What Cringy Thing You Did In the Past Still Keeps You Up at Night? | People Stories #464

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what cringy thing you did in the past still keeps you up at night my first source of p was new grounds with its hentai ads it led me to this hentai comic called bondage fairies i printed it out at school without knowing it was 200 pages long and how to cancel a print frick the cringe destroys me even today dude you gotta tell us the aftermath sent like five love confessions to a girl in high school over myspace then chickened out and deleted them turns out deleting stuff from the scent box doesn't unsend the message oh god there was a brief time in middle school in which i would speak in the manner of tony scarface montana shorten the [ __ ] up you pile o cockarotch is so embarrassing say hello to my zero friends i was invited to the birthday party of someone i'd only met a couple times but we had a lot of mutual friends i was sat in the lounge having a drink and the birthday guy came in lent over me with his arms outstretched so i hugged him he was reaching for something behind me aww when i got my period for the first time i took it upon myself to warn all friends some of whom i wasn't even very close with via email that i might be moody because you know womanhood and all bug i was really sick one day in high school and my mother thought i was faking it and still made me go i sneezed so hard i crap myself it was everywhere i called her to ask if she could pick me up from school or at least bring me a change of clothes she still thought i was lying luckily my gym teacher found me a pair of pants but i had to deal with my shame for the rest of the school year i got made fun of a lot for that i would have not talked to my mother for weeks lol i was crawling across the floor of a store to go play with a girl on the other side of the store crawling because my mom said i couldn't go play so i was very sneakily sneaking away an old woman didn't see me and tripped over me in the middle of the store in sixth grade i started playing guitar hero 3. that was my intro into any music differing from hip hop so i basically threw the entire track list onto my ipad and would walk around campus air guitaring or more like a guitar heroing i guess anyway one day in class my teacher asked the class if any of us played an instrument and the conversation went like this noob 21 don't you play guitar no i actually play guitar hero basically the same thing i do actually play guitar now and this thought makes me cringe so much i openly considered myself as a gallow and had the coolio hairstyle to match i am a very pale ginger cold sweats and stifled vomit come with these memories i know quite a few jugglers and while most of them are actually cool guys i will never understand their undying loyalty to like and psychopathic records when i was in the first year of high school i was in a show where we were divided into groups in my group there was a girl who had recently become a mother i remember that right before one of the shows she was standing with her friends and being very negative about the show and said she wished she didn't have to do it for some inane insane idiotic reason i thought it would be hilarious to say do the show or i'll kill your baby she never spoke to me again and i will never forget the way she and her friends looked at me i cringe so hard every time i think about this please tell me you didn't laugh after saying that glorious line when i was in middle school sixth grade these older kids were making fun of me so i turned and yelled at them i can't hear you i have a potato in my ear like i was the smartest freaking person on earth they proceeded to continue making fun of me and my potato ear when i was 12 13 i was homeschooled my only real social interaction was at church so i would get bored during the week and take the city bus down to the main transfer station around the time school was getting out only to then take the bus back home with all the kids pretending to be one of them a lot of people took the city bus instead of the school bus depending on where they lived i would wear my backpack and everything to try to blend in probably with just random stuff in it anyway at this particular time i was positive that the coolest possible clothing combination i had come up with was a pair of brown corduroy pants air walk skate shoes this is about 1997 and a multi-colored tie-dye t-shirt i was positive that this outfit made me the crap and gave me the confidence to talk to anyone i think i wore it pretty much every day there was one particular girl that i had been checking out for several weeks and one day decided to work up the nerve to talk to her nearing her stop i walked back a couple rows and sat one seat in front of her hey are you in my english class i led with i don't know who's your teacher oh i hadn't planned for this appropriately quick think of something oh uh i just transferred i can't even remember his name mr roberts robert son robertson i don't know who that is but i'm not in that class oh okay i think i've seen you around okay gives me the cool story bro look before that was a saying it was her stop so she got off now this is where it goes from fairly cringy to cringe factor 1 million as she gets off the bus i turn to a random kid i don't know who had been sighting in the row behind her give him a knowing look and a thumbs up and say mission accomplished