The Super Mario 64 Iceberg: A Deeper Look

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how do you start a video about super mario 64 by saying that it's one of the most influential games of all time like groundwork for 3d platformers by saying it shaped many childhoods you can say any number of these cliche lines because it's all true super mario 64 means a lot to many people myself included the game means more to my childhood than any other game and holds a special place in my heart no other game can touch the year was 1998 and i was 7 years old at the time i'd grown up with a sega genesis and sonic was my favorite video game character of course i always knew of mario but never had a console to play mario games on only playing them on occasion i'd be at a friend's house who owned an nes or a super nintendo early into the school year i had to have emergency surgery that kept me out of school for the remainder of that year after the surgery had concluded in a few days of recovery i was taken to a playroom of sorts for hospital patients where they had a nintendo 64 and i'd first play super mario 64. i can't remember any thoughts of playing a game in a 3d environment is at that age i don't think i comprehended how groundbreaking of a game it was i just remember running around bob on battlefield getting the wing cap and just having a blast i didn't get to play the game for too long and after i was able to go back home where i had to remain mostly bedridden and still recovering this time mostly consisted of me resting and not much else during one of these rest sessions i remember being awoken at some point that to this day i have no idea if it was very late at night or early in the morning or maybe even just the beginning of the evening all i know is that my dad had brought a tv into my room and was setting it up thinking i'd finally at least be able to watch cartoons i was very excited but what i heard next turned that excitement into a feeling i don't even know how to put into words my dad handed me the controller and i remember playing the game until i dozed off back in the sleep and from that point on super mario 64 would have a massive impact on me it was a game that i feel i played very naturally discovering all its secrets and mysteries without much assistance an experience i also share with ocarina of time the only star i remember needing someone to tell me how they did it was strangely enough stand tall on the four pillars and shifting sandland i of course now know what pillars are but at that age i had no idea i thought maybe it had something to do with the pokies which i called caterpillars and there are four of them in the stage and yeah i was a pretty dumb kid it would be around a year later when i would finally get my last star and 100 complete the game it was early in the morning before school and my last star was 100 coins on tick tock clock super mario 64 being the first game i ever 100 completed at that age the idea of finishing a game's last boss and calling it quits was more along the lines of what i would do i defeated ganon in ocarina of time but never dared try going after all the skeletal as her heart pieces but something about super mario 64's collecting of stars appealed to me and i kept going the super mario 64 iceberg is something i've seen floating around the web for some time but like most it wasn't until i saw mishkaz's video on the matter that i thought deeper about the different points on the iceberg and had a lot to say about many of them some being personal stories that i have some just being my opinion and others being deeper research i've done out of my own curiosity i feel a lot of the points can be dug deeper into and that's what i'm gonna do here so get comfy grab a snack this is gonna be a long video let's get started l isreal 2401 let's start this off with the most popular super mario 64 rumor which may as well be the poster child of video game rumors i remember back in the day going on and reading endless different ways to unlock luigi in super mario 64 and ella's reel 2401 very much was the center of nearly every rumored way to unlock luigi let's look at the plaque really though i feel personally that it's one of those instances where the text is so blurred you can make it say anything hence why so many people also think it says eternal star it's funny that people seem very fixated on the top text but not the lower text what does the lower text say no one ever talks about that many people also point to the picture of a letter that someone sent to nintendo where gameplay counselor michael d chandler mentions that ella's reel 2401 was put on a plaque as a joke he also mentioned something about and i quote a big boo sound that you hear when you kick the bowser picture i have no idea what he's talking about i have kicked every single bowser picture in the game trying to see if there's some sort of obscure easter egg that i've never heard of and have concluded that there's not a single instance of a bowser painting making a boo sound when kicked and if i'm missing something here somebody please let me know because i'm very confused by it and i'm actually surprised that this isn't on the iceberg because it sounds very interesting despite my testing anyway i don't mean to call mr chandler a liar but i think he was just making it more interesting since people were indeed trying to figure out what l is real 2401 means this kid went out of his way to write a letter specifically asking about it and mr chandler not just wanting to say i have no idea what it means and possibly hearing of the 2401 rumor in the past given how widespread it was across playgrounds in the internet decided to go along with it as well also the fact that he mentions this bowser thing that to my knowledge is not in the game anywhere i'm sorry to say but he has no idea what he's talking about and i feel the credibility of this letter is very questionable furthermore as we all know this texture is also used in ocarina of time would that mean ella's rule 2401 applies to ocarina of time rumors as well maybe we'll get to that sometimes world 95 beta space world was a trade show that nintendo held annually in japan from 1989 to 2001 where they'd show off their newest hardware and software and development in 1995 the nintendo 64 was shown in action complete with playable demos one of which being for super mario 64. this version of the game looks similar enough to the super mario 64 we'd come to know but with very obvious differences to the hud the layout is generally the same as there is still a power meter for mario's health as well as a coin and star count and mario's life total but there is a clear visual difference from what we got in the final game for example mario's health is represented by numbers one through eight eight being max health and when he takes damage it simply goes down a number unlike the pie chart health bar that we'd end up getting there are many other visual differences as well especially with textures most strikingly is the interior of the castle that we see there seems to only be a few doors lethal lava land is behind one of them making it located on the ground floor of the castle and there's no stairs going to the next floor nor is there the big sun design on the floor either or the checkered floor design there isn't much more to say about this so let's move along womp's fortress tower 1up super mario 64 features lots of hidden one ups to collect this one in particular can be found by punching one of the walls on womp's fortress breaking it away to reveal a 1up it's funny that this one up is the one that appears in the iceberg when personally i think the one that spawns in the room where you lower the water of the castle note requiring you to touch all four corners is much more cryptic and mysterious but there you go bob on battlefield bridge hanging similarly to the red wires found in hazy mace cave and the black wires found in the pyramid of shifting sandland for some reason you can hang on the bottom of the bob on battlefield bridge and monkey bar around on it apparently the bridge is a variation of the texture used on the black and red wires you can hang on explaining why this is possible but it's still very strange there's clearly no purpose in doing this but the fact that it's programmed to be able to be grabbed onto like that is odd i remember finding this as a kid and just thinking it was interesting not much more to it than that i've heard that it's also possible to hang from the bottom of the bridge of the castle but i've never been able to get that to work personally so i have no idea if that's really true or not impossible coin this is a quick and easy one in tiny huge island there's a row of coins along a certain path and one of the coins clips through the path and appears underneath it it is definitely possible to retrieve via glitching but not through normal gameplay means this certain coin is found on the tiny version of the island there's also another impossible coin one that is truly impossible to collect on the same stage and from what i can tell is in the same spot as the other impossible coin but in the giant version of the island in this spot there are four coins in a row and that spot is set to have a five coin layout and the coin while visible in the list of objects does not load in thus making it impossible to collect since again it doesn't load in at all does this count since it's not really there in the first place [Music] impossible goomba the impossible goomba is located in the level of bowser in the sky when the level loads a trio of goombas spawn on a platform but through some hacking you can see that one goomba spawns off the platform and falls to his death making this goomba impossible to kill hence the impossible goomba parallel universes before researching the parallel universes i had no idea what it meant i thought it had something to do with the existence of the worlds within the paintings like from a story standpoint but no not even close it's really more so referencing game design and i'll do my best to explain taken from the pen and coic wiki and i quote a parallel universe or pu is an area in a super mario 64 map at which the game creates phantom collision for objects outside of the level this is because some of the values for collision detection are truncated into the range of the real maps coordinate system allowing some space that is intended to be out of bounds to become habitable end quote so it seems to be objects located outside a map's boundary that have collision and are primarily used when performing glitches but really this wiki entry goes pretty deep into the mathematics behind it all to a point that due to my own lack of understanding i'm just going to leave it at that and if you wish to further