Dream Logic - Glitches in Link's Awakening (Switch) - DPadGamer

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[Music] it's time for some glitches and links awakening on the Nintendo switch unlike the usual Zelda game this one has a bunch of cameos of enemies from other Nintendo games one of which being the anti Kirby it's like Kirby but not and it's actually the cause of that first glitch you saw whenever an anti Caribbean has our little hero link will start spinning out of control and get Maj and booed instead if you enter this room in the Eagle tower from the south with the Walton place you can bait the anti Kirby into using his inhale on you and then immediately leave the room once that's done congratulations you will now spin whenever you stand still it will last your loading zones and teleporting but not through reloading a safe until then you could just have fun with it another useless glitch can be found in the fishing minigame witch flock Jura ran into while trying to retrieve the empty bottle from the pond you see whenever a fish were bottled catches from Lynx fishing line the line immediately reels in ready for another cast also when reeling in the bottle nearby fish will get jealous and knock it off while by pure chance his line connected to the bottle at the same time as the nearby fish ran into it causing the bottle to get teleported right up to link that's pretty neat but I don't think that counts also I don't know where else to put this but the shovel is nice you could be a knight it lets you dig holes on the ground and all that you could also dig on this part of this specific tree for some reason okay this is all been pretty useless so far so let's look at something that you can use in your own playthrough of the game as you've no doubt noticed this game is three dimensional but your lock and moving in eight different directions except when you're not as I will show soon enough Link's Awakening is a 3d platformer when moving you have just those eight directions but while jumping using the rocks feather you can tap the analog stick to skew links angle however you want this can be used in certain places in the game like here in Dungeon 5 to skip needing a small key by simply hope charting across the gap it's also very useful on your first visit here you can skew your angle shoot a bomber by tapping both weapon buttons at the same time and just barely hit the crystal which lets you retrieve the mirror shield early it can be used in other places but I'll let you figure those out for yourself now let me give you an example of this game being a platformer using these slopes found in the caves and tall tall Heights usually when you see these slopes you might think ah man now I gotta go find some stairs don't do that simply facing towards the corner of the slope and walk into it this isn't super precise but it does require some careful use of the analog stick since this scheme doesn't let you use the directional pad for some reason anyways keep in mind that this trick known as seam walking doesn't work everywhere it really just works in a couple of caves but there you go now every good glutes video needs a pole isla Louis reference so here's this one get your hel flow and game end yourself on the way down the waterfall but before landing now link is dead but also sorta not I mean could a dead person shell out a hundred rupees to play the raft minigame again it turns out yeah they can because as soon as da control blink he's gone as it happened that's not the only way to avoid death as digby the dog show it off on Twitter if you shield and slash your sword link is exposed for a brief moment if you time this so that you take damage in that brief window you can actually get link to lose health but not die at least until you let go of shield essentially making him a zombie much like a zombie while dead if you eat of hearts you'll be totally fine unlike a zombie you can still use certain items they have equipped and for whatever reason you can repeatedly jump without any problems just note that if you walk through a loading zone you'll die also if you teleport you'll die but in a different location now going back to the raft minigame here is something neat on the lower western side of the rapids there's this chunk of land if you rub the raft against it and time a jump just so the raffle becomes stuck in place and Link will be falling in place you could either hook shot away and fall off the raft or allow the game to respawn your last saw a bit of granny touch which for me was this island the rapids have no effect on link while swimming so if you want you can backtrack and easily collect those items located on the other islands also if you're curious while swimming around like this you can now go over the waterfall like normal as there is just an invisible barrier there holding link back you'll need to either warp outs or reload a safe onwards there's a glitch I'd like to share which as far as malware was found by the boys over at GameXplain as is explained in their video if you hold down the button for the peg this boots just after exit and conversation with certain NPCs link will get locked into a standing animation and so you either like over the button take damage or do basically anything and walk in their video they show off how it seems to only work with this rabbit in the animal village as well as Madame meow meow and Chow Chow in may village no explanation was given as to why this works and it's gonna stay that way because I'm not sure either but I did find one other NPC with which this glitch works that other NPC