107 Pikmin Facts - Super Coin Crew

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Again with the "Miyamoto said this takes place in post-extinction Earth" rumor... To this day, still no proof of it ever happening.

What is the target audience for this? Some of these facts are pretty simple stuff that only interest people who never heard of the series, and then all of a sudden you get trivial facts that are only mean anything to people who've played the game for quite a while.

Some of these are also weirdly said (If you spend some time on the title screen, you see the "toyoda" text? Huh?)

Eh, it's an okay list.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EspyoPT 📅︎︎ Apr 14 2016 🗫︎ replies
Pickman is easily one of Nintendo's most colorful and unique franchises by introducing elements of real time strategy and blending them into a puzzle filled adventure many gamers put it into a category all on its own and what makes the game iconic beyond its mechanics as the mysterious and sometimes dark story unlike any major Nintendo IP to date so how did such a strange game come to be and what makes it so memorable and beloved we're here to give you the inside scoop so get ready because I'm Nicky with super coin crew where it's non-stop Nintendo and we're rallying up all of our colorful plant friends to bring both diehard fans and newbies alike the 107 facts you should know all about Nintendo's Pikmin let's get started number one Pikmin made its first reveal at e3 2001 with a presentation by Shigeru Miyamoto and Colin Reed this came alongside a video showing the games that were still in development including Luigi's Mansion super smash brothers melee and Metroid Prime number two Alomar and the Pikmin crash-landed in Japan on October 26 2001 this was followed by a North American release in December and a European / Australian release in June of the following year this makes it one of the earliest games released in the GameCubes lifespan number three while North America and Europe Pikmin box art features more action the japanese box art went with a different direction instead of a red bulb orb scooping up Pikmin with its mouth the box simply features the three Pikmin types blue yellow red in front of a yellow background with flowers along with the subtitle raised from seed number four Pikmin was developed by Nintendo EAD and more recently Nintendo EAD Group number four which is responsible for most of the games in the new Super Mario Brothers series and the rest of the Pikmin series Hiroyuki Kimura the producer for most of the games developed by Nintendo EAD Group number four also co-produced Super Mario maker which you all know we love number five pickman's gameplay was based off of a gamecube tech demo known as Super Mario 128 which featured many mini Mario's dismantling in 8-bit Mario the mini Mario's would pick up the block that represented a pixel of the 8-bit Mario and carry the blocks away the tech demo was used to showcase the gang whose ability to utilize multiple lies this base gameplay eventually evolved to incorporate the Pikmin number six in an interview with Nintendo Power Miyamoto revealed that Pikmin was originally going to be a game called Adam and Eve the premise of the game was to watch as two characters develop through life the player acted as a god type character and based on the players Asians the two characters could make a nest and have children or continuously fight number seven while the initial idea for Adam and Eve featured two characters the number of characters soon increased in number development eventually shifted to something more akin to Pikmin when the goal of the game was questioned developers also desired to control a large group of characters using the newly developed Z stick number eight the size of Pikmin was chosen after several other aspects of the game were created Miyamoto and the team envisioned a primitive world featuring lots of villages and fights against mammoths everything was pictured in a bigger scale it was ultimately decided that the world would be based on something more familiar number 9 the concept for Pikmin came from a time when she guru Miyamoto took interest in gardening one day he was relaxing on his patio and noticed and argued by his feet carrying leaves to their nest for a moment he imagined what the scene would be like if the task was done by tiny people instead of ants number 10 the first iteration of Pikmin designs was colored black like ant and featured no facial features Colin Reed the lead programmer said he didn't really like them at first but once they added colors like red yellow and blue his opinion changed number eleven at one point the team believed the pigment should be about 30 to 50 centimeters in size or around the size of a house cat they weren't plant-like creatures after all number 12 it wasn't until the dev team came up with the idea to pick up and toss the pigment that they had a final direction to steer the game number 13 during development there were plans to make Pikmin all different body types and sizes like fat tall small etc but this didn't make it into the final cut while the original Pikmin only varied in color the future games in the series ended up featuring pigment of different sizes those sizes were limited to specific types of pigment