Pikmin 3 | The One With Brittany - AntDude

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[Music] Pikmin 1 & 2 started a pretty awesome franchise for the big n Nintendo interestingly enough the series almost falls in line with other Nintendo franchises Mario Zelda and Metroid naturally we have the first game which introduced us to everything that this new universe has to offer and then we have the second game which does kinda do the same thing but changes things up a whole bunch just almost for the sake of it surely after the success of both games we're gonna get Pikmin 3 in no time we didn't Pikmin 2 2004 Pikmin 3 2013 wow this is what true pain feels like Miyamoto for some reason started talking about a brand new Pikmin game all the way back in 2007 why talk about a game that early if you have nothing to show for it for years and more importantly why did he do it again at least in the meantime during that long wait Hickman was still kept somewhat relevant of course the Wii versions dropped so that was cool captain olimar became playable in Super Smash Brothers Brawl and we got to see Captain Falcon then kill a bunch of Pikmin iconic the Pikmin were responsible for transferring we data to the Wii U a very underrated thing that Nintendo did there and then the title that ushers the classic response oh yeah that game Nintendo land there was a Pikmin attraction here where you get to fight robotic forms of Pikmin enemies and then if you played with someone else they would be a Pikmin and then you'd play with other Pikmin it was really weird seeing like a me as a Pikmin alongside the rest of the Pikmin he's just trying to fit in it's just it was a weird it was a very weird thing but in terms of enjoyment it was about as neat as any game in Nintendo land could be the thing is though it wasn't Pikmin 3 the game that everybody really wanted it certainly did lead to an interesting development cycle but hey after years of waiting we finally got it Pikmin 3 easily one of the biggest games and Tunde released for the Wii U just like marginally better than Devils third Nintendo was so confident with what they were working on it even started an e3 conference this was the hardcore game that was meant to show off the potential of the Wii U gamepad they were so serious about it man Miyamoto almost killed a Pikmin what a monster just kidding he's adorable I love this man I feel just like a purple Pikmin so yeah I think you guys have been waiting long enough the third Pikmin adventure is finally here and I'm excited to talk about it welcome back to all of March everybody okay it's not it's not March anymore I didn't really plan that far ahead I didn't think that name would kind of take off I've made a huge mistake I'll it's alpha Rho now Alf Alf proof Pikmin 3 yep yep uh-huh okay yeah this game is gonna be pretty rather than straight up continuing the life and times of captain olimar the story now revolves around the planet of co-pi currently in a crisis unable to find any food to feed their booming population the inhabitants also only eat fruit so in an attempt to try to find food across multiple planets and failing the game says that all of their results ended up being fruitless man that's good however they did find one planet peon f404 aka the same planet from the previous two games aka Earth 3 explorers are sent off to the planet and to be expected something goes wrong during the descent it wouldn't be a Pikmin game without some near-death experiences our lovely captains this time around come in the form of the sprightly young engineer Alf the adorable botanist Brittany and the captain with a quite frankly amazing mohawk Charlie after everybody crash lands you're given some time with Charlie and Alf to reacquaint yourself with the Pikmin and learn some of the game's new mechanics but really the first thing you're probably gonna do is just mess around in the water for a little bit man man the jump to high definition shows this looks amazing that mario guy on miiverse he really knew what he was talking about before long Alf meets up with Brittany and shortly after that Charlie re-enters the fray as well and between the three of them my favorite is Britany I love I love her to pieces not only is she adorable but she's kind of a savage they don't call me the Keen engineer for nothing nobody calls you that I know I think I found the one I gotta give it to her though her smack talk may be warranted he may not be Olimar but he certainly drives like him with your Pikmin army in tow the adventure this time calls for the retrieval of every single piece of fruit that you can come across in order to convert it to juice and bring it back to your home planet as well as sustain yourself on a day-by-day basis on your trip and like speaking of the fruit it has absolutely no reason why it looks so damn stupid good in this game I don't get it it's something that I still don't understand why this is some of the best looking models to ever grace a gaming a period look at the grapes and you can really tell that they are graphically intensive to the game's framerate can barely handle the juice that you squeeze out of them all right now I know the Wii U was underpowered but this is ridiculous it takes the smoothness of the rest of the game and then just beats it to a pulp I don't understand it quite honestly but to me I prefer my games like I like my orange juice with no pulp you know I knew that was a bad joke