learn about parallel universes go check out the wiki because i have no idea half a press the half a press isn't really that hard to explain and personally i don't really understand why it's on iceberg because it's just a term made up by penn and koek to explain the need to use it in certain instances he does an excellent video explaining the half a press that i watched in research with this video but i'll go ahead and sum it up here a complete press of a button consists of two points pressing the button in which within the controller contact is made with the board signaling that the button is indeed pressed down and second releasing the button when that contact is broken signaling that the button is no longer being pressed in super mario 64 while the a button is held down using the b button can make mario perform all sorts of different maneuvers as well as use the wing cap's ability to let mario slowly fall which only occurs while the a button is held down so where does the half come in the button needs to be released eventually right so in total it will still have been pressed and released regardless of how long it's held right that is true however it seems pen and coic refers to the button presses and instances of stages here's an example mario enters hazy maze cave and is on the mission select screen to select a mission you must press the a button once you do and the level starts you do not release the a button throughout the entirety of the level until the star is completed in this regard the button throughout the entire stage was only pressed half a time technically since the instance of pressing the button never occurred within the stage only before it some question if whether or not releasing the button upon completing a star counts as releasing the button since during that moment the button input is incapable of doing anything but really this is all very situational and up for debate as it is so i'll just leave it at that big boo unused text the unused text is a line of dialogue spoken by boo in big boo's haunt a very interesting mystery regarding this text is that in all versions of the game the text is translated to the native language except for the german version the english version of this message is your mind now i'll pass right through this wall can you do that it's unknown what this text is referring to as again it's unused however if i'm to speculate it seems to have something to do with abu asking if you can pass through some sort of wall personally i think there was supposed to be a point where as stated abu asks you to go through a wall and mario is supposed to grab an invisible cap to follow him then possibly fight him for a star but we may never know if you'd like to view this text yourself then you're just a simple game shark code away blarg blogs were enemies first introduced in super mario world that looked like serpent-esque dragons that swam through lava and would lunge at mario a modeled textureless blarg is in the files for super mario 64 and can be inserted into the game using a cheat device after the cheat is used go to lethal lavaland to find your blarg i've heard that they are also meant to be in bowser and the fire sea as well but i've never seen any clips of a blog appearing there after using the code nor has anyone come forward saying that they've actually spawned one there for evidence so for now they're only in lethal loveland the big dud in bob on battlefield after completing the first star in which he fight king baba and defeat him a bomb buddy at the beginning of the stage upon starting any star after the first will say thank you mario the big bomb is nothing but a big dud now furthermore in the pit at the base of the mountain with the rolling balls there will now be a third bomb where there were previously only two returning to the first star of the stage will result in their once again only being two balls which many conclude to mean that the third ball is none other than the corpse of king babom i definitely don't disagree that this was indeed the intention however king bob explodes after he's defeated leaving his body virtually gone but i like the idea of it being his corpse so this one is 100 confirmed no question i believe this entirely and you should too like comment and subscribe please walk quietly in the hallway this refers to a sign that is found next to the stairs on the second level of peach's castle the sign simply reads sh please walk quietly in the hallway as a kid this actually drove me pretty crazy i remember when i first unlocked the second floor of the castle and reading the sign and actually being very concerned that if i jumped around too much or ground pound the floor or something that something bad would happen i remember having a friend sleep over one night shortly after i found this and due to the increased courage of having a friend with me started ground pounding and punching and doing everything loud mario can possibly do and of course nothing happened we thought it might spawn a buddha fight or something but no nothing i remember this friend and i developing a sort of fear of surprise enemies appearing in games mainly because of the wall masters from ocarina of time at the time i'd never experienced something like that simply from standing in an area for too long an unseen enemy would abduct you that was quite horrifying for eight-year-old me so i sort of developed a fear of any instance in a video game where an enemy could just potentially spawn from nowhere as i said though the sign in the context of the game doesn't hint to anything i just think it's a sign that's meant to exist in universe you're in a nice fancy castle after all and it's not very polite to run around yelling or stomping about in such a location it's like visiting a museum or library there are certain rules you have to follow and that's just the case here then again i suppose this is contradicted by the fact that some signs in the game directly give hints to mario and would be very weird if the signs were posted inside a castle in a real world setting but that's my only explanation really don't become his lunch similarly to the previous point this sign in hazy maze cave drove me crazy as a kid i wasn't necessarily afraid of dory but this sign did actually make me feel quite threatened by her and i thought that maybe if you ground pounded too much or fell off her too much while steering her she'd attack you or eat you again after having a friend with me to increase my courage we ground-pounded dory and did everything we could to get her to attack or eat us but no luck i suppose it's just a joke from the developers as dory seems quite harmless and is actually willing to help mario is actually kind of cute unagi's tunnel unagi's tunnel is located in jolly roger bay after the ship is raised unagi makes his home in a tiny cave in the side of the wall one star on the stage requires the player to lure nagi out of this tunnel and grab the star attached to the end of his tail i know unagi was a common fear of young players of super mario 64 but oddly enough i don't recall him making a huge impact on me in my younger years not sure why that is furthermore reported from certain players some have said that after unagi leaves the tunnel they have been able to explore it this tunnel leads to a labyrinth of even more tunnels full of unagis and possibly another star more on this later yellow cap switch much like the red green and blue switches found in the game there is also a yellow switch that is fully programmed and in the game's files originally this switch was meant to activate yellow blocks in different stages that held koopa shells originally these blocks like the ones on top of the grey structure and shifting sand land was meant to be hollow until the switch was pressed but it was ultimately removed and the koopa shell blocks remained as non-unlockable power-ups ghoul metal this refers to a sign located outside the mansion in the stage big boos haunt the sign reads you don't stand the ghost of a chance in this house if you walk out of here you deserve a cool medal this sign is just to play on gold medal since of course ghoul metal and gold medals sound similar and a gold medal would be a reward for completing something challenging even as a kid i didn't really think all this much about it however some players say that it's more than that more on this later mirror room the mirror room is located on the second floor of the castle and serves as the entrance to snowman's land in this room there are many paintings representing previous stages that you've visited and of course a giant mirror reflecting mario and lakitu's movements this room is like this to act as a puzzle of sorts where you're supposed to find that in the mirror one painting is being reflected that isn't on the wall and that painting of course is the one that leads to snowman's land using cheats it's possible to get behind the mirror and funny enough mario is still reflected on the opposite side of the mirror that mario is supposed to be on if you try approaching the door mario will ignore the stairs and stand as if it's still on solid ground meaning that there is no way to attempt to enter the door oddly enough if you turn the camera to see the back side of the door it has a star on it similar to the door that you entered to get into the veer room in the first place very interesting that it's the same door front and back given that you can't even see the back side of the store i used to try very hard back in the day when i was a kid to get to the other side of the mirror but to no avail i didn't know how to backwards long jump or anything like that i did also try entering the other paintings of the room of course but again no luck more on this later yoshi's saddle upon obtaining all 120 stars in super mario 64 you'll unlock access to the canon outside peach's castle allowing you to shoot mario up onto the roof where you can talk to yoshi yoshi's design in this game is very interesting though because as we all know the saddle which i personally always thought was a shell on yoshi's back is red with white trim around it however in this game it's entirely red which is strange because it's a very obvious detail of yoshi's saddle shell thing admittedly as a kid i never even noticed the white part was missing so i guess they got me jolly roger bay vanishing fog when you first enter jolly roger bay there's a layer of fog that hangs right around the same height as mario for some reason this particular point on the iceberg was one i wanted to test a lot so i booted up a new game got three stars and went to jolly roger bay and started plunder in the sunken ship my first test was seeing if going to the area where treasure of the ocean cave is done then going back to where the ship is would