Easter Eggs in Kirby Triple Deluxe - DPadGamer

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I think we can all agree that Kirby games tend to be crafted with love and special attention to detail that said I've never actually given them that much of my own attention dirt trans but after watching the first week of chuggaaconroy is less play of Kirby triple deluxe I felt inspired to make this video so I'm d-pad gamer and here's a video looking at Easter eggs in Kirby triple deluxe also there will be spoilers so before actually getting into the game those already need detail that could be easily missed on the title screen following the short cutscene Kirby will stand atop a leaf wave and then perform two of five poses which are randomly chosen before the cutscene replace of those poses he can stand up on one of his little toes perform a big stretch look around give us a more excited wave and finally sit smile on wag those little feet briefly so cute now since this game was the first Kirby game released on a 30s the devs made sure to utilize as much of its hardware as possible this is true in the game but also in the main menu itself while selecting a mode to play on the bottom screen a randomly chosen set of key chains you've collected can be seen hanging on the top screen these are actually affected by the 3ds tilt as are all the keychains located on the items collection page another minor detail worth noting is within the story modes level select note the first letter of each level and order f4 fine fields L for lollipop land o w e are it altogether spells flower and if you take the 7th and final level eternal dream land with its letters you get flowered which is brittany doh oh and on the topic of names have you ever wondered how how laboratory actually came up with triple deluxe well they explained just that's in one of many me post detailing various development insights fun facts and so on the post in question reads we started with a variety of ideas one was a title that would reflect the games theme of an adventure through floating islands another idea was to use the letter X since this is the 10th traditional Kirby platformer we also wanted to find a title that would reflect the game's full use of the Nintendo 3ds features such as the 3d function motion sensors and StreetPass something short and catchy that we could use all around the world that's how we came up with the title 3d X in other words triple deluxe unfortunately miiverse was closed down in November of 2017 arrest in pepperonis so you can't pull up the threat on your 30s but thankfully it has been archived so I'll include a link in the description if you want to read through the hundreds of posts for yourself that said another neat detail mentioned and one of those developer me post was about some of the sounds used in triple deluxe as music number twenty-two and the sound test mode of Kirby triple deluxe is called toy rhythm and was composed with an old-school NES era sound in mind actually for that sound we were just recreating the feel of an NES we were actually using a real console and sampling the noises we could produce and then mixing the samples into the track to create the vibe we were going for you gotta love those old NES sounds if you curious that track can be heard and among other places stage two - to another post involving the jukebox shared by the game's director included this fun detail in addition you may notice the musical notes floating in the background while each track plays though it actually have a little secret to them the music in the kirby series is created by two different composers the songs with the red musical notes were composed by someone who's been on board since Kirby's Dreamland and the blue notes appear for songs created by the second composer who joined the team for Kirby's Adventure it's pretty neato though it's weird that all those people have the exact same voice but either way now that we're this far through without ever actually looking at gameplay let's do a bit of that so amongst Kirby's many conf abilities sorta as one of his most well known in this game it gained two new attacks one of which being the sky energy sword with this he can raise a sword overhead to charge it with sky energy and send it out with a following slash since the sword ability is inspired by link from The Legend is all the series it makes sense that the sky energy sword attack was inspired by skyward sword which was disappointedly released three years prior to triple deluxe as for a new ability archer though it's Japanese name of sniper is way cooler it allows Kirby to shoot arrows attack with his bow and even Crouch to hide behind cover and stealth around this cover can take a number of different appearances most commonly you'll see a bush a bush with flowers a tree stone as well as a star blog there are also two other variations that can appear King Dedede which is actually his artwork from Kirby's Dreamland and more rarely the Hal laboratory logo and the circus ability is also new to triple Lux and it also lets Kirby take the form of not just a clown but the entire circus one of his attacks let's um inflate the balloon of varying shapes which immediately pops dealing damage i I don't think that bodes well for the quality of the elastic but that's beside the point this attack also has a few common forms and a couple rare ones it can be a flower a blue dog a circus ball and sometimes Meta Knight it can also be maggle or from Kirby's Return to Dreamland and of course the hell logo or at least an honest attempt at recreating it out of balloons oh and of course if we're talking about various forms there is stone Kirby in this game there's 15 different variations which will organize based on how many times they appear in various Kirby games so the repeat offenders are of course the titular stone a brick