Super Mario 3D All Stars: Mario 64 120 Star Speedrun (WITH FLIPPED CAMERA CONTROLS 🙃)

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first run in this category as far as I know

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Meester_Tweester 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey what up make sure we're good we're starting a little early a couple minutes early because i'm pretty much ready to go we're gonna wait about five or so minutes before we start the run so if you're watching this as a vibe to skip ahead to about five minutes and that's when we'll start because i want to explain a couple of things i know i've seen a lot of you very very confused okay we're in we are in um a lot of you are confused how do i have this game already um i here's the thing i'm not affiliated with nintendo or anything like that uh all i did is act actually something that you can do right now if you wanted to is uh i made a separate nintendo account and i made sure the time zone was set to australian time and then i went to the australian e-shop and purchased the game digitally that way now getting the australian e-shop cards a little harder to do but if you do know how to do that you can get the game 14 hours early i actually unlocked this at 10 am and it is currently 2 pm um i have recently been getting a bunch of footage for two 3d all-stars videos which is why i'm just starting the stream i think i got a super chat oh another sticker from luigi thank you so much so before we begin the run i need to clarify a few things um i'm holding my joy cons like this on purpose because for some reason the camera controls are the complete opposite direction um so basically well you can't see the camera controls in the castle but um here's what happens um so like it's basically corrected technically but the original game moving left to right is totally opposite and that throws off my entire groove so what i'm gonna do is literally play the game with the joy-con upside down like this because it's the only way i can move the camera properly and i had to remap some buttons i turned off the shoulder button so i don't actually hit the uh the r camera so this is going to be fun it can be very fun to try to speed run this i actually was practicing this a couple days ago trying to get the 120 star route kind of planned out so there you have it how's everyone in chat doing i just want to get all of that out of the way to kind of get all the confusion fixed up how is the volume by the way let me go back into the castle let me know the volume is before we start it should be good and i also notice people are asking are there bljs there are no bljs and there is no so long gay bowser it's no longer in um it's longer in the game because this is a different version it's the shindu version which is technically the most updated version of mario 64. and they patched out bljs they changed sound effects listen to this see his voice is more higher pitched for some of his jumps so wish me luck guys this is going to be really hard um let me see so how is volume i don't see in chat how it is okay yeah so we'll start uh we'll start like two minutes thank you guys for the good luck your hype for this appreciate all the super chats guys i will try to read super chats while i'm playing but keep in mind since it is a speed run it's very hard for me to read chat let alone super chats but i will try my best to do so when i can so there you have it let's actually take a quick um peek at the main menu for anyone that hasn't seen it so go to 3d all stars it's gonna look a little funky hold on a second i do this okay here we go so here's the main menu should be set up right it's a little off give me a second okay so this is the main menu that's how it starts and there you have it thank you i'm seeing a lot of super chats thank you for the confirmation on audio by the way um this is how it is um it like randomly plays music at the top it's i know people were saying it's the galaxy 2 song it's actually random every single time um and then i'll show you guys the loading screen budding so you get actually you get a really cool render of mario or like it too or something every time which is really neat i love you guys for three years that's awesome dude thank you so much thank you so much okay so actually this menu looks very very clean i have to say it looks pretty good it looks a lot better than i thought it would it might not look as good since i'm streaming it and youtube's compressing it but let's do this okay are we ready to go actually how am i even gonna there's no like reset button i guess so here's what i'm gonna do i'm actually gonna go back to the beginning and after the loading screen leaves i will hit the split and we will get started so i'm nervous how it's gonna go i think it's probably gonna take me three hours because i'm not used to this control scheme at all but we'll see how it goes is there gamecube and support yes and no so i actually i'll go ahead and explain this real quick so with mario sunshine you can use the gamecube controller but the b button which normally dives jumps in mario sunshine the pressure sensitive shoulder button does nothing the controls are r i think is like it's like loose shooting so you can run around and shoot water and then z you stand in place it's not very good on gamecube okay let's do this thing there are so many super chats guys i literally can't keep up with them thank you so much everyone okay without further ado without any more delays let's do this i honestly i'll probably get the super chats after the run okay let's see if i can time this right pretty it's a very clean render i love that here we go let's do it it's me super lit shy guy thank you for the super chat and from ghost pepper gaming did i know mr flips yeah i saw mr flip streamed on youtube the other day long live mario 64. thank you everyone for all the channel members as well this is crazy absolutely insane so we'll see how it goes with my upside down joy-con oh boy oh my god is this live of course it's live yeah it's a live stream oh i'm a little nervous i'm not gonna lie so for anyone that hasn't seen a mario speedrun you're going to see some of the tricks that are done in real runs but keep in mind i speed run very casually so i only know roughly half of the tricks and again i'm also playing with a weird control scheme so don't know how well it's gonna go but i will try to show off as many tricks as i can so the first one is like a two skip i'm gonna see if i can get it oh okay [Music] i got it yes i actually got it okay i can't believe i got it sick that's what's up okay oh didn't want to do that say mario oh man mario is very um sensitive when you move the turning feels very sensitive okay here we go so i'm gonna try another skip called bobbum clip um i don't know if this was patched though um i tried it earlier today and it didn't work but i'll try it again very it's so it's so weird to do this okay come here buddy okay so it might have honestly been patched out of this game but we're out of this version that's okay we can just do this instead a little bit slower but it still works there's we've got i think like 10 members already thank you so much for all the support everyone again i hope you guys enjoy the run try to go as fast as i can all right cool so star one down 119 more to go so i have to say um something else is like the textures are actually a lot cleaner and look nicer than i thought they would because when i was looking at like the trailers and stuff i'm like oh this looks the same but no it actually looks okay uh the game looks fine it's not perfect by any means but it looks okay okay so we're gonna try another skip this one's not super hard necessarily but again i'm not used to this controller there we go nice okay i want to do a side flip hey please don't hit me mr boulder thank you oh my gosh i literally cannot keep up with the super it's so weird you know what i'm not used to i'm not used to the high-pitched mario sounds it's really bizarre okay um also for everyone that's in chat i know there's going to be a lot of new people coming in and out so when someone asks how i got the game early can the chat let those people know that it is an australian version so that way i don't have to constantly repeat myself so if you guys could do that for me that would be pretty epic much appreciated if you could do that okay here we go next we got star number two and so we're gonna do stars two which is koopa then star three right after that so this one's pretty basic the only thing i'm gonna do out of the ordinary is i'm gonna talk to the bobbum while i'm racing them just to save a little bit of time and that's pretty much it then we just beat them okay thank you for the five dollar super time sorry i missed it again i will probably read them all after the uh after the run okay here we go so we're taking pretty much the same path here nothing too nothing too complicated all right and you can take the teleport but i choose not to i like taking the scenic route it doesn't really matter anyway because we're gonna have to wait for koopa to get up top so you might as well skadoodle a little bit hey thank you wow mx49 i don't know how much that's worth but thank you so much and from sp rx greetings from austral what's up man actually probably pretty good time for you to be watching this because i am streaming a little bit early okay let's see if i can do do some fancy tricks i'm going to do a i'm going to grab the very top of the flagpole boom look at that epic that's also another change in the shindo version you may have noticed when mario grabs pulls he does like an extra swing around for some reason i don't know why he does that but he does okay perfect so i'm gonna try a fast skip for this last star here before moving to another level and i don't know if i'm gonna get it it's gonna be um kind of hard to do just cuz i'm not used to joy cons but if i don't get it i have a backup so it's all good is this a good version i would say casually speaking this version of mario 64 is perfectly fine um but if you are like a speedrunner if you play the game more seriously like i do this is not a good version to play it's just it's just okay all right oh i need to do this oh no i missed it okay that's fine i'm just gonna go up oh my god come on okay we'll take this to save a little bit of time okay here we go so we're gonna try a skip that's a little hard to do see how it goes oh god okay here we go i'll try to get it oh hold on hold on i can try again no i can't okay you know what i'll just so basically what you can do is you can long jump off of that slant and land on the island it's really cool uh unfortunately i was going too fast didn't make it so now let's take the cannon and that's fine with me also i just looked at my splits i'm only gonna be about 30 seconds behind or so that's not that bad i thought i'd be more far behind than that okay then we'll take that and then we'll be done with bob on battlefield for now obviously we'll have to come back to it but next we're gonna go to womp's fortress and actually do all the stars there [Music] will there be a oh 3d all-stars triggered yes of course that's in the works right now uh there will be a triggered and a mind-blowing video um if you are a channel member by the way a bunch of you have already became channel members you're going to see the trigger video later tonight and then the mind blowing video the day after that so if you click the join button then you can see those two videos a little early because they'll go public trigger will go public on friday mind-blowing on saturday so okay so what i'm gonna try to do now is 100 coins and red coins at the same time it's going to be very wonky with the joycons but i'll try to do it okay oh my goodness gracious this is so janky i can't even describe how janky this is okay that was decent though we'll take that oh no no no there we go okay perfect all right we'll take that and then do a bit of that action perfect so we're gonna try a bit of a hard trick here see if i can get it nice got it and we made the cycle okay oh that was really good hey i did something cool yay okay i'm glad i did one cool thing today that's good we're gonna grab this blue coin and the red coin okay then we need to come up here grab this oh i don't okay okay that was sketchy all of this is so sketchy okay i gotta say you know what i'm getting a little more comfortable with these joy-cons but not not a lie i'm still kind of getting used to them a little bit but i'm getting more used to how mario moves and we'll grab that star in a second and boom we're going to get 100 in red in a span of about five seconds pretty slick and kablam there we go yeah honestly i can't believe i got the prana kill either he he woke up and i somehow didn't get hit by him that was very very close okay so cool so we did that now we're gonna try something called cannonless now this skip is not necessarily hard but it is going to be hard with this controller because i have to have very precise movement so i will try to get it once and if i don't get it i'll just move on to a different star okay here we go gotta grab the ledge do a back flip move the camera twice punch go down come on no it was so close okay you know what i'm gonna try it again in a second let me get this star as a backup i almost got that that was really close okay so we'll just get this for now thank you for the sticker aiden i appreciate it how to get the australian version you need a nintendo account or that is in the time zone of australia and then you just purchase it through the australian eshop it's that simple the hardest part is just getting eshop cards for it okay so let's try to get cannonless again because i'd rather not have to open up the cannon to get that unless i absolutely have to okay there we go do a punch nice we got it okay second try works we take those we take those okay so next we're gonna do uh now it actually doesn't matter that much we just have to finish it there's nothing else that's particularly challenging in this level um i'm gonna do chip off womp's block i guess we'll just go in order because why not again not really anything else that's hard so there is another trick called owless and if you guys remember um you have to grab an owl for one of the stars and um you like go into a cage there is a way to do it without the owl but i'm very inconsistent at it so i will just be grabbing the owl but for whomps very easy i'm sure everyone knows this you can just round pound through them pretty simple so not really not much to say about this one pretty easy star [Music] uh you can deal j no you can't blj in the shindo version it was patched out so the reason bljs worked in the original version is because backward speed or negative speed was not really accounted for the developers didn't think about um basically creating a limit so there is no limit for moving backwards and that's why you can go so fast that's why the exploit exists at all but it's definitely not supposed to exist okay so we're gonna try a little bit of a skip here as well for top of the fortress see if we can get this one oh no okay let me try again oh come on i'm gonna get it it will happen okay dude the angles are so weird this is so hard to run nice glasses thank you actually tetra if anyone asks about the glasses could you just respond in chat i don't know how long you'll be here but there's a whole story behind it um i