Beating Pikmin 3 Without Killing an Enemy - Pikmin 3 Pacifist Run - Pikmin 3 Deluxe Launch Special

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what's up guys it's named coyote here and welcome back to pikmin considering the release of pikmin 3 deluxe has passed already and actually not that long ago i figured i'd make a special pikmin 3 video so today i'm doing a challenge i've actually intended to do for a while now that being a pikmin 3 pacifist run i've seen pacifist runs of pikmin 2 in the original pikmin here on youtube but for some reason i can't find anything on pikmin 3. so hey why don't i do it quick i'll explain the rules basically no killing enemies except when absolutely necessary essentially if an enemy is not required to be defeated to progress in the story it stays now since there are required enemies in the game it isn't really a question of if we can beat pikmin 3 without killing enemies it's more of a question of how many enemies must we kill to beat pikmin 3. so we'll be doing just that i'm not using obvious glitches but i am allowed to use some unintended shortcuts nothing like clipping through walls or getting unlimited pikmin though but other than that pretty much everything's fair game now this challenge poses a few problems number one we can't defeat enemies so anything that's in our way we're just gonna have to go around and hope we don't lose too many pikmin in the process number two we can't use enemy corpses to grow our pikmin numbers so we'll be riding the edge of pigment extinction throughout the entire challenge number three we can't get loot that's inside enemies this one's not huge but it's still important to consider that fruits we normally get from defeating enemies won't be available to us in this playthrough but that's about it so let's get right into the challenge but as they initiate the landings something goes horribly wrong first up we're on charlie's crash site we take control of charlie grab ourselves a temporary squad of pikmin and advance into this cave where you might think we need to kill some enemies but fortunately we can just walk right past them and into the next passage which automatically triggers the cutscene showing charlie's and push by the floss pad so let's move on to alf's crash site we free the red onion and you'll immediately notice this box here that we can only push if we have 20 pikmin and since it's mandatory there's no way around it even though i gather up all the pellets in the area we only have 17 pikmin still so we have to turn to the harmless shear grubs it pains me to say it but we needed to take out three of the four of these sheer grubs here to move on so we leave one single shear grub to live out the rest of its happy life so let's put three up there on the kill counter shall we make sure you put your predictions down in the comments for how many enemies you think you need to kill to complete the game i'd love to see how you guys think this plays out and if you get the correct answer i might just have to assume you cheated i'm kidding but anyway we pushed this box out of the way and alf is scared of the dark so we find the drake and we're up on out of here it's the end of day one time for day two when we land in the garden of hope we need to put a bridge together to progress forward and we can easily grab this first set of pieces and even though there's just a dwarf bullborb in our way for the second set he walks out of the way just in time for me to grab the pile from under his nose we cross the newly completed bridge and for now we're just going to ignore the bulbor that's on the other side we break down this wall and this leads us into a cave where we can find the rock pikmin and sadly another required kill the medusal slurker needs to go down in order for us to rescue the rockers so add another to the kill count the least we can do is not use its corpse for our otherworldly schemes with my newly acquired rock pikmin i free brittany and grab the lemon but not really i keep heading forward by these scudder chucks but once we destroy their boulders with our rock pikmin they're going to start doing a lot less chucking and a lot more scuttering then i build the bridge back to the drake since this whole path has been a giant circle and after the bridge is built i grab the strawberry sitting right there the dwarf bulb orb is easy enough to distract while they carry it back to the base then i do the exact same thing with the lemon for the other strawberry on our path that you may have noticed i skipped i try to distract the bulb or while they carry it past and just narrowly they make it that concludes day 2 and still no losses though we have killed four enemies so far that's not gonna stop me though so it's time for day three the day progresses as usual and then i have an unfortunate encounter with the armored mod dad so that's a reset armored mod dad tried too and boss fights are pretty standard in this run so i guess i'll just skip to the end also my controller died despite the unusually long time it takes eventually the armored mod ad is defeated so add another one to the kill counter he does give us access to the phone though which i gladly carry back i also grab the lime and then day three is over it's day four and that means we're in the newly unlocked distant tundra and thanks to al's subpar piloting skills brittany is stuck in a cave let's look on the bright side though because now we have yellow pikmin i build up their numbers and escape the cave while britney takes down an electric gate alf digs a hole on his side allowing him to break the glass wall open and access the bridge pieces behind it since pikmin ai is good they go through the tunnel while