Hey! Pikmin | Portable Plant Power - AntDude

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[Music] the Pikmin trilogy what a fantastic set of games they are for a company that is often criticized for rarely creating big new IP Nintendo developed quite an awesome universe about gathering up a plant like army and strategizing with them to collect treasure and take down huge threatening insects sure we did have to wait a while for Pikmin 3 but looking at all the final products yeah man it's it's great stuff now Pikmin 4 is on the way if we're to believe the prophecy but until then you know at least at least we have Pikmin short movies yeah you know you can't you can't forget about this just randomly dropping on the Wii U and 3ds eshop s-- these were actually pretty cool what we have here are three scenarios totaling roughly 20 minutes of animation and it is really the first time that we get to see just a huge amount of charm that this universe can offer I mean like one of the episodes is about the Pikmin fearing for their life because they think that Olimar is about to eat them so I don't I don't know if that one is charming necessarily but aside from that yeah yeah super charming they use the Pikmin license without insulting the fanbase I know such a rarity I could watch hours and hours of this stuff this is the sort of thing that Nintendo should do more often okay that that was pretty awesome so while Pikmin 4 remains in purgatory Nintendo went ahead and gave us another game this time on the 3ds I'm pretty confident in saying this is a game that absolutely nobody asked for so this this was a nice gift from them I guess welcome back to alph pearl everybody today we're taking a look at so far the only portable Pikmin game it's also the last time I have to say alf Perl so that's that's really good news yeah so like did any did anybody play this game it released months into the switch's life so at that point I think people stopped caring about 3ds games but hey you know Pikmin hasn't really done me wrong just yet let's let's see how this first spin-off in the series fares this adventure was developed by our zest as opposed to being in-house Nintendo like the others yeah those are the same people who made everybody's favorite 3ds game Yoshi's new island people really like to rag on this game but I don't know I kind of liked it it's not terrible but ultimately it still doesn't leave for an awesome track record for the company now though with Pikmin this is a totally different style of game so I guess we can go in with completely different expectations this is something that's gonna be completely new and original and we should go into it expecting as much the story this time revolves around Olimar driving into a meteor and crash landing onto a planet oh my god are you kidding me this this is his job isn't it isn't his whole job to be like oh he has to go deliver things he works for a freight company you know I figure that his eyes were just a design choice but now I legitimately think that he just has them closed at all times this incredibly bad habit of his is so iconic that crashing his ship is literally his final smash but okay after we get past that little bit the story is super basic you crash land onto the planet and you need to refill your fuel tank by collecting a whole bunch of this new substance spark Liam and find the missing component that allows your ship to return home and at this point you know I would kind of figure that ho quĂ­tate fright would have some sort of like insurance workers compensation you know something to help its employees out but maybe maybe they're still paying off their debt that's that's all I got so if you know a thing or two about portable Nintendo games you may remember Kirby Mass attack of course you do it's the one Kirby game where tons of people said that the gameplay style could probably work as a Pikmin game well clearly somebody listened because instead of converting the traditional Pikmin gameplay to a portable console we have our first ever 2d side-scrolling Pikmin Advent now inherently this eliminates a lot of what made Pikmin great in the first place rather than dealing with full expansive worlds we are working with a more traditional level format where your primary goal is to simply get from point A to point B as well as explore just a little bit to search for some treasure it's also one of the few 3ds games that goes for the original DS thing of splitting up the gameplay between both screens instead of relegating one to like a map or something and I got to give the game credit here this is one of my favorite things about the DES line of systems as a result of this shift in gameplay there is next to no level of strategy here each stage has you start with 0 Pikmin with the maximum potential being 20 and the types that you have access to are preset as the gimmicks and hazards that you come across are built to use specific Pikmin you never have to worry about choosing who goes in your army like you do in the other games also that's not his voice his voice is way deeper than that zero at a 10 not faithful enough to the deep Pikmin lore despite these changes though the core idea kinda