A Game Builder Garage Showcase (40+ Games) - DPadGamer

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welcome to game builder garage a game about building games in the world's most yellow garage it launched on the switch on june 11th 2021 and in the time since a lot of great stuff has been made in this video i'd like to show off a bunch of that awesome stuff while also discussing some of game builder garage's shortcomings and room for improvements because there's a lot of both first and foremost an issue there's no built-in game finder like at all as such you have to share and receive codes via third party places like say discord or mygarage.games a website that i used which will have numerous links to in the description that said i went through and i downloaded a bunch of games and i played them and recorded them and i realized that there was a lot to talk about so i decided to split them into three different categories for the sake of my own organization it's pretty arbitrary but i decided to split them into recreations original works and proof of concept slash like demos starting with some recreations there's secrets of rico tower a short and simple platforming segment reminiscent of its namesake from super mario sunshine it uses a lot of game build garage's built-in platforming mechanics you earned a gold medal after that we have super clean man demo a super janky recreation of super mario sunshine you'll see that uh you you can create your own custom move sets and your own sprites your own textures they made some really great sprites for peach and uh the tanooki and the other stuff and yeah while i may call it janky that is a term of endearment in this case they did a great job uh recreating a interesting experience that said you're not just limited to 3d platformers like at all you could totally make a 2d platformer like this like super paper mario coin hunt which it looks pretty good it uses some custom animations and that's about it also super short is paper mario engine v2 made by the same person who made super paper mario coin hunt uh super super minimal there's literally like three platforms one enemy and that's it because each texture object bit of code everything is a node on so the more complex and interesting it is the less room you have for gameplay something you'll find with a lot of different experiences that said you can have multi-game experiences like for example garage gear solid which was so well done it really surprised me [Music] [Music] since you make your games node by node you can also make things a bit less conventional like pokemon there was actually two different takes on pokemon first called pokemon rival battle a short one which must have been hell because game builder garage does not do well with very dense projects game builder garage gives you little option for working with a lot of stuff at once like you can't split things into different layers for viewable like organization you can lock stuff but still everything looks fairly similar it's uh i'm surprised they were able to do it the other is nostalgic battle 3.2 which is a bit of a different take and i don't know why i randomly evolved mid-battle but it works they recreated sort of pokemon which is really really cool of course there's also super mario bros 1-1 which was done by two different people this one has some sort of weird looking physics but it's playable and it's quite neat the other visually and movement wise is way more accurate it doesn't have any sprint uh no enemies there's no hidden sub level but again it's pretty cool when it comes to working with sprites you can create something that doesn't even look like it was made with any 3d like tetris so i i'm i am aghast at how they managed to make it work but it works really well the fact that they actually made this node by node is astounding the mindsets of like how did they do this applies to a lot of these games another being friday night funken versus person 1.2 and then 2.1 in 2.1 they actually synced up the inputs to the background music selected which must have been absolute hell to do manually [Music] another great example of that is hello pikmin which is again quite janky but uh it's so cool as you run around you could use the joy cons motion control to pick up stuff like for example the pellets turn it into the onion and then get a pikmin to follow you around you can only ever have one type of pigment following you but you can throw the pikmin which apply elemental effects it's not an exact translation of pikmin but either way the blue pikmins put out fire the red pikmins ignite the box of fireworks and the yellow pikmins activates the battery for other recreations that are really cool we have mario kart balloon battle which i quite enjoyed and also i really hated the bots um i don't know how they made it work in terms of having other cars drive around and shoot stuff uh but they did and i kept having where i would run into a bot and i would lose a balloon and then shoot my shell and then i would lose a balloon like i lose twice how is that fair at the very end donkey kong slipped on a banana peel and i won how fitting resident evil gbg teaser and the same but with rpd how [Music] another pretty much feature complete experience is uh flappy bird which is just flappy bird just like that one it's very difficult and i only managed to get like maybe three pipes in but yeah the other being vvvv vvv a 2d platformer where you can invert physics i don't actually know if this is a super accurate recreation from what i've seen of v6 it looks very close and i was able to get to the end and it had my time and my deaths sort of a demo sort of a recreation i don't know we have super haunts which has it where sort of time only moves when you do and this was one of the first custom games i saw that made me go okay whoa maybe game brother garage has some potential also shout outs to legend of zelda [Music] garage [Music] [Applause] [Music] so last of the recreations i want to specifically call out are two sonic inspired ones the first being sonic 3d green hill 2.0 which is a pretty close recreation of the sonic utopia game it's funny though because this one is one where instead of controlling a player like like the person node on you're controlling a car so you have sort of car physics which means it's very difficult to turn around um so that's a bit janky in that sense but then again so sonic so i guess it's pretty accurate the other sonic 1 that i recorded was gbg sonic tutorial which takes a more sort of sonic generations slash i think unleashed approach like it actually works pretty well on to proof of concepts there's drift playground which is super short but very well done i don't like that it flashes every time you activate the nitro speed boost but still it's a 10 out of 10 for creating a actual drift mechanic when the car by default just does not have that at all same idea do maternal garage one by one this is one of the few sort of shooters that i played and they have three weapon types grenades uh a dash mechanic it's so cool onwards since this is a game about making games someone of course had to make minecraft to someone's did that as it is this version was made by creeper juice and it's fairly visually dynamic what you see here is what i made myself i just forgot to record the actual building parts that said it is limiting in that you'd only spawn a certain number of each block like that's basically all of the glass you get the other version by carson only has two different kinds of blocks but as a result it's much less restrictive feeling when you're placing a bunch of those blocks also i found that their targeting block indicator thingy was much more reliable when moving around while you'll probably never get much more minecraft in your game builder garage game i think it's really cool that this is even possible in the first place something that's important to know if you've not tried to program your own game and game builder garage is that it's pretty difficult not just because it is doing it node by node figuring out the logic for each different kind of thing you want to do but because the ui is a bit unfriendly they don't tell you all the instructions and most importantly for those awesome games like garage gear solid there's no way to copy code from one game to another the only way being to take the game itself make a copy of it and then rework what is there into the second part and then the third part so unless you create your own sort of template it's impossible so you would have to remake the textures every single time redo every single bit of code there's no way to save patches of code as functions there's no way to save textures it's pretty hard to get into making a game and game build a garage and if you're just going into it to play you know for fun it's difficult because there's no game finder so you're just sort of at a loss like what do i do and uh that's i think a a huge issue and honestly why if it hasn't already the game will definitely die off without much needed fixes and improvements so yeah it's cool but the game needs some love anyways we're approaching the last section of stuff to talk about and these are all what i decided to call original works [Music] do [Music] do [Music] up [Music] [Music] do [Music] lastly there's little puzzle island which i think is probably my favorite out of every single one of these because it's a puzzle game there's no platforming you walk around through this very scenic little building and you complete puzzles i'm not showing any puzzle solutions to avoid spoilers because this is a game build a garage game worth playing if you're interested in playing this or any of the other games mentioned in this video there will be a chronological list with codes in the description i'm going to end the video here so it's outdoor time big thanks to my channel members for their support with a garage size thanks to pseudonymous achilles rhodes and captain crayfish for being super fans thank you for watching this video it was a quicker one than usual but i hope the editing and the voiceover and all that was still like up this enough if you're interested in watching some my other stuff do it or don't either way have a great day bye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 291,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Builder Garage, Custom Games, Modding Mischief, GBG Levels, GBG Games, GBG Showcase, Game Builder Garage Showcase
Id: 1J61mPuRxj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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