going in but I'm gonna keep it anyway also I think this orange juice has gone bad so I'm not I'm not going to drink it yeah it's bad so Pikmin 3 took many years to finally get in our hands and honestly it does show with a simple click of the button on the gamepad you can see the world around you in first person and take pictures yeah it's uh it is super pretty and you get to see the lifeless eyes of every individual Pikmin it's breathtaking this third adventure takes what worked in the first two adventures avoids what didn't work and polishes up everything to an incredible degree first and foremost the caves totally gone let me get a yeehaw on that one now we get to explore completely original and unique lands and they are huge in size sure on the surface here we have just a typical snow level but you take a deep trip inside of the non underground caves and you find these really threatening monsters and hazards that you wouldn't see coming mechanically so many tweaks were made to the established formula to simply improve your quality of life first off the stars of the show with a Pikmin army themselves the purple and white Pikmin from Game two are now absent and you know what fair enough the strength of the purple undermined one of the perks of the red and the usefulness of the white Pikmin was incredibly situational so I get not prioritizing bringing them back now what we have is each Pikmin presenting pros and cons that are completely unique to themselves oh and that that electricity garbage from Pikmin 2 where it instantly kills you every single time now it just stuns the Pikmin like everything else does thank goodness but of course we do have some new additions to the family as well first up there are the rock Pikmin these guys are well rocks their hard exterior allows them to destroy glass objects they're resistant to being crushed and they are powerful like the Reds are however they can't latch on to enemies like the others can also they're just really cute like literally it's just a rock with some googly eyes on it and then a plant stem on top and I approve 100% and then we have the Winget Pikmin oh my goodness they're cute too as expected these can fly they can float over water they carry items back to your ship by hovering sometimes taking shortcuts that other Pikmin can't but they are slower when doing so there - definitely not meant for combat now I know what you all may be asking well what about the bulb amend I know everyone's fan favorite those little weird-looking guys them as well as the purple and whites are nowhere to be found because you got to remember those guys you can only get from going into the underground caves no underground caves no Pikmin simple mathematics really Oh oh he actually finished them this group of five Pikmin feels a whole lot more well-rounded than before yet again each one has their unique sets of ups and downs and it really adds to the level of strategy required to tackling the day in front of you the world around you also make sure to specialize each Pikmin strengths at least a couple different ways what if you find yourself in a large underwater section with a bunch of fish enemies easy now the blue Pikmin can swim towards their foes what about this room here it's just a bit just a bit too dark that's okay just connect some electrical wires with the yellow Pikmin and there you go of course though strategy is once again the name of the game and there are so many new things to consider on top of the Pikmin strengths and weaknesses now you can charge into enemies and obstacles perfect if you know you can take them down quickly the Pikmin can now latch on to specific body parts of enemies when thrown such as the bulb orbs eyes which does stun them more than how you would typically fight them by tossing the Pikmin on their back every type can now carry bomb rocks that's just cool you'll often come across piles of different material pieces and instead of needing one Pikmin per item you can just leave a couple of them there and they're finally smart enough to be able to bring those items to their destination go back and get more and keep doing that until there's no more left and this goes for the berries as well which once again you can make super spicy spray with I am just so proud of them man they have finally stopped being super idiotic and when everything is said and done and it's time to round up the army now every single Pikmin stays under one onion just for an extra level of convenience oh yeah those jiggle physics some suit upgrades can be found in the wild those are cool they give you some new abilities and then there are the boss battles they are bigger and grander than ever before and I love all of them unfortunately in my opinion the bosses do have their own unique boss arenas they're not necessarily integrated with the rest of the world like they were in Pikmin 1 but hey I can acknowledge that I was like the only person ever to say that was a good part of the first game that's fine the bosses are still cool I'm just I'm just saying oh and you thought that guy was big in Pikmin 2 look at the absolute unit the quagga old Meier collapses that scared the hell out of me the first time I fought it some of these bosses may in fact be too imposing at first for you but that's okay now the bosses retain their damage even if it takes you more than one day to defeat them again just another level of convenience but arguably the biggest change yet