Angriest Comment Thread on Youtube

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Jesus Christ Dave ..

edit: Just finished watching the whole thing. This right here is top tier cringe.

Dave is how I imagine your average college freshman Redditor: a perfect combination of /r/cringe and /r/iamverysmart

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/ROYAL_CHAIR_FORCE 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I haven't come accross this guy on YouTube in a while.

His Hair has become GLORIOUS

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/sammythejammy 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

My little maggot

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/rentisafuck 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

How much you want to bet that someone's already working on Rule 34 based on this gripping tale? The "my little maggot" BDSM aspect pretty much writes itself.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/AidynValo 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

this was so entertaining

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ericdimarco 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I watched this whole video and I have no idea why. I want to join that YouTube thread now lol

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/tswaves 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

Here is the video where the thread is:

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Whimsical_ilk 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

13:08 This is the kind of confidence you only accrue from beating every NES game without needing a subscription to power magazine.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/everyusernamewashad 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
this is the most hostile comment section on youtube and i feel like i can say with a high degree of certainty that this is the longest argument ever in a youtube comment section lasting an entire year and spanning roughly 500 some replies now this kind of anger you would expect the video to be some kind of politically charged video or maybe somebody said anime should be illegal or that lollies are a crime something that really puts a hate boner where someone's flaccid [ __ ] once was but what if i told you that the video that all of this is taking place on the most aggressive comment thread on youtube was actually on a paper mario song i'm going to take you on a journey through this war zone here we're not going to read every reply just because there is so many this thing's longer than the [ __ ] bible honestly but we're gonna go through the big parts the big moments here in the manga make sure we get the gist of what's going on because this may be one of the greatest stories ever told it's got it all it's got a little something for everyone a story of betrayal violence love terrorism action drama mystery and most of all mario chapter 1 the catalyst this is where it all begins this is ground zero lunar1314 leaves a comment saying i don't care if i get hate because of this opinion but this is my favorite paper mario final boss song a bold and brave hot take someone didn't tell lunar that opinions are illegal on the internet it's not the most controversial thing to say it's simply a matter of liking a song but this is the internet and you can't like something that somebody else doesn't like a lesson our boy lunar here is about to learn the hard way enter the villain arumaru 1837 because you're like nine haven't even played the other games i guarantee you and now just like the powerpuff girls when the hotline rings our hero rolls in dave matthew these are our primary characters of course we get introduced to other important side characters throughout the season here the lore gets very deep trust me but this is basically the batman and the joker dave and aramaru dave sweeps in in defense of lunar how about we agree that you are a jerk everyone can have their own opinion and that is the internet so no one cares about your opinion to begin with also instead of throwing insults at me why don't you try to get me to see things from your perspective it would be a lot more time efficient and unlike insults actually accomplishes something in the long run or you can continue to assume that i am a mere child that does not know of the 5 other paper mario games or was it for or has even played them both opinions being completely wrong but as i said it's the internet we can go in circles all day and night and neither of us would get anywhere so let's not okay dave trying to get out ahead here and squash the beef giving a fair warning to aramaru that you do not want to [ __ ] with dave but spoiler alert aramaru pokes the sleeping bear you never gave your side dumb [ __ ] all you did was come on here talking about some damn opinions or some [ __ ] pretty clear you didn't intend to accomplish anything also you haven't played any other game have you it's not hard to know how many paper mario games there are kid 64 thousand year door super paper mario this garbage and color splash which was actually not bad but was too weird gameplay-wise to be called a paper mario game and it's this comment right here that makes a good boy go bad you do not question dave matthews understanding of the paper mario franchise and you do not do it on a public forum like this and be an [ __ ] about it the