cause the fog to vanish it did not i then completed the task for treasure of the ocean cave without picking up the star then went back out to where the ship was and that too had no effect i then picked up the star for treasure of the ocean cave returning me outside the painting upon entering ponder and the sunken ship again the fog was indeed still there i attempted to kill myself and re-enter plunder and once again the fog still remained i then selected treasure of the ocean cave since i already completed the star to see what would happen i have yet to raise the ship up yet but the ship is supposed to be raised at this point if you're going in order upon entering treasure of the ocean cave which is still the only star on the stage i have completed the fog is still indeed present and the ship is still at the bottom of the sea unsure of what to do next i'll proceed to complete plunder the sunken ship while having the mission treasure the ocean cave active just to see if it tricks the game into causing the fog to stay but this was not the case it seems that raising the ship is the factor as to whether or not the fog is present in the stage even if you bypass the first star and do the other stars instead it's still a very interesting phenomenon and one that i noticed as a kid and didn't quite understand i do love the fog effect though and wish it had stayed mips throwing mips is a rabbit that appears in the basement of the castle he'll first appear after you've obtained to 15 stars he'll give chase until you catch him resulting in him giving you a star when the star spawns mario automatically puts mips down but you can pick him back up again outside bugs there isn't really much you can do with him but you can use him to clip through doors to access stages early often used in some specific star limit speed runs in early prototypes for the game according to a developer interview it was said that you could throw mips i assumed similarly to how you could throw the small boxes around after picking it up or like a bob bomb strange enough people say that when throwing him mario would throw mips by the ears but i haven't been able to find any footage of this and all of the beta clips i've seen the only way you can quote throw mips is if you do the mips clip glitch i had mentioned earlier to take mips into the room where you drain the castle mount if you take mips in there and go into the water with him mario will still hold on to him while swimming if you press the b button mario will throw mips and mips will stick to the bottom while doing a weird animation presumably because they had no animation programmed for this when mips hits the floor while still underwater he stands up and acts as if he's standing in a normal area broken paintings in the game there are a few stages that don't have paintings at all with that there are also many paintings that you cannot enter these are thought to be broken paintings since they do not function as the world of drink paintings do most of these paintings appear on the second floor of the castle and our paintings have already been used for a location my original theory was that since these paintings already represented a world that you can enter these are simply backups if anything were to occur that would damage the painting you can enter these backups exist and would take the place of the previous one so i don't necessarily think they're broken just that they're not being used as the portal since one instance of the painting taking you to the world is already active the only problem with this theory is the painting reflected in the mirror that takes you a snowman land is the same as the painting that takes you to cool cool mountain but technically you're not actually entering a real painting you're entering a wall and that wall's reflection shows a painting but that's a whole nother thing to get into and probably should be a point on the iceberg itself really womp king turns into the castle similarly to how certain things change on other stages when completing a task such as the third ball appearing in the pit after beating king babang after defeating king womp every mission after has a massive castle where the boss fight took place he also expresses annoyance at wamps being used to build houses and roads so some believe that after he's defeated his body is then used in the construction of the castle that appears really it's not even a castle it's really more of a tower but regardless i really do agree with this and think that's supposed to be the intention as crucial as that may be secret aquarium while on the surface not being much of a mystery the secret aquarium is hidden in one of two dark squares in the room where you enter jolly roger bay and is necessary to complete to get all 120 stars while the name of the stage is indeed secret aquarium i personally always thought there had to be either more to this stage or a second one since there is another dark square on the same wall on the opposite of the door but this of course only just gives you a one-up so it's not like it's entirely useless but i tried oh so hard as a kid trying to get inside thinking there was another aquarium to explore and considering this is a spot on iceberg maybe there is more on that later dancing flowers once again digging into the files of super mario 64 we find the dancing flowers environmental object similar to the lava bubbles in lethal lava land or the snow effects on cool cool mountain the dancing flowers were meant to simply be a decorative extra to certain stages or possibly exterior parts of the castle most likely grassy areas like bob on battlefield or maybe the castle courtyard there's really no other information about what they could have possibly been used for or why they weren't used at all volcano blocks in litha lavaland inside the volcano next to the star for hot footed into the volcano there are two pillars consisting of three blocks one of which has fallen over from my research there's no other instances of these blocks being used anywhere else in the entire game there appears to be no true significance to them and they're just decorative i've thought that maybe the fallen pillar is a hint to knock down the other pillar but there seems to be no way to do this unique textures in a game so large always feel very out of place and stick out against the common textures we're used to seeing so it's no surprise these blocks have caused at least a little suspicion et in the pyramid within the pyramid of shifting sand land there are panels of hieroglyphics of course used as part of the egyptian theme on one of these panels however appears the letters e-t some have speculated that of course it's referring to extraterrestrials and with all the conspiracy theories that aliens built the pyramids and you being within a pyramid it may come off as a possible little joke but i'm not so sure myself and others think that the e looks a bit like a coiled snake though to be honest i'm not quite sure what the t could represent outside the obvious and there's very little further speculation on the matter hazy maze cave alcove in hazy maze cave there are many instances of areas you can jump into that seem to have no real significance for example in watch for rolling rocks on the opposite side of the platform of the star there's an empty square that mario can stand in there seems to be no real purpose for this other than possibly just giving you another area to reach while jumping for the star making it easier to obtain there are also instances of these little alcoves in the poisonous maze area but of course we can only assume they're just there to give players an area outside the gas to not die jolly roger bay box there's a box on the deck of the jolly roger base ship that slides back and forth as the ship bobs in the water this box can hurt mario and in some instances do some very serious damage more than most enemies in the game are capable of from my research it seems many kids tried breaking this box open but to no avail i myself remember trying to kick it or do the crouched spin kick as it passed by but nothing worked some have speculated that using the turtle shell that's under water while metal mario would allow you to ride the shell underwater as if you were on land then you'd ride the shell to the shore area wait for metal to run out allowing you to ride the shell on the surface of the water then you'd somehow ride the shell and get on top of the ship and crash into the box with the shell no speculation really says what would happen if you did this i just assume it to be another theory on how to destroy the box regardless of the rewards that may weigh inside bugged fire texture when mario catches fire either by touching fire or going in lava he runs around in a panic and smoke emits from his rear apparently the texture that we all know is actually not how it's supposed to look and 20 years later the original texture has been found honestly if we never even knew that this was actually a bug then i don't think any of us would even be able to tell i mean it always looked like smoke to me anyway but the new pattern obviously looks a lot more cartoony or should i say original pattern but it is certainly pretty cool to see that even nintendo makes mistakes sometimes and releases a game with a bug that big in it wet dry world sky box the sky box of what dry world is unique in that it is a photograph of real earth location the town of caesarea spain sorry if i pronounced that wrong it's a very odd choice considering that the other sky boxes seem to be drawings paintings or in any way images created by the developers but the one used in wet dryworld is a photograph of a real place now of course the photo is still edited and with that makes it even stranger it almost appears as if the town is under water and you can see the sun shining through from the surface but from mario's perspective it looks like as if you're underwater too which you clearly aren't so i'm not entirely sure what they're going for here some have said that the town in the skybox is the one you swim to when doing the red coin star that very well may be a possibility your intention as of course the entire area once you reach the town doesn't have a skybox furthermore i feel the town you enter is simply a space between many of the large buildings you see in the sky box hence why you're sort of boxed in without any skybox or open area to see but that's just part of the mystery of this very strange level true locations of painting worlds the question is to whether or not the worlds within the paintings exist somewhere within the world of mario or are just simply magical instances of locations created through well magic is very much the subject of speculation some have pointed out that the fact that because womp's