carrying the pieces instead of this way with the joust mites this just makes it that much easier bring hands out over all her yellows and in return she gets some rocks breaking this crystal we can grab some more bridge pieces then i pull some sneaky moves by charging my pikmin up this climbing stick and then charge them out of fruit bypassing the second captain roadblock honestly this trick can be used to access a lot of unintentional things in the game you'll see later back without if we break down this electric gate and gain access to these bridge pieces then i throw all of my pikmin over to brittany's side because this is the part of the run that i've honestly been scared of over here there's some cannon beetles that can't kill but do annoy me pretty bad and then there's the real threat this whip tongue bulldog but i have a strategy since hitting the bulldog's eye stuns them for a little i alternate throwing at its eyes and at the bridge pieces it seems like i lose pikmin but every time i manage to save them before he eats them and we escape with the bridge pieces and no losses with that the bridge is completed and this is absolutely insane by the way pikmin are literally everywhere and these cannon beetles are just throwing them around anyway i take the snowman's hat and then the day's over we got a good haul today day five and i glitch a skitter leaf pretty sure these guys have no boundaries on roaming so they can go anywhere as long as there's no loading zone blocking their way so on the wall by this crystal is completely legal moving onward though it's time for the fastback fight i turn on some lights and build some bridges until i'm able to turn the biggest of all lights on the boss bat resists but ultimately he goes down for the count and a side note i don't take credit for all the baby foss bats that just happen to die when exposed to sunlight however we need to add one to the kill count so let's do that now we've got charlie though and that concludes day five six kills so far and one very sad pikmin death who got snagged by the fossbat when i wasn't looking now we're on day six so let's get to the tropical wilds i grabbed this armor suit protection thingy and this snitch bug gives us some trouble additionally for some random reason there's a single male cheer grub on this stump where we throw the captains across so we need to throw each pikmin over individually one by one and it's pretty annoying on the other side though we can push this box down creating the path back to the drake for the rest of the crew to come up this bulb orb free to do whatever it wants in its own will decides to eat a bomb rock with little to no motivation so i did not kill him then we found a lone cell phone in the center of a massive flat circle so there's no way this is a boss arena wait nope it is as usual the fight against the mir slug is just about as eventful as it usually is so we take it down and add another to the kill counter he gives us the cell phone and a watermelon how nice of them after we carry them back it's the end of day seven and we've lost a few more pikmin day 8 and we're able to go to the twilight river which is not the paradise you might imagine it to be to start off there's these dwarf bulbworms that guard the path to basically any place we need to go sooner or later i figure out that the pikmin are actually fast enough to not get eaten by these guys so no progressions needed there's also a joust smite on the other side but once again pikmin are just fine when passing by it there's wally wogs in the way too but they're harmless since rock pikmin are immune to being crushed bypassing all these enemies i build the bridge over to the winged onion and this means another required kill the iraq node needs to be taken down in order to get the winged onion free so add another one to the kill counter fortunately we have ourselves winged pikmin now the day ends so the next day i returned to lift the branch blocking the lily pads but these skitter leaves give me a bit of trouble we manage though and we get the transmission from olimar except that's not olimar and then i bomb flower using the lily pads to travel over the river here we've got to be careful since there's a rack nose everywhere blocking our wing pikmin from carrying things so better safe than sorry and let's not use too many ringers here and for the rest of the day i collect various fruits items and pellets including this fire thing then i have to carry winged pikmin under this web to grab pieces on the top and have my spare captain distract the scornets while my pikmin do the important things like finish off the bridge and destroy this wall then these pieces under the clipboard we grab with red since there's a rack node and that uses update nine and ten in case you were wondering here's my juice storage pretty much we're set for the rest of the game day 11 the bridge is already finished so all we have to do is fight the scorn in maestro the boss is laughably easy and it's pretty amusing how louis can't find a harder boss to get captured by if you didn't know the scornets will always target your current captain and once they lock on you can just switch captains to a captain with pikmin and take the maestro down it's so easy that they have a damage cap on each phase this boss needs some improvement and honestly i hope they fix it in pikmin 3 deluxe anyway the scornet maestro goes down and for the record i did not kill all those scornets the maestro did since it looked like it strummed the give up now command it's its last order anyway that means we only need to add one to the kill counter and we grab louie in the sideways pair and the day is over the next morning louise louie and he