A Mountain of Easter Eggs & Fun Facts in Celeste - DPadGamer

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welcome to celeste where the music is peaceful and the platforming is painful well it can be if you brave the mountain as you get deeper or higher you'll find that the game has a lot of heart and attention to detail in this video we'll be looking at a number of easter eggs and fun facts in celeste so continue watching if you don't mind some spoilers let's start off with one of the most well known secrets the hidden developer room tucked away in chapter 6. so halfway through the chapter right by the checkpoint titled reflections you'll find this room with a broken elevator and a quick interaction with granny rather than heading to the right as intended you want to dash up and wall climb through the hole in the ceiling from here we need to do a couple quick tricks the first is a wall bounce which is where you dash upwards next to a wall and jump during the dash which gives us enough height to grab the next block then we can use a hyper dash for reference a hyper dash is where you dash down diagonally and then jump giving you a lot of horizontal momentum with minimal height while preserving your dash which we need to get up to safety from there we head into the dev room proper set room is home to six characters idling from left to right we have ogmo from jumper nevoe from skytorn captain yuri from out there somewhere then the ibats blue archer and pink archer all from towerfall from there here's a fun fact madeleine actually has idle animations which i assume most players miss due to either always being in motion or at the bottom of a pit in every level except summit she can either look around scratch her chin or sneeze here you go while in the summit she has three entirely different animations that can play she can look off into the distance jump around impatiently and crack her knuckles i i don't like that noise speaking of noise another fun detail is in the game's files which can be found if you extract all of the sound files in the sfx.bank file the file in question that we're talking about is a bit of audio called wow so secret which if played sounds like this to confirm yeah it's a 16 second long rick roll that was left in next a bit of context theo is one of the game's main characters and he appears at various points in the story early on he mentions his love of photography and near the end of chapter 2 he takes his first selfie with madeleine which we learn he posts on something called instapix what's cool is that there is actually an official instagram for theo under the name theo understars which is filled with in-universe pictures that were uploaded right around the release of the game in january of 2018 through his instagram we get to see the adventure from his perspective he shows off his cat spoons his favorite shoes and an old pick of him without a beard before packing up and moving to seattle for a new job while the job itself is never named he realizes it's not for him and he quits and decides to take a trip up to vancouver canada he then hitchhikes with some locals to visit celeste mountain heading up the mountain he meets granny gets visited by the colorful secret birds before we get the selfie that you see in game afterwards we get to see him get to get through and leave the spooky hotel as well as enter the ancient temple a bit into the chapter in game we find theo inside a mirror and he mentioned that he was just taking a mirror selfie on his instagram we get to see said selfie which has been visually corrupted later after a we're okay selfie we see him chilling with granny while they wait for madeleine sick gaming chair from there he shares an image of madeleine preparing the strawberry pie shown at the end of the game and seemingly a badland's hand coming from off frame in his next pick of a golden feather he found he explains that he decided to head home to be there for his little sister alex a character who is shown and mentioned throughout the story later he shares a picture explaining that he's back in canada again to hang out with madeline and we can see that he got a tattoo of the earlier feather on his neck he also shows off a strawberry caparina that drink is the national cocktail of brazil which is where theo's family is from which is a cool little detail we get to see madeleine practicing some archery and then one more selfie before he heads home once more the last post on his instagram is a short little video where he poses for the camera while looking out over a city explaining that he's gonna take a social media break for a while all in all it's a really cool bit of extra world building that goes a long way to fleshing out the story and characters back into the game as you may know there is a hidden room in the celestial resort containing a little computer that lets you play a retro-esque celeste once found you can then revisit the bonus game at any time from the main menu if you don't know that side game is actually the original free version of celeste created in 2016. it was developed in four days by maddie thorson and noel berry for a game jam and was written for the pico 8 virtual console in time that game was rewritten and fleshed out into a full game which we now know as celeste which of course released in 2018. in 2019 on the game's third anniversary maddie noel and lena rayne made celeste 2 lanny's track this time in 3 days as a part of another game jam it still looks and feels similar to the original but this new character cannot dash but instead gets a grappling hook that allows you to pick up and move objects like springs and snowballs opening up a whole different place style it's pretty neat for this next detail again let me preface with a bit of context so if you don't know malin's journey up the mountain is as one would expect a metaphor for working to overcome her personal struggles as such the story of celeste touches on some seriously