Pikmin 3 - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Day 1 - Crash Landing! (Nintendo Wii U)

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what's up guys axe Scott here playing Pikmin 3 for the Nintendo Wii U I own the previous two games for the Gamecube and I can't believe it's been so long since a Pikmin game but there can't be a better time than now thanks to you guys Nintendo games have done really well on my channel the first episode of Animal Crossing new leaf has over nine thousand likes almost ten thousand so let's see if we can get this video in that range as well also thanks for subscribing within days I will have 300,000 subscribers you may have came from Instagram Facebook or even my Zack Scott YouTube channel but wherever you came from let me know in the comments and let me know what you think of the Pikmin series now without further ado let's kick off Pikmin 3 thanks for being here please enjoy the live debate 20xx at the far reaches of space lies a planet on the brink of ruin the planets named co-pi due to a booming population booming appetites and the basic lack of planning Popeye's inhabitants have all but exhausted their food supply their only hope is to find another planet with edible letter accordingly they send unmanned Scout pizzas cold sparrows out in space their dismay the search is proving fruitless just as they're about to give up I'm vessel reports back with news of a most miraculous discovery they mobilize to investigate the planet which they named PMF 404 last time lessons three intrepid explorers the explorers 279,000 lightyear voyage nears its end but as they initiate the land Lawal all right guys it's time for some Pikmin 3 Zack Scott here once again exploration day 1 8:44 a.m. Charlie's crash site right awesome I love this space-themed already ugh it was a bob what happened whoa I am playing with the gamepad in case you guys don't know yellow Pikmin huh and this must be nice graphics so far where am I the last thing I remember was no oh of course this must be PMF 404 404 error not found Oh got a call Laurie well I'm calling the SS drink Charlie to ship Charlie to ship do you copy this is your captain I repeat do you copy hello know anyone so ho there's no response oh boy where's my ship my crew captain Charlie alright so guess that's me right now don't don't work I managed to escape unscathed but what about the rest of my crew they could be anywhere on pmf 404 well uh right now I am playing with the with the Wii U gamepad I prefer this method over using the remote or Wii Remote however you want to say it but this is really cool right now on the lower end of the gamepad oh it's just a graphic of Charlie I've got to find Alf and Brittany I only hope they survived in fact earlier when he held up the little display that was exactly what I was seeing on the gamepad oh there's a yellow Pikmin don't worry don't worry Charlie whoa huh what no don't worry charlie they're just as scared as you as you're scared of them okay what there are more of them Oh what is these Oh Oh even more you know hey is that a can we all small we can I seem to have wandered into a strange neighborhood oh why are they coming closer i whistle will scare them off sure here we go I'm surrounded that guy's just so you know maybe I should throw them I have not really played through Pikmin 1 or 2 I played Pikmin 1 but I have never played Pikmin 2 I own them get away from me get away why won't these guys stop hovering over me disperse there you go Oh get your mushrooms leave me alone oh they don't appear hostile oh so let me get this straight I could round up these creatures by pointing at them in pressing Zr and throw them with a finally I can dismiss the whole group with B so good let's get rounded up boom everyone follow me I need you to get these mushrooms right here keep them all yeah there you go all right good enough that's good pass it's good pass follow me captain Charlie I hear something oh whoa oh whoa pressing Z okay thanks I already know more yes so the lower-right squad and field so I guess there's five more in the field that I've only found Oh and I break through this here go go get this little confused I can't do anything with it only there's thirty there's five more still left in the quote-unquote feel what enormous mushrooms yeah go get one of them ah just set one of them I feel like there could be more somewhere how do I find the rest there anymore like oh yeah there was some back here weren't there hey you come on everyone I'm missing one I'm missing one doesn't matter oh no that's because the one is attacking that mushroom he's doing all the work he's my grunt all right let's go captain Charlie everyone follow captain Charlie you haven't you haven't finished that mushroom that's okay well everyone else here we go everyone round him up I got all 30 soon be very important maybe I don't notice important like at all yeah decimate this area destruction mushroom destruction nice everyone come back oh wait we're missing one you all right we got 30 going to this cave I guess here we go and right now my gamepad just says look at the TV these guys sure are dedicated that's good I need that as a captain I need dedicated soldiers oh it's dark whoa geez what are those it looks dangerous get him I don't care how many of you die in the process get them Wow that's right all right that was easy whoa that looks scary though what was that okay okay bad news uh-oh to be continued all right exploration day one 8:46 a.m. alfe's crash site so this is I guess I'll be playing through day one in today's video and once again thank you for every like and favorite I really do appreciate it this is of course the first episode in this series I'll play through the whole thing whoa what's that just be my