Cheesey Easter Eggs in A Hat In Time (w/ DLC) - DPadGamer

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a hat and time is one of those special kind of games that's just chock full of easter eggs and fun bits of attention to detail which is what we'll be looking at in this video like for example there is a mountain of pillows in hat kid's bedroom if you use the ice hat you can drop down into her secret pillow fort which contains hat kid's diary what some players might overlook is the fact that the diary actually updates after every act of every chapter giving us a nice look into the character of hat kid also nearby there's a toy box that when open gives a single pawn using the camera badge we can peek inside to find all kinds of stuff some of it stands out like there's a little spaceship which has buttons laid out in a vaguely n64 control scheme also more than a few of the objects actually reference scrapped character designs like this weirdly flickering one of a sand worm which i think was going to be a merchant in the level sand and sails which is the level that eventually became alpine skyline also there's a science owl which was what the conductor owls would have originally been his clipboard has a chart explaining that mafia and little girl are dumb seagull is smart owls are very smart and kickstarter backers are the smartest oh also tucked away under the owl is a knife oh that kid should really return that to the kitchen unrelated if you check hat kid's closet you get this text explaining that since you only wear one outfit there's lots of room for skeletons what a great play on words not spooky at all also completely unrelated if you idle long enough strange noises can be heard reverberating from somewhere in the ship normally this takes at least 20 minutes to happen but with a power of editing it's just long enough to talk about the sponsor of today's video squarespace in the past if you wanted to make a website you'd need to wear all kinds of hats programmer designer other technical terms squarespace has everything you need to create and host a website built right into their own one platform instead of messing around deep in the gears of web development you can spend your valuable time building your site however you want there's plenty of beautiful templates to help you get started and then adding new pages and other elements often take just a single click as such creating my hypothetical snatcher fan site has never been easier i'd love to spend more time sharing my poorly thought out puns but instead let me save you some time and even money head over to dpedgamer or use the link in description to sign up for a free trial and then when you're ready use code d-pad gamer for 10 off your first purchase again that's squarespace.compadgamer and code d-pad gamer for 10 off your first purchase that said big thanks to squarespace for sponsoring this video oh i think my time clock is time ringing which means the noises are about to start spooky this is also completely unrelated but the bedroom is also home to the start of a cryptic series of messages penned by someone or something named our king the first is underneath the purple chair which points us towards the red toolbox that's the one next to the not a nintendo game dodecahedron that leads us to the kitchen which then sends us down to the basement this note in the basement was originally behind the washing machine with the circular door but this room was changed with the seal the deal dlc i looked and looked and i even clipped the camera out of bounds accidentally but it just seems like the note is gone still it would have pointed us down towards the lab where we find a note in the green microwave looking machine which sends us to the machine room which then sends us to the addict it's here that the hunt for the r king concludes as there is a small hole under the stairs which leads to the king's castle while i don't think this means much outside of it being a fun yet weird easter egg one can assume that our king a roach king there turned himself and everything else into gold before moving on in one way or another he also leaves behind a couple of messages as you can see here also when i reached out to my community for input on this game's easter eggs youtube user mariofan665 pointed out that you can find the same hole at the end of the tour rift which instead of a castle holds a strange miniature portal thing which is neat switching gears a bit the radio near the chapter 2 telescope has text that mentions acquaintances at the table goodbye from sunshinetown and two brothers and then also a third additional brother myself these are actually referencing podcasts specifically friends at the table welcome to night vale and my brother my brother and me that last one being a personal favorite of mine also in chapter two there is a warning sign that calls you out for being a silly goose for zooming in on it which is funny because i specifically put out a request on twitter because i couldn't figure out where it was from and twitter user not dippy's here help me identify that it can be found in chapter 2 of act 6 which is probably the exact opposite of what they wanted for this sign also in chapter 2 during the murder on the al express there is a large tv in the vip room with a title screen reminiscent of metal gear solid much like the tv in the spaceship the bulks in these are from gabe the dog an internet legend that'll live on in this game and our hearts in that same level later on is a screen in the room labeled keep out which shows had kids anatomy so uh yeah there's there's ribs uh femurs that's right a skull a very small brain okay uh candy in her hat and even bones in her ponytail yeah that checks out okay also the tv at the beginning of train rush shows an animation reminiscent to the opening of kirby's adventure which explained how to draw kirby this was another suggestion by mariofan665 so thank you for that and this animation might be familiar because we talked about a very similar one in the mario game watch video that i covered previously moving on to chapter 3 there is a bunch of stuff contained inside of vanessa's manor and i'm not just talking about spookiness so there are a bunch of frozen characters many of which are actually cuts or scrapped characters from earlier in developments going in alphabetical order there's the ulster a tall scared undressed old man who was supposed to do what the goof of mafia does in the final game basically being the chase victim and she came from outer space the old stir was removed about a year before the game's release as there wasn't enough time for character development there's also rough patch aka bushcat a cut enemy which would have appeared in subcon forest but uh does it be here so it's almost in its home environment i guess also there is the shapeshifter a character who originally would have appeared i think as like the murderer in what would become murder on the al express and also thor the character who was supposed to be the one who set up all the robots and hookshot points in mafia town and also while we're at it talking about cut characters i'll mention moon jumper the scrapped antagonist for chapter three a puppeteer and a lot of his elements ended up getting absorbed by snatcher who ended up being a pretty awesome character so i don't mind that much there's also tim ceo of time a character who appeared in the pre-release and prototype versions of the game and also there was tim's friend a two-dimensional black and white spirit who would along with tim help with early tutorials now for other stuff in the manor hey did you know that there is actually a small