important topics like depression and anxiety as an example near the end of chapter 4 when the gondola ride is interrupted by battleline battalion the lever gets flung off madeline experiences a panic attack with theo's support and guidance she visualizes a feather that must be gently kept afloat with her breathing it's a pretty good representation of a horrible feeling that a lot of us can relate to myself included as well as a legitimately useful relaxation technique for managing such a situation in chapter 5 we see her at what is perhaps her lowest point around this section the song in the mirror plays and it has voice signs performed by lena rayne which can be heard when the song is reversed i won't play all of the lines but here's just one of them for reference so you can hear what it sounds like sometimes i i don't really know what's going on anymore while it doesn't feel right to call that a fun fact or whatever it's definitely an extra bit of detail that is appreciated because it helps flesh out the character that much more and also pulling the heart strings from there let's move towards some more lighthearted stuff like for example in chapter 9 farewell you might know that right at the start you move through a nice comfy day you spot granny and suddenly she becomes a tombstone spooky peeking behind the curtain this transition was done by transporting the player from one room to another which you can see here using the game's debug mode debug mode is really nice for messing with stuff teleporting around if need be and so on you can change a setting to activate it or easily flip it on and off using celeste's mod loader called everest which is what i did you can actually talk to granny and she simply says i see you've discovered debug mode i should also mention cheat mode which is both fun and useful so during the prologue if you head left to the area with madeline's car you can do some inputs to activate cheat mode allowing you to have a file with every area unlocked but nothing collected this also marks the file as being treated which means achievements can't be collected at least i think that's how it works either way it's still a very good way to easily access stuff and practice as needed or simply get footage in my case the inputs are as follows it should work with every version but i simply included the keyboard and xbox inputs convert to your controller scheme as needed from there i'll use a bit more cheating to show off madeline's car hidden away in chapter 9. this can be found during normal gameplay you just simply need to get the jellyfish from this room up into the next and without dying which would get rid of said jelly boy navigate up to the upper right which reveals the car i instead used infinite dashes via assist mode slash the variant menu in chapter 6 one of the mechanics you have to interact with are the large blocks that move once dashed into these have very gruff and booming voice lines that recorded by kevin from power up audio who worked on the audio for this game as such these blocks are lovingly called cabin blocks during the celeste tool assisted run shown off at summer games done quick 2019 the kevin blocks were edited to have completely different voice lines recorded by speedrunner covert muffin i love this next screen right here check this out what [Music] [Applause] so normally we call those kevin's but i think for covert muffins let's go covert blocks this ended up being added to the game proper which you can experience yourself if you name your save file this next bit is actually related to that so as you'll soon see so tucked away above the normal path is a hidden little building during one of the last sections of chapter 9. this can be called the kevin room because of the three kevin blocks above and also because kevin is the person who embedded a little puzzle into this room said puzzle was eventually solved by players and their findings were compiled into this google doc which i will be referencing and relaying the information from and you can find a link to it in the description so when you enter this room you'll hear some very eerie and seemingly out of place music and see a multi-color screen scoreless pine took the audio into their editor of choice and viewed the spectrogram view of it which is a way of visualizing audio at the bottom of the spooky audio is text that reads not so empty in cursive this along with the heart that can be seen inside the pixelated spectrograph points back to the empty heart collected at the end of remembered when you collect said fake grey heart everything begins to fall apart and there are audio glitches that can be heard angravall found that the audio shows nothing the spectrometer the first time it's collected but every time after a bunch of drawings can be revealed like mount celeste granny laughing on the car the bird tass bots and a covert block zapterzapp found that when you catch the bird partway through the event horizon subchapter the glitchy audio that plays reveals this image when all of the glitch sounds have the in-between noise removed text can be made out it was found that when all of the glitch underscore ad audio files were put together in the correct order the resulting spectrograph was a collection of names of people who were part of this less community this was confirmed to be the end of the puzzle by kevin himself how cool next let's touch on some speed tech so celeste has a lot of interesting techniques that allow for crazy speed big jumps and useful skips one such trick is a demo dash named after its discoverer demo jameson it's performed by dashing down then within 4 frames releasing the down key this makes madeline dash horizontally while crouched since crouching shrinks the player's hitbox you can fit through gaps that would otherwise be impossible you can change the direction of the demo dash by inputting another direction after letting go of down as of patch 1.4.0 the keybind crouch dash simplifies this