Can You Collect EVERY Star in Super Mario 3D All Stars in Under 24 Hours?

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/kirbyswarm 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
super mario 3d all-stars is a collection of some of the best and most well-known mario games that exist today re-released on the nintendo switch included in the collection is super mario 64 super mario sunshine and super mario galaxy if you're wondering why galaxy 2 wasn't included in the collection here's a very real and definitely legitimate look into the decision-making process nintendo made when making the collection [Music] the 3d all-stars collection was originally announced on september 3rd during the 35th anniversary of mario nintendo direct while i was watching that direct a crazy idea formed in my head what if someone attempted to beat all three games 100 percent in one sitting what if i attempted to beat all three games 100 in one sitting you see i've actually been in the speedrunning scene since 2014 and actually had experience speedrunning all three of these games to some degree so should be no problem right well not so much my last submitted speedrun of any sort was in january of 2018 so over two and a half years ago because of this there was bound to be quite a bit of rust both in technical execution and game knowledge however i was confident that once i picked up the controller muscle memory would take over and we would have no problems so with that my mind was made up and the stage was officially set after a few eager weeks of waiting the game finally came out and it was time for the show this is how it all went down it's me mario three two one go gaming all right chad it's time for the gauntlet wait no it's not it is but it's not actually you know hold up hold up hold up undo it undo it undo it we gotta go again we gotta go again hold up hold up all right now let's do the countdown for real this time here we go three two one go oh uh oh oh oh didn't do it i messed up the timer again dude hold up hold up we gotta be official okay the genesis book of world records they would not approve of this run okay actually real for real let's go for real okay three two one go okay didn't mess it up now we're actually gaming after literally three attempts of trying to get my timer to work correctly we were off to the races super mario 64 has always been a staple in the speed running scene and i was more than excited to get my feet wet with the game again however i was barely one minute and a failed lack of to skip into the run before i was hit with the first instance of what soon proved itself to be a bigger problem than originally anticipated the camera yeah no okay so word on the street is they inverted the camera in this game and in sunshine and also in galaxy and if they did that i am screwed oh yeah they inverted it oh yeah oh yeah so why is this such a big deal in order to fully understand the issue at hand we first have to take a step back and look at the original games in the 3d all-stars collection in the original versions of super mario 64 in super mario sunshine the camera controls were actually inverted this means that if you wanted to adjust the camera to the left you would actually have to move the stick or hit the associated c button to the right which is the opposite of most games out there today including nintendo's own super mario odyssey and what i can only assume to be a move made by nintendo to improve the player experience in 2020 they've undone that change making it so the camera instead moves in the direction you press with no toggleable option to change it back to its original state while this doesn't affect the experience for the majority of players this minor change works against the hundreds of hours of muscle memory myself and many other speedrunners of these original 3d mario games had developed knowing this i knew the only real option for me moving forward with this run was to stop it before it had a chance to get going in the first place so i quit okay okay i didn't quit but i was discouraged and admittedly a bit frightened this minor change was bound to have major repercussions for even a tip-top speedrunner and i had over two years of rust working against me however we were so early on in the run that i was feeling optimistic and i thought hey it would make a pretty sick youtube video if i could power through and finish this thing so we continued for a while the run went without too many hitches i remembered all the routes and i even got some of the more well-known tricks [Music] sure sure good enough first try we still got it oh oh do we still got the tack do we still got the attack oh tech acquired let's go [Applause] dude if if if there was a way to invert the controls it'd be over for you it'd be over for you guys wait oh god that's not gonna work oh it did work let's go i'm a legend we'll take it got it we'll take it [Music] things were going well maybe it was taking me a few more tries and i would have liked on some strats but we were making steady progress so things were good unfortunately everything changed when i hit my least favorite stage in the game shifting sandland to put it simply shifting sand land was an absolute disaster and i mean that in the nicest way possible i mean just watch my first attempt at trying to get a star in this level so if you're used to like okay good start oh you want another example here how about this i think these clips of me trying to recall the 100 coin route sum it up pretty well wait what am i doing what am i doing dude i'm freaking out i don't i don't know if i remember i don't if i i remember all the strats for this to be honest i'm kind of having an episode right now if we're being if we're being honest with one another i'm definitely i don't i forgot what i'm doing this is the part where i get i get lost in the in the sauce dude oh this was the strat i knew i was forgetting something dude yeah yeah okay and okay well that's actually literally the worst possible scenario there so that's really bad i gotta go all the way back up there because i need to be up there you know what it's okay just another blip in the plan we're just gonna be doing it a little out of order you know it's fine oh yeah definitely this is definitely all part of the route 100 wait is this how you're supposed to do this crap casually [Music] this is awful i would not wish this upon anyone oh don't go in there that's bad we don't want to go in there giving everyone