmm hopefully the judge thinks it's worth a lot of money okay and we have we have something hidden here in a Dillards bag we've got Circle where circle war let's go put let's open er up let's see because remember these people hid stuff everywhere Oh looks brand-new it looks like the star phone busted up a little bit but the actual like this look those are brand new judge I think that should count for something these are brands stinking new not saying that it will but I'm just asking you to take into consideration that this is brand new I've taken into consideration even though the styrofoam is busted up is their price tag no price tag but there is a proof of purchase what you think how much we give you $35 I'll see your toe and I'll match it with the tote you meenie miney moe catch a tiger by some weight any mean you might have no catch Joe tiger by the toe if he hollers then somebody probably put sardine oil on his are you serious okay these people we have we had we had the mom older generation we lived through the depression the whole deal she passed away first dad then passed away as well we've found so many antiques and so many collectibles and everything hidden and we still have that Kia we have to find something alright are you know you don't have a free camera check every page every page every page every page a lot of times the way to go through books is to flip them upside down and if you go like this it'll fall out easier so that's alot that's a hundred and fifty no way by the way I'm not just I don't think she should get up on the other fifty as far as a price because it's for the items value not what was inside wait wait wait wait wait wait wait books with the old test case oh that's just an insert okay five six seven eight weird weird al' disco here just here this right here so nine one up shakin alright there is there's a thousand everything okay there's not I can see in the light if you hold these up to the light you can see their pillowcases you can see if there's anything in them or not these units we're gonna find out for sure usually we do usually did we do the most thorough afterwards but check inside nothing nothing in there just check in just in case you got so random there's vacuum pieces in there oh you know what that is that is an antique iron yep this one had a plug you would plug it in and that one would go on the stove and get heated that way I think there's one more you got more Oh what is this naked lady it's a book end you know what the Bible's were probably right up on that as a bookend wait wait wait there's a false bottom do we have anything we need to we have to check is there anything over there this is the back slide out it looked kind look like this parts the line slide out no no no but we're checking okay give me the screwdriver we're definitely checking no matter what we're checking everything in the new penis nothing fine I concede I give up I lost fair and square just be kind be kind [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 256,193
Rating: 4.8222742 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: p4vmd3NIjBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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