a fan was mamasa also in maid village and one last thing GameXplain titled their video ghost link bizarre floating glitch in zelda links awakening which isn't technically an incorrect description of the sliding glitch but if you watch to the end of the video you'll find that this game has many spookier glitches to offer another mechanic you might overlook is the medicine given to link by tracy her secret medicine can be purchased for varying prices and upon death link will be revived on the spot much like how bottled fairies work in most Zelda games an interesting use of this mechanic was found by YouTube user goats as demonstrated in his clip if you jump just before a bomb explodes you can take damage and die on a ledge and then revive thanks to the Afro mention medicine this trick which can be called Tracy boosting allows you to reach certain spots where a normal jump just doesn't cut it of course the speedrunning community ran with this like for example signs and done' blocks are slightly higher than that first ledge so a normal tracy boost isn't enough to evolve found that if you move a fox into place and aggro it with a slash just before performing the tracy boost the fox will try to attack link as he dies pushing his lifeless corpse up just enough to get on top of the sign this works because foxes are one of the few things in this game that keep moving after link dies taking it a step further Kinkaid found if you painstakingly lead a fox all the way to the angler keyhole it can help you tracy boost on to the keyhole once that was confirmed as being possible everyone immediately scramble to try themselves and samurai man got the tracy boost live on his stream was a file where the waterfall is still blocking the dungeon entrance confirming that's actually possible to skip collecting and ricky altogether and tracy boosting is also key in performing something called villa skip first a bit of context richards villa is the house that you must go through to enter the field containing the slime key in order to appease richard and gain access to his magical field you must retrieve all the golden leaves from Callan castle or you can use trees to get onto the rock and enter the field which skips needing to this count castle altogether which of course saves a good amount of time in a speedrun that said you can also perform an odd trick with the slime key you need to get as close as possible to the spot room dig up the key without hitting the next tile over from there dig up the key and basically play hacky sack with it this can cause a number of weird things as seen here and interesting side effect of Ville skip is they no longer need to turn in bow-wow which means that you can join link and Martin when they go on their little feet on that topic while running around with Martin following me I accidently found that she can push a piranha out of the water which causes it to start - dancing very quickly moving on bombs are multifunctional tools not only can they destroy secret walls propelled links Corpse places they can also destroy any chance of beating the final boss warning here are some minor spoilers for this remake of a 26 year old game but the final boss takes place deep within the wind fish is oddly moist egg it's there that you end up facing off against the shadow creature that morphs into many different forms and its first phase it takes the shape of a blob that must be doused with links magical pockets and three hits and it'll return to the upper center of the room and takes the shape of a Ganim if you drop a bomb roughly where he tries to go while submerged into the floor it'll just sort of go sliding off to the side that actually ruins the boss fights as it'll just get stuck as an untouchable shadow on the floor until you reload a save or teleport out bombs as useful as they are can also just sometimes not work I don't know why but sometimes if a bomb gets nudged while on the floor just after being placed its fuse will never actually take down and thus not explode you can also perform a glitch using bombs called power holding simply place a bomb pick it up and hold B while stepping off of a Ledge that makes link fall Joel no you have it when you start shuffling as little feetsies in stays facing forward now the next time something like for example a crow touches the bomb it'll take damage you see while power holding it's as if link is always attacking but he's holding the hitbox over his head it's not too different from the infinite sword glitch from the n64 Zelda games this is very handy when facing off against the boss of Eagle tower you'll eagle it's here they could use a bomb start power holding off ledge and then damage boost from the spikes onto the ladder and do damage just look at those moves yes if you can't hit it now it's worth noting that power Holding isn't just limited to bombs though they are very convenient it worked with any object that you can hold like for example this piece of grass you can even take a cuckoo mispronounces named power hold it and then use it to attack another cuckoo I use the birds to destroy the birds the day after the game came out toads wootz found that if you place a bomb at the top of the ladder and jump just as it explodes you can clip it right through the floor it's not just limited to bombs though as ladder clipping can also be done using the boulders that drop near Mount Tam ranch there is another way to perform ladder clipping without damaging yourself but first let me introduce you to a very special bird this rooster is resurrected from the grave underneath made village and he