ship or my escape pod or something probably my ship who knows oh my name is Alf I eat cats nothing's getting spelled differently than the love it it's a miracle I'm alive and somehow unharmed Oh wake up then Alf there we go so what's the catch just as the SS Drake was about to land we lost control and had to make an emergency escape during the chaos I was separated from my other two team members as well as the ship itself as a ship's engineer it's up to me out to find both the SS Drake and my crew members all right fair enough get out of this water don't to get hypothermia the path can't jump in this game can I wha it's a red one a red Pikmin again we're both scared of each other they stole what was that don't be surprised to find alien life on an alien planet you know better well there we go whoa what are they doing it appears that the specimen I just spotted has company and a bad guy or a good guy looks friendly and what's that stuck in that branch let's find out is there anything I can do gather up guys go get on Oh two or three oh I missed I missed now you get back you back up there there you go nice excellent I freed it hope it's a good guy oh good it's good it's good yeah I was hoping that it was a fruit ah but it doesn't appear to be edible at all nevertheless the red fellow seemed quite pleased now that it's freed fair enough good coming with me there's four in the field it means the field there's one let's watch the pile of rubble I don't know if it looks like you guys need to tend to it quick all four of us yeah don't you two up don't be lazy there you go where you guys going Oh oh dear you're building something oh you're building a bridge and there's what what is that ah my copass thank goodness I found it I can use it to locate the SS Drake well perfect that's great that's good news what's under here doesn't look like I can climb up that that's fine because they're building me a bridge come on guys get to work I'm not paying you in sympathy points for nothing alright uh so I guess these guys just gonna build a bridge for me they don't care they don't even know me I just walk in here like build me a bridge and like okay good graphics really good graphics so far this is uh I'm so glad that Nintendo finally has like a full HD machine you know the Wii U so that they can make their games you know crisp and clear and with great graphics nothing there games ever had bad graphics I'm just saying hey you're not done yet these guys are building me uh the bridge is complete thank you you guys are the best maybe wait come with me no one's getting off free no brakes no brakes all right I'm gonna get this this is exciting got it just like a camera whoa look at the okay it's showing me the same thing on the gamepad that is showing on the main screen right now so it's perfect great it still works of course I did expect nothing less from ko fight ko ko bites engineering I'll check my surroundings like tapping and sliding the the Copco pad screen I think it's ko pad their planet was like something clicked Oh where's the Drake so I'm actually touching the screen right now and you actually get to see it that's great that way I don't have to record the game pad sliding the KO pad map yo oh there it is he has a strike isn't that isn't that far from you great maybe the other two crew members are there as well I best head in that direction all right not very far Oh flowers so what's this actually there's a button here oh it's a camera holy moly oh wow hi oh wow I just took a picture add texture drawing to your photo and post on miiverse do I have to okay it's one free to post on miiverse um and by the way my name is Zach Scott here my first friends or workers friends okay sure do you guys can't see this I'm sorry this is not good sind there we go sind just get this done sorry sorry I shouldn't do this stuff when I'm recording and I apologize let's get back to the game alright it posted it the pictures you take will be displayed on the world map great alright let's let's get sorry let's silly of me why'd I do that I just get I I just had to explore all right come on that's so cool that this is a camera I can like look at this look at this trick step like hey you and I think I can focus on them I think it says tap to focus not working whatever okay sorry I'll stop playing around the camera is that red thing food whoa come back and say that I did say go that way you'll get this food I got you missed is gonna go anywhere great and you there's like another flower here go get it ah food okay I don't need all of you carrying this hey one of you one of you go one of you finished that the other one of you whoa uh-oh weird making more of those things I think that thing is popping out some sort of sprouts all right we come with me we got some more to do the one over here argh Oh Oh you get that you deal with that thank you please guys can't die again they keep doing all this ghost came out you see as ghosts come out oh yeah I go take that with you whoa they left what in the world is happening here what are you gonna do with that these guys are murderous let's see what happens like I'm pluck him just leave that guy to make more that's really gross you kill things and turn them into Pikmin red Pikmin to be specific nice I see so this is how these little creatures propagate how incredibly fascinating they kill things and they feed it to this fruit like thing and makes more that's cool all right whoa whoa whoa come with me all right let's go maybe there are more things to kill over here I don't know where was I oh yeah we crossed the bridge forgot all about that there gonna be more there we go come on you guys go get those bite them then there's like a flower here he's ghost man that is crazy one of you go get this guy there you