Easter Eggs & Fun Facts in Super Mario 3D All-Stars - DPadGamer

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to honor super mario's 35th anniversary among other things nintendo blessed us with super mario 3d all-stars which is actually just a very basic port of super mario 64 sunshine and widescreen and hd and galaxy one with some better controls but not galaxy 2. if you don't get galaxy 2 don't be greedy okay for real some legitimate grievances aside being able to play these games on the nintendo switch is great and it means a whole new generation of gamers can enjoy them too so to honor this game and occasion in my own way in this video we'll be looking at some neat easter eggs and fun facts in supermar 3d all-stars like for example in sunshine's cutscene on the airstrip that started the game for a single shot peach's pale blue earrings are replaced with her eyeballs yeah i don't think you'll ever be able to unsee that one you know something else i'd like to show you is a great product from satisfy the sponsor of today's video their flagship accessory is the zen grip pro which is designed to make the switch handheld experience more comfortable with its asymmetric and ergonomic design put simply i've spent at least like 20 hours in the last week with these end grip pro and i really like it the grip itself is solidly built and has a nice grippable feel if that makes sense also when slotted into the zen pro grip the switch is held in place quite firmly without having any plastic on plastic thanks to those little rubbery bumps a bonus those smaller wedges that extend from the bottom of the grip allow the switch to stand upright on a flat surface which seems to be way more sturdy compared to the default switch's little kickstand that it has also also in all of the bundles you get a pair of thumb pads which go over the joy-con analog sticks to make them way more grapeable and they work really well they're great honestly i don't see myself going back to using the joy cons without the pads or playing the switch handheld without the zenpro grip if you want to get your hands on one of these yourself you can follow the link at the top of the description and use code d-pad 10 at checkout for 10 off on their site you'll find the standard zenpro grip which comes in black and red tropical green or blue or even a very newly released ice edition which sports a wonderful transparent design and they also have a whole section for the zen grip go made specifically for the switch light again if any of this looks interesting click that link in the description and use code d-pad 10 at checkout for 10 off thanks to satisfy for sponsoring this video which will now continue on enjoy jumping into things since this collection is nostalgic in nature why not quickly touch on some of the nostalgic elements tucked into these games like for example in the final area before the final battle against bowser in super mario 64 you can see a very pixelated rendition of mario vs bowser etched into the pillars in a similar vein a retro mario sprite is actually a whole planet in mario galaxy and there is also the many references included in the introductory scan that flood does at the start of super mario sunshine in the bottom left we can briefly see bits depicting mars battle against bowser in super mario bros super mario world and super mario 64. additionally here the text in the bottom right are actually titles of mario games with no spaces and mirrored to make them hard to read included is super mario bros 1 2 and 3 super mario world 64 sunshine super mario kart and mario kart 64. though those last two are interesting because they're actually spelled with an i instead of an a making them mario kurt also also the text in the upper left is actually japanese hiragana which lists some interesting bits about mario's attributes translated they read mario of the mushroom kingdom nemesis bowser occupation plumber favorite food spaghetti dislikes poison mushroom the person i love secret body weight secret height unknown number of chromosomes unknown father's name do not know mother's name do not know interesting they also included a nod to luigi's mansion which was released a year prior to sunshine with this pianta dialogue in hotel delfino wishing someone would just show up and vacuum up the ghosts by the way bonus fun fact about the hotel if you spam the l button to open up the map screen as soon as you load into the lobby the visuals can get all kinds of messed up i don't know why or how the menus make this happen but it does and it's it's great to see and also no fear no matter how weird the visuals get after a few moments of looking or moving around they'll return to normal continuing on the topic of visuals and the camera in the original non-personalized super mario 64 if you had a second controller plugged in as you went into the game's credit sequence you could actually move the camera with the second controller's analog stick as for 3d all-stars the game sees any controllers plugged in as the same primary controller meaning that you can't technically have a second controller to control the camera while that's very unfortunate for the easter egg i guess that does mean that if you wanted you could goof around with a friend and sort of like fight for control of mario because both of you using your controller would technically be the main primary controller so i mean that's something anyways power sliding my segue back to serena beach if we're talking about controllers then you might notice that the hotel's courtyard is actually shaped like a gamecube controller you can see this in game but here is a nice overview shot to make it that much easier to see since this video is formatted sort of like a word association game if you look at the shape of isle delfino on the map you can obviously see that it is a dolphin that is actually important and meaningful for a number of reasons firstly delfino is italian for dolphin very fittingly there are dolphins depicted in many forms spread across delfino plaza and the various levels also in addition to being a aquatically relevant animal dolphin was the name used for nintendo gamecube while it was still in development al delfino also has some really great world design that i think is worth appreciating namely the fact