fortress appears as a playable level in super mario galaxy 2 that makes this an open and shut case of course they're true locations because you can go to one and that's definitely a valid point but it may be deeper than that paintings are often meant to capture a moment in time a location at a certain point i believe that's what the paintings in super mario 64 represent i think they are both real places and places of fantasy just like a painting you can make in the real world can represent a real location or somewhere fictional this is all personal view of course and whether or not looking that deep into it is what was intended it's no doubt that it's what led to the creation of this iceberg anyway and i absolutely do love the mystery of it all in conclusion i think it's both some locations of the paintings are meant to be real places whereas others are simply worlds within that an artist created haunted dirt texture in bob on battlefield there's a dirt texture that people apparently can see a face on while i can force myself to make out a face among all the lines it's really no more than a case of and pardon if i pronounce this wrong peridolia the word used to describe the phenomenon of seeing faces and objects where there is none it's very common and i'm sure most of us have experienced it before but back to the topic there has to be more to this the dirt texture is called haunted i feel if this point of the iceberg was just called face in dirt texture it would be as simple as do you see it but i looked further into it and there's really nothing about this anywhere as a matter of fact it's not even on the wiki explaining the different points of the iceberg that i've used as a reference the haunted dirt texture is only on the iceberg image i personally think this was removed from the wiki because it caused suicides in children who looked at it and in order to protect them it was removed but the iceberg doesn't lie it holds the truth and the truth will be said in this video like comment and subscribe sky boxes are photographs back to what i had said previously in regards to wet dryworld skybox image being of a real location i still stand by the fact that it's the only one that's a real photograph of a location the others seem to be renders created by the mario 64 team is they don't really look very realistic it is hard to say though i think the highest possibility of any of the other skyboxes being real photographs would definitely be shifting sandland but to be honest it still doesn't look like a real location to me proved me wrong to be entered into a raffle to an assigned copy of super mario 64 signed by me secret slide dimensional rift this could be referring to many things the fact that the size of the slide is much larger than the castle it's located in or maybe the fact that while traversing the slide you're in an endless void of absolute darkness falling off the slide results in mario simply being respawned at the center of the castle and does not result in a life being lost very strange for a level in this game as the only two i can recall off the top of my head being like that are the secret cloud stage opposite of rainbow ride where when you fall you end up outside the castle and land in the water and the red cap switch stage same as the secret slide just returns you to the sun symbol in the center of the castle called cold crevice in cool cool mountain there's a sign that reads warning cold cold crevice below the thing is this area does not feature a crevice by definition which would be defined as a deep open crack especially one in a glacier where it does lead is an area with a single slope on one side and an open area to the right of it this slope simply leads to a one up in a red coin but furthermore some have speculated that this was originally meant to lead to a sub-area similar to the pyramid or volcano but was scrapped with only the sign remaining and maybe that's not it at all maybe it was nothing more than the english translators having some fun according to an anonymous person i had translate for me it reads beyond this is dangerous the bottom of the valley rift not sure how accurate it is so i attempted to use my phone camera to translate it and i get this time kicking this is the lift so um yeah i'll just go with what my anonymous helper gave me and if anyone wants to comment below what it is more accurately at least please do so but anyway my point is cold cold crevice seems to simply be an english translation joke and whether the joke is carried into other language versions of the game i'm not sure but it definitely doesn't seem to be in the original japanese version original resolution textures during the process of developing the game all the textures used were downsized to 32x32 pixels and in some cases 32x64 or 64x32 in order to save on file size many of these texture sources have been found but some have not it's very impressive to see the original images that were downsized to be used as textures in-game anything from a bunch of stones on the floor to a picture of cement or what looks like hay it really is amazing to look into the development and creative process of designing these levels rainbow ride village rainbow ride skybox is nothing but sky that's pretty obvious however in super smash bros melee on the rainbow cruise stage inspired by rainbow ride you fly over masses of land and water up on a hill on one of these mountains lies a tiny village in the background smash melee exploring these worlds further is definitely interesting however i don't really get why it's on the super mario 64 iceberg it definitely should be on the super smash bros iceberg though that i will certainly be making a video on coming soon bob on village there isn't a whole lot of information about what bob-omb village could be referring to maybe the fact that bob on battlefield is in fact a battlefield that the bombs traveled to so that must mean there's a village that they live at or i'm not really sure there's also the beta image of a bunch of bombs and a man with a sombrero referred to as super mario 64 sombrero build i don't quite know why this image relates to bomb on village as a village would imply a place where people live or bombs live rather which means it would be populated with buildings houses and the like but this is just a field with a sombrero man and bombas there are also images of what looks like a course star select screen that reads a bomb on village and is listed as course one while i certainly do believe this certain image is fake it also led me to do some further research on the possibility of the first stage being called bomb on village in other previous versions of the game or being an entirely different stage altogether before bob on battlefield was conceived ultimately however i found nothing of the sort and it really just seems to be an anomaly more on this later debug menu names accessing the debug menu in super mario 64 brings you to many interesting things those of which are mostly over my head but they do show some very interesting stage names that were used early in development some of these are in japanese and translated directly into english and don't make much sense as stage names such as the first one on the list but anyway we've got big boos hunt being called buu apparition hazy maze cave being called a horror dungeon wet dry world being called pool stage jolly roger bay being called a water dungeon and submersion tiny huge island being called big world and lastly tick-tock clock being called clock tower fittingly enough [Music] how bowser got into the castle with his sub in dire dire docks there's a massive opening in the second area that is apparently how bowser got his sub into the castle now speculation on video game logic isn't the whole point of these icebergs you really do have to suspend your disbelief because even though it's quite evident that the ocean or at least a massive body of water is connected to the moat of peach's castle that still doesn't quite explain the portal between diode docks and the outside when you exit from the giant hole in dire dire docks you just appear in the water near where it meets the sea when i was a kid i used to think that there was an opening inside the waterfall and that's how me and my friends theorized bowser getting his sub in there but really who knows the end screen players have always thought the end screen of the game looks odd and i must agree in many ways the lighting is strange the room doesn't resemble the same aesthetics as the castle leading me to believe that it's not in the castle there are three cups of tea when it was supposed to just be mario and peach having a date together so that's kind of odd on its own uh there's that odd yoshi picture thing there in the background it's all just very strange people have also claimed that the perspective of the cake is odd and i do very much agree it looks as if it's being tilted upwards towards the camera while nothing else on the table is it's kind of hard to explain and maybe i'm not quite seeing it as you do but the perspective is certainly odd no question there mario enters wet dry world early and got milk commercial this point of the iceberg is a big reason as to why i wanted to do this video in the first place when i watched mishka's video i thought there has to be more to this because yes you do only need 31 stars to access this level the castle where wet dry world is located there's there's no way the person with this much obscure knowledge of super mario 64 who put together this iceberg could be so wrong even the wiki however states that indeed this is a false statement but there has to be more to this i have to find the answer it's driving me crazy it has been since i first read it but i can't find anything it it really is just a false statement i have no idea why it's still on the iceberg but i do hope it does hold a deeper meaning and someone discovers it because it's driven me crazy ever since i first saw it not gonna lie big booze haunt forest big boo's hot forest can be referring to two separate things either a rumor of a sub area that can be accessed by using the wild box to hop over the fence although it doesn't quite seem to give you enough height to do so or it could be referring simply to the sky box around the stage which is unique to big boo's hunt and seems to be in a dark forest in the castle's courtyard when you defeat the boo that drops the stage entrance before you enter it's nice and bright and sunny outside but somehow when you shrink down and enter the world it's now dark and you're surrounded by a dark forest the explanation for the trees is often that it's the grass surrounding the stage you entered since of course you shrunk but that doesn't quite explain why the sky is suddenly dark here's my