accompanies link all the way to the seventh dungeon since he really doesn't have a name I put it to a pole and without any context my viewers decided he should be named Dinnerbone turns out Dinnerbone is a surprisingly accurate name as much like the Easter egg in Minecraft this boy is a bit weird he's also instrumental to a number of really neat glitches first off you need to find a set of stairs with five or more steps through the rooster to the top of the stairs from the bottom run up / to left somewhere around the second step pick up the bird and if you did the mystical ritual correctly you'll sink right through the round I I don't know why that works but it does more importantly we can use the rooster to clip into ladders here's how first we'll place dinner bone right up against this hospital adder from the second rung down jump and at the apex of your jump just barely tapped forward to land near the top of the ladder he'll be sort of off the ledge the farther away you are the better and how pick up dinner bone and move forward - yet again sink right into the ground if done on this ladder near dungeon 7 you can move out of bounds and enter one of the caves from the backside saving a bit of time and if you do this on the ladder on mount timur ranch you can navigate across the mountains that are usually in the background if you're curious this is where I recorded that clip I share it as a gift on my community tab usually whenever you get into a spot where link is continually following he'll quickly respawn at the last piece of flat ground he was on but here he just kept falling forever or at least until I restarted the game it's worth noting that if you want to get back in bounds you can form a Pegasus - jump over onto the staircase or even a more seis jump to get in bounds as seen here which is handy because I love to avoid the waterfall that normally blocks a path which would still be there if you did the previously-mentioned in querque skip I am really bad at making run-on sentences anyways exploring it abounds is just for fun though if you save and reload things can get weird either way enjoy [Music] oh that's right we can also use dinnerbone and a ladder to climb into the air it's a very similar setup as before getting the rooster at the edge of the ladder jumping and landing just on the edge of it but what changes in the input of your analog stick you'll want to tap for it ever so slightly and you'll see link and the camera sort of go down if you then hold up at the right moment link will begin climbing the ladder into the air it's a bit hard to describe the timing but with a bit of practice you can get it fairly reliably so while the height you get is limited it's still useful in certain situations like here where you can navigate onto the wall and walk around until you reach there mermaid statue the game doesn't like link being out of bounds so it accidentally lets you clip right through the statue to access the magnifying glass early without ever having to do with the trading sequence not as useful you can flutter south from the egg mountain ladder and land on this patch of trees from there we can run across the trees because they all have solid a collision even letting us jump across small gaps and fun fact the undead tree is very spooky have the exact same hitbox anyways knowing this we can continue across the trees all the way to make village and even on into this spooky forest you know you can also perform an air climb using that previously mentioned ladder on total heights and flutter directly south this way you can land on the raft without having to pay or even flutter across the waters to your heart's content just note that the rapids don't affect link while swimming they do definitely mess with dinnerbone [Music] as we approach the end of the video there's two final glitches we'll look at that were developed at the same time as I was putting this video together as such new who have been fully explored or understood yet but I'll do my best to tell you what I know first off a look at a glitch that had many potential names knocks hijinks headaches heave ye knocks but the one that won out was the super Enix throw it started off on October 9th when reddit user drew blank uploaded a clip to the zelda subreddit they showed off a glitch in the Eagle tower that had them getting thrown all the way from the Hynix room on the second floor to the instrument room on the technically inaccessible 4th floor all without needing to break the pillars or kill the boss the post didn't draw all that much attention on the subreddit but it was noticed by member of the community who shared it in the links awakening speedrunning discord everyone immediately took notice as it looked a lot like a wrong warp it's worth noting that while drew planks post was the spark that lit the fire for glitch hunting for this glitch it wasn't actually the first instance of the glitch occurring out in the wild on September 23rd Twitter user adorable ash shared a clip where link got super high NOx thrown a room over and there was also this clip from Matt 18 uploaded on October 7th though seemingly due to falling in a pit causing the glitch he was Fermin up into the air landing on the southern wall leakage itself is as it sounds a Henoch throwing link like super hard it seems like it's caused by two things happening at roughly the same time link becoming invulnerable by taking damage and the Hynix grabbing link in the first two clips it was caused by a fire ball hitting link and that is what was initially tested however it turns out that any damage source can work