opinion haver that started all this comes back in here kicks open the doors to the church of paper mario with tears in his eyes like he just watched his parents having a fight saying all i said was this is my favorite final boss song in the paper mario series but it turned into a huge fight and i don't understand that and then aramaru hits him with a hard dose of reality you said you don't care if you get hate so obviously you do understand dumb [ __ ] unfortunately lunar just doesn't understand that his initial comment was like the assassination of franz ferdinand and now he started a massive war and in war lunar there's casualties i know you can say whatever you want but please can you please calm down and make a nice comment to people like i said please not say about a thousand cuss words with this reply please it's not hurting you to read a quick [ __ ] look i'm understanding everything you're saying i'm just here to calm you down not everything in the world is solved by anger jedi brooklyn green comes in here and tries to reason with sith lord aramaru here about how anger's not the key but it's all for nothing because aramaru has already been consumed by his anger like i said i am cutting out a couple things here because there is so much of it it'd be like a 10 hour video if i read the entire chain basically in a nutshell dave was saying this is pointless it's an internet argument let's just drop this and he concludes his monologue with well since we both agree that this whole thing is pointless let us just agree to disagree and be on our way then amaru cool so [ __ ] off peace was never an option nah seeing your pointless insults because you can't come up with an actual comeback to my remarks it's rather funny to me i thrive off your pointless rage thought it was done why you still here idiot as i said i thrive off your rage and anger you want me to stop stop being angry easy dave matthews is slowly accumulating power like a spirit bomb fueled by arumaru's rage he is laughing in the face of aramaru's anger not angry dumb [ __ ] piss off see angry not angry dumb [ __ ] piss off i see that you're running out of comebacks i can give you a few if you need them dave of course being one of the world's leading comeback dealers not stressful you're just annoying lol and there's plenty of music better than this [ __ ] even from color splash uh-huh why don't you go back to your thousand-year-old game and super overrated paper mario game your screen oh boo hoo let me play a sad song for you on the world's smallest viol oh wait i broke it if this was done why did you reply metal mario coming in here just spitting straight venom in the face of aramaru here lighting him on fire with the world's smallest violin comment nice try dumb [ __ ] but i haven't even played any paper mario games except color splash now [ __ ] off with your shitty excuses for jokes people have better [ __ ] to read when i initially made it to this chapter the first time and got blindsided by this plot twist i [ __ ] recoiled into my chair threw my arms in the air i was just so absolutely shocked i felt like i was witnessing history like i am your father level twists here this is subverting expectations done extremely well in that game of thrones season 8 [ __ ] this is how you surprise a reader with a narrative plot twist who could have seen this coming if you remember back to the genesis of this whole mess it started with aramaru melting down and breaking [ __ ] in his room over the fact that somebody liked the paper mario song he didn't like and then accuses them of not having played any of the other paper mario games and then only a short hundred replies later he himself admits he's only ever played one paper mario game and it's not even this one it's so [ __ ] remarkable what an incredible twist that is character development right there now we're getting a little bit of the origin story of aramaru here which only makes him even more mysterious well i see my sympathy was misplaced you seriously judge a game on what other people say about it you serve missed many a good game also shame on you don't give out criticism if you don't actually have the knowledge to back it up it's just stupid to say something's wrong and then give no evidence at all to support your theory and that's researching 101 this guy reddits also it appears that you really do only know how to split how to spit out insults i'm going to have fun with this hello again my old friend i see you're here to argue once again too bad this will end with you weeping because your argument is less than the dust i'm sweeping but you will not give up yet because you don't realize that it's the internet the internet so you might as well be voiceless as all arguments here are practically worthless dave matthews goes full robert frost here with this personalized slam poem to aramaru i get that it's supposed to be a sound of silence parody and it's a it's executed wonderfully a special song poem about the argument you still persist on despite the flaws in your argument ps you still haven't told me what your favorite song in the series is did i ask no [ __ ] i didn't [ __ ] off shut the [ __ ] up i didn't even read what you said because i just know it's dumb as [ __ ] lol come on man he took the time to write an entire parody song for you the least you could do is read the lyrics for about four days there was peace in the comments section where people were