I Bought An Astronaut's Storage Unit

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i used to watch storage wars with my dad and think it'd be a cool thing to do in the real world i just knew buying a storage unit in florida would be a disaster because it'd be nothing but like maybe some decaying corpses and drugs in there so i really wouldn't get much value out of it but i thought it would be fun to just go for it so i bought the most expensive storage unit in the state of florida which isn't saying a whole lot because apparently no one's buying them here because most of them just go up for sale for like 40 bucks but there was one storage unit a few hours away that went for 2 800 and that's the one we grabbed and i'm just gonna go ahead and spoil this it turns out it belonged to a [ __ ] astronaut i'm just gonna get that out of the way right now so that way you can just experience this incredible [ __ ] bewilderment that we did it belonged to a real astronaut and i can't wait to show you everything we found inside because it was [ __ ] nuts all right ready cut in b-roll of driving then wait hold on get me jumping and then i'll jump there wait wait okay it's like a teleporter jump oh i see a record player that's going to be nice for us wow perfect this is venom the enemy within part one i've got some big news on this one that means it's like 25 cents it's five dollars god yeah i'm shocked that's five smackaroos all right that's pretty old number one collector's edition hey wait a minute that could be six dollars star wars number one that's what that's pretty cool that actually is kind of sick what was that green goblin number one collector's edition nope oh this is by darkhorse wow let's see green goblin issue number one collector's edition is four dollars oh we're making our money back i found a golf ball is it a cool collector's one it's not here there you go it's an ultra distance wow that's just a piece of a ping pong kick but i did see in here that will be handy the big toilet it's empty oh wait maybe that means there's a mister inside oh yeah what's in there though if it's nothing it's our trash box or a rat it is our trash balls oh would you like mirrored display boxes what is that display nothing of size golf balls maybe yeah golf balls oh it's for toy cars but now you've heard me talk about honey a million times and that's because i really just need to get it through your skull honey is a free browser extension it installs in two seconds and that is the only work you ever have to do with it two clicks basically installs honey and then you're just set to shop and save money honey searches the internet for coupons that can be applied at most major retailers online and when you purchase something it'll automatically apply those coupons at checkout and just save you money for doing no work on your end at all i i don't know what else to tell you you should absolutely just be using honey like just try it it's free and you will absolutely be convinced of how effective it is honey's just such a great way of doing online 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uh that's pretty cool that's the ussr uh spitboy or something is that not one of the apollos oh it says united states it's probably not the ussr it's just buds it could be asbestos what'd you get shark's teeth oh that's kind of cool actually that's cool that's really [ __ ] cool where's the megalodon can you open this that says magic it's going to be cool i already know it i like how i have to open this stuff is going to pop out or something we've let the magic happen what is that the genie you do that all nurse here oh illusion i do love cashner wait what is this oh sorry i don't know it's uh that was probably worth like a girl yeah i could have been worth something casino he's no chris light awareness program do you think this was an astronaut storage unit i found a glove oh i look pretty clean actually it looks clean inside so i was going to use this to go through other stuff good idea oh yeah like a glove i found more was this his space suit i think he found a space suit that's pretty clean if you want to put it you did find a guy order here honest thanks man strap me in thank you good enough as a reminder and i'm sure you can easily tell this was the most expensive unit in florida that might be something cool wait that could be that could be that's chris paul that is chris paul quick do a price check for charlie wait i actually think this bag is pretty cool yeah oh i thought these were going to be military helmets they're pots and pans they're bowls we got some bowl kitchenware mustard it is bagged mustard the world's most dependable oh they're fish hooks oh cool good news the chris paul card is nine dollars oh that's our biggest one yet and is that in mint condition look at all these do you know anybody that likes fishing because there's a lot of fish hooks i'm scared to open this one yeah it's going to be cool whoa there's some more pictures and stuff in there so basically what we did was pay for the right to clean this out yeah of course newspaper speed run some more lego building this can be donated is it actually in there yeah space station hatches maybe it was an action maybe it was an astronaut nasa flight book oh what about the government secrets in there is that like a playlord these are chips so uh are they can we sign them we're gonna throw them away what is that oh some rare coins oh very rare i'm glad you agree priceless artifacts know what they are what did you find more coins holy [ __ ] those are actually really cool those are nice they're from 1908. wow pretty modern that's a cool little notepad yeah he's got notes in it oh yeah they stink like smell bad why act [ __ ] when like did she is out of them when hanging up and answering and calling you want them uh i'll read a couple notes 5 800 people per year are admitted to the emergency room for falls due to holiday decorations that's pretty