jumps off and goes to blow stuff up this gives us access to the blue onion and i rescue it from the clutches of a single sprout thing abel wickman obviously we can't use enemy corpses to grow our numbers so we're left with a somewhat unstable population of blue pikmin then i use wing pikmin to build this brown bridge partially because they fly right over the heads of dork bulborbs in a random cave somewhere we grab some grapes and alf takes a strawberry from behind a wall the day goes by quickly so let's move on to day 13. i finish the brown bridge with these pieces underwater and then i do some over complicated stuff to get this weird orange thing i have no idea what it is but i used yellows to dig it red to carry it halfway and then wings to carry it over the bulb orbs it was more effort than it was worth then i break this wall so i can use these pieces of the cup over here with some minor complications then i grab this fruit on the other side of the brown bridge again with some minor complications what am i kidding why does this enemy even exist then the only hindering mini boss in the game guards the last pieces of the teacup but i walk right past i try to distract him with alf but then my pikmin go the other direction and this is a problem because there's a lot of fish in the other direction that keep beating my pikmin luckily none of the fish were killed although we did lose a food pikmin and this one got really close to gone that concludes day 13 and it's time to start the next day i use the teacup we just built to cross the gap over to the new area and i destroy the aristocrat's claw since it can't actually hurt us without the clock i build the bridge so the rest of my squad can come over and now it's time to fight the mire clops this fight might actually be the most difficult fight maybe in all of pikmin but as always there's nothing special in this fight that needs mentioning besides the fact that i may or may not have lost 45 pikmin regardless we take the mireclops down which means we add another to kill [Music] counter we recover louie once again and that means it's time for the final area the formidable oak anyway things are going just fine and then olimar gets captured so that is a reset attempt 2 when i have my blue pikmin carry olimar then i go for a little cheap move the bag right here would normally be pushed down from the other side making us go all the way around through enemies and obstacles to reach it but instead of doing that there's a technique where you throw a pigment onto the bag then whistle them and immediately charge it'll actually go right over the top of the bag and push it from behind repeat this a few times and they drop the bag right on top of you revealing a brand new shortcut i'm fairly certain this works for any bag all across the game so early fastback fight early second half of twilight river easy path to the beer slug you name it anyway with olimar and brittany i'm just circling around this first section here it's a strategy that always works if you remember to switch in time eventually i push the bag down and build the bridge to the second section of the cave pretty easily that means we can lead olimar into the water and keep them safe until we get out the maze not without getting the rest of the crew trapped but that's okay right this boss is so weird anyway the mysterious life form can't go in water so we're all good to solve the rest of the oak the funny thing about this area is that most of the enemies are easy to avoid or get killed by the mysterious light bar and the second section doesn't have any enemies at all after we get out it's time for the final boss fight not having many pikmin i take charlie and his fearless team of 20 rocks to take on the most challenging fight of their lives what am i kidding this fight is a joke it's pretty lame that the final boss can be cheesed by rock pikmin but hey i'm not complaining except i i actually am then i bring yellow pikmin in and a lot of them die but finally we take him down and that means that we've completed the challenge so exactly how many enemies must be killed to beat pikmin 3 well counting the plasma wraith 11. honestly since there's no reference point i don't really know what this number means so here's a chart of all the enemy kills in this playthrough scornet maestro killed all the scornets so that's a hundred kills we get second most kills and the plasm wraith took out three enemies there was also a wally i didn't mention who took out another wally walk not sure how that's possible but it happened and let's not forget that whipped tongue who did in fact get a kill anyway if you like this video make sure you put some suggestions down in the comments of more pikmin challenges for me like i said i've seen the first two pikmin games down as fast done as fascist wow that is nice like i said i've seen the first two pikmin games done as pass fists but whatever you guys want might as well throw it down below pikmin is one of my favorite franchises and i can't wait to try out the new game i probably won't get it right away but soon enough i promise i noticed something like in expert mode so maybe i could try that without killing enemies who knows whatever the case though if you did enjoy this video make sure you give it a like and subscribe if you want to see more pikmin or really anything else but that is all for now so i thank you all so much for watching i can't wait to see you all in the next one
Channel: Name Coyote
Views: 96,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikmin 3, Pikmin 3 Deluxe, Pikmin 3 Bingo Battle, Bingo Battle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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