going over things they liked and didn't like about the game and then r maru comes in full fury here pitchfork in hand ready to slap [ __ ] around he reignites the argument by saying obviously do if your [ __ ] ass won't just leave the conversation dave says now i remember why i stick around i'd love to see what kind of pathetic retort and comeback you are going to make at me that i can easily tear apart really it is rather satisfying to see what you come up with once again there was a truce called in the comment section for about a week and then arumaru came back and dave immediately noticed he's like the norad defense system able to hone in on aramaru's presence and then attack oh hello there ready for round two my little whiny failure round and round the argument goes when will it stop no one knows that meme has been dead [ __ ] idiot i'm ready for you to piss off you worthless [ __ ] i did not drag your pride through the mud and make you look like a brainless arrogant maggot you did you destroyed your own argument you ignored the statements that made you look like a fool you chose to spit out nothing but insults your fault your stupidity deal with it or stick around and continue to look like a [ __ ] it's entertaining and besides we win either way and you lose either way dave hits him with some kind of superhero monologue right before he throws the bad guy in jail and aramaru says don't care to read your arguments lol as a matter of fact i only read the first reply lol quit wasting my time and [ __ ] off then you are nothing but a bottom barrel fool who will have no success in life as i said you don't bother to defend yourself at all that makes you an idiot also why should i you have no power here and you never will the fact that you think you do just displays your idiocy for everyone besides i already gave you the requirements for my departure or are you incapable of reading as well my little maggot everything dave has been saying thus far sounds like the rick and morty copy pasta from reddit i mean i think dave is in the right here because aramaro is a huge [ __ ] [ __ ] but man he's really going about all of it in a terrible way a month goes by is he finally gone yeah he is gone is he gone if your dumb ass would just quit replying i didn't even read [ __ ] you said i told you that i would only leave if you either apologize for being rude or if you went 10 comments without swearing you're not good at remembering things are you my little maggot hello little maggot just letting you know that i am still in this comment chain just in case you thought you were rid of me or that you actually won this argument okay bye now this was after a month of him not replying so dave just really wants to continue this and nothing makes me more uncomfortable than reading dave keep calling someone my little maggot like this must be how it feels for some girls when they hear the word moist every time i read him saying my little maggot i just get like tingly and uncomfortable and break out into like a little profuse sweat it's just yucky i feel like i'm reading some old woman's fanfic where she's describing some weird sexual intercourse she had at a biker bar or something and it's just making me uncomfortable i don't know why he keeps calling this guy my little maggot i don't give a [ __ ] where you are dumb [ __ ] just like no one cares about you my little maggot this will be the last time you see dave with this kind of confidence because he's about to meet the actual muscle here mr hater if aramaru was a super villain the mr hater is a [ __ ] turbo villain he's a galactic villain a universal threat a divine being a villainy i don't even know what to call him a [ __ ] raid boss of villainy because he comes in here and just starts slapping [ __ ] around he's a big [ __ ] as well of course but he brings dave to his knees here this is like when you're reading a comic book and the heroes in trouble so mr hater comes in here with a full chub full erection red alert he calls out dave in front of the entire classroom i see you have a superiority complex and are very self-centered how very hypocritical you're no better than him i guess i got a clean house and deal with little keyboard warriors like you myself that is honestly like some marvel's thanos [ __ ] right there dave is still riding the high after he seemingly defeated aramaru so he replies to mr hader with a large amount of confidence and a bit of arrogance saying you poor naive fool when did i ever claim that i was better than little maggot that i'm better than you oh to live in your little fantasy can you not see what i'm doing or are you just as blind as he is of course i can tell you're cut from the same cloth as my little maggot so i'll humor your attempts at insulting me and everyone else present let's see how long you last dave's still under the impression that he's the king of this thunder dome but what he hasn't realized yet is mr hater's not locked in here with dave dave is locked in here with mr hater oh i know your intentions very well and i intend to stop it i mean what the hell is wrong with you just look at your comment you poor naive fool to live in your little fantasy these are things that a narcissistic self-centered man child would say how am i or anyone with half a brain cell supposed to take you seriously there's a reason the other guy left you won't last long dave you won't last long because underneath all