Playing Minecraft, Portal, & More in A Hat in Time - Modding Mischief

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[Music] hello gamer welcome to my epic minecraft server yeah let's let's try building something crap the cajun cliffs update it's looking weird i think this is it ah we did it we've built something okay so let me explain i recently live stream myself playing through a bunch of fun hat in time workshop levels but it was so all over the place that i thought that the highlight video could use a bit of context which is what i'll be trying to do with this post commentary by the way the name and upload of each mod will be shown on screen but you can find a full list of mods in the description so one of the first ones i played was this really interesting mix of rainbow road and yakuza metro which was really beautiful and fun to play but also maybe it's just me maybe i'm not that great at the game but it seemed like there was danger at every turn [Music] oh oh god oh my god absolutely i clutched it dude that was so sketch oh god um why is there love and rainbow road [Music] this is not safe for the passengers oh i made it oh yes all right let's play this safe and uh careful and oh god trying not to die here this level's so cool oh no so there's just straight up an undertale fight in here um but we can't fight naps of luke [Music] here comes napstablook i'm gonna act uh i'm going to check on him 10 attack 10 defense he doesn't have a sense of humor okay i'm real funny wow they really are like hey let's just recreate undertale this is so cool let me try oh his hat he made the hat i usually come to the ruins because nobody around but today i met someone nice oh i'm rambling again i'll get out of your way uh this is um plot armor isn't breakable uh speaking of um i don't know why you made this uh here's a hat in time mixed with jojo you don't know prepare to get beat down like the six-piece chicken mc nobody you are this power this dominance never before have i felt such assertion [Music] i see isn't surprising to see a crime around these parts but v bucks scams have been exploding in italy uh some strange fellow goes by boss of the mafia used to it's kind of strange stand to take over fortnite hq and he's using the power of v bucks to take over the world though what is this what deliver this bread to my boy tim oh and be a little careful with the flame there it tends to get a little oh oh dear god you have two paths one is to become a fortnight streamer for all of eternity the other is death i was basically the same thing looks like we have to fight him if we want to join the fortnite mafia get ready kid oh god this is just paper mario [Music] no not mr clean speaking of games that work really well and ahead of time minesweeper i used my elite gamer knowledge of minesweeper this can't be mine cool uh and then i think there's just a couple over here so this should be safe that's a bomb so this should be safe and this should be safe i did it i'm sort of i'm really proud of that not gonna lie oh god we're playing again yes reiterate previous morning we're playing portal guys nothing is uh doing anything oh it's uh up on the d-pad okay there we go i don't know if there's a easy way for me to i don't know how to look down maybe mouse cursor oh scroll wheel all right let's drop it here there we go damn it i got i got smacked but i still got through so we're good yes huzzah [Music] yay we did it please oh oh god i did it guys we're good the device has modified oh can i shoot it through that no that looks like it's just connecting to the grate maybe it's not i don't know what the hell is happening am i inside of the wall i didn't expect to be inside the wall oh and then uh sonic so just to be clear here there's this really cool sonic level but then also separately i downloaded and was playing as sonic a playable character but the playable character has incredible speed which was not made alongside the level somehow sonic managed to be too fast for a sonic level which is oddly accurate to the base games [Music] i am speed [Music] this is so cool [Music] guys that was awesome that was so cool one dude let's do pt guys let's do pt playable trailer oh boy i still have this on my ps4 which i guess is like makes it a relic but if you don't know what pt is just uh hold on to your hats and uh you'll see oh boy cockroaches how'd you end up here uh magic a way out maybe the door leads somewhere the gap in the door it's a separate horizon thank you bag of uh stuff immediately fall over oh that's great it's hat time that's awesome all the art looking real good nice oh this is awesome gaming is such a drag every year people stay inside shoot the same boring enemies play the same kind of games yeah three farmers have gone pretty rare here's how we can change that hell yeah cool well that was fun that was a fun hallway that was a fun that was a fun hallway oh boy this is a fun hallway it's hat time oh hey hi what's in there guys what's in there what do you think oh we're in here all right can i can i get outside of my own face please oh guys we need a key guys i wonder if there is a key in the bathroom cool cool also i like that we keep seeing inside my own face it's just the smile good old hat time still looks like someone left the lights off oh that's great i like that a lot oh god don't touch that dial now we're just getting started yes i'm scared it's happening still had time still hat place still had time oh what the hell look at this little baby guys oh oh i don't like that why is it all okay i don't like that it did that what a cute bear you have one just like at home yours is bigger though and cuter that's for sure pretty old phone yep all the keys the same letter oh hey we're getting secrets