Easter Eggs in Pikmin 1, 2, & 3 - DPadGamer

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hey there i'm d-pad gamer and this is a video looking at easter eggs and pikmin 1 2 and 3. just be warned that like technically there will be spoilers so if that bothers you go play the games and then come back or don't i won't know anyways in the first pikmin game olimar crash lands on a mysterious distant planet befriends a race of plant-like creatures and leaves them on a very interesting journey full of smacking walls and beating up giant bugs in terms of easter eggs and or secrets the first installment only has a couple of bits firstly if you hold down on the d-pad or two button if you're playing on the wii olimar will lie down on the ground in response any nearby pikmin will try to pick him up and bring him to one of the onion ships while he won't get sucked up and converted into fertilizer he does cause a large firework to shoot out from the onions so that's pretty neat also when booting up the game there's four different jingles that can play alongside the nintendo logo mostly you'll hear pikmin saying pikmin but there's a small chance you'll hear them going sighing hmm or whatever the hell that's supposed to be moving on in the second game olimar returns to the distant planet in search of treasures to pay off debts that his employer hokate freight incurred after an attack by ravenous space bunny ravaged their pickpick carrot supply on this venture he's joined by newcomer louis that said fun fact olimar's home planet of hokutate gets its name from the address for nintendo's corporate headquarters in japan also in japanese olimar is called orima which when rearranged spells mario to go along with that you arrange louie's name you get useless dang language is crazy isn't it for real here's another neat attention to detail whenever you put up the game a bunch of pikmin formed the title while it might not look it the title screen is actually playable with the following inputs this works on both the gamecube and wii versions though i'll just list off the gamecube inputs because i'm biased pressing the l button will cause the pikmin to break apart and reform pikmin 2. it basically acts as a refresh for the scene pressing r will make them rearranged to spell out nintendo the real fun though comes in with either y or x y spawns in an iridescent flint's beetle while x spawns in a red bull borb with either on screen c up moves the creature forward and c left and right allows you to turn them the flint beetle just sort of exists but with the bulborb you can press z to munch on some pikmin any pikmin eden will stay gone until the title screen is refreshed so until then you can live out your fantasy of being the bad guy i guess on the topic of bugs there are small insects called ujjidani i probably said that wrong it doesn't matter which can only be found in the wistful wild every 30 days starting from day one so day 1 31 61 91 and so on these little mites can fight back with poison but rarely do so really they're just a very rare treat full of nectar and sprite sprite and spray also i should mention in case you don't know that the distant planet that these games take place on is either our earth or an alternate version one of the many ways this is conveyed is through the game's various treasures that have real life equivalent the nutrient silo is literally a jar of skippy's peanut butter and a bunch of bottle caps feature the logos of 7up dr pepper yoohoo treetop and so on there's also a series of batteries which are branded national high top in the japanese version and duracell everywhere else actually a lot of the brands featured in this game very depending on localization but that's beside the point getting a bit meta a number of the treasures allude to or outright are nintendo products there is the glee spinner which is a gamecube's joystick and then there's the stone of glory which is my personal favorite the cosmic archive is a famicom disc for the japanese game called the mysterious mersame castle and there's also a game and watch handheld specifically ball which was the first knit series and then there's the remembered old buddy which is just the head of rob accompanied by his five colored gyros and then there's the prototype detector aka a love tester which is a novelty toy made by nintendo way back in 1969 the last three noteworthy treasures directly referenced the mario series there's the flame of tomorrow which is a box of matches branded with bowser's face the decorative goo is a tube of mario paint branded paint and then the unspeakable wonder closely resembles princess peach's gem encrusted crown now before moving on from talking about treasures i'd like to briefly bring up the pikmin 3ds game called hey pikmin because that exists it's a 2d sequel to the third game in which you also collect some treasures three of them reference past nintendo games the attention getting logo is a game boy color cartridge of link's awakening dx the tempting vision treasure is a super marlin cartridge and inevitable tragedy is a super mario bros nes cartridge by the way the log that accompanies inevitable tragedy is olimar's grim interpretation of the game based on the image alone which is pretty great the man this chronicle is presumably about is a very tragic figure he seems to be simultaneously running up against a brick wall falling to a fiery death and menaced by a sort of reddish white wriggling larva with so many insurmountable obstacles on all sides he can't be long for this world may you have better luck in the next life my mustachioed friend switching things up a bit as you may know pikmin 2 and 3 both have a special attention to detail when it comes to music first off in pikmin 2 there's two different situations where you can hear the musical easter egg named after composer and all of our voice actor kazumi totaka after completing a cave with all treasures collected you'll get some nice celebratory fireworks on the tally screen if you wait here a bit less than four minutes total song will play like so [Music] on the flip side when attempting to enter a cave with no memory card plugged in waiting another four-ish minutes will get you a stolen version of dotaka's [Music] song [Music] continuing on with that topic the game's characters can sing depending on the situation if you're leading 20 of each type of pikmin they'll sing the first line of aino yuta which was the song used in the japanese commercials for the first game also if you have any other number of pikmin while in an area with no treasures left to be collected they'll sing the first six notes of the game's lay motif over in pikmin 3 if you're joined by 20 of every pikmin type they'll sing