that in basically any level you can look out and see other levels which match up to their approximate location on the map for example after entering bianco hills turning around you can get a pretty good overhead view of rico harbor you can see part of delfino plaza and a vague hint of gelato beach as well as peanut bark i mean even in pianta village which at first glance seems to be super cut off from everything else from the highest treetop you can spot peanut park a portion of gelato beach and some very low poly sheer cliffs that most likely belong to noki bay you can even use a glitch in gelato beach with one of those dune bun leafs to briefly go very high into the air and see that yes the island is like literally in game shaped like a dolphin well at least the portions of the island that are actually modeled are shaped vaguely like a dolphin i think that's great because in my opinion a well-designed world is well worth appreciating and it also means that unironically sunshine is actually the dark souls 1 of the mario franchise no okay just me okay switching gears let's quickly cover a few things that are very surface level in buoy based galaxy there is a small planetoid which when opened looks suspiciously similar to a pokeball and there is a rough recreation of olimar's hokutate ship from pikmin 2 which can be found in space junk galaxy oh and of course if left idle long enough mara will fall asleep his pose is different in each game and in sunshine and galaxy he just sort of snores but in mario 64 he actually sleep talks listing off some of his favorite foods ha spaghetti [Music] also in mario 64 you can find butterflies around certain areas of grass or flowers if you punch kick or jump into them they could turn into a 1-up mushroom or a bomb your mileage may vary so good luck back in sunshine and noki bay's mission red coins in a bottle hidden within the small structure at the bottom of the bottle is a very out of place door which is hiding a very out of place book i've seen a number of theories and conspiracies on why this book exists but it's safe to assume that it was probably important at one point but they ended up swooping under the rug like for example if you don't know nintendo games tend to have a lot of unseen or removed content based on version like in the japanese version while peach is pondering her brief sighting of shadow mario on the airstrip toadsworth and mario are actually having a fully voiced interaction which was just very very quiet i imagine you'll be spending a fair amount of time at the princess's side hmm look like a mario's gonna have to find a job trying to start a new career yeah even though it's in like perfect english for whatever reason it was removed from international versions so we never got to hear about mario contemplating a change of career finally this last section of the video will be dedicated to some straightforward but hopefully helpful details that you can use the next time you jump into these games also we'll go in chronological order which is actually a first for this video so in super mario 64 you may know that there are some spots that if stood on will actually warp mario to some other location some work both ways others just one way and since not all of the warps are useful we'll sort of start with the good ones and then go to the bad ones so that we can point and laugh so cool cool mountain has perhaps the best warp if you turn around from the very start of where you spawn into the level and stand at the edge of the broken bridge mario will appear at the bottom of the mountain on this edge of this broken bridge which is actually a super short distance from the mother penguin this warp works both ways which means it's perfect for traveling back to the top if you ever miss an objective on the way down there's also this handy one in womp's fortress in this corner near the metal camp block which sends you up near the top of the fortress which is great for cutting down time spent traveling aka that skipping past that super perilous and dangerous slowly rotating platform the bomb battlefield has two warps the first links these two flower patches not unlike bonfires and dark souls which simply skips needing to run past the chain chomp while the others link the mountains to alcoves which i would assume is probably the most well-known warp in the game in tulsa mountain there is a neat little warp on this neat little mushroom which sends you a short distance away down onto this lower ledge containing the cannon wet dryworld has a pretty similar warp from this corner which takes you up to the cannon but going that direction only works if the water level is at the lowest so it's helpful but not both ways there's also shifting sandland which has its own warp that connects this spot next to the cannon with this spot next to this palm tree on the opposite side of the map which i guess is nice because it lets you skip that perilous rolling box platform maze thing you know that section not as useful tiny huge island has a one-way warp that gets you back from this floating platform to the mainland and standing on the balcony of rainbow ride's big house sends mario to the top of the red coin platforming area this works both ways but neither situation skips all that much snowman lands warp from here to here is mostly useless as it just cuts out easily walkable terrain and finally the most useless ones are in shifting sand lands pyramid which from here to here allows you to access this one up which is also one way i should add and then in lethal lava land you can travel between the small island near the level spawn point and the nearby hole right below one of the eyeball monsters i mean if you use it at the start of the level you literally can't get out because the app will just damage mario which is fun i guess it just seems like a really weird design but yeah that's that for the warps when it comes to sunshine i humbly offer these two techniques that should come in handy after diving onto wet ground even if it's a very small puddle mario can then slide for a long while quickly gaining speed which is great if you feel a need for speed the other technique is the spam spray or a burst spray really it doesn't have an official name because it's not mentioned in the controls nor the action