The EDP445 Situation Just Got Worse

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The funny thing is that I already knew it was a Penguinz0 video, based on the thumbnail.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/goldennuggetjr 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Penguinz0 managed to make him look even wider with this tumbnail style

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/GaultierRedrum 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve seen this guy’s videos all over YouTube but never watched him until the first EDP video. His voice is nice and I like how he gets straight to the point. I’ll probably binge his videos when I get time. He seems to be pretty cool and I enjoy hearing his perspective on things, I’d definitely give him head.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/808s4Barb 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
it's time once again for me to hop into the swamp and talk about one of the grossest bits of drama youtube has seen in quite some time with the edp 445 situation last week i made a whole video going over everything no stone left unturned i was putting my [ __ ] into every briefcase full of information i could find and now today only a week later a lot more has happened and there's a lot of things that i'd like to follow up on and kind of update because i streamed all of this and if you missed the stream you [ __ ] up big mistake you're missing out and so when i did that it was still like a developing story and now we're reaching like the conclusion here the end of the manga so i just wanted to go over this because it is a crazy story the edp 445 situation is like going to a water park but all of the water has been exchanged for sewage instead it's [ __ ] gross and yucky but it's also kind of a wild ride before i get into it though there's something i want to mention it's unrelated to all this today i'm doing a big charity stream for a charity i'm very passionate about called cure rare disease it's going to be a massive art stream so if you want to see more masterpieces like this being made for charity please tune in it's at moist critical it'll be going on when this video goes up and will be happening for most of the night so please feel free to stop by the links in the description i'll just hit you real quick with a brief plot summary here edp 445 was a massive youtuber who got chris hansen by another group online called predator poachers they pretended to be a 13 year old girl who hit up edp and then the conversation got all sexual and eventually they got him to try and meet with a 13 year old girl and that's when they really caught him in 4k and there's a lot more to it obviously like there's even an entire saga here in the anime where edp sent pictures of his [ __ ] his actual [ __ ] into in a toilet bowl he sent pictures of that to the 13 year old girl not that that's like super crucial in the story or anything like you know the fbi is not going to see those [ __ ] pictures and be like well we [ __ ] got him now you know we weren't going to press charges till we saw this awful loaf of [ __ ] in the toilet but it's something that i find to just be so weird and wacky that i can't help but mention it every time i hear or talk about the edp story because i've never even heard of someone like sending [ __ ] pics he also does send dick pics too he plays by the meta but the [ __ ] picks was truly something innovative but anyway that's basically just the story youtuber gets chris hanson and gets caught as a pedophile in a sting operation here by the predator poachers and in most cases you would expect the person behind this to be someone good looking to do something great for the community like they did a great act catching a bad person so you'd expect most people to be patting them on the back you know patting him on the ass telling him good game but you can't really do that for the guy behind predator poachers his name is alex and since this big bust a lot has come out about alex it's a lot of awful [ __ ] [ __ ] half of it i can't even begin to show on youtube because it is really deplorable stuff basically what happened is the spider-man meme where both spider-men are pointing at each other but in real life it was like a cliche scene from an action movie right before the villain dies he's like i'm taking you with me that's what happened so they bust edp but then alex gets busted as well tons of clips surfaced from alex where he was being extremely racist dropping the n word hard r homophobia he's being really creepy to a decoy asking them to do stuff for him claiming it was a predator asking it it was really unsettling disturbing gross [ __ ] he'd also make jokes about having children in his basement that he [ __ ] like he's a weird gross [ __ ] guy and since all of this came out and the story blew up edp 445 has been banned off youtube and chet goldstein has been banned off youtube chet goldstein was the channel that alex would use from predator poachers for all of the content and it's unclear whether or not he was banned for all the racism that was on the channel or really what he was banned for if i had to spitball a guess it would probably be all of the [ __ ] racist [ __ ] that came out and a lot of it was on the chet goldstein channel that would be my guess but i know when i mentioned this during the initial video a lot of people were mad at me for saying just because the guy behind it's a bad guy doesn't discredit the investigation or the work and i never said it did your just actual stupid brain to think that because this guy is bad i am now all of a sudden defending edp nobody's doing that edp's bad and so are the people behind it it was a good thing done by shitty people it happens you can still point out the shitty people while still acknowledging the good thing i don't know why all of a sudden that was controversial to say and it's still controversial like when people point out how awful of a person chet goldstein was people often get met with angry comments saying who cares doesn't matter being racist isn't