explanation as to why this may occur after you either complete a star or die in big boo's haunt mario is tossed out from the fountain not from the miniature stage itself it's once again being held by a boo my theory is that after the stage is entered the boost swallows the stage and you're within the boo who's holding the stage entrance cage and within the boo is an aura of darkness it's my best guess but i think it's a decent attempt at making sense of it and it's still within the universe of mario [Music] zelda 64 beta assets in wet dry world in wet dry worlds town area many of the buildings floors and doors very similar to the original designs of a town used in the ocarina of time beta then just titled zelda 64. the doors are 100 a match and to further confirm the similarities in the july 2020 iq leak that leaked many of those early designs for many nintendo games what dryworld's file name is one one zld city dot bin so it's like zelda city which i mean yeah basically just says zelda city right there if it's not meant to say that it's a hell of a coincidence oh by the way i know we're pretty far down the iceberg at this point but i'd just like to say that i have done zero research on what exactly was revealed in the 2020 iq leak and if i happen to find anything related to the iceberg while researching the video i'll include it as i did here but if i don't see it i don't know i know there is stuff about luigi being found in the files but really even if he is in the game i still don't personally think l is real is really a hint to that if luigi was in the game i'm willing to bet the plaque would still be exactly the same and we would have made some other theory about it like oh i i bet you're playing as luigi and collect 2401 coins something will happen i just keep seeing videos saying ella's real 2401 was right well no it wasn't right 2401 was not planned ahead of time you crazies it was all coincidence or was it like comment answer super mario 64 freemason initiation this is another point that's been removed from the wiki but i'm not consulting the wiki as the definitive iceberg image because it is not an image it is a text-based website get with the times wiki anyway as someone with some slight masonic connections i guess you can make connections but it is reaching quite a bit the checkered floor for example yes masonic temples do have checkered floors within them but that's not a defining trait as there are also many that don't it doesn't take someone with any masonic connections to know that you can just google it really and the idea of polarized opposites is fairly prevalent masonic teachings simply looking it up you can find examples from the kabillion that go into further detail about the viewpoint on that there are a few other subtle connections you can make such as the coins having a star on them but are referred to as a pentacle in tarot and there is a difference as a pentacle is overlapping lines forming a star shape and the coins in super mario 64 certainly do not have overlapping lines and really you can break down many other aspects of this theory to just be common aspects of level design and in turn common aspects of storytelling for example mario's mission on bob on battlefield to run up the mountain avoiding obstacles to overthrow a king which apparently is a common aspect of occult imagery and in that regard it can mean so much more than just masonry not that i feel it means anything but it's not like the masons are the only people to ever use occult imagery and even nicole imagery itself is spawned from other sources there's more to this but really it can all be summed up to attribute in common aspects of storytelling in video games to fit similarities in anything i may come back to this in a future video and go really in depth step by step with this but i don't really believe it it's just fun if it is true does that mean everyone who's 100 completed the game has completed a masonic initiation and is officially recognized and now knows all the tokens and gestures like go to your local lodge and try to enter yourself you should be welcomed with open arms just tell them you beat super mario 64. you're a freemason you deserve entry womp's fortress interior contrary to the name womp's fortress a fortress would imply a fortified structure that can be entered and some think that there must be a way to enter unfortunately it's really just a giant tower without an interior or maybe a spire rather than a tower unfortunately there appears to be no real way to get inside the fortress however in super mario galaxy 2 the stage is revisited and you can enter the fortress in that version so take solace in that unless there is a way in more on that later big boo's secret laugh in big boo's haunt on very rare occasions you'll hear a laugh that's a bit slower than the high-pitched traditional bulaf but not quite low enough to be the bowser laugh both these sound effects are actually voice samples of charles martinet the voice of mario himself laughing sped up for the booze and slowed down for bowser this sound seems to be a less slowed down version of the boo laugh but faster than the original recording some say it's the recording at normal pitch but to me it still sounds like it's slightly sped up or at least pitch shifted higher the reason for a version of that laugh being put in the game is a mystery and there isn't any real information on how it's triggered at all 120 spiritual significance this point on the iceberg is more rooted outside the game itself other than the fact that the star total in the game is 120. this number is what is referred to as an angel number signifying that it is time for someone to take initiative in some great undertaking i mean sure why not i watched the mishka video on the iceberg which influenced me to make this video and he mentioned the 120 spiritual significance thing and and i saw it and and that's it 120 appeared to me and through the will of the spiritual number i took initiative and made this video it's true 100 this is fact and now that you've watched this video you've been inspired to like comment and [Music] tower of the wing cap true location the tower of the wing cap stage is high above the clouds so high that you cannot see the ground below only more clouds and the pillars around you endlessly reaching downward there's really only speculation as to what they could be attached to or what the ground below may be like but with the skybox of nothing but clouds and blue skies that really just leaves us with one of the shortest mysteries on the iceberg yoshi suicide this point of the iceberg is one i feel incredibly close to yeah yoshi's suicide yeah how is yoshi's suicide something you feel closely to you might ask well remember at the beginning of this video during the intro when i said that the final star i ever had to complete was tick tock clock and i did it early in the morning before having to go to school well when i went up to the castle that morning and talked to yoshi and he proceeded to jump off the castle i thought this too i actually thought he'd commit suicide but obviously more is a joke because i didn't really think a character in the game was killing themselves it was really just more than a you know that it was just a joke i proceeded to go to school and excitedly told one of my friends i had finally got 120 stars about yoshi the 100 lives the special triple jump the wing cap up there and yoshi leaps off the castle killing himself yeah maybe a bit morbid for you know a fourth grader but either way we thought it was funny but really where does yoshi go he seems to go into the waterfall but of course he's nowhere to be found i've managed to get yoshi to walk off the castle roof before but he just responds back on the roof island in the distance in tiny huge island and bob on battlefield in the distance you can see three islands this connects to the theory of paintings either being real world locations or having been created based off a real location in the mario universe it also creates a possible theory of one of the islands in the distance when you're on bob on battlefield being tiny huge island and vice versa while researching this topic i stumbled across an old fan website called that hasn't been updated since 2015 it seems and it has this really interesting old section called mysteries guide that seems to very much be a precursor to the iceberg written in 2008 it has some things like dory eating the player the alcoves of hazy me's cave and of course elsewhere 2401 as well as the islands in the distance and some mysteries not even on the iceberg it really is quite an interesting time capsule and i recommend checking it out it has some very strange mysteries such as the odd sound that's behind the waterfall noise it's text only but mentions a strange mechanical sound mixed into the waterfall sound effect outside the castle and i went and listened it took a few seconds for me to really pick it up but now that i hear it i can't unhear it it's certainly just some sound that was captured during the recording of the sample but it's a very strange anomaly in a game full of mystery so it's really quite cool check it out lethal lava land fireball painting the painting for lethal lava land features a fireball that if anything closest resembles the fireballs that appear during the final boss by the super mario world the only real explanation is that the painting was made early on before the level was and they had planned to implement this enemy but ended up not using it honestly there are so many other things they could have featured in the painting like maybe the volcano or the bullies or or anything that appears in the stage but instead they go with some generic fireball face that resembles nothing oh well wario apparition in 1996 nintendo held a panel e3 which they called focused on fun meant to highlight their consoles upcoming games and other video game related nintendo offerings at the beginning of this panel wario appears on the screen superimposed over the entrance to dire dyer docks and starts telling the audience that super mario 64 is in fact not fun oddly enough some players have reported entering the star door that leads to dire dire docks only to find the wario face staring at them and proceeds chase them down which some have reported as being a boss fight that is winnable to some saying that it always results in death and sometimes even crashing your game with data being erased i have more to say about this but it'll have to wait more on that later [Music] ally with info well i don't personally think that this should be on the iceberg since it's not even in super mario 64 but its remake on the ds which adds so much to the game that i pretty much consider it a unique game at that point it's still on the iceberg