This Will Make Your Family Hate You

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i think now is the easiest time in history to be a parent back in the earlier days you had to make sure your kid didn't fall off a cliff or get hit by a stray arrow mauled by a lion you know fall victim to this century on the oregon trail it was tough to be apparent back then but now i think it's super easy because you can just give your kid an ipad and let the internet raise them for you and then get mad when your kid isn't exactly an upstanding citizen and blame everyone but yourself but for parents that want to be a little more involved in their kids lives luckily there are some great departments that are offering invaluable knowledge on how to be the worst possible parent ever this is coming from the oc sheriff who posted this tweet do you know how to properly search your child's room if not stick around for our first episode of hashtag parent aware with sergeant gunsley i think there is a zero percent chance this guy's name is actually gunslee this has to be an alias it's too fitting [ __ ] sergeant gunsley what are you gonna tell me next that parent aware episode 2 is hosted by bill bazooka [ __ ] paul danger like god damn i'm sergeant brian gunslow with the orange county sheriff's department and today i'm going to show you how to search your child's room the first step is to remove the child or the teenager in this case from the room you don't want them in the room because their protests may distract you from doing a thorough search hey pal i need you to leave the room thanks we'll talk later this is the oldest teenager of all time dude looks like he's going on 40 years old like who is this benjamin button jesus christ dude's got like a thick five o'clock shadow i like how he's immediately treating his son like a criminal like hey pal i'm gonna need you to get the [ __ ] out of here i'm surprised you didn't like kick down the door weapon drawn like get on the ground i'm searching the room and he just tases him anyway just for the sake of it like you're not gonna interrupt it's important to search your child's room every once in a while like i would say about every six months unless you suspect that they're using drugs or alcohol then you're going to want to do it more often he treats his household like it's boot camp all right champ it's time for your weekly room inspection go report to corporal hollow point and give me 500 push-ups before you eat your green bean casserole so i don't think i need to explain to you why doing this is a horrible violation of your kids privacy and is absolutely going to lead to a lot of problems in your relationship with your family but i think i'll explain it anyway anyone who's ever been a kid which i'm assuming is everyone except this guy this guy i guess was just created in a lab to be the most generic npc police officer ever [ __ ] captain america over here never had a childhood anyone who did knows how awful it feels to think that your parents don't trust you it makes you not trust them and it makes you resent them so what i recommend is to start searching from top to bottom and then left to right so here i would start searching in this plant and then go across to the right and then we'll search into whatever containers that are here i always want to look inside the containers and inspect things thoroughly so here we have a container with looks like a place for someone to hide something so i'm gonna hang on to that certainly want to talk about that in a little bit what a weird item of interest it's just an empty bottle like that's super normal what do you mean you're gonna have a talk with them about that what is that conversation gonna look like come here son look i found it that empty bottle of vitamin gummies bet you're using it to store drugs aren't you you break my heart i raise you better than this get out of my house when it comes to books you just want to search through all the pages and just see if you see anything here we have a picture it looks like of a child with a gun to their head this may indicate that they're thinking about committing suicide so that's something that we want to talk about with our child yeah that sounds about par for the course if my dad was like this i'd probably have stick figure drawings of a gun to my head as well if you're the kind of parent that's actually going to follow this advice and routinely kick their kids out of their room so you can thoroughly search it like you're looking for a [ __ ] treasure map you should go in expecting something like this some cries for help to let you know that they're miserable i also really like the background music here the royalty-free facebook [ __ ] really helps elevate the tutorial so here oh here we have something this looks like a scale of some sort so that could be used by someone who's maybe purchasing drugs or selling drugs so that's something that's disguised we'll hang on to that pretty [ __ ] cool scale but it makes it feel like this whole thing was filmed in 1998 why the [ __ ] would someone disguise a scale as a playstation 1 video game you draw more attention with that than anything else like that is some old school [ __ ] obviously this is all set up for the tutorial here but i like to imagine it all is real spur of the moment like he just barged into his son's room get the [ __ ] out i'm searching for contraband and this is the result so like in that case i feel like his son is innocent and sergeant gunsley is framing him like he's setting him up this definitely belongs to an older man there's no way a kid who's selling drugs is disguising their scale as playstation 1 tetris no chance but that does seem like something an out of touch cop would do to try and bust people undercover you know like just