crawl space between a couple of the barrels and the manor's basement which takes the player directly to the addict this is a perfect spirit on shortcut and also a easy way to skip the spooky horse action if you are so inclined and uh while we're there at the top of vanessa's manor there is a glowy bit of art that resembles the goggle-wearing often glowy-eyed rasputin from psychonauts which i think is pretty neat oh while we're here i should mention that vanessa's manor has an unused third floor that can still be reached using good old console commands by designs it's pitch black and would have included snatcher disguised as the doppelganger of hatkid however the devs deemed it not fun and it would have needed to be totally overhauled for the puzzle to work so they decided to scrap it that said even completely lit the floor is straight up spooky with a healthy dose of unsettling also that one glowing moving demonic red eye always staring at you just out of you that's a nice touch i like that one now before we talk about stuff from seal the deal i want to talk about this twitter post made by the official hat in time twitter which said fun fact we had a seal to deal dlc death wish hidden easter egg on her website for over six months before the dlc was announced don't think anyone found it or if they did they didn't snitch which is pretty neat i guess sometimes stuff just goes overlooked not overlooked in death wish snatcher has a voice line that actually references the al israel two four zero one rumor you know from mars 64. did you know you could unlock luigi by completing every death wish on the first attempt i don't even know what that is but that has to be genuine i read it online i i don't have much to say there it's just it's just great now in chapter six arctic cruise there is this cabinet in the kitchen where if you go and crawl into there hat kid will put a discarded cookie in her mouth which will stay there until you close the game or leave the level also nearby there is a hidden death wish where you have to kick six cans behind the reception desk which is so obnoxious and so pointless but if you want to do it there is one can on the floor nearby another up on this walkway a third outside the door two more up on the nearby platform and then one final one which is the hardest to get if you try try try again and eventually get them all down and back behind the receptionist desk you'll get a pair of golden shades which is awesome and also takes the shape of a golden turkey for some reason so it's so pointless and i wasted like a half hour for this but i did it and you can do it too if you want i guess that's that's the thing also on the arctic cruise there is a daycare which has a clipboard which if you zoom in on reads notes for the day here is my theory on mole man you see one time i walked in on my mom who was talking about some mole man and my eyes widened like some anime dude because let me tell you i thought mole man was just a myth in some game so i ran up to her and grabbed her face and said is it true is mole man real and she looked at me like i was a madman that's when it hit me it's not mole man but mud man i i am mad i don't even have a mom there is another reference to mole man tucked away inside this dresser back in the spaceship's attic if you use the dweller mask a cipher is revealed once decrypted it reads two stars a black hole gateway of light the forgotten temple a message of hands pillars of fire the souls of his people reigning sun the truth between two travelers of time a peaceful garden the promise of a hat this is completely meaningless sorta so you see the mole man was the mysterious figure at the center of a hat in time-related arg or alternate reality game which took place near the game's original release there was a mole man youtube channel which had cryptic videos with cryptic descriptions and even two different mods made by one of the game's developers as part of the arg the lore that the arg contained has since been deemed not canon and thus it doesn't mean all that much these days but still it remains as one of those neat easter eggs in the game that's just sort of there just sort of like the various locations you can find where there is a wheel of cheese that says sawed off which is basically like go away in other terms there is one in the smoke stack of chapter 2's train there is one on the top of this building in picture perfect and there is even a giant one inside the giant yellow sun that's approximately half a solar system away from the spaceship as if that wasn't enough there is another cheese which is super notable in arctic cruise right at the start which requires co-op and you flinging yourself up there or you could just cheat but once you interact with it you get this super confusing interaction just just just watch [Music] [Music] yep that's that's definitely a thing heading into chapter seven [Music] okay let me explain yakuza metro has a secret mini boss called miyajima who could be reached by following the route i showed previously and then interacting with the cover that you end up next to which kicks off this really weird love letter to goro mijima time to bring out your fighting spirit as you may know there is a bunch of purchasable outfits and flair one of them being headphones which on each side has a qr code one of them reads check the other side and the other reads you're a dummy lol uh in the yellow station you'll get to this part where if you look up you can see a pretty neat flag and on either side there are two rooms each containing weird looking characters which are actually kickstarter backers which is pretty neat also this is super weird but part way through nacuza metro purple rift there is a speaker that can be found which outputs morse code once translated i believe it says they put bugs in him which i think is a reference to kingdom hearts recoded mickey it's riku they put bugs in him what oh and uh jumping to the end of the game not really a spoiler but did you know there's actually a fake out ending that you can experience by leaving when prompted by mustache girl before the final battle if you leave and then accept the multiple incredulous prompts that like why would you do this you're leaving not even going to put up a fight [Music] pathetic it shows hecate running and crying and tumbling down to kick off his saddest credit scenes ever [Music] which is then cut short by the cheers of the npcs we've come to know throughout the game and then hat kid gets up to go back into the fight which is oddly it's it's it's all the inspiring uh but then you could go and do it again if you want which is fun thank you for watching thanks to my channel members worth of support and an out of this world thanks to christy countries to donate mr manager kelly rhodes and captain crayfish for being super fans if you liked this video maybe leave a like subscribe if you want and why not check out some of my other videos two of which also feature hat in time that's it for this video i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 364,888
Rating: 4.9564486 out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs in A Hat In Time, A Hat in Time Easter Eggs, Hat in Time Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs in Hat in Time, A Hat in Time Secrets, A Hat in Time, Gears For Breakfast, Easter Eggs With DPadGamer, Sod Off Cheese, Moleman1111, Moleman, R King, Roach King Notes, Hat in Time Shortcut, Nyakuza Metro, Seal The Deal, hat in time, gears for breakfast, a hat in time, A Hat In Time References
Id: -VT1UqURIyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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