remains the same you work with what you're handed and you gotta practice quick reflexes in order to thrive and survive and also have a mastery of the touchscreen controls that is a thing as well and I have to say it's actually pretty satisfying similar to using the Wii mode in the other games where you point out where you want the Pikmin to go and then throw them there it's almost just as satisfying to tap the screen and then see them fly there even though we're working with only two dimensions now it still feels pretty good this time around our army consists of the Pikmin 3 crew with no real changes there are the Reds for fire yellows for electricity and higher platforms blues for water rocks for glass and wing-it for flying still no Bulba men though rest in peace so with no real reason to keep your mind active at all times the game instead tries to have variety by using the platformer approach of giving each stage a bit of a unique theme some of them are returning from earlier games and some of them are brand new there is picking up and using bombs there's dealing with specific enemies that tower you being held by winget Pikmin in a windstorm that's one of my favorite parts of the whole game getting attached from fire shooting enemies from off in the background it's all pretty neat stuff but the question is is it fun kinda with no strategy and not even much in the way of challenge it almost feels as if the developers wanted to show off a bunch of cool ideas that they managed to cook up rather than put you in front of obstacles that you're meant to overcome any substantial challenge comes from trying to keep your Pikmin alive though it's not even that huge of a hassle since some parts of the level will just restock you anyway unless you get screwed right at the very end which to be fair is very possible chances are pretty high that you'll end the level with the 20 maximum Pikmin it's also pretty hard to care about them all that much when okay so I cannot tell if this was intentional or not but what was initially a joke in their debut the bread bugs have become the face of absolute fear and despair okay am I crazy am I crazy I could have sworn that I nailed it it's the damnedest thing man the game honestly has pretty solid hit detection all around except for these carbohydrate and sex tools oh man a loaf of bread with a face that tries to play tug-of-war with the items hahaha that's so cute now we make them the worst thing ever huh at least at least the rest of the animals that you come in contact with are pretty cool you got a whole bunch of new and returning foes and they fit the revamped 2d Pikmin style just fine and that goes for the bosses as well at the end of each of the games eight worlds is a large boss fight honestly they're they're pretty stupid easy they have one super easy pattern that takes no time to discover and then they go down in like a minute or two it's a shame really you almost feel bad for them they don't have a chance but to be fair I guess if losing Pikmin to the bread bugs drives me to the brink of insanity I almost prefer knowing that I can take these guys out in no time you get rewarded for completing stages with no lost Pikmin so the less crap that keeps me in the way from my gold star the ultimately hey Pikmin does a whole lot different but there is still enough here that got translated over that it still does feel like a Pikmin game graphically it looks okay you know not too terrible they worked with what they got there's some pretty solid lighting effects in a few levels that was pretty nice to see the soundtrack also not too bad some catchy melodies it's not as crazy as Pikmin two's cave music was but it's pretty good the worst part about the entire package is the framerate is shockingly poor I will tell you this right now do not play this game if you only have an original 3ds somehow the game chugs on the original model which is super disappointing if you play this on any of the new 3ds it does still have some framerate drops here and there but it is at least playable nobody really expected a 2-d Pikmin game to ever exist but what we ended up getting it's it's fine it almost feels uninteresting to talk about the games just okay you know I see people hate this game a lot but I think that's just because the game is different therefore it's bad but if you actually play it it's alright I had a good enough time with it despite doing some things that are pretty new it also kind of feels safe at the same time you have definitely never played something quite like it except for Kirby Mass attack but even then you kind of know what to expect easily my favorite part of the entire adventure is in an effort to make the Pikmin more charming than ever you are bombarded with a bunch of short cut scenes that show off the little plant like creatures just doing something cute there are a ton of these and sometimes even Olimar is involved you honestly can't go five minutes a gameplay without seeing at least one of them and you could argue that this is to make up for the repetitive gameplay since when you do come across them they're not skippable and I think the intention was to have you forget that the game is