part of the game's theme [Music] song [Music] also if you have every type of pigment unlocked and a hundred pikmin of a single type in your squad you'll get a little tune that sounds sort of like this oh and the game's three leaders elf brittany and charlie have their own song you can hear whenever they're running around without [Music] pikmin [Music] as you might have gathered based on the lyrics it's a sort of national anthem based on their home planet of coupe bonus fun fact nintendo was founded in 1889 as nintendo karuta with the goal of producing hanafuda playing cards the characters that make up karuda which i'm probably saying wrong can also be read as kopai switching gears completely there are a number of ancient drawings depicting pikmin in various situations throughout the game let's go on a quick sightseeing tour starting with the formidable oak because why not in the tunnel leading down from the top of the oak if you use the game's camera feature you can spot an engraving on the pillar of the reinforced wall depicting a couple of frantic blue leaf pikmin carrying a pellet down near the ship on a large rock west of the cave's exit is a blue bud pikmin swimming and back up at the top of the oak on a rock east of the geyser is a blue pikmin sporting a flower creepily floating in some water which is pretty neat over in the garden of hope the first rock pikmin drawing is on one of the boards where britney was originally trapped the next is inside the bucket that you cross over when heading to the bosses arena and the last one is found in the pipe where the blue onion is found in the distant tundra we have this drawing on a can to the west of the landing site another in the tunnel just to the east and then this final one hidden away on a metal sheet in the northwestern cave the flying pikmin drawings can be found throughout the twilight river like this one underwater on this pillar another inside the large green pipe that you pass through while riding a lily pad and then finally on the bark of the tree you pass by on the way to the bosses arena finally we have the tropical wilds hidden just out of sight the leaf version is on the wall of the waterfall overhang where the peach is at if that makes sense the next is under the bridge built on your very first day and then inside the hollow tree stump which is accessed by one of those really dumb seesaw blocks i left this last drawing for last because this area is a stone's throw away from a secret data log as seen here spread through the game and sort of hard to reach locations are 10 secret data logs each containing a single digit their purpose was at first a mystery but it was eventually revealed that the 10-digit code could be entered on the web page found at nintendo dot co dot jp secret which requires you to use the wii u's internet browser as a reward you get a short video log recorded by captain olimar there is a video log for each of the five locations and you'd only get one of the five codes at random so fans had to work together to uncover them all all together the logs add up to be about four minutes long but there is a lot of fluff so let me just give you the cliff notes each started out with olimar introducing himself in his weirdly deep voice and in the guardian he explains that hokutate freight is in debt due to the company's president and he's returned in search of treasurer to help pay off that debt in the rest he introduces himself and then reiterates that it's his third time here and he never gets tired of looking for treasure and then in the wilds he mentions finding a mysterious key while at the river he explains that due to some sort of bug in his file management software a number of his data logs have gone missing oh and in the tundra he complains about feeling the cold through his shiny spacesuits the wonders of corporate cost-cutting measures after those opening lines in the first four logs he's interrupted by louis getting attacked by various creatures often to the detriment of nearby pikmin his log at the oak is a bit different explaining that while surveying the area he came across something gold and shiny rather than cutting to louis being useless olimar mentions that louis spoke out about coming to this area and that he hasn't seen the wheat in a while even though louie is sneaking around in the background the cool and shiny thing he mentioned is none other than the plasma wraith that captures olimar which also acts as this game's final boss so that means that olimar came on this venture with louis but all that we could do was get pikmin hurts and or killed fleas with the hocuette ship after olimar's capture crash lands in the garden of hope and subsequently flees with the koppei cruz juice and rubber ducky after being saved by them that said there is an additional 6 secret log recorded by louis that was found on the aforementioned webpage by norm christensen a link to the full source and description if you want to watch it but the gist however is that louis believed he had been captured by the kopites feeling relieved he managed to make off with their food and treasure all while the quaggled meyer klopp's loom is behind him i didn't mention this before but there is also a unlockable cinematic in pikmin 2 called zoe's dark secret where it was revealed that there was no ravenous space bunny attack he just ate all the picnic carrots and falsified reports which led to the company's huge debt and thus the events of pikmin 2. so like he's the bad guy right we can all agree on that anyways um we reached the end of the video so it's outright time i would like to thank my channel members for their support with especially big thanks to christy country pseudonymous germanger and achilles rhodes for being super fans also thank you for watching this video all the way to the end if you liked it maybe leave a like subscribe if you want that's it i'll see you in the next video hopefully bye all right okay cool see ya alright [Music] bye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 303,521
Rating: 4.962852 out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs in Pikmin, Pikmin Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs in Pikmin 2, Pikmin 2 Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs in Pikmin 3, Pikmin 3 Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs in Hey! Pikmin?, Hey! Pikmin? Easter Eggs, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, DPadGamer, Easter Eggs With DPadGamer, Pikmin References, Pikmin Secrets, Pikmin 3 Secrets, Pikmin 3 Secret Memos, Pikmin 3 Secret Logs, Pikmin 2 References, Pikmin 2 Treasures
Id: eKs7Dk_aoF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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