don't really want to go into it because it's a long thing but okay on to our last star just gonna grab the owl and then that'll be it so here's here's the weird thing about this star is again like i was saying earlier you normally or you don't actually need the owl to get up to the cage but you really don't save that much time like you like the run when you do it you save like two or three seconds compared to just doing this this is already well when you don't miss like an idiot it's usually not that slow it's you lose like maybe three seconds if that so because that happened i'm losing a lot more time now i gotta wait for the owl oh hey what's up commonwealth yeah that's right we're at 777k subscribers if you're new make sure to hit that subscribe button because we have more 3d all-stars videos coming very soon one more tomorrow one more saturday okay can we not miss this time for fever come on there we go okay i don't even know why i have my splits there's no like i am running it but like there's no way i'm gonna be able to beat my uh personal best time it's just not gonna happen oh it's so wonky come on mario okay so next we're gonna do bowser in the dark world we will get the wing cap in a little bit but for now we're gonna do this one oh what's up asia thank you so much did they remove blj yes they did thank you for the super chat it's a big sad that we lost our blj but fortunately not much we can do about it okay here we go oh man this level is so scary with joy cons oh my god okay honestly i'm just playing it safe grab the coin okay okay good okay so this this level is basically just moving fast there's not really a lot of tricks to it there are some like fast things to do but most of it's just playing really fast so i'm i'm playing it safe because i really don't want to die especially not in a bowser level because they take so long to complete okay good this is like the only kind of fast thing i do in this level just kind of dive right in there it's probably the best way to do it i don't even know how people would normally grab this coin that's just how i've always done it oh my god you see that bonk i almost died right there that would have been pretty sad okay we'll grab that perfect uh the voices that mario is making are new or not so they are technically new but um they're new for the shindo okay sorry about this but we gotta do it oh wait no no i didn't get the babai okay so i didn't get the baba sound because i didn't fling bowser very far but in one of the bowser fights probably the last one you're going to hear babai instead of solange bowser which is a little sad but that's just how it is so f to uh salon gay bowser as well okay so after this we're doing aquarium and then all the jolly roger base stars so it's a bit of a slower level but after this you know it actually picks up quite a bit okay we will get to again we'll get to the wing cap i think wing cap is after this level if i'm not mistaken can i have a gamecube controller for this you can but i'm using joycons because the controller movement is completely opposite to what i'm used to so i have to hold it upside down for this for me to play this at all and it's very very janky but i'm trying my best i'm doing okay um the only thing that i kind of messed up was the uh canon list so far and the bomb clip didn't work earlier but otherwise the run's going all right so something else i noticed too um if you played the original game like on n64 then you'll know there's a lot of places where the game slows down i have seen zero slow down which is good i went to dire dire docks and when i ran into the ship there was no slowdown at all which is awesome so it's good to see that the game is actually optimized to some extent again it's just too bad it's not the original version with all the glitches and stuff what is going on okay that was a little slow but that's all right that's funny i was as i was just bringing it up someone asked how the games run well there now you know um sunshine okay so sunshine also runs well but what's weird is when you hit the l button to go to the map screen it's super laggy and i don't know why i can show you some of that stuff after the run but i don't know why it does that thank you so much for the super chat marisol okay so we're gonna start with hundred coins i'll try to get 100 coins as fast as i can well hundred and red technically [Music] okay these are so hard to get fast you kind of just have to do it all right they're still popping which is really funny i feel like that's something they probably could have fixed but they didn't i don't know why they didn't i mean it's not really that big a deal it's just kind of funny to still see it okay whatever i'll get those coins later oh no okay so we need to get all these okay there we go we'll grab these we actually don't need the goombas coins so there's only i think 100 304 coins in this level so we're gonna get pretty much all of them except those goombas because they take too long okay and we'll get the rest of these coins on the way out normally you're supposed to only have three coins so that you can just kind of swim through all them at once but didn't quite work i'm gonna see if this glitch still works too let me see if you mash b okay this still works nice so you go up a little bit faster by mashing b that's good although i can't see please don't get hit okay that was close bit of a strange hitbox sometimes the clams hit you and sometimes they don't you don't really know how it's gonna work okay and we're gonna talk to oh the bottom's not there yet okay that's fine i can talk to the bottom later okay so i think what i was supposed to do i was i was supposed to do star one first but yeah oh no i'm an idiot the ship oh no oh crap i forgot okay oh no okay so i have to the ship first no i'm so sad i've totally forgot about that yeah so i actually can't finish it i just oh my gosh i just realized that's that is a big sad but at least hundred coins isn't hard it's just time consuming okay i saw another super chat saying love in the stream thank you so much for checking it out okay there we go so another cool thing about this ship though is that you don't even have to climb up here if you swim fast enough you can just go right to the top it's pretty nice pretty slick oh my gosh i'm so frustrated about the hundred coins like you know what i did i didn't look at my notes because i have some notes on my computer of what stars i'm supposed to do and i was like oh yeah 100 coins obviously i'll just get out of the way but no you gotta do star one first so i'll be looking at my notes much more closely now okay let's just get hundred coin out of the way so i don't have to think about it so i'll see if i can do it faster this time if i can go around the rings a bit faster okay that was a little bit better let's try these ones okay that was slightly better all right so now that we did start one we should also be able to talk to pink bobbum oh i need more of these i need way more of these okay well we'll just roll with that never got to finish the game as a kid and you grew up oh i see hope amazon doesn't hold it for a month uh yeah i hope amazon delivers the games pretty quickly too oh no i need that okay perfect all right got all those that is why i should not have jump dived because that happens it's just a habit for me to jump dive because it's a lot faster than just regular diving okay also just realized i think the coin sounds actually a little different too it sounds slightly different [Music] oh my goodness all right come here buddy there we go okay now we talk to the bomb all right now the run's in order we lost a couple minutes there unfortunately but is what it is you just got to do what you do okay oh i do not feel comfortable with this joystick oh my goodness gracious yeah i was gonna say i do not feel comfortable at all i knew that was gonna happen oh my gosh oh my gosh there's still so many super chats thank you again guys i will get to reading them after after this run so it might be a little bit oh my god almost fell again i i can't with these joy cons guys this is so hard it's so janky [Music] okay i saw a sticker from jack ah i can't see any other ones i know i'm sorry i missed them all right there we go okay we're done with that thank god so now the rest of these stars really aren't too time consuming i am actually going to try to do a pretty cool trick for this next star it's going to be i guess we'll do star 6 next because at this point the order doesn't really matter yeah so we'll do eel in a little bit okay so we'll try out this next one so hopefully i can get the perfect swimming it doesn't work without perfect swimming so gotta focus on it yes okay got it so yeah i'm sure as you probably remember you're supposed to get a metal cap for that literally just swim well and you can get it and you can do the same thing for the dire dire docks stream as well which is pretty dope okay here we go so now we'll do uh you know let's actually do star five this one's pretty quick as well although my my controls are totally backwards for the for the uh oh goodness for this oh man okay okay that should be good [Music] okay oh interesting okay so usually there's a box there that's actually another difference in this game because i know the japanese version doesn't have the box to break or the stars just kind of out there so that's kind of cool didn't actually realize the shindo version was like that okay two more to go then we'll be done these are really fast stars as well so i guess we'll start we'll just do eel since it's slightly harder i mean it's not really hard per se but slightly harder okay that is way too high mario you need to actually this should be fine are you gonna no come on don't do this eel okay come on there we go that's it pretty easy one to do [Music] okay and then next we will have uh just the treasure the treasure one and that's it you think the 30 star run is the easiest i guess like a 30 star won't be pretty easy although it's just not nearly as interesting that's why i wanted to do 120 today because you get to see the whole game in one sitting i think that's really cool [Music] okay whoops all right there we have it [Music] boom so we're done with that so it's funny if we if i didn't make that mistake 100 coins we would actually not be that far behind we'd probably be about two minutes behind wouldn't have really lost any time so this next one this is or actually a really quick split it's just do the slide and then uh in the wing cap do the slide twice can you blj you cannot blj in this version unfortunately there's no blj okay here we go and do a pretty uh do a slide skip here as well oh no i was like wait a minute i don't have enough height for this you know what i'm just gonna do this while i'm here i'm already here i might as well just do this and then i'll just do the slide twice oh i missed a coin new okay good and one more is yoshi still on top of the castle you know what we can talk to yoshi when we finish he should still be there here and do a skip here okay so we missed the dialog box and we didn't have to watch animation so it's a pretty small skip but it's still a pretty cool one [Music] okay so let's do the slide now without messing that up there we go why am i playing with joy cons i have to because the camera controls are completely reversed so i have no choice but to hold a joy-con backwards and play with joy-cons i literally have no choice but to do this bra dude okay that was that's the joy-con i was holding forward like i normally do and that almost didn't work that was very close to not working okay so we gotta do it one more time and then we'll be done with the split i also really like the font in this game um it looks a lot cleaner it's way easier to read so that's good it's it's not the best font but it's actually much more legible which is nice the ui is also really good like if you notice mario's head in the top left it's actually completely redone okay whatever i'm telling you dude i like i hold up the joy con like stops at some points that is not good i'm very curious how the rest of these tricks are gonna go later on oh boy okay good so we did that that is done next we'll move on to bob on battlefield or finish it so we're doing 100 coins here this is going to be interesting because um 100 coins is a little tricky in bob on battlefield because you have to get a lot of the coins in the air and you have to do it really quickly so i'll get as many as i can see how it goes that's not gonna help me there we go okay i'm gonna grab the box so i'm getting the box in that coin just for backup coins because i'm probably going to need them okay i knew i was too far away okay we're gonna need you i'm gonna need all you guys that coin is really going on his own i okay need all you okay that goomba just doesn't feel like getting hit today bruh goomba time to die sorry okay there we go being very feisty okay don't want to miss i almost forgot about this red coin okay kind of need that okay whatever you know what that's fine okay actually this is okay then we're gonna take this up okay i'm doing some rerouting on the spot right now i'm just going to take this all the way up okay i want to break off here we'll get that red coin in a little bit then we need to get these coins supposed to go in there okay close enough you're excited to play tomorrow yeah i'm i can imagine i'm sure a lot of you guys really excited okay let's try uh try this okay we go do a bit of wing cap grab some of these so we want to have around 60ish coins uh we're gonna try to go for high 60s before we go back to the ground and get the rest of them okay 59 we want more than that okay 61 we're going to swing back around get some more coins [Music] okay 63 price still a bit more okay 68 that's really good we can go we can we can work with that how about 70 even better i'll swing back around grab this i thought i wasn't grabbing it for a second okay come down here grab this what the hey the camera just did whatever it felt like there okay 82 coins that's really good that's really good to have okay there we go see another super chat thank you so much sorry i can't read it at the moment okay that was actually a decent 100. it's a little sloppy at the beginning but overall pretty good i'll i can't really complain about it okay and i only need to get three of these coins then we'll grab the red okay there we go so that's so both of those stars will be almost done am i going to grab this no i didn't think so there we go so one more star to do bob on battlefield then we move on to the basement um i'm curious how mips is gonna go the bunny i'm a little worried about mips just because the turning feels so weird i'm probably gonna miss at first but i'll try to get it first try but anyway i gotta do this first still oh my gosh jump diving is super awkward with joy cons it does not feel right especially since i'm holding them upside down it really doesn't feel right oh my goodness a 50 super chat thank you so much from daddy aaron it's very very generous of you by the game but sorting supporting you is better dude that means so much thank you i really appreciate that oh i hope you can also afford to buy the game because this this is a pretty cool collection to have um so all right here we go a little sad i missed the first one but thankfully i missed a really easy one so i can pretty easily just come back here and grab the secret okay so there we go a little slow on that one we're