he just stares at me i get up go back to the front of the bus silently patting myself on the back for my cool smooth interaction i'm not even exaggerating that this has kept me awake occasionally for almost two full decades in third grade my mother gave me 30 valentine's day cards to write my classmates names and attach a small candy i instead wrote the name of my third grade crush in other class on all of the cards all of them i proceeded to leave them by his classroom door while he was at recess sure enough that boy never talked to me again i went to a blue jays game i am from the states when i was like seven i thought the us hated canada and started loudly booing the national anthem my mom was not happy but you're caught a canadian barney last year on new year's eve i was at a big bar in new york with friends and i got kind of drunk and went outside for a cigarette at one point i must have actually been outside for the countdown because when i came back and i looked at my phone and it was like 1202 and i asked my friend why there wasn't a countdown done by the dj i couldn't really hear what he said so i went up to the dj and asked to use the mic and i did a second countdown in front of the entire bar with hundreds of people starting at 30 and no one joined in i love the starting at 30 awkward enough as is i had a female family friend we ended up going to the same school in the end and she was having a party that evening we were across the room from each other in the canteen in two separate lunch queues there was a lot of shouting across from people trying to talk to their friends and i caught her calling to me and trying to say something i keep shouting back what cause it's so noisy me i can't hear you but we can chat at the party yet room suddenly goes quiet her ffs brickhizzy you're not invited and i'm not even trying to talk to you turns out she was trying to talk to her friend behind me don't know why this makes me cringe every time i think back to it but it's probably to do with how cool i felt at 11 being friends with one of the cool girls by default who it turns out never really liked me anyway this one gives me more secondhand embarrassment than most of the others on here for some reason during my alcohol phase i went on facebook to search for and pour over pictures of my crush when i woke up in the morning i realized that i had actually created an event with her name as the title my stomach convulsed when i read this in middle school we had this mean cooking teacher that everyone hated until our last year of being there she seemed to lighten up a lot on our last day of school everyone was hugging her and saying goodbye in the front part of the school and i decided why the heck not she's pretty cool so as she was walking up the walkway towards me and i put out my arms to hug her well she walked right past me and i hear laughter from behind me and it's my crush and her friends dying of laughter still kills me to this day rip you i once wrote the letter in second grade to my best friend's elder sister that was in fourth grade it was gushy and gooey and romantic he passed it on and i sort of forgot about it until one day several weeks later when i asked him oh by the way what did she say and he responded she kind of just laughed i still cringe when she brings it up and we're now in our 20s you have a chance now turn the cringe into humor and put the charms on high a while back our family friend's daughter committed suicide by hanging herself my parents had invited them over a few years after the incident for dinner and since there was a lot of people there they divided the tables into a parents tables and children's table we were in our late teens early twenties and two of her siblings were at the table instead of a tablecloth our table was covered with a paper table cover and there were a few crayons around so we could draw play games i was bored after dinner and without thinking suggested we all play hangman as soon as the words came out of my mouth i had realized what i'd done i'll never forget the way everyone looked at me i apologized profusely and sat in shame for the rest of the evening now i still break out in sweats every time i think about that this one really gets me because it's just so innocent and okay and like any other circumstance it wasn't your fault i feel your pain waited in line at a gas station bathroom i went in and took a gigantic crap and clogged the toilet i tried to plunge it but nothing worked so i walked out with about three guys staring at me waiting to go in i quickly drove off only to find out i left my phone in the bathroom had to turn around and ask for my phone while everyone just stared at me something similar happened to me too right before i had an interview i went to use the restroom and clogged the toilet i wasn't able to unclog the toilet and started to panic when the water kept rising i quickly ran out and played it cool until my interview started someone was complaining about it in the middle of my interview and i had to act like nothing happened when i was 17 i was texting my boyfriend and remember saying i can't wait for you to come over this weekend so we can have sex and eat crabs i sent it to my stepdad as a father of a two-month-old girl i'm not ready for this crap i get a girl's number i have known her for like a day or two i walk two blocks and i send the longest love confession text message of my life well at least now we know not to do