there is a rubber ducky that stays inside the captains ship wait no arguably the biggest change here yet is instead of the captains just being a means to get Pikmin where they need to be now on top of chucking the Pikmin around you can chuck your partner's around to to get them across platforms a whole lot easier and hey you know what I know exactly where you're thinking now how is it possible to manage three captains at the same time well don't you worry your pretty little head the answer to that is the answer to all of life's questions the Wii U gamepad with this second screen experience you can now guide captains to specific spots on the map while you go do something else and honestly as cool as that level of micromanagement is it does suck that this is limited to the gamepad if you end up using the gamepad itself as the controller then fine but I've said this before the Wiimote and Nunchuk is the way to play Pikmin and it sucks that I have to keep going back and forth with the gamepad in order to come up with the best strategy or you know what maybe you're just saying screw it and you want to use the game's touch controls yeah you remember that of course you don't for some sick insane reason Nintendo added touchscreen controls to Pikmin as well and they're not bad but why this is truly the symbol for the dark times on top of the management of the captains there are also often these cut scenes where the in-game characters who have their own gamepad contact each other with video feeds the TV then duplicates the display that you find on the gamepad just way smaller you can still read it but it's lame blame Nintendo for this one man the more Wii U games that get ported to the switch the more useless this piece of plastic feels so at this point assuming that you're doing your homework we can all assume that Pikmin 3 is mainly just more or less more of Pikmin 1 yeah that's that's basically it Pikmin 2 was split between emulating Pikmin 1 down to reusing similar locations and doing something kind of original with the dungeon-crawling elements of the caves while here in Pikmin 3 this is clearly a massive jump although it does stick to the original formula huge gorgeous locations that not only look way better but they are also a whole lot more atmospheric the size of these levels also leads to an adventure that is a whole lot longer than the first game but doesn't feel mostly like padding like the second game there's a stronger emphasis on strategy and diversity between the Pikmin types and something else that definitely shouldn't be understated Pikmin 3 is actually a narrative Lee driven game 2 instead of getting your goal at the start of the game and then that's it now you have constant motivation first off you got to find your partners after that you're on the search for all men the captain olimar who apparently has the cosmic drive key the part that's required to return back home however all the signals that are leading you to a Lamar's location oh no no it's him oh and he's in danger too well of course he is all right I guess we'll save him surely nothing bad will come from this [Music] ha no Louie exploded once we save him again we learned that orlimar was actually sent back to the planet to find more treasure to buy back the SS dolphin the ship from the first game apparently all the money that we made in Pikmin 2 still wasn't enough wow that sucks and naturally in typical all of our fashion he crashes his ship on the descent scarring this guy he should learn how to drive come to find out after his crash landing he was then taken captive by this mysterious creature the plasm race and yeah it's not gonna give them up super easily for some reason it's very motherly towards Olimar it's a little odd but okay you do very quickly get all of our back but this then leads to a super duper stressful final level where you're running away from a slowly crawling plasm race you're solving puzzles and defeating enemies along the way all the while trying to successfully carry Alomar back to your ship and dude III love this this last day or so of puzzle solving is super intense and it's something that we didn't really get to experience in the last two games Pikmin one just had that really short level before the boss and then two had a really really big boss but it was at the end of yet another cave here we have a proper test of every single skill and strategy that we've worked with for the entire adventure it's awesome eventually you escape the giant tree that you were trapped inside of which naturally leads to a final battle with the huge shiny monster itself similar to the Titans weevil before it it can attack every single Pikmin type with one of its moves but it is much more balanced too this time around thanks to the electricity not being instant death that really changes a whole lot about the game as a whole I wasn't lying this means you can probably go into this fight with a single Pikmin type but you're not totally screwed if you go in with a varied lineup the only real problem here is that the fight goes on for quite a while it's a whole lot of just hoping to get as many of these gold bits eliminated before he sucks them right back in but after what feels like forever and like everything else on this planet it goes down and eight of glory and with that captain olimar is saved oh man and that's right orlimar can talk too I have yet to mention it in this marathon but I love how deep all Amar's