Easter Eggs in Punch-Out!! (Wii) - DPadGamer

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what do you get when you pit a 5 7 kid from the bronx against a series of fighters that are bigger stronger and taller than him well other than smash bros you get this game much like a protagonist this will be a little video looking at easter eggs and punch-outs on the wii starting off from the main menu there is a neat little easter egg sitting right in front of us while using motion controls which we all know is the best way to play this game you can actually use the pointer to mess with little mac if you point your cursor near his right foot he'll try to stomp on it and over on his left foot he will instead jump you can point higher on the left and he'll punch at the cursor and pointing at him from the right side will make him try to swat it away you can also spin the cursor in circles around his head and he will actually become dizzy when choosing a fire to face off against they will also track your cursor but that's it there's no other animations and you can't even make them dizzy at least not through this method as you likely know during each fight each fighter has various ways of making them stunned or dizzy often times this is done by dodging an attack and then immediately countering with a punch of your own if you do this against good old glass joe you get some generic birds flying around his head which exploded to feathers once he regains control of himself what's neat here is that some of the fighters have unique dizzy animations first off von kaiser disco kid great tiger aaron ryan bald bull and super macho man all repeat the same animation shown in the glass joe fight king hippo is the first fighter you will encounter in the game to actually have a unique animation being pineapples that break into pineapple slices piston honda has sushi that breaks into various pieces of sushi and bear hugger has salmon that swim around his head which burst into a shower of fish bones it's neat because all three of those pull their inspiration from the corresponding fighter's cultural background a little bit different though don flamenco has roses which are red during his contender fights and black during the title defense fight representing his darkening heart or something like that so to popinski instead of having objects that float around his head has instead bubbles that just sort of float around lastly sandman's dizzy animation is just a bunch of z's floating around his head which obviously tie into his namesake anyways changing things up a bit have you ever paid close attention to the fighter records that show up before each match well when you do you might notice some fun little details like for example how glass joe has 99 losses and only a single win if you were to intentionally lose the glass joe to make him feel better his record would actually reflect that meaning that if you were crazy enough you can grind the losses against class joe to inflate his score so that he would have a positive kd which is both fun and also i think technically match fixing but the real segue here is that every fighter's record reflects your actual wins and losses of course your wins and losses are also reflected in your own record if you manage to rack up a total of 100 losses throughout your career you can actually unlock the headgear option in career mode which will when enabled allow little mac to take reduced damage making fights way easier this also explains why glass joe reappears in his title defense match with headgear because we gave him his 100th loss now if you don't want to have a bunch of losses the next couple of details are both helpful and technically easter eggs because i said so the game doesn't really tell you this but whenever you down an enemy and the referee is frantically counting at them you can shake the wiimote and nunchuck to regain energy over time which is represented by a little mac sort of keeping himself hyped up and ready to go also between rounds you will either get some sort of snarky comments or maybe a little pep talk from doc lewis during this if you press the minus button on the wiimote you will actually get a little time and doc lewis will eat a chocolate bar right next to your ear which i guess is helpful because it actually restores a bit of your health unfortunately he only carries one chocolate bar at all times because you can only use this health regeneration trick once per match now even with those ways of regenerating your health you might find yourself quite literally up against the ropes fighting for your life other than just getting good i would suggest mashing the one and two buttons on your wiimotes the moment you go down for a total knockout i've seen other people saying that shaking the wemo to nunchuck or even pressing the minus button does the same thing but either way doing this makes it so that there is a very small chance that little mac will actually resist getting knocked out with a stomp and a roar it's quite truly a last-ditch effort but when it works it's such an anime moment by the way earlier when i said sandman was the final fighter i was actually doing something called lying because there's actually a secret fighter which can be seen in the crowd spectating all of the world circuit title defense matches it's in the attention to detail great foreshadowing and oddly sinister i'm not sure it's even legal to have an 800 pound gorilla fighting a small 17 year old but then again little mac faces off against grown adults six or seven weight classes above him as well as a dude who literally uses magic so who cares either way donkey kong is a fun inclusion and with this they made sure to include some equally fun details around him like for example during the fight against donkey kong his dizzy animation consists of bunches of bananas which explode into banana appeals and when donkey kong inevitably wins he'll celebrate by picking up little mac and straight up kidnapping him while this is of course a nod to his princess peach stealing days of old i'd like to think that this is the scene that led to little max inclusion and smash bros also during one of the intermissions that can appear in between rounds against donkey kong doc lewis will have this to say referencing good old mario listen up son if you're having trouble maybe i should call my plumber [Laughter] finally the last little easter egg is also technically a little mini game which can be found in the credits if you keep a very close eye on the text as it scrolls by you can find spelling mistakes letters or i think even words flipped around and also names of fighters that they must have snuck in there as some sort of childish prank i like to think that this fun minigame doubles as an unofficial medical checkup for possible brain damage little max sustained on his way to victory that said i think we'll wrap things up here thank you so much for watching thanks to my shell members for their supports and especially big thanks to christy countries who don mr manger and achilles rhodes for being super fans if you watched this far consider leaving a like perhaps subscribing and for some more wii based easter eggs why not check out last week's video looking at wii sports resort that's it for this one i'll see you in the next video
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 148,490
Rating: 4.9404855 out of 5
Id: ocr_X1fxPpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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