that again i once referred to a friend as having an electric personality at his funeral five days after he had been electrocuted the words kind of just hung in the air at the funeral home swirling around the group of eight or nine of us that were reminiscing one of the guys looked at me and winced a girl rolled her eyes and turned her back toward me i swear it was innocent but i have never before or since so badly wanted to be swallowed by the floor i once worked with a guy that gave the eulogy at his mother's funeral he was doing so well too right up until the end when he said and now if you'd all like to make your way past the carcass he meant to say casket my best friend used to stash all his pee in the arms of his couch which is in his basement with his ps1 and games and one day his parents found it all i am talking piles of p mags printed off nudes of bulma from dbz hentai all the random grade 8p you could collect and what does he do blames it on me saying he was holding it all for me and that he doesn't even like pee or know why i asks him for it so the next day i come over and i head down to the basement where we hang out like every day and he's down there with his mom she takes me aside and gives me a huge talk about pornography and how it's okay for a growing boy to yada yada and snot going to tell my parents because i have it bad enough at home as it is divorced parents which i think made it easier to assume it must have obviously been mine being a troubled kid and all that and for some reason this story reminds me of my friend who would go jerk off in his mom's van i guess for privacy his mom's boyfriend texts him one day give your dog a rest and come in for dinner he'd been pulling his pud in his mom's van for months and thought no one knew what he was doing in there guess it's not as cranky now considering i was a kid when it first happened but back in first grade we were writing a test or something and i had to go to the washroom badly but the teacher refused to let me go until the tests were finished so i pee all over my chair there was a huge puddle all over the floor the girl next to me asked me what was all over my seat and i said it must have been water she dipped her fingers in it and licked it up and said yep it's just water no one ended up finding out i p myself so that's always good him waiting for the girl to post a guy in first grade sitting next to me p himself and told me it was just water i proceeded to check by tasting it it definitely was not water but played it cool my crush came to my house to do a high school project it involved the internet and while she sat next to me she tried to navigate to google on my computer unfortunately the address bar auto filled and took her to my last google search page two of results for her name every link had been clicked we both just sat in silence page 2 ugh hhh my co-worker and i were taking the stairs to get to my office to be healthy he mentioned my skirt was on crooked so i readjusted it as we stepped out and a bunch of the bosses were there staring at two people coming out of the emergency staircase all flushed and sweaty and one of them readjusting her skirt the raised eyebrows were bad enough the smirk from this really pervy boss was the worst i went to a surprise birthday party for a friend of mine that i had a crush on in middle school and my mom dropped me off at her driveway which was quite long i walked into the house and everyone yelled surprise they thought i was a i was so embarrassed i was a loner guy just trying to fit in so everyone is upset at me and making fun of me and in walks the birthday girl so i messed up a surprise later on there is some music playing and people are dancing together and i finally get to dance with her and literally mid dance she runs off to talk to her friend and left me that whole night sends cringes up my spine i posted a facebook status when i must have been 12 stroke 13 stating currently chewing gum and listening to skrillex like a boss this guy i had a crush on at the time commented which was clear sarcasm wow that's so cool and i totally took it as the truth a sign he dug me fml eating fun dip right now not giving a fool up when my lip will get stuck in my braces brackets after smiling oh and my mom made me wear my headgear to harry potter three she said it will be dark no one will notice my mom made me wear my headgear didn't know what a headgear is jesus freaking christ for you oh middle school tried to date basically every girl in my grade without the slightest realization of self-awareness or the fact that girls talk to each other i thought i had a solid chance with every single one of them cringe user are a legend when i was 12 i was attending a friend's party i had been telling some jokes and had a small group laughing along being young and inattentive and foolish i started telling some amputee jokes they were popular at the time being completely unaware of the fact that the young lady sitting directly to my left on the couch was missing her left arm from the elbow down my fan fiction net account back when warriors cats and pjo were still popular among teens i used to frequent to roll playing forum my characters were the cringy crap and looking back i question why iral played talking cats and demigods due to me having over 10k posts on those places i can't exactly go back to delete them and mods deleting them would lower the total post count number which i think might have