gonna lose about five seconds but that's fine overall that that was good as long as i don't miss the very top secret that's when it's kind of hard to collect oh almost roll right into it okay there we go and pop so we are completely done with the main floor it is already finished all we have left well we have a lot left to do but the main floor is completely done um so now we just gotta go to the basement next and we'll try to get mips hopefully we'll get mips on the first try see how it goes um also i'll go ahead and drop again so it's been a little while if you're wondering how i got the game early i simply got a australian copy the australian digital company because the time zones are different which means that i'm able to get it about 14 hours early and you can do that too you just need australian eshop gift cards and if you live in the us you'll get it early so okay so that wasn't too bad it was a little slow but that's fine so now we're gonna do shifting sand land thank you for the super chat hybrid i appreciate it now shifting sandlin's a little tricky uh simply because i mean there's just a lot of hard stars so this one is a bit of a hard trick i'll see if i can get it yes okay it was very sloppy but i got it i'm happy i got it okay thank god that's good see if i can jump right into it nice that went way better than i was expecting i'm not gonna lie oh my gosh okay good that was one of the tricks i was kind of worried about getting so that's good so we got that one uh next we're gonna do 100 coins and star six so we're actually not doing red coins with hundred and that's because the red coin or there's too many coins in the pyramid um so it doesn't make sense to get hundred in red because you can't like leave the pyramid to get the red coin star after so that's why we kind of do it in that order i saw another super chat thank you so much thank you so much okay we're gonna grab this i kind of want your blue coin i say kind of i mean i really want it it might need i honestly i'm gonna grab a couple save coins just in case i need them there we go [Music] okay sure i don't know what happened there but i'll accept it oh no i wanted your head there we go okay so now we're gonna hit up the pillars okay that should be good okay that should be good we're gonna grab this red grab this guy you know i gotta say they look super what's their name they're not wigglers they are um chad let me know what those enemies are called they look really weird in this game i only just realized that they look really like what even is that i've never seen them look like that i can't the name's not coming to my head but i know chat knows okay so next we need to get we're going to get some more coins in the air we'll probably get a couple more reds as well [Music] okay grab that and then we're gonna grab this um i don't i'm trying to figure out where i lost coins i know i didn't lose this many coins so what i'll probably do okay so what i think i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab the red coin over here in the little maze area okay you know what no i'm dead oh why do i always okay seriously every time i do runs i mess up on 100 coins and that's where you lose all the time okay well you know here's what i'm gonna do this time thankfully first off that wasn't nearly as bad as jolly roger bakes it's just a short stage but um oh my gosh i'm so sad about that i don't know where i lost coins all i know here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get a lot of backup coins to make sure i have enough for the pyramid because i know i need at least probably like 60 before i even go in okay so we're gonna grab all these we're gonna get both of the bobbums and we're gonna get the fly guy [Music] come on fly guy can you can you not please please oh i need that okay oh my gosh when you guys get this game tomorrow try it with joy cons i dare you it's so much harder to play this it is it is at least five times harder i feel like okay i'm just getting them all screw it it's definitely slower but at this point i just want to show off the cool tricks and i'll just try to get the best run i can okay so i do know i was also missing coins on top of the pillars so i need to make sure i get all those i'm just gonna go back up and get it okay so this pillar is really sketchy cause it's really easy to break okay so i think i sit on the middle honestly i'm not gonna worry about that coin that one's fine to skip oh i know what i missed last time okay i know there's five coins i missed last time i'm just remembering they are these coins don't burn me fire please okay yeah i totally forgot to get these so that was a problem okay so next we're gonna grab this guy here we go got the coin perfect nice okay this is looking a lot better so far thank you again for the super chat no no no no no oh my god that was terrifying okay 51 i really need more coins than that i'm gonna get a few more [Music] okay so we'll get like uh we'll get like three red coins and that'll probably be everything or let's just miss the coin all right fine we'll just get these other red coins oh my god that was close also i learned something yesterday uh klepto can knock you off when you have the wing cap it's pretty scary that he can do that because i was doing a run last night on twitch and um i was like right over quicksand and he hit me and i had like almost all the coins and then i had to restart it it was horrible oh my god this camera is oh my goodness this is so jank this is so jank okay okay i just got to play this carefully there we go okay so this is a actually really cool long jump if i can get it there we go saves a lot of time doing that instead of climbing all the way up all right thank you again for the super chat wait typhlosion for president holy crap the typhlosion you're like the biggest um everyone that doesn't know he's like one of the biggest non-commentary nintendo channels holy crap dude dude thank you for watching wow that's insane all right actually okay this is good so i got too many coins i'm not gonna lie i'm super nervous so i'm forgetting stuff so i did not need to get quite that many coins but um what i can do oh 76. okay you know this is fine uh yeah i needed 85. okay all right i need to stop overthinking that's what i need to do um oh let's do that okay so just need to get nine more coins you know i'm gonna get these goombas since i'm already down here okay [Music] there we are okay i'm gonna get this goomba too screw it okay we'll get we're just gonna get a couple of these then we're gonna slide down because this is incredibly slow i would long jump but i really don't want to fall by accident okay okay there we go nice okay oh the hundred coin is done thank god is the blj patched in this yes it is tyler unfortunately there is no bljs in this version all right there we are noise so four more stars to go these last four are actually really fast except i guess red coins let's go ahead and do red coins next because they are a little tricky to do it's not like too bad but not be a little cautious okay that was scary to do fast oh my gosh you force blj see now that would be insane to try that if i ever got that to work i would definitely try it for a video i don't know how on earth i'd get a u-force to work with a computer though there might be a way to do it but i don't know hey that was kind of a blind jump a little scary not gonna lie excuse me okay so now we're gonna get the wing cap get four more and then the last one is where the star is so we'll hop right up here okay perfect okay just two more okay nice and we'll get this one build a little bit of speed very good get away from klepto klepto is our enemy we do not like klepto in this game at all okay we'll fly over to the last coin and then finish okay so at least this red coin went smoothly sometimes it doesn't so i'm relieved about that a video on touching all the coins in mario galaxy would you guys want to see that cause i guess i could do it well i could do it for galaxy one and two would be a could be a possibility i suppose all right so next we have there's two more or three more okay let's do this one we'll do star two i'm gonna try a bit of a tricky jump there we go nice couple of those and then oh my goodness gracious almost fell but we good okay so the last two are actually really easy we're basically gonna have to grab the shell again take the pillars one of them's at the top of the pyramid the other one you just fight the hands which by the way hardest boss of all time get ready for it their boss is insane guys super crazy hard boss what are you doing buddy get out of here no okay good [Music] that would have been really bad okay i'm honestly not sure if i hit the middle of that pillar i'll have to go back maybe okay i got it good very good thank god okay so we'll just start with getting this easy enough another super chat from max in i saw or another member and then another super chat [Music] okay cool one more to go time to fight them hands bruh get on the shell come on mario you can do it okay so you might be wondering why am i jumping well when you jump at that angle you actually increase your speed a lot bit of a weird thing but it just kind of works so same with going up the pyramid when you're going when you're jumping on the shell you just go faster okay i have a time i have a bit of time to breathe i'm gonna grab some water check out the chat is the game out for everyone yet the game will be out officially in america tomorrow but if you get the australian version like i did digitally you can play it right now okay so let's take out the hardest boss of all time [Music] wow [Music] i love the sound effects they're all the same oh man this boss is crazy guys oh my god whoa insane oh wow that was close you see how close that was we almost died right there hot mama oh i still need to get the staff okay there we go okay unfortunately we died in ssl but it's good you know what it happens thank you max for the super chat and owen you just subscribed to the channel that's pretty epic thank you so much for subscribing and if anyone here is not subscribed yet make sure to do so because we have two more 3d all-stars videos coming this week they're gonna be pretty awesome all right so next we're gonna do 100 we're gonna do another 100 coin hopefully we don't die this time i swear to god i'm tired of dying had enough dying all right scuttlebug there we are we're gonna get all these i'm gonna turn around so here's the thing with this version of the game normally with runs you do this crazy blj inside this level and you're able to bypass a gate but since there's no bljs i have to force myself to take a completely different route so even if i did know the blj strat i wouldn't be able to do it in this version and i can show you kind of like where it is because we are coming up to it so we're gonna grab these so normally what runners do is do you see that orange the yellow orange platform over there they blj through this gate and then they get to this side so that way you don't have to go all the way around like i am because those are like basically two different sides of the stage it's a very very insanely hard and insanely cool dlj and unfortunately we cannot do it because they're not in this game so at this point the run is going to be relatively similar to a regular speed run you go into the maze next to get coins and then you get like the reds at the end can i can we not bonk mario that does not sound like a good time no more bunking okay i'm gonna grab you okay i wanted to jump there we go guess we'll take those also another fun fact you actually never need the metal cap at all for the entirety of this game so normally you use it so you can breathe in the toxic like gas here but you really don't need it i'm also really glad i got those blue coins i was a little worried about that hey thank you again for the super chat i i'm sorry i can't read their name right now i just saw it pop up come on get up here so we're gonna grab these coins and we're basically just gonna go back to the red area okay i was not expecting that oh excuse me okay perfect so 79 a little low but that's fine we're still gonna have enough coins to finish or we should if we don't we can go back to the maze and get a bat or something but we should be okay okay what what are you doing you never come out here okay there we go okay so the eyeball let's see if i can circle around it with this uh with this joystick okay i'm gonna try i have to get that eyeball i'm gonna have to keep trying it oh man this is not easy with a joy con you know what i will take second try i honestly thought it was gonna take more tries than that okay we're gonna go up there one more time uh or hit that i don't even know you could hit that here we are and then we'll grab another coin so we're gonna not have enough speed there okay oh yeah we got enough coins we'll be good okay yep this will be just enough actually for the route that i do we'll come up here we're gonna save some time not sit on the um sit on that moving platform the entire way around we can just long jump here which is nice yeah and now we just gotta do red coins that's pretty much it okay so yeah i mean hundred coins for this went okay there wasn't really there's a couple of weird bonks i had but overall it was all right are bomb clips and mips clips still possible in this version you know i have not tested mips clip although the bomb clip i did try it and it didn't work so i'm i think that might have been patched out but i'm not 100 certain on that okay and we'll come down and get that coin at the end i keep forgetting to get that okay grab this can i long jump here nope i tried you can do it it's just very precise okay cool uh when i do cool cool mountain yes oh i forgot that's right it's the last one you do on the main floor yeah so cool cool mountain is actually later in the run there we go nice okay so 100 and reds are done which is great so actually there's gonna be a couple more kind of hard stars but the rest of this level is really not that bad okay uh you know what let's uh let's do metal cap why not we'll do the metal cap star next oh my god it's so i know i've said this like 80 times but it's so hard to move so janky okay good there we go we take those now we're gonna slide off of this and and i hit a and it didn't work that's fun back up strap though yes okay there we go that's all i need to do that's fine okay good okay i'm just grabbing the reds we are gonna hit the switch because i'm not oh i'm not doing reds nearly fast enough so what is actually really cool is if you're really fast at this you can do this entire segment without ever hitting that switch and you don't have to get it twice but you have to be like stupidly good at this stage and this is a stage i've never really practiced before um so i pretty much always need to get the thing again but yeah this is pretty cool there we go so we're done with metal cap we are gonna have to do that skip two more times to get two more stars and then after that it's really easy stuff save yeah was saved am i going to speed around sunshine and galaxy you know it's funny every time i speak on this game people ask me about those two in particular but um they're very very different games and i'm not very good at first off i'm horrible at galaxy and i'm only okay at sunshine um so i would consider learning sunshine one day but it's a very very different type of game okay let's do this come on mario it's