a dang heart attack man jesus let's not go in there that would be bad let's instead come over here and win how about that hey winning in the game [Music] all right all right we made it through even though it was not great after the disaster of a level that shifting sandland was a few more warning bills went off in my head i thought to myself if i was struggling this early on how was i ever supposed to make it through not only the rest of this game but two longer ones afterwards okay no no i don't i don't want to talk about it maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all fortunately the rest of the run went fairly well all things considered there were a few minor blips here and there as i fought against my new enemy the camera but by and large we steadily progressed through the remainder of the game rather quickly even pulling off a few crazy stunts through years of rust that surprised even me all right you guys ready for penguin strats speed tech oh wait wait wait wait here we go can i do this speed stretch let's go we'll take it hey first try we did it and then you do a little side flip boom oh one sec and then boom there it is oh camera okay saved saved right oh first ride cruiser we still got it ladies and gentlemen it's like riding a bike like past me said super mario 64 is like riding a bike and before i knew it i was done and on to the next game super mario sunshine [Music] gaming with one of the three games underneath my belt my wavering confidence from earlier had more than recovered and moving into the second game which also happened to be the game i had the majority of my speed running experience in i was certain that i could make it through however things didn't quite go as expected [Music] super mario sunshine was the game i was looking forward to playing the most again by far it was the game that i grew up with the game that really pushed me as a speedrunner and the game that many people know me for even today years after i stopped grinding it i've streamed the game for thousands of hours on twitch and have even more playtime in it offline unfortunately for me though i learned the hard way that my experience with the game would actually come back to haunt me in a pretty major way after a quick button remapping the run started fairly normally the airstrip section went through without a hitch chat had their fun spamming objection during the intro cutscene and we were off to the races however while trying to get the very first blue coin of the run i was reminded of the uphill battle that i was fighting oh that's inverted okay you see while the overhead camera and both super mario 64 and super mario sunshine were inverted in 3d all-stars so was the first person camera this doesn't have major consequences in super mario 64 but that's not so much the case with super mario sunshine without going into great detail quite a few speed running strategies in sunshine rely on the first person camera to perform including y turns glitched wall kicks and the eel fight while this might be hard to understand in concept i think i did a pretty good job of showing the impact of this adjustment during the eel fight i did during this run oh no this is a disaster yeah dude this first person camera is screwing me this is so hard oh and i got eaten too yeah this is scuffed the good news is this will probably be one of my worst uh eel fights ever so the good news is we can't we can't do much worse right silver lining here we are at we are at the uh the worst possible scenario so everything you see from here will be better give me the what did none of that hit are you kidding me this is a disaster oh okay that was rough man that was rough not even alive nevertheless these changes were minor in the grand scheme of things even with sloppy execution as long as i knew what i was doing things wouldn't be all bad and hey i did have some bright spots even through years of rust and inverted camera controls we were still able to pull off some pretty cool strats in the first half of the run while actually keeping a pretty decent time okay there we go that's actually slightly better i could maybe do this good nice dude didn't die we'll take it it's a good time right [Music] there it is ladies and gentlemen oh we still got it boys and girls all right time for mole skip i know we all like moles here but sometimes you got to skip them okay all right are you guys ready for the blooperless strat we're going to save the bloopers to make up for that other guy okay if i can remember how to do it [Music] whoa all right that should be good enough hopefully did i hit the checkpoints moment of truth [Music] hey we got it [Music] we're underwater are you guys ready for this watch this watch this [Music] it's a fun party trick right there that being said as we passed the halfway point of the run things really started to heat up you see in super mario sunshine 120 shine speed runs the first half of the run is very similar to the any percent root in most cases there's less of a focus on collecting blue coins and doing extra shines and instead more of an emphasis on simply unlocking all of the stages and getting to corona mountain as quickly as possible to avoid additional cutscenes this means that the majority of the blue coin collecting and more tedious shines such as 100 coin shines are saved for the second half of the run while this sounds good on paper it's an absolute nightmare for someone who hasn't touched the game in a while on my very first stage after reaching the halfway point gelato beach i was very rudely awakened to the fact that my memory of the game wasn't nearly as good as i thought it was i my my brain tells me i'm supposed to have the rocking nozzle though i don't remember what i don't remember what i've missed to be honest all right i don't have the rocking nozzle yet that's so bizarre oh like it's this right oh yeah no i do wait what's happening yo i'm freaking out dude is it always like that i don't know what the heck is going on i'm losing my mind like i i'm trying to remember what i'm supposed to do here i'm trying to remember dude i don't remember i don't remember what it is i actually have no idea dude i am i'm not gonna lie i'm pretty i'm pretty hacked right now this is like super scuffed this is like when uh you know how something breaks and you don't want to just like pay to get a new one so you just like duct tape it and it like mostly works but you know it's just like mere seconds from falling apart that's