the purple white flying and rock Pikmin number 14 Alomar the character controlled by the player wasn't added until later in development in the beginning Miyamoto even believed that the idea of a player character would it be interesting since in the original development they use pigment as a weapon later iterations made the Pikmin more companion with their use leaning towards tools rather than weapons number 15 there were originally plans to make a system to allow players to manage Pikmin in a more in-depth level like picking favorites and rotating out tired Pikmin however they felt like these features made the gameplay too complex so the team decided to tone down the features and make it a little more simple number 16 each Pikmin has an individual AI in large groups you can see that some pigment will choose not to work and stand idle not doing anything Pikmin also react differently in certain situations and look around in different directions this was done so that the player felt that the pigment had some sort of free will the development team also had the ability to make the pigment active more freely but they chose against it as they thought it would frustrate the player more than helped them number 17 it was more important to me and moto that the Pikmin life cycles were prominent in the game it was his intention to show children that in nature even though characters died they are reborn and a new beginning follows number 18 the scenery found in Pikmin also took inspiration from the mountains and gardens around Miyamoto's house number 19 Miyamoto once stated that the world of Pikmin takes place in a world 250 million years in the future after the extinction of the human race wait the scenery was inspired from Miyamoto's house but the game takes place in the future Miyamoto is a time traveler confirmed number 20 pickman's graphics were highly developed for the time as the self-sustaining ecosystem is constantly in motion around you making the world feel truly alive number 21 Masamichi ah be noted that the Red Bull board was the only creature / concept to make it through all of the stages of development as it was originally the previously mentioned mammoth number 22 according to Miyamoto creatures weren't frightening at all until they started creating ones that ate Pikmin Reed even pointed out that there was once a creature that would do its own thing while a Pikmin leg stuck out of its mouth but said that he of course removed it thankfully because it sounds heart-wrenching number 23 the bell at the end of each day was inspired by melodies used in some rural areas in Japan they would symbolize the coming of sunset and the time to go home Miyamoto also compared the end of day Pikmin round up to teacher rounding up students number 24 Pikmin music was composed by Hajime Makai what continued his work with music Pickman to the legend of zelda windwaker and in ten dogs he sure does have a knack for calm and soothing tunes number 25 a soundtrack for Pikmin titled Pikmin world was released in May 2002 it contains 36 tracks for your listening pleasure unfortunately it was only released in Japan but that's what Amazon is for number 26 as of this year Pikmin is sold one point six three million units which is a bit higher than its sequels number 27 the commercial for pigment in the United States parodied several types of nature documentaries complete with the European host number 28 in Japan Nintendo released a series of commercials for Pikmin featuring the song I know Oda by the group strawberry flower number 29 I know is told through the perspective of the Pikmin and has some pretty sad tones to it several lines in the song roughly translate to quote uprooted we follow only you alone today will carry fight multiply and be eaten again a bandit will meet up again and be thrown but we'll follow you until the end of our strength wow that is kind of sad number 30 the song garnered a lot of attention and became one of the most recognizable and popular songs in Japan at the time I know you - single CD did remarkably well selling over six hundred thirty thousand copies which is just over the sales of Pikmin the game it was advertising it was considered a media phenomena selling equally across multiple age groups and music tastes number 31 as an ode to the success of ánotá if the player gathers 20 of each pigment color in Pikmin 2 they will bunch up and start humming the famous song number 32 Pikmin features civil character designers such as Daisuke Kageyama who worked on The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker - tell me me Okawa whose work you've probably seen in the Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask Jun Jie Mori who did some designs in Pokemon Stadium and Kenta moto Korra lead character designer on Super Mario Galaxy basically they're good at what they do number 33 the script for Pikmin was written by moto Okamoto who went on to work on titles such as Luigi's Mansion super mario sunshine and Pikmin 2 number 34 while Shigeru Miyamoto acted as producer for Pikmin the late hiroshi yamauchi worked as the executive producer marking one of the over 200 games he's been credited in number 35 when the Nintendo logo pops up during the start of the game a Pikmin status Pikmin but on rare occasion you can say whoa