a very very different type of game in terms of like how it moves and stuff so not something i'm going to do today or probably anytime soon but maybe in the future i would consider speedrunning sunshine now galaxy on the other hand is very slow going because first off there's not a lot of glitches or tricks to do like with galaxy 2 there are actually some glitches with like yoshin stuff but the movement's very very basic in galaxy so it doesn't make for super interesting speed games all right okay so we're gonna do this one more time so you'll see you'll see why we don't need the metal cap in this stage at all because normally once like if i can get a good camera hello mario can we not can we not hump the wall think there we go bruh this is so i cannot this is so hard with stupid joy cons oh my god come on mario there should be literally a joy-con percent like i'm not even kidding okay it's gonna be close all right this is good so normally for this one you need metal cap to step on this switch in the water but you actually don't need that at all wait all you have to do it's actually very easy double jump kick kick uh if i can kick it kick this pull back and that didn't work let's try again bruh bruh what oh no they fixed it they oh my god i think they fixed this because i definitely did it right that time let me try it again did they oh my god okay they i'm gonna try it one more time and if it doesn't work i'll get the metal cap what okay yeah normally what happens is you hit the switch nintendo freaking patched that out that's so stupid oh my god well i guess that's good to know i'm really glad i hit the metal cap switch now ah you know what note to self guys i will never ever speed run the shindo version of this game ever again in my entire life once i'm done with it this time wow that's so sad that you can't freaking do that it's so dumb okay not nearly as exciting oh well oh that was close did you guys know that i didn't know that no it's not ground pounding i promise you that works it works very consistently i was doing it right i did it right three times in a row and it didn't work oh my gosh okay well anyway the rest of these i should be able to do because there's no more weird glitches like that in this level so this is just a little bit of a shortcut to the maze i mean anyone could do that it's just a simple long jump not really hard so we just got to go into the other door in the maze and then we're basically there so pretty easy if i could can i please not do that mario dang i cannot believe the metal cap thing doesn't work why would they patch that out that's that's so dumb i like i hate the shindo version more now and i know it's like i'm in the vocal minority most people would never care about that but i do 20 super chat thank you so much is this all three games or just 64. it is all three um what i am doing is i am just speed running attempting to speedrun the first game with joy cons and then there's also sunshine and galaxy in the package okay so these last three are really quick well i mean that was a pretty quick start too 5am in australia you have to wait till 12pm i know dude it's so dumb because like the exploit only works here in america which is really unfortunate i wish it worked in australia too really everywhere that'd be kind of nice to just played a little early how'd i get a copy early i purchased a digital version of the australian copy of this game and um since that time zone is 14 hour or like 12 hours behind us 12 or 13 something like that i'm able to get it early in america because in australia it is well when it unlocked it unlocked at midnight in australia so so it's an exploit that if you're in america you can do and i guess kind of in europe as well but the exploit works best in america okay so last we just gotta do the toad and then this split is over okay watch for rolling we were doing some watching watch those rocks very carefully [Music] i can't use the pro controller um because the uh okay there we go the um whatever the camera that's what i was trying to say the camera is like completely swat so i have to hold it upside down for me to be able to move the camera properly or for what i'm used to so that's why i'm forced to use joy cons and i can't even like put them in a grip oh that's okay you know what plan b we're gonna do star three instead since i hit the fence oh okay another super chat thank you so much you know it's all three games a minute what would i speed running oh right yeah i'm just doing this game yeah i can't i'm not very good at sunshine or galaxy dominic thank you so much for the super chat [Music] all right perfect okay let's try this again so this is actually this is just um fun movement it's gonna be tricky to do though with the joy cons we'll see how it goes okay good got it that's what i'm talking about actually you know what let's just fine be pushy then oh my gosh the timing is weird the timing is so weird i have to hit it like super early now okay good [Music] nice your pre-order got cancelled oh that sucks i do the pro controller but i can't use it because the camera literally like when i move the camera it is inverted or it's like it's the opposite of inverted i'm used to playing inverted so i have to hold it upside down i don't have a challenge anyway i'm gonna die i'm dead no okay let's try again clean yeah well i did have clean long jumps the first time let's actually do it this time for real this time i won't do it blindfolded my little brother took the controller okay bro i'm gonna get it i'm gonna keep doing it because that's cool that's why what why does it keep happening all right fine i will go the long way i don't want to keep dying and losing time thank you for super chat you're proud of the game oh before you knew about the exploit you know i only just learned about it recently too i was i was actually talking to um failboat a couple months ago because i noticed he always streams the games a day early i'm like how on earth do you do that and then he was like oh i just buy on the australian eshop he kind of explained how that works so i learned that from failboat because actually he's i think he's streaming it right now or he was i don't know if he still is but god it sucks have to do this like this but this controller just does not i cannot do these tricks with this controller very well okay i'm gonna try to do a pretty cool trick with a big boy when he drops in okay wrong way but that's fine that was still good and then we should land right on the star nice okay at least the ending for that was well or went well a no damage run of mario 64. that would be so hard if i like took my time then maybe i could do it but it would take like five hours like i would be going so slowly okay oh this is actually a very cool trick too see if i can get it so this one's not too hard to do bruh i did this when i was practicing this earlier this morning come on there we go yeah even so look how much faster that is than actually taking the log it's kind of ridiculous so next we're gonna do um what else we need to do oh well mips we need to do five six and a hundred so we'll do five and a hundred next okay so thankfully this hundred coins not really that hard it's honestly my favorite hundred coin because you just get to ride the shell the whole time although i don't know if i'm gonna like it with this with this joystick i'll see how it goes no don't bump me please okay it's just you're beating them all okay good oh my gosh more super chats thank you everyone okay here we go oh i tried to avoid the bullies didn't quite work okay 60 good so we need 80 coins before going into the volcano [Music] get a few of these we'll go back let's get two reds okay that that's way more than i need that's fine we'll go with that okay i can actually skip this i have plenty of coins okay i'm gonna try a little skip here okay oh my god that was close that was oh oh my god oh jesus god okay that was scary all right okay there we go overall that that went pretty well i don't like that the bully is literally right there that's bad get out of the way you know how close i was to falling i could have very easily fall or fall in there and that's why you don't get more coins when you come in because you want to be farther away because you want to have like 80 exactly otherwise it's so much easier for him to bonk you my goodness i can't i don't think i've ever gotten this many super chats into streams i just want to say thanks again so and like i said a little bit earlier i will read all the chats afterwards hey you know what i'm not doing that that dive that keeps messing me up or the dive off of that one platform okay uh whatever that's fine okay here we go we're almost done with the lavaland so lethal is gone assuming i don't fall okay lethal went way better than pretty much all the levels we've done today which is good all right so next we need to grab mips one more time and then we're gonna head into vanish cap we're already at 50 stars pretty cool come on there we go a little bit of a break from levels it's kind of nice a little bit of swimming do a little bit of draining the water don't even know where the water goes but it gets drained somehow everyone's pre-order get cancelled wait what those i just saw a couple people i hope not there we go nice [Music] um okay ah i just missed the cycle okay that's all right okay so i'm gonna try to do a trick called the cyclic upcoming uh basically well when i get there i'll kind of explain it like you get a coin and you hit the switch and you get the star all in one smooth all in one smooth movement if i get it with this control scheme it's going to be nuts okay here we go [Music] no not enough height oh my god so basically what you can do is if you get enough height off of the wall you can dive right into the star it is a very very cool trick but it's also really hard to do so i think what happened was when i jumped off the vanish cap i was going um way too way too fast towards the wall if i slowed down a tiny bit let myself get more height that would have worked hey we're jumping back into here because we actually want to exit course because that's faster than going back into the castle and now we're doing cool mountain does blj work on switch it does not unfortunately not it is the shindo version of mario 64 which patched up blj's also apparently patched out that metal cap star which i'm just learning all right so we'll do hundred and star one [Music] so this one's not actually not too bad oh i wish i didn't miss that though okay really wish i didn't miss that uh 15 that's fine i'll just have to be a little careful that should be okay i'm going to get this red coin as a backup because i need a little more coins [Music] okay i'm going to grab all these as well okay so we should be good so yeah we want to get a large majority of these coins i'm gonna try to get as many as i can with a joystick though i don't know how it's gonna go okay that one missing one is okay you can miss like three or four and you're probably fine it's around there oh no that's a problem oh god oh no okay i haven't i don't think i've ever done this before wow all right so i'm actually just gonna go down the slide again i'm just gonna do that because i still need to get coins on the slide [Music] and then i'll come back to that store later dude i've never actually done that what happened to you got on the slide twice let's find out i don't know what's gonna happen i'm assuming not really anything the star pride is still be there oh my gosh seriously i turned exactly as i always do and he just went right in the secret i'm getting this okay turn sharper now i know oh you know what i just realized there is rumble when you go down the slide it's not very good rumble but it is rumble it's kind of interesting okay so we want like 83 yep cakes we want to leave here with 98 uh is this the best version mario 64 pokemon fan um casually it's fine uh if you're someone that's running the game like i'm trying to do now 100 no because there's no bljs uh the game just doesn't it doesn't have a lot of like the exploits and stuff but casually it's okay it does the job okay well i guess we'll have to go with that boom but thank you so much uh listening watching while working that's awesome man can't wait to get your own copy uh sunshine was your favorite out of the three also good luck thank you so much dude i'm excited to um just see everyone playing like um a lot of these games haven't been able to play because i've seen so many people say they've never gotten to try sunshine so the fact they'll be able to do that now um is really really exciting okay can we oh my god this joystick is not cooperating okay there we go so this is actually a really cool exploit just kind of kind of casually slide down the hill go right to the penguin no big deal [Music] i think galaxy 2 will be dlc no i don't think so and here's what's frustrating about that because i played a little bit of galaxy earlier this morning and it's probably my favorite game in the whole collection because of how well it controls so it's really too bad that galaxy 2 isn't in here okay so now we'll do big pingu race if there's a penguin emoji feel free to spam it for the race for good luck i'm sure there's a penguin emoji oh my gosh this feels so weird i have to turn like way sharper than i usually do oh snap he's close not close enough got him big got him moment there we go we got our pingus all right thank you guys that helped a lot it is the 3d collection yeah three games for 3d it does technically make sense but i mean it would have been nice to have galaxy 2 would have been really nice you know what i almost wonder what if nintendo thought that 60 would have been too cheap for four games maybe that's why they did that because they didn't want to go over 60. i mean i don't know that that could be the reason why but it's hard to say all right so we'll go ahead and knock out the reds red coins aren't too terribly hard [Music] another lord super chat thank you so much oh okay no no no no no stop wow oh my god so when you grab the tree mario flips when you grab it when you're going fast he flips around entirely good lord i've never seen that before don't oh my god that i really shouldn't have done the long jump that was so close to dying [Music] okay but we're almost done though it's got this coin and there's one more on the bridge i'm gonna play this safe on the bridge normally you can like long jump right after grabbing it but i'm not comfortable with these joy-cons so i'm gonna back up first [Music] even still i still messed it up it's a really weird angle okay let's try again at least at least it's like i don't really lose that much time there we go okay okay two more to go is this the real thing yes it is scream you can actually tell by looking at the ui the mario head is completely different to the original game even if you were to emulate it it doesn't look anywhere as close all right i'm doing this that's gonna be faster oh my gosh i just wanted the freaking snowball that was it okay here we go snowman's lost his head not his head's not in the chimney mario you need to not don't do that again there we go okay needs a good head on his shoulders don't we all i feel like we all do okay i just realized we're almost at 60 stars already which is pretty cool we're about an hour 20 in so we're about we're gonna be about 15 minutes behind unfortunately and yes i am going to blame the controller a little bit for it i