Glitches in New Super Mario Bros. Wii - DPadGamer

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welcome to a video looking at glitches and new super mario bros wii i'm d-pad gamer and i hope you brought proper hearing protection because things are gonna get a bit strange but don't worry we're gonna work our way up to the weird stuff so first off in world four's ghost house in the hidden room containing a star coin you can actually goof with the boot over on the left if you run directly to the wall after entering and don't turn around it won't have a chance to reposition causing it to repeatedly turn back and forth which is completely useless but it makes a neat noise moving from that ghostly abode you could bring a chain chomp back to life in world 7-2 sorta you see in this game you can use the superstar's invincibility to un-alive a chain chomp like so you could also stomp on the wooden stake thrice to free them if you mix these two things prep the stake take out the chain chomp and then stomp again it'll come back to life just to run off into the abyss like usual still it's neat i guess next of course i am obligated to bring up the infinite one 1up glitch exploit thing honestly it's nothing new and you probably feel the same so instead how about infinite coins which also gives one ups but in a more fun loud way so this can be done solo but it's much easier with two people so i of course use two controllers by myself in world 4's castle there are some climbable sections and this one has both a flippable panel and a koopa climbing on it this will sort of make sense if i just show it off so do the glitch by having one character use the pengu suit to freeze the koopa while the other flips the panel at the same time assuming the timing is correct he'll start absolutely dumping coins in a fun m shape make sure you position yourself close to rack up the coins and extra lives extremely quickly because if you don't all of the coins will cause the game to get progressively laggier potentially crashing the game so like be careful once you've had your fun or you just want to take out the koopa a simultaneous ground pound won't do the trick because that's a move that you can do in multiplayer another fun multiplayer ability is the bubble don't you just love floating around helpless begging your friends to let you out instead of dying to their own hubris yet again good times well if only one player remains free while the restaurant bubbles at the end of a level that lone player can soft lock the whole group the timing is very very precise but if you manage to touch the goal pole and initiate your own bubble at the same time the level will end but also not really you're just stuck like this until you restart the game entirely you can also softlock the game in world coin dash one aka the first level of the exclusively multiplayer coin battle mode which is a thing apparently at the end if you just hop skip and jump off the koopas and ground pawn onto the pole that's it mario will slide down like normal but as soon as he touches the bricks they'll turn into empty blocks and he won't be able to reach the low castle and thus you're just stuck i mean i guess they never expected people to play this level let alone ground pound onto the end flag but yeah that's the whole glitch i am realizing that those last two glitches also double as ways to annoy your friends and multiplayer so here have a few more if you are unlucky enough to run out of lives mid-level you can annoy your friends from beyond the grave by pressing any of the directions on the directional pad and the one and two buttons these allow you to spam horns cowbells just all kinds of annoying noises this also takes a bit more skill but if you're careful you can indefinitely delay winning a boss battle like this one against larry in world one just playing the final hits and repeatedly wall jump as long as you don't stand back on solid ground the victory animation can't play and thus you cannot proceed you could also trap a friend in the wall by using the game's extremely fun and not frustrating grab mechanic in world 3's castle this tight corridor is the perfect height to allow mario to pick up and toss luigi directly into the pipe wall admittedly i think this requires the throw e to also participate by spinning but either way once one character is out of bounds if the player still inbounds enters their bubble that's it the bubble can't go through the wall to reach the player out of bounds and the player out of bounds can bubble themselves without dying or clip back in bounce so you just sort of lose what fun now uh you could also mess with a spiny though it's significantly less fun than messing with luigi either way in world 6-2 near the checkpoint flag is this spiny walking across some brick blocks he'll fall if you get too close so instead use an ice flower to freeze him from afar destroy the bricks he's on and then get away again once unfrozen the spiny will be very confused does he go left does he go right does he obey physics and fall down nah none of those until you get close he'll just sort of stay there stuck i almost feel bad for him anyways here's how to trap multiple spineys this time inside of solid rock in world 2-5 you can obtain a yoshi and find yourselves one of these sand pits a flying lakitu will rain down spinys which yoshi can grab with his tongue spiny in hand you could run up against the wall and toss it out as long as yoshi is far enough down it'll become trapped inside the wall bouncing back and forth against nothing until you either grab it again or destroy it with one of its brethren until then it just makes a very fun noise oh i was also able to trap all four of them into walls at once because why not now we will return to spiny central later but first here's some yoshi glitches this is pretty tame but you can jump and crouch with yoshi and dismount while your head is sort of poking through the block to slip right through with the same setup you could also perform consecutive flutter jumps so you see in this game if you dismount mid air just after bonking against the block you'll remount yoshi and the game will briefly think that you're actually touching solid ground using motion controls makes this pretty annoying but once you get down the timing it's easily repeatable i'd assume that you could move during this but i don't think that helped much because it's already a very situational trick that said yoshi can also be used to freeze the game because of course he can if you don't know in this game if you have yoshi eat five berries in a row he'll lay an egg which contains an item that changes based on mars current form it's actually possible to eat the fifth berry and get damaged at the basically i think same frame which actually freezes the game in place that said it's very very hard to time this out maybe it's just my own experience but even using cheats to slow it on the game down to nearly frame by frame gameplay i was only able to get it just a single time still it exists and it's interesting i guess another thing that exists is toads specifically the single player kind after beating a particular world's mid-boss totes can be found and rescued in previous levels you're supposed to escort them safely to the gold but you'd also just not do that and find this rolling hill that contains a gap with a pipe toss the toad in and run away once far enough off screen much like with enemies the rolling hill will actually reset its position but the toad will not which means that we can actually turn to find him stuck in the wall he's trying to wander back and forth like normal but uh yeah there's no getting out of there now sorry finally let's try to combine all the techniques that we've seen thus far multiplayer ground pounds yoshi koopa bypassing mortal law and bringing enemies back from the dead so like we saw before simultaneous ground pounds or pow wows as i'll call them allow you to take out any enemy or nearby as it happens a pow-wow will even kill koopas that are currently inside of yoshi's mouth as signaled by these cortex that appears once that's done that koopa will henceforth be unkillable aka it's sort of like a zombie stomping on it with yoshi does nothing except give you score while mario can stop in his tracks allowing the koopa to return to normal uh just you know undead in world 1-3 four characters on four yoshis controlled by four of my brain cells allows for this chaos [Music] however back in world 2-5 that generous lakitu will supply all four of these spines that we need because those are easier to obtain and they can also become zombies as you might notice the noise and visuals when two of the undead shells collide is just uh it's something else i even unable to cheat to avoid taking damage just so that we could really cherish this moment okay so i think that's enough ear pain for one video so let's end things here thank you so much for watching thanks for my channel members for their support with especially big thanks to christy country sudan mr manger and achilles rhodes for being super fans if you watched this far why not leave a like if you liked it comment if you commented it subscribe if you subscribed it i've been d-pad gamer and this video is over i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DPadGamer
Views: 292,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Glitches in New Super Mario Bros Wii, NSMBW Glitches, New Super Mario Bros. Wii Glitches, Glitches NSMBW, NSMBW, New Super Mario Bros Glitches, Glitches in New Super Mario Bros, NSMBDS, Super Mario Glitches, Glitches in Super Mario, DPadGamer, Mario Bros, Mario Glitches, Glitches in Mario, New Super Mario Bros., New Super Mario Bros. Wii, New Super Mario Bros. DS, Glitches With DPadGamer, Nintendo, Mario, Glitches, NSMBW Infinite Coins, NSMBW Infinite 1-Ups
Id: OhbFlp4sm0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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