reached 600 700k in the time i've been gone i still talk to friends from the forum though comma my fan fiction net account that was all you really needed to say i ran just like naruto throughout high school from switching class to class during lunchtime catching the bus etc i always thought i was cool sigh there's always that one kid who runs around high school like a creature i still remember the girl who did that at mine and i graduated more than 10 years ago me and two friends of mine were speaking in a facebook group chat about going to the gym later that evening but one of my friends was new to town and became friends due to a relationship he formed whilst living in a different country and was only coming on a free trial to see if he'd join he was giving it the big one about how he smashed the gym back in hometown etc in the middle of arranging times and crap he sent a message to the chat what gym machines are there then he sent how to use the machines convincingly when questioned he said he lied and has never been to a gym and thought he was typing on google as a young kid i was obsessed with horses i walked around everywhere bobbing my head to simulate wind blowing through my non-existent horse hair i did this for like a year until my mom asked me what i was doing and then proceeded to tell me i looked like a pigeon being in sixth grade and completely lacking any social awareness i thought it would be hilarious to walk up to a girl in the cafeteria and quote napoleon dynamite do you know that do you drink one percent because you think you're fat well needless to say i delivered the whole thing terribly and she did not get the reference a couple of her friends later accosted me as apparently she was bulimic i'm 22 now and i still cringe every time i think about it at least you didn't call her a fat lad and tell her to come get her dinner my friends and i used to watch a british comedy called the league of gentlemen there was a scene where a character said you monkey man for some stupid reason we coined the phrase and used it to wind each other up one night we were in the pub watching the world cup football and ronaldinho came onto the screen and i shouted you monkey man in a packed pub obviously there were people of different races there it was absolutely horrifying it just came out without thinking i'm not in the slightest bit racist in middle school i dated a guy i didn't really like for less than 24 hours we went on a walk and while he was standing next to me i texted in my phone that i didn't want to date him anymore and that we should just be friends i handed my phone to him to show the message and he cried dating has changed since i was a youngster in middle school me and a friend edited with miss paint so you know it looked good here's my space profile picture so it looked like our other friend's scary drug dealing brother was hanging out and had his arm around my body he immediately messaged us to take that gay crap down in primary school around grade three age nine my friends convinced me to go talk to this girl who i had the biggest crush on i awkwardly went up to her and started talking to her and my dick headmate came up and dacked me in front of her thankfully he didn't manage to pull down my undies as well but being nine years old this girl squealed and then avoided me for ages afterwards also the guy who dacked me were still best mates all these year later so he likes to remind me all the time butthole didn't know what doc meant and assumed you meant decked like he just ran up and sucker punched you so my grandpa was in the hospital very sick with lung cancer and the whole family was gathered in the waiting room both sides of the family enter me the kid i was mercilessly jumping on my older sister because she said something mean to me and then i stopped turned to her and said are you dead yet i got crap stares from every person in the room even a few non-family members equals i still cringe thinking back to it during one of my class my phone rang and the teacher looked at me with anger i pulled it out and instead of just cancelling the call and apologizing i sect who it was my dad and i said that he never calls like that so it must be something important the teacher said she didn't care at this moment the whole class was looking at me so i had to continue i kept insisting that it was important although i knew it wasn't and proceeded to leave the classroom the teacher said i wasn't allowed to leave so i just stopped my weird jog towards the doors and realized how badly i fricked up apologized and sat down the worst were the looks of my classmates my dad wanted to know whether i wanted pizza for dinner oh and there is also this one time where i was in elementary school sitting in the canteen with my friend out of nowhere i said i love you and a second later i realized what i just said so i awkwardly continued e that's what name of character from a kid show said in the last episode he didn't say anything and it was a girl's show while i was little boy in my defense she did say that in the show my dad wanted to know whether i wanted pizza for dinner so it was important after all if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 12,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cringe compilation, cringe, cringe videos, cringe memories, cringe memory, don't let you sleep, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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