have made a couple of mistakes on mayan that were dumb but a lot of it is just i'm not used to this chad tronic talks about this version in a video yes i think him and him and nintendo actually made videos on it i know drew definitely did it was an entire video on the shindu version okay so this last one i don't know why i saved this one for last i guess it's just because i'm not this it's gonna be weird with this stick okay that went pretty good come up here i i don't know why i dived all right we take those okay that was pretty good mario's jump noise yeah dude the the mario sound effect is bothering me too i don't like how high pitched it is it's like there's technically nothing wrong with it but i'm so used to hearing the lower pitch that it's like throwing me off it's like wait a minute that's not actually mario talking it's an imposter okay there we go so this level is not too bad again except for 100 coins but first we need to do star one i am going to try something kind of hard for 100 coins uh pretty pretty tricky skip but otherwise a lot of this is just really good movement okay so fun fact about this one you always get a text box for for ghosts but if you get both them at the same time one of the text boxes gets skipped which is pretty cool go and we're gonna do this one because i'm a little bit better doing this room and then the next room oh i almost oh i almost bonked that would be bad no no no no i said ground pound there we go what's wrong with the camera well here's the thing there's technically nothing wrong with it but i've been playing the game where the horizontal movement is opposite for like my whole life so if if people that have not played this game in like a decade there will be nothing wrong with the camera it's just just a thing that bothers me just because of how i played the game for so long so there's technically not really anything wrong with it it's just okay that buffed out i guess i'll take it all right now we got hundred coins we are gonna try a bit of a tricky skip if we don't get it we lose like 15 seconds so it's not that big a deal but obviously i want to try to get it get in the game tomorrow oh hell yeah dude that's what's up i'm sure i mean i'm sure most of you guys are all right so 100 and red coins sometimes you can also do the um the uh whatever the ferris wheel the merry-go-round you could do merry go around 100 as well but um people usually do 100 red please get that blue thank god i almost didn't get it okay here we go so this is the tricky part [Music] okay so i need to hit a scuttlebug and i need to hit that box and i have to do all that before my cap runs out otherwise i have to go all the way around okay 23 is good okay gotta move i gotta move okay i barely made it that's good and if you're really fast you can also get the booze without having to go back in here it's ridiculous i'm not quite that fast because i actually just learned how to do this exploit like yesterday so i'm still kind of learning it but yeah you could be really fast with that if you're good okay let's spin around grab this red real quick get the blue okay now the rest 100 coin isn't that bad it's just good movement at this point this boo is a little annoying though because he just kind of does whatever he wants so you got to hit him in a very specific spot otherwise he's just gonna kind of move to just a random place that's hard to hit okay come up here so we do a little more optimization if the eye will look at me okay he's gonna spin so while he's spinning we'll get these reds there we go and we're getting pretty close to wrapping up actually because we get these last coins pretty quickly grab the book second book oh my god that was close come up here we're gonna get a boo and then we're gonna get uh the blue coin switch and then that's basically it am i missing something 76 i should have 78. oh no i'm not missing anything okay [Music] there you go oh my god i missed a 20 super chat i'm sorry uh my law hit him with the 9.99 euro is that euro or pounds i always forget i really should know too because i used to live in europe so i used to kind of understand the currency but that was a long time ago and then boom long jump to it look at that okay seek the eight coins is complete so yeah that's pretty much it for this one well in terms of like hard stars the rest of them really aren't that challenging i'm trying to think is there anything else two three five no nothing else is really hard so we'll just kind of do the stars in order now i do blj's work they do not work unfortunately there are no bljs i hate that high-pitched jump [Music] i can hear there's like squeakiness in my joycons i don't know if you guys can hear it can you hear it in the zl button oh joycons joycon controllers could have been so good they could have been so good they are tech technically speaking they're ingenious but oh my gosh the build quality is just not that great all right see you later thank you for all the super chats uh you gotta go back to school that sounds good sounds all good to me i'm glad you watched the stream [Music] uh thank you for the chat uh from fat yoshi uh why am i using joy cons so i have to use joy cons because the horizontal camera movement is uh backwards for me for what i usually do so i have to hold it upside down actually and that is how i'm playing as silly as that sound that's what i have to do otherwise i would be playing 10 times worse if i was using a pro controller because you can't invert the joysticks unfortunately which is so dumb you should be able to do that you should be able to do it either in the wii menu or just in this game but that is what it is [Music] okay what we got left we got okay these last two are pretty simple i guess we'll do uh we'll do the eyeball one next so this is always a lot of fun to do just barely grab the lip and you can dive up okay oh i'm gonna miss yep okay so that's fine we can do uh we can do star five as a backup oh can i make it wait okay i can make it i didn't have enough time that's good that's good oh i thought that was it all right what how much do i have to spin okay there we go that was weird uh okay i think i got it yeah barely got it am i gonna speedrun all the games today no i'm just doing this game so i actually i have to do other things for 3d all-stars off-stream but i did want to speed or speed around this and to see how it goes and it's going okay you know what for for trying this for the first time with a new controller and a new version of the game it's going honestly better than i thought it would so i can't complain okay i saw something about peach castle triple jump oh my god the books the books are debating me stupid books okay there we go not the books are stupid but those when books come to life that's when they're dumb okay here we go almost done with bbh oh that was jake oh that was really sketchy all right so dar dare docs bowser in the fire sea let's see so we need to do star one first so this is another slow star it's actually probably the last slow level in the game because the rest of the levels are go by pretty quickly but obviously it's a water level yeah you can remap the control systems but you can't invert the right joystick like you can move it i think to the left joystick if you really wanted to but you can't like change the direction or anything so i messed with it and it i couldn't get it to work maybe there is something i just didn't do but i don't know it didn't work for me okay [Music] you wish they were available in your country you mean 3d all-stars are you not able to pre-order it i don't actually recognize that currency so i'm not sure where you're from oh this is a really cool skip oh oh mike okay that was so sketchy oh my god that almost didn't work getting the game on the 24th oh hell yeah dude the notifs on the game oh i missed it again i'll go through all the super chat um once the run is done and we're already over we're about to be yeah we're already halfway there okay so this is one of my favorite stages to speed run just has a lot of fun well not when that happens but um yeah i like the movement in the stage a lot it's just really cool supposed to be a triple jump i lost too much speed [Music] come down here it is so easy to lose speed it's crazy like i pull back and i'm like walking like why am i walking it's so weird oh no i'm not going down like this bully okay we're actually gonna make the cycle that's good [Music] i'm gonna barely make it there we go nice oh okay you know what that's okay we take those we take those they hit the red hit the red okay good hit the red good and then there we go you know that's okay i don't care i'll take it i can't complain [Music] there we are oh that's such a fun star to do i could like i could honestly run that star like every day all day so good okay so on to second bowser um we might hear the baba sound effect i'm gonna try to get it so that doesn't happen i'll get close enough but we might hear by bye unfortunately which is the worst sound effect in the game okay good no buh-bye but we are going to hear it for the last bowser [Music] all right so now the rest of what we got to do is just dire dire docs that's pretty much it well that's it for the basement i think we'll be we should be completely done with basement then that's right one more star till funny number get ready guys funny number and coming hey let's uh you know what let's do we'll do the treasure chest i guess or chest in the current technically that almost didn't work [Music] okay all right sorry i'm not saying much i just need a breather been a lot of action and this stage is just like super chill oh what's up uh dambay thank you for the super chat long time sub first time watching streams welcome to the stream i hope you are enjoying it i didn't get 3d all-star are you sure about that whoever said that i definitely got it i played the smash remix rom oh my god i've not played the new one yet but it looks incredible i saw the uh the trailer for i was so excited oh no wait a minute weren't the rings fixed were the rings fixed in this version i don't know i don't think so i think the rings are still glitchy because the rings are glitchy in the original version where sometimes they just don't work [Music] okay i can't honestly i can't tell maybe i was just going too fast it's hard to say all right well now we'll do 100 coins let's just get that out of the way hundred and red oh yeah sorry i didn't 69 didn't last very long but now we're at 70. we could technically beat bowser but you know we're pro gamers here we're not going to go 70 stars ew 120 or go home pal that's how this rolls that is how we roll all right let's do 100. [Music] let's listen to uh i'm not gonna say much for a minute or two let's just listen to dire dire docs [Music] i'll take that all right that was actually pretty fast very good and yes we do have for anyone unfamiliar yes we do have to get all these coins because like jolly roger bay there's only 105 coins in this level so there's very very few you got to get pretty much all all of them what is nice though is that the blue coin switch is really easy to get like you can't really mess it up unless you fall so they're pretty easy to get it just takes a while oh hey what's up thank you for the super chat i'm sorry i missed it i i just saw it before it scrolled up again for anyone that's just popping in if you do drop a super chat i will be reading them all at the end of the stream or at the end of this run technically because we'll probably you know i think after the run we'll probably just like goof around sunshine and stuff and check it out okay all right now we do pulls now a typical speed run actually is able to get all these red coins without poles they actually use the ship to kind of get around so they do red coins and then they do the ship and it is absolutely ridiculous i've done it one time in my life with lots and lots of death well not with desk but like having to falling into the water over and over again but yeah it's like stupid hard to do that not something like i'll probably ever get consistent with unless i were to like seriously speedrun the game but it's very very impressive to watch and it's way faster than polls too saves like price saves close to three to four minutes fired i guess okay all right we are getting pretty close to finishing reds now so after this is just three more coins well yeah three more coins thought it was four for a second [Music] all right what's up spencer thank you for super chat did i hear about the 3ds today yeah wasn't it like removed from the nintendo shop or something or their website so i mean it makes sense but yeah it is a little sad it's like well guess that's really it for 3ds such a great console too really awesome you know the 3dness is actually the console that got me back into nintendo because there was a period of time where um i didn't play any nintendo games i just played in high school i pretty much just played rock band and guitar hero in a little bit of like call of duty and nothing else i didn't play a single nintendo game for like four or five years and then the 3ds had like 3d land and mario kart 7 and new super mario bros 2. like you know these games look pretty cool and for the first time in my life i had spending money so i'm like you know what i'm just gonna get all three of those games in the 3ds and there what that was like it was like half my money back then when i was really young and uh it was totally worth it though so i got to get a 3ds it was uh it was very cool you know first getting one okay that's over and i just gotta grab the staff you know there is actually a way to stand on the um the wooden boxes and like basically like side flip your way up there but again i'm i'm not precise i can't be precise with this controller it's too finicky so i'm not gonna bother trying it and falling i'd rather just get the stars hey but we only have two more that's probably like the longest star in the game so after that everything goes relatively quickly [Music] all right so we have jet stream and then the cage star these are both pretty simple hey cheesy mayu thank you so much for the super chat love the vids a lot that's a cheesy quote there's nothing cheesy about that imo that is just straight up 100 wholesome all right now thankfully these rings aren't glitchy see look how far off i was and it still worked the hitbox is actually pretty good let me see if i can get this without metal cap okay you know what i'm not i'm just going to uh i'm just going to get metal cap screw it oh i don't want to waste two minutes trying to get that because that one's a lot harder to do than the jolly roger bay one [Music] yes the remake fixed the blj pretty sad quite unfortunate all right we're almost out of dire dire docks after this i find the run gets way more fun but also way more scary because it's like this level's not really hard everything else is just about next we're doing i think wet dry world which is a really really fun level of speed run lots of really cool tricks a really cool 100 coin route too i'm actually pretty good at 100 coin round i'm not good at a lot of them but i'm good at that one what did you miss i've just been doing some speedrunning of 3d all-stars that is about all so also if anyone did want to watch the full run but they just got here recently um i will probably be posting it uh to go public so you guys can check it out later or just listen to it later whatever you want to do so you know