section of the game but the game does mention that you can perform a backflip by shooting water with r and then pressing a which includes a large burst of water if you press the buttons r and a at the same time while midair you can actually get the burst spray without any flipping making it a very valuable tool as it dumps a lot of water in a single direction though of course this does mean that it uses up a lot of water from the tank so be mindful of its cost also while working on this script i realize i should mention that the very fun and useful spin jump and spin jump sprinkler that mario can use also works while riding yoshi for both it slightly reduces their fall speed which helps get more distance but the effect is like super pronounced for yoshi from a standing position a jump and flutter doesn't even clear this canal but a spin jump and flutter from the same spot gets him almost like twice as far of course spin jumps can take some time to get comfortable with but that along with those other two techniques should go a long way to enhancing your sunshine experience finally with galaxy i have two techniques and some stuff about star bits so first another action which is not included in the menu is the homing ground pound unlike a normal ground pound which is performed with zl wall in the air a homing ground pound requires a spin with y right before pressing zl this has a different animation and it will actually make mario home in on enemies that are close by the other technique is with the cosmic mario races which you'll find some of them sprinkled throughout the game despite being a foot race you can get a starting boost very similar to what you can do in my heart so after the countdown begins hold forward and then you want to press cl after a second which makes mark crouch further down into like a ready stance and then press the jump button so air b as soon as the race begins basically all the actions needed for a long jump if done properly mario will actually glow for a short while and get enough speed to give you a pretty decent head start now for the bit about star bits here are a couple of fun facts galaxy 1 has a star bit shaped reference to zelda tucked away in rolling gizmo galaxy viewable from this bridge while on foot it's a blue rupee pretty nice also star bits and galaxy 1 and 2 gratitude crystals and zelda skyward sword and max revives from pokemon are all inspired by the popular japanese sugar candy con pito according to rosalina's storybook star bits taste like honey that said considering that star bits are literal candy and they taste so good it's no wonder that so many are requested by hungry lumas if you're diligent with star bit gathering during normal gameplay you should be able to get most of the star bits needed to meet the demands of those lumas but if you need to farm some star bits here are two decent locations firstly is sling pond galaxy which is actually the second hungary luma galaxy that you can reach so it's pretty early on in the game i personally find the sling pawns very annoying to control but a single good run of this can get you like 200-ish star bits which is not bad but we can do better namely bubble blast galaxy which while being later in the game than sling pod galaxy it is way better at farming star bits so all you have to do after spawning in is take this pipe in the bottom left jump up onto this section so you have a nice view of the area and just sweep your camera back and forth to collect like 90 star bits pretty much all at once and then just sort of jump to your death since 90 star bids is 40 more than is needed for a 1up you'll actually be gaining lives during this with this it should only take a couple of minutes to reach the end level cap of 999 star bits unfortunately to add those 999 star bits to our total we need to go when actually like complete the level which i personally find you know pretty easy since the switch's motion controls are way more reliable than the wii's then again it's still something that uses motion controls and it's supposed to be a sort of hard level so your mileage may vary but for me a decent run of this took on average about 11 to 12 minutes so while i really didn't have to with this i was able to get to the star bit counter cap of 9999 in a little less than three hours which i think is pretty good i mean it's not perfect there are probably also i should note that upon reaching the max number of star bits every coconut in the game will be permanently transformed into a watermelon which is super useless it really doesn't change anything other than texture but that's something also the process of farming those star bits actually got me to 95 lives which i bumped to the max of 99 using peach's letter full of green mushrooms that's also something something completely pointless because fun fact and one of the most confusing game design choices i can think of for this game super mario galaxy resets the life counter every time you save and quit the game oh what fun with that we've covered most of what i wanted to include so let's go ahead and end things here thank you for watching this far thanks to satisfy again for sponsoring this video and thanks to my channel members for the support with especially big thanks to christy conscious pseudonymous germanger and achilles rhodes for being super fans if you'd like to show your support commenting leaving a like and maybe even subscribing would be like super small also feel free to check out some of my other videos if you want that's about it for this one i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 379,197
Rating: 4.8843961 out of 5
Keywords: Easter Eggs in Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Super Mario 3D All-Stars Easter Eggs, Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Easter Eggs in Super Mario 64, Easter Eggs in Super Mario Sunshine, Easter Eggs in Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Galaxy, DPadGamer, Super Mario 3D All-Stars Fun Facts, Fun Facts in Super Mario 3D All-Stars, Mario Fun Facts, Mario Easter Eggs, Satisfye, Mario 3D All-Stars Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs in Mario 3D All-Stars, Mario 3D All-Stars
Id: uFkXgEyU0DE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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