or sigh there are even times when an unknown jet word is spoken number 36 if for some reason you're spending some time on the title screen you can spot the name Toyota this is references tokihiko Toyota the screen designer for Pikmin number 37 the game starts with the protagonist captain olimar cruising through space on a personal vacation when a rogue asteroid collides with his ship losing control all more crash lands on an eerily familiar planet upon waking up he realizes his ship has been completely destroyed and that the planet dubbed pmf 404 in Pikmin 3 has an atmosphere filled with poisonous oxygen that his life-support can only filter for 30 days knowing this Alamar sets off to recover any ship part he can find number 38 a day in the world of Pikmin last about 13 real-world minutes so don't waste your time lollygagging and start grabbing those ship parts number 39 Alomar's Japanese name is pronounced and spelled as or Teema an anagram of Mario number 40 orlimar became a playable fighter in Super Smash Brothers Brawl using his Pikmin during battle number 41 Oliver's home planet is named ha contain the name actually comes from the address of Nintendo's Japanese headquarters 11-1 Ho katatak Cho combi Toba minnie Miku Kyoto Japan which were relocated to in the year 2000 number 42 before orlimar set off on his voyage his wife made him a famous pocket asian soup made with quote three large onions and hundreds of miniature red yellow and blue carrots what does it sound familiar number 43 oh right Oliver named Pikmin after the colorful pick pick carrots of his homeworld number 44 the name of all immersive is the SS dolphin which happens to be a reference to the gang huge development codenamed dolphin number 45 Oliver Stan's had an impressive one point nine centimeters tall and three point eight one centimeters if you count a suit an antenna that's roughly the height of a GameCube memory card number 46 Pikmin are around Oliver's height standing at an enormous 2.54 centimeters from leaf defeat you know if it weren't for that antenna the Pikmin would actually be taller than little Oliver number 47 red Pikmin have noses yellow Pikmin have ears and blue Pikmin have mouths according to Olimar the blue Pikmin also have gills on their cheeks but they aren't clearly visible to the player on their in-game model number 48 Pikmin nests are referred to as quote onions by Olimar because they resemble alga tation onions when Alomar stumbles across an actual onion and and two he labels it add an onion replica to avoid confusion number 49 there is no limit to the amount of Pikmin you can store in the onions they're basically a TARDIS - the time-travelling number 50 blue Pikmin can actually act as life guards while red and yellow Pikmin flail around in the water blue Pikmin are immune to drowning if there were Pikmin drowning blue Pikmin can go in the water and throw the drowning Pikmin back to land number 51 if yellow Pikmin our carrying bomb rose when it's time to return to the onion the bomb rocks are left right under the pillar of light but you thought they'd actually bring a bomb rock into the onion number 52 yellow Pikmin capabilities vary more than any other pigment in the series their powers change from carrying bomb rocks to surviving electricity than digging the fastest number 53 the natural progression of Pikmin are as follows leaf bud and lastly flower there are several ways Pikmin can progress through their stages like drinking nectar which will immediately bring them to flower number 54 leaving Pikmin in the ground without plucking them will level them up to a flower in time it's said that they extract nutrients from the soil just like real plants number 55 while leaving Pikmin in the ground can be a good thing be cautious leaving them in the ground for too long will cause them to revert back to the leaf stage again just like any flowering plant in real life number 56 there's a random chance that Pikmin will decrease in level if they get knocked down number 57 when Pikmin are killed a spirit rises from where it died in the original Pikmin the color of the Spirit is always bluish white regardless on what type of Pikmin are killed number 58 when one type of Pikmin is completely extinct the onion will put out new seeds making it impossible for Pikmin to go completely extinct orlimar finds is fascinating and so do we if only dinosaurs had their own onion number 59 if a player loses all of his Pikmin in a single day the day will end and a cutscene will play each of the onions will produce a single seed number 60 if you're tired of individually going up to Pikmin in the ground to pluck them you can just repeatedly tap the a button Alomar will automatically walk up to each of the Pikmin at a single onion and pluck the number 61 the red Pikmin are the first to be discovered in Pikmin this turned into a trend for all Pikmin games where red is always the first type to be discovered numbers - just like red Pikmin a trend starter with blue Pikmin as well in Pikmin the blue Pikmin are the third and final Pikmin to be discovered likewise all the games in the series have the blue Pikmin at the last type to be discovered number 63 when some enemies are defeated pellets pop up from their bodies Dorothee sugar Fiumicino stated that whatever the enemies