as you can use bomb arrows to make it more reliable it's been a bit over a week at the time of writing the script since the glitch was initially found at this time a reliable method for using the super Hancock's through to reach the instrument-room 497 hasn't been found but that's not for lack of trying it's just painfully precise to pull off as requires specific timing to trigger the glitch as well as the correct positioning which so far seems very very precise that said while dungeon seven hasn't been cracked dungeon eight also has a high NOx in it and thanks to both six paths Panda and Samurai man a reliable setup was found to go straight from the hynix room to the instrument room just like that as Vesper explains a wonderful setup tutorial that I'll link in description this instance of the glitch lets you skip the majority of dungeon eight including the magic rod and boss which roughly saved us over five minutes in a proper speedrun it's a really cool glitch and it'll be interesting to see if this glitch opens the door to even crazier stuff in the future that could also be said for this last glitch which much like the super Hanako requires some explaining I started off in a de most twitch stream on October 9th I tuned in watching Adam attempting to recreate the super Hanako glitch when another viewer named ultimate lights said that he knows a glitch that let's link become invisible he claimed that he reproduced it multiple times with the boomerang by falling into the lava and killing the cue ball mini boss in Dungeon 8 at the same time he didn't have a clip of the glitch in action just a screenshot I wrote a note for myself to look into this but immediately forgot on October 13th after a demo brought it up again in the discord I decided it was time to recreate it myself I mean a glitch that lets you turn invisible that make for some primo glitch content especially during spook Tober cue ball is the mini boss in Dungeon 8 which means that I can't exactly go back and refight them on a completed save but you do get his tile after completing the dungeon for use and on pages Chamber dungeon builder so that's where I tested the glitch I used the boomerang like he mentioned which kills Hugh ball and 11 hits so after the 10th hit I stood right on the edge I got ready to throw it and I failed the timing more than once after if you try as I got it down throwing the boomerang and walking forward at the same time so the link is in the middle of drowning and lava when the mini boss is defeated with that done when the doors unlock and Weaver gain control of link he's nowhere to be seen he is invisible but as I quickly realized this goes beyond simply not being able to be seen on screen he's still there and you can even see the stripes of his sword once I knew that I can get the clip to reliably I stuck at my chamber dungeon to have an ox mini boss a room away because like hey maybe this lets you do the super Hanako reliably who knows what I didn't expect is that upon entering the Hynix room nothing happened to be more precise his grab just didn't work not just that but I couldn't hit the hynix with my sword this is very weird and I was of course sharing my findings with the rest of the people and the Glink so awakening discord they also thought this is weird and it was quickly discovered that the glitch doesn't just make link invisible it makes them immune to damage not just that the glitch also persists when you leave the chamber done it meaning you can take it basically and here were in the game samer man immediately said and I quote walk through flame cave please if you don't know what the flame cave is this cave that blocks our path with the stream of fire requiring the mirror shield pass it's the only thing stopping an aspiring glitcher from reaching Dungeon ate before dungeon seven within minutes a demo tried it and by George it actually worked flame skip is real [Music] since you can set up the glyphs and chamber dungeon that means that you can save the dungeon to an amiibo and actually carry it over to an earlier save file that also means that while it's not really useful on the speedrun you can actually mess around with the invisible link glitch as early as dungeon to link can't be seen he can't be hurt he can't hurt others at least with a sword if that's not the closest thing to a ghost link glitch I don't know what is that said there's a lot of odd properties with this glitch so we'll finish off the video with a nice and proper spooky montage enjoy [Music] [Music] it always seems like these Zelda glitch videos end up being way bigger than I expected thanks so much for watching I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to subscribe and all that jazz big thanks to my channel members from being awesome and supporting the channel and special thanks to Kristie countries for being a super fan that's about it for this one I'll see you in the next video
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 594,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in Link's Awakening, Link's Awakening Glitches, Link's Awakening Switch Glitches, Glitches in Link's Awakening Switch, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Glitches, Zelda Glitches, Glitches With DPadGamer, DPadGamer, Zelda, Link's Awakening, Link's Awakening 2019, Link's Awakening Switch, glitch tutorial, link's awakening switch, links awakening, links awakening glitches, glitches in links awakening, the legend of zelda, Legend of Zelda
Id: 7k-2Yn5oN14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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