hat time who built the clock with our hands what's that see some strange marking on the back of the clock you better make the letter m and the spell apparently [Music] oh moon that makes more sense guys it's getting spooky look above you i said look above you oh god okay that's can i leave now thank you oh hey oh it's the eye guys it's the eye from the top of the manor that is so good that's such good use of it i need a key guys we got to find a key we got to persevere we got the key oh there's the key let's just keep going [Music] oh god i didn't realize there was actually someone there i was like oh that's it's funny that they keep doing that for a jump scare and this is this is the moon jumper's art yeah that's at the top of the manor in the attic [Laughter] i didn't realize that there was actually the character there oh god what is this is it we're just not gonna manola to leave today now i can leave cool hell yeah times end oh my god times n this is uh a scrapped area that was gonna be in the game that's so cool wow what an awesome level like it took pt and actually gave it like a pretty decent story like that was awesome [Music] all right we're good oh no i'm really good at climbing dang hey it's the old lady's house head of the man yep sure about that yep all right i'll say i didn't worry now extra gear oh yeah [Music] that is so cursed [Music] if the hair even changes color i did notice that too i didn't expect to actually be in 3d for this but i'll take it pack oh yeah depth perception with the crystals is whack i do agree there you have to be very careful with how you do it ah oh jesus hello bird i did it guys oh my god yeah i am not good that is a confirmation ow get me out of this hillscape whoa i did it that was really challenging i i liked it a lot that was really cool it's not it's not perfect but i like it dude let's flip it let's play some banjo-kazooie let's play some freaking freezy peak free roam oh my god that art is so good oh that looks incredible i know there's one for destroying oh it looks so good fly through the uh the star oh my god the notes wow yes flip and do it boys it's major time yeah i'm a little weird looking but we're playing banjo high levels of ice concentration many slopes have become too slippery to traverse wearing a no bunk badge in order to safely travel thank you yeah the bonk badge lets you do this i believe yep you go straight up which is not how any of that should work but it does uh i think it seems to be okay so far oh there is the hurt all right cool nice we got freezy water just like the original [Music] hey buddy okay oh i need i need some mumbo tokens but i know that there is a jinjo in here he's so tiny hippy you saved me and oh [Music] oh my god it's a mumbo mask that is incredible uh does the fire hurt the fire does not hurt that's okay [Music] i'll be on a moment i have the wrong person look for drinking help uh i don't know who you are but unless your name is the word for string musical instrument with a long neck and a round open backpack consisting of parchment stretch over a metal hoop bring it on goggle eyes [Music] yes bottles fern is fun conquer the three challenges of the various gimmicks found in original game a button uh land on one a courthouse mine will ask you a question wow this is so cool our answer is oh i desire answer wrong and you'll bathe on fire the gingers are full of glue what color what's sleeping on the broom oh god um i think just just going through my brainscape i'm pretty sure it's green but i might be wrong i'm wrong all right so you guys were right it was blue [Music] oh god uh just kill me now you know let's let's take a different route for now [Music] ah ah the camera angle change really got me i was not expecting i was i thought it might die there okay that's strats speed run strats um okay i can't are you telling me i can't carry it through this [Music] okay you know what fine be like that bottles definitely has a flare for the spooky friends you can never put together something like this [Music] i'm sad okay you know what let's uh let's do the rest level first we can come back to that damn it dude i uh that is tough that is a tough area oh we can fly [Music] thank you that's two [Music] oh god it's original rules if you die in the game you lose your notes okay all right let's okay let's get all the notes first uh yes oh i can't see the animation but i got the jiggy let's try it again [Music] damn it [Music] all right i think i got it oh come on count it count it count it oh dear god oh it did not need to be that close but it was there we go hey okay okay is that a stand-in for uh flying oh jesus um all right [Music] okay uh yeah no come on [Music] which one lets me i may not make it [Music] yes one second to spare dude oh dude i feel so good right now this is awesome [Music] yes yay that's better thank you little girl i'll press a big race now see you buddy yay i'm playing banjo cuphead in time this is a really big level i'm loving it all right let's go [Music] what the dude let me uh are you serious [Music] the animation i went into the [Music] this should give me more control [Music] i think i actually might need the scooter i don't think i have enough speed otherwise i just have to be careful to cancel out if i need to no why'd i do that why did i do that yes [Music] i have the no bunk badge are you telling me oh my god finally okay we're good [Music] we're good [Music] i saved it we're fine [Music] can you reload please i'm sorry for destroying you nice that's one button cool so let's try it up again yes cool two of them it's still not back what what am i supposed to do now it's not back [Music] i think leaving the area will forfeit the buttons dev console yeah i think dev console here i is it