parading around i do love these video games am i right kids we love tetris and playstation right oh heroine just fell out that's super weird no one's a cop here right like you guys wouldn't want to buy this would you looks like a container of some sort we see what's inside we have hidden in here we have some looks like marijuana so i am going to hang on to this we're going to have a little talk about that some teams use this to get high they can use this as a huffing device so if you have dust off or any type of computer duster in the room we want to remove that because that could be used as something dangerous and that could be deadly imagine sergeant gunsley just hits a mean whip it on camera kids use this to get high and so do i that'd be [ __ ] great now this is the first thing he's done that seems reasonable to me you know keyboard cleaner is very dangerous you don't want that anywhere around your kids and i just don't think he went far enough because there's a window right there that's extremely dangerous his kid at any moment could throw himself through that window and kill himself so i think he needed to put some bars on the window to keep them safe and maybe even pad the walls a little bit because we don't want him to like hit the wall kind of hard and hurt himself just i think we should start taking a little more inspiration from these isolation units at prison in order to keep our kids safe if your first thought upon going into your kid's room and seeing keyboard cleaner is oh my god they must be using this to get high then you have already utterly failed as a parent and something has gone awry [Music] and also it's very important to be respectful of the child's property yeah sergeant gunsley very respectful he's over here acting like mr krabs on the panty raid just going through all of like his boxers and [ __ ] like looking for anything in his pockets yeah that's the first thing i thought of as wow look at how delicate he's being here we have some more clothing looks like everything's okay there oh i have a pipe hidden inside some socks um ajax i don't know why this would be in in his room so i would inspect that a little better in fact here we have another container that we will talk to him about and certainly you want to collect all these items they shouldn't have them in their room good lord who's his son cobra commander what's he gonna pull out next a golden ak-47 from under his bed he's really hit the jackpot here and here i have a couple of little baggies it looks like they may have had some drugs in them or something at some point so that's another indicator in the pursuit of locating drugs in his son's room no price is too high sergeant gunsley even starts tugging on his son's crusty cumsock just to look for more clues of drugs he's like scooby-doo but really gross so this looks like it might be something i'm familiar with with this as a container so this is something that people can buy online these hidden compartments so as you can see it has liquid above and below but the container it's a false uh you know container in the middle that people can hide things in there this part really just felt like an ad for that mountain dew secret container there that [ __ ] looked awesome and officer gunsley comes in hot he's like yeah you can find this online and then i half expected him to drop a link to his own blog like yeah you can find this online at if you want to purchase one journals are good to to go through as a parent there you have every right to search your child's room there is no legal problem with that so be sure to take advantage of that and search your child's room while they're under the age of 18. here you know we just want to take a look through the journal and just see if there's anything suspicious and here's a page where it looks like they're drawing pictures of marijuana references on here if you have to be reassured that what you're doing isn't technically illegal then it's probably very immoral and you're not exactly the hero in the story but to be fair we were able to locate some crayon doodles of weed in a journal so really the ends justify the means and now we know our son is not only a criminal but an extremely untalented one when it comes to art and this this is a highlighter which you appears to be a highlighter but this is something to be purchased online and what it is is a pipe and it just hides within the highlighter nothing gets past the keen eyes of officer gunsley the man's omniscient not even the inspector gadget crack pipe was enough to get by him what another cool little gadget which he again mentions you can find online which to me just feels like he's advertising it to be fair but god damn that would be like the last thing i suspected i got a [ __ ] highlighter right in the trash i wouldn't think to like go to the secret ass end of it and look for a crack pipe [ __ ] go go gadget crack pipe and somehow he knows about it god damn he's too good it's very important to conduct a safety search like this because you want to know whether or not they're using drugs best way to prevent adult addiction is to intervene early when they're young so this is the time to prevent a lifelong struggle with addiction and create a lifelong resentment of you their parents this also isn't going to prevent a struggle with addiction this may only reinforce an addiction this is just an all-around horrible idea for parents everywhere yeah thanks orange county sheriff and thank you officer gunsley for showing us exactly how to be the worst [ __ ] dad that you can be that's it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,941,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KrNtVotPOKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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