go though so sad for the ghosts the spirits their soul well isn't this huge make it requires five there you go Justin bour okay finish it off bring it back this is great this is wonderful yes keep feeding these guys and these guys are coming along as well nice hurry up yeah seven of you carrying this thing that requires five to be much faster than this he's gonna make a ton more pigment I bet nice okay let's start plucking them yes nicely done whoa everyone come with me we had 21 perfect now we are gonna go and do what the box here that requires 20 what is this enormous thing the Drake goes eh somewhere on the other side of it all right yeah we need all of you here there you go everyone go get it perfect and one guy's standing supervise please ha ha ha nicely done whoa what is that what's that let's find it looks like a here we go got it it looks like someone's left a data file here perhaps the code pad will be able to read it perhaps so and here we go Pikmin ology number one the onion of this union is like a nest for the Pikmin it both gives birth to them and provides them a shelter cool excellent the code pad can read the data file so these creatures are called Pikmin I knew that from the game title this information might come in handy later on so I'll save it in the co pad 6 exploration notes very cool installing got it great thank you okay I don't think captain Charlie wrote the date the state of file so who did could there be other intelligent life-forms on this planet everyone with me we got 21 out of 21 and we have got to find out what's next according to the radar the drakes should be through here how's this anything interesting you guys do anything with this red flowers go get them nope come with me all right going through the cave whoa it's lit up in all these mushrooms wow those are massive they don't look edible who cares don't get some mushrooms guys peace I think they can eat them for fun so memories there you go have a field day yeah yeah no no keep it up keep it up guys have fun what is the point of this is this do anything hey lazy guys come here keep working all right where is everyone did everyone accounted for what happens there you go I guess I just I'm gonna eat this final mushroom see if anything right now no sort of special I thought maybe something special would happen if I ate all the mushrooms but I guess not who built this wall here is more signs of intelligent life maybe so go get it guys yeah Sam castle wall on the iCore even stand by if you do my crew could learn a lot from this kind of teamwork seriously and this kind of like subordination as well all right dude Zenit there it is the SS Drake perfect that was easier than I thought what the co pad isn't picking up any signs of life on the immediate area well great what am I supposed to do now oh I'm receiving a call I will answer it coming transmission okay who could it be alfe it's me Britney do you copy I do copy thank goodness you're with the SS Drake right I made it through the landing in one piece the thing is I'm trapped somewhere and I'm star Oh star what starving probably eat some Pikmin this is kidding oh no we got cut off I wonder how far away Britney is but at the very least I'm thankful that she appears to be safe and sound true what's that strange sound I don't know get your spaceship dude that sounds scary the Sun is setting which could mean that nocturnal predators are starting to wake up did you eat dishes I should probably get off the plants planet's surface for now for real get your spaceship great graphics great gameplay so far fun interesting well this looks like a bigger ship land it next to it or something look at weird the symbols on the ground are weird weird me out all right beautiful please what's that little thing follow that the onions following me I guess let's go to space guys hope you can survive up here again I think the Pikmin are following me most of the supplies we brought with us from co-pi were destroyed in the crash landing so now only have three days worth of edible provisions left what don't need one now ah okay there we go starting tomorrow I'll have to find some local food Pikmin skip day one is complete guys what is that does that mean who knows replay so I really want to replay this I guess not but I'm curious what happens if I be oh oh that's number that must be the number of Pikmin that I had ms th cool okay well get 21 Pikmin what happened in Charlie I guess he didn't make it through alright well guys thanks so much for watching come back next time for more Pikmin 3 day 1 we're shipwrecked on this planet some features called Pikmin help me find the SS Drake but our cosmic Drive key is nowhere to be found we won't be going anywhere without that luckily I made contact with Brittany and will set out to find her tomorrow when I took off in the ship the onion took flight as well odd but amazing once again guys thanks for every like and favorite yes we're done with day one I'm Zack Scott subscribe if you have not if you liked this video and want to help this channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thanks so much for watching and check out these other awesome videos see you next time
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 4,732,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin 3, Pikmin, Pikmin 3 Walkthrough Part 1, Pikmin 3 Gameplay, Pikmin 3 Walkthrough, Pikmin 3 Part 1, Pikmin 3 Trailer, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let's Play, Part 1, Day 1, trailer, new, Nintendo Wii U, Nintendo, Wii U, Pikmin Wii U, Pikmin 3 Wii U, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games, Zack, Scott, Games
Id: pQiUm0Vnfl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2013
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