as bad as being a pedophile but i mean they're both bad so you can still point them out as bad like you're just [ __ ] dumb anyway let me show you some of the clips because people were also downplaying the severity of how awful this chet goldstein alex guy was so let me just show you a little bit highly censored though because this kind of [ __ ] is awful dude you can't say [ __ ] live stream dude we're gonna get offended and report us oh you're right [ __ ] is wrong with you this guy just said racist creep oh where are you black yeah it's probably a [ __ ] angry something oh you're right i don't want to eat anything right now what the [ __ ] racist for real i have a three-year-old in my basement that's like bite that's like lacking vitamin d i provide her with plenty of deeds just not the vitamin part oh no that's not getting either oh really well i was tired of being a virgin so what the [ __ ] yeah piece of cloth on your upper body from your hip to your uh neck the shirt yeah yeah take it off because because they because they ask me yeah yeah predators ask for a lot of pictures man they're they're sick go ahead take off your shirt um do that and um stick your tongue out as you're doing it yeah you promise you're 13. yeah yeah now just start uh up and down with it i know they asked for this stuff man [ __ ] nick oh [ __ ] i said that in front of 216 people the guy [ __ ] sucks ass like he's not a good person he did a good thing but he's not a good person you can point out the good thing and also point out that the person is bad it's it's not one or the other it can be both edp edps bad check goldstein alex predator poachers alex is bad now there is one thing i'd also like to set the record straight on the guy that was with alex when they busted edp on camera the guy that was wearing the mask he is not associated with alex that is a completely different person named cc unit he is not like affiliated with alex and his [ __ ] he doesn't like sign off on it or anything from everything i've seen from the guy he just happened to collaborate with them on this case and unfortunately like a porta potty being rocked back and forth got caught in the crossfire as [ __ ] which is unfortunate because i mean he's probably he was probably a good guy and probably had good intentions he's been doing this for a lot of years from what i can tell whereas alex was just looking to capitalize and make money off it he was pumping merch through it when you went to the website all it was was payment plans for like predator poacher merch and him saying he'll come to your city to do like a stand-up routine and put like a finger in his butthole smell it and laugh like all alex wanted was money out of it and he got like a hundred thousand subs he wouldn't even post the video until it got fully monetized but cc unit is not affiliated with that he's completely separate and just happened to be there and collab with him on the day that they busted edp so i actually really do feel bad for that guy assuming that he doesn't have a pass like alex but from what i've seen he does seem to just genuinely want to help make the community a better place now don't pump those brakes yet because this ride is still going you can't get the [ __ ] out of here this is mr bones wild ride this is a never-ending adventure here the biggest development is absolutely the authorities getting involved in saying that they are going to look into the case but they also acknowledge that it could be a bit difficult given that this is not a very well conducted investigation by people that are less than professional which is a remarkable understatement calling alex less than professional is like calling a shotgun blast to the chest a minor boo-boo it just doesn't really do it justice it doesn't really capture the magnitude of the statement now in the initial video i showed you a couple different examples one where the predator poachers made it much more difficult for authorities to move in and actually apprehend a pedophile they said that the investigation was so bad that they couldn't really sanitize it and use it and it just made it a lot harder for them to actually get charges against the predator so we've seen examples where the vigilante predator hunters are really counterproductive to getting a pedophile behind bars but then in the same video i also showed you an example where they were successful and helpful in getting a predator put away for at least a small length of time so there's really no way to know where this is going to fall if it's going to be like this investigation just [ __ ] the case in the ass and now all of a sudden edp isn't gonna face any charges or if this was actually helpful to the case overall like i said in the last video i think them going public with it isn't inherently a bad thing even if they were just trying to use this as like a spectacle for views and money bringing it to the public eye was probably the right call regardless because he was a public figure with a public platform using that platform to prey on kids so coming public and getting that platform removed from him absolutely was the right call to combating this case in particular but whether or not that's going to make it harder for authorities to actually put him in jail is what we're going to have to wait to find out all i know for sure is there are no heroes in this story but there was a good act done by a bad person and what a [ __ ] crazy week on youtube it's been from all this [ __ ] actually probably one of the like wildest things i've seen on the platform and yeah i just wanted to do a little follow-up to it i don't know if we'll hear any more about edp and all this because i imagine from this point forward it's going to be between him and the authorities so it probably won't be any more like public drama stuff on edp but who knows anyway just wanted to follow this up and yeah that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,958,452
Rating: 4.9589472 out of 5
Id: ib1ZdbIRtPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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