This Guy Seems To Hate Women

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about four or five months ago there was a tick tock account that i was made aware of i won't say the name of it nor will i say the name of the channel that i'm about to talk about here and as always please don't go and harass this person but the tick tock account it was basically one guy going into these pseudo-intellectual takes trying to break down why women are the way they are implying that they're stupid and built differently making them inferior to men saying things like they can't get close to god like men can and that they can't be trusted just horrible [ __ ] he'd also imply that they only care about big dick and a lot of dick and like yeah the only way to get laid is by having a huge sledgehammer penis science confirmed it it's just like really alarmingly terrible [ __ ] and over time it became more and more clear that this guy just doesn't like women he seems to just hate women just really awful [ __ ] he eventually got banned for it luckily but now he's taken that filth and put it on youtube and i just wanted to share a little bit of it with you so this is a video of his called women are not real and i don't like to use this word but this is the epitome of incel [ __ ] women are the physical manifestation of sensory perception and in the same sense that when your senses are overloaded in any particular way whether they're overloaded with pleasure or overloaded with pain if your senses keep receiving that same stimulus over and over you are not going to have as strong of a reaction to that same stimulus none of that meant anything everything he said there had actual no meaning behind it it's just a lot of [ __ ] nothing you just took a bite out of a nothing burger that this guy fed you out of his ass he so desperately wants to sound smart and it's just not working i also can't tell if he's 15 or in his 20s it's impossible to know for sure but it looks like he's still going through puberty in this same sense being that women are the physical manifestations of this phenomenon that is why women's value must be preserved they can't be trusted to handle anything of greater responsibility anything of greater importance than daily household chores and taking care of babies not taking care of children taking care of babies well that sounds a bit alarming a bit of a red flag but who am i to question the expert just look at the amount of books he has on his shelves this guy is clearly a genius he also even has some cursed ancient egyptian relics back there for some reason like the [ __ ] millennium puzzle or something so i mean he must know what he's talking about he seems very very knowledgeable when i first heard this i was convinced it had to be a troll but the more and more i look into this guy the more clear it becomes that this guy has just actually been indoctrinated into the incel [ __ ] he comes out right away and just says the only thing women can handle is household chores and babies holy [ __ ] because once babies turn into children that's when the psychological development comes into place which far exceeds the capabilities that women are able to provide for the child but going back to the value preservation women's value has to be preserved while a man's value has to be created women are born with inherent value men are born with no value or next to no value oh [ __ ] yeah men really got the short end of the stick we have no value compared to women who the [ __ ] hurt this guy i find it hard to believe he's ever talked to a woman so i don't think he has like a real world experience getting like his heart broken or something causing this kind of monster he's become i really think he's probably just been terminally online and then just started adopting the in-cell beliefs the reason a woman has inherent value is because her value is based on her fertility to put it bluntly that's what it's based on women's value is based on their fertility that's why it's in the best interest of a woman not to waste her inherent value and try to lock down a high value man or a man who looks like he's on his way to becoming high value as soon as she can that's right ladies time is running out you're missing your chance with this high-value alpha male like what are you waiting for your ovaries are drying up your [ __ ] it's gonna turn to dust unless you let this guy put his dick in it so you're [ __ ] up you're losing a high value male by waiting around come on he's just right around the corner over there but like i said the more experiences whether positive or negative that a woman goes through decreases her value because women cannot handle the stresses or the pleasures of life yeah ladies you're supposed to stay locked in a [ __ ] isolation chamber a sensory deprivation tank and wait for this [ __ ] angel to grace you with his huge wiener alright the more times you're having fun the more times that you're maybe being sad the less valuable you are so stop having experiences okay just exist in a [ __ ] ball and wait for this man to ride in on his white stallion with a chariot and his dick and balls out and take you off your feet so that way he can breed god damn it stop being so selfish and having experiences you harpies i'm obviously cutting some parts of this video out because these drones on and on and on and on so i'm trying to just get all of his main points here and my god is it absolute lunacy the more stress she goes through the more she sees the world as nothing more than a negative place and i've mentioned this in a previous video but it's because women are not able to connect with god in the same way that men are women are not able to renew themselves mentally they see everything on earth through the lens of the material what in tarnation i must have missed that lesson in sunday school but he's blown the case wide open apparently women just can't connect to god the same way men can and if you can't have a good connection to god like this guy does i mean you're [ __ ] what's the point you don't have any value over and over and over again this guy harps on the belief that he thinks women are too stupid to handle anything he doesn't even view them as humans it sounds like he literally views them as like machines to pump out babies all he says is that women aren't capable of handling experiences that's like his main point right now they don't have the same mental fortitude that men do nor do they have the same connection the god that men have like what the [ __ ] is even wrong with you to think that for a second they see everything on earth through the lens of sensory perception if something doesn't excite them enough then it's not a good thing if something stresses them out too much then it's also not a good thing everything has to be new everything has to be fresh everything has to be exciting all the time 100 of the time otherwise it's bad that's how women see the world they don't have an accurate lens of reality through which they see the world they just don't see reality oh but this guy sees reality yeah this guy's really grounded in reality this guy is so perceptive to reality he's like dr strange he can see every possible reality in the known multiverse oh my god and then he talks about women like they're all exactly the same just [ __ ] clones of each other he can't even wrap his head around the idea that people are different and not just what he reads about on these weird [ __ ] subreddits they interpret the quality of reality through the type of sensory input they're receiving that's why girls don't work out you ever wonder why the vast majority of women don't work out they just they are fortunate