Twitch Streamer Faked His Own Death

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i've got a wild and wacky ride to take you on today class so hop in my magic school bus and kiss me on the lips i'm miss frizzle baby and i hope you're ready to [ __ ] your seat belts because we're coming in hot this is the story of how a twitch streamer and gta rpr named sav x faked his own death in order to distance himself from the gta rp community so sav x was a gta rp streamer on the no pixel server it's the server that i often frequented for my rping no pixel i loved the community absolutely [ __ ] fantastic content and savax was a well-respected member of it he built up a sizeable audience on twitch and had himself his own big community i believe at the time of his fake death chris angel stunt he had right around 1500 subs on twitch which he just [ __ ] wiped his ass with with this just threw it all away for this fake death thing which is like right out of hey arnold with that dino spimoni character who faked his own death to increase record sales except this is ten times as stupid [ __ ] dino spa dummy i don't know what uh okay i'm getting a little sidetracked already because it's getting me a little heated sav played the johnny castle character on the server and was eventually banned for cheating because he was aimbotting in gta i don't know how much more sad you can be the [ __ ] aimbot in an rp server in gta but they [ __ ] busted him they threw him in the slammer and they perma banned him now just real quick permabans don't usually mean like forever you can never come back because they do believe in second chances in most cases so he was banned for the cheating but i'm sure he could have come back to the community at some point if he wanted to a couple friends of his decided to check in a couple months later and they posted these messages conclusion that this is not savv writing this uh sav passed away christmas afternoon this message is being written and sent out now through my brother's email after obtaining access to his pc he's gotten numerous emails messages since november with individuals worried about him from a gaming community from what i've come to gather although the nature of the emails all seem different we'd like this uh the individuals who have reached out to know he's in a better place now and we thank you all for keeping him in your minds there was also this twit longer posted by somebody else in the community that was close to sav which confirmed that sav had passed away the news of sav's passing was extremely sad and the no pixel community really felt the loss there's this tribute video that was made to sav his fans were absolutely inconsolable really mourning his death his close friends in the server were mourning his death they had an in-game memorial for sav in order to honor his memory and overall people were just really feeling the sadness over sav's passing there's also this memorial stone in the game that has the name of players who have passed away in order to immortalize them in the world and the community and honor their memory and you can see sav x is on there so you can imagine lying about something like this and causing this kind of emotional ripple effect would make you the most extreme piece of [ __ ] possible like a piece of [ __ ] that took a [ __ ] then got puked on and hit by a garbage truck that would be the piece of [ __ ] you'd be to lie about something like this right that's exactly what sav is he is that putrid pile of dog [ __ ] because he lied about all of it and the server owner coyle started to have his suspicions and piece things together and eventually confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that savax is alive and completely lied about the entire thing so i'm going to take you through some of the clips where coil starts going over things that don't make sense until he ultimately reaches the conclusion where he hires a professional to confirm it uh i don't know if you guys know who this who's who's this twitter is okay it's all right joined january 2021 okay so i don't know if you guys knew the date of uh when he had passed but uh this is after uh he he'd pass away so you go to his twitter which is linked to his twitch page and it also says this uh we uh we did some searching with his name to try and find obituaries and stuff i know like i said this is weird everything says to me that he's not actually dead uh but there's also this weird [ __ ] that uh ramit delong now we uh we had this for a while and this was literally uh two weeks ago right so let's go through these discord screenshots for just a moment ramy was one of sav's closest friends in the community and then eventually just tells him that he faked it all even hitting him with a pog oh i faked it all as if all of it is just so entertaining to watch people genuinely mourn him so he says that he knows people actually think he's dead and then he just says but you know i'm toxic as [ __ ] let me just hop in here for a quick psa if you're one of those insufferable douchebags who self-identifies as toxic or i'm an [ __ ] oh can't do anything about it sorry just me being me i'm just an [ __ ] i can promise you whatever friends you think you have are not your real friends they probably don't like you very much and will not actually defend you ever and that is exactly the case with sav nobody likes the guy who's proud of being an [ __ ] nobody not even like-minded [ __ ] because then your [ __ ] collide into like this human centipede formation you just don't get along well it's like the same polarity on magnets you just repel each other nobody likes that and i promise you you don't have friends if you are one of these people you just you just don't you can tell rammy is upset here he pushes saying you could have just wrote out your band but sav says he needed to do this he wanted to be done with the community and [ __ ] and then says but dog pog oh cause he finds this whole thing to be a joke like genuine mourning from people he finds to be some kind of joke so this dude's just [ __ ] sick he defends it by saying he just wanted to be done with the whole community and all of that and he just wanted to move on from it but sav i think you're probably one of the dumbest streamers to ever stream on twitch because you weren't just done with the no pixel community you killed an entire career fifteen hundred subs that's more money than most people working real jobs will ever see in a month fifteen hundred subs a month not even counting donations that puts you in the three to six thousand dollar range a month and you [ __ ] put it in your butthole to kegel it as a regret for the rest of your life because you got upset at the no pixel community for banning you and you had a little [ __ ] temper tantrum and cried a little bit and you wanted your revenge oh i'm gonna fake my own death to make them all feel bad for banning me yeah they'll miss me now and you just threw away an entire career even getting banned you could have just transitioned to another game and like rammy said just ride out your band because perma bands aren't forever you can come back from them [ __ ] xqc's been perma-banned like 30 times and i'm sure he'll be back again soon because people grow they get better they learn from mistakes xqc every time he gets banned he comes back and he does incredible rp does great work and i'm sure it probably would have been the same for you if you could learn to stop cheating i suppose but to do this is so [ __ ] psychopathic and just downright stupid i can't believe it you threw away a career for nothing like you have streaming gta rp that's like a dream job for 99 of the world and you threw it away because you got upset that you were banned so stupid now i would like to address what some people will likely speculate that maybe he was hacked and he actually did pass away you know maybe his discord his twitter and his twitch were all hacked at the same time and they sent that message to ramy i think the likelihood of that is extremely small and especially considering that coyle himself put the whole thing to rest with a complete conclusion hiring a professional to find him in the real world and confirm that he is truly alive we got someone to investigate some [ __ ] like a hired a guy or a people and it's a hundred percent confirmed that he's alive by the way there's literally zero doubt actual actual evidence okay so we got all this information uh but obviously i can't release it because that's pretty much doxing but we know uh everything about him like names addresses and all that [ __ ] and uh you know so that's where this story is at so far i trust coyle when he says that he confirmed it this guy is an extremely thorough man he does everything to the best possible ability they can be done to so if coyle says that there is no doubt whatsoever that sav faked the whole thing that i truly do believe that and that is so sad that someone could be so pathetic to fake their own death because they were upset about a band in a game how dumb can you [ __ ] be it's crazy but yeah so this was quite a wild ride i was following this story as it developed and from only a week ago he was only speculating based off of these weird things with the twitter account and all of that to now being completely confirmed crazy absolutely crazy that's about it though see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 4,257,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LR_Q-6zEjeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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