what's interesting i've done so many streams of uh speedruns but i've never done it on youtube before i always stream speedruns on twitch so i just i wanted to try it out for this game see you know people or how interested people were in it okay nice there we go only last 20 seconds not bad not bad at all so another quick thing we're gonna do is hop into here do the uh exit course again saves a little bit of time i'm going to wet dry world oh i don't i'll have to see if this next thing is patched because there is like a skip in the staircase okay that's not patched that's good all right what dry world so we'll start with hundred and star three unless i was too high up the picture i might have been too high uh no i'm good okay cool very cool [Music] yeah and like i said this hundred's really fun because it goes by really quick and it just has like it just has really fun movement although this coin is being a bit of a butt for going all the way over there oh you see the fish sometimes that happens that was good coin rng oh coin what are you doing pal okay we'll see how this goes with this controller it could be weird angling uh okay that worked didn't that felt very uncomfortable but it worked oh come on there we go okay good so the rest of it's not too bad there's a few tricky jumps here and there only to get four of these coins i'm just gonna go ahead and skip that one i'm gonna switch camera oh perfect oh i kind of need that there we go okay no i missed it oh my no oh my god smg3 with the super chat thank you so much i'm sorry i can't read that right now but thank you so much no i'm so sad i missed that what so yeah basically what you do is you roll out right onto that platform it's actually pretty cool you know i'm gonna just try to do it again because that's a really cool thing to do oh i don't mind trying to do it again at this point i'm just kind of playing for fun not interested in trying to get a obviously i'm not going to get a pb in my time but i'm just kind of super chat thank you so much again i'm sorry i missed the name i can only peek at the chat for a second i'm just going to long jump just to be safe but it's way it's better to roll out because you don't get that bonk happening you basically just keep running forward oh oh you know what okay i cannot hit that filter because it'll make it hard to get the star normally you hit the filter or the water thingy and then you can just kind of grab it while the water comes up but since the water was already too high i would have actually um hit the water before hitting the star and that would have slowed me down a lot [Music] okay [Music] and this one is pretty simple as well nice now can i get the side not come on okay there we go got it did they remove the blj they did remove it yes we were playing the shindo version of mario 64. and i can tell you this much it is not speedrunner friendly it's very hard to try to speedrun this game okay so next we'll do we'll do star four since we have the lowest water level oh this is actually a really cool jump i like doing this one a lot just triple jump and you go right up there pretty sick land on this drop down and ground pound [Music] and then we'll just chill on here for a bit you can actually wall jump your way up and get to the star but i've never been good at that so i'm not going to be attempting that don't want to fall down but you can do it to save a little bit of time okay so next we need medium water level to get star 2 and then the highest water level possible for the last two stars [Music] how am i playing it early i got an australian copy uh digitally because the time zone is so different um it basically unlocks the game really early so if you guys can get access to australian e-shop cards you can actually play it early too right now it should be should be available okay let me try a bit of a tricky jump see if we get it that felt oh my god that did not feel right i'm so glad that worked that felt so like basically it's hard to kind of describe when i did the triple jump i have to kind of turn a little bit but mario was going a slightly different direction than i was aiming at so we lost a little bit of speed and i almost didn't make it that was really scary but it worked thank god all right so two more to go these are pretty basic coin or pretty basic stars to get we're gonna get red coins and then uh just the vanish cap star now you can't actually enter this area without the water level rising up but it i find that it's faster to just raise the water up entirely also some runners will do 100 coin and red together i choose to do 100 coin in secrets just because i'm better at it i don't know if there's necessarily a time save but that's just kind of what i do okay speaking of time save we're gonna try to get to this roof before the water completely closes in there we go so we don't have to climb the roof which is nice grab that let's see if we can let's grab this that angle didn't feel right yeah angle was totally wrong okay thank you for see which i can't read who it is oh i see snowman gaming's here what's up dude i really like your um your game design videos they're really good i've seen quite a few of them oh my god the camera is not right right now okay there we go okay and we'll do this i meant to i meant to do that okay you know what jump kicking has not been going well today whatever close enough i'll take it what's up armando greetings from mexico welcome to the stream i hope you enjoy it okay okay what else we need to do i just need to do one more that's it i got i'll admit i got a little distracted from chat that time i was looking at it while i was playing it happens a lot gotta stop doing that or at least i gotta stop doing that while i'm literally playing it's in between star that's when you look at chat okay this one is really easy i think we'll be yeah we'll be done with what dry world after this okay good oh supposed to be a there we go that's what i was going for that's really hard to get you can wall jump off of that and cling on to the edge but you have to be moving really fast hard to do okay i'll take it that which was actually okay what version of the game this version is the shindu version so i'm learning how many bugs have been patched out as i'm playing through definitely this is definitely not the version of the speed run should never do this yeah like i said earlier um i will uh probably never ever speed run this version of the game ever again okay i don't know what i'm doing i'm doing star one i guess i think i probably want to do i'm gonna do 100 coins after this you seem to get my bearing straight oh okay come on and right about there story time mr krabs donated the lowest he can did mr krabs donate that's hilarious isn't that like a dollar or something i'll have to check it out afterwards okay let's do 100 coins this hundred coins is really scary um it's it's a lot of tricky movement so i'm probably i'm gonna get some a couple of backup coins just in case something happens oh my gosh okay oh this angle is weird i don't like this angle i gotta switch it back come on come on mario grab the ledge it's gonna i was if that was patched i would have been a little upset okay whatever i'm just gonna grab a handful of let's grab like three okay that should be enough i don't think i need any more than that how many members do i have i don't know i've gotten like 15 or 20 already today which is really very very cool so i don't know honestly sunshine uh hoverless or hoverless you know i think gamechamp did that i'm not mistaken either gamechamp or alpharad already made that so i probably wouldn't do it because i know i've seen some one of them did it i can't remember which one okay game said long jump i said ground pound i was supposed to dive okay well see oh my gosh i literally cannot read these super chat still this is crazy can't keep up okay oh almost so when you're doing that you do want to try to get um come on come here there we go you want to try to not hit the water because that actually saves a lot of time but it can be hard to do that i really need your coin don't you dare okay there we go that was a little sketch okay 68 i need 74. okay we should be we'll have enough coins we'll be good i'm just gonna have to get this guy okay yeah we just need 74 so we're okay oh my god that almost didn't work okay that's enough we can hit the blue coin switch and we'll be good i'm so so uncomfortable oh okay good i saw another super chat thanks again okay i'm taking my time dude i don't want to die okay thank god that's all i had to do thank god that worked all right oh just barely enough coins just barely enough look i was i was really pushing it there 101 i you know i was playing this when i was practicing either yesterday or two days ago i had 98 or 99 because i didn't count right and i was so upset so thank god i don't have to go back out get more well i guess i could have gotten this one technically but i was still under and it wasn't good [Music] there we go okay uh four more to go in thi what's up mega dude see another super chat from armando waiting for the triggered video it's coming tomorrow if you guys want to see the triggered video on this game early you can join become a channel member and uh you'll get access to it as soon as it's ready it's actually being edited as we speak so it should be done pretty soon probably in the next few hours and then it'll go live for everybody on friday all right so we'll just do well let's do star 2 because why not oh we should do secrets next okay so we'll do secrets and then we'll just do the rest mega dude thanks for the sunglasses smiley how am i playing joycons and i'm holding this one upside down because the camera controls are what i'm not used to so i have to hold it upside down or i would not be able to play this at all it's very clunky it's very very hard to run okay let's do the secrets the secrets are a little tricky i'm curious i won't be able to if i'm gonna even be able to do this okay first one it's this jump like yeah that is so precise i was like i don't know that's gonna be hard to get because normally you can just long jump right off of that um oh there we go oh i didn't get burnt for once yeah cause normally you just long jump right off of that little pole thing and then just keep going but didn't quite hit it okay this will be a little weird try again i think i i'm not getting the right angle this does work there we go okay now the scary part this is always scary grabbing the ledge oh man okay i'm so glad i got that i really did not want to do that star again thank god i got that pier thank you so much for the super chat why am i in slow mo because the chat goes way too fast when it's not in slow mode hate to have to do it but i have to i don't have a choice also people are they spam a lot so it's to help prevent spam too okay okay just wanna make sure i get this beginning right [Music] there we go okay all right we should be good now you know what's also really neat about this star is you can actually do it with a koopa shell you can ride a koopa shell up that mountain it's really cool i do it sometimes but um i don't want to do it right now considering my control scheme but yeah it doesn't really see it seems like a tiny bit of time like maybe a second but it's pretty nominal okay one more to go and it's just wiggler i think i think it's just the wiggler fight yep cool very cool don't know why i went in there already kind of need to drain the water [Music] okay i did not mean to dive i saw another super chat thank you very much and right in again hardest boss fight of all time just like the hands hello there we go did i see the ps5 showcase i was actually practicing that game when that happened but i did i did get all the details i know the um the digital one costs 400 bucks normal one costs 500 games are gonna cost seventy dollars um i didn't see like any game trailers or anything beyond that so i might watch it later but um i probably don't have time to watch it today all right thank you owen for the support and the super chat so i'll definitely finish the game the goal at this point beat the game before three hours if i can do that i'll be fine i'll be happy with that so if i can beat it under three hours with these controllers then okay i'll take it we take those oh tall oh my gosh okay this is kind of a hard level actually so we'll start with um you know what i'm gonna start with star six actually because this one i'm a little worried about but it has a very very cool trick so i'll see if i can get it i don't think so okay i'm gonna try that a couple more times so yeah what you can do is you can bounce the tox box right up to the mushroom and get the star but basically your uh your movement has to be perfect you have to be aligned perfectly and you have to know exactly which way to angle your controller stick as it's bouncing okay whatever that should be good yep that's good okay all right i'll take that just one mistake is fine because that one's a little tricky to do so now i'm going to do 100 coins and uh red coins be the next one and then after that i have to clip through a wall like two or three times and that that's kind of annoying to get i'm not super good at that but i need to do it because it saves a lot of time that was god tier coin rng holy crap that was really good okay i i was trying to do a dive oh let me try again there we go that's what i was trying to do the angle this wasn't right for it to work okay you can also roll out across these mushrooms i am not comfortable doing that right now but it does save time okay so we're gonna grab all these reds we'll come back for the reds later because we're gonna do the slide and get most of our coins there nice okay do a bit of this come on do the side flip no so the reason i did that was because when you grab the coin you want to do that dive because it saves it saves like a couple of frames basically yeah like that oh okay so i actually don't need to get any of these coins there's lots of coins in the slide there's plenty you can actually miss a bunch of them and you're still fine okay there we go is this the shindo version yes it is it is indeed i don't know why i jumped the show just ran it's so weird feeling the rumble going down the slide okay see a couple more super chats can't read them but thank you very much okay so if i can get like around 90 i should be good i won't have to waste too much time getting extra coins okay good 90. perfect so i'll just have to get coins on a bridge and then coins from the chukkya and that's it don't grab that oh my god mario he was so close he was so close to grabbing that because i know the hitbox is pretty large on the stars so that could have been really bad okay cool hundreds done [Music] notes everyone this is a digital australia copy yes it is and anyone can do this i do not have uh i did not like do anything special i literally just made an australian account got australian eshop cards and got the game did not do anything special to do it so if anyone wants to do the same thing you can do that you can do it with like literally any switch game ever it's not just even just this one okay i wonder if they um they might have patched this out actually potentially let me try it a few more times okay they didn't that's good no don't fall i almost fell fly guy no fly guys being stupid uh no it's not we're doing mario god this level is the movement is so scary okay i'm gonna do a somewhat safe route for star five