where we're at right now but i need to get one singular coin hey anybody got a free coin around here hey uh can you spare a guy at some chain jay all right this is like the easiest secret okay you know what i'm just not gonna talk anymore i take it back after stumbling my way through the majority of each level i was left scratching my head somehow i wasn't just one or two blue coins short of what i needed to be but instead four while missing an item isn't super great during a speed run in the first place it's especially bad in super mario sunshine this is because in sms certain blue coins are only accessible on certain stages within each level this meant that not only did i have to check each individual coin location but also check across multiple stages which turned out to be a real headache dude i'm trying to remember where all these are at dude i'm definitely all right i forgot about that guy all right that's one down we are doing this on file b not the beast oh wait did i i thought i got this one okay there you go i only got one i only got one to go these were the four yoshis which means i lost the other one somewhere else oh hey what's up dude okay got that taken care of leaving gelato beach and looking ahead to the rest of the run i was very concerned about the longevity of the 360. some of those same thoughts i originally had when leaving shifting sandland in super mario 64 were returning to my brain again even stronger this time around if the game i had the most confidence in is taking me this long how was i ever going to make it through the longest game in the collection before my body demanded i stop and rest my mind was willing but i knew i was at an extreme disadvantage growing with every second that passed it really was a race against the clock at this point okay and then come over here and then we come over here dude this is very nostalgic though i'm not gonna lie to you it's uh nostalgic for me even if it's been a painful experience [Music] doesn't play the one-up noise like the japanese version does that one up be hidden different okay all right we got to finish the game now let's do it after many hours of struggling several blue coins forgotten many 100 coin roots scuffed in a time that was nearly double my original personal best we hobbled on towards the final game in the collection super mario galaxy final one get ready on the split there was no doubt in my mind that super mario galaxy was the game that i was the most afraid of in this run even when played optimally super mario galaxy is still many hours slower than the other two games in the collection with the world record for 120 stars sitting at just under 5 hours and 30 minutes it also happened to be the game i had the least experience in i had learned the 80 route for the game many years ago and did a handful of runs but had never done a full 120 star run before having barely touched many of the additional stars outside of individual level practice because of this my knowledge of the game was much more limited in my routing hazy at best this forced me to have a huge reliance on my splits to keep me on track they helped to make sure i was collecting the right amount of star bits and entering into stages in the correct order i knew that if i was going to make it through galaxy and complete the full 360 star run i needed these splits to survive i mean just look at what happened when i got even the slightest bit off track [Music] oh oh god i've hacked it dude i'm trying to get to rolling green and i've hacked it in the process which is unfortunate all right it's in fountain dude dude new sub split open operator wake up race fire we gotta look at the splits man look at the dang split son at first the run was going well very well while my mind was beginning to show some signs of mental fatigue the splits helped keep me moving forward and i was pretty reliably making progress even surpassing my own expectations i had originally set for the game the sun had long set it was the dead of night at this point and i was content just taking each level one at a time as i barrelled towards the finish line uh practice my dude all right here we go very epic sweat let's go all right we get a little cut scene action here and i will be gone actually just temporarily i'm gonna go uh i think get some water maybe a little bit of caffeine for the final stretch here and then um also go to the bathroom so i'll be right back however shortly after returning to my desk refreshed and ready to power on into the finale of the run i was hit with my final curveball the splits disaster remember those clips from earlier you know look at the dang split son well as it turns out while i was struggling to find the next level then i was doing more than just losing time in the midst of my stumbling around i managed to shift the comet cycle my run was on which proved to have pretty major consequences so you might be asking yourself what are comet cycles why does any of this even matter in super mario galaxy occasionally you'll be notified that a prankster comet is active on a certain level these prankster comets change the behavior of the level and allow for the player to obtain a special star that is only available on that stage when the prankster comet is active however contrary to popular belief these comets are not completely random and actually follow particular comet cycles that determine when each prankster comet is active on each level in fact they're so particular and precise in how they function that members of the galaxy speedrunning community have written multiple documents on how they function including testing hundreds of patterns creating their own notation to represent their findings explaining every potential scenario in which it could be possible to change the behavior of a given comet cycle and much much more to put it simply these guys were complicated so what does all this mean by accidentally shifting my comet cycles i managed to throw off my route entirely with little to no chance of recovering it this meant that i no longer knew how many star bits i needed to collect on each stage or what order to even do the stages in to say that this was crushing would be an understatement yeah dude my comments are off now which is not great if we're being real actually that's like worst case scenario because that means i don't actually know where i'm supposed to go at this point which means the whole rest of the splits are probably screwed i'll still be able to finish the