and i must obey its command the toad on the second floor that tells you about the mirror room in the ds version tells you to look carefully for anything that isn't reflected in the mirror and an ally with info many people believe that the ally the toad is referring to to be the flower that grants the invisibility ability so you can pass through the mirror to the other side in order to unlock wario but the part that gets me is the with info part while i agree the many who think toad would refer to a flower as an ally the with info part makes no sense what info the flower doesn't tell you anything info quite literally is short for information but there's no information given and it's not like it could be referring to wario because he doesn't give you any information either this one's really driving me crazy and i've been doing research on it and i'm not coming to any further conclusions other than people being dead set on him referring to the flower so i guess that's that the forbidden door i actually couldn't find much info on this point at all and i was actually really excited about researching it too is i thought there may be some door in the game i had never seen or thought about maybe one of the doors in what dry world's town area no apparently it's referring to the door that's reflected in the mirror in the mirror room this is pretty weird because in the world of mario 64 not counting mario 64 ds the inside of the mirror doesn't exist as a location everything there is reflected but even if that's not good enough for you and you hack your way behind the mirror or backwards long jump or something you'll find that you can't even touch the door the entire floor you know behind the mirror area is a solid floor so you can't even reach it if you wanted to of course in the ds remake you use the store for wario but i don't care about the ds remake we're talking about the nintendo 64 version and that is all super mario 64 ds as i said previously i consider it to be its own game given how vastly different it is from super mario 64. july 29th 1995 build do not research this is the earliest known build of super mario 64 made before even the nintendo 64 itself then called the ultra 64 was even patented this version is known to be very unstable and reportedly holds the negative emotional aura of not just wet dry world but all of super mario 64 to a much higher degree those who have played this build report intense nightmares horrific hallucinations and more the game is said to have such a severe issue with textures that the screen would suddenly without warning rapidly flash colors which in many cases has led to seizures and playtesters rumor has it that initially this game wasn't made by nintendo but an unknown japanese developer nintendo was either given this game or purchased it from the developer who at the time were simply making a mario fan game there's very much more to this and i'd like to discuss it further in great detail without making this video longer than it is so that'll be in the works soon look forward to it wet dry world negative emotional aura let's be real we all feel it or at least get it first off the music of wet dry world which of course is also used in hazy maze cave just does something to me i don't know what it is but something about this song is just off to me furthermore combine that with wet dry world itself and it just holds all the elements to be off the world feels so incomplete and with that feels sloppy why does the town segment even exist getting to it requires swimming through a tunnel that you must use a cannon to shoot yourself into and once you do there's no returning to the beginning area of the level the town as mentioned previously has zelda 64 assets but outside that i'm sorry to sound like a broken record here it just doesn't fit every other world of mario 64 fits the aesthetic of the world that we know as the super mario universe we've seen worlds like bob on battlefield shifting sand land lethal lava land and so on oddly enough only the water worlds feel out of place dire dire docs doesn't quite have a negative aura except for maybe my negative emotions towards all the swimming and jolly roger bay i personally feel has the opposite effect it's insanely calming despite its dark gloomy nature not sure what it is about jolly roger bay but i feel the mix of the music and the sound of the water is just really relaxing but anyway back to wet dry world i really do feel that it's aesthetic difference from anything that resembles super mario it's music its layout its skybox and more lend itself to just being the most completely uniquely strange stage in super mario 64. brain diagram continuing from the wet dry world negative emotional aura some say the stage very much resembles a human brain some also say that there is an image of a brain diagram in the assets of wet dry world no one can come to a conclusion of what it is and the diagram image has never been found how the stage could possibly represent a brain is beyond me also an aside for a moment when i hit this point of writing the script i was thinking of giving up i've never done a video like this before i'd never written a script or done research as much as this and i'm already this far along and it's all been so much i'm over 30 pages in and i want to do this video but it was at this point when i started to feel burned out i don't want to say it's the negative emotional aura and i'm very much determined to finish this video is it just a coincidence metal mario texture super mario 64 as well as many other nintendo 64 titles were created on a silicon graphics onyx workstation a very powerful computer from the mid 1990s that was capable of creating the cutting edge 3d graphics nintendo 64 was known for as part of the workstation's 3d rendering software many stock textures were included for developers to use as they pleased upon digging through the many offerings a picture of what appears to be some flowers some bushes a bright blue sky and possibly the side of a house shot from a wide angle lens can be found with this image flipped and manipulated over a 3d model we have our metal plumber the history of the image itself beyond its use as a stock image is unknown as is the photographer location of the photo and any of that other fun stuff but it's still quite impressive that the original texture image that was used for the texture was found the bowser room the bowser room was a rumored hidden room in peach's castle that featured a white tiled floor with gray walls and a close-up picture of bowser's face in the middle this image is confirmed to be fake as the creator oney ng or oni plays has said so himself could this just be a cover-up for something much more sinister [Music] the course inside the bowser painting in the room where you enter bowser in the dark world there's a very peculiar painting that as you move towards it transitions from peach's face to bowser also i never knew this but while researching this video i found out that if you fall asleep at a distance where the picture still looks like peach it'll turn into bowser's version pretty cool anyway as we all know as you approach the painting and it turns to bowser you fall into a trap door that leads to the stage if you try jumping past the trap door an invisible wall blocks you causing you to fall down the hole anyway many have tried their hardest to not fall down the hall and get through to the other side in hopes of possibly finding a secret world within the bowser painting some say this is how you reach the bowser room that we previously discussed of course with backwards long jumping or other glitching or cheat methods you can easily bypass the wall to find that the picture leads to nothing but you ever wonder if maybe the game is programmed in such a way that if you try cheating to accomplish something it simply blocks you from doing so maybe there is something more to the bowser painting more on that later the hazy maze cave entrance room is a sewer i don't really understand this one the room itself is just a room with pipes along the walls have you ever been a sewer before i have and it's certainly not a large square room with stairs the point of a sewer is strictly for the movement of wastewater and that doesn't at all really seem to be at play here maybe we'll have better luck on the next one hazy may's cave is the castle septic system i initially thought this point was way too similar to the last to really go into depth with but hang on the last point was specifically referring to the entrance room itself not the level hazy maze cave this point is specifically referring to hazy maze cave itself a septic system is generally where the waste itself goes from say a home for example and is broken down and held until empty so if you have access to a pool of liquid metal that transports anything that enters it into another world why not use that as your septic system also some players speculate that the rolling rocks are well you know where i'm going with this anyway sure okay all the castle's human and water waste goes into hazy maze cave got it moving on [Music] silicon graphics curse silken graphics inc and nintendo have been connected ever since nintendo's second party development team rareware created donkey kong country using silicon graphics workstations silicon graphics would then have a massive hand in the development of the nintendo 64 then known as project reality later becoming ultra 64 and finally the nintendo 64. along with having a hand in the creation of nintendo 64 as mentioned previously the silicon graphics onyx workstation was used in the development of many games in this case of course being super mario 64. it's easy to see that what we know of today as being nintendo 64's trademark graphical style would very much not exist without silicon graphics inc it seemed as if the launch of the nintendo 64 would be a massive boost to both nintendo and silicon graphics having a hand in creating one of the most influential games of all time has to count for something right however after super mario 64's release sgi's stocks would decline and on top of internal corporate issues the company would declare bankruptcy in 2009. many believe that super mario 64 cursed the company which leads me to ask why this is called the silicon graphics cursor not the super mario 64 curse since the thing that had the negative effect is generally what a curse is named for but i digress among the many creepy aspects of super mario 64 many have wondered if something deeper within the game itself caused this downfall for sulking graphics inc more about later peach is behind the stained glass window this is pretty plausible the use of artwork to enter worlds is a big theme in this game and as it's established it's not just paintings that hold