Look At Those Paintings - Easter Eggs in A Link Between Worlds - DPadGamer

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hey guys before today's video I'd like to announce that there is now deep ed gamer merch that you can order today stuff like t-shirts hoodies stickers mugs and my personal favorite phone cases if any of these look appealing head on over to the d-pad gamer shop at designed by humans comm by following the link on screen or the top description it helps support the channel and you can get yourself something nice so have at it now for the video will be checking out some Easter eggs in the Legend of Zelda a link between worlds starting in links housed in the southwestern corner of the room on the wall is Majora's Mask from the game of the same name which will be relevant later and as with all paintings and object on walls link could become Flat Stanley and acts like he's wearing it which i think is cool in the north-eastern house and Kakariko village there are two pictures that stand out first is this face of Makar the lovable little seat bro and a crayfish both references to winwaker also in Kakariko is milk bar makaras violin can be seen as well as medleys harp nearby a picture depicts two things on top of it is what I think is the face of a lost wing and below is the abstract art looking face of an ancient robot both from Skyward Sword now getting a little more involved like most things the milk bar has some differences when comparing the Hyrule and Laurel versions in the Hyrule version the owner of the bar is a friendly portly man weren't red and low roll it's a rude thin man wearing green well not refer to by name this duo is likely talent and ingo two characters that first appeared in ocarina time though even in that they were sort of references tomorrow in Luigi but anyways the milk bar owner is not the only one that has an imposing low rule and hyrule component the princess hero the locations everything is mirrored I mean that is sort of the point of the game but did you know the paintings found on the wall actually do - for example in a high rose milk bar the little picture of a cows udders are big and supple that's gross but you get the idea and lorule the same picture has them longer and thin - splash of milk turns into just a drop in another spot a nice little white burb turns into angry black one and comparing the paintings of the farmstead really highlight low rules utter despair and for some of the paintings that don't actually change they just swapped colour palette I think that's something I really like about this game intend to make sure to reflect low rule and high rules differences even in paintings that most players would just run right past so nice I'd also like to add that the music has low rule in Hyrule counterparts specifically the two castle themes when you're verse low rules castle theme you could Hyrule's castle theme comes through here have a listen for yourself [Music] oh and in the chest shop there's a picture of a cuckoo which Lincoln sort of wear so that's a thing and I guess it's not really hidden but the bee man's houses and I swear will be on the wall and the stylish woman's house has some lipstick you know so that Lincoln act like he's wearing lipstick I guess wait why is she kissing a random wall I think that's the bigger mystery here anyways speaking of Secrets oh man that transition was good in northeastern lorule behind a waterfall is a cave inside you'll find a cowardly hynix who does not want to be hurt he'll even paint link five rupees to go away and if you don't he'll keep raising the amount until it gets angry with you if you agree to leave him alone before that he'll say please don't tell anybody it paid you off I have a reputation to protect let's keep this a secret to everybody as it happens this is a nod to the first lepton Zelda game where secret mob land could be found with the text it's a secret to everybody not sure while he was yelling I guess it was memorable because Nintendo made sure to include references to it in a large number of salty games and staying on the topic of Legend of Zelda references lakeside item cellar and low rule has some interesting dialogue some believe that chanting the words hello Natomas Yoga is the key to being saved I don't actually know how you're supposed to say that backwards phrase but when you reverse it it just says buy something will ya which is something the merchants in the original letters all the games would say also it's interesting that he brings up the my lies because it turns out that's what I was about to talk about what a coincidence it's almost as if this whole video is scripted but - in this game there are a hundred Miami children scattered around the world who must be rescued and returned to their giant squid mother for this link is a reward with better items Colma looting and a great spin attack after saving all 100 only after buying all your items from Ravi oh and then upgraded them via the Maya my mother does something interesting happen talk to the mother then Ravi oh then back to the mother she'll say how you just came in time and it's a bit sudden but she must bid you a farewell she lost to hear his name and then was from farewell guess it makes sense upon they give in the cave there'll be a glow light at the entrance and upon re-entering link will find a single Maya Maya left behind I am the 72nd Maya my you saved thanks for all your help it's interesting that they chose is 72nd my am Ida stayed behind but I'm assuming it's another reference to Majora's Mask you know seventy-second squid kid 72 hours left before the destruction of termina i feel like it's not too much for stretch to make that connection now I know this videos about Easter eggs but here's a fun fact because why not well you might not know is a Nintendo how to use a neat trick to achieve this top-down perspective at New York Comic Con back in 2013 zelda producing Eiji Aonuma gave a neat glimpse behind the scenes he explained that to replicate a Link to the Past top-down respective with 3d world you have to show either more of the front or back of things but when you actually make that into the real 3d that becomes kind of exaggerated and as you can see everything's a bit blended so here's the actual game name is from nashville game so everything is kind of leaning back the rupee's as well but this was the kind of thing that we had to do a lot of in order to try to recreate that I think that's pretty neato at this point it's not an easter egg but I can't not mention and show that Cuckoo's upon being attacked will swarm link I give this games cooker swarm a 6 out of 10 not enough terror also I'm sure I'll be accused of forgetting this if I don't mention it so Ravi O's outfit is actually referenced to link becoming a pink bunny when visiting the dark world from Link to the Past for the first time finally I don't know if everybody knows this but who cares I think it's really funny the Santa enemies in Hyrule desert and geld Minh have returned from Link to the Past in this game you have the sand rod which raises the pillars of sand from the ground using it on the guild Minh will pop them up revealing that they have a six pack and are wearing his speedo yeah that's uh that's not something you can unsee so I'll leave it there for this one thanks for watching I hope you have a good day with that thought in mind you got it it's the mario do the mario swing your arms from side to side come on it's time to go do the mario take one step and then again let's do the mario all together now come on now like that [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 212,809
Rating: 4.9245076 out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Minish Cap, Glitches in The Minish Cap, Glitches in The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, Minish Cap Glitches, The Minish Cap Glitches, The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap Glitches, Glitches With DPadGamer, Minish Cap Ocarina Glitch, Minish Cap Portal Items, Minish Cap OOB, Minish Cap Skips, Minish Cap Tricks, Minish Cap Speedrunning, Minish Cap Mazaal Skip, Minish Cap Armos Clip, Minish Cap Memory Glitch, Minish Cap No Hitboxes, DPadGamer, TMC, TLOZ: TMC, Zelda Glitches
Id: 1wFLuHmS44c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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