game but [Music] everything will be scuffed at this point however i couldn't give up after getting this close to finishing and we were in the final portion of the run so i fought off the ever increasing exhaustion and pushed forward as best as i could after a few stars of no root i realized that any progress was good progress and my mind began simplifying the task at hand by focusing on one star at a time i was able to slowly chip away at the final 60 stars the hours went on and the sun continued to rise but i refused to give up at one point i was so tired i went into the library a section of the game with no levels while trying to find the next star and ended up having to sit through nearly five minutes of totally unnecessary cut scenes just because i got lost in the hub area oh no wait crap no no i don't need this cutscene went to the wrong place well we're getting a story i guess we're going to call this uh tactical rng manipulation how many chapters did you put in her dang book who wrote this jrr tolkien this is lord of the rings this is what happens when you go off the rails dude when the splits go to crap this is what it we end up in the library when you go off the rails you stop paying attention to the splits you end up in the library i think there's like 10 chapters final chapter thank god literally like five minutes in here great story fantastic loved it okay well thanks for that there was one small catch to my new routeless approach to the run though by taking each star one at a time with no regards to optimal routing i ended up doing a lot of the stars in order this meant that as i got further into the run a lot of the much more mentally and technically demanding stars such as the purple coin comets and the daredevil comments were saved for when i was even more tired a combination that as it turns out doesn't work too well together as you can see by the following clips the results were less than spectacular [Music] oh that guy's there isn't he don't die oh you jinxed it dude why'd you jinx it [Music] no it's not thanks thanks for the wisdom there mr toad oh crap i do need to get a few coins i might be dead which would be very sad oh i don't think i am oh yeah i am never mind we gotta go again that is an awkward angle i don't like that one don't like that very much hey guys what's up oh whoa whoa a little bit later on i spent over five minutes just trying to find three purple coins because my brain couldn't possibly recall it from memory at that point to say things were going rough would be definitely an understatement just gotta find where these guys are and then we'll be done skis the heckin purple coins man they're the bane of my existence what are you talking about game dude are they if they're in the crates i'm gonna be sad why would why would they do that to me man dancing toad give me the secrets tell me the tell me the secrets he knows dude he knows where they are and he doesn't want me to know he's hoarding the coins for himself why are why why are these coins the way they are actually genuinely a little lost on this it's like the this is the first time that i've been genuinely bamboozled god this is just painful okay got it they're under here why do we exist on this on this land just to suffer okay okay okay we got this i'm getting deep dude it's we've been awake for too long finally after nearly 12 hours many deaths and one mental breakdown later we had collected all 120 stars and there was only one thing left to do the final fight time to go to the center of the universe let's do it am i gonna die on the bowser uh stage again i can skip all this let's go [Music] down now now okay here we go let's go people [Music] no chokes we gotta finish strong here all right at this point i had been awake for well over 24 hours and i could feel my brain and body at the brink of exhaustion i was eerily silent when navigating my way through the bowser stage things were going okay at first but about halfway through things took a turn for the worse i died i died again i died a third time surely it wasn't going to end here was it after taking a deep breath and clearing my head i made my way through the level of fourth time before finally reaching the very final bowser fight at this point there was only a minute or two of gameplay left if i could only just focus and hold on a little bit longer [Music] so [Music] this is it this might be it we'll see okay we just gotta get the star and then it's done now i just need my power to knock off in the next like minute that would be good jesus dude galaxy kicked my butt actually they all kicked my butt inverted camera kicked my butt dude everything did it was it was a nightmare we made it through [Music] okay ah there you go dude that's how you do three the 3d all-stars 120 star in each game in one day and 21 hours and 47 minutes to be exact we might have gotten hacked by the inverted camera maybe i forgot the blue coins in a few places we might have struggled with the galaxy movement but we finished it people we got the job done after 21 hours 47 minutes and 28 seconds i had done it all 360 stars and super mario 3d all-stars in under 24 hours on launch day there were many twists and turns and moments where i felt it was nearly impossible to continue but somehow through everything i persevered and made it through if you enjoyed this type of content please consider subscribing i've recently fallen in love with challenge runs and games and i plan to do much more of this content in the future also feel free to drop by the stream and say hi where i do all this stuff live if that's your thing too thanks for watching and i will see you all next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: raysfire
Views: 383,333
Rating: 4.9236827 out of 5
Keywords: raysfire, rays, highlights, highlight, clip, compilation, raysfire clip compilation, clips, edits, fails, best, of, funny, hilarious, crazy, moments, best of raysfire, funniest, super mario maker 2, smm2, mario maker, multiplayer, versus, expert, mode, nintendo, switch, rank, level up, mario, toad, luigi, toadette, trolls, trolling, troll, online, S+, road, to, game, 2019, meme, twitch fails, twitch, livestream, live, stream, endless expert, challenge, super, endless, lives, pb, personal, streak, win, wins, pangaeapanga, redfalcon, desbug
Id: rdwrfsXWYIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 47sec (2027 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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