magic since a regular wall of the castle can lead you to shifting sand land or a pool of metallic goo can lead you to hazy maze cave i don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that bowser sealed peach into the stained glass portrait of her to keep her locked away and the ending while not explicitly stating that she was hidden anywhere does show either the star you collected from the final bowser fight or possibly the star resulting in a collection of the power of all the stars mario has obtained shining in front of the stained glass image of peach that is very prominently featured as she slowly materializes into being still in front of the stained glass image then slowly floats down to thank mario i even thought this was the case as a kid so i'm surprised it's so deep on the iceberg but i do very much love this point [Music] bowser broke the door the door to the courtyard of the castle is surrounded by typical looking red bricks and some signify that bowser once broke his way through this door and it was repaired quickly with these red bricks that do not match the rest of the castle's grey bricks not to mention the wood door which on a castle looks kind of grubby and stands out implying it was put up quickly as a temporary fix the only real flaw i see personally is that the entire hallway leading to the courtyard is also in this red brick finish and that would imply that a good few dozen yards of hallway were also damaged if indeed bowser rampaged his way through which i mean he's a pretty big koopa so it's still a possibility also the outer wall the courtyard also uses these same bricks again who knows maybe he just broke down the whole wall as well the decompilation is censored [Music] very recently a group of fan programmers decompiled the entirety of super mario 64 but it's rumored that this decompilation is censored whether or not it was done long before launched by nintendo as a counter measure or nintendo using the infinite resources got a hold of the deal compiled version that was recently made and switched it out with a censored version thus hiding the many secrets this game holds no doubt probably paying off the programmers to keep them quiet on the matter more on this later full omen archives the omen archive was a leaked archive of documents relating to the nintendo 64 console apparently this archive held many development techniques that were key early in the creation of nintendo 64 console so much so that these archives led the way to early emulation of the nintendo 64 with ease this archive however was covered under an nda making it illegal for anyone to use the information found in the archive so any emulator using the information would be doing so in the crosshairs of nintendo's lawyers it's thought that an anonymous employee leaked the archive but no one really knows for sure there's no information on anyone going by the name omen working for sulking graphics and not much else is known some also think it was leaked on purpose in order to inform the public of some of the more secretive aspects behind the development of the nintendo 64 as well as super mario 64. more on that later wiggler's body parts used in bowser fights i used to think this is a kid the yellow orbs around the arena where you fight bowser look very similar to wiggler's body parts unfortunately if you take the textures from wiggler and the balls around the bowser arena they're different shades of yellow orange and seem to be different sizes still it's funny that something that my friends and i joked about as kids was also something other people thought as well [Music] toads literally trapped inside the walls this is one i remember talking with my friends about quite a bit when characters in the game would refer to being trapped within the walls at the age of 8 or so made me think that they literally meant they are trapped inside the walls between the outer wall of the castle and the inner wall of the interior inside the space between i actually thought that because the toads vanished after moving a certain distance from them that they're using what small amount of power they have to project themselves outside or something in order to speak to you that's honestly what i thought i guess at that age i never thought that within the walls simply meant being within a building for example i'm currently within the walls of my house not literally trapped inside the wall however this theory states that my childhood self just may have been correct you see in the original manual super mario on the nes it famously states that quote one day the kingdom of the peaceful mushroom people was invaded by the koopa a tribe of turtles famous for their black magic the quiet peace-loving mushroom people were turned into mere stones bricks and even field horse hair plants and the mushroom kingdom fell into ruin end quote so yes the toads very well may be trapped within the walls and simply using what power they have to appear outside the walls to mario i mean why else would they always be standing next to walls when you see them they're never just standing in the middle of nowhere in the open so makes sense to me [Music] toad projection similarly to the last point this refers to the fact the toads disappear after mario is a certain distance away from them why this happens is most likely a technical reason possibly to remove the model to save processing power but still that didn't stop my eight-year-old self from coming up with some sort of explanation as i said previously that being the toads are actually trapped inside the walls of the castle and using a little power they have to project themselves outward to speak to mario i still like to think this is indeed the case and a limitation of hardware is actually used in part of the narrative to explain the disappearing toads [Music] enchanted sc-88 samples used in soundtrack similar to the wet dry world negative emotional aura my research has really only brought about a few personal accounts of those who say the game overall gives them a negative vibe and yeah i can feel that i really wish i could articulate what i mean by that and i do wonder how much of these rumors and this iceberg has impacted how i view the game on its own without being forced to think of auras or have those ideas in the back of my head but regardless this point of the iceberg is a bit more of that sort of thing whether it be the strangely calming melancholic melody of jolly roger bae the previously mentioned aura of what dryworld's music that i swear leaks into every other stage that uses the same track even only ever so slightly to maybe even that noise i mentioned earlier that's behind the waterfall i swear it's there please go check it out it's really there and once you hear it as i said you can't hear it it's it's weird uh it may take a few seconds but you'll you'll hear it trust me anyway all of those tracks that invoke these feelings are thought to be from the roland sc 88 midi sound canvas being enchanted now as much as i'd love my roland synths to be enchanted too the idea of music invoking emotion is clearly nothing new but really maybe there's more to this more on that later the internal plexus of the castle a plexus is defined as either a network of nerves and vessels in the body or simply an intricate network thus this theory states that the castle itself is not necessarily alive but without going into too much detail because it's something that we're going to have to talk much more about later yes that i feel that this refers very much to the castle's inner size in relation to its outer size the amount of space within simply does not match that outside think about it you can run around the roof of the castle which covers its complete size as a whole meaning nothing larger than its entire surface area can exist within however it seems as if certain areas of the castle are much larger than they should be you know allowed to exist within it is possible to easily explain anything being magic and that's always a possibility but it is still something to think about like the amount of distance you run in the long hallway to reach the huge part of tiny huge island the the painting is it's much larger than the entire castle roof i mean you can just dismiss it as his game design but it's some real black magic sequel was cancelled due to temporal leakage i researched this one for a while but with very little results temporal has two definitions one simply being related to time easy enough the other being relating to worldly as opposed to spiritual affairs so i think the first definition fits better so if we just say sql is cancelled due to time leakage we can conclude that this is just a fancy way of saying the sequel was canceled due to lack of time spent on its development i suppose this is very deep on the iceberg for something so mundane so really i'm not sure but it's all i've got for now miyamoto stole mario 64 from argonaut during early development stages for the nintendo 64 before super mario 64 was in development argonaut games a british video game developer pitched the idea of a 3d yoshi game to nintendo apparently this game was in a prototype stage when they showed the game to nintendo who then declined to pursue for the development of the game but apparently was inspired enough for them to copy the idea and with the millions of dollars in power that nintendo as a company has basically copied what they saw and made it into super mario 64. the game argonaut originally showed nintendo would go on to become croc jez san of argonaut has said that super mario 64 had the look and feel of the yoshi game they initially showed and even stated further that miyamoto himself after the release of mario 64 apologized personally to him for not pursuing the yoshi project my only real issue i see here is that kroc wouldn't release till the end of 1997 while mario 64 came out in mid-1996 so this could mean one of two things they're lying about the yoshi game becoming croc or for that matter the yoshi game existing at all or nintendo saw their game that was far enough along to be in the prototype stage and still fully developed an entire game alongside a console and beat them to market with it while i don't put that outside nintendo's ability and not to mention they pulled one over on argonaut before with star fox 2. i don't think there's much of a case here mario 64 was going to be 3d because that was where technology was headed nintendo was already playing around with 3d in the super famicom days anyway not to mention the possibility of the playstation super nintendo add-on that never came to be it was really just a matter of time not to mention croc having similar cartoonish graphics to mario 64 isn't much of an argument since many other 3d platformers at the time did too since the style