enough to be born with a nice looking body and then it just wastes away they don't work out they could preserve their body a little bit by working out well you heard it here first from this sculpted adonis who only films from above the nipples to hide lack of muscle definition no woman has ever worked out or at least not many of them but that's why it's because it hurts working out hurts and since women only interpret the world through sensory perception anything that hurts is a bad thing they can't handle it they literally can't handle working out that's how strongly this influences their mind and just as when i was saying earlier when a woman goes through too many negative experiences she's not able to renew herself because women are not as connected to god they're not able to refresh themselves psychologically they're not able to detach themselves from the material world yeah you suck yeah you just [ __ ] suck blows my mind that somebody like this not only exists but also is delusional enough to post it online just literally put his face on this garbage i can't imagine this is super helpful for him in his career if he has one or if he's trying to make a career out of getting professionally banned on tick-tock repeatedly so do pleasure experiences if a woman has the best sex of her life with a guy she will never be able to enjoy another man again oh so that's what happened here the old two inch glory wand isn't getting the job done the old skin flute ain't performing the way it used to now you just need to find something to blame okay now we're starting to put together the pieces of this jigsaw puzzle even pleasurable experiences are too much for the woman to handle because they cannot refresh themselves they can't see men in a new light they can't appreciate different aspects of the man all they see is whoever gives them the most dick whoever gives them the most exciting experience i wonder if this guy actually believes that all women are just this wiener hungry monster that's just constantly like foaming at the mouth for more [ __ ] to munch on but it's never his wiener you know like i can't imagine that he truly thinks that that the only thing that matters to a woman is a penis like how delusional my god i cut out a really long section where he just goes into divorce court and to be fair divorce court's pretty corrupt like a lot of things i don't think there's many people that would argue that divorce court is great but he goes from that right back into the only thing women care about is dick who gives them the most dick they collect dick like pokemon cards my dick's good enough god damn it whoever takes her on the most expensive date on the more expensive date he's the one who's gonna take the cake she will forever look at every other date after that with a sense of pity you ever notice how girls who've been ran through or just more attractive girls tend to look at men with a sense of resentment or a sense of pity bro they look at you with a sense of resentment and pity because you are pathetic and creepy like it's not you make all these massive generalizations it's it's nutty the things this guy says and the points that he makes are things that you would have read in eliot rogers manifesto it's dangerous [ __ ] to actually fall into this pit where you think women are only here for men's pleasure and they only care about three things dick money and height i don't know if he even mentions height i don't remember in the rest of the video but he's already talked about how they only care about the biggest dick the most dick whoever has the most money or they look at nice guys definitely with a sense of pity as well it's almost like oh it's so cute look at him look at him trying so hard he thinks this is actually impressing me look at him trying so hard to impress me why is he trying it's almost like they're confused they're like why is he trying so hard to impress me what do i what have i done to deserve such effort even they are not confused about the amount of value they provide even they understand that they are ruined even they understand that their value has gone out the window it went out the window with the first hundred guys they slept with and i do mean hundred god it's so [ __ ] painful even women in their dumb small brains understand that they're ruined because they didn't [ __ ] me even they understand what their primitive understanding of god and sensory perception can understand they're not worth the effort of a nice guy oh it's so gross therefore women are naturally going to have more options it just makes it seem like that that's why women's egos are through the roof that's why the moment they don't get this attention they go [ __ ] nuts because it's been that way their entire lives don't be fooled even they understand that their value is gone that's why they don't like guys treating them with appreciation that's why they don't like guys treasuring them because they know they're not treasures this guy's definitely undergone a transformation he's digivolved from nice guy to [ __ ] creepy cult leader weird man who don't like women no more they know they're not worthy of that treatment but they're in such denial women are masters of self-denial they don't deny themselves anything they'll take anything they can get women say men will [ __ ] anything and then be the anything that gets [ __ ] this guy's heart has been broken many times it's like the grinch with christmas just can't stand it now huh you just really can't even tolerate a woman from the sound of it and i have to wonder how does this all tie into the title women are not real everything he's saying here still confirms their existence i understand it's supposed to be like a click baity title but i mean at least like relatively connect the two in some way it's so funny because for all the resentment towards men that ran through women have they sure do seem to have sex with them all the time they'll still take anything they can get they don't it's not like they turn down men's advances it's not like oh so it must be pretty easy to get laid if women aren't allowed to say no apparently no woman has ever turned down a man's advances because then he goes on to say that they just [ __ ] anything that moves so wow i mean i guess it's pretty [ __ ] easy you just gotta you just gotta take that first step like hey sex uh and it should work out just fine they're able to make it seem like they're just victims and really the men are the perpetrators things are much more nuanced and complex than the vast majority of people will ever realize much less admit to but i don't want to ramble on for too long i think i've spoken on this long enough he is right about one thing he rambled on for way too [ __ ] long it was a chore to sit through this video and to really add insult to injury he uses an anime profile pic of johann liebert from monster which is a pretty good anime and a pretty fitting profile pic for this guy i think because he strikes me as a psychopath like the [ __ ] he says is so disconnected from reality while trying his best to convince himself that he's the only one living in reality his big bombshell point he makes at the end which i completely cut out because too stupid was women have more options than men they can have more sex than men when they want to that was like his big gotcha at the end and treated it like it was some huge government secret such a [ __ ] wild ride of a video but yeah anyway that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,496,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4EyqLTGcL_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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