neat oh it's a secret box oh what's in it it was a watch now it's stamps this is for joseph put this over there you know if i have to open everything you're looking at it's going to take a long time well this is for joseph oh that makes it better though oh to my valentine that's a big card jesus was he blind was signed by john daly wait actually oh that is that's it that's that is cool actually keep that who's john daly a golfer yeah one of the most a letter from boeing please stop flying on our airlines yeah there's a sign wait a second what they're thanking him for his contributions to the space program wait really yeah can we just find this name and give him a snowflake holy [ __ ] this is an actual astronaut or a aeronautical engineer yeah keep that letter yeah this is cool oh wait jimmy's chicken shack signed all this who doesn't love jimmy's chicken chef you're not going to believe what i just found with julie's chicken shack again he was a big fan of jimmy's chicken chicken that's pretty big stuff pushing the salmonella envelope space flight awareness team award wait yes of course i want that oh this is this is all right this is big oh that is big we got trash oh he's thought of everything no [ __ ] way boys jimmy's chicken shack there's so much jimmy's chicken shack praying this is empty but it doesn't sound right oh oh that's the larry those are larry bird cars larry bird wait this is probably nuts nba also oh my god wait there's some good [ __ ] let's just take the whole oh i'm just cooler is there a human being locked in there no you like shifted a bunch of stuff and you were pulling out stuff matt hasn't gone through all this stuff yeah this is like this is all of his flights this is kind of cool these are all like books in here yeah but like it's his manuals and [ __ ] whoa 2011 sports illustrated swimsuit edition jackpot yeah arena shack shake oh [Music] yeah we could probably donate no no [ __ ] way this place is haunted wait that probably just isn't on a timer it is rolling it's definitely just on a timer except i can't i'm holding someone come do it let's turn it i don't know which way there you go all right we're back that was horrifying other wraps they must be nice yeah those are the collectible cars yep this is 3d star wars edition wow this says cards that is indeed sports cards oh my god add that to the nancy billows so he was a modern collector of teams it's a lot of cards this just says space oh maybe those are space records maybe the space rocks that he collected could you imagine if we found space rocks that'd be fun would we throw them out thinking they were just rocks absolutely do you want to do a bumper real life race target what all kinds of dust all kinds of yucky stuff assuming we want to keep all of these toys that's a those are probably those are collectibles he's got so many of them my dad would love all this he wouldn't actually do you think the guy that owns this is going to be mad i don't know let's ask him because i would feel bad assuming he's not going to be happy about it i have bad news for you guys what you think he's dead don't you don't think he was a young man i think maybe he is not alive but i don't know he does like jimmy's chicken shack that doesn't seem like an old guy thing so maybe he's on the moon making some progress problem is our progress is into the hallway well yeah the only stipulation is we need it all out of that door by four thirds oh there's the airplane parts in here oh baseballs like signed baseballs oh yeah they are signed actually this guy was into a sports car yeah what the heck is that babe ruth it is it is actually oh wait it's actually babe this is a is this a game card oh it's a football game card wait what the [ __ ] i'm going to guess that means somewhere in this box the actual card fell out yeah these are some noises wrapped in that actually no marshall funk rookie card i think there's actually some insane cards in here yeah i think they probably are the entire lineup of the kansas city royals yeah save that box holy [ __ ] this has to be oh my julius irving all right there's some good stuff there's some cool [ __ ] in here imagine we actually have one of those like multi-million dollar baseball cards that'd be insane you know what they are if we found them yeah it's uh babe ruth and barry bonds i bet is in there somewhere jose conseco i asked if i do you know he said yeah and then he just started naming names and said i bet i didn't want to touch the box this is spider-man oh oh what makes a hero super i wish i had gloves yeah this stuff's very gross oh this is like a tree i don't know what this is like a trading card it's like a coaster or something that's a big [ __ ] flashlight oh no [ __ ] way what he worked on the mars rover let's go not a boy you wanted me to be done with this box i still make sure to be done with it in the video make sure to blur out his name but that is so [ __ ] cool yeah it's a locked box with a critical space item in it from nasa i think we that has to be our priority number one is opening that box agreed what do you think's in there danny do you think it's empty i think it's empty no i think it's either um why not i say it's either like more classified paperwork that has to be illegally locked up or a space rock a donation a space rock would be so [ __ ] what if there's an alien in there like an alien like carcass or proof of aliens or something oh i'd be so happy think of the views if we proved aliens are real from this guy's story unit just like that is so like you don't even see this kind of [ __ ] like ever national aeronautics and space administration critical space item all right so i don't know if it was on camera but we found a lot of like certificates of this guy participating in important like space missions yeah thank you is directly responsible for a lot of the big ones those are all checks and holy [ __ ] uh they're like watchers like pocket watches and stuff oh okay