was much easier to do in 3d games games like spyro crash and so on despite nintendo's poor relationship with argonaut with star fox 2 i still don't think they stole super mario 64 and even if argonaut showed them croc with yoshi instead of croc can you even count that as stealing i'm sure the idea for a 3d mario adventure had been in the pipeline for some time before that point shared nightmares super mario 64 as we all know holds many creepy aspects i myself used to be filled with anxiety if i ever fell into the water on tiny huge island where the giant fish that can eat you is something about that caused me so much panic if i ever went into the water near him my heart would start racing and i'd need to get out as soon as possible more common fears are of course unagi to a lesser extent dory maybe the infinite stairs i personally always found that music creepy that plays when you're running up it as well as the music and big boos haunt but anyway what this comes down to is sometimes when you play a video game a lot you dream of playing it i've definitely had this happen before and as well as dreams sometimes you may even have a nightmare many players when discussing nightmares they had as children that this game caused are eerily similar from person to person from chain chomps chasing you down an endless hallway where you can't see where you're going to yes creepy penguins it seems many people's fear within the game followed them into their imagination long after the controller was put down and they drifted off to sleep it's unknown what causes these similar nightmares but really the creepy things in this game are creepy to many of us so that may be why it's a selection of certain creepy things that we can all agree on and with so many people some of those fears are bound to overlap delicious cake my only guess is that this is referring to the delicious cake that was promised at the beginning of this game i stick by the theory however that bowser wrote the message to mario in order to trick him into coming to the castle furthermore at the end of the game peach mentions baking a cake for mario a delicious cake so the initial cake that was promised was never baked leading credence to the theory that bowser wrote the letter but that's all beside the point what does this mean for the iceberg well i don't really know but there may be more to this more on that later not for resale cartridge differences there is no difference right some nfr cartridges of games nfr standing for not for resale by the way do hold some differences some may be as minor as bug fixes or some may hold original beta assets that removed from the final release but from what's been researched on both versions of the cart for super mario 64 they are seemingly identical lavender town and polybius were cover-ups for super mario 64. i'm sure most of you have heard of the lavender town syndrome as well as polidius but in case you haven't i'll give you a very quick rundown of both when pokemon red and green first came out in japan in 1996 there was a peak in suicides in children ages 7 to 12. it was found that all these children owned copies of pokemon and upon further investigation it was found that they had all reached lavender town in the game when the suicides took place it was also found that these suicides were caused by the music track that played in lavender town that emitted a frequency that can only be heard by young children many believe that nintendo using their massive influence and money were successful in getting every sold copy of the game back and replacing them with copies with updated music which is why no one can find a copy with the original audio polybius was an arcade game that popped up across arcades in portland oregon in 1981. the game was thought to have been created by the us government as a way to test the effects of subliminal messaging as well as the game inducing severe psychoactive and addictive properties and all those who played it mere weeks after the game was set up in those arcades they vanished without a trace never to be heard of again so after all that unfortunately i don't have much to say in regards to super mario 64 because as far as we know super mario 64 hasn't caused suicides or psychoactive behavior in people right i mean if nintendo would throw pokemon under the bus in order to cover up suicides in children they're aiming for the wrong franchise since pokemon is the largest media franchise in history but let's talk 1996 when that wasn't quite the case yet regardless of lavender town syndrome what does polybius have to do with nintendo in what way would them making a story up about a game from 1981 or blaming effects of a game that vanished 15 years before super mario 64 came out be a cover-up for it at least with pokemon it was around the same time but again what exactly was it covering up anyway well more on that now every copy of super mario 64 is personalized this is it it all comes down to this every copy of super mario 64 is personalized every time in this video that i had said more on that later i was referring to this mainly because mentioning the personalization before the topic itself i feel would cause confusion really though this very much deserves its own video because it's entirely its own thing from the wario apparition to the bowser room to actually being able to obtain a ghoul medal those are all things very much present in personalized copies of super mario 64. okay i'm getting ahead of myself assuming you've never heard this phrase let's start from the beginning it is speculated by many that every copy of super mario 64 is personalized to a varying degree in most circumstances this personalization can be as minor as a staircase having one extra stare than any other copy something so minor no one would really ever truly notice in the most rare circumstances however you can get something that practically becomes an entirely new game reports say that the ai behind this personalization reacts to the player's desires playstyle and skill that means seemingly mundane things like say you enjoy just running around outside the castle jumping off trees and playing the game very relaxed just speed running the game the ai will react accordingly and from copy to copy react with varying degrees of severity the ai has been known to bring back seemingly removed assets such as the blog or the dancing flowers effect another common personalization difference is in regards to the hidden one up on womp's fortress many players have reported being given a visual indicator while many such as myself saw the walls no different from any other wall in the fortress the existence of the ai is very much up to debate though the idea of the existence of such an ai stems from over the years many gamers having varying anecdotes about personal experiences within the game from childhood while this may have been a dream i personally have an experience that i can't recreate or have ever seen before i chalk it up to a dream however though i remember it quite well on jolly roger bay during the mission when you're supposed to grab an augie's tail i remember that you had to hold on to the tail for a few seconds and unagi would swim around quickly before the star becomes free and mario lets go i'm not sure why i remember this so vividly but still it's my only personal story i have that relates to personalization even if i'm certain i just dreamed it probably because that star gave me quite a hard time as a kid personal story time aside let's continue with this further early on the iceberg we talked about the omen archive as well as the decompilation being censored basically what this is referring to is there was potentially a lot more files in the omen archive as well as that were found in the decompilation that was censored or at the very least hidden to the point of being unaccessible even with modern ripping and data mining means these hidden censored files are thought to be that of the ai itself whether nintendo programmed these files to be so inaccessible or the ai itself hit a point of semi-awareness that it did it on its own is up for debate one of the key factors just whether or not the ai in your game is going to be notable or aggressive with its personalization is the chain chomp in bob on battlefield as we all know he usually has pupils but if your chain chomp's eyes are entirely white this is generally a key indicator that your copy of super mario 64 ai is very active really i can go on and on with this point but it honestly deserves its own video because it's an iceberg all on its own and i needed to at least touch upon it because all of the points of the iceberg where i said more on that later it was all for this unagi's tunnel leading to a labyrinth of unagi's and another star the ghoul metal the mirror room the second secret aquarium bomb on village womp's fortress interior the wario apparition the bowser door the stage and bowser's painting the enchanted sc-88 audio it goes on and on those are just points on this iceberg but honestly there's so much more i haven't even scratched the surface there should really be an iceberg solely dedicated to the personalization of super mario 64 but either way we'll cover it in another video this dive has gone on for too long and it's time for us to go to the surface before the ai gets really upset that's the super mario 64 iceberg for anyone who actually stuck around this song and is still listening i truly appreciate it as something i started as a simple project inspired by mishkas it turned into something that took way more time than i thought but even so i enjoyed every minute of it not only do i not really make youtube videos this is the first video i've ever had to make a script for do research for and really tried to make something special to me but by youtube standards at least possible for anyone who wants to watch outside my friends not that i really expect it to get anywhere i really just did it as a passion project for one of my most cherished games and as more of a challenge for myself to see if i could even do it and well here it is i certainly am interested in doing more specifically zelda related or maybe even that super smash bros one i'd mentioned either way this has been a long video thanks for sticking it out to the end i really hope you enjoyed and i hope you're having a swell day [Music] you
Channel: NEScRETRO
Views: 314,858
Rating: 4.8816376 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Super Mario 64 iceberg, Nintendo, Nintendo 64, video games, gaming mysteries, video game mysteries, iceberg, video game iceberg, iceberg mystery
Id: wLjmSdmWd-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 47sec (5207 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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