block muscle statue Kirby for Kirby's Adventure on a Nintendo GameCube star block Mount Fuji the Hal logo and the trio of Rick kine and qu a little less common these three have only appeared in a few Kirby games there's Marx and Magog or King Dedede Meta Knight and banana Waldo D and Mangalore ship the lore star cutter and finally these three are unique to triple deluxe you can get draw SIA and Dark Nebula as well as ultra sword Kirby and then the final one I ended up finding which took over 40 total minutes of repeatedly using the ability 8-bit Kirby wielding a star rod anyways one of the last things I want to highlight in this video isn't hidden at all but it's still easily missable all the same normally whenever you pause during story mode you can see the controls the map that sort of stuff during boss battles on the other hand you can get a special message that is unique to each boss while some of them are pretty straightforward like flowery woods message simply stating the obvious a number of them actually provide relevant plot details which means Kirby triple deluxe focuses on gameplay and has a deeper story that can be found in many descriptions making it very much like Dark Souls for example paint RZA's describes a painting of a pair of sisters separated at Birth coming to life alluding to the possibility that Pedro and they similarly themed Gracia are related as for the final boss that has multiple different forms quince ecto Nia has six different messages starting from the top they described Queen sacto Nia as an evil queen motivated by beauty and world domination who would be witch Carranza sect Onias species survives by leeching power from other life-forms until they're weak enough to be controlled during the final confrontation she combines her form with the dream stock and her goal was to be the ruler of Nagas floor alia but all of Planet popstar all in all she initially comes off as a straightforward villain but the rest reveals that sect Oh Nia and her Anza worked once good friends until sect Oh Nia became obsessed with vanity and delusions of grandeur turning her into the power-hungry monarch that we initially see her as her friend Torrance's final words and offerings are no longer able to reach her ears and as a pitiable husk in the throes of madness she's fed off of countless hosts to the point that she can no longer remember who true form the final soul of sect Oh Nia message and similar to how the Queen sect Oh Nia one does but with a different angle rather than being a wicked queen who needs to be granted eternal beauty sleep that she desires instead she must be given eternal beauty sleep making it feel like a unfortunate reality that kirby must fulfill but the hey let's not end on a tragic tale of sect Oh Nia and instead look at a few hell rooms as you may know how laboratory has a history of including a number of secret rooms tucked away and triple deluxe has three the first can be found quite early in the game in the third stage of fine fields and the second room of this stage you need to slash these bushes to reveal a 3d warp star take it into the background run over and touch the edge of the screen and run all the way back to find another 3d warp star where you initially crossed over take that and then run all the way to the left on the foreground and take the warp star that has now appeared and then run along the background until you found the hal room itself this one is pretty standard with the letters H al-bayada blocks one sweet boy tidying up things and for buildings that you can grab and so on the second Hal 9000 room doesn't appear until stage one of Royal Road following the slap fight against gigant edge you'll want to float up the far right area until you see the moon in the background flow up to it and enter a hidden room in front of the moon which takes you to the hal room itself this one is very unique and that the hull blocks are actually split up between the foreground and the background making wonderful use of the three feature as expected and the third and final hall room is hidden in plain sight in stage 5 of Royal Road in one of the final sort of puzzle rooms you have to avoid being shoved into the fourth wall by 3d securitrons after successfully completing the last 5x5 securitron room don't go through the door instead wait around for about a minute and a half at which point the blocks will retract you can then witness them pop out three times spelling out h al which rewards you with a door that you can go through inside you get a neat little series of tilt gondolas and cannons that eventually gives you a maxim tomato a 1up a keychain and so on it's pretty neat with that I think we've covered most of it but I'm pretty sure there's still some stuff I missed if you have any fun facts be sure to share those down in the comments below thanks for watching well welcome to the outro if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave like maybe subscribe also if you have a Kirby game that I haven't covered before that you want to see me do be sure to leave that in the comments and big thanks to my channel members with especially big thanks to Christy countries and pseudonymous for being super fans that's it for this video I will see you in the next one the time limit is
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 121,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs in Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby Triple Deluxe Easter Eggs, Secrets in Kirby Triple Deluxe, Kirby Triple Deluxe Secrets, Kirby Triple Deluxe, Easter Eggs, DPadGamer, kirby, Kirby Secrets, Kirby EasterEggs, kirby triple deluxe, kirby star allies, Kirby's Air Ride, chuggaaconroy, Kirby Triple Deluxe Bosses, Kirby 3DS, Nintendo 3DS
Id: fso9951l0Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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