My Response to Nikocado Avocado

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nakano avocado has set a new world record for youtuber response time for drama this was a pretty impressive speed run within a few hours of my video being up he had his entire response filmed and then posted this morning so very impressive speed there and there's a few things i want to talk about so let's just go ahead and dive in first of all it's entirely in character it's kind of like in the suicide squad movie where jared leto was constantly being the joker even offset so he was sending his co-stars like used condoms and dead pig carcasses that's kind of what nakato avocado has done he is constantly playing his character he has become the joker of mukbangs he is never out of character anymore it seems so this response is not him being genuine or taking it seriously it's him playing his character and completely misunderstanding what i was saying in my video he spends the majority of the 41 minutes of this response video eating because he does a mukbang during it and asking who is this who are you does anyone know this person if i had a dollar for every time he asked who is this i would have enough money to afford 1500 pizzas and do my own [ __ ] nutty mukbang i never really understood that perspective of this person's not famous enough for me to care therefore everything they say is worthless he makes it sound like because he doesn't know who i am everything i've said is completely irrelevant and it's fine that he doesn't know anything about me i expect that i'm a [ __ ] youtuber i'm an actual z-lister an internet content creator i don't expect to go into a room and all of a sudden everything goes quiet as people drop champagne glasses that shatter on the floor because they're just blown away by my presence like oh my god do you know who that is that's charles white did you see his newest video where he's holding a rubber penis and throwing around a fleshlight holy [ __ ] that's charles white i don't expect that so i just don't really get why that's like one of the main things he keeps reiterating in this video is he doesn't know who i am i don't know why that's such a strong point like i don't know who this is do you know who this is this guy's just so [ __ ] you know not famous gross not famous guy who is this but anyway aside from him constantly mentioning that there are some things that he does bring up that i think are definitely worth talking about but first of all i'd like to say congratulations to nick it looks like his broken ribs are healing pretty well because he starts this video by stomping into the room and i also checked his tick tock he's been going kind of hard so it looks like his broken ribs seem to be doing better now fiddlesticks who it who is this i remember when my mom broke a couple of her ribs she genuinely couldn't walk for like a month she was miserable but luckily nick seems to be healing at an accelerated rate he must be like wolverine from the x-men so that's good to see in regards to his broken ribs in his response video he said i was completely lying and that his broken ribs had nothing to do with weight gain which surprised me because i actually got that information from one of his recent videos i'll just go ahead and play the clip and before you make fun of me please try to put yourself in my shoes i cracked my this ribs air sack from coffee and excessively for over two and a half months and my opinion all 350 pounds of force ouch i didn't reach into my butthole and pull this out of nowhere i got the information from him so i don't understand why in his response video he makes it sound like i'm lying about so many things like he himself said his cracked ribs were the result of coughing for the last two months and his obesity 350 pounds of pressure whatever he said there i didn't make that claim i didn't make that up it came from him and you can just click on this video and it's right in the intro so i don't know why he would say something like that in the response video it also doesn't really sit right to me that in this response video he puts multiple advertisements for like going to his patreon and stuff like that it just shows that he doesn't really take any of it seriously it feels like this response was just made to capitalize off drama clicks like you know i just feel like he's never serious anymore it's always in this act in this character you know you know i might as well plug something too since i'm responding to it make sure you check out my second channel huge charles where i'm posting short content and exclusive [ __ ] over there the link will be in the description below that's huge charles baby but anyway not to actually talk about the things nick brings up that i think are very important to talk about first of all he talks about the people that went from my video to his to just be [ __ ] i always openly condemn this and i should have again said don't go harass him because it looks like people need a constant [ __ ] reminder to not [ __ ] harass people you're not some kind of internet vigilante fighting for justice that angry comment you left on nick's video isn't going to help him you're just being a [ __ ] douchebag and that's i completely sincerely apologize for overlooking the fact that i need to remind people how to behave online i always hate absolutely [ __ ] hate i've made two different videos on how much i hate when people go and harass people but just from like youtube videos and [ __ ] it sucks it [ __ ] sucks 100 and nick is absolutely in the right and calling that out now with all of that out of the way let's actually get into the [ __ ] meat here and talk about some of the things nick brings up it's clear immediately that nick misunderstood what i was saying in my video i don't know if that's on purpose just for the sake of having like an aggressive response video for youtube drama or if he genuinely didn't understand what i was trying to say but he makes it clear that he didn't get what i was going for right away i don't have the right to exist because i happen to be because i happen to be a little overweight i'm being attacked for my weight for my appearance apparently i'm encouraging people to eat unwell excuse