it's a lot of dog tags holy [ __ ] that's a rolex that's a rolex oh my god what the [ __ ] wait let me see yeah that's a is that a real rolex you think or like a knockoff i don't know we should get that appraised or something what the [ __ ] all right let me go through this a little more look there's another watch right there oh no i think there's a medical bracelet that says some rings i think that's a real diamond there's something in there you should check that gold chain wait this thing's glistening in here like it's like one of the famous diamonds that you see in movies yes wait that must be like uh oh [ __ ] that might be like an important yeah i'm gonna give you this that is crazy if that's real if that's a vintage rolex we might have struck actually i think we put this in a pocket yeah or in your truck yeah no put it in your pocket and don't bump against anything this is the coolest guy to ever live it seems yeah we found some pretty nuts stuff in here this is more than i was hoping to be honest well i mean we got an astronaut's [ __ ] yeah storage unit that is a big holy [ __ ] god damn i'm handing it to you look at that that's pretty cool right in the trash box basketball cards oh more cards oh yeah sealed oh that's who is that liddell eckerd echoes fifth anniversary edition i'm trying to see when these were from 1990 those could be worth something and they're still sealed holy [ __ ] he's got basketball tickets [Music] put that upside down please thank you there's some cool [ __ ] in here all right this is another we'll go through at the warehouse yeah definitely what does that sign say at least i can still smoke in my own car [Music] charlie we are so close oh you'll see there's another box too are the cars oh my god let's [ __ ] wait i feel like this guy has some valuable cards here absolute what is it what'd you play it's signed by who wait clint turtle clint hurdle it's even addressed to joe look at that handsome man if i tilt it down a little bit there you go another signed by clinton sealed sealed this is kind of nice all right that's it we take back box yes sealed sealed and i'm gonna assume the next one is too oh my god all right we were just disheartened in the beginning because all the good stuff took heart to get to what is what isn't that boxing like in the middle in front of you uh let's see miller all right ready oh my god oh let's let me pull out a random card you ready to see the babe ruth rookie card canadian football trading cards oh yep let's see it i got norm johnson these are from 91 oh my god these have to be worth something yeah look at this space gun like a laser photon blaster hopefully doesn't need a key i don't think so i will break it critical space what if it's empty oh my god i'd be so sad man i would be so upset it's it looks like it's empty though it does look like it's empty unless it's since it's from outer space it floats i don't know there's one on this side oh here we go yeah oh god does it feel empty please oh wait fire ants can do something under it what person nope there was something in here at one point god damn it i think we [ __ ] the box i think we probably have to do it you don't look oh no there we go some of them are empty but it's all of course i wonder yeah i wonder if these cars are worth anything there's got to be collectors for this stuff they're yeah except for this these two oh god he's even written on the front these are basketball and golf carts all the years oh my god there's so many cards charlie i'm gonna pull out a lebron james rookie card well the newest year was 94. i got mark jackson no writing on this one it could be cool basketball yep 92 basketball geez some of these cards if he has the right ones are worth so much money yeah like a ridiculous amount yeah they look like good ones the older they are the better they are true you can open this or not it's [ __ ] yucky it just does it's just a bag i have a good feeling about that rolex and the cards that rolex is pretty crazy looks like all of this stuff over here goes to different rooms in his house yeah oh my god there's so many cars charlie yo all back there i'll go talk to him holy [ __ ] yeah let's see what we got nolan ryan i know that name it's all nolan ryan maybe he has a binder for each player oh wait roger clemens and ken griffey jr bro these might actually be worth something yeah you thought you got over your card addiction huh oh my god danny wait are these all binders all right you get that one i'll film you okay i don't want to touch that it's a little it's a little too much for me that's fun yeah i've already touched more than i thought i would it's empty basketball i don't know these players so you might have to look maybe we'll see a michael jordan maybe here's so many freaking cards it's crazy oh we even got some like little hockey yeah look at this oh you're right maybe they'll be worth millions i think we've struck gold here i'm gonna be honest this unit has been crazy we got a [ __ ] astronaut storage unit that is nuts basketball what michael jordan yep yeah look at all those mj stuff do you think these are worth anything i know nothing about sports cars but these i mean there's so many of them yeah there's a lot of different mjs magic johnson this is all magic johnson these are nuts these are pretty nice larry merden he's got like all the classic players in here those have to be worth something like even even if every card here is worth like 20 bucks i know yeah i think they're nuts we absolutely need to find like a card appraiser to come like go through them and let us know what we got that'll be another video he's got a big foot book a big what a big foot oh [Music] let's go see even nasa astronauts believe in bigfoot
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,232,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PjnL9eU33Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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