basically exactly the same from title screen to credits so yeah I guess they have a purpose but even still I loved these I noticed that some people were really a fan of them but I'm just a sucker for these cute little things and since they just sit there being adorable in the main games it's actually pretty cool to show off a bit of personality big fan and aside from dealing with some repetition the only problem I have here is accessing the secret levels you see each world has four main levels and a boss fight but within one of the normal levels you can find a secret exit but rather than truly rewarding exploration and experimentation they are often sitting almost right next to the normal exits meaning you have to play the levels in question at least twice if you want to get a hundred percent completion it's not chibi-robo zip lash levels of stupid stage progression but it still still kind of sucks aside from that again the game is pretty much fine and inoffensive I would go as far to say it's good so if you remember correctly ah Lamar's goal is to gather a whole lot of spark Liam levels are filled to the brim with it the treasure that you find gave you a few hundred upon collection there are these really short extra levels that are meant to just overload you with the stuff there's this Pikmin park thing we're all of the Pikmin that you've gathered on your adventure can be sent off to retrieve even more a casual playthrough will give you the required amount by like halfway through so you'll you'll be fine as you progress to your goal you get some upgrades too but they're all pretty minor it's mainly just all a stopgap before getting to the ultimate goal of retrieving the vital ship part after traversing through eight sectors of everything trying to kill you you're eventually led to the final stretch the fragment of hope so menacing here we're greeted with the massive plant creature the berserk leech hydro dam what a name it's still it's still pretty easy but I got to say going back to the hole to screen thing it does a wonder for these boss fights they offer a sense of scale that is almost parallel to Pikmin 3 I would go as far as to say in this massive thing I mean man that's he's gigantic but no matter how much I praise it it is a very simple fight you got a couple of phases a lot of throwing Pikmin and then it's defeated as it turns out the creature was actually just a normal plant transformed into a monster after being taken over by this parasitic leech that has been altered by the spark Liem converter the item that we've been looking for all this time [Music] cute now if you excuse me orlimar do yo dance with your ship finally repaired you and the Pikmin get to celebrate you then say goodbye once again Alomar us ascends into the heavens and returns to his home planet peacefully ending hey Pikmin there aren't really many extras in this one there is a me Bo support where you can collect Mario animal crossing and splatoon figurines as treasure in the game after scanning them in that's that's kind of cool and we do sort of have the return of the piccolo pedia in the form of just simple data logs and man whoever whoever wrote these up really needs a promotion this blue pellet creates blue Pikmin makes sense I find them near water a lot which also lines up alright that's he's very observant they're big eyes suggest that they have excellent vision while the puckered lips indicate that they're good kissers all right I think I think all of our misses his wife maybe if I keep observing its behavior I can begin to understand why my wife has a hard time throwing anything away okay maybe maybe not I don't know I still can't figure out if it's shy or if it's desperately seeking attention yeah you may as well just go ahead and change that description from male sheer grub to to youtuber so yeah hey Pikmin is a pretty okay game definitely not as terrible as everyone else would have you make it out to be you know what a franchise as successful as Pikmin a spin-off was inevitable whether we wanted one or not and for what it's worth it's okay if you have a specifically new model 3ds he couldn't hurt it'll it'll tide you over before Pikmin 4 never releases and thankfully it's already been confirmed that despite Miyamoto talking about Pikmin 4 before hey Pikmin was announced this game is not the game that Miyamoto was referring to that does in fact mean that at some point in the probably distant future we will continue this Pikmin marathon with Pikmin for that game exists it's totally gonna happen we swear it's never gonna happen is it [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 464,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Nintendo Gamecube, Nintendo Wii, New Play Control, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, Hey! Pikmin, Pikmin 4, Pikmin Switch, Nintendo Switch, Pikmin Short Movies, Pikmin Nintendo Land, Nintendo Wii U, Captain Olimar, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Olimar in Smash, Olimarch, Alphpril, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Pikmin 3 Switch
Id: udM98ZilF0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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