me i don't even understand at all where that last thing came from i never made any point like that or even hinted at anything like that i never said like nakato avocado is a role model and he's encouraging people to eat like he does on camera you know i never said like you know these kids are going to watch nacado avocado and then all of a sudden they're going to be [ __ ] brainwashed by them they're going to go out there and order 10 large fries and then a gravy to drink out of a toilet bowl i never said anything like that i'd never said that he's setting some kind of example for people to follow all i was saying is the success he found with mukbangs has reinforced his decision to eat this way i was also never focusing on his appearance or saying he doesn't have the right to live because he's overweight i don't know where these are coming from as far as appearance goes me showing his 2017 body compared to his most recent one was used to show what the food is doing to him if he was skinny and eating the way he does on camera i would have the exact same criticisms because even when you're skinny you can be very unhealthy which is a point he makes i wasn't saying skinny is the gold standard he also brings up some demons from his past that i didn't know about i i didn't get the full extended lore of nakato avocado i was under the assumption that he was healthier back then because contrary to what he says in the video i am very familiar with him i've watched this content for a while i've watched the transformation but apparently i've missed some some arcs along the way in his anime he mentioned back during those days with the photos i showed he had an eating disorder even mentioned a tooth rotting out and that he generally didn't feel like he was healthy back then and that's i didn't know any of those things what i saw on camera was him eating healthy food preaching about healthy food options and lifestyles as well as fitness and stuff like that so i was under the impression that he was healthy during those days but maybe he wasn't but he's also not healthy now i'm not nick's dad i'm not here to slap the [ __ ] cheeseburgers out of his hand or anything i showed these photos because it shows a complete transformation from one body type to another and it shows that there is still an eating disorder present and i feel like it's reinforced by his audience on youtube that encourage it which is something he mentions in his videos from from time to time he says things like you guys are doing this and i think he's right i think seeing those numbers grow and seeing those big numbers has completely reinforced the idea that in order to be successful he has to keep eating this way so he feels trapped to do it that's the point i was making it is a very unhealthy lifestyle it doesn't have to do with his weight or his appearance it has to do with what he's eating on camera and how often he's doing it take for example matt stoney matt stone will do these incredible food challenges he'll eat [ __ ] 20 000 30 40 000 calorie meals in a single sitting in under an hour for the for a youtube video and they're [ __ ] awesome that's nuts to butts action matt stoney eating the [ __ ] out of 20 burritos at a time double fisting a thousand tacos per hand it's incredible stuff and it's so much food and so many calories but matt stoney does that once every few weeks once a month maybe nakado avocado is doing something comparable almost every single day over the last week or so he's posted a mukbang every single day pretty much so he's eating these thousands and thousands of calories every day it's very different the frequency is completely different or let me rephrase this it seems like he does it almost every day since he is posting them almost every day now i do know at least on a few occasions he's done multiple mukbangs in one day and that's still a lot that's still a ton so the point is it's very different i'm not targeting nakato avocado because of his weight or anything i was talking about him in this whole situation because it feels like his audience has reinforced his eating disorder which is taking a negative effect on his overall health if nakado avocado did not find success on youtube and be known for eating such massive meals he would not have gained the 200 pounds in three or so years gaining that much weight in that amount of time is not healthy by anyone's standards no matter what doctor or what website you check it is extremely rapid weight gain and i don't think it would have happened had he not found success with this kind of mukbanging content on youtube he would probably not eat like this and like i said if he was skinny and still doing this exact content the exact same way my criticisms would remain exactly the same it is an unhealthy diet and an unhealthy lifestyle as evident by the 200 pounds he gained which is a lot in a short amount of time and also the amount of times that he is crying on camera and breaking down it seems like overall this content has led him down a path where he is unhealthy and unhappy my focus wasn't look at nick in all of this weight he gained ewe it was how has nick completely transformed over the last four years and what role did his content play in that transformation he is completely different now mentally and physically than he was four years ago nowadays he's known for crying all the time on camera while eating he's become one of his big things like a staple in his content he is constantly breaking down and crying while eating which seems like he's much more unhappy now and physically he's completely different he requires a mobility scooter now when he goes out in public you'll see it in his tick tocks you'll see it in his videos when he is at a store he requires a mobility scooter so what i was looking at in my video was how his content and his youtube success played a role in this transformation making some of the most revolting noises i've heard in quite some time while undergoing some kind of exorcism and [ __ ] me who are you i haven't said anything that you're revolting and you're disgusting yeah i didn't say that about you either nick i was talking about that schtick you do in your videos where you make a yucky noise that's what