voices no one would ever expect it to be that deep it's so good we get given back our cosmic Drive key offer Olimar and Louie a trip back to their home planet and the adorable Pikmin say their goodbyes once again ending Pikmin 3 and dude the credits are so good I've said it multiple times so far but really words alone don't describe just how beautiful this game is and getting to see the Pikmin just having a good time in their environments it's so charming Wow would you look at that looks like the plot line to Pikmin 4 Oh Who am I kidding we're never getting Pikmin 4 so yeah Pikmin 3 this game is pretty fantastic though wait was totally worth it now I am hugely nostalgic for the first game much like a lot of you people out there but honestly this is probably the best game in the series yet it just has love and care put into it from start to finish it's a damn good game oh but of course we're not done yet if you thought Pikmin 2 had really good side content oh you haven't seen anything yet sadly the piccolo pedia is gone one of my favorite parts of Pikmin 2 just not here there's also no equivalent of hearing any of the captain's thoughts on specific monsters but what we have instead is a massively improved challenge mode and an even better multiplayer mode now titled mission mode it is similar to what we got in Pikmin 1 you are once again challenged with getting as much stuff done as you can within a time limit however now we have completely original maps to work with not the ones from the main game we even get access to the purple and white Pikmin here - this is all in good fun who cares about the deep lore of them being underground exclusive at this point the best part about this mission mode is you are given the perfect amount of time to deal with these challenges whether you're collecting treasure or defeating enemies you've got to be moving at all times if you want to get a good score and just when you thought things were looking too good they get even better this game had downloadable content they added five more maps with completely unique themes there's a festive house a rust yard a cavern that features side-scrolling sections a large factory with conveyor belts and making its grand return the forest naval from Pikmin 1 I had no idea that's what the map was when going into it and I was so happy to see it returned now I just want Pikmin 1 HD this is gorgeous I want more of this and yes just like Pikmin 2 this can be done in co-op as well you once again split up the responsibilities between two captains and it's a lot of fun but let's just say you would rather get into an argument with your friend instead of working with them dude dude introducing bingo battle one of the greatest multiplayer modes Nintendo has ever devised not only are we once again at dealing with completely original maps but instead of simply collecting a bunch of marbles like you did in Pikmin 2 now you have to complete a line any line on your randomly scattered bingo card and of course the cherries are back to giving you the opportunity to unleash hell upon your opponent similar to the battle mode in Pikmin 2 you got to play this with the right people you can't take this too seriously this is just a bunch of nonsensical fun however there is still a perfect blend of randomness with the bingo placements as well as strategy since you can still screw over the other player by getting an item that you don't need but you know they need do you happen to know the location of their last item but they don't know where it is huh yeah man that's that's really weird sorry I don't know what to tell you I haven't found it either I could go on for hours about how good bingo battle is and how it's just the cherry on top of an already fantastic package and actually when I think about it that analogy that I used earlier fits here too you got game one the originator game to the different one and continuing on with this trend game three merely perfecting the original formula all across the board Pikmin 3 is a gem now there may be some little nitpicks here and there but to me I couldn't really think up of anything now it is purely subjective which Pikmin game is your right but in terms of just overall quality yeah I think this one is the best and it's not just because I think I have a thing for Brittany I'm just saying you know she should have been playable in Smash and not that weird orlimar cosplayer but that's just that's just me now at the time of this video that's it that's the main series Pikmin games one two and three and that's it Pikmin four does apparently exist I doubt it Miyamoto keeps saying it every year just driving me quite frankly insane but regardless of that we're not done with the Pikmin franchise just yet because when you least expected it a 3ds game huh all right well next time on the Pikmin marathon next time on alf pearl Hey You Pikachu [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 777,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo Wii, New Play Control, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Hey! Pikmin, Pikmin 4, Pikmin Switch, Nintendo Switch, Pikmin Short Movies, Pikmin Nintendo Land, Nintendo Wii U, Captain Olimar, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Olimar in Smash, Olimarch, Alphpril, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Pikmin 3 Switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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