we'll just get that one done [Music] okay oh almost bonked that bonk was very very close have i noticed changes in the game uh it's the shindo version so i don't know if you know what the shindo version is then that's you know all the changes so come on yeah i want to be able to do this a couple more times still there we go come here pal thank you please don't hit invisible wall by the way there's like 8 000 invisible walls across that whole area so you basically have to like know a route in your head whether you're not going to hit one it's really scary got to be so careful okay good so we have what do we have left we've got got the monkey one of course and then we have what is the other one i can't remember we did hundred we did three two and oh four right okay okay yeah that one's really easy okay i got it twice let me keep trying i'm gonna try it a couple more times if i don't get it i'll just do another star okay uh i'm gonna do another star this one's actually really quick too a lot of people anyone could do this one this one's really easy [Music] so if you don't feel like going down the slide you don't have to just pull back and jump kick that's it done and that's why in the ds version there's a cage because the developers learned people were doing that and they didn't want them to do that anymore okay so we're gonna try to get the wall skip again if we don't get it i can take another route it's just gonna be slower it's really you know what it is it's hard okay there we go it's really hard to do a jump dive with the joy-cons because the buttons are so close together so trying to time that it's it's really clunky oh hey what's up charles oh almost bonked to the bottom okay time to catch stupid monkey that's right you go in the corner go in the corner yes now we punch him yeah yeah yeah there we go got him got a moment okay i can take a break for a second actually get a drink okay good i have to talk to you i thought he was just gonna do the thing okay [Music] all right oh my god we saved time we saved like eight seconds what okay sure i don't know how we save time but all right actually i do not always save time because on my pb i died like four times in that level so even though i'm playing super slow i still it's all those deaths that caused that okay so let's do um let's do 100 we'll get that out of the way 100 here is not too bad oh my god that was god tier rng usually those coins go all over the place so that was really good we can get that coin later dang there's a very specific spot and you can clear that jump i'll try to get it i have to do it i think one more time anyway so that's fine i can just go use oh my god what are you doing up here can i still make it yes i can okay good so yeah the box on the left that has a star in it so i will have to do that jump again hopefully i'll get it [Music] and the rest of this is not honestly it's not that bad that hey i'll just i'll take two of them or somehow three thank you hitboxes oh yeah fun fact i learned if you don't grab this money bag before going in the igloo the money bag disappears because i was doing a run and i decided to save getting the money bag and then when i came back out of the igloo he wasn't there so i don't know what was up with that but it's a thing i learned okay good that was actually a really smooth entrance uh rng plz okay i'm gonna grab these coins i know it's very it's probably a little disorienting to look at it but it's a lot easier to do this in mario cam well until now now you can kind of back out but like there's just so many walls it's hard to keep track hey 89 coins that's not a lot um i'm gonna get one more coin i might need it okay because i still need to get eight coins somewhere i know where couple places i can get [Music] them don't hit the ice thank you okay good so and talk to the the spindrift if i why am i diving that's not a good idea here we go that that's that buffed out perfectly because i wanted to go to the snowman anyway all right come on freaking idiot there we go [Music] okay is l still real even in mario 3d all-stars unfortunately there is no luigi i wish there was but i wasn't able to find him anywhere unless we unlock him when we beat the game it won't happen but maybe it will [Music] snowman's big head oh this level's really cool or this star it's got cool movement don't fall okay come on mario why is the camera so bad right now there we go there we go okay so yeah you don't actually have to talk to the snowman at all you can just totally skip them pretty slick so yeah i was messing that up because my camera wasn't correct if i had the camera right then i would have been fine we need the blj i cannot provide the blj unfortunately there is no blj not in this game all right well and then uh you know what okay i'm gonna try to redeem myself for this jump because i messed this up last time here we go perfect uh yes i'm playing the australian version okay 100 stars only 20 to go all right i can feel the finish coming and i think we can still do it under three hours that's what i'm going for at this point if i can do that i'll be happy oh actually i gotta do this one more time cause i gotta get into the igloo okay let me try again that's way too slow you're in the way get out of my way move it we like to move it move it okay oh actually i really didn't need this i could have okay i could have done a slightly faster way to get to the igloo but that's fine i forgot about it okay whatever that's all right [Music] and oh i've never tried i wanted to see if a jump dive would make it no normally you just have double jump okay so that's really the last hard one hard one it's not really difficult at all we've got chill with the bully next and then is that it might actually be it looking at my notes oh okay i still have to do three as well okay all right we'll do a chill with the bully for now and then we'll do the uh the other one after that super hard boss by the way boss is insanely hard crazy how many stars you need to fight the final bowser so you only need 70 but we're going for 100 run so 120 stars is what we're gonna be getting so i'll try to do a pretty cool glitch with or not really a glitch but a cool trick with this one too it's gonna be a little tricky with um this controller we'll see if i can get it hold on hold on now you know i'm going to try it again anyway because it is pretty neat okay so basically what you do is you land on like a slant and then you do a jump dive right inside it's really cool but i was not able to time it and there we go snowman's land is done so that means all that's left is the tip top of the castle and that is it pretty freaking slick some gamer guy you can get this copy right now this is not an early uh copy not early access i'm not affiliated with nintendo at all i haven't been for three years um if you buy the australian digital version you can buy this game yourself right now you just have to get australian eshop cards and you can play it so literally anyone can do this it's not just it's not a special thing oh that was slick i needed to get another cap anyway so i'll take it no what what i don't know why that happened oh that's painful oh my gosh say we're sitting at 225 mario come on buddy my gosh you guys are welcome to drop f's for that that was that's so unfortunate so i know why it happened i just thought i was far enough away from the cloud that it wouldn't happen basically as the wing or as you start the triple jump from the wing cap if you're pushing up on your joystick you'll like dip down instantly and i thought i was not in distance to the cloud i thought i wasn't gonna hit it but i barely hit the edge and that's why i fell so thankfully i wasn't that far into the star but it does suck to lose like a minute and a half having to climb back up okay well i'll be more careful this time okay don't push anything not gonna move my joystick after a jump it's not gonna do it not worth it okay [Music] go talk to the bomb [Music] yeah no this story is very easy um i just made a mistake okay here we go also by the way the controls are complete opposite what i'm used to for the cannon so i don't even know how how to aim it's like it's really weird because the wing controls are correct but the canon isn't it's very very jarring for someone that plays this game a lot so but again if you haven't played this in a long time i mean controls be perfectly fine you're not gonna have any issues say i saw another super chat thank you so much oh my god get the coin no come on get the freaking why am what is going on okay you know what i'm just gonna grab this coin and then grab the wing box okay screw it i don't care how slow this is i just don't want to die at this point okay or it's just gonna be as sketchy as possible did i get new glasses these are new glasses but they're not permanent basically my old glasses fell in a lake and they're my only pair so i'm waiting to get the new ones and they'll look pretty much the same as the old ones why i have to figure out why why is that happening okay i figured out what i'm supposed to do now build up some speed there we go now try to grab this without grabbing the pole nice nice good okay that this one was really sketchy but at least it is done so now we have the last two hard stages to go oh boy tick-tock clock now tick-tock clock's actually not that bad my problem is gonna be rainbow ride that's what i'm really worried about [Music] okay tick-tock clock is strangely pretty fast except for 100 coins this one can take a little while i did not want to fall in that early so since i did i'm just going to get a random star because i base i do all these stars when it doesn't move okay don't don't get hit okay i'm gonna try something that i learned this morning let's see how it goes oh boy yes yes i got it okay that was so scary because the thing was moving as i was trying to jump oh my god william thank you for the super chat by the way all right there we go that's what i was trying to do before okay so now we'll do 100 coins [Music] oh i'm just so glad i got that one they're the one that i just i'm so glad that i got that trick because i literally just learned it like in 30 minutes before streaming i'm like what else could i do that'd be kind of cool that isn't that hard to learn okay that's how you're gonna be all right now it's just blue coins with the most awkward camera movement of all time because it decides to move while you're on this skinny bridge okay i have to do something else i literally have to get those blue coins so i'm just gonna grab this and then we'll try 100 again i'm glad i didn't die actually i got something out of it beat bowser last well yeah that's what you got to do story time that will be what i end up doing and what we'll also do um after the run is i'll go ahead and talk to yoshi because we might as well okay okay no oh my mario i'm we're just walking here you don't need to bonk on the wall seriously he bonks whenever he feels like it that could not have gone better like you know how poorly that should have gone like i definitely should have like died or something okay so let's try to do blue coins again without falling this time i'm just gonna i'll just walk a little bit slower if i have to okay there we go it's just that bridge and usually it's fine it's just this freaking joystick i'm not used to it at all we do need these though okay we're already at 71 that's good oh oh nice no let's grab good can we uh okay fine i'll do a side flip okay 71 81 this is good okay so we got plenty of coins to finish now i'm worried about invis walls those always pop up around here okay didn't get one good they're just gonna get um a couple more ten coin boxes oh goodness okay camera okay good good there we go very nice okay okay good 100 coin is done thank god there's only like a couple more stars i'm worried about now for the rest of this run because the rest of these stars i'm not really worried about at least for tick tock clock there we go it's got to jump a little early all right i feel a big sense of relief now can't wait to play the game again it's been a long time yeah it's it's been pretty good to play through i just wish i was more used to the camera controls just because i've been playing because i when i play the game i play the controls are just totally opposite so this literally affects like nobody except me no one else will have a problem with this okay uh you know what let's do uh let's do the red coins now why not then we can do i guess star five should land right on it there we go my least favorite star hmm what is my least favorite star i think hundred coins for rainbow ride which is coming up and that's because it's so sensitive on you getting the blue coins i guess i would say that one only two where to go nice okay so we'll do five and then two whoops didn't mean to go that far bruh climb up okay let's try and do a triple jump but guess not [Music] okay we're almost at oh my goodness gracious no oh oh what is happening okay i don't know how i don't even know you i've never wall jumped like that before what the heck okay oh my god that raised my heart level quite a bit oh my god jesus that was terrifying [Music] yep just 11 left this one's really fast too so really there's only a couple more long stars left rainbow ride hundred coins and red take a while and then the big house level takes a while but otherwise they go by pretty quickly okay do a little bit of a skip here as well okay there we go nice okay so let me see two three four we are uh we're at a 250 pace if i so basically i want to not lose more than 10 minutes i got to keep with my pace and not lose 10 minutes to get under three hours that's going to be the goal if i can do that we're good also for anyone that's been here the whole time true oh geez for sure okay let's do it let's get 100 coins out of the way the last it really is just the last star i'm worried about all right come here pal oh this is weird okay don't disappear don't appear okay oh this is sketch oh don't burn hey there was like eight things that almost went wrong in 10 seconds okay i knew that was gonna happen okay good i literally need that coin don't fall okay good i'm so glad you can angle your long jumps in the air like that would make this game horrible like it would actually make it so unfun if you couldn't move a little bit from a long jump so it's really nice that that's like a thing okay and i will just chill on the carpet big chilling okay need some good luck at two luck okay that's fine we can lose one that's okay we're sitting at 55 that's good that's actually really good okay we're gonna get a backup coin assuming this doesn't fly off the stage okay good nice okay the moment of truth i'm gonna let this guy blow up first i don't want him throwing me off you stay away oh my god that's not good okay i have to find bonus i have to find extra coins now i don't have a choice dang that's what i was worried about i was worried about losing losing out on coins okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and grab the reds now we'll just get them out of the way and then i'm gonna have to find 100 coins somewhere else and then come back here for the red coin unfortunately that's what i have to do so i was worried about that happening and i don't know man i was just it's hard it's very hard to do especially with this controller okay so i still need i can actually get one coin from this bomb because i didn't get this one yet oh i already already got it okay i already