i was talking about and i think you know that but you tried to use that as a way to spin it like i was calling you revolting and disgusting for your weight or something like that which i absolutely wasn't i was talking about that ongoing joke you have where you make noises and faces like that i was just saying i find that to be off-putting he calls them a hairball which is obviously him kidding around and i just called it gross because i don't really like those noises and i'm sure he knows what i was talking about here but just found it to be easy ammunition to make me look really shitty so he was able to spin it like look he's calling me revolting and gross he's being a big [ __ ] which i wasn't i was just talking about that hairball thing that he does this video is going to be really long if i keep going through every point he makes to be honest we're not even like half of the way through the response so i just want to focus on the next few big things that he brings up that i think are very important to talk about he says that i am incorrect about like the nurse like the full-time nurse to take care of him and that's entirely possible i've tried to keep up with his videos recently to make sure i get the full story but for me it is very hard to sit through a full mukbang from him because it's just sad to see i'll just be straight up honest i it's hard for me to watch all of them so sometimes i'll go to twitter to read threads about nakato avocado to be kept up to date and i recalled reading about a nurse that had to be on standby in order to make sure that he was able to go about his activities this he has said is incorrect so i do apologize for that that information that i got there was wrong 100 and i'll take full responsibility for being incorrect on that point now one thing he is blatantly wrong about and i don't know if this is on purpose to make me look bad or something he keeps saying that i call his viewers fat or i am constantly talking about him being fat and gross two things i've never said anywhere in that video i never said his viewers are fat or insulting his viewers i was saying his viewers are enabling him to keep doing some of this content and that i stand by 100 you can even see it on this response video there are so many comments saying don't listen to him and when are you doing your next big mukbang i love to watch you eat this and that and that like that that's enabling that's the very definition of enabling it's it's enabling a bad habit and it keeps you doing these same things which have had a negative effect on your health but that's not me all of a sudden saying all your viewers are fat pigs that are gross and yucky ooh cooties yucky gross pigs in your comments i never said anything like that and i don't know why he tries to hint like that and i think it's i don't know if it's on purpose or by accident i think it's supposed to like make his viewers mad at me like can you believe what this guy's saying about us which i never did what i was saying about your audience is that they keep you doing these unhealthy things which they absolutely are i wasn't calling you gross i never said any of that i said that they are keeping you doing this unhealthy kind of content which you've done for a few years now which has negatively affected your health and i'll say it again because that was the point of the video and that was the point i was making it's not all your audience's fault you are making the conscious decision to continue this content and really focus on those numbers but they do obviously play a role in it the next thing he talks about is this machine that he's had in every thumbnail for like the last two weeks he says he's actually had this since he was a kid and it's nothing new unrelated to mukbangs and all that okay fair enough let's say that's true maybe it is it probably is i don't see why i'd lie about it but then why all of a sudden now are you putting it so prominently in every thumbnail and every title talking about being disabled and doing a disabled mukbang why are you just now showing this off then it leads your viewers to believe that the situation's a lot more dire than it is and you're doing it on purpose you're trying to garner more sympathy out of the situation by having this machine here it makes it seem like your health is on a really rapid decline and i think the reason you're doing that is to get more views on it because when people see that you're in distress they want to see what's going on and want to make sure everything's okay so if you truly have had this machine for that long why are you all of a sudden now showing it off like this in the context of being disabled it's so it's pretty [ __ ] up and i don't want this video to keep dragging on so the last thing i'll talk about is the broken ribs thing the subject of like his disabled mukbangs as i mentioned he's been kind of jumping around just fine in this video he comes stomping and jumping around just fine he's not coughing at all in this video which he's coughed in all the other ones and then like cried out in pain like yelling about how much pain he's in on tick-tock he's doing just fine moving around jumping stomping either way that whole situation seems to be all hunky-dory now so that's great anyway i just wanted to talk about this i feel like he completely missed the point of what i was saying with my video i wasn't trying to call him all kinds of disgusting names or anything like that i i don't even know where he would have gotten that from maybe just a complete misunderstanding i'm not sure but either way i still find the entire situation sad his response didn't change my perspective on everything going on over there i still think it is all a very sad situation i feel like if nakado avocado was not a successful youtuber he would not be doing these kind of mukbangs or eating this way i feel like that's only there because of the success he's found with these videos and his response did not change my perspective on that it didn't change my opinion on it and yeah that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 7,823,142
Rating: 4.9699521 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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