down there somewhere or trying to see if i could find it [Music] now i'm not seeing it anywhere i don't know how to spawn one in so i'm just gonna like come down to here [Music] the walrus cool so we could do this part [Music] now let's see if it responds it should respond and respond okay i don't know why the hell didn't respond before oh no no i can't get caught dead bird prison is nothing to joke about i have to pin this on someone someone like her no i've never actually played ace attorney myself i'm i'm aware of it i've seen memes oh it's snatcher hell yeah with the prosecution like to begin their opening statement certainly your honor damn on the 12th of berger at 8 00 3 p.m the victim was stabbed to death with a knife according to the autopsy report the victim was stabbed three times on the general location same general location the crime took place on the isle express in the boiler room i've added these crime details to the court record [Music] classified occupation classified my identity must be kept classified hang on there last year can't receive this trial without getting your name and occupation is the state of the universe in jeopardy if i do not comply uh yeah yeah totally i shall declassify name [Music] yeah it was 8 23 when the victim was stabbed so the clock could not have chimed get absolutely zinged hey now i'm not going to take this sure that may be true oh well well looks like dj loser isn't that great of his job i asked you but there's better than you can go now i need to feed my fish at home it's actually a pretty conclusive trial you proved a lot of inconsistencies but never actually proved who the true killer was that's that's not how law works no what if the victim did it kill the race the victim what the attack that's right the victim you mean a suicide name not a suicide the victim is still alive who do this is quite the hoot you're showing up where's the victim then right in this courtroom you can't be serious that's right the victim and the killer is mr dean bird the victim never died because the death was faked uh-huh it's quite hoot have you lost your mind the victim is the killer of all the crazy theories yeah you can't prove that how would you prove such a thing so that is indeed the hat in the picture so how are you wearing it right now if you're here and you're not the victim that means if we go back to check the crime scene will we find the body it's so over the top i love it i'm blowing my money on the student head couldn't pay back my pay taxes i would have been said that dead bird prison so i'm going to deal with the car agent anonymous fake my death put it on on t i forgot a name for that i would have gotten away with it were you meddling defense attorneys what a disappointment yes i'm not exciting defendant the court declares the defendant auntie not guilty court earned right on time there lassie what about the shooter but our next movie and this actually has voice acting which is crazy now we only have five minutes to shoot the entire movie and we got 30 scenes to shoot i hope you're ready to work hard since we only have the budget to do four tanks so don't screw it up um i don't mean to interrupt but don't interrupt me well um pardon me if this is a dumb question but how are we gonna shoot a full movie in five minutes just we're gonna shoot 30 scenes five to ten seconds each it's a revolutionary concept i call it fast i guess you could say the clock is tick talking hey everyone i'm sorry all right reach the other side yeah we did it okay cool tickets okay cans i don't know why that's in delphine a plaza enter the cave oh quick get in the cave oh yeah all right one two three four four [Music] final destination oh my god it's so well done level up appreciate fine art what i didn't move though what what is happening what is happening [Music] okay okay jesus what is happening um [Music] oh my god okay okay the mods breaking scoot the birds what [Music] dammit [Music] kick off the ducks was that was it a roblox oof it's a boss stage oh boy uh okay [Music] wait [Music] i used his her juice [Music] this is ridiculous it does count finish it [Music] uh burn the painting um okay wait is that wario uh i did it i burnt wario oh dear god what i thought i did it the item oh metroid oh i did it okay this is a wait this is where you learn to roll isn't it [Music] defeat okay i i beat him defeat okay get got [Music] count oh god uh how many people entered the house oh i don't uh uh seven nope [Music] ascend okay then yeah i did it uh make an entrance um what defeat the heartless is this true traverse town oh that was awesome sell your soul ah quick take my soul a fortnite shroomer now now yeah that's about right and that concludes this video big thanks to my channel members for their support with an especially big thanks to pseudonymous germanger achilles rhodes and captain crayfish for being super fans and thank you for watching please let me know in the comments down below if you enjoyed this video because it is different from what i usually do and it was fun to make it was easier to make and i want to do more with these in the future if that's something you're also interested in that's about it thanks for watching i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 73,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A Hat in Time Custom Levels, A Hat in Time Workshop Levels, A Hat in Time Mods, Modding Mischief, DPadGamer, A Hat in Time, a hat in time, hat in time, Hat in Time Mods, Hat in Time Workshop Levels, Hat in Time Custom Levels, A Hat in Time Minecraft, Modding A Hat in Time, A Hat in Time Mod Showcase, Gears For Breakfast
Id: 47_9rjQkDk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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