ate transforms into nutrients which stay in their stomach in the form of pellets now what I want to know is why ship parts pop up from them as well I guess they can't be digested number 64 if you pay real close attention to the spots on the back of the bowl boards and Bowl beers you can see that they pulsate or fluctuate in size yeah when I have nothing better to do aleck kick back relax and stare at Bowl board backs number 65 actually when you pause the game with the spotty bowl beer on the screen the spots on its back continue to pulsate as if the screen wasn't paused number 66 the smokey prog and optional balls only available during the first 15 days is the only poisonous enemy found in Pikmin since the white Pikmin don't exist in the original game there are no Pikmin resistant to the smokey Prague's gas which kills pigment instantly number 67 if you manage to defeat the smokey Prague chances are you lost a crazy amount of Pikmin in the process luckily returning the smokey Prague's remains - an onion rewards a whopping 100 Pikmin number 68 the enemy reel at the end of Pikmin states that the smoky prog is thought to be a ma muta that didn't develop properly through its larva stage and jestingly enough the smokey prog is very hostile altima muta is generally docile to complete opposites number 69 the impact site is one of the two areas that has an optional boss the other being the distant spring in the impact site you'll encounter the mamutu and the ghoul --ax while the distant spring gives you a chance to encounter the aforementioned smoky prague number 70 been to the impact site but haven't seen either of the optional bosses well the ghoul looks only appears on odd-numbered days while even-numbered days are reserved for the mamutu starting on day 8 number 71 the mimosa has markings on at wrist that are identical to the patterns that appear on onions number 72 the burrowing snag rat appeared in Pikmin beta footage but had a slightly different all-white design number 73 the positron generator is a very powerful electric generator and is considered a mandatory part for the SS dolphin but all more uses it instant noodles a super essential ship part indeed number 74 the water Dumble has a pair of whiskers in Pikmin but they were removed in the sequels number 75 the scientific name for the water duffel is a key osa felinus which loosely translates to catfish sure that thing is a catfish okay number 76 the puff stool is known to spray its spores to trim pigment into mushroom pitman these mushroom Pikmin which lose their facial features and turn dark purple in color aren't considered an entirely different type of Pikmin rather a different form that retains any attributes it had before its transformation number 77 though mushroom pigment are unique variants to your standard companions it isn't a great idea to seek them out once the puff stool spores enter the bodies of your friendly little helpers they turn hostile towards olimar and it only takes them approximately 200 heads to take him down number 78 Olimar named the bulb orb and bull bear after their resemblance to his dog Bobby grub dog family name was also inspired by the pup number 79 you might be thinking that Bobo's look nothing like dogs but they actually do someone to earth dogs not really so much of occasion dogs definitely we get our first look at bowl beat the occasion dog in one of all Mars voyage logs and the resemblance is uncanny number 80 Oliver has a wife a daughter and a son all of whom have no understanding of how money works number 81 when you collect the positron generator all the more notes that you can get shocked upon approaching the generator but Alomar and the pick bin seemed completely fine and unharmed number 82 according to Olimar the eternal fuel dynamo is capable of giving an unlimited supply of energy so he doesn't have to worry about saving electricity this makes the positron generator a redundant piece of equipment well unless you make a lot of instant noodles number 83 there are two ship parts that were given to Olimar by his children Libre by his daughter and Sagittarius by his son during Alomar's monologue for Libra he says that it's named after my daughter's astrological sign this implies that even on huckett 8 they believed in astrology now I wonder what all amorous horoscope said the day his ship was hit by that asteroid number 84 the UV lamp is the game slightest part you only need a total of 10 Pikmin to carry it number 85 to go on Drive is pickman's heavy ship part well in the American version at least it requires 50 pigment to carry and it's a mandatory ship part meaning that you definitely need it to get Olimar off the planet number 86 thank you had a rough time keeping enough pigment during the final level think again while the American release of Pikmin lets players carry the secret safe with 40 Pikmin the Japanese release record a whopping 85 that's insane number 87 the pearly clamp clamp is the only enemy in possession of a ship art that has the part visible before it is defeated number 88 remember how Pikmin takes place in a distant future in which humans are no more well one of the ship parts is a Geiger counter Oliver doesn't seem to know what it is but it does note the needle constantly moves Geiger counters are used to measure