move allowing you to hold a direction and press that to do the trick that's what i use to show off this next bit during the determination subchapter of farewell you'll come to this vertical room with moving stars if you keep your dash as you head into the fall and take the smaller right path you get to here as it stands this is the demo dash room letting players practice two of them in a row successfully doing so drops you down into the next room so it doesn't skip too much but it is still useful for talented speedrunners another good way to try some fun techniques is the winged golden strawberry in chapter 1a it might not be obvious that it's even possible but with a bit of knowledge and know-how you can actually complete chapter 1a without dashing a single time i saved myself the temptation of dashing by unbinding the dash buttons something that was made easier in latest patch which made it so you can rebind every button the biggest technique that you'll need to use is spike jumping which is where you perform a wall kick or neutral jump on a bit of wall covered in spikes as long as madeline is moving in the same direction as the spikes she can kick off of the wall behind them for safety it feels wrong and precise and shouldn't work but it surprisingly does work and it's quite doable once you get the feel for it also to be clear neutral jumping is where you jump away from a wall without holding a direction or the grab button this makes the jump very small which lets you fall back towards the wall with the right timing you can repeatedly do this to jump up the wall infinitely and this doesn't use any stamina this is very important in the final room before the golden winged berry all in all it's a very cool challenge and while i'm sure plenty of people have created guides for a dashless chapter 1a i followed along with i am dad bod's tutorial great name which i found quite helpful it'll be linked in the description if you want to check it out yourself chapter one a is also great for getting the one up achievement if you don't know that is where you collect six or more berries in a row i tried but i was not able to do this myself but my buddy ingenious clown was able to as you can see here this was right after he got the wings golden strawberry during our discord call with minimal guidance despite not knowing that it was a thing like 15 minutes prior i spent at least an hour i'm not salty okay maybe a little bit another little mario reference can be found with the crystal hearts in chapter four when you get to this hidden room you'll find the crystal heart being way too high to get normally the intended solution is to actually stand on this unique out of place white block and crouch after a few seconds you'll fall down and be behind it and thus in the background you can then climb the background train up to the heart i believe this is the only place this is doable in the entire game of celeste this is a reference to mario 3 where you can fall down behind white blocks by crashing for a few seconds and in world 1-3 doing this then quickly running to the end takes you to a toad house with the game's first warp whistle it's a pretty neat reference another hidden achievements which is uh way harder is wow which requires you to collect the moonberry which is uh way easier said than done right at the end of farewell after breaking the vault you can choose to head left then up this takes you on a long secret path that most will find very challenging and i am nowhere near ready to take this on legitimately so this is a cheat powered preview at the end when you collect the berry it says wow hence the achievement name and then from there you can take the purple orb that leads to the chapter's end speaking of endings we're approaching the end of this video so let's finish off with a couple neat details regarding endings so at the end of the normal game during the epilogue you can opt to go to the right across the bridge that was broken at the start of the game and visit the bird's nest i think that's pretty cool and from what i've seen on the internet not a lot of people knew that at least at first last but not least once you finish chapter nine for well at the very end you're treated to a cut scene where madeline is back at home and calls up theo to catch up and let him know that she's okay during this we get a glimpse into a room and among other things there are a couple of details that suggest madeline might be trans namely the flag and the pills i bring this up because when the farewell chapter was added to the game in september of 2019 there was a lot of discussion about this possible aspect of madeline's character especially because there was nothing stated in writing in or out of the game by the developers on november 5th 2020 writer and designer of celeste maddie thorson published a medium article stating that indeed madeline is canonically trans of course this article includes way more than that so i think it's worth reading for those who are interested and might not have seen it before you can find a link to the article in the description all that said i think it's important to ask that you please be respectful from the comments when discussing this or anything else brought up in the video that's about it for said video so i'd like to thank my channel members for their support with a mountain size thanks to pseudonymous achilles rhoads and captain crayfish for being super fans if you enjoyed this video why not leave a like perhaps subscribe and if you feel like it check out some of my other stuff thank you so much for watching i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 83,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celeste, Celeste Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs in Celeste, Celeste Secrets, Secrets in Celeste, Easter Eggs With DPadGamer, DPadGamer
Id: aMml8tEULmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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