that bravado you're just a sad little boy with delusions of grandeur who by the way can't talk for [ __ ] so here's a piece of friendly advice turn away now and stop wasting aramaru's time because if you don't by the time this is over you'll be my little maggot no response guess i must have hit one of your soft spots winky so you actually have some bite do you good let's see what you've got i will compliment you on your use of insults as well as how you get straight to the point dave is immediately showing that mr hater has hurt him you can't do that dave you can never show weakness to a man like mr hater he can smell blood in the water he can smell [ __ ] in a bathtub he will pounce and you can't let him find any amount of scrapes on your armor dave he showed a weakness and mr hater exploited it unfortunately of course you didn't realize i wasn't talking about lunar i was talking about you and me we don't care what others think of our opinion we just say whether we agree or disagree with someone's opinion in that way we are alike you and i don't you agree i love this exchange here this is like the season finale here when the two characters are monologuing each at each other before they start beating each other with like a stick or something i see you're trying to get on my good side as you know what they say if you can't beat them join them how about this dave write a full paragraph apologizing to aramaru and i might consider agreeing with you and by the way it has to be a real nice it has to be real nice so no calling him my little maggot otherwise i might just start calling you that myself that would require me to have a single shred of respect towards little maggot and in case you did not read the whole conversation i did apologize to him he threw it back in my face and use it to insult me without responding to it whatsoever you on the other hand are actually participating in a discussion while my little maggot only responds with the same insults like he's a broken fax machine you i respect little wasp i forgot to click read more for the screenshot but it said i do not respect little maggot so now dave for some reason is calling mr hater little wasp i don't understand where he's getting this from maybe like from old 60s movies or something where it was cool and then he references a fax machine which hasn't been in use for the last 30 years so i i just don't know what's really going on here maybe dave is caught in a time vortex and he's communicating with us from the past and he's only able to communicate through the comment section of paper mario final boss song yeah i just really [ __ ] love this part here this feels like the climax of the entire argument dave going with the whole we're not so different you and i we're one of the same it's like some [ __ ] you'd see in naruto sasuke right before their final fight it's [ __ ] wonderful you make a fair point i shall apologize to him but do not expect a paragraph you make sound arguments mr wasp i'm not one to call someone by childish names but you are very hypocritical after all so i expect nothing less anyway do go ahead where's the apology i don't see it mr hater's trying to rush this it hasn't even been a full day at this point mr hader he wants that apology asap so now you can see mr hader has assumed control of this entire argument the entire tone has shifted here and now dave is at the mercy of mr hater and he wants his homework do not rush me it's been two days now so no excuses you aren't going to apologize are you i figured as much if you wish to continue arguing then be my guest kid dave is starting to panic a little bit he doesn't want to write this apology because he does not respect our amaru but he is afraid of mr hater so he's caught in between a rock and a hard place here and he's he's treading water in the comment section one i have a life at the moment two you need a little bit of patience one word college you don't go to college david and you clearly set your expectations of me far too low a shame really i thought you'd be smart enough to not do what little maggot did stop lying to yourself david how about you tell me what's actually going on college as i said before do you not listen or are you refusing to believe that i have a life outside of this now if you excuse me i have a music class to attend i really don't understand why dave even feels compelled to keep answering at this point he doesn't want to write the apology he shouldn't write an apology honestly he just doesn't have to reply to mr hater he can just wash his hands of this whole thing and still come out as the victor but for some reason he keeps engaging with mr hader in here and mr hader's pressure is somehow like leaking into dave's real world it seems because it feels like he's stressing about this apology which he shouldn't write in the first place mr hater goes in on dave starts poking holes into his claims about college because four months ago still coronavirus shut down so classes weren't going on so dave feels the need to defend himself again and then he kind of just explains he just doesn't want to [ __ ] apologize which he shouldn't i'm glad he doesn't dave says one truthfully i don't want to apologize to arumu because i know for a fact it would not be genuine and no matter how much i hate a person i'm not going to insult them by giving them a mocking half-assed apology and two online classes are a thing that exists and i'm