radiation implying that there's radiation everywhere on P and F - 404 number 89 though pmf - 404 has not been officially confirmed to be a post-apocalyptic earth it's the favorite fan theory with the most supporting evidence number 90 holding down the d-pad for the GameCube controller or two on the Weaver moon makes all amour lie down and pick me carry him back to their onion when he rises up into the onion he doesn't go in instead he bounces off the bottom which released his lights that burst in the air kind of like fireworks very tiny fireworks number 91 it's worth noting that when Alomar is lying down he is invincible to many types of damage which can be useful in some situations how did I not know this number 92 though it's a hundred percent useless if you spend the button to make Alomar lie down he'll actually start hopping around which is pretty funny number 93 in Pikmin Oliver's log book reviews progress but did you know that it will also review a lack of progress there is a full set of entries program in the event that no progress is made some of which can only be seen if the player never leaves the impact site number 94 you can also get an idea of how far into the game you are by checking the lights on all of our ship the two lights in the front of the ship will change colors depending on Alomar's progress with ship repairs when he first crashes that the impact site the lights are off they are red when he gets to the forest of Hope yellow the forest naval green for the distant spring blue for the final trial and finally purple when you return the secret safe number 95 failing to collect at least 25 parts leaves orlimar with a sad fate after taking off the SS dolphin fails to reach space leaving all more on the planet without a functioning life-support system interestingly enough when the Pikmin take orlimar to their onion all more doesn't bounce off bottom of the onion or even get absorbed but instead is spit out by the onion turning him into a potential Pikmin a'lamin or pick more number 96 you don't need to collect all the parts for Olimar to make it back into space collecting 25 to 29 parts will give me the good ending which has all of our take off and head for home leaving the Pikmin behind on their world number 97 if you collect all 30 ship parts you're rewarded with the perfect ending in this ending all my ship is tailed by several onions as its leaving the planet with onion colors we haven't seen anywhere in the game look closer and you can spot orange pink gray brown green and cyan onions number 98 it's actually possible to complete Pikmin in just six in-game days fans consider this the six day challenge or a six day run and requires charging through all the stages defeating the final boss and guarding all 30 ship parts if that sounds crazy how about adding in the fact that it has been completed in under an hour number 99 Pikmin became part of Nintendo's player choice line in 2003 number 100 Pikmin inspired an entire franchise with two sequels Pikmin 2 releasing in 2004 and Pikmin 3 releasing in 2013 also an appearance in Nintendo land its inner eReader games as well as a few Pikmin short movies number 101 Pikmin was released on the Wii under Nintendo's new play control line this we release gives players a new control scheme using the Wii Remote to move the cursor this in turn allows the player to throw Pikmin distances you couldn't reach with the GameCube controller number 102 in an interview with GameSpot suga Fumi Hino stated that the devs felt the Wiis motion controls were the ideal setup for Pikmin simplicity was always their goal with pickman's controls so the Wii Remote made for a much more natural experience number 103 this updated version of Pikmin came with several changes including more resilient Pikmin that can stay alive a bit longer when drowning or on fire number 104 a quality of life change made to new play control Pikmin was an added safe feature that allowed players to replay days that have already passed number 105 the SS dolphin and an onion make an appearance in the 2010 version of Nintendo monopoly number 106 and Mario Golf told stool tour you might notice something a little different with the flowers near Peach's castle look closely and you'll find Pikmin hiding in the flower matches number 107 if you have Pikmin save data on your memory card you can unlock the captain olimar trophy and super smash brothers melee this is the only known way of unlocking Gautreaux fee boom there you have it 107 facts you should know all about pigments you're now brimming with enough Pikmin knowledge to set out on your own otherworldly adventures but before you go make sure to LIKE this video subscribe to our Channel and let us know what we should cover next in our 107 facts videos be sure to join the coin for non-stop nintendo and thanks for watching
Channel: Super Coin Crew
Views: 428,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin, Nintendo, Pikmin Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Pikmin 2, Pikmin 3, 107 Facts, Nintendo Facts, 107, Nintendo Wii, Top 10 Nintendo, Olimar, Super Coin Crew, SuperCoinCrew, Super Smash Bros., Olimar Super Smash, Facts, Pikmin Facts
Id: eNXc58BfnmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2016
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