got this guy yep okay so i gotta find eight coins somewhere else um i know where they are they're just kind of far away that's what stinks and that is why you have to get all the blue coins and why this is my least favorite star because if that happens it's the thing like when it happens it's at the very end like because you get that part at the end of the whole thing and it's also like at the end of a run so you're already starting to get nervous it's so it's so dumb i hate it okay but i know what i have to do we're actually gonna go to the big house level believe it or not because we're gonna have to get some coins in there we're gonna save a little bit of time though by doing this and skipping to the carpet a little bit faster okay that is really really really unfortunate that that happened oh it's going to be hard to get under three hours now that was a good minute gone because i have to climb all the way back up what i was trying to do i was trying to get the stupid coins on the carpet because there was coins up above i'm getting water yeah i am going to do the start at the same time but i have to get hundred first i can't get the red first okay what i was trying to do was just side flip and like i just couldn't do it there we go can i still make this no okay it'll respawn that's fine that's it i need to get one more coin and i have to wait till the big house to get it but what is nice is i can get the hundred coin star get it out of the way and then i can jump back to red coins but hey you know what you know okay here's what's good about this we get to go to the big house star twice or the big house level twice it's pretty epic actually i almost want a long jump but i am not going to risk it i'm just going to chill here i'm at 99 coins i don't want to mess anything up i'll check out the chat my splits say 12. it's supposed to say 120 i forgot to add it to zero i forgot to add a zero okay whatever we got the hundred coins i don't care all right let's go back get those reds i mean we could almost just you know what let's say okay you know i have a better idea let's get started too so we don't have to go back up here that'll actually save more time believe it or not so we'll get this star so we'll have to come up here one time and then we'll just have to do reds again which is fine because reds are not that hard [Music] okay i'm glad i realized that'd be faster like two seconds before i had to jump and it's like there's even more coins up here that's actually how some people do um the 100 coins in this level they'll do 100 coins in star 2 it's just it's a lot trickier to do that oh no no no no you stay on the carpet mister does this game work on switch light yes of course yeah most switch games to work on switch light okay good so let's do uh let's just do reds again let's just get that out of the way actually no we're gonna do harder stars i want to get two more hard ones done what is good is i don't have to talk to the pink bobbum so i have the cannon for the ship so let's do those two now and then we'll do the reds do i like rainbow ride no i hate this level this level is horrible it's not even an interesting level it's like carpets and random rainbows that's it the rest of it's just untextured platforms okay but i'm gonna try some tricky skips here coming up yeah blj means backwards long jump that's right okay here we go okay good that saved a lot of time doing that and then just do that okay so we gotta do that one more time to get the other star on the ship and then honestly after that the rest of the stars are easy for the rest of the game you put me in a comic book you made that's pretty sick that's pretty slick yes they removed blj for those that are asking unfortunately this is the shindo version so they don't have it all right here we go rest my hands for a minute okay good [Music] remaster top and hardest mario 64 stars i feel like i can't you know that's like it's one of those videos where i don't want to redo it but i also kind of already did i did the ranking mario 64 stars last year which is pretty similar so in a way it's kind of the same thing [Music] that's so unfortunate man oh my god okay you know what i'm saving that for last i need to do stars that i'm not going to keep dying at dang it i know i know why it happened too i lost too much speed and then mario i tried to pull back but mario just kept going forward and then he tripped up and died so we'll do red coins then we'll do stars four and five and then we'll just finish bruh come on mario please just cooperate with me there we go yes okay i'm making up a route right now okay whatever all of that worked [Music] close enough okay we're at 248. i think we can still barely beat this in under three hours but my god had a lot of mess-ups this run so i don't know all right um yeah we'll do the last two easy ones i honestly might just do start one or the last star the easy way where i don't do that crazy skip because i really don't want to die again it's just that it wastes a lot of time but it probably wastes more time if i keep dying at it that's another thing to keep in mind okay we'll do tricky triangles they're not really tricky triangles at all they're actually pretty easy there we go that's really fun to do actually yeah rip the people that have joy-con drift i'm actually using my release date joy-cons because the other ones i have it has joy-con drift so this game would be so impossible with that and these ones are okay but yeah unfortunately my left joy-con drifts a lot and i can't i just can't use it at all and it's weird because like i've barely even used that joy-con that was close okay all right two more to go let's finish this thing yeah this is actually 3d all-stars and you can tell by looking at the ui it's a lot different than the original game is this harder or easier on switch for me it's way harder because i'm not used to joy cons at all usually play it on um on pc with a xbox one controller and this this controller is does not even compare to an xbox one at all okay yeah honestly screw it like i'm tired of this controller i'm just gonna do it the normal way which i know isn't as interesting but i mean at this point i don't know what else to do don't want to keep messing up i just want to beat the video game [Music] yeah can we do this in less than three hours it's gonna be very close it can be very very close i'll save a little bit of time i'll i will uh i will long jump to this carpet but i i'm chilling on the carpet this time i'm not going to bother skipping or skipping i'm not going to bother skipping it i haven't done this in so long it's been forever [Music] i hate that i have to do it this way but like i just i cannot play this game i cannot play this game like really seriously with this controller it's just oh it's very very hard anyone that speed runs this game like more seriously than i do i commend you to try it with joy cons just to see you can see what it's like it's so hard it what is good though as we've been playing through this entire game i have seen zero slow down that is awesome because the original game does have slow down so the fact that there's none is really really good okay let's you know what let's do a pretty cool side flip oh yeah let's go mario go in the cannon see i think i missed the super chat thank you so much sorry i can't read it i'll be able to read them all very soon though oh my god it's so touchy there we go that should be good we're out of rainbow ride yes thank god one more star to go one more bowser to knock out let's do this i have eight minutes to finish it well seven really i'm not going to get there until 2 53. i don't know um i it's definitely possible for me to beat it in seven minutes see if we can do it okay oh that should have worked this is something new i've been trying okay there we go dude isn't that look at that he's supposed to run at full speed and he doesn't i'm telling you it's something with a controller that's just super janky because he always runs full speed at that hill even like right now he's not running that fast [Music] supposed to be a side flip okay still works very good okay all right i'm going to try this once i'm not going to try it again you can like basically jump across all those but your movement has to be really precise i just i can't keep trying precise movement with this controller it's not going to work it's just not going to work it's not meant to be i can barely go i can barely move in a straight direction okay well i will oh my god mario just kept on going yeah because normally you can just hop across all these but i just cannot do it okay getting pretty close to the top though only a few more coins i have no idea what that says charles something in spanish okay jesus all right fellas we're about to get the 120. we're almost at the 120. yes let's go [Music] can we get some 120s in the chat got ourselves 120 now just to finish bowser get in the pipe there we go okay so now unfortunately we're going to hear the buh-bye because i'm going to have to throw him far at least once just doesn't doesn't have the same ring to it okay oh i have four minutes okay i'm gonna try to beat this before three hours hits mario mario what are you doing pal [Music] no i knew it was gonna miss okay that should be that should ah come on i just want to finish so you know the timing is actually different too than i'm used to it's like a tiny bit early so i just tried to overcorrect myself there and then i i under i pushed it too early then i have to refi i have to rediscover the timing now oh my god come on man [Music] no you know i didn't even hit him once so i don't care i'll restart 41 is an odd number anyway that number is dumb all right guys i need some help in the chat we can get some prayers some prayer emojis that will help a lot and if you're a channel member spam something from the channel member emoji i don't know what we have okay come on bowser i don't even care if it takes longer than three hours i just want to beat them okay there we go one i can feel the chat's energy working right now two bye-bye there we go that should be good yes oh it barely hit okay let's go under three hours let's go holy crap guys geez oh it's over 258.37 you know what for joy cons i'll take it i'm not going to complain about a time like that that's okay thank you everyone for your prayer emojis it helped a lot dude i haven't not looked at this how the stream is doing at all oh my god 8 000 people here guys thank you so much for watching i literally have not looked at the stream at all the whole time that's insane well thank you for joining me on this adventure i wish i could have played a little bit better oh my gosh well that's right you know it was a lot of fun it was very very interesting trying to play this with uh with joy cons especially an upside down joy-con oh my gosh so you know what for now we'll go ahead and watch the credits and uh we'll we'll go find yoshi and then maybe we'll kind of goof around with 3d all-stars a little bit more after that oh actually while this is going let me go to the super chats because i know i'm really behind on them oh my god guys this is absurd okay um where did i leave off okay so there's a super chat from icy frost super monkey ball 99 david venegas goes pepper gaming uh thunder thor is a member some random duck s prx super lit shy guy ghost pepper gaming again javier mateo sbrx ostep mario fan 99 matteo luigi time thank you mario khaled aiden gabriela mateo greg the spinner rack asia greg again marisol banana sunday tom lyon the other white castle that's epic um joshu box if that's how that's said qatar khan jack mulligan with a sticker soup cillis the john guy cho soy red tv daddy aaron falcon fox hybrid sonic tomine is pepe hybrid typhlosion for president what is this message oh my god cyrus jesus the one and only w max walker owen laser shot ryan guys so much support today oh my goodness unlucky octoling smite another one from brian just right now stayed the whole stream um this you do sub three hours on your day off dude i hope you enjoyed it i hope i was worth your day off i try to make the streams as fun as i can um smite the game lover dp uh james dominique a lot from smite anton beaubart i'm trying to find new ones pokemon fan 101 boomba uh silver i think mind the plays uh fat yoshi the mr muffin jessie spencer cheesy mayo smg3 south forester gamer alejandra story times sourdough games another one right now from zach been a fan of the channel for a long time great content thank you so much i'm glad you enjoyed the stream we're not quite done yet though we're going to go and check out a few more things before we end we're going to have to raid with this many people like this is insane ashton connor random person dj cj megadude goat blake jack tombola owen mccann or i think to owen yeah austin c.s thiago bob3 woody this is absurd yeah this is a world record elemental and from ass okay i'm all caught up awesome okay so i think it's saves can i just reset i hope it saves we'll find out okay so let's go ahead and go into um i gotta go to here okay so let's go back into the game and see if we can get yoshi such an awesome render i love that render it's me mario okay hello hello whoops okay 120. so is the cannon actually oh i'm gonna try to do the okay so we have the cannon open i'm gonna try to do something really cool to get up here i don't know if i'm gonna do it with this controller but we'll see okay yeah let me try a few times it's a little a little precise oh that was close that was so close okay let's try a few more times yes we got it all right don't even need the cannon all right so we'll say hi to yashi oh is the spelling mistake still there wait hello talk to me there we go is that really it that really you they didn't fix the spelling mistake it has been so long since our last adventure they told me that i might see you if i waited here but i'd just about given up is it true have you beaten bowser yeah yeah yeah you know you could do it now very special message thanks for playing this is the end of the game but not the end of the fun that's funny that they never finished the spelling mistake dj cj thank you so much for the kind words in the super chat in the same for elemental yt yeah submit to the leaderboard that horrible time i mean i guess i technically could but oh it's not a good time though so elsa i'm never going to run this again i'm not going to run the shindo version ever again okay um you know what let me see if anyone's streaming on youtube let's rate failboat he's playing right now um filbo is playing yeah he's playing 3d all-stars so we're gonna give him a raid okay so when i post link in the chat what i want you guys to do is click the link and then say nb raid or something like that all right guys thanks for hanging out it has been a pleasure i will see you guys very soon make sure to go raid failboat all right i'm retired
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,106,653
Rating: 4.8975077 out of 5
Keywords: play, play nintendo, game, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, nathaniel bandy, super mario 3d all stars, super mario all stars, super mario 64, super mario 64 speedrun, mario 64 speedrun, super mario sunshine, super mario galaxy, super mario 3d world + bowser's fury, mario 35th anniversary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 16sec (11416 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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