not doing just a music class who's the antagonistic one here because it definitely isn't me you poor poor pathetic whelp barking and baying like anything you say will ever matter no your words don't hurt me because they are artificial fake designed and spoken for the sole purpose of inflicting pain without putting actual feeling behind it no your words are hollow and do not deserve the electrons my brain cells would have to burn to process them just like you you're not special you're not unique you're not important and you never will be not now not ever so go ahead welping keep making a fool of yourself i'll just watch the show laughing all the while and in your ivory tower of hypocrisy did you ever once realize i never denied what you've been saying you are a parasite mr hater something that must tear everyone down to justify their worthless existence perhaps i'm one too but that's where our similarities end you lash out at anyone you see is below you i lash out at people who do i lash out at people who do what you and armou did insult and tear into someone because they dared to have an opinion you did not agree with or lash out at people who defend themselves from other people like you i never said i was better but does it really matter in the end at the end of the day one of us looks like the bad guy to everyone else and since i haven't been antagonizing everyone participating in this it most definitely not me who's the bad guy try to say i'm wrong here you're not wrong dave not at all and people like arumaru and mr hater yeah they suck a lot of fat ass it's sad that someone cares this much about someone's opinion on something that doesn't matter 100 agree with you entirely there dave but the way you're handling all this and then putting this huge like presidential speech here is not good either this is the wrong way of handling any of this and this there's really just no point in arguing in a youtube comment section to begin with there are no winners here mr hater breaks down his response line by line you lash out and anyone you see is below you dave don't be ridiculous i'm not as narcissistic as you or at all for that matter i lash out anyone who do what you and armu did a mistake you will regret as you have started all of this and i aim to end it the two go back and forth about the apology that dave doesn't want to write mr hater just keeps picking apart each line of everything he says my words are said solely to get you to leave that's never going to happen dave i've grown very persistent over the years and trust me persistence pays and i will stay here for months if i had to will you yeah big guy i'm sure your persistence pays living in a [ __ ] comment chain for months how productive and incredible there are just some people who live their life to argue online and it's sad as [ __ ] this guy is the perfect example willingly saying i will stay in this [ __ ] thread for months because i have nothing else going on in my life that is pathetic that's [ __ ] sad mr hater apology seems unlikely then you will perish here eventually with me as it's either you apologize to aramaru now and we'll be on our way or we're going to be staying here for a long long time so with that being said let's just start all over on a positive note we aren't going to start all over on a more positive note until you start apologizing dave are you going to apologize for your own hostility short answer no unlike you i did nothing wrong dave so it's either you apologize to aramaru and behave or you slowly perish with me for months either way i consider it a win-win and this is where the story stops i mean it goes on a little bit further but nothing is more pathetic than this mic drop from mr hater these are the people you argue with online people that have actually nothing better to do he considers it a win-win if someone is perishing wasting their time in a comment section with him that's so [ __ ] sad he considers it successful if he wastes somebody else's time and wastes his own time because he's already miserable in the first place oh actually i almost forgot three months after all this went down as the dust was starting to settle mr hader and dave just stopped communicating with each other and there is just momentary bliss as everyone read through the thread and then yoshi comments tagging aramaru and rmr's been tagged this entire time yoshi just points out it's been 10 months but 64 really good kind of basic thousand year door bopping all this just kind of breaks down his opinion of the music and then arumaru from out of [ __ ] nowhere comes out of retirement to deliver one of the most powerful conclusions to any story ever given i don't give a [ __ ] about your opinion this song is still [ __ ] what a beautiful way of wrapping all of this up but yeah anyway the last interaction between our main characters was four months ago from what i checked today there wasn't any new developments that i noticed a few more people have been made aware of this because it was posted on twitter that's how i found it and this has just been truly a joy delightful to read through so just keep all this in mind next time you think you're